Forms of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist. Application of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

Natalia Obukhova
The use of modern ICT tools in the work of a preschool educational psychologist

A world in which it develops modern child, is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. Continuous growth of psychological problems in preschool education, increasing requirements for the quality and quantity of work performed work as an educational psychologist from the certification commission, administration, parents, teachers, leads to the need to improve the psychological service system.

Currently, information and communication technologies are widely used in teacher's work-psychologist in various directions.

1. Methodological Job.

Working in Microsoft Office(Excel, Word, PowerPoint). Preparation of reporting and current documentation, creation of a database based on diagnostic results, drawing up schedules. Creating your own presentations and photo albums.

2. Preventive, correctional and developmental work with children.

When implementing preventive and correctional-developmental work With the use of ICT, it is possible to include a variety of computer games in the lesson aimed at developing memory, attention, and thinking ( “What does it look like?”, "Find the odd one out", "Remember and name", "Games for tigers", games – coloring books, etc.). Also, it is necessary use audio equipment for relaxation( "Voices of Birds and Animals" and etc.). The Paint application can be used as an art therapy technique, using along with musical accompaniment.

Therefore, information and communication technologies are effective technical means, with the help of which you can significantly enrich the correctional and developmental process, stimulate individual activity and the development of children’s cognitive processes, broaden the child’s horizons, and educate a creative personality adapted to life in modern society.

Most part of time teacher- it takes away the psychologist from conducting research. Not so much their conduct as analysis and processing of results, since it is often necessary to examine not one specific child, but a whole group of children. In this situation, ICT comes to the rescue of the psychologist. Usage computer disks with a set of tests facilitates diagnostics and frees up a huge amount of time spent on data processing, which can be distributed to other areas of activity, For example: observation of children in play activities.

Carrying out computer psychodiagnostics has the following obvious advantages:

the first, and most important, is the huge interest of children in everything related to computers;

second - wide multimedia capabilities (good graphics, high-quality sound, three-dimensional image, dynamics) allow better modeling of living reality, which leads to a more complete perception of information;

third - the opportunity to take into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of each child (for example, individual pace of activity, interests, etc.);

fourth - interactivity of computer programs, etc.

When conducting group diagnostics using ICT, the psychologist can print out the necessary stimulus material and test forms. Computer treatment testing results allows you to create databases based on diagnostic results and conduct comparative analysis.

3. Working with colleagues

It is impossible to overestimate the resources provided by ICT for professional self-development psychologist: the ability to find electronic textbooks on the Internet, articles on the necessary topics, familiarity with the news of psychological research, training in distance learning courses.

Creating your own blog, website, participating in work professional network communities, chats, on-line conferences, binaries. Usage Internet information resources.

Exchange information with colleagues via email;

4. Working as parents BEFORE

Parents are happy to attend meetings and perceive information in the form of presentations, slide films, which reflect different types of children’s activities. Stands in the office of any specialist, as well as in a children's group, require constant updating, and this is always a search for new ideas on the Internet.

On the kindergarten website, parents can ask questions about problems in the development, education and upbringing of children. There is also a page on the preschool website teacher-psychologist, where information for parents: consultations, reminders.

Thus, teacher use-psychologist of information and communication technologies in preschool education, is a factor in preserving the mental health of children due to the possibility of solving the following tasks:

development of psychophysiological functions that ensure readiness for learning (fine motor skills, optical-spatial orientation, hand-eye coordination);

enrichment of horizons;

assistance in mastering a social role;

formation of educational motivation, development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, arbitrariness);

organization favorable for the development of subject and social environment.

So, full implementation teacher- professional activity of a psychologist today is impossible without use of ICT. Mobility, timeliness and efficiency depend on this work psychologist in the model of interaction of all subjects of the educational space.

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at work

educational psychologist

Completed by: educational psychologist

MBOU "Komsomolskaya Secondary School"

Yalovaya Yu. V.

ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

In modern life, there is nowhere without ICT. The Internet penetrates into all areas of teaching work. Today, from the Internet you can find out the most downloadable materials for work (presentations, videos, music, literature) and much more; take part in online competitions and webinars. Teachers can share their experiences with their colleagues online. And, of course, in this situation, psychologists of the educational system could not stand aside. Educational psychologists are increasingly using information and communication technologies in their work: computer programs for diagnostics and correction, actively participating in online professional communities, using an electronic library, etc. Sometimes, due to the abundance of information on the Internet, it is difficult for a teacher to navigate, to decide what is more important, what is necessary. And, naturally, the question arises of systematizing the necessary resources.

Psychology of a happy life

The 21st century is called the information age. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly being introduced into various spheres of life and are becoming an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. The use of ICT opens up wide opportunities in the practical activities of a teacher-psychologist, and organically complements traditional forms of work, expanding the possibilities of interaction with children.



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The use of information and communication technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution Prepared by: teacher-psychologist Zubareva E.I.

The 21st century is called the information age. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly being introduced into various spheres of life and are becoming an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. The use of ICT opens up wide opportunities in the practical activities of a teacher-psychologist, and organically complements traditional forms of work, expanding the possibilities of interaction with children.

The use of ICT is carried out in various directions: 1. Diagnostic work. 2. Methodological work. 3. Preventive, correctional and developmental work with children. 4. Educational and preventive work with teachers and parents. 5. Work with colleagues (teacher-psychologists of preschool educational institutions, schools).

PSYCHODAGNOSTIC WORK. The ability to find and print methods, stimulus material, and assignment forms on the Internet. Creating multimedia presentations in the POWER POINT program.

METHODOLOGICAL WORK. Work in MICROSOFT OFFICE (EXCEL, WORD, POWERPOINT). Preparation of reporting and current documentation, creation of a database based on diagnostic results, drawing up graphs and diagrams. Creating your own presentations and photo albums.

PREVENTIVE, CORRECTIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL WORK WITH CHILDREN. When implementing preventive and correctional developmental work using ICT, it is possible to include in the lesson a variety of computer games aimed at developing memory, attention, and thinking (“What does it look like?”, “Find the odd one out,” “Memorize and name,” “Games for Tigers”, games – coloring books, etc.), use a touch board. Also, it is necessary to use audio equipment - DVDs, CDs and audio cassettes (“Merry ABC” by Marshak, “Lessons of Aunt Owl”, “Voices of Birds and Animals”, etc.). The “paint” application can be used as an art therapeutic technique, used together with music.

EDUCATIONAL AND PREVENTIVE WORK WITH TEACHERS AND PARENTS OF PRE-RECEIVERS. Creation of memos, booklets, photo galleries, etc. Documents containing materials on the problems of development, education and upbringing of children, with their subsequent placement in kindergarten and on the institution’s website. Consulting parents and teachers using the Internet. Creating presentations in preparation for joint events with teachers and parents.

WORKING WITH COLLEAGUES (TEACHERS-PSYCHOLOGISTS OF PRESIDENTIALIZATIONS, SCHOOLS). Creating your own blog, website, participating in professional online communities, chats, on-line conferences. Use of Internet information resources (www.Doshkolnik.Ru, www.Maaam.Ru, www..Dohcolonoc.Ru and others). Exchange information with colleagues via email.

Thus, the use of information and communication technologies by a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution is a factor in preserving the mental health of children due to the possibility of solving the following tasks: - development of psychophysiological functions that ensure readiness for learning (fine motor skills, optical-spatial orientation, hand-eye coordination) ; - enrichment of horizons; - assistance in mastering a social role; - formation of educational motivation; - development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, arbitrariness); - organization of a subject and social environment favorable for the development.

The use of computer tasks does not replace the usual correctional methods and technologies of work, but is an additional, rational and convenient source of information, clarity, creates a positive emotional mood, motivates both the child and his mentor; thereby speeding up the process of achieving positive results at work.


Parakhina Elena Vladimirovna

Teacher-psychologist, MBDOU No. 215

The use of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

Communication with children, observations and reflections on the educational processes lead to the understanding that the use of a computer in a preschool institution is necessary.

Researchers note: the earlier a child’s acquaintance with a computer begins, the freer he will feel in the world of computing. Of course, a computer is nothing more than a tool in the hands of a kindergarten teacher.

Competent use of a computer in a preschool institution puts the child in a completely new, qualitatively different developmental situation. By interacting with a computer and discovering its capabilities, a child in kindergarten masters new forms of communication and expands the boundaries of the knowable world.

Activation of thinking, the desire for new knowledge inevitably lead to the formation of such valuable personal qualities as independence, curiosity, activity, initiative and at the same time perseverance, attentiveness, and concentration.

Computer games are a completely new activity for preschoolers. Their specificity lies in the fact that the child must independently find ways to solve a task. But computer games are not isolated from the pedagogical process. They are offered in combination with traditional games and learning, enriching the pedagogical process with new possibilities.

We were faced with the following tasks: - to test the mechanisms of using ICT in classes on cognitive development for older preschoolers; including finding out the possibility of using developmental tasks and didactic games in classes and using computer technologies in the absence of individual computers for each child.

To experimentally test the effectiveness of using computer games in the cognitive development of older preschoolers: to find out how the use of ICT affects the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers, the formation of knowledge and ideas, and the level of development of the child.

The use of new forms of work using ICT makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of a teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution.

Using a computer as a means of educating and developing a child’s creative abilities, shaping his personality, and enriching the intellectual sphere of a preschooler allows him to expand the capabilities of a teacher-psychologist and creates the basis for introducing children to computer educational programs. Existing programs provide enormous opportunities for developing children's thinking. One of the promising means of teaching older preschoolers visual-spatial perception, hand-eye coordination, the ability to classify and generalize, design, and conduct simple analysis is the use of information and communication technologies.

Work in this area took place in several stages:

I. Organizational and preparatory stage.

II. Main stage.

III. The final stage.

The teacher-psychologist’s classes were conducted according to the author’s program “formation of the cognitive development of children aged 6-7 years” and computer games were selected and structured with reference to thematic planning according to the above-mentioned program.

The problem of using gaming technologies in the educational process in pedagogical theory and practice is not new. L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. were engaged in the development of the theory of the game, its methodological foundations, clarification of its social nature, and its significance for the development of the student in Russian pedagogy. Leontyev, D.B. Elkonin et al. In the context of rapidly developing technological progress, the use of computer gaming technologies is more than relevant. Domestic and foreign studies on the use of computers in kindergartens convincingly prove not only the possibility and expediency of this, but also the special role of the computer in the development of intelligence and the child’s personality in general (S. Novoselova, G. Petku, I. Pashelite, S. Peipert, B Hunter and others).

The introduction of new information technologies into the educational process, along with other means, is intended to help enrich children’s ideas about the world around them, expand experience, and increase motivation for knowledge.

At the stage of development from 3-6 years, which is characterized by intensive development of thinking, the computer acts as a special intellectual tool for solving problems of various types of activities. Thinking, in accordance with what was put forward by A.V. Zaporozhets concept of amplification (enrichment) is the intellectual basis for the development of activity, and the process of mastering generalized methods of solving the problems of activity leads to its implementation at an increasingly higher level. And the higher the intellectual level of activity, the more fully all aspects of the personality are enriched in it.

As part of the international early learning program IBM KidSmart, our kindergarten received a Kidsmart educational computer. The Kidsmart Early Learning Program is designed to educate preschool-aged children through the use of information and communication technologies and the creation of a stimulating learning environment that promotes children's social and cognitive development. Thanks to the IBM KidSmart early learning program system, teaching goal setting, planning, monitoring and evaluating the results of a child’s independent activities becomes effective through a combination of play and non-play moments. The child completes the task that is offered to him in the form of game situations, learns the rules of the game, and strives to achieve results. Thus, the IBM KidSmart early learning program helps develop not only the child’s intellectual abilities, but also cultivates strong-willed qualities such as independence, composure, concentration, and perseverance.

The KidSmart curriculum introduces children to the concepts of space and time, helps develop creativity, teaches them to think logically, helps develop mental operations of exclusion and generalization, and much more, creating a solid foundation for children's further cognitive interest.

Relying on personal experience and the experience of my colleagues on the use of computer technologies in the cognitive development of preschool children in the classes of a teacher psychologist, I will highlight the main advantages:

Firstly, the influence of a new type of activity on the development of self-esteem and self-confidence of both children and their parents, as well as the improvement of collective forms of activity and interaction between children;

Secondly, well-chosen computer exercises contribute to the approximate exploratory nature of learning, encourage discussion of choices and decision-making, and develop children’s speech ability;

Thirdly, the child’s cognitive process becomes more visual, interesting, and modern;

Fourthly, selected games contribute to the development of perception, memory, imagination and other important mental properties of the child’s personality.

To identify the results of using this method of introducing ICT elements into classes on cognitive development, children were diagnosed during the school year (in September - initial diagnostics, in May - final). Also, to determine the effectiveness of the application, classes were conducted in preparatory group A (experimental), and preparatory group B was the control. Diagnostic tools were selected taking into account the development of cognitive processes for the formation of which computer games were selected and used.

The results of the incoming diagnostics were as follows:

Experimental group: low level -26%, medium -67%, high -7%

Control group: low -17%, medium -75%, high -8%

Final diagnostic results:

Experimental group: low level - 2%, medium - 47%, high - 51%

Control group: low - 8%, medium - 75%, high - 17%

Having carried out a comparative analysis of the results of the initial and final diagnostics, we can draw the following conclusions that the proposed methodology for using a computer game as an element of inclusion in the main lesson on cognitive development:

    aimed at increasing cognitive activity

    develops creative thinking in the child and allows children to be introduced to important phenomena and concepts in an entertaining way.

    increases the child’s confidence in his own capabilities, develops independence, and encourages research activities.

    Developmental and educational games arouse children's interest and desire to achieve their goals, help them better master knowledge in various types of activities, and develop positive emotional reactions in children.

    identifies gaps in certain activities.

    ensures that children achieve a certain level of intellectual development necessary for further educational activities.

As a result of the use of computer technologies in the cognitive development of older preschoolers, the following positive results were achieved:

Firstly, expanding opportunities for the use of information and communication technologies in early learning in preschool educational institutions.

Secondly, increasing the level of readiness of pupils of preschool educational institutions to use information and communication technologies in the process of educational and leisure activities.

Thirdly, increasing the level of cognitive development of children of senior preschool age, increasing the level of development of children’s logical thinking.

Fourthly, the formation of the ability to establish elementary cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, various relationships between them.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn: the use of information and communication technologies in a preschool institution is an enriching and transformative factor in the developmental subject environment. The computer can be used in working with children of senior preschool age, subject to unconditional compliance with physiological, hygienic, ergonomic and psychological and pedagogical restrictions. and permissive norms and recommendations., it is necessary to introduce modern information technologies into the kindergarten didactics system, i.e. strive for an organic combination of traditional and computer means of developing the child’s personality.

The use of computer technology and the creation of a stimulating learning environment helps children develop cognitive and imaginative ideas, creative abilities and much more, helping to form a solid foundation for further development of the school course.

The child develops: perception, hand-eye coordination, imaginative thinking; cognitive motivation, voluntary memory and attention; arbitrariness, the ability to build an action plan, accept and complete a task.


      Gabdullina Z.M. Development of computer skills in children 4-7 years old. Lesson planning, recommendations, didactic material. Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. P. 139 p.

      Preschooler and computer: medical and hygienic recommendations / under. ed. L. A. Leonova, A. A. Biryukovich and others. – M.: Voronezh: NPO “MODEK”. 2004.

      Karalashvili: E. “Exercises for the health of children 6-7 years old.” //Preschool education. 2002 No. 6

      Krivich E.Ya. Computer for preschool children. M.: EKSMO. 2006.

      Leonova, L. A. How to prepare a child to communicate with a computer / L. A. Leonova, L. V. Markova. – M.: Center “Ventana_Graf”. 2004.

      Novoselova, S.L. Computers in the preparatory school group / S.L. Novoselova, L. Gabdulislamova, M. Karimov //Preschool education. – 1989. No. 10.

      Novoselova, S. L. New information technology in working with preschoolers. Is it acceptable? / S. L. Novoselova, G. P. Petku, I. Yu. Pashelite // Preschool education. 1989. No. 9.

      Federal State Educational Standard.

In order to successfully develop students’ cognitive processes in educational activities, it is necessary to develop modern teaching tools and methods. And the use of ICT with its enormous universal capabilities is one of such means.

Article : « The role of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist»

Prepared by Sidoruk N.E.

The use of computer ICT in the educational process is one of the most important and sustainable trends in the development of the global educational process.

Interactive forms of learning at school presuppose the presence of modern means of organizing the process, which make it possible to preserve and refine diagnostic, educational, and methodological material, encouraging new innovative methods of work.

The use of ICT has undeniable advantages. Providing knowledge in the form of a presentation makes it easier to study a topic, students feel more confident and relaxed. The presentation gives any teacher the opportunity to show creativity, individuality, and avoid a formal approach to conducting classes. A skillful teacher can turn a presentation into a fun way to engage students in educational activities. Moreover, the presentation can become a kind of lesson plan, its logical structure, i.e. can be used at any stage of the lesson or at any type of lesson, be it: learning new material or consolidation, knowledge control or homework, etc.

Presentations during classes and extracurricular activities present information in various forms and thereby make the learning process more effective.

Educational Information Technology- this is the process of preparing and transmitting information to the learner, the means of implementation of which is computer technology and software.

In order to successfully develop cognitive processes in educational activities, it is necessary to look for more modern means and methods of teaching. The use of a computer with its enormous universal capabilities will be one of these tools.

Personal Computer - a universal teaching tool that can be successfully used in a variety of educational and extracurricular activities in terms of content and organization.
The most accessible tool for creating your own computer educational products is the PowerPoint program - the presentation creation wizard.

The presentation provides an opportunity to:

  • information support;
  • illustrating;
  • using a variety of exercises;
  • saving time and material resources;
  • building a lesson outline;
  • expanding the educational space of the lesson.

Thanks to the use of presentations, schoolchildren experience:

  • concentration of attention;
  • inclusion of all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor, associative;
  • faster and deeper perception of the presented material;
  • increasing interest in studying the subject;
  • increased motivation to study.

The main advantages of using educational presentations in the educational process are interactivity and increased efficiency of perception. The use of color, graphics and animation, sound, and modern video technology makes it possible to simulate differences in situations and environments, while developing the creative and cognitive abilities of students.

Presentations help turn the lesson into an interactive activity. Interactive learning is a special form of organizing the cognitive activity of students, which allows interaction between teacher and student, student and computer, which has very specific and predictable goals. One of these goals is to create comfortable learning conditions, such that the student feels successful, intellectually competent, which makes the learning process itself productive. It is up to the teacher to organize the educational process with the help of presentations in such a way that almost all students are involved in the learning process.

My personal experience of using computer slide presentations in the practice process emphasized the undoubted advantages of this type of training:

  • integration of hypertext (use of hyperlinks) and multimedia (combination of audio, video and animation effects) into a single presentation allows you to make the presentation of the material systematic, vivid and convincing;
  • the combination of oral lecture material with the demonstration of a slide film makes it possible to concentrate the visual attention of primary school students on particularly significant (important) points of the educational material.

The forms and place of use of a multimedia presentation (or even a separate slide) in my classes depend on the content and type of event, the goal that I set for myself. My experience with ICT allows me to highlight some common, most effective techniques for using such aids. When using multimedia presentations in your work, the structure of the lesson does not fundamentally change; all the main stages are still preserved.

Classes using multimedia technologies help solve the following didactic tasks:

  • acquire basic knowledge of the subject;
  • systematize acquired knowledge;
  • develop self-control skills;
  • create motivation for learning in general
  • provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material.

for developing multimedia presentations

  1. Style

Maintain a consistent design style

Avoid styles that will distract from the presentation itself.

Auxiliary information (control buttons) should not prevail over the main information (text, illustrations).

  1. Use of color

Use contrasting colors for the background and text.

  1. Animation effects

Use computer animation to present information on a slide.

You should not overuse various animation effects; they should not distract attention from the content of the information on the slide.

Use short words and sentences.

Minimize the number of prepositions, adverbs, and adjectives.

Headlines should grab the audience's attention.

  1. Fonts

For headings - at least 24.

For information, at least 18.

You cannot mix different types of fonts in one presentation.

Use bold, italics, or underlining to highlight information.

You should not overuse capital letters (they are read worse than lowercase ones).

  1. Ways to highlight information

Should be used:

Frames, borders,

Hatching, filling,

Arrows, pictures, diagrams, diagrams to illustrate the most important facts.

7.Amount of information

Don't fill one slide with too much information.

P. S.

It all depends on the teacher -

a good lesson, presentation will decorate,

a bad lesson won't help anyway.