Hexagram 58 love interpretation. “Fortune chooses those who are ready for it” - Louis Pasteur


Finally resolved! You don't yet know what awaits you ahead. The Book of Changes, as always, is mysterious and laconic. Whatever the question, the answer will be something like this. The event you are interested in will develop according to your scenario. With your energy, you are able to motivate many people who are in one way or another connected with the issue to action. Do not strive for absolutely precise execution of your plans. This will create unnecessary tension. In some cases, it will be enough that they take action on your strategy.


The execution will be slightly different from what was planned.

"Rejuvenated" hexagram

Pay attention to the original one, and the 40th one only adds the irreversibility of the “Resolution”.

Bottom line.

Time favors resolution. Don't be afraid of loneliness. You are strong enough to handle it on your own.

Second line.

Answer cunning with cunning. Weigh every word and action. Don't change your plans, change yourself.

Third line.

It's not time to reap the benefits yet. What happened is entirely your fault. Change your plans and change yourself.

Fourth line.

You're a little late with the "Permission". Listen to a friend's advice.

Fifth line.

It's becoming increasingly difficult to get carried away. Try to rely on fairness, responsibility and tact - qualities that a “noble person” possesses.

Top line.

You are so far from the “Resolution” that you have begun to doubt its expediency. You have a choice to make. He will determine the further development of the situation.

Andrey Khramov, Andrey Tsumanov. I Ching - the alphabet of fate

The theme of liberation, permission, touched upon in the previous hexagram, is the main one here.

Here, first of all, we mean the resolution that comes from the southwest, which was mentioned in the introduction to the previous hexagram.

A resolution to the tense situation must come, because no situation can remain forever. Thus, the final outcome of this situation still seems to be favorable.

That's why the text says:

The southwest is favorable.
If there is nowhere to go, then when it (permission) comes, there will be happiness again.
If there is somewhere to perform, then happiness is already prepared in advance.

It can be assumed that the text here is incomplete. There is only one soothing saying in it:

At the beginning there is a weak point.
There will be no blasphemy.

Since this situation is a solution, you need to trust it. Any doubt about the possibility of resolving the tense situation could only serve to delay this resolution. Doubt, as a result of cunning coming from the outside, is symbolized in the image of a fox, which symbolizes directness and steadfastness, persistent implementation of the undertaken plan. Therefore, the text, on the one hand, indicates the possibility of doubt, on the other hand, speaks of the directness and rigor of the movement undertaken. The fact that the arrow mentioned here is called yellow means that this feature is the second, i.e. the middle line, and that yellow is the color of the middle. This indication of resistance to doubt is expressed in the text in the following images:

The strong point comes in second place.
While hunting you will catch three foxes.
You will receive a yellow arrow.
Durability - unfortunately.

The third feature should be a preparation for the fourth; since, in general, this position is unfavorable, there is the possibility of not following the right path, i.e. Instead of helping the next one, there may be a desire to take advantage of what was developed at the previous stage. Instead of acting as a porter, a person can try to become a rider. But this way he can bring trouble upon himself. And if, even having understood this, he continues to act in the same way, i.e. if he remains persistent in his desire to take advantage of the previously acquired strength and experience, then in the future he will only face regret. Therefore the text says:

The weak point is in third place.
A porter, but riding on someone else.
You yourself will attract the arrival of robbers.
Durability - unfortunately.

In this case, the fourth position in the development of this situation mainly indicates the combination of activities necessary here, the elimination of those harmful influences that may come from the previous third position. This would hardly be possible if this position were taken in its isolated state. But since this refers to an indication of the help of neighbors, the fifth position, the text says:

The strong point is in fourth place.
Release the bonds on your big toes.
A friend will come, and there will be truth in him.

At the previous stage it was already outlined that the person occupying the fifth position in a given situation will provide assistance to the previous situation. This help is, first of all, an act devoid of any egoism, i.e. represents a moral act. Moral action is characteristic of a noble person, and his activities here can lead to happiness. He can act with all the rightness of which he is capable, with rightness and truthfulness, which extends even to people who are behind him in their development. In this sense the text says:

The weak point is in fifth place.
A noble person - only for him there is permission.
He has truthfulness towards insignificant people.

The sixth position here characterizes a full of activity desire to finally destroy the fetters that bound the person in the previous situation. This marks the transition to the next hexagram, which is called “Decrease” and is understood in two ways, i.e. not only as a decrease in what was previously accumulated, but also as a decrease in everything negative that still exists at a given stage. This negative is expressed in the image of a hawk being shot at by a man. He is placed in favorable conditions. He stands on a high wall, as the text says, and the high wall here symbolizes the high position of the sixth line. This shot, however, can be either successful or unsuccessful, i.e. the transition to the next situation can be accomplished with more or less success. Therefore, a favorable outcome is spoken of here only in a hypothetical sense, namely:

There's a weak line at the top.
The prince needs to shoot the hawk on the high wall.
When he hits it, there will be nothing untoward.

Modern interpretation

40. You have gone through a long period of worry and trouble. This period has come to an end.
There will be success in work again.
Take action immediately, otherwise you will miss the opportunity to achieve great results.
Some old wish of yours will come true, and a new one too, but a little later.
You will make new friends.
If you go on a trip, it will give you great pleasure.
The period that has begun is favorable for making good money.

The resolution of the tense situation was discussed a little earlier, but now the theme is fully explained: liberation is coming from the southwest.

Hexagram 40 is the interpretation of the cessation of the previous situation, a successful final outcome that brings absolute happiness and destroys all difficulties. Now, according to the book of I Ching, a person is filled with strength, he is ready to solve any problems, freeing up energy and coming into contact with useful people.

Hexagram 40, Jie, Resolution (Weakening, Untying the Knots, Deliverance, Liberation).


The southwest is favorable.

If there is nowhere to go, then when the resolution comes, there will be happiness again.

If there is somewhere to perform, then happiness is prepared in advance.

The Book of Changes 40 represents the sign through the mobility of the external environment and dangers in the inner world. In other words, we are talking about the need to overcome the limits of oneself, using the attention of the outside world. If a person does not have any problems in life, he can simply expect the return of his energy potential, i.e. getting out of stagnation.

Great things can happen now only through decisive and quick action. The pictogram opens the way to the implementation of projects and ideas, so you need to free yourself from all kinds of restrictions. Enjoy life, and this will attract many allies. Also, don't be touchy or vindictive.

Hexagram 40, Jie, Resolution demonstrates the unique combination of rain and thunderstorms, which help the earth to produce a rich harvest. Get together as soon as possible and don’t miss the chance to achieve brilliant results. Old wishes are now fulfilled very quickly, new acquaintances appear and happy trips are organized. In addition, good financial income is expected.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Six first. Failures turn into success. There is no guilt. All conflicts are resolved, and ordinary life proceeds easily and clearly.
  • Second nine. If your colleagues are putting pressure on your manager, you can resolve the matter by proving that you are right. The quarrel must be ended by the one who started it. This patient, Yao, faces surgery.
  • Six third. A heavy load on the shoulders of the rider in a cart attracts robbers. You are behaving badly by wasting extra money from work on leisure. That's why deceivers want to communicate with you. It's useful to pretend you don't know anything. Remember that sometimes conscience and shame threaten life.
  • Fourth nine. The I Ching, the book of changes, is interpreted by Yao to be associated with the image of the big toes, from which you need to get rid of. You need to improve your habits to have a chance to make money. Solve financial difficulties with the help of close friends and relatives. Some ideas may fail or receive immediate negative feedback.
  • Six fifth. Your opportunities are very close, they need to be noticed. Remember that there will be no positive influence from bad comrades. Prove to everyone who doesn't believe in you that you are capable of acting on your own.
  • Top six. According to the book of destinies, the goal now seems too high, but it can be achieved. The person is above average. You can change the situation to revive your beloved organization and remove a careless leader.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. The beginning of the process is calming. You shouldn’t expect trouble or serious obstacles; you just need to do what was planned earlier. The full description of this trait in the book of changes was unfortunately lost.
  2. One must completely trust in liberation and not doubt its necessity. Any fears about this are reminiscent of a cunning fox protruding from the outside and blocking movement. The opposite position is directness and steadfastness of actions, expressed by an accurate golden arrow, the implementation of a deliberate plan. Thus, the situation is characterized by a little indecision, but at the same time a rigorous movement forward.
  3. Now we are preparing for the next stage, so the possibility of going astray is obvious. The I Ching book connects the interpretation of this line with a person’s desire to take advantage of what he already has, despite the desire to help his own future. Figuratively speaking, an individual turns from a porter into a rider, but this leads to trouble. Resilience and stubbornness in such a situation give rise to regret.
  4. All human activity is aimed at eliminating external previous temptations that have a negative impact. It is necessary to solve the problem through the support of close friends, in whose opinions the truth lies hidden. But they will appear a little later
  5. Help comes right now in the form of a noble moral act from another subject. Such activities guarantee happiness. The truthfulness of a friendly individual extends even to those who are retarded and insignificant.
  6. The Book of Changes concludes the interpretation of the 40th pictogram with the sixth line - an expression of the most active desire of a person to destroy all restrictions on the path to activity. A bridge appears to the next sign, which indicates a loss of accumulated experience and all negative aspects of life.
    Under favorable conditions, all negativity has a great influence on a person, and even an attempt to remove it from the road may not be very successful. Therefore, successful results here are guaranteed only on a hypothetical level.

Expanded interpretation of the sign

The difficult period in life is a thing of the past, and luck has come into the person’s destiny. Now there are no losses, only the bright side of life, which requires taking on the most creative ideas and realizing bold dreams with a guarantee of success.

You can not only build a career, but also go on a trip, look for a soulmate: support will be in everything, both financially and morally. New friends and fresh earning opportunities will delight everyone.

This stage helps to get rid of previous hardships and cleanses the soul from the sorrows of previous adversities. The energy of renewal and awakening of life covers both body and mind. True, the multidimensional perception of the sign speaks of the fulfillment of only long-standing desires, while new whims will have to be left aside. Do not neglect the recommendations in choosing a direction. If you can't visit the southwest side, just move only at dawn.

Liberation from difficulties does not mean complete relaxation and the absence of negative aspects, and this must be understood. Disappointment in some people, clashes with crime, and betrayal are also likely. But this only cleanses your environment, makes it more favorable.

In addition, the very character of the individual also changes in this way for the better: stupidity and pomposity are cut off. Having become better and stronger, a person is able to stop any intrigues and detect cunning people. Remember that all steps should be gradual and unhurried, made with the support of friends.

Hexagram 40, an expanded interpretation of which speaks of the removal of all blocks, promises relief in personal life. If your relationship is getting in the way, you can get rid of it right now. You can also forever give up dependence or dissatisfaction with your partner. Any conflict in the love sphere is resolved by analyzing yourself and your significant other. See if there is any calculation and self-interest, energy vampirism in the relationship, and do not regret the past. Mental strength will help you make a choice, and time will subsequently confirm that you are right.

Work affairs improve quickly during this period. Perhaps the previous situation of withdrawal has slightly worsened your career situation, but there is no need to despair, because catching up is easy and simple. The environment in the workplace will also change, so you need to take a closer look at new people.

The Book of Changes interpretation of hexagram 40 closely connects with the previous situation. The earlier symbol advised a person to think about the future, and if he followed the recommendation, then fate now guarantees success in any stagnant situation. Use your past experience, accumulated knowledge, and all changes will not surprise you.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • A rooster crows in the yard - a harbinger of being heard many miles away.
  • The Taoist cleric gives away the book. Expressing a need for an idea or advice to others.
  • The hieroglyph Ti (“Hold in hands”) is depicted on the flag. The Chinese Book of Changes interprets the meaning of this plot as obtaining the desired result.
  • An official sits on the clouds. An image of rapid professional growth.
  • The Taoist points with his hand at the door - the personification of the heavenly road.
  • The sword sticks out in the ground - a reflection of the end of the war.
  • The rabbit is running - a picture about the absence of doubts.
  • The main symbol is abundantly growing trees and plants.
  • The central image is of a prisoner being released from prison.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wan

  1. The December pictogram is favorable in the summer, but bad in the autumn-winter period.
  2. The image of Untying refers to sunny weather that has settled after a rainstorm.
  3. According to the book of changes, separation from your partner does not last long, and you live with him again.

How to interpret a symbol for fortune telling

Some commentators on the Book of Changes perceive the hexagram of Permission very specifically, understanding by this symbol the idea of ​​cessation of everything that exists in a person’s life. A subsequent update, of course, is planned, but at the moment we are talking more about the energy of death, which brings about a person’s transition to another level.

Hence the negative perception of the symbol in the process of fortune telling, especially if the card aspect of the correspondence of each Yao with the Tarot is studied.

  • Relationships between the sexes, oddly enough, are not working out now due to lack of time and energy. Previous relationships end unsuccessfully. It is better to cut off unnecessary contacts, and only then make a decision about restoring connections.
  • A negative outcome is coming in business. Fatal failures and even bankruptcy are likely. According to the Chinese book, it is not worth opening new companies now. There is also a risk of conflict with the mafia structure.
  • The interpersonal sphere suffers due to periods of rain and simultaneous thunder. But bad weather in the house can result in an improvement in family relationships.
  • The social and political areas of life change under the influence of karma and it will not be possible to fight the negativity in these areas. Weak people will sink and suffer complete collapse.
  • The health area has problems with the genitourinary system. Possible kidney stones that require immediate removal.

Hexagram 40 is an interpretation of the bright beginning of life, which became available thanks to the previous analysis of one’s mistakes. It should be remembered that any situation tends to end, so even difficulties do not bring much concern now. You need to enjoy every day and use luck to realize your deepest desires.

A sense of clarity and new possibilities occurs during times of extreme stress or obstacles. The storm leads to air purification and a sudden decrease in atmospheric tension. This symbolizes liberation. After a storm on land, liberation may appear in the form of new color and life. After a storm at sea, liberation may take the form of the land itself.

In the field of human relationships, the rain of forgiveness can wipe out the human landscape, cleared after a contradictory period of hostility and mistakes. Greater clarity of purpose and new strength can follow the healing of old wounds. But you need to be careful not to accidentally reopen these old wounds by moving too quickly. Likewise, it is important to return to normalcy before moving forward with new plans or projects after periods of stress.

After dealing with a difficult situation, your first priority is to return to normal conditions as quickly as possible. Breathe a sigh of relief, but don't relax completely. It would be a mistake to awaken the sleeping dogs of the immediate past before the new situation has stabilized. Look ahead. Deal with the remaining issues that need to be met and do so as quickly as possible. Make a clean sweep of the past and move forward intentionally. Forgive, forget, move on and your condition will improve.

Interpretation of lines:

Line 1 (bottom line)

Now a few words are required - the last obstacles are overcome. It's peacetime, so just get better and relax. This is a good time to just be.

The success you strive for is rooted in your integrity, as opposed to the clever and cunning deceptions around you. It may be time to carefully consider who you decide to work or collaborate with. Be careful when working with those who do not share your vision or your high ambitions. Strong ethics and required levels of performance will bring success in a long career, profession or relationship.

When dealing with difficult times, remnants of the past may be holding you back. So as you move from struggle to success, be careful not to drag baggage from the past with you into your new journey. And avoid making a fuss or flaunting your newfound luck. Those who wear their money on their sleeves will soon have money in their pockets!

During periods of stagnation, relationships can be formed based on convenience. Since there are few problems at such a time, there is not much support required from friends and colleagues. But when serious action is required, only the reliable can count on working with you. Free yourself from casual relationships that are worthless; luck comes from deliberately choosing to communicate with talented and honest men and women. In times of great opportunity or crisis, it is better to have a weak person as an enemy than as an ally.

Refusing negative influences requires inner determination and strength of character. Weak people who have tied themselves to a stronger one are not easily led astray. The only way to free yourself from unwanted or unnecessary connections is to first free yourself from them. Sooner or later they will receive a signal and disappear on their own. Tolerating unhealthy relationships and associations that exist for too long brings unhappiness.

Line 6 (top line)

When the main obstacle is a cunning opponent, the only viable option may be to forcibly remove that person from the stage. When such drastic measures are required, swift and precise action is required. Because the element of surprise can be critical to your success, discuss your plans only with those who truly need the knowledge and advice. The person with the prevailing rights has everything he or she needs to obtain the necessary permission. (It can also refer to a bad habit or situation, or something that requires immediate removal to ensure your success.)