Khabarovsk FSB School. Reviews and comments about the company Khabarovsk Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation


admission to border-profile institutes of the FSB of Russia

These rules were approved by the Director of the FSB of Russia, Army General N.P. Patrushev 04/21/2007 No. 11

1. General Provisions

1.1. These rules for admission (hereinafter referred to as the rules) to Kaliningrad, Kurgan, Moscow, Khabarovsk border institutions of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as institutes) determine the conditions for admission, the procedure for selecting and sending candidates for training, organizing and conducting entrance examinations, the conditions for holding a competition and enrolling candidates in training streams at institutes in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study.

1.2. The rules have been developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as departmental regulatory legal acts.

1.3. To review the materials of personal files of candidates for study, organize entrance examinations and conduct competitions, admission committees of institutes (hereinafter referred to as admission committees) are created, chaired by the heads of the institutes.

2. Admission conditions, procedure for selecting and sending candidates to training streams at institutes.

2.1. Citizens of the Russian Federation, male and female, with at least secondary (complete) general education, who have undergone a medical examination, professional psychological selection, and the procedure for obtaining access to information constituting the state, are accepted for training streams in full-time and part-time forms of study. secret, checking the level of physical fitness, entrance tests, competitive selection and recognized as fit for military service under a contract in the federal security service (hereinafter referred to as the security authorities) and training in educational institutions of the FSB of Russia.

2.2. The following are accepted for full-time training streams:

Citizens who have not undergone military service - aged 16 to 22 years inclusive;

Citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or contract - up to 24 years of age inclusive.

The following are accepted for full-time and part-time training streams:

citizens who have not undergone military service - aged 17 to 22 years inclusive;

citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or contract - up to 24 years of age inclusive.

The age of persons entering institutes is calculated on the date of their enrollment in studies.

2.3. Applications (reports) for admission to training streams for full-time and part-time forms of study are submittedno less than 4 monthsbefore the start of entrance tests:

citizens, including those who have completed military service, to the security authorities at their place of residence;

military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or under contract in federal executive authorities in which military service is provided for by law - to the security authorities in the troops at the place of military service;

military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or under contract in security agencies - on command.

The application (report) must indicate the name of the stream to which the candidate is applying and reflect the fact that he has read these Rules.

The procedure for submitting applications (reports) for admission to study for citizens selected by other federal executive bodies in their own interests is determined by these federal executive bodies.

2.4. The selection, study and referral of candidates for study are carried out by security authorities in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the FSB of Russia regulating the selection of candidates for military service in security authorities.

2.5. Medical examination of candidates is carried out in accordance with the requirements specified in the order of the FSB of Russia dated June 29, 2004 No. 457 and applied to candidates entering educational institutions of the FSB of Russia.

I column - management of service and combat activities of units of border agencies, operational and investigative activities of operational units of border agencies, management of operational and combat activities of special purpose units of the federal security service, border control;

Column IV - operation and use of special means of mining and demining, operation and repair of technical means of protecting the state border, management of moral and psychological support for service and combat activities of border guard units, special communications troops.

2.6. Personal files of candidates for study are drawn up and sent by security authorities (other federal executive authorities) in the manner determined by the regulatory legal acts of the FSB of Russia, interdepartmental agreements and these Rules.

Security authorities prohibited send to the institutes the personal files of candidates who have negative results from testing the level of physical fitness, medical examination and professional psychological selection.

The personal files of candidates that were completed in violation of established requirements, as well as those that entered the institute in violation of deadlines, are returned to the security agencies that sent them (other federal executive bodies) without consideration.

2.7. The decision to send a candidate’s personal file to study at an institute is made by the director, the head of the relevant security agency (another federal executive body), taking into account the conclusion of the certification commission.

Security authorities send personal files of candidates to institutes with the attachment of a Help-table (Appendix 1 to these Rules), containing information on all candidates, entering the institute within the following deadlines:

for military candidates - by May 15 of the year of admission;

for candidates from among civilian youth – by June 1 of the year of admission.

2.8. To prepare for passing entrance tests for training streams in full-time and part-time forms of study for candidates undergoing military service under conscription or contract, in June of the year of admission, preparatory training is held at institutes for up to 30 days.

The timing of the arrival of these candidates at the institutes is determined in a call sent by the institute’s personnel department to the security agency that was responsible for registering the candidate’s personal file. Travel of these candidates to institutes is carried out in accordance with the rules for registration of military transportation. Accommodation and meals for military personnel during the period of preparatory training and entrance examinations are provided by the institutes.

2.9. Medical examination and professional psychological selection of candidates for study from among citizens who have not served in military service (discharged from military service) are carried out by security authorities at the candidate’s place of residence.

Medical examination of candidates sent by security agencies and divisions of federal executive authorities located in Moscow and the Moscow region is carried out by the Central Military Medical Commission of the FSB of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Central Military Medical Commission of the FSB of Russia).

Professional psychological selection of candidates for training in full-time and part-time forms of study from among military personnel serving under conscription and contract is carried out by security authorities at the candidate’s place of service.

2.10. Security agencies that do not have full-time specialists in professional psychological selection send candidates to undergo this type of selection to the nearest territorial security agencies that have these specialists. Security authorities that send candidates to undergo professional psychological selection provide, if necessary, their travel and accommodation.

2.11. Candidates who have not undergone a medical examination at the Central Military Medical Commission of the FSB of Russia, upon arrival at the institute and before the start of the entrance examinations, undergo a final medical examination by non-staff temporary military medical commissions of the institutes. If the admission committee of the institute identifies shortcomings in the preparation of the conclusion on the professional suitability of the candidate, he may be sent for additional psychological examination. Accommodation for candidates during the period of their final medical examination and professional psychological selection is provided by the institutes. Candidates who have not passed the final medical or additional psychological examination are sent to their place of residence (service).

2.12. Candidates for admission to institutes pass physical training standards at the security agencies that select candidates.

The level of physical fitness of candidates is determined by the results of performing all exercises (Appendix 2 to these Rules) and is assessed according to a two-point grading system “passed” - “failed”.

Grade "passed" is given to the candidate when he receives positive grades when passing all physical training standards or when he receives an “unsatisfactory” grade for one standard and a grade not lower than “good” for at least one of the other standards.

In other cases, the candidate is given a “failed” grade.

Documents confirming the passing of each standard are attached to the candidate’s personal file.

Candidates who received a “failed” rating when passing physical fitness standards are not allowed to take further entrance examinations.

2.13. Checking the level of physical fitness of candidates living in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the institute of their choice is located is carried out by the security authority together with this institute on its basis.

2.14. Military personnel of security agencies and other federal executive authorities who are serving under contract are accepted for training streams via correspondence courses.

Candidates who have a secondary (complete) general education, have passed a medical examination in the prescribed manner and are recognized as fit to study at institutes, undergo entrance examinations and competitive selection.

Candidates with higher professional education are accepted into the training stream based on the results of an interview at the institute aimed at determining their ability to study in this stream.

Reports on admission to correspondence courses are submitted by command no less than 3 months before the start of the entrance examinations (interviews).

2.15. For admission to training streams via correspondence courses, the following materials are sent to institutes at least 1 month before the start of entrance examinations (interviews): a candidate’s report on enrollment; questionnaire; autobiography;

a certified copy of the education document; certificate of access to information constituting state secrets, in form No. 2 or higher; three photographs measuring 4x6 cm; certificate form No. 1; certificate of medical examination results; an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission of the security body with a reasoned conclusion on the nomination of a candidate for admission to the institute.

2.16. Candidates entering the Kaliningrad Border Institute of the FSB of Russia apply for a foreign passport independently in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The procedure for organizing and conducting entrance tests to institutes

3.1. To conduct entrance examinations, subject examination commissions are created at institutes.

3.2. Candidates sent by security agencies and other federal executive authorities, as well as military personnel undergoing preparatory training at the institute, take entrance examinations at the institute in the form of written entrance exams within the scope of secondary (complete) general education programs in the following subjects:

▪ applicants for humanitarian specialties (“law” and “psychology”):

Russian history;

social science;

▪ applicants for technical specialties (“radio engineering”):

physics, specialized subject;


Russian language (presentation with a creative part);

▪ those entering the training streams of operational workers with knowledge of a foreign language:

Russian language (presentation with a creative part), specialized subject;

foreign language;

social science.

3.3. Entrance tests for training streams for full-time and part-time forms of study are held in July, for training streams for correspondence courses in August - September of the year of admission.

The deadline for candidates from among civilian youth to arrive at the institute to pass entrance examinations is determined in the calls. Calls are sent by the institute to the relevant security authorities by June 25 of the year of admission. Travel to the institutes is provided by security agencies, and accommodation during the period of passing entrance examinations is provided by the institutes.

3.4. All entrance tests (exams) are conducted in Russian on the basis of sample programs of secondary (complete) general education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

3.5. For written exams in the Russian language, physics, mathematics, the candidate is given 4 astronomical hours (240 minutes) without a break from the moment the topics of presentation are announced or written assignments are issued.

For written exams in social studies and Russian history, 3 astronomical hours (180 minutes) are allotted.

The written exam in a foreign language takes 1.5 astronomical hours (90 minutes).

3.6. The candidate is not given the opportunity to change the version of the written assignment.

3.7. Retaking entrance tests is not permitted. Candidates who received unsatisfactory grades are not allowed to participate in entrance examinations for other streams.

3.8. The results of entrance examinations in all institutes are assessed using a ten-point grading system.

The following correspondence is established between the ten-point and five-point rating systems: 10 and 9 points - “excellent”; 8 and 7 points - “good”; 6, 5 and 4 points - “satisfactory”; 3 or less points - “unsatisfactory”.

3.9. During the exam, the candidate must have an identification document with him and present it at the request of the chairman or members of the subject examination committee.

3.10. During the entrance examinations, candidates are prohibited from:

▪ talk loudly, communicate with other candidates, change seats without permission;

▪ make any notes or symbols on the inserts of written works, by which their authorship can be established;

▪ use any auxiliary and reference materials not permitted by the subject examination commissions (textbooks, teaching aids, reference books, etc.);

▪ use technical means;

▪ take notes while reading the text of the presentation.

3.11. Candidates who violate one of the requirements of clause 3.10 of these Rules may be removed from the exam by the decision of the chairman of the selection committee or his deputy, regardless of the amount of work performed. In this case, proceedings are conducted against the candidate with the participation of the chairman of the subject examination committee or his deputy and the executive secretary of the selection committee. Based on the results of the proceedings, a report is drawn up stating the reason for the candidate’s removal from the exam. The act is approved by the chairman of the selection committee.

3.12. Candidates who have graduated with medals from educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education or primary vocational education that have state accreditation, as well as candidates who have graduated with honors from educational institutions of secondary vocational education that have state accreditation, undergo an entrance test in a core subject (clause 3.2 of these Rules). If they receive a score of 10 or 9 points, they are exempt from taking other entrance exams and, if they meet other requirements, are enrolled in the institute, and if they receive other positive marks, they undergo entrance tests on a general basis.

For candidates who graduated with honors from educational institutions of primary vocational education on the basis of secondary (complete) general

education, the specified procedure applies to admission to training streams in specialties corresponding to the acquired professions.

3.13. The candidate or his parents (legal representatives) must inform the admissions committee about the impossibility of passing the entrance examination due to health reasons or other valid reasons, confirmed by documents, before the start of the entrance examination. Medical certificates must be certified by the military medical service of the institute.

By decision of the chairman (deputy chairman) of the admissions committee, the candidate is allowed to take the missed admissions tests within the deadlines for their conduct.

Candidates who fail to appear at the entrance examination without good reason or who receive 3 or less points in one of the disciplines taken for examination on a ten-point grading system are excluded from participation in the competition and sent to their place of residence (service).

3.14. The candidate has the right to appeal the results of the entrance examination.

An appeal is a reasoned written statement by a candidate about the error, in his opinion, of the grade given in the admissions test. During the appeal process, only the correctness of the grade is checked. The consideration of the appeal is not a re-examination.

The appeal is submitted on the day the assessment is announced. Before filing an appeal, the candidate has the right to review his work in the presence of a member of the subject examination committee.

3.15. The fact that the candidate has become familiar with the Rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations to the institute is recorded in the examination sheet and certified by the candidate’s personal signature.

4. Conditions for holding the competition and enrolling candidates in training streams at institutes

4.1. Candidates who successfully pass the entrance examination are admitted to the institutes on a competitive basis in accordance with the approved enrollment volumes. When conducting a competition for admission, a ten-point grading system is used.

4.2. The admissions committee of the institute for each of the training streams holds separate competitions for the following categories of candidates:

from among the military; from among civilian youth.

Within the limits of the order, by decision of the institute’s admissions committee, a candidate is allowed to participate in the competition for admission to another stream

preparation, if the lists of entrance tests (exams) for these streams are the same.

Candidates who have more than 3 points on a ten-point grading system based on the results of each entrance exam are allowed to participate in the competition. When holding a competition, legally established benefits are taken into account. With an equal number of points and other equal conditions, preference is given to candidates who received a higher score in the core subject.

The grades obtained by candidates when passing exams at other educational institutions of the FSB of Russia can be counted as the results of entrance examinations.

4.3. As the results of entrance examinations in subjects, the admission committee of the institute can count the results of winners and prize-winners of regional Olympiads conducted by educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or rectors' councils in agreement with them.

Persons who take first, second and third places at the Olympiads are awarded 10 points according to a ten-point grading system.

4.4. Without entrance examinations, provided they meet all other requirements for professional selection and admission to institutes, the following are enrolled:

▪ winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects and were formed in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation for training in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad;

▪ graduates of the First Border Cadet Corps of the FSB of Russia, entering at the direction of its chief in accordance with the approved orders;

4.5. Outside the competition, subject to receiving positive marks in the entrance examinations and meeting the requirements of professional selection, the following are admitted to the institutes:

▪ orphans and children left without parental care;

▪ citizens under the age of 20 who have only one disabled parent of group 1, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

▪ citizens discharged from military service and entering institutes on the recommendation of the heads of security agencies (commanders of military units);

▪ combatants;

4.6. During the competition, priority rights for admission are enjoyed by:

▪ citizens discharged from military service;

▪ children of deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation, full holders of the Order of Glory, provided that they are receiving education at this level for the first time;

▪ children of military personnel who died while performing military service duties or who died as a result of injuries (wounds, trauma, concussion) or diseases they received while performing military service duties;

4.7. The rights of candidates to the benefits specified in paragraphs. 4.3 - 4.6 of these Rules must be confirmed by documents of the established form.

4.8. Candidates sent by security authorities are enrolled in the training stream on the basis of higher education via correspondence courses, based on the results of an interview and study of the submitted materials (see clause 2.15 of these Rules).

4.9. Candidates who have passed the entrance examination to institutes must submit original educational documents before the meeting of the admissions committee for enrollment.

4.10. Enrollment of candidates into institutes occurs at a meeting of the admissions committee. The decision to enroll is documented in a protocol, on the basis of which a corresponding order is issued by the head of the institute.

4.11. The personal files of candidates who did not pass the competition are returned to the security authorities, and the candidates themselves are sent to their place of residence (service).

The Khabarovsk Border Institute of the FSB of Russia was no exception, where a solemn ceremony was held to take the military oath of freshmen. At this time, guests of the event could see an exhibition of firearms available at the Khabarovsk Border Institute of the FSB of Russia.

The duration of study at the college is 3 years (for some specialties - 2 years), and 4 years for advanced training. The results of passing the Unified State Exam (USE) in specialized subjects are counted as entrance examinations.

Tell me, have the admission rules changed since 2009-2010 or not, if they have changed, tell me where to find the official full version for admission to the Khabarovsk Institute please! Since 2012, the Institute has been a federal state government educational institution of higher professional education. Since its state registration, the Institute has been a military educational institution.

Rules for admission to border institutes of the FSB of Russia

The functions and powers of the founder and owner are carried out by the FSB of Russia. Today, September 1, Knowledge Day is celebrated not only by schoolchildren and students, but also by cadets of various military schools and institutes throughout Russia. In this regard, it would be correct to list everyone included in the Russian FSB system. In a direct specialty, the choice is usually made between continuing to serve in the FSB structure or going to other specialized organizations of a similar level (for example, to Alpha).

Khabarovsk Border Institute

Regardless of their form of ownership, all accredited educational institutions have equal rights to issue state diplomas and deferment from conscription for military service. When entering an educational institution, always ask for a license.

The annex to the license indicates all the specialties for which the educational institution has the right to train specialists. Without a license, the activities of an educational institution are illegal. If, when entering a branch of a university, they show you a license from the parent university, then you should know that this is not legal.

If you do not find the code of the specialty you are planning to enroll in in the appendix to your license, then training in this specialty will be carried out illegally. If you have not been presented with a license at all, then it is better not to enroll in such a university!

Reviews and comments about the company Khabarovsk Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

Graduates are sent to serve in all regions of the Russian Federation. 16 to 22 years old; - citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or contract - up to 24 years of age inclusive. It was a very interesting filming about young lieutenants, whose main life principle can be contained in just two succinct words: “We have honor”!

As a former cadet and then an officer in the USSR Armed Forces, I am familiar with military rituals and traditions firsthand, which helped make the films interesting and dynamic. Number of students studying at the university: 1988 people.

The selection of applicants to universities of the FSB of Russia is underway

This permission applies equally to newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV channels, websites and Internet pages. Friends! We kindly ask you to read the Rules for messages in reviews about educational institutions. Please note that your review will be added only after verification by the Portal moderator! Please transfer all communication that is not related to reviews about the educational institution to our forum, creating a separate topic for this. Thank you!

What subjects do I need to take for the Unified State Exam for admission to the FSB Institute? Are girls even accepted? Russian Federation, 680017, Khabarovsk city, Bolshaya street, building 85, FGKOU KhPI FSB of Russia. Firstly, there are only 14 such educational institutions in the Russian Federation (including the First Cadet Border Corps of the FSB, which only prepares young cadets for higher education).

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1 APPROVED by the Head of the Khabarovsk Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, Major General M.V. Polyansky 20. Rules for admission to the Khabarovsk Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of Russia in 2013 I. General provisions 1. Rules for admission to the federal state government educational institution of higher professional education "Khabarovsk Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) in 2013 are determined by the procedure for conducting entrance examinations, competition and enrollment of candidates 1 for training streams in higher professional education programs 2 for full-time and part-time forms of study. 2. These Admission Rules have been developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, as well as legal acts of the FSB of Russia. 3. The selection of candidates for the Institute is carried out by security authorities and corresponds to the procedure for selecting candidates for military service under a contract in security authorities, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the FSB of Russia. The selection of candidates for the Institute by other departments in their own interests is carried out in accordance with interdepartmental agreements. 4. When selecting candidates, security authorities must familiarize them with Section III of the Instruction on the conditions and procedure for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to educational institutions of the FSB of Russia, approved by Order of the FSB of Russia dated July 8, 2010 335, and the Rules for Admission to the Institute. 1 Hereinafter, candidates are understood to be citizens of the Russian Federation, whose applications (reports) for admission to training have been accepted by the security authorities for consideration 2 Further training flows

2 2 The application (report) of a candidate for admission to study at the Institute must necessarily indicate the code of the chosen stream of training, specialty and profile (direction) of training, as well as a record of the candidate’s familiarization with these Admission Rules. Candidates with at least secondary (complete) general education are accepted to study at the Institute. The presence of education must be confirmed by state documents on education. 5. The level of physical fitness of candidates is determined by the results of fulfilling the standards specified in Appendix 1 to these Admission Rules, and is assessed using a two-point grading system: “passed” and “failed.” A “pass” grade is given to a candidate when he receives positive grades when passing all physical fitness standards or when he receives an “unsatisfactory” grade for one standard and a grade not lower than “good” for at least one of the other standards. In other cases, the candidate is given a “failed” grade. Checking the level of physical fitness of candidates coming from the security agency located at the location of the Institute can be carried out by the Institute at its base together with the security agency (a division of the security agency). Documents confirming passing the standards (with results for each exercise) are attached to the candidate’s personal file. The forms of these documents are given in the Appendix. The security agency, in accordance with the requirements of legal acts of the FSB of Russia, forms the candidate’s personal file and sends it to the Institute. Personal files of military candidates are sent to the Institute before May 15 of the year of admission, and for citizens not undergoing military service - before June 1 of the year of admission. An act of primary medical examination of candidates sent to full-time training streams and issued by security authorities located outside of Moscow and the Moscow region, the results of the necessary tests and examinations, certificates from dispensaries, an outpatient card from childhood until admission to the Institute, information from the military registration and enlistment office at the candidate’s place of residence, if there is a restriction on military service, is sent in a separate envelope to the military medical service of the Institute before June 30 of the year of admission.

3 3 The final medical examination of candidates is carried out upon their arrival at the Institute by a non-staff temporary military medical commission (hereinafter referred to as the MMC) of the Institute. For candidates who have passed the initial medical examination by the Central Military Medical Commission of the FSB of Russia, this medical examination is final. The candidate presents a registration certificate (military ID) indicating the category of suitability for military service, a vaccination certificate and a compulsory health insurance policy when undergoing a medical examination by the Military Military Commission of the Institute. 7. Personal files of candidates who have not passed a medical examination, professional psychological selection, received a “failed” rating when checking the level of physical fitness, as well as those who have been denied access to information constituting a state secret, are not sent to the Institute. Personal files of candidates received at the Institute in violation of deadlines, as well as executed in violation of established requirements, are returned to the security authorities that sent them. 8. To review the materials of personal files, organize entrance tests and conduct competitions, the Institute creates an admissions and appeal commission, the chairman of which is the head of the Institute. As part of the selection committee, a subcommittee is formed to review the personal files of candidates and subject examination subcommittees. The procedure for the work of the admission and appeal commissions, as well as the composition of the subcommittees, are determined by order of the head of the Institute. Meetings of the selection and appeal committees are documented in minutes, which are signed by all members of the selection committee and approved by its chairman. 9. The Institute, if the personal files of the candidates meet the established requirements, no later than 15 days before the start of the entrance examinations, sends to the security authorities calls signed by the management of the educational institution for the admission of candidates to the entrance examinations, indicating the time of their arrival at the Institute. 10. For candidates from among military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or under contract, entering full-time training streams, preparatory training is held at the Institute for up to 15 days.

4 4 The timing of the arrival of the specified military personnel is determined in the calls sent by the Institute to the security authorities that prepared the candidate’s personal file. At the same time, calls are sent to the heads (chiefs) of security agencies (commanders of military units), where candidates are serving in military service. The transportation of these military personnel to the Institute is carried out in accordance with the rules of military transportation. II. List, form and criteria for assessing entrance tests 11. The results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter Unified State Examination) are taken into account as entrance tests to the Institute: a) in Russian language and social studies for those entering the Institute to study in the specialty “Border Activities”; b) in Russian language and history for those entering the Institute to study in the specialty “Legal Support of National Security”; c) in the Russian language for those entering the Institute to study in the specialty “Law Enforcement”; and additional testing of profile orientation. 12. Additional specialized tests are organized in order to more fully determine the suitability of candidates for training in higher and secondary vocational education programs. Additional tests of professional orientation are carried out at the Institute in the form of an examination of increased complexity (in writing) in the following general education subjects: a) history for those entering the Institute to study in the specialty “Border Activities”; b) social studies for those entering the Institute to study in the specialty “Legal Support of National Security”. c) history of Russia for those entering the Institute to study in the specialty “Law Enforcement.” 13. The Institute has the right to conduct entrance examinations in the form of exams (written) for the following categories of candidates: those with secondary (complete) general education received before January 1, 2009; having secondary vocational education;

5 5 having secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign countries. When conducting the above entrance tests, a 100-point grading scale is used. 14. For candidates entering the stream with in-depth study of a foreign language, testing is carried out to determine the level of their learning abilities in this stream. Testing is carried out before additional testing of a profile focus. Testing is carried out in oral and written forms in a foreign language studied by candidates, at their choice and taking into account the capabilities of the educational institution. The level of abilities of candidates is assessed on a two-point scale; “capable of in-depth study of a foreign language”; “not capable of in-depth study of a foreign language.” During testing within the scope of the general education program in a foreign language, the following is revealed: knowledge of the basic grammatical norms of the language; possession of an active vocabulary of at least 1200 lexical units, as well as basic word-formation models; the ability to independently work with a dictionary when working with texts in a foreign language; articular-motor coordination necessary for learning certain eastern foreign languages. Candidates who, based on testing results, are recognized as “not capable of in-depth study of a foreign language” have the right to take part in entrance examinations for other streams of full-time training. 15. The results of passing the Unified State Examination, counted as entrance tests, are accepted not lower than the minimum number of points based on the Unified State Examination results in the relevant general education subjects, confirming the development of the general education program of secondary (complete) general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard. Additional tests of a profile focus are assessed on a 100-point scale. 3 The minimum number of points confirming the completion of the general education program of secondary (complete) general education is established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

6 6 The ticket for passing an additional profile-oriented test includes: questions requiring a detailed answer; test tasks with the right to choose an answer. Each candidate is given a program and materials that he has the right to use during the test. For a question requiring a detailed answer, a maximum of 20 points can be awarded. In this case: points are awarded to the candidate who has demonstrated deep, comprehensive knowledge of the material, who has consistently, logically and coherently presented the answer to the question; points are awarded to a candidate who has demonstrated a solid and sufficiently complete knowledge of the educational material, who has presented it competently and to the point, while the candidate has not made significant inaccuracies in answering the question, but minor errors have been made and some minor facts have been missed; 6-10 points are awarded to a candidate who showed in his answer knowledge only of the basic educational material, who made inaccuracies in the formulation of certain provisions, or a violation of the logical sequence of presentation of the educational material; less than 6 points are given to a candidate who has not disclosed a significant part of the educational material in his answer, who has made gross errors in his presentation, or who is unable to construct a logically correct answer. For each correctly solved test, two points are awarded. The points received are summed up. 17. The result of passing the Unified State Exam is confirmed by the corresponding certificate of Unified State Exam results of the established form (hereinafter referred to as the certificate). The certificate expires on December 31 of the year following the year in which it was issued. Candidates who have completed educational programs of secondary (complete) general education in previous years, including candidates whose certificate has not expired, are given the right to take the Unified State Exam in subsequent years during the period of state (final) certification of students. Candidates who have served in conscription and have been discharged from military service are given the right to use the results of the Unified State Examination they took during the year before conscription for military service upon admission to the Institute within a year after their discharge from military service.

7 7 Candidates who do not pass the Unified State Exam in the year of admission (previously graduated from general educational institutions or graduates of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education), including military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, submit applications for passing the Unified State Exam to general educational institutions at the place of residence (passing service) before March 1 of the year of admission, indicating the relevant general education subjects for which they plan to take the Unified State Exam. The Unified State Examination for the specified category of candidates is carried out at the place of application. 18. Upon arrival of candidates to the Institute, certificates are handed over to the admissions committee. Certificates of candidates who did not manage to receive them are sent to the Institute by the parents (legal representatives) of the candidates through the security agency that selected the candidates. In this case, the certificates must be submitted to the admissions committee no later than the day preceding the meeting of the admissions committee on the issue of admitting candidates for study. III. The procedure for conducting entrance tests 19. To organize entrance tests (additional tests of a profile focus), the chairman of the admissions committee or his deputy approves a schedule, which must contain the following information: subject, date, time, examination group, location of the exam in the core subject and consultations, date announcements of results. 20. All exams are conducted in Russian on the basis of sample programs of secondary (complete) general education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The written exam in the Russian language takes 4 astronomical hours (240 minutes) without a break. For written exams in social studies and Russian history, 3 astronomical hours (180 minutes) without a break are allotted. Testing in a foreign language takes 2.5 astronomical hours (150 minutes) without a break. The candidate is not given the opportunity to change the version of the written assignment.

8 8 21. At the entrance examination, the candidate is required to have an identification document with him and present it at the request of the chairman or members of the subject examination subcommittee. During the entrance examinations, candidates are prohibited from: speaking loudly, communicating with other candidates, and changing seats without permission; make any notes or symbols on the inserts of written works, by which their authorship can be established; use any auxiliary and reference materials not permitted by the subject examination subcommittees (textbooks, teaching aids, reference books, etc.); use technical means (mobile phones, electronic notebooks, voice recorders, etc.). Candidates who violate one of the requirements of this paragraph may be removed from the exam by the decision of the chairman (deputy chairman) of the selection committee, regardless of the amount of work performed. In this case, the chairman (deputy chairman) of the subject examination subcommittee and the executive secretary of the selection committee find out from the candidate the circumstances of the violation of these requirements. Upon the fact of a violation, a report is drawn up, which is approved by the chairman of the selection committee. 22. The candidate or his parents (legal representatives) must inform the admissions committee about the inability to take the entrance examination due to health reasons or other valid reasons, confirmed by documents, before the start of the test. Medical certificates must be certified by the military medical service of the Institute. By decision of the chairman (deputy chairman) of the admissions committee, the candidate is allowed to take admissions tests missed for good reason within the time limits for their conduct. 23. Candidates who fail to appear at the entrance examination without good reason are excluded from participation in the competition and are sent by the Institute to their place of residence (service). Repeated entrance examinations are not permitted.

9 9 IV. Procedure for filing and considering an appeal 24. Based on the results of the examination in a core subject, the candidate has the right to submit to the appeal commission of the Institute a written appeal statement about a violation, in his opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the examination and (or) disagreement with its results (hereinafter referred to as the appeal). 25. Consideration of the appeal is not a retake of the exam. During the appeal process, only the correctness of the assessment of the exam results is checked. 26. The appeal is submitted by the candidate personally the next day after the announcement of the exam grade. The admissions committee ensures that appeals are accepted throughout the working day. Appeals are reviewed within one day of their submission. The candidate has the right to be present during the appeal hearing and to review his or her examination work. One of the parents or legal representatives has the right to be present with a minor applicant (under 18 years of age). After considering the appeal, the appeal committee makes a decision on the assessment of the exam. 27. If disagreements arise, a vote is held in the appeal commission, and the decision is approved by a majority vote. The decision of the appeal commission, documented in the protocol, is brought to the attention of the candidate (against signature). V. The procedure for holding a competition and enrolling candidates for study 28. Candidates are admitted to the Institute on a competitive basis in accordance with the approved enrollment volumes. The competition is held taking into account the results of the Unified State Examination and an additional profile test, and for the persons specified in paragraph 13 of these rules, based on the results of entrance tests conducted at the Institute. When holding a competition, the results of passing the Unified State Exam, an additional profile test or entrance tests conducted at the Institute are added up. 29. The selection committee of the Institute for each of the training streams holds separate competitions for the following categories of candidates: from among the military; from among civic youth.

10 10 Within the scope of enrollment, by decision of the admissions committee, candidates are allowed to participate in the competition for admission to another stream of training, if the lists of entrance tests for these streams are the same. 30. When holding a competition, relevant candidates are granted the right to benefits: the right to admission without additional entrance tests; right to non-competitive admission; preferential right to admission. These rights are granted to candidates who meet all other requirements for professional selection and the procedure for admission to higher educational institutions in accordance with the legislative and other legal acts of the Russian Federation. The rights of candidates to benefits must be confirmed by documents of the established form. In the event of an equal amount of points and other equal conditions, preference is given to candidates who received a higher score in the core subject. The scores (grades) received by candidates when taking them at other educational institutions of the FSB of Russia in the year of admission can be counted as the results of entrance examinations. 31. Candidates with higher professional education sent by security authorities are enrolled in the correspondence training stream based on the results of the interview. 32. Candidates who have passed the entrance examination to the Institute must submit original documents on education before the meeting of the selection committee on the issue of enrolling candidates for study. 33. Enrollment of candidates for study takes place at a meeting of the admissions committee. The decision to enroll is documented in a protocol, on the basis of which a corresponding order is issued by the head of the Institute. Candidates who fail the competition are sent to their place of residence (service). First Deputy Head of the Institute, Colonel I.B. Kochergin

11 11 Appendix 1 to the Admission Rules (clause 5) Standards for physical training Name of exercises 100 m run or shuttle run m Unit of measurement assessment excellent good satisfactory sec. 13.6 14.2 14.8 sec. 27.0 28.0 29.0 Running 3 km min.sec Pull-ups on the crossbar one time Note: all physical training standards are met in sportswear.

12 12 Appendix 2 to the Admission Rules (clause 5) Statement of passing physical fitness standards by candidates sent for admission to the Khabarovsk Border Institute of the FSB of Russia from (name of security agency) p./p. Last name, first name, patronymic Passport series and number FP verification results Running Running Pull-up Score 100 m 3 km Pull-up Note Chief (position) (name of security agency) (military rank) (signature) (initials, surname)

APPROVED by the Head of the Kaliningrad Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, Major General Yu.V. Salomokhin 2013 Rules for admission to the Kaliningrad Border Institute of the FSB of Russia in 2013 I. General provisions

APPROVED by the Head of MOCKOBCI of the Border Internet of the Federal Security Service of Russia 2016. Kozlov Rules for admission to the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia in 2016 I. General provisions 1. These rules for admission (hereinafter

Rules for admission to border-profile institutes of the FSB of Russia 1. Conditions of admission, procedure for selecting and sending candidates to training streams at the institutes 1.1. For training in full-time and full-time training streams

Rules for admission to the federal state government educational institution of higher education "Moscow Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation" and its branch

General provisions Rules for admission to the federal state educational institution of higher education "Khabarovsk Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation"

Rules for admission to the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia in 2015 I. General provisions 1. Rules for admission to the federal state government educational institution of higher professional

Rules for admission to the federal state educational institution of higher education "Kurgan Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation" in 2017 I.

1 APPROVED Ex. 1 Head of the Kurgan Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, Major General V. Uryumtsev January 2018 Rules for admission to the federal state government educational institution of higher education

Order of the FSB of Russia dated May 20, 2014 N 277 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure and conditions for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to educational organizations of the FSB of Russia” In accordance with Article 81 of the Federal

Rules for admission to the federal state government educational institution of higher education “Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg)” in 2017 I.

APPROVED by the Head of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, Colonel General V. Ostroukhov January 17, 2017 2 RULES FOR ADMISSION to the Academy of the FSB of Russia for training in educational programs of higher education programs

Order of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2014 N 277 Moscow “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure and conditions for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to educational organizations

Rules for admission to the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia and its branch in the city of Stavropol in 2013 I. General provisions 1. Rules for admission to the federal state government educational institution

Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Rostov Region State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the Rostov Region "Rostov Technological College"

Order of the FSB of Russia dated July 8, 2010 No. 335 “On approval of the Instructions on the conditions and procedure for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to educational institutions of the FSB of Russia” In order to ensure high-quality selection

RULES FOR ADMISSION to the Academy of the FSB of Russia for training in educational programs of higher education and specialty programs in 2018 I. General provisions 1. These Rules for admission to the Academy of the FSB of Russia

RULES for admission and procedure for enrolling students in the Chelyabinsk Higher Military Automotive Command and Engineering School (Military Institute) named after Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces P.A. Rotmistrov

MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) Academy of Management PRIK AZ “29” January 2016 19 Moscow On approval of the Rules for admission to the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2016 In accordance

7. Features of the selection and provision of documents. 7.1. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus with general secondary education are admitted to the Institute and the Kaliningrad Border Institute on a competitive basis



CONDITIONS OF ADMISSION In accordance with the Instruction on the conditions and procedure for admission to military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "Far Eastern Institute of Communications" Admission rules for the 2013-2014 academic year APPROVED by the acting rector of the NOU VPO "Far Eastern

EMERCOM OF RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Affairs

Entrance tests (excerpt from the Rules for admission to the UVAU GA (I) in 2013) 19. Admission to the institute is carried out on the personal application of citizens based on the results of entrance tests conducted for the purpose

APPROVED by order of the Federal State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Education "Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" dated January 29, 2014. ADMISSION RULES

RULES FOR ADMISSION to the “Clothing Engineering School (College) of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design” 2009/2010 academic year New edition in connection with the entry into force of the Order of the Ministry

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Approved by the order of the Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 24, 2018. 42 Rules for admission to the federal state government educational institution of higher education “Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry

U T V E R J D A Y Head of the Military Academy of Communications, Lieutenant General S. Kostarev "" September 2017 RULES FOR ADMISSION to the federal state government military educational institution of higher education

( For applicants The admissions committee of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia operates at the address: Ekaterinburg, st. Mira, 22. Opening hours of the admissions committee: Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Appendix 1 to the order of NRNU MEPhI dated June 19, 2013 262 Regulations on the admissions committee of NRNU MEPhI 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The regulations on the admissions committee of NRNU MEPhI regulates the admission of applicants to NRNU MEPhI and


Private institution of higher education "Capital Institute of Business Technologies and Management" (CHUVO SIBTU) REGULATIONS ON THE ADMISSION COMMISSION Moscow - 2015 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The institute's admissions committee is being created

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "Northern Institute of Entrepreneurship" (NOU VPO SIP) APPROVED by the Rector of NOU VPO SIP January 31, 2013 S.A. Kochegarov REGULATIONS

1. General provisions 1.1 When preparing and conducting admission, an educational institution of secondary vocational education is guided by the following documents: -Federal Law of December 29, 2012

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Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2009 505 “On approval of the list of entrance examinations to educational institutions of higher professional education that have

I. General provisions 1. This provision defines the goals and objectives, composition, powers and procedure for the activities of subject examination commissions of the federal state budgetary educational

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Cherepovets State University" APPROVED by order of the rector 05-02-11

Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2000 16-51-331in/16-13 “On recommendations for organizing the activities of admissions, subject examination and appeal commissions of secondary vocational educational institutions

Appendix to the order of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2012 794 RULES FOR ADMISSION to the federal state government educational institution of higher professional education "Voronezh

The first year in a given field of study or specialty of the corresponding year of admission and the actual number of students studying in the field of study or specialty of the corresponding

Ministry of Education and Science of the Astrakhan Region State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Astrakhan Region of Higher Professional Education "ASTRAKHAN ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION

STATE BUDGETARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “Crimean Secondary Vocational School (Technical School) of the Olympic Reserve” of the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Crimea APPROVED by Order

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Forms of entrance examinations for foreign citizens Subject Mathematics Russian language Social studies Literature History Computer science and ICT Physics Full-time Course of study Correspondence (full-time - 5 years)

1. General Provisions. 1.1. In accordance with the list of entrance tests for admission to educational programs of secondary vocational education in specialties that require applicants

2 Appendix to the order of the SibYUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 1, 2016 92 RULES FOR ADMISSION to the federal state government educational institution of higher education “Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry

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