Hexagram 10 interpretation in love. Outer and Inner Worlds: Sky and Pond

Offensive. Tread carefully

You step on a tiger's tail and you won't get hurt. Luck.


1. Starting nine.

Primary attack. There will be no blasphemy.

2. Nine second.

Walk along the path exactly and evenly. Fortune telling about hermits - fortunately.

3. Six third.

And the crooked can see, and the lame can advance. But if you step on a tiger's tail so that it bites you, then there will be misfortune. The warrior still acts for the sake of the great sovereign.

4. Nine fourth.

You'll step on a tiger's tail. "Hoo-Hoo!" - you will exclaim in fear, but in the end there will be happiness.

5. Nine fifth.

Decisive attack. Be resilient in danger.

6. Top nine.

Consider your previous actions, examine the best in them. Recognizing a sign is happiness.


1. Starting nine.

The time of the first steps after retreats, the period of accumulation of strength and capabilities. There is no danger now.

2. Nine second.

If there are no obstacles or visible complications, you can proceed further. But you will not lose if you reflect on the current circumstances in solitude and peace. Movement "evenly-evenly" is caution, accuracy, conservatism.

3. Six third.

Without experience, don’t chase after professionals, but don’t be afraid of your inability. Now you will be blamed for your clumsy actions, any gross mistake. If you made a mistake not because of your own selfishness, but out of concern for the common cause, if you sincerely repented of your offense, you will be forgiven. The matter may end with a reprimand or warning.

4. Nine fourth.

You will experience considerable fear and self-doubt. The situation may turn out to be catastrophic, you will not be able to be calm and reasonable, everyone will see your anxious state. But the crisis situation must be resolved safely.

5. Nine fifth.

Despite the worries and obstacles, you need to go towards your goal. Don’t expect easy success, mobilize yourself to face difficult challenges.

6. Top nine.

Analyze what has been done, choose the positive, progressive and successful. This is the moment of another stop and reflection on life. You are given a sign, having understood which you will be warned and ready for something new, you will know how to behave. The chosen business should bring not only material benefit, but also spiritual satisfaction.


So, before us is a hexagram showing the beginning of actions. If you remember, in the first chapters of the book an example was given in which this hexagram was analyzed. Without embarrassment, we repeat that any step you take must be extremely careful. It is useful to compare the situation with a dangerous, predatory tiger. We are talking not only about mental confusion, but even danger to life. Before this hexagram, we had not encountered such a degree of anxiety among the authors of the Book of Changes.

Tiger, Dragon, Turtle and Phoenix are the four symbols of the four cardinal directions. And you can see drawings of the Dragon and Tiger on Chinese household items. The Tiger side is the right side of a person, his right hand, the working one for most people, that is, active energy. Therefore, according to the predictions of the Book, it should be activated carefully, like a trainer handling a wild animal.

“Doing the right thing,” observing the hierarchy, being obedient (the Father trigram is at the top, and the Daughter trigram is below) - this is what is needed now. There is initially no equality between people: the difference in age, material security, amount of life experience, and freedom to make life decisions have an effect. The Sky and the Lake are incompatible, but the surface of the Lake’s water reflects the Sky and everything that happens in it (as a result, parents see themselves in their children). Likewise, communication between people based on respect, forbearance of some and obedience of others, choice of affairs according to strength and opportunity, loyalty to oneself will bring success.

It is useful to constantly analyze what has already been accomplished. By “signs” we can understand information from dreams, fortune telling, astrology, random signals about luck or difficulties. Suspiciousness and superstition are welcome here, although they may limit your activities. It's better to be safe than to "scream in fear" later.

The image of the Tiger is communication with dangerous but necessary people. Obviously, you cannot avoid this contact; the description of the hexagram is devoted to choosing the optimally less painful method of communication. Follow it.

In your personal life, you may want to “awaken the sleeping beast” in your partner. It is very dangerous. Enjoy the adrenaline rush of everyday communication. Do not aggravate existing disagreements, do not play on feelings.


You will have to develop in an atmosphere of high pressure and high “temperature” of relationships. However, it cannot be said that these conditions are absolutely hostile. Proceed with extreme caution, sensitivity and discretion. Try to establish control over at least a part, don’t think about the whole yet.

The original text is clear without comment: “Step on the tiger’s tail so that it does not bite you.”


Circumstances force you to take an Action. Which one is clear even to the uninitiated. So take action!

"Rejuvenated" hexagram

Perfection can be achieved in any business. In yours, complete caution and sensitivity are required.

Bottom line.

Do not doubt the appropriateness of your intentions. You haven't done anything yet. But “if you go forward, there will be no blasphemy.”

Second line.

You have a clear idea of ​​the immediate future. "The path you walk on is perfectly smooth." Don't look for support and approval from people close to you. Independence and self-reliance now suit you more.

Third line.

You acted out of courage rather than wisdom. It cannot be called wrong, but it will not bring happiness either.

Fourth line.

Experiencing a crisis has given you the strength to overcome it. Despite this, you are a little scared. Make up your mind.

Fifth line.

Experience is turned into energy and it makes you take action. Individuality and independence are absolutely necessary, but courage and determination can't hurt. Forward!

Top line.

The experience of solving this problem can rightfully be given the title of academic. Don't forget about it and you will avoid a lot of trouble in the future.

Currently, your behavior should be polite, friendly, and reserved. Go inside yourself and think carefully about your situation. Show respect to your superiors in some way, now it will benefit you. An unexpected event will happen that will bring you great joy. This is not the right time for flirting. Ladies, when communicating with men they do not know well, should be especially careful. This is a period when claims to life should be reduced to a minimum.

The reaction to the beginning of limitation from the outside is the next moment - when the most insignificant forces of newly acquired significance begin their positive advancement. The entire past—and in this sense, the external—is opposed in its usual and therefore destructive persuasiveness for new knowledge. Therefore, the latter in its advance is exposed to the danger of defeat. To avoid it, here it is necessary to support a new idea from the moral side, from the side of meek friendliness - a quality symbolized in the lower, internal trigram “permission” - only then is it possible for new knowledge to attack external tense forces.

And this offensive can and should always be so careful and soft that the one carrying it out in the most terrible circumstances will not suffer. In this case, the cognitive ability is directed towards the ultimate truth, from which all random shades arising from a careless attitude towards it must be discarded, which should lead to the next hexagram Flourishing. Therefore, such activity must be careful to the point of paradox, as indicated in the image of the text:

Step on the tiger's tail without it biting you. Development.

At the first stage of development, the process exists only as an idealiter, and therefore it is only in possibility, and not in reality. But only the transition to reality imparts pragmatism to the process, concretizing and thereby individualizing it. Before this, the process is thought of only as the possibility of a given action, and differs from every other idea of ​​a process only in the specificity of this and not another action. This specificity still exists, of course, only in general concepts, and not in material concreteness. However, as a plan for the future, it also points to the possibility of a comfortable development of the process. In the text we read:

The beginning is a strong trait. The simplest attack. If you go forward, there will be no blasphemy.

The main reason for the onset is dissatisfaction with what a person has. From striving for it, a person moves on to overcoming obstacles and actually attacking. At the same time, at this stage, the simplest offensive as such, still devoid of any individual coloring, is no longer enough. Here it is already concretized by a specific object of attack. However, such individualization plays only a relative role, because excessive individualization threatens separation from the environment and therefore death. On the contrary, balance, expressed in the very (second - central) position - balance between old and newly acquired knowledge - is what is especially necessary here. Achieving such peace should give a person complete satisfaction; and he does not need evaluation and recognition of his activities from the outside, from other people. It, like a hermit in solitude, continues its attack on newly acquired knowledge; in the text we see the following:

The strong point comes in second place. The path we are walking on is completely smooth. For a hidden person, resilience is fortunate.

In the offensive, more than anywhere else, a harmonious combination of knowledge and action is necessary. It is not enough to know the essence of the offensive; one must also know its method. It is not enough to value knowledge alone, but we must value its implementation even more. Without the latter, a certain inferiority and one-sidedness results. It is precisely expressed in the images of the text. But it often happens that in such a period of crisis people talk in vain about what truly exists, without correcting their actions with this knowledge. As a result, even their limited knowledge finally coarsens and becomes a dead scheme. But it is precisely such rigid people who act unsuccessfully during a crisis. In the text this is expressed in the following images:

The weak point is in third place. And the one-eyed man can see; and the one-legged one may step on. But if you step on the tiger’s tail like this, it will bite that person. Misfortune. The warrior acts in place of the great sovereign.

Experiencing the previous crisis has the positive result that it recognizes the inferiority of one-sided development and the desire to overcome it appears, which is carried out here. Of course, this is not done simply, and at this stage a person is still deprived of full awareness of the correct path of his action, and therefore he is still full of fear. Exclamations of horror still escape him, but if he completes the begun process of harmonization, then happiness awaits him. In this case, he will already move forward without retreating. This is expressed in the text as follows:

The strong point is in fourth place. Step on the tiger's tail...oh-oh! In the end - happiness.

All the offensive experience accumulated in the previous period turns into such force that an offensive becomes necessary. You need to decide on it. Otherwise, a person will stop at that moment in which the conditions are especially favorable for the onset, for the knowledge in practice of the true existence. Therefore, the text here succinctly, without distracting images, says directly:

The strong point is in fifth place. Decisive attack. Stand strong in danger

In view of the danger of overdevelopment inherent in the latter position, it would be unfavorable to seek new paths here. Basically, everything related to the offensive has already been achieved, and, based on the acquired knowledge and skill, it is necessary to act again and again, having your previous experience before your eyes and paying attention to what led to the best outcome. Apart from this main idea, all other considerations are unnecessary here, and therefore the text only says:

There is a strong feature at the top. Consider the attack and delve into what is happy in it. When it returns, there is original happiness.

Canonical text

(Step on) the tiger's tail; If it doesn’t bite you, it’s an accomplishment.

  1. Primary attack. — There will be no blasphemy in the speech.
  2. Walk along the path - evenly, evenly. — For a hermit, resilience is fortunate.
  3. And the crooked can see, and the lame can advance. (But if) you step on the tail of a tiger (so that it) bites you, (then there will be) misfortune. The warrior (still) acts for the sake of the great sovereign.
  4. You're stepping on a tiger's tail. - Hoo-hoo! (You'll scream in fear, but) in the end there will be happiness.
  5. Decisive attack. - Be persistent in danger.
  6. Consider (previous) actions, examine the best (in them). - When they are repeated - initial happiness.

The reaction to the beginning of limitation from the outside is the next moment - when the most insignificant forces of newly acquired significance begin their positive advancement. The entire past—and in this sense, the external—is opposed in its usual and therefore destructive persuasiveness for new knowledge. Therefore, the latter in its advance is exposed to the danger of defeat. To avoid it, here it is necessary to support a new idea from the moral side, from the side of meek friendliness - a quality symbolized in the lower, internal trigram “permission” - only then is it possible for new knowledge to attack external tense forces. And this offensive can and should always be so careful and soft that the one carrying it out in the most terrible circumstances will not suffer. In this case, the cognitive ability is directed towards the ultimate truth, from which all random shades arising from a careless attitude towards it must be discarded, which should lead to the next hexagram Flourishing. Therefore, such activity should be careful to the point of paradox, as indicated in the image of the text: Step on the tiger’s tail so that it does not bite you. Development.


At the first stage of development, the process exists only as an idealiter, and therefore it is only in possibility, and not in reality. But only the transition to reality imparts pragmatism to the process, concretizing and thereby individualizing it. Before this, the process is thought of only as the possibility of a given action, and differs from every other idea of ​​a process only in the specificity of this and not another action. This specificity still exists, of course, only in general concepts, and not in material concreteness. However, as a plan for the future, it also points to the possibility of a comfortable development of the process. In the text we read: In the beginning there is a strong line. The simplest attack. If you go forward, there will be no blasphemy.


The main reason for the onset is dissatisfaction with what a person has. From striving for it, a person moves on to overcoming obstacles and actually attacking. At the same time, at this stage, the simplest offensive as such, still devoid of any individual coloring, is no longer enough. Here it is already concretized by a specific object of attack. However, such individualization plays only a relative role, because excessive individualization threatens separation from the environment and therefore death. On the contrary, balance, expressed in the very (second - central) position - balance between old and newly acquired knowledge - is what is especially necessary here. Achieving such peace should give a person complete satisfaction; and he does not need evaluation and recognition of his activities from the outside, from other people. It, like a hermit in solitude, continues its attack on newly acquired knowledge; in the text we see the following: The strong trait is in second place. The path we are walking on is completely smooth. For a hidden person, resilience is fortunate.


In the offensive, more than anywhere else, a harmonious combination of knowledge and action is necessary. It is not enough to know the essence of the offensive; one must also know its method. It is not enough to value knowledge alone, but we must value its implementation even more. Without the latter, a certain inferiority and one-sidedness results. It is precisely expressed in the images of the text. But it often happens that in such a period of crisis people talk in vain about what truly exists, without correcting their actions with this knowledge. As a result, even their limited knowledge finally coarsens and becomes a dead scheme. But it is precisely such rigid people who act unsuccessfully during a crisis. In the text this is expressed in the following images: The weak point is in third place. And the one-eyed man can see; and the one-legged one may step on. But if you step on the tiger’s tail like this, it will bite that person. Misfortune. The warrior acts in place of the great sovereign.


Experiencing the previous crisis has the positive result that it recognizes the inferiority of one-sided development and the desire to overcome it appears, which is carried out here. Of course, this is not done simply, and at this stage a person is still deprived of full awareness of the correct path of his action, and therefore he is still full of fear. Exclamations of horror still escape him, but if he completes the begun process of harmonization, then happiness awaits him. In this case, he will already move forward without retreating. In the text it is expressed as follows: The strong trait is in fourth place. Step on the tiger's tail: oh-oh! In the end - happiness.


All the offensive experience accumulated in the previous period turns into such force that an offensive becomes necessary. You need to decide on it. Otherwise, a person will stop at that moment in which the conditions are especially favorable for the onset, for the knowledge in practice of the true existence. Therefore, the text here succinctly, without distracting images, says directly: The strong trait is in fifth place. Decisive attack. Be resilient in danger.


In view of the danger of overdevelopment inherent in the latter position, it would be unfavorable to seek new paths here. Basically, everything related to the offensive has already been achieved, and, based on the acquired knowledge and skill, it is necessary to act again and again, having your previous experience before your eyes and paying attention to what led to the best outcome. Apart from this main thought, all other reasoning is unnecessary here, which is why the text only says: There is a strong line at the top. Consider the attack and delve into what is happy in it. When it returns, there is original happiness.

There is creativity in the external, joy in the internal. On the outside, everything is uncertain, but a person experiences joy from the fact that, after some hesitation, a definite decision has finally been made. This state is typical for the onset. But the advance of an insignificant person means little, and the lame can advance. If your consciousness has not strengthened, then it is better to act not for your own sake, but for the sake of the great sovereign.

The internal trigram ends with Yin. This means that after a random start and an unpredictable course, the processes end in a very specific way. And if you find that some good events and actions are repeated in your life, despite complete uncertainty in the external, then this indicates that you have good Yin.

Hayslip's interpretation

You need to now try to withdraw into yourself, retire and think about yourself, about your situation. Let your behavior be emphatically polite, discreetly friendly. It would greatly benefit you if in some way you show your respect for your superiors. An unexpected event that will happen soon will bring you great joy. The time is not quite suitable for love affairs. Women, be careful when choosing new acquaintances! Try not to make big demands on your life right now.

The appearance of the Li hexagram in the I Ching love chart indicates that you need to exercise extreme caution, since you are balancing on a fine line - you are about to make a serious mistake, the consequences of which will not only radically change your life, but for a long time to come. will affect your destiny. Therefore, the Li hexagram is a very alarming signal that requires the closest attention.

But keep in mind that the appearance of the Li hexagram in no way means that you need to tense up, freeze and do nothing. This would be a mistake. You just need to be more collected and, most importantly, accurately understand your own feelings. For example, if you feel that you are not quite ready for any kind of love relationship, then you should not start one, it is better to stop it altogether or postpone it for a while. And in readings carried out on a sexual theme, the appearance of the Li hexagram always means one thing - no sex! Nothing good will come of it - it will either end in an unwanted pregnancy or very deep disappointment.

The Li hexagram also indicates that in this situation you need clear planning of your actions. It is not for nothing that the semantic translation of the Li hexagram means “Offensive”, and within the framework of the worldview of the ancient Chinese this implies a pre-thought-out and well-calculated action. In I-Ching love fortune telling, this means that you need to be reasonable, not give in to emotional outbursts, but clearly and clearly understand what you specifically want from your love relationship and think through all your steps in it in advance. And even if this sounds a little mechanical in some ways, if you intend to build a serious relationship, then you still can’t do without it. And the Li hexagram reminds you that now is the best time to do this, because later, feelings can take over and you will make an unforgivable mistake.

In a word, the Li hexagram says that caution is simply thinking about your every step, and not passivity.

In addition, in the love reading of the I Ching, the Li hexagram can mean a call - do not succumb to stereotypes. For example, if you quarrel with your loved one, do not immediately rush to extremes, do not rush to push him away even more or hurt him in response. Now this will create such a rift in your relationship that it will even lead to separation. Better, on the contrary, try to show more understanding and warmth. Of course, the Li hexagram does not mean that you need to sacrifice your feelings, but you shouldn’t give them the opportunity to manifest themselves at random either. Everyone knows perfectly well that insults only destroy love, both on the part of the one who offends and on the part of those who were offended. But Li’s hexagram reminds you – do you want to be right (offended) or happy? Think about it.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik