Branches of Russian universities abroad. Top universities abroad

Every year, higher education abroad becomes more popular and much more accessible for our compatriots. Russians who have graduated from foreign universities, as a rule, easily find their niche in the international labor market and successfully move up the career ladder. Higher education abroad - in America, Europe, Canada, Australia or even China - is, of course, also an opportunity to perfectly study the foreign language in which education is conducted, and most often more than one. We must not forget that foreign universities often have a much more developed educational, material and scientific base than domestic ones. And the centuries-tested, refined teaching system provides fundamental knowledge and the opportunity to use it as effectively as possible.

22 countries for higher education of your choice!

Higher education programs

Higher education system: from general to private

Higher education, based on the classical European system, has a similar structure in different countries. The first stage - obtaining a bachelor's degree - takes 3-4 years. After another 2 years of study at the university, students receive a master's degree. Postgraduate study lasts 2-3 years and is a stage of research work and writing a dissertation, after which a doctorate degree (PhD) is awarded.

No less attractive for our compatriots is a second higher education abroad, which is often easier to obtain than the first, as well as additional postgraduate education, for example, MBA programs. Among foreign universities teaching these programs, the undisputed leader remains American universities, which are the founders of the top management education system.

Higher education in different countries also has a number of national characteristics. Thus, in Germany and France, after 2-3 years of a bachelor’s program, you can receive a professional diploma of a licentiate (Licentiate), which allows you to teach without having an academic degree.

In France, along with the pan-European standard of education, there is a system of so-called “short” and “long” university cycles, at the end of which a diploma of higher technical education and a diploma of higher specialized education (Master 2) are issued, respectively.

Each Spanish university has its own rules of study, the level of qualifications awarded to graduates and the number of steps.

Postgraduate studies abroad may also have national specifics. In Germany, after defending a diploma project or dissertation, graduates are awarded a master's degree (Magister Artium). Then students who have had teaching practice can take qualifying exams and immediately receive a Doctorate degree. In other countries, “shortened” postgraduate studies do not exist and training lasts 2-3 years.

In order to be able to objectively evaluate the knowledge of students acquired at different universities and different countries, a pan-European system for transferring and accumulating credits, ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), was introduced. ECTS simplifies academic recognition when transferring from one university to another or when taking individual master's courses at several different universities.

To study abroad

In universities of each individual country, in addition to the variety of academic courses, programs and disciplines, there are a number of characteristic rules and requirements for applicants. The procedures for accepting documents, interviews, passing exams (where they are provided), and making decisions on admission to a university are very individual and depend both on the traditions of the education system of a particular country and on the academic results of the applicant himself.

One of the universal requirements is a sufficient level of proficiency in the language in which teaching is conducted. Therefore, it is logical to start a student career abroad with language courses and preparation for passing the international exams TOEFL, IELTS, etc.

Since school education in Russia is 2-3 years shorter than in the West, entering a foreign university in the year of graduation is often problematic for our graduates. The solution is to complete 1-2 courses at a domestic university or preparatory courses at a chosen university abroad.

Thus, to enter a British university, you must have an A-level diploma or complete the Foundation training program. And in Germany, for example, there are special one-year preparatory colleges Studienkolleg. During this year, future students significantly improve their language level and pass the necessary qualifying exams.

Despite the fact that European universities most often do not hold entrance exams, some prestigious universities in England and high schools in France, for example, may arrange exams and interviews. And for admission to all creative universities, applicants will definitely need a portfolio.

Tuition fees can vary greatly depending on the country chosen and the specific university (public or private). But, in some cases, foreign students studying for a master's degree abroad can apply for scholarships and grants from the state, the government of their country or various funds.

Students from Russia and the CIS countries can receive education abroad in any country. The most popular countries among Russian-speaking students are the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Czech Republic, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Every year, several thousand students go to universities in these countries to study.
With good academic preparation and a well-written application and portfolio, you can enter any university in the world, even one of such prestigious ones as Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, Harvard or Stanford.
What requirements do foreign universities place on foreign students, how to choose a university and program and prepare documents for admission - you will find answers to all these questions on the Education Index website.

How much does it cost to study at a foreign university?

The cost of a semester at an educational institution abroad depends on the country you have chosen, the university’s place in the world university rankings and the chosen specialty.
In countries where students receive financial support from the state, the cost of a year of study can be very low, and free programs can be found. Such countries, for example, are Germany, the Czech Republic, and France.
True, in most cases the state funds only programs in the language of the country in which the university is located. Programs in English in non-English-speaking countries usually have a fee. But if you try, you can find free or low-cost options even for studying in English.
Education at universities in the USA, Great Britain, and Canada is paid. The most expensive foreign universities are US universities. A year of master's study in the USA costs from $25,000. A master's degree in the UK can cost from $17,000 per year. The cost of studying for a master's degree in Canada starts from $6,000. Tuition fees in many European countries may be cheaper.
You also need to take into account living expenses: housing, transportation, internet, textbooks and other expenses. Also, a foreign university may require confirmation of the student’s family’s wealth, that is, a bank statement with a certain amount in the account. You need to be prepared for this.
Although it is possible to obtain a grant or scholarship for training, it is extremely difficult to obtain them. This requires excellent success in academic and extracurricular activities. Therefore, it is better to prepare and carefully study the prices for studying at various universities abroad. You can use the program search engine on the Education Index website for this.

Do I need to take exams to enter a foreign university?

Foreign universities require proof of academic achievement, that is, a translated and notarized certificate or certificate of previous education.
Additional exams and tests must be taken for some programs and specialties and depend on universities and countries. Before taking such an exam, you need to determine what specialty you are applying for at a foreign university and study the document requirements at that university.
Of course, you need to pass an exam on knowledge of the language of the country of study. You should start preparing for them a year in advance. And even if you speak the required language perfectly, you should spend 2-3 months preparing to get used to the exam format.

Which foreign university should I go to?

When it becomes clear which country and which budget for studying abroad are the most attractive, it’s time to get serious about choosing a university. It is important to choose the best possible foreign university - the best in your chosen specialty, closest to the top of world university rankings, affordable, with the prospect of staying in the country or finding a prestigious job at home.

What to rely on when choosing a foreign university?

Of course, there are universities known all over the world: Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Princeton. However, it is not only difficult to enter these universities, although it is possible with properly prepared documents. It's even more difficult to study there.
The good news is that there are a huge number of universities abroad with reputable programs, excellent teachers and plentiful internship opportunities. How to choose such universities if they are not well-known among students in Russia and the CIS countries?
To help future students, there are ratings - international ratings of educational institutions and internal ratings of countries. Hundreds of universities participate in the rankings, they are conducted by leading rating agencies, and assessment methods are verified by reputable auditing companies. The most famous rankings of foreign universities are the rankings of the European agencies QS and THE, the American agency U.S.News and the Asian agency ShanghaiRanking Consultancy. On our website you can study and compare all these ratings.
However, to choose a university specifically for your purposes, you should not blindly rely on its place in the ranking. Methods for evaluating foreign universities depend on the purpose of the study. Accordingly, universities occupy different places in different rankings. To understand which university for studying abroad is right for you, it’s worth getting a little familiar with the evaluation criteria for each specific rating. The criteria typically include: quality of teaching, overall quality of programs and research, student satisfaction ratings and graduate job placement rates, technical equipment, difficulty of admission, graduation rate, and student GPA. As you can see, there are a lot of criteria and it will take some time to understand them.
Remember also about the internal rankings of countries. Even if the university you like does not occupy the highest place in the world rankings, it can occupy a very high place in the country’s rankings and enjoy prestige.
Depending on what you want from your study abroad and future career, you have the flexibility to choose your school. Education Index consultants can also help you choose a university based on your criteria.
Now the whole world is open to future students. Studying at a foreign university is a difficult and very important decision in life. You will gain the experience of living in another country, an excellent education will launch your career or scientific activity, and you will have connections and friends all over the world. If you decide to study abroad, the results are worth overcoming many difficulties. And the website and Education Index specialists will help you understand all the intricacies of entering a foreign university!

In Russia, when entering university, there are some benefits for excellent students, athletes, children with disabilities or from low-income families. Benefits give the right to gold medalists and winners of All-Russian Olympiads to enter without entrance exams or into budget places.

Foreign universities have a similar practice.

For athletes

Education in the USA is paid and one of the most expensive in the world. However, almost every university has its own foundation that sponsors talented and outstanding students, as well as those who have financial difficulties. The biggest weight in this whole business (there is no other way to call it) are sports teams with a bunch of sponsors who participate in competitions and bring fame and even more money to the university. Therefore, if you are a promising athlete who is confident in your abilities, then there is every chance to study with a scholarship that pays for tuition, room and board. At the same time, you need to take into account the specifics of sports in this country - choose sports that are popular in American schools - basketball, baseball, gymnastics, volleyball - to increase your chances. Many people go to high school or college because it’s easier to get into - the requirements for athletic talent are lower than when entering a university, and the chance of getting a scholarship is higher. To get noticed by a college coach, present yourself. It's best to record a short video of your games/tricks and create a resume with your athletic and academic achievements. High academic performance is a huge advantage not only for ordinary students, but also for athletes.

The largest sports association, uniting more than a thousand educational institutions in the United States, is the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Its members also include Ivy League universities. Most often, athletes from this particular league become world famous. You can choose a college or university that is a member of the NCAA. All universities included in this organization are divided into three divisions. Foreign students can apply for scholarships from first and second division universities.

UK universities also support young athletes. For example, Oxford Brookes University provides sports scholarship the most outstanding athletes with high academic performance. The scholarship is valid for one academic year with the possibility of extension, so during the year you need to show yourself well in all areas of student life.

Smart guys and smart girls

If you are not sure that your sporting achievements will help you when applying for admission, pay attention to your other strengths. For example, you participated in competitions in literature or computer science, and perhaps even won prizes. This must be mentioned in the motivation letter that is expected from you somewhere in Oxford. But, as they say in the admissions committee, there are already enough smart people here. Your essay must “catch” the committee, which means you must have some kind of extracurricular activity that distinguishes you from other excellent students. They look for talent there - excellent musicians, artists, speakers, athletes.

Students from Russia studying at the University of Cambridge say that the most important thing when applying for admission is a face-to-face interview, after which 70% of applicants are eliminated. No medals or Olympiads will help you pass an interview if you cannot prove here and now that you are worthy of studying at Cambridge. There are very few scholarships for foreign students, and even those cover only part of their studies.


When applying to American universities, local applicants must be checked for volunteer experience; this is a fad for them. It is impossible to obtain a high school diploma unless the student has 20 hours of volunteer experience. Therefore, this can be an advantage for international students, especially if the volunteer work was different from your major.

For musicians

In Germany, talented young musicians are encouraged by the Oscar and Vera Ritter Foundation. To enter the conservatory and receive a scholarship, you need to have experience performing at music festivals (and even better at international ones). Tell us about all your victories in music competitions. You can interest the fund by playing a rare and unusual instrument.

What are my chances?

Being an excellent student at school and passing exams with the highest score is not a guarantee of admission to a prestigious university. As practice shows, students with a “zest” are admitted to such universities. In other words, if, in addition to your academic performance, of course, you play the gusli and are an excellent swimmer, you have a better chance of admission than just a swimmer or guslar player. But the chance of passing the competitive selection for a scholarship is quite small; you shouldn’t count on luck. It will be much more effective to use other opportunities for admission, for example, to undergo pre-university preparation for admission to a foreign university - Foundation Year or program Pre-Master's. Of course, preparatory programs cost money, and some scholarships even pay for a plane ticket. But not everyone has the desire and time to catch luck by the tail, but they know that they will be able to recoup the real expenses for training in the future. More information about training programs

Last updated 03/25/2015

1. Decide on the country and specialty

You need to start preparing for admission to a foreign university in advance - preferably a year in advance. This is due to the difficulties in completing the package of documents. First of all, you need to decide in which country you would like to receive your education. Make a list of universities that suit your specialty and tuition fees. And then start reducing it according to such parameters as: cost of living, student reviews, teaching staff, competition for a place, availability of grants, university equipment and other parameters that seem important to you. After all the manipulations, you should have about five universities left on your list.

2. Try to get a training grant

Education abroad is expensive and not everyone can afford it. However, most universities are interested in talented applicants and provide various scholarships and grants for studying to the most talented of them. Please review the financial support requirements carefully and submit your application if you qualify.

3. Check the university requirements

When preparing for admission, it is worth carefully studying the requirements that the institute imposes on foreign students. They may vary depending on the country. For example, British universities, in addition to excellent knowledge of the language, may ask for a bank account statement confirming the presence of an “airbag” in the amount of 1000-3000 pounds sterling for each month of residence in the country. It would be a good idea to find out how the university views part-time work for students.

In addition, undergraduate applicants may be required to take a preparatory course. For those who have already received their first higher education in Russia, these requirements, as a rule, are not imposed. However, universities usually ask applicants to take additional exams in the most difficult areas, such as law, medicine, biology or chemistry.

4. Pass the language exam

Fluency in the language is a standard requirement of most foreign universities. Let's name the main language exams that future students take in different countries of the world.

IELTS(English) The IELTS certificate is accepted by 125 countries around the world. These include the UK, Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Norway and others.

Exam cost: approximately $260

Validity period: 2 years.

TOEFL(English) The TOEFL certificate is accepted in more than 150 countries (USA, Canada and many others). It should be noted that if IELTS is the internationally recognized British version of the foreign language exam, then TOEFL is the American one.

Validity period: 2 years.

GMAT(Business; English) This exam should only be taken by those planning to pursue a business degree (MBA).

Exam fee: $250.

Validity period: 5 years.

“Nihongo noryoku shiken” (Japanese) An exam for those who plan to study at Japanese universities. It is held centrally 2 times a year (in June and November) in Japan and 13 other countries of the world: India, Indonesia, Korea, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia and Russia).

The cost of passing the exam: varies depending on the level: from 1500 rubles to 2300 rubles (data valid for March 2015).

Validity period: 2 years.

"TestDaF"(German) The German language exam certificate is recognized by all universities in Germany and is also accepted in 80 countries around the world.

Exam fee: 130 euros

Validity period: indefinitely.

DELE(Spanish) Spanish language exam for foreigners, the results of which are recognized by all Spanish educational institutions.

Cost of passing the exam: varies depending on the level: from 2900 rubles to 6000 rubles (data valid for March 2015)

Validity period: unlimited.

Take time to prepare for the exam by first finding out the required number of points for admission to your chosen university

5. Submit documents for admission

So, you have chosen a university and have a language exam certificate with passing scores. Now you need to collect all the necessary documents.

A copy of the educational document (school certificate, diploma of first higher education). Schoolchildren can submit documents before receiving a certificate; instead, they can attach a copy of an interim document, for example, an extract from a report card with grades under the visa of the head of the educational unit. Copies of documents must be translated into a foreign language and certified by a notary.

A transcript is a document in a foreign language indicating the number of hours listened and grades. In different countries it may be called differently, for example, in America it is Cumulative Record File (CRF), in some European countries it is Transcript of Records (ToR). Not all Russian educational institutions provide this service, so you should find out in advance whether you will have to do this yourself.

An autobiography (Сuricullum Vitae, or CV) may not be required for admission to a bachelor's degree, but will be required for those going to higher levels of study. In fact, an autobiography is a long resume containing a story about the most significant achievements of a future student (prizes, cups, sports victories).

Language test result. A copy of a document confirming that the applicant has scored the score required for admission.

Questionnaire. As a rule, large universities require you to fill out an application electronically, but you may be asked to send a printed and completed application.

Financial documents. May be required depending on the chosen university. Often necessary when entering Japanese and British universities, where special attention is paid to the financial viability of students.

This is just a sample list. Be sure to check the list of documents required for admission published on the official website of the university.

Important: remember the deadlines! Most universities finish accepting documents in June-July; Specific dates need to be clarified with the university itself.

6. Pay for the course and get a visa

After you have successfully passed the entrance exams and you are enrolled in an educational institution, you need to pay for a year of training or a specified portion of the amount. Once the money has been deposited into the university’s bank account, you can receive a visa. Important note: a place in a university dormitory is usually given only after receiving a visa, so the sooner you apply for it, the sooner you will be allocated a place.

To apply for a study visa, you will need a form that you previously filled out on the embassy’s website, and a package of documents with which you must come to the visa center, namely:

The original document of your enrollment received from the university;

Confirmation of payment for your course (or part thereof);

An extract from your bank account (or from the sponsor’s bank account) to confirm financial solvency;

Receipt of payment of the visa fee.

You may be invited to a visa center for an interview, but this applies to visas of only some countries. Thus, the US Visa Application Center staff will definitely conduct a face-to-face interview. The visa processing time is usually 15 working days. Students with a duration of study of more than six months are issued a student visa (Student Visa). It is valid from one to three years, depending on the duration of study.

7. Accommodation

If you do not plan to live on campus, you should take care of your place of residence in advance. The most common options during training:


Renting an apartment;

Dormitories for students (for a fee).

Homestay accommodation is one of the most convenient options for students who do not have a budget place on a university campus. The rent for a room is usually not as high as the cost of renting an apartment. In addition, daily communication with native speakers will help you in learning it. Living in a hostel also has its advantages. And although you will most likely have to share a room with another student, you will always be surrounded by peers with the same goals as you - to get a good education.

The material was prepared with the support of the project

Stanford - the names of these universities are well-known to everyone, but when choosing a university to study abroad, this information is scarce. There are many factors to consider.

Choosing a university

Once you have decided on the country (you can find information about choosing a country for studying and an overview of the countries themselves in the "" section), you can narrow the search to a specific educational institution. Usually, the first thing everyone studies is university rankings. You need to know them, but the information presented in them should be analyzed very meticulously. Most often, you need to choose a program, not a university.

Ratings, for example, the QS World University rating, can be sorted according to the criteria you need. For example, you are looking for universities in Germany where you can study biology. The Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and the University of Heidelberg will be in the top. If you are interested in computer technology programs, you will see a different situation: the Technical University of Munich, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Humboldt University of Berlin will occupy the top positions.

In addition, ratings are compiled based on different criteria. For example, there may be a rating based on the academic base or the attractiveness of graduates of this university to employers. If you are planning to pursue a career in science, then the first criterion will be more important to you than the second, and if you are thinking about a career in business, then most likely the opposite. When studying ratings data, be sure to take an interest in the methodology: it happens that researchers equally take into account both the equipment of laboratories and the quality of food in the student canteen.

In addition to global ones, study the rankings for universities in a specific country. For example, the Guardian newspaper ranking is authoritative for British universities. In this case, the choice of universities will be wider, and universities that are not included in global rankings are not obviously bad. The reason for not being included in the “big” ranking may be due to the small age of the institution or narrow specialization, but maybe this is exactly what you need.

Select several universities to compare. Carefully study the content of courses and programs, the number of academic hours, and biographies of teachers.

Typically, you will find this information on the university website. If there is not enough publicly available information, you can always contact the university by email.

For those who are going to enroll in a master's program and especially in graduate school, the key point is the personality of the supervisor and the research base on the topic that interests you. In some universities, despite a big name, there may not be a star scientist and scientific developments in your specialty.

If you want to gain practical experience while studying, check your university's policy on student internships. It can't hurt to talk to students and alumni: many universities advertise internships, but in reality they may be a formality. Look for universities that take internships seriously and those that have established partnerships with companies.

Dreaming of an international career? Then choose programs where you will have the opportunity to study in an international environment and go on an exchange internship in other countries. Also, ask how much a diploma from a given university is valued internationally.

Choosing a specialization

If you still haven't decided what you want to study, it doesn't matter. In some countries, for example, in the USA, undergraduate studies begin with general courses, and only then can you choose a specialization, and if you don’t like it, you can change it.

As a rule, most European universities are divided into two types - academic and applied. In the first, the emphasis is on theoretical knowledge and scientific research. However, if you are applying for a bachelor’s degree, then a diploma from such a university will be a good start. As a rule, academic universities are the oldest and most famous educational institutions in the country. However, if you are planning to enroll in a master's program or obtain a second higher education to develop a career in business and industry, then you may be more interested in practice-oriented programs at applied universities.