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Final graduation essay.

FIPI commentary: “This direction is based on a comparison of opposite manifestations of the human “I”: readiness for decisive actions and the desire to hide from danger, to avoid resolving difficult, sometimes extreme life situations. The pages of many literary works present both heroes capable of courageous actions and characters demonstrating weakness of spirit and lack of will.”

As part of this section, you should reflect on such concepts as willpower, fortitude, the ability to say no, courage in defending your ideals. It is also worth talking about cowardice as the inability to defend one’s ideals and principles.

Courage- a positive trait. It manifests itself as determination, will, fearlessness, courage when performing actions associated with risk and danger. Courage gives a person a sense of self-worth, a sense of responsibility, security, and reliability of life. Courage allows you to overcome the fear of the unknown, complex, new and achieve success in achieving your goal. It’s not for nothing that people say: “The city takes courage.”

Courage- this is the ability to tell the truth, to look “in the eyes.” Bravery and bravado have nothing to do with this. These concepts should not be confused and passed off as one another. Bravery is a deep, emotional experience that pushes a person to take actions worthy of respect and recognition, while bravado is just a desire to stand out, to show oneself in the eyes of others.

Unfortunately, people often misunderstand what true courage is and how courage differs from simple bravado, the desire to show off. Young people often confuse these concepts themselves, not realizing what true courage means. Each person's attitude towards this concept changes with age, at the same time as he grows, becoming wiser and more experienced.

True courage is supported by deep spiritual strength, experiences and even sacrifices, devotion to one’s country and a sense of duty to the people, a feeling of deep attachment to one’s work as an integral part of oneself.

As an example of real human courage, one can cite the Battle of Kursk - the key battle of 1943 and the entire Great Patriotic War. During combat operations, fifty grueling days, Soviet troops won a heroic victory that turned the historical course of the entire war.

In war, a person is able to display previously unknown character traits, often displays heroism and unprecedented fortitude, surprising those around him and himself. The concepts of “heroism”, “feat”, as well as “desertion” and betrayal are associated with courage and cowardice.” Even brave people, contrary to their expectations, can show cowardice and cowardice in war. War exposes all human fears.

Synonyms for the word “courage”: courage, determination, courage, heroism, enterprise, arrogance, self-confidence, energy, uplifting spirit, spirit, courage, desire, decisiveness, determination to speak the truth, the truth, audacity, fearlessness, fearlessness, fearlessness, fearlessness, fearlessness, daring, heroism, risk, desperation, audacity, innovation, prowess, valor, novelty, courage, masculinity.

The problem of cowardice worried Socrates. Cowardice is an expression of cowardice; of course, this is a negative quality. A person cannot commit actions consistent with the morality of society or refrain from any bad actions due to the inability and unwillingness to overcome the fear of danger, the action of natural or social forces.

This phenomenon is considered unworthy of attention. Cowardice can be a result of selfishness. A person may also be afraid of incurring harmful consequences, the anger of others, or the fear of losing his financial position or position in society. Cowardice can also be subconscious, a manifestation of spontaneous fear of unknown natural phenomena.

Cowardice is often associated with selfishness, powerlessness, a depressed state, and can be caused by a person’s alienation from the world. Fear develops into cowardice under certain conditions in accordance with a person’s upbringing; society plays an important role in this. It condemns cowardice, since it entails connivance with evil and injustice, dishonesty, opportunism, unprincipledness, and deprives a person of the ability to face the truth directly. These qualities need to be eradicated from your consciousness.

Cowardice is not just an individual property of the psyche, it is a social phenomenon. In our society, a coward and a traitor are equated. However, recently this concept has begun to blur, with its help it is very easy to manipulate the actions of people who cannot distinguish cowardice from a wise decision not to use force.

Synonyms for "cowardice": timidity, timidity, cowardice, suspiciousness, indecisiveness, hesitation, fear; apprehension, fear, shyness, cowardice, timidity, fearfulness, capitulation, cowardice, cowardice.


Courage and cowardice are abstract concepts and human properties.

Courage or cowardice when making decisions.

The courage to admit the truth or admit your mistakes.

Courage and cowardice when trying to go beyond the unusual.

The influence of courage and cowardice on the formation of a person. A contrast between two types of people - brave and cowardly.

Courage and risk.

True and false courage and cowardice.

The connection between cowardice and selfishness.

The difference between cowardice and the natural feeling of fear.

The connection between courage and philanthropy, philanthropy.

Courage and cowardice of mind, soul, character.

Courage and cowardice in war and in extreme conditions.

Courage and cowardice in love.

Courage and cowardice in everyday life.

Inability to show courage in a specific life situation.

Affirmative theses

Courage and cowardice are personality traits, two sides of the same coin.

Courage and cowardice are personality traits determined by reflexes.

Courage -* a manifestation of self-confidence.

The brave in battle have immortality, they do not die.

Heroes don't die. The bullet is afraid of the brave. Cheek brings success.

Each of us may face difficult choices.

We will either face the future with courage and overcome obstacles, or we will be cowards who only set everyone up.

In order to fully and comprehensively reveal the topics related to the direction “Courage and Cowardice”, you need to read the following works:

A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”

A. S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”, “Eugene Onegin”.

A. N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”.

M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time.”

L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace.”

N. M. Karamzin “Poor Liza”

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Wise Minnow.”

  1. P. Chekhov "Revenge".

M. A. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”, “Quiet Don”. M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

  1. A. Zakrutkin “Mother of Man.” B. S. Zhitkov “Courage”.

V.V. Bykov “And the dawns here are quiet...”, “Obelisk”, “Sotnikov”.

Yu. V. Bondarev “The Shore”.

B. N. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man.” A. A. Fadeev “Young Guard”. B. L. Vasiliev “Not on the lists.”

  1. T. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”. Yu. V. Drunin “Margin of safety”.

B. L. Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet...”.

  1. L. Kondratiev “Sashka”.

V. Hugo “Notre Dame Cathedral”.

K. M. Simonov “Wait for me...”, “Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region...”. E. Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea.”

Final essay on the topic: “What consequences can cowardice lead to?”

Fear... This concept is familiar to each of us. All people tend to be afraid; it is a natural feeling. However, sometimes fear develops into cowardice - mental weakness, inability to take decisive action. This quality can lead to negative consequences: both moral and physical suffering, even death.

The theme of cowardice is revealed in many works of art, for example in M.A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.” The author shows how the wandering philosopher Yeshua Ha-Nozri was brought to the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate. Pilate understood that the man standing before him was innocent, and would like to free him. Invested with the power to execute and pardon, the procurator could do this, but he sentenced the accused to death. Why did he do this? He was driven by fear, and he himself admitted it: “Do you believe, unfortunate one, that the Roman procurator will release the man who said what you said? Oh gods, gods! Or do you think I’m ready to take your place?” The procurator showed cowardice and condemned an innocent man to death. He could still fix everything at the last moment, because one of the criminals sentenced to execution could be released. However, the procurator did not do this either. What were the consequences of cowardice? The result was the execution of Yeshua and eternal torment of conscience for Pontius Pilate. We can come to the conclusion that cowardice can result in tragic consequences both for the person who showed this quality and for other people who become victims of his fear.

Another example in support of this idea can be the story “Sotnikov” by V. Bykov. It talks about two partisans who were captured. One of them, Rybak, shows cowardice - he is so afraid of death that he forgets about his duty as a defender of the Fatherland and thinks only about saving himself at any cost. Cowardice pushes him to do terrible things: he was ready to betray the location of the partisan detachment, agreed to serve in the police and even took part in the execution of his comrade, Sotnikov. The writer shows what consequences this led to: Sotnikov died at the hands of Rybak, and at some point he realized that he no longer had a way back after this act. He signed his own death sentence. It is obvious that cowardice resulted in physical death for a worthy person and moral death for a coward.

In conclusion, we can conclude: cowardice never leads to anything good; on the contrary, it has the most tragic consequences. No wonder through the mouth of his hero Bulgakov said: “Cowardice is undoubtedly one of the most terrible vices.”

Final essay on the topic: “Is it possible to overcome cowardice in yourself? Is it possible to learn courage?”

Each of us is familiar with the feeling of fear. And sometimes it becomes an obstacle on our path in life, developing into cowardice, mental weakness, paralyzing the will and preventing us from living peacefully. Is it possible to overcome this negative quality in yourself and learn courage? In my opinion, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to take the first step. Moreover, this is possible not only for an adult, but also for a child. To support my idea, I will give several examples.

Thus, in V.P. Aksenov’s story “Breakfasts in 1943,” the author shows a little boy who was terrorized by older and stronger classmates. They took away from him, and from the entire class, the buns that were given at school, however, not only buns, but also any things they liked. For a long time, the hero meekly and resignedly parted with his things. He lacked the courage to confront his offenders. However, in the end, the hero found the strength to overcome cowardice and fight back against the bullies. And despite the fact that they were physically stronger and, of course, beat him, he was determined not to give up and to continue to defend his breakfasts and, most importantly, his dignity: “Come what may. Let them beat me, I will do it every day.” We can come to the conclusion that a person is able to overcome cowardice in himself and fight what inspires him with fear.

Another example would be Y. Kazakov’s story “Quiet Morning.” Two young heroes went fishing. Suddenly a disaster happened: one of them fell into the river and began to drown. His friend Yashka got scared and, leaving his friend, ran away. He showed cowardice. However, a few moments later he came to his senses, realizing that no one could help Volodya except himself. And then Yashka returned and, overcoming his fear, dived into the water. He managed to save Volodya. We see that even in such an extreme situation a person can overcome cowardice and commit a courageous act.

To summarize what has been said, I would like to urge all people to fight their fears and not allow cowardice to get the better of us. After all, truly brave people are not those who are not afraid of anything, but those who overcome their weakness.

Final essay on the topic: “What action can be called courageous?”

A brave act... This can be called a variety of actions of people, be it a parachute jump or climbing Everest. Courage always involves risk and danger. However, in my opinion, the motive of the action is very important: whether a person does something for the sake of his own self-affirmation or for the sake of helping others. From my point of view, a truly courageous act is one committed at the risk of one’s life for the benefit of other people. I will illustrate what has been said with examples.

Thus, V. Bogomolov’s story “The Flight of the Swallow” describes the feat of brave rivermen who transported ammunition from one bank of the Volga to the other under enemy fire. When a mine hit the barge and a fire started, they could not help but understand that the boxes with shells could explode at any second. However, despite the mortal danger, they did not rush to save their lives, but began to put out the fire. The ammunition was delivered ashore. The author shows the courage of people who, without thinking about themselves, risked their lives to fulfill their duty. They did it for their homeland, for victory, and therefore for everyone. That is why their action can be called courageous.

We find another example in A. Likhanov’s story “Clean Pebbles.” It tells about a boy Mikhaska, who was very afraid of a local hooligan nicknamed Savvatey. One day Mikhaska found the strength to fight back the offender and, moreover, stood up for his friend. He was given a condition: he must pass between two angry dogs, and then his friend will be released. Mikhaska decided to do this, although he understood that it was dangerous - the dogs could tear him apart. But it was important for him to help his friend. His act can be called courageous, since it was dictated not just by the boy’s love of risk and the desire to show off in front of his peers, but precisely by the desire to help a friend.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion: the courage of an action is determined by the ability to take risks for a good purpose.

An example of a final essay on the topic “Courage and cowardice as an indicator of inner strength” with examples from literature.

“Courage and cowardice as an indicator of a person’s inner strength”


Courage and cowardice originate deep within a person in childhood. Awareness of one's own spiritual power is the result of the upbringing and living conditions of a growing person. It is these two concepts that are responsible for how strong a person becomes, how prepared he will be for the life ahead.


The problem of courage and cowardice, which are indicators of a person’s inner spiritual strength and the strength of his character, is especially relevant in our time.

Thesis No. 1

Today, like several centuries ago, there are people who find the courage to confront environmental conditions. The cowardice of others does not allow them to change anything in life; they are so numb with fear of reality that they are ready to easily give up what they have.


So in the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm" we see two types of people in the example of Tikhon Kabanov and his wife Katerina. Tikhon is weak, he is cowardly, unable to fight the despotism of his mother. He cannot change anything in his life, although he is completely dissatisfied with it. Katerina finds the strength and courage to resist the current circumstances, even at the cost of her own life. At least, the reader feels much more respect for Katerina than for her husband.


We must be strong so that in moments when it is necessary, we can withstand the blow of life or make vital decisions. Our inner courage will allow us to overcome any difficulties. You cannot allow cowardice to take precedence over your desires and aspirations.

Thesis No. 2

Attempts to overcome oneself, fighting one's own cowardice or cultivating courage within, can lead a person to complete collapse. Be that as it may, it is very important to live in harmony with yourself.


In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, tried to endow himself with qualities that were not inherent to him. He substituted concepts and considered cowardice what was actually the strength of his character. In trying to change himself, he destroyed the lives of many people, including his own.


You need to accept yourself as you are. If something really dissatisfies you, for example, you lack courage of character, then you need to fight spiritual cowardice gradually, preferably with the support of loved ones.

Thesis No. 3

Spiritual courage invariably gives rise to courage in action. Emotional cowardice foretells cowardice in action.


In the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" we meet two heroes close in age and upbringing - Pyotr Grinev and Shvabrin. Only Grinev is the embodiment of courage and spiritual strength, which allowed him to overcome all life’s trials with dignity. And Shvabrin is a coward and a scoundrel, ready to sacrifice everyone around him for his own well-being.


A person who behaves with dignity, nobility and steadfastness undoubtedly has courage, a special inner core that helps solve newly emerging problems. He who is cowardly is helpless before the justice of life.

General conclusion (conclusion)

From childhood, a child needs to be instilled with courage and the ability to withstand life’s difficulties. The older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to rebuild. Therefore, the internal ability to cope with difficulties must be cultivated almost from birth.

At first glance, this direction seems to be the simplest and most unambiguous. But is it?

In the comments on FIPI we read: “This direction is based on a comparison of opposite manifestations of the human “I”: readiness for decisive actions and the desire to hide from danger, to avoid resolving difficult, sometimes extreme life situations.” That is, experts expect reasoning from the graduate, not kindergarten teasing. It would not be good to write your essay in the style of “It’s bad to be a coward, but it’s good to be brave.” Of course, it is necessary to place emphasis, but note that in the commentary, courage and cowardice are considered not as character traits, but as “manifestations” of personality. That is, it is not characters who should be analyzed, but actions.

In the introduction, you need to characterize the concept (or concepts, if both are present in the formulation) or argue that everything in a person is not so simple. During the war, many people showed miracles of courage and heroism. But where is the guarantee that some of them were not afraid of, for example, spiders? According to the dictionary definition, a person who is afraid of spiders is a coward. And in war he showed courage. How can we understand this?

You can imagine, for example, an introduction like this: “In different situations, we all show either courage, or cowardice, or decisiveness, or cowardice. Anyone who was not afraid to go against tanks with a grenade suddenly found himself unable to stand up for a friend in peacetime. He who was brave and decisive in a moment of danger, in the face of imminent death, turned into a shaking scoundrel. Each of us will remember situations when the same person was ready to defend a friend in a fight, but not from an unfair accusation. Or vice versa".

An excellent argument in this case would be the story “Sotnikov” by V. Bykov. Comparing the behavior of the partisans - Rybak and Sotnikov - we see that Rybak behaves superbly. He is brave, smart, decisive, helps the klutz Sotnikov, and demonstrates true selflessness. But only while he is in extreme and dangerous, but still not fatal, circumstances. And realizing that he will inevitably be killed, Rybak suddenly shows extreme cowardice. He succumbs to the fear of death and betrays his comrades. Sotnikov behaves differently. He, on the contrary, shows real heroism and dies without betraying anyone.

An example can also be Shvabrin ( “The Captain's Daughter” A.S. Pushkin)

One can also argue that sometimes cowardly behavior is a person’s conscious position. He just doesn’t want to interfere in anything, as a matter of principle. In this aspect we can consider the plays E. Schwartz “Shadow” and “Dragon”. They are short and easy to read, so you can take them apart yourself.

Finally, provide examples of obvious and undeniable courage and dedication. For example, “Not on the lists” by B. Vasilyev, “The Fate of a Man” by M. Sholokhov, “The Last Battle of Major Pugachev” by V. Shalamov, poems by front-line poets.

How to enter an argument correctly? It should support the point, not just be mentioned. Let's give an example.

Wrong: “Different authors write about courage. For example, there are many brave heroes in V. Shalamov’s story “The Last Battle of Major Pugachev.” Let’s say this is the main character who bravely escapes from the camp.”

Right: “A person who previously behaved bravely may not find the strength to die with dignity, to accept suffering, but not to retreat, not to betray. In V. Shalamov’s story “The Last Battle of Major Pugachev” we encounter an episode in which the author talks about the propaganda of the Vlasovites among prisoners of war. Many already knew that even after escaping from a fascist death camp, they would be shot or sent to camps on Stalin’s orders. And there were those who went over to the side of the fascists, betraying their homeland and friends. Fear of unfair punishment, fear of shame - this is what those who bravely fought before could not stand. But there were also those who remained faithful to the Motherland and the oath. They found the courage to accept what fate had in store for them, but not to turn their weapons against the Fatherland.”.

In conclusion, we should summarize what has been said. It is best to write about the fact that courage is often born where there is love and the desire to protect the Motherland, loved ones, beliefs, and honor. In some circumstances, unable to betray ideals, even a timid and weak person becomes brave and courageous. Courage is not a stupid refusal to recognize danger. This is the ability to forget about fear for the sake of something especially important, something that cannot be betrayed.

Let us give examples of topics in this area.

Courage is the beginning of victory.

Fear kills the mind.

Why is cowardice dangerous?

What is real courage?

What action do you consider brave?

Does a person need fear?

Is courage always a virtue?

Is admitting your mistake courage or weakness?

Can a coward be a good friend?

Do you think a brave person can experience fear?

Is caution different from cowardice?


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