Where is area 51 on google map. Unusual places on Google maps

Studying crashed UFOs in multi-story underground bunkers, experiments on aliens, research on teleportation and time travel, the meeting place of the “world government” - many different legends are associated with this object, lost in the desert of the American state of Nevada, which have long become part of local popular culture . Movies and TV series are made about it, computer games are made, gigabytes of various “conspiracy theories” have been created, but the US government still keeps secret what is actually happening in Area 51 now. Onliner.by systematized what is reliably known about America’s most secret military base, making sure that the truth was really out there.

In the summer of 1947, one of the farmers in New Mexico, checking the condition of his sheep after a severe thunderstorm, made an unexpected discovery. On a hillside in the desert, he discovered the remains of a strange object, the origin of which remained a mystery to the man. A few days later, the command of a neighboring airbase confirmed to the press that we were talking about a certain "flying disc"(flying disc), which crashed. Subsequently, the military, who carefully collected the remains of the “disk,” put forward the version that it was a crashed weather balloon. This story was conveniently forgotten for three decades, only to eventually become a cornerstone of “alien” mythology in the 1970s, known as the “Roswell Incident.”

Already in the 1990s, this event acquired such significance in the public consciousness that it came to the point of official requests from congressmen demanding that they finally explain to them and their voters what actually happened in 1947. The official report published by the US Air Force after an investigation in 1994 slightly corrected the previously published version. According to the document, what crashed near Roswell was not an ordinary civilian weather balloon, but an object that was part of the military Project Mogul - a program for launching balloons with microphones installed on them to high altitudes. These devices recorded sound waves from Soviet nuclear tests. It goes without saying that Mogul was classified, which, according to the military, explained some of the confusion and contradictory statements that were made fresh in the 1940s.

Naturally, the numerous enthusiasts in the field of ufology could not be fooled so easily. They were still (and perhaps even more so) confident that what crashed near Roswell was not a weather balloon, or even a secret, boring balloon with a white Air Force star on its side, but a real spaceship (or better yet, three ) with big-eyed humanoids in silver spacesuits. The government, as is the custom of all governments in the world, having gained access to alien technology, refused to acknowledge the fact of “contact”, evacuating the wreckage of the UFO and its pilots to its base in Nevada, known among lovers of the unknown as “Area 51.”

Until recently, Area 51 was probably the most closed American military facility, the absolute secrecy of which became a breeding ground for the emergence of a wide variety of “conspiracy theories.” The minds of public activists, concerned with the problem of “Are we alone in the Universe,” were excited by the fact that the Pentagon refused to acknowledge the existence of the base. Access there was impossible, there were no photographs, but adventurers who visited the area, adjusting their tin foil hats, regularly shared with their own kind exciting stories about mysterious aircraft plowing the skies of Nevada, mysterious sounds and lights. Close encounters of the third degree were the most innocent thing that could happen on this military base.

However, in 2013, something happened that previously seemed incredible. 8 years after a request from one of the George Washington University scientists, guided by the Freedom of Information Act, the CIA acknowledged the existence of Area 51 and made public the history of its birth. Conspiracy theorists were immensely disappointed, but Cold War historians received a wealth of material for further study of the confrontation between the two systems.

First, the Central Intelligence Agency published a map of the location of the facility. Area 51, or Homey Airfield (its current official name), is an irregular rectangle with sides of 9.7 x 16.1 km, located 134 km northwest of Las Vegas. It was here that, during the Second World War, several military facilities were located at once, the main one of which was the largest Nevada Test Site in the United States - the site of more than 900 nuclear explosions. This polygon was roughly divided into a network of 30 squares, numbered “zones.” "Area 51", which is not part of it, is adjacent to "Area 15" of the test site, and, probably, its unofficial name is the usual mirror image of the number of a pre-existing facility nearby.

The CIA also formulated the purpose for the existence of this base. According to the management statement, it is intended for "testing technologies and systems critical to the effectiveness of the US Army and the security of the United States". Anything could be behind this vague phrase, including the study of “flying saucers” and shameless operations on dead aliens. But subsequently published data showed that we are talking about the so-called. "black projects" - top-secret American military programs, ultra-modern in themselves, but representing the result of natural scientific and technological progress.

At the very beginning of the 1950s, the degree of hysteria in the Cold War began to grow rapidly. After the outbreak of the conflict on the Korean Peninsula, Soviet air defenses began not to hesitate to shoot down Western aircraft that flew into the airspace of the builders of communism. The launch of spy satellites was still a long way off, but up-to-date information about the state of the USSR Armed Forces in the context of “increasing international tension” had to be somehow obtained. In this situation, the United States began developing a modern reconnaissance aircraft capable of rising to a height of 21 kilometers, where it was inaccessible to Soviet interceptors. The leadership of the project was entrusted to the outstanding American aircraft designer Kelly Johnson.

Johnson was well aware that the success of the project, called Aquatone, directly depended on ensuring its secrecy: the enormous scandal surrounding the Manhattan Project, when Soviet spies were able to obtain key information on the US nuclear program, was still fresh in everyone’s memory. The existing air force bases could not provide the required level of security. Johnson and his team at Lockheed needed a new facility to conduct test flights of the U-2 aircraft.

In April 1955, while flying over the Nevada Nuclear Test Site, Johnson spotted an abandoned airfield on dry Groom Lake. “We flew over him and within 30 seconds we knew: it’s him,- the aircraft designer wrote years later in his memoirs. - We looked at the lake and then at each other. This was the second Edwards[Lockheed's main airbase in California. - Approx. Onliner.by], so we turned around and landed on the lake. An ideal natural platform, smooth as a billiard table.".

The location was truly perfect. On the one hand, it was located in a deserted area, practically in the desert, next to existing military training grounds, which ensured the proper level of secrecy. On the other hand, it was relatively close to a major city - Las Vegas, which made it possible to quickly organize the construction and then supply of the base.

It appeared really quickly, and the “flying disk” that crashed eight years earlier more than a thousand kilometers to the south had nothing to do with it. Already in May 1955, detachments of military construction workers arrived in Nevada, and in July of the same year, the runway and hangars of the airfield at Groom Lake received the first disassembled copy of the future famous “flying spy” U-2. Johnson ironically named the facility “Paradise Ranch,” but it was destined to go down in history as “Area 51.”

At first, the conditions in which the creators of U-2 existed were difficult to call “paradise.” Military personnel and engineers lived in temporary trailers in not the best climate and without any special benefits of civilization. But gradually the “Rancho” acquired infrastructure. There were permanent dormitories, a canteen, a club with a cinema, and sports grounds. Now, probably, the living environment has become even more comfortable. However, reliable information released by the CIA concerns only the period of the 1950-60s. Nevertheless, these data and practical observations of tourists are enough to describe the level of security created around the site.

Area 51 is not surrounded by a fence. Moreover, next to it there is a quite decent, although most of the time completely deserted, road SR 375, which in 1996 received the official name “Extraterrestrial Highway” at the state level. The access roads, however, are blocked by barriers from checkpoints, and warning signs are installed along the perimeter prohibiting passage and photography.

Apparently, there is also a network of motion sensors around the base that react to crossing its conventional border. Any attempt to penetrate beyond this line inevitably leads to the appearance of pickup trucks with strong guys in camouflage who hand over the victim to the local sheriff. Such a thirst for knowledge does not pose a threat to health, but large fines are sobering.

The restricted zone around the object is expanded if necessary. For many years, “alien hunters” used the nearby Freedom Ridge or White Sides Mountains to observe what was happening on their vague object of desire. In 1995, the base area was expanded to include these heights. Now the most convenient point for tracking her has become Mount Tikabu, located 42 kilometers away, from which, however, little is visible.

The personnel of Area 51 actually work on a rotational basis; this is not the usual autonomous military camp where entire families can live for years. People are brought here (and sent back to the mainland) by air. For this purpose, a special unnamed unit has been created within the US Air Force, known by its call sign JANET. Six identical Boeing 737s in white and red liveries and without additional inscriptions on board are seen by many guests of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, not suspecting that the main task of these aircraft is to transport employees to Area 51 and back.

Each person who receives access to the protected perimeter signs a non-disclosure agreement. Almost all buildings in the complex have no windows. This made it possible to work on several projects simultaneously on the territory, while engineers from one hangar had no idea what was happening in the other. The system has shown its effectiveness. Although information about many of the experimental aircraft developed in Area 51 had long been published, and they themselves adorned aviation museums, the general public had no idea where exactly all this was created.

In 2013, the CIA confirmed that Area 51 was the site of testing of several other secret aircraft besides the U-2. First of all, they talked about the OXCART project - the program for creating the A-12 aircraft (high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, successor to the U-2). Here, in the 1960s, they worked on the D-21 drone, for which the A-12 served as an air base.

At Area 51, American pilots also mastered the latest captured Soviet equipment. The USSR did not hesitate to supply its Asian and African satellites with the latest jet fighters, which later participated in local conflicts. Sometimes the CIA and its allied intelligence services (for example, the Israeli Mossad) managed to obtain a flying copy of such an aircraft. For example, in 1966, Iraqi Air Force captain Munir Redfa stole a top-secret MiG-21 to Israel as part of Mossad’s Operation Diamond. After some time, this fighter ended up at the Groom Lake airfield, where American engineers carefully studied it, and the pilots conducted comparative air battles with similar equipment of their own production.

Zone 51- one of the most secret bases in the world. This American base is not in any descriptions, and in general they only learned about it in the nineties of the twentieth century.

This base is located in Nevada, where there is no settlement, no sign, no gas station, no canteen. There is not a single path that leads to this zone, but if someone in some strange way gets there, he will be warned about the forbidden zone by two iron shields.

If the uninvited guest is not stopped by the shields, then numerous patrols are stationed around the base, ready to punish the stranger at the first opportunity. The zone itself is located in the middle of the mountains, where glowing lights are seen every now and then in the night sky.

This American base has several hangars. One of the hangars serves as a laboratory for the creation of super-powerful, super-new nuclear weapons, and the other hangar serves as a laboratory for the creation of super-new aircraft that were flown there. An invisible plane or simply “B-2” was found in this area.

By the way, they say that it has the largest runway in the world, reaching 9.5 km.

Some of the people working at the base say that tests of prohibited chemical weapons were carried out there. A dry lake was found on the territory of zone 51, it was this that was the victim of this weapon, chemical waste was found at the site, and it was also confirmed that this base was a mini-landfill.

One person who worked at Area 51 told secret information. He said that the center of the base is located far in the bowels of the earth, where they study UFOs, as well as their spaceships, which may have once fallen on our planet.

Many scientists and ufologists claim that the American government is deliberately hiding the fact of the existence of UFOs. It is possible that this government even came into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

It also happened that a certain Scott Rain said that aliens were kept on one of the underground floors, but again the government began to prove that Scott was insane. Even the US President Clinton himself made a speech on television saying that Rein had made it all up.

But judge for yourself, would the President of America himself give a speech on the news because of some “backward” person? Isn't this very strange?

In addition, ordinary civilians reported seeing strange lights flying in the sky. This was not only in the Base 51 area, but throughout the entire Nevada area. Some people say that these are just stars falling, and do not find anything unusual in this, and some are inclined to believe that this is a UFO, and there is no other explanation for these phenomena.

People believe what they want to believe and see what they want to see. Each person has their own opinion on this matter. The newly received information about this base aroused great interest among people, but, despite statements that there were no secrets from people at this base, it was impossible to get into this zone!

UFO scientists have already proven that over the last decade, UFO activity has increased in the skies over the state of Nevada, and what is most strange is that most often unidentified objects appeared precisely over the place where Area 51 is located.

It also turned out that over a thousand workers were brought and taken away to the secret zone per day, what they did there is still unknown.

There is another very important fact: this base was located near the mountains and the workers saw how they were being watched on these very mountains, and when they asked the president to include these mountains in the territory of zone 51, the president immediately gave his consent to this! Why he did this, and what is hidden there, still remains a mystery to humanity.

Area 51 is a military base, a remote subdivision of Edwards Air Force Base. Located in the USA in the south of Nevada, 133 km northwest of Las Vegas, on the southern shore of the dry salt lake Groom Lake. According to official data, experimental aircraft and weapons systems are being developed at Area 51. The name Area 51 is used in official CIA documents, and the code names Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Home Base, Watertown Strip, Groom Lake and, most recently, Homey Airport are also used.

Area 51 is part of the Nellis Military Operations Area and the airspace around it is restricted for flights. The impressive secrecy of the base, the very existence of which the government has only reluctantly acknowledged, has made it the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, especially about unidentified flying objects. Often used in popular culture as a symbol of the secrets hidden by the military and government of the United States of America; connected. It is believed that the material remains of the Roswell airborne disaster in 1947 are also stored in Area 51. According to proponents of the lunar conspiracy theory, the filming of astronauts on the “Moon” actually took place in Area 51. In the 90s, there was a rumor in the press that chemical weapons are being tested illegally at Area 51 and that there is an increase in deaths and miscarriages in the area. It became famous in April 2000, when American journalists discovered photographs of a top-secret US military base, also known as Base 51, among photographs distributed by Sovinformsputnik. Some information about Area 51 was declassified in the summer of 2013. It is assumed that the top-secret hypersonic strategic stealth reconnaissance aircraft SR-91 Aurora was created, tested and based in Area 51, with which some of the numerous flights since the 1980s are associated. observations both in the Zone and in other places of one of the types of UFOs - the so-called. “black triangles”.

PURPOSE: Area 51 is a secret military base. This place is located near the city of LV, in the desert. Air traffic over Area 51 is prohibited. One person who worked at Area 51 revealed secret information. Secret Area 51 is a base on Earth where, presumably, the remains of aliens and what remains of their spaceships are located. According to official data, experimental aircraft and weapons systems are being developed at Area 51.

LOCATION: Area 51 is located in southern Nevada, northwest of the casino city of Las Vegas. There is a place in the Nevada desert that cannot be found on any map of the world. This is the secret base "Area-51" ("Area-51"). The most ridiculous rumors are associated with this zone: aliens and unidentified flying objects are being studied here.

The entire territory under this zone is occupied by extensive bunkers, crossed by kilometer-long tunnels. Finding the base is quite difficult, since there are no signs, and only when approaching the zone, you can see large signs indicating that entry to the site is strictly prohibited. Entry into the zone is monitored by a special patrol and numerous video and thermal sensors. At night, the area is guarded by black helicopters, without any identification marks.

Area 51. UFO base on Earth or a secret facility?

Confirmation that at base 51 secret flying objects are being tested and debris from a UFO crash is stored are the words of B. Lazar. Lazar also notes that the development of aircraft in the zone is carried out on the basis of the laws of gravity. A dry lake was found on the territory of zone 51, it was this that was the victim of this weapon, chemical waste was found at the site, and it was also confirmed that this base was a mini-landfill.

Often used in popular culture as a symbol of secrets hidden by the military and government of the United States of America; associated, as a rule, with unidentified flying objects. Presumably used for experimental tests in aeronautics and weapons systems.

SMOKE SCREEN: The 70s of the 20th century were marked for Groom Lake by a new large-scale project of the American military - the Have Blue/F-117 program. Beginning in 1983, when the F-117s entered service, the base continued to operate and gradually expanded. Obviously, they did not want the Russians to find out about this base, which is why they hid it so carefully. It was believed that spaceships from other worlds and even the bodies of aliens that crashed on Earth were stored there!

ATTEMPT TO FIND OUT: Of course, no one intended to disclose all this data. But a request came from George Washington University, citing the Freedom of Information Act.

HANGARS: One hangar contains the most modern aircraft, which are tested and refined here. Military aircraft are tested here and, according to rumors, unidentified flying objects are studied here. Pilots Tony LeVere and Dorsey Cammerier explored a dozen God-forsaken places in Arizona and Nevada, carefully photographing what they saw.

PROTECTION: Today there is a site in Groom Lake that is not shown on any topographic map. It is called "Area 51". Its dimensions are so large that it can accommodate an airplane along with the Space Shuttle. Jeeps with security guards from a private company driving around the zone are driving around. If they find any uninvited onlookers dangerously close to the zone, they will have to pay a $6,000 fine.

Where is Area 51? Coordinates, map and photo.

PLATE FROM ROSWELL: There is a belief that UFOs and aliens discovered in 1947 in the town of Roswell (New Mexico) are allegedly stored in Area 51. What gave rise to rumors that the American government is hiding “outsiders” who have arrived to us in Area 51? It turns out that the rumors are based on reports of a “flying saucer” that allegedly crashed near Roswell and its dead crew. That day, the United Press Association disseminated this information, and the newspapers circulated the sensational news. A certain nurse who visited Roswell immediately after the fall and even saw “strangers” was also popular among supporters of extraterrestrial life. Let us recall that at that time the Americans were tensely awaiting the explosion of the first Soviet atomic bombs. For this purpose, Mogul-type cylinders were also launched.

CONCLUSION: Area 51 is a secret military base that does not appear on any map, and until recently it was one of the biggest secrets of the American government. The zone is located in the USA, in Nevada. For almost half a century, Area 51 has been one of the favorite topics of ufologists, conspiracy theorists and anyone interested in unsolved mysteries.


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Sometimes travel leads to mysterious discoveries. Driving away from Las Vegas along a deserted Nevada highway, you may come across iron signs warning: “Danger Zone.” If you disobey the instructions and continue your journey along an uninhabited highway, where you won’t even see a single gas station, you will meet armed military personnel patrolling the area. No one was able to continue their journey; all the cars with curious civilians politely turned away.

What is it that American servicemen guard so carefully? What object has not been shown on maps for a long time? Today I will tell you about the secrets of Area 51.

Secret base

Many ufologists, lovers of theories and conspiracies, and simply inquisitive people know the place: Area 51, United States of America, Nevada. And it has even been established where Area 51 is located: surrounded by mountains on one side, it is built on the shore of the salty dry lake Groom Lake, 133 km from Las Vegas (in a northwest direction). What is located at the end of a deserted guarded highway?

There are many assumptions. Some believe that it houses a laboratory for the research and development of new generation nuclear weapons. Someone talks about a military air base for conducting experiments on modern weapons and jet aircraft (this is indicated by the numerous hangars located on the territory of the base). Some speculate that the secret Area 51 hides an underground laboratory for the study of extraterrestrial civilizations, and that the US government has made contact with aliens. But even researching UFOs doesn't sound as crazy as mastering the technology to control the weather: tornadoes and rainstorms to order.

It's time to figure out all the legends that surround the mysterious territory: what is Area 51, what is happening there.

Myths and reality

The spread of myths about area 51 was facilitated by the revelations of several scientists.

The first was Robert Lazar. On a night radio broadcast in 1989, the physicist told a fascinating story about a government military ufological base studying the gravitational engines of real flying saucers that came to us from deep space. What gave credibility to his words was the assurance that the scientist speaking on the radio had personally worked on this project for one year.

A couple of years after the broadcast, a former laboratory employee wrote a report that contained information about what was in area 51.

Judging by the document, the young man was studying alien “saucers,” in particular their propulsion systems, on behalf of the US government. The research laboratory was located on part of Nellis Air Force Base, in a region codenamed S-4 (Central Nevada). This area was approximately 24 km south of Test Site 51, where the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes were developed.

Robert admitted that the activities of Area 51 are devoted to the development of modern military aircraft and their testing. But most listeners and readers of the report paid attention only to “UFOs,” “flying saucer engines,” and “the US government.”

Is it true? Unknown. But after the significant radio broadcast, the media began to increasingly mention strange events occurring near this area.

Thus, O. Mason, another former employee of the base, said that in 1994 he witnessed a huge sparkling ball hovering in the air, which then quickly disappeared.

And in 1997, a pair of abnormally bright flying objects crossing the Nevada desert scared residents of the city of Austin.

In 2013, scientist Boyd Bushman recorded a half-hour video about aliens who arrived on Earth and came into contact with earthlings. Bushman assured that he worked at a top-secret military base in Nevada, so he knows the whole truth about Area 51.

Bushman even showed photographs of “real” aliens in the video. But experienced ufologists quickly identified these creatures as realistic dolls produced by the HalloweenFX company, which can be bought in many stores.

In 2011, journalist Annie Jacobsen published the book “Area 51. The History of the Most Secret American Military Base (Uncensored).” The first part contains memories of eyewitnesses and contains photographs of official documents, but the second part contains a creepy theory: after the crash of an unusual plane, it was not aliens who ended up in the laboratory, but Soviet children, mutilated by doctors and more reminiscent of an extraterrestrial civilization. And the curator of these atrocities was I. Stalin, who led the intelligence service. A dubious theory, but quite popular among American readers.

To avoid causing panic, some facts about Area 51 were declassified by the government in the summer of 2013. As Lazar said, this area was used to test a number of aircraft created during the Cold War with the USSR, including the Have Blue/F-117, U-2, OXCART, and the SR-91 Aurora reconnaissance aircraft. They say that this is where the longest runway in the world is located. world, reaching 9.5 km.

Now you can easily find Area 51 on satellite maps (yellow area):

Whether you agree or not with the government’s position is up to you to decide. Perhaps this information was made public only as a diversion, but deep underground scientists are actually dissecting dead aliens and disassembling their aircraft piece by piece. I find the government's report plausible: in those years it was much more important to repel the Soviet Union, rather than an alien civilization. After all, it was Soviet reconnaissance aircraft that were repeatedly seen flying over the secret area, and it was in the archives of Soviet intelligence that photographs of this zone were found. On which, however, it is impossible to see anything except hangars and landing strips. Maybe because all the research was carried out at night, tormenting eyewitnesses with mysterious lights?