Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone movie content. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" retelling

The novel tells the story of the amazing fate of the main character, Harry, who at first is considered by everyone around him to be an ordinary boy. His Potter parents died, but in fact, these powerful wizards were killed by an evil sorcerer, and baby Harry was sent to be raised by relatives who even believe in magic a little, but are very afraid of it, and therefore do not like their pupil.

When Harry himself notices that he has extraordinary abilities, he is taken to a school for wizards. There, a modest boy is a big celebrity, there he finds friends and enemies, learns magical wisdom, flies on a broom... An evil sorcerer is reborn, who wants to complete his crime - to kill young Potter, but Harry, in search of the philosopher's stone, which the villain also needs, enters into battle and defeats the sorcerer. To be continued, the magical world captivates the reader.

This book teaches you to believe that everyone can have extraordinary talent hidden within them, but you need to believe in yourself and develop it. Harry Potter did not stop at his “past glory”; he proved himself to be a real man, a powerful wizard and a devoted friend.

Read a summary of the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Orphaned Harry is raised by the Dursleys. These people are harmful and narrow-minded. They exploit their pupil, and think only about their stupid son. It is believed that Potter's parents died in a car accident. In reality, they entered into a confrontation with an evil wizard, whose name magicians are still afraid to pronounce (Voldemort), but they died protecting their son. But young Harry, although the villain tried to kill him, fought back. And Harry was left with a “memento” scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead.

On his hated cousin's birthday at the zoo, Harry suddenly starts talking to the snake. Moreover, in some way he doesn’t understand, he frees her, scaring everyone. Harry immediately begins to receive magical letters (they are brought by owls), but his relatives hide them. Soon the forester himself in the magical forest, Hagrid, appears to them. His parents' friend Hagrid punishes the Dudls and takes Harry to the wizarding school Hogwarts. Harry has an inheritance, which he takes from the troll jar. In the wizarding quarter, Harry and Hagrid buy everything they need for their studies: a magic wand, an owl... And Harry boards the train to the wizard school from a platform invisible to ordinary people. It turns out that he is a celebrity in this world.

For the main character, all this is very unexpected, he is afraid of disappointing the expectations of the wizards, and is worried. Moreover, the school impresses him: even the portraits here are all alive - they can communicate with magicians.

Soon the boy finds friends. Hermione is a crammer with a kind heart (her parents are not wizards, so it is important for her to prove that she can cope with the wizarding program), Ron is the youngest in a huge family of wizards, cheerful and a little goofy.

Arriving at school, children are sorted: a magic hat tells them which “league” they should fall into. Fortunately, Harry's friends end up on the same team with him. Harry also makes enemies. For example, Draco is a spoiled youth whose wizard parents supported Voldemort. And teacher Snape Severus, who simply can’t stand Harry.

School begins, children master spells and become acquainted with magical creatures. Harry and Ron save their friend Hermione and the entire school from a troll. Harry visits his new friend Ron and meets his entire huge wizarding family. Ron's younger sister falls in love with Potter. Hermione argues with Ron so often that it becomes clear that she cares about him. However, so far love lines are not particularly developing, because children are thinking about fun and learning.

Potter, like his father, gets into the magical sports team (on broomsticks) and becomes the catcher of the final magic ball. Everyone is rooting for Harry, and he is making wonderful progress, pleasing his friends and angering his enemies.

There are many more events in Harry's life. For example, the forester Hagrid, who treats all kinds of monsters with tenderness, gets a real dragon in his “den,” which is prohibited. The guys help him secretly raise a dragon, and then free the magical creature.

Along with preparing for exams, friends begin to look for the philosopher's stone, which Snape is also looking for. It turns out that Voldemort really needs this artifact in order to be completely reborn.

Harry has to fight him. And it turns out that it was not Snape who was doing nasty things to Harry all this time, but Voldemort, who possessed an inconspicuous, modest teacher who seemed so harmless. Harry wins the fight. Of course, friends and comrades help him.

Harry successfully completes his first year. During the holidays you need to return to the human world - again to the harmful relatives of the Dursleys, but after that - again a magic school, many more courses, trials and joys, friends and enemies ahead.

Picture or drawing by Rowling Joan - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

  • Summary of Pristavkin Goldfish

    During the war, the girl Lucy ended up in an orphanage, where she turned out to be the youngest pupil. In the bedroom there was an aquarium with amazing fish. The children loved to watch the inhabitants of the aquarium in their free time.

  • The parents of one-year-old Harry Potter are killed by Voldemort, after which he disappears while trying to kill Harry himself. Late in the evening, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore, and his deputy, Minerva McGonagall, appear near the house of Vernon and Petunia Dursley, Harry's only relatives. Forester Rubeus Hagrid brings a child, who is left with his aunt and uncle so that fame does not go to his head ahead of time. Ten years pass. The Dursleys are hostile to him. Strange things sometimes happen to Harry, for example, his hair grows back, glass disappears, and he himself talks to a snake. On the eve of his eleventh birthday, the boy receives a letter, which is taken away by Uncle Vernon. The Dursleys and Harry leave for a hut on the island. On the night Harry turns eleven, Hagrid appears and tells him that he is a wizard and will study at Hogwarts. Harry also learns about his parents for the first time. Together with Hagrid, they buy everything necessary for the school, and at this time Hagrid, on behalf of Dumbledore, takes something secret from the bank vault.

    On the first of September, Harry leaves for Hogwarts from platform nine and three quarters of King's Cross Station. On the road, he meets Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger looks into the compartment. Ron tells Harry about the world of wizards, the wizard sport Quidditch and Hogwarts, which has four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin. The Sorting Hat sends Harry, Ron and Hermione into Gryffindor. Harry notices a hostile attitude on the part of potions teacher Severus Snape. After his first lesson in broomstick flying, Potter becomes the Seeker of the House Quidditch team. From a note in the newspaper, he learns that someone tried to steal from the bank what Hagrid had taken a little earlier. A huge three-headed dog is discovered in the castle, guarding some kind of hatch. After Harry and Ron save Hermione from the troll, they finally become friends. Somehow in a conversation Hagrid lets slip about Nicholas Flamel, and after a while the guys find out that the dog guards the philosopher's stone, which gives immortality. Harry also finds the Mirror of Erised, which shows what a person wants most. Hagrid lets it slip that the stone is guarded by several teachers, including Sprout, Flitwick, McGonagall, Quirrell, Snape and Dumbledore himself. Harry increasingly suspects that Snape is trying to steal the stone. While serving his sentence in the Forbidden Forest, Harry encounters an unknown person who drinks the blood of a unicorn to maintain life, and from the words of a centaur he understands that Snape is trying to steal the philosopher's stone for Voldemort.

    After the exams, Harry's scar constantly hurts. It turns out that Hagrid told the stranger how to get past the three-headed dog Fluffy, which he had placed on the hatch. At this time, Dumbledore leaves for London, and Harry understands that Snape will try to get to the stone. So Potter decides to get ahead of him. Harry, Ron and Hermione encounter Professor Sprout's devilish snares, Professor Flitwick's flying keys, Professor McGonagall's magical chess, Professor Quirrell's troll and Professor Snape's potions. Ron stays in the chess room, and Hermione is forced to return after potions. Harry moves on, but instead of Snape he finds Quirrell, who cannot get the stone from the Mirror of Erised. It turns out that Quirrell serves Voldemort, and Snape, on the contrary, tried to save Potter, although he hated his father. On the back of Quirrell's head, the face of Voldemort is discovered, who tries to win Harry over to his side, and then orders him to be killed. But Quirrell gets burns from Potter's touch. Harry loses consciousness, and when he wakes up in the infirmary, he learns that Dumbledore managed to stop Quirrell. Harry was protected by the love of his dead mother. For actions to protect the stone, the guys receive points, which bring Gryffindor to first place in the house competition. After the announcement of successful exam results, students leave for the summer holidays.

    The parents of little Harry Potter are killed by Voldemort, after which he disappears while trying to kill Harry himself. Late in the evening, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore, and his deputy, Minerva McGonagall, appear near the house of Vernon and Petunia Dursley, Harry's only relatives. Forester Rubeus Hagrid brings a child, who is left with his aunt and uncle so that fame does not go to his head ahead of time. Ten years pass. The Dursleys are hostile to him. Strange things sometimes happen to Harry, for example, his hair grows back, glass disappears, and he talks to a snake. On the eve of his eleventh birthday, the boy receives a letter, which is taken by Uncle Vernon. The Dursleys and Harry leave for a hut on the island. On the night Harry turns eleven, Hagrid appears and tells him that he is a wizard and will study at Hogwarts. Harry also learns about his parents for the first time. Together with Hagrid, they buy everything necessary for the school, and at this time Hagrid, on behalf of Dumbledore, takes something secret from the vault in the bank.

    On the first of September, Harry leaves for Hogwarts from platform nine and three quarters of King's Cross Station. On the way, he meets Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger looks into the compartment. The Sorting Hat sends Harry, Ron and Hermione into Gryffindor. Harry notices a hostile attitude on the part of potions teacher Severus Snape. After his first lesson in broomstick flying, Potter becomes the Seeker for the House Quidditch team and brings them their first victory in the competition. From a note in the Daily Prophet newspaper, he learns that someone tried to steal from the bank what Hagrid had taken a little earlier. A huge three-headed dog is discovered in the castle, guarding some kind of hatch. After Harry and Ron save Hermione from the troll, they finally become friends. Somehow, in a conversation, Hagrid lets slip about Nicholas Flamel, and after a while the guys learn that the dog guards the philosopher’s stone, which can turn any metal into gold and gives immortality. Harry also finds a mirror that shows what a person wants most. Harry increasingly suspects that Snape is trying to steal the stone. While serving his sentence in the Forbidden Forest, Harry encounters an unknown person who drinks the blood of a unicorn to maintain life, and from the words of a centaur he understands that Snape is trying to steal the philosopher's stone for Voldemort.

    It turns out that Hagrid told the stranger how to get past the three-headed dog Fluffy, which he had placed on the hatch. At this time, 10 minutes ago, Dumbledore leaves for London, and Harry understands that Snape will try to get to the stone. So Potter decides to get ahead of him. Harry, Ron and Hermione face devilish snares, flying keys and magical chess. Ron and Hermione remain in the room with the chess. Harry moves on, but instead of Snape he finds Quirinus Quirrell, who cannot get the stone from the mirror. It turns out that Quirrell serves Voldemort, and Snape, on the contrary, tried to save Potter, although he hated his father. On the back of Quirrell's head, the face of Voldemort is discovered, who unsuccessfully tries to win Harry over to his side, and then orders him to be killed. But at Potter's touch, Quirrell turns to ashes and crumbles. Harry loses consciousness, and when he wakes up in the first aid station, he learns that the stone has been destroyed. Harry was protected from Voldemort by the love of his self-sacrificing mother. For actions to protect the stone, the guys receive an additional 60 points, which puts Gryffindor in first place in the house competition. The students leave for the summer holidays, and during his first adventures with his friends, Harry has learned a lot and gained confidence in himself.

    The adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter became the main passion of fans of the fantasy genre in the late 90s. The epic about the young magician adorned the English literature and brought fabulous wealth and world recognition to the unknown author just yesterday.


    The idea of ​​creating a book about a young wizard came to an Englishwoman by chance - at the station while waiting for the Manchester - London train. In four hours, a bored brain invented the main character of the future book, which was to change the girl’s life beyond recognition. Five long years passed between the birth of the idea and its implementation. Only in 1995, the aspiring writer completed the first manuscript of a story about a young magician.

    The woman, in a conversation with journalists about the details of writing the books, said that she always kept the plots strictly secret. Even the husband did not know the details of the affair. This rule is followed during the creation of each work.

    The book, entitled “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,” was sent to 12 publishing houses, but none of them liked it. Fortune smiled on Joan a year later - her literary brainchild decided to be published by the Bloomsbury publishing house. According to rumors, this was thanks to the chairman’s little daughter, who was delighted with reading the adventures of the young wizard.

    In 1997, a brand new book came out of the printing presses with a circulation of only a thousand copies. And Harry Potter’s “mother” said goodbye to poverty forever, later becoming the only billionaire who managed to make a fortune in the writing field.


    Who actually became the prototype for Harry Potter remains a mystery. As a child, JK Rowling was friends with a boy named Ian Potter, frail and small for his age, who wore round glasses. The fact that he is the prototype of the character is indicated by another feature - a friend constantly invited the future writer and her sister to play wizards.

    However, after her literary debut, the author of “Potter” denied the main character’s connection with his childhood friend. The only thing she really borrowed was a euphonious surname, and in general, the image of Harry can be considered a collective one, incorporating the features of friends, relatives and just acquaintances.

    Critics accuse Rowling of “theft,” and indeed, the writer borrowed some of the characters from ancient fairy tales and folklore, for example, the same Phoenix bird or basilisks. Fans of “Potter” went further, searching for analogues of the main characters in literature and cinema. As a result, they discovered that Harry Potter is very reminiscent of Paul Muad'Dib from Dune - the character also inherited black hair from his father and green eyes from his mother, also lost his parents early and has magical abilities.


    Magic surrounded Potter from infancy. To save her one-year-old son, the mother gave her life, giving Harry protection from dark forces. The “amulet” disappeared on the day of coming of age - at the age of 17, or at the moment when the boy decided to leave the house of his aunt, his mother’s sister, forever. The young man left the shelter of his relative shortly before his “fateful” birthday.

    On the day of his mother's death, Harry Potter became a Horcrux - the boy contained one of the eight parts of the dark magician's soul. Horcruxes provided the dark magician with immortality. Harry was the only Horcrux who had the ability to penetrate Voldemort's mind.

    While studying in his third year, Potter mastered the difficult science of summoning a patronus. The magical essence, which protects from evil creatures, appeared with the help of a spell, and the main requirement was to remember the happiest events of life during the ritual.

    An additional incredible gift that the boy possessed was the ability to talk with snakes, thereby joining the ranks of the so-called parsel-mouth magicians.

    Some appeared spontaneously in Harry. So, the boy managed to shrink the terrible sweater given by his aunt, after which it simply became small. He grew his hair overnight, and one day, when he got angry, he blew up a glass in Aunt Marge's hand and then blew her up like a balloon.


    A fairy-tale world filled with the adventures of young wizards is revealed detail by detail in seven volumes. In the first part, readers meet little Harry, left in the care of his aunt and uncle, and in the last, the adult protagonists, who have become parents, send their children to Hogwarts - it’s already 2017.

    The Potter series also features the eighth book, in which events unfold from the moment the children are sent off to the school of magicians. However, it is difficult to call the book a full volume; it is a play called “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,” created by Rowling in collaboration with playwright Jack Thorne. Director John Tiffany also had a hand in the work; audiences saw the play in the summer of 2016 on the stage of the Palase Theater in London.

    "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

    In 1980, a prophecy was made that a boy would soon be born who would defeat Lord Voldemort (played a role in the films). The evil magician was challenged three times by Harry Potter's parents, now their son will have to do it. When the child is a little over a year old, the lord tries to kill him, but the idea was unsuccessful - the father and then the mother became victims. Harry was saved by magical protection, against which Valan de Mort's curse ricocheted, leaving only a mark on his forehead in the form of lightning. The spell struck the lord himself, and the boy became his horcrux - the guardian of a piece of his soul.

    Book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

    The school of wizards houses a philosopher's stone that can create gold and grant immortality. It was hidden at Hogwarts by a professor. In the room where the stone lies, Harry meets teacher Quirrell, who has repeatedly attempted to kill the boy. And again he is going to kill Potter, but in the end he himself crumbles, freeing a piece of Voldemort’s soul. The philosopher's stone would have helped the magician to be reborn, but the attempt failed.

    In the same book, Harry receives a gift from Hagrid - an album with photos of his parents.

    "Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets"

    In the second year of study at Hogwarts, it turns out that the school has a Chamber of Secrets, where, according to legend, a terrible basilisk snake was closed by the school’s founder, Salazar Slytherin. Slytherin was considered a fighter against the training of novice half-breed wizards at school, who would have to be destroyed by the monster released from the room.

    Since the beginning of the school year, strange things began to happen at Hogwarts: the inhabitants of the school became numb, and signs began to appear near them that the Chamber of Secrets was open.

    Book "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"

    The school of magic is preparing for the Triwizard Tournament, where the three best wizards from different educational institutions will compete. Students over 17 years of age are allowed to participate in the tournament, but the Goblet of Fire inexplicably points to Harry. As it turned out at the end of the story, Alastor Moody had a hand in this.

    Book "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

    The young man easily steals the egg from the dragon and saves Ron Weasley underwater. The third test is to go through a labyrinth full of traps and take the Goblet of Fire. Potter gets to the “grand prize” together with the school champion Cedric Diggory (actor). Having touched the cup, the boys find themselves in the cemetery, where Voldemort appears. But the evil magician again fails to kill Potter.

    "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

    Potter was almost expelled from Hogwarts for using magic outside the school walls. On a walk, Harry met his cousin Dudley, suddenly the boys were attacked by dementors. A timely summoned patronus saved the day. Thanks to the protection of school principal Albrus Dumbledore, the young man was acquitted.

    Book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

    The young wizard, restored to his rights, enters the secret society “Dumbledore’s Troop” created by Hermione at school, where young wizards independently learn protective spells. And at the same time he learns occlumency to protect his consciousness. The fact is that a hidden mental connection is discovered between Voldemort and Harry. The secret society is betrayed by one of the students, and as a result, Dumbledore has to flee.

    One day, Harry sees in a dream how the Dark Magician is torturing his godfather Sirius in the Ministry of Magic, and hurries to the rescue. However, Sirius is not found, but a curious object awaits the young man - a ball with a Prophecy, on which his name and the Dark Lord are emblazoned. The dream turned out to be a trap.

    In the battle, where members of the Order of the Phoenix participated, Sirius Black dies, and Harry breaks the ball with the Prophecy. Voldemort's luck ran out again - Dumbledore stopped his attempt to kill Potter. He also spoke about the prophecy - the war will continue as long as Harry and the evil magician are alive, one must die.

    "Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince"

    The main events of the book are Harry learning about the existence of Horcruxes and the death of Dumbledore at the hands of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Severus Snape (actor).

    Thanks to the old textbook "Advanced Potions Course", signed by a certain Half-Blood Prince, Potter becomes the best student in this subject. The owner of the book turned out to be Snape.

    Book "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"

    Harry, along with Dumbledore, rushed to search for the Horcruxes, however, both almost died. One of the horcruxes - Slytherin's medallion - was found, but turned out to be false.

    After Dumbledore's death, Harry plans to devote time to searching for the rest of the Horcruxes in the next school year instead of school.

    "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

    The last book of the Potter series, in which the main character is looking for Horcruxes. And he finds it, but it turns out that a piece of his soul is kept inside himself. The young man decides to sacrifice himself by going to Voldemort. The dark magician struck Harry with the Avada Kedavra spell, but he managed to avoid death a second time. The final duel with the evil wizard ends in victory for the protagonist.

    Book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

    The end of the book takes the reader 19 years into the future. Ron is married to Hermione, and Harry is married to his best friend's sister, with whom the couple are raising three children. Potter is no longer bothered by the scar on his forehead.

    Rowling didn't stop there. At the request of the British society Comic Relief UK, from the pen of a woman came “copies” of books stored in the Hogwarts library: “Quidditch from Antiquity to the Present Day,” which tells about the rules of the sports game Quidditch, a collection of wizard folklore “The Tales of Beedle the Bard” and “” .

    “Potteriana” took the world by storm, spawning a whole series of fan fiction, memes and comics. Perhaps the most interesting comic book version of the saga belongs to the American illustrator Lucy Nisley - one poster gives a complete picture of every part of the beloved fairy tale.

    Films and actors

    The rights to film the first four books about the adventures of the little wizard were bought from the author in 1999. The fee was £1 million, but Rowling also received a portion of the proceeds from the distribution of each film. Stephen Kloves took on the task of creating the script, and first applied for the director's position. However, later they replayed it, and Chris Columbus took the helm of the director’s version of the magical saga.

    The writer, while still on the shore, discussed an interesting detail with the filmmakers: she gives consent to film adaptations of the books if all the actors are English. They say that the main role, at the director’s insistence, was intended for the young American film actor Liam Aiken, but Joan decisively rejected the candidacy.

    In the fall of 2000, the press was introduced to the British children who got the leading roles: (Harry), (Ron Weasley) and (Hermione Granger).

    And yet, foreign actors were included in the film: for example, Zoe Wanamaker, an Irishman by birth and a US citizen, and the goblin who led Harry to the vault was played by the American Verne Troyer.

    The role of one of the key characters, Hogwarts director Albus Dumbledore, was played by Richard Harris. But in 2002, the actor died and received the reins of the school of wizards.

    The filming used many large locations in London and other cities. Even the cathedrals in Gloucester and Durham were illuminated in the footage, for which local residents accused the authors of the film of sacrilege. All parts of the “Potter” series were also filmed at the WarnerBros studio pavilion, which later turned into a museum for the hero of fantasy lovers.

    The trailer for the first Harry Potter film was released a year after filming began. The film, like the books, created a sensation, and years later the full film adaptation of the saga was recognized as one of the highest-grossing films in the history of cinema.

    Movies in order:

    • 2001 – “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”
    • 2002 – “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”
    • 2004 – “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”
    • 2005 – “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”
    • 2007 – “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”
    • 2009 – “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”
    • 2010 – “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part I"
    • 2011 – “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part II"

    After Chris Columbus, who directed the first two films, the Harry Potter adventures were directed by Alfonso Cuaron and Mike Newell, and the last four parts were directed by David Yates.

    Five years after the release of the last film, the viewer was presented with another film, “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.” And to further delight Potter fans, WarnerBros organized the Harry Potter: Film Concert Series world tour - the films were broadcast accompanied by a symphony orchestra.


    Throughout all the books, the boy grows and changes, both in appearance and in character. When we first meet, Harry is 11 years old. He is a puny teenager with “knobby knees” and is not tall enough for his age. Handsome, very similar to his father with delicate facial features and dark tousled hair, only his bright green eyes were inherited from his mother.

    Potter's special feature is a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, which appeared in infancy as a trace of the Avada Kedavra death spell. Rowling explained that she wanted to physically mark the character's chosenness and curse at the same time.

    The boy wears round glasses taped shut and wears his cousin's cast-offs. Clothes don't fit - they hang like a bag on Harry. However, already at Hogwarts it acquires a neat appearance thanks to the uniform uniform for students of its faculty, which consists of a white shirt, gray trousers, a jumper and a black robe with red cuffs.

    Harry Potter is a downtrodden child, timid and modest, unquestioningly doing housework. At the school of wizards, noble traits begin to appear: the boy is always ready to help, is not afraid of danger, is brave and loyal to friendship. He is reputed to be a man who knows how to get into trouble; his father James had the same trait. Harry is alien to selfishness and ambition.

    With age, Potter loses his timidity and does not hesitate to express emotions - the young man’s character becomes hot-tempered, he knows how to stand up for himself and his loved ones.

    Family and friends

    Harry is a descendant of the Peverell dynasty of wizards, whose roots go back centuries. However, everyone who has magic belongs to this family. The boy was born to the wizards at the end of July 1980. After the death of his parents, the baby ended up in the house of his maternal aunt Petunia Dursley, where he lived for ten years.

    The aunt and her husband Vernon did not love their nephew, but they adored their own son, Dudley. Harry also did not have a good relationship with his cousin - the fat, unpleasant boy constantly bullied the main character and fought.

    While still on his way to Hogwarts, Potter found two true friends with whom he would go hand in hand throughout his life. Ron Weasley, a representative of an ancient family of wizards, immediately captivated Harry's lonely soul with his openness and honesty. On the train, the boys also met Hermione Granger, a Muggle-born girl (Muggles are ordinary people), surprising with her brilliant mind and ability to conjure. By the way, according to Rowling, the girl is endowed with her character.

    Harry married a girl with copper hair and a pretty face (an actress), the sister of Ron's friend, a Hogwarts student who was a year younger. This is the long-awaited girl in the Weasley family of wizards - for several generations only boys were born. The couple still has three children, although Potter was predicted to be the father of many children, raising 12 offspring.

    The eldest son was named after Harry's father and godfather; the child has the double name James Sirius. The directors of the wizard school - Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape - gave the double name to their second son. The Potter family also welcomed a daughter, Lily Luna. In fact, the couple have four children - the godson of the main character of the saga, Teddy Lupin, whose parents died, lives with them.

    • Harry Potter's namesake lives in Florida. The man has been retired for a long time, little fans of the saga about the wizard are sure that this is their aged idol. The American old man often has to communicate with children on the phone. And not only with children - local newspapers call for interviews.
    • Tourists who are Potter fans have taken a liking to the town in Israel. Near Ramla there is a burial place of a soldier named Harry Potter who died in 1939. Why this particular grave was chosen for the pilgrimage is unclear, since the burials of the book boy’s namesake were also found in Egypt, Libya and Belgium.

    • The author of books about wizards holds the record for the amount of money earned from sales of publications. Rowling managed to receive a billion dollars for her work for the first time in the history of literature.
    • Of all the characters, fans of the book single out Potter, of course, but the writer prefers the Phoenix bird.
    • During the filming of the fairy-tale epic, Daniel Radcliffe managed to wear off 160 pairs of glasses, and make-up artists applied lightning to his forehead 5,800 times.

    • The film's first filming locations include the Great Hall. This grandiose space can easily accommodate 20 double-decker buses. Another interesting fact is that when preparing the hall, the builders used 100 tons of plaster, and the floor is decorated with natural York stone, an expensive luxury, but durable, able to withstand the filming of the entire epic.
    • Together with the people on the set, 250 animals worked as actors, from a tiny centipede to a huge hippopotamus.

    • In the long-shot scenes (the giant Hagrid) he was doubled by Martin Bayfield, whose height is 208 cm.
    • The Wizarding World of Harry Potter amusement parks have been built in the cities of Orlando and Osaka, where the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey attractions opened in 2010. The 20-minute ride introduces visitors to scenes from the Potter series - guests watch a Quidditch game, fly over the Black Lake, wander through the Forbidden Forest and even see a flying dragon.
    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (in the American version, Harry Potter and the Sage's Stone) is the first book in the Harry Potter series - written by J. K. Rowling, who created this character of this hero - Harry Potter, a young magician. The book was published on July 30, 1997, by Bloomsbury Publishing House in London. A full-length film with the same name was made based on this book. This is the most popular book of all the Potter books; at the moment, more than 107 million copies of this book have been sold in the world. And in August 2007, the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was in 9th place on the list of best-selling books.

    The plot of the book - a brief retelling

    The book begins with the beginning of a holiday in the magical world - the death of Lord Voldemort, a powerful dark wizard. After killing Lily and James Potter, Voldemort tried to kill baby Harry Potter, who was only a year old, but the curse ricocheted and instead of killing the boy, it killed Voldemort, and Harry was left with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. Professors Dumbledore and McGonnal and Keykeeper Rubeus Hargrid leave Harry on the doorstep of his aunt and uncle's house. His aunt is the sister of Harry Potter's mother. The entire Dursley family hates Harry and everything related to magic. Their son, Dudley, tortures Harry. In addition, they hide his origin from Potter - they do not tell him that he is a magician. They lie to him that his parents died in a car accident. For all 10 years he has lived in a closet under the steps, not knowing the truth.

    On his 11th birthday, Harry receives a letter addressed to him. But his relatives take the letter from him without allowing him to open it. But the letters keep coming. So the Dursleys decide to flee, taking Harry Potter with them. They get to a hut that stands on a deserted island. At midnight, when Harry turns 11, a giant, Hagrid, breaks into their hut and personally delivers a letter to Harry Potter, which states that Harry Potter has been enrolled in the Hogwartz School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At school, Potter makes new friends - Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom and becomes a bloodhound for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

    Stay at Hogwarts

    At Hogwarts, Harry learns about the world of wizards.

    He makes new friends and enemies - Draco Malfloy and his comrades.

    Dumbledore tells Harry that he destroyed the stone so that Voldemort would not try to take it. Dumbledore tells Potter why Squirrell could not kill him - it turns out that Harry is protected by ancient magic - the magic of Love, the spell of which his mother cast on him.

    Harry asks Dumbledore why Voldemort wants to kill him. But Dumbledore replies that he cannot tell the truth until he is older.

    Leaving for the holidays, home to the Dursleys, Harry receives a gift from Hagrid on the platform - a photo album with photographs of his parents.