Dual education at an agricultural university. Dual education: German experience and implementation in Russia

To understand how dual vocational education differs from dual vocational training, it is necessary to clarify what the mysterious but now fashionable word “dual” means. Let's try to understand its meaning through a selection of synonyms. For example, such as “double-sided”, “double”.

Speaking about dual vocational education, we mean the presence of two sides: educational institutions that provide modern theoretical professional knowledge to their wards, and enterprises where they receive invaluable specific practical skills and abilities.

Such education is already practiced in the Moscow region, Perm, Krasnoyarsk territories, Nizhny Novgorod, Vologda and other regions.

The experience is very interesting and promising. Vocational educational institutions train students in accordance with the specific requests of employers. Students receive theoretical knowledge within the walls of educational institutions, but practical skills - at the enterprises of interested employers. Moreover, much more time is allocated for practice (about two-thirds) than for studying theory.

What is so attractive about this experience? Specificity. The theory is immediately supported by practice. They are trained as specialists for specific positions, and undergo practical training at their future workplace.

What other advantages of dual education?

The company is actively involved in training the necessary personnel in accordance with its requirements. The state does not waste time and money on training impersonal specialists. Students study in two places at once: in an educational vocational institution and in a real enterprise, which strengthens their desire to engage in their chosen business.

By the end of the training, the young worker is professionally competent, involved in a certain production, the future place of work is native, familiar, and understandable to him. He knows what, how and when to do, and is motivated to do successful, high-quality work. The work schedule will not be new to him. He understands the enterprise infrastructure and is familiar with the corporate culture. The team is well known, everyone knows them, so they are not afraid of stressful situations or conflicts. Entering the position also does not require time. A mentor - an employee of the enterprise - will always help and advise.

Theory is no longer divorced from practice and does not prevail in the learning process as before.

Dual vocational education allows you to avoid graduating impersonal specialists, who then need to be further trained on the job, wasting precious time on this, which as a result negatively affects the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. That is, they do not need time to adapt.

The ranks of young specialists, either unemployed because they cannot find a job, or working outside their profession, are not being replenished.

The student feels responsibility to the enterprise, feels interested and cared for by the future employer. This gives rise to motivation for quality training, loyalty, and dedication to the enterprise and profession.

During real, adult work in real production, a strong, confident, purposeful personality is formed.

As a result, a school graduate grows into a real specialist, passionate about his work, who is not only professionally trained, but also professionally educated.

Dual vocational education cannot be replaced with vocational training. You can train (“coach”, train) anyone and anything, you just need time, the mentors have pedagogical skills and patience.

Professional education is a more capacious concept. This is not only mechanical training in certain skills and abilities, but also the formation of beliefs, attitudes, the ability to creatively use the acquired knowledge, the desire to continuously improve qualifications, and see professional prospects.

This also includes the education of a versatile personality with a developed, broad outlook.

An educated person is a person who has not only mechanically acquired certain experience, knowledge, and skills that they tried to impart to him, that is, trained, but also a thinking, independent, creative person who does not stop there.

A trained person is a performer, and an educated person is an innovator, a creator who keeps up with the times.

Dual vocational education allows you to prepare educated (and not just trained) creative, qualified vocational and technical personnel who begin working in full force immediately after training.

The higher education system is becoming more flexible and practice-oriented day by day. Leading universities understand that today students study not only to obtain a diploma, but, first of all, to gain the knowledge, skills and abilities that will be in demand in practical activities.

The shortage of certified specialists is a thing of the past, and now employers look not at grades in a diploma, but at what a university graduate can do. Therefore, universities and institutes are actively introducing innovative forms of study. The main purpose of this is to bridge the gap between dry theory and useful practical skills that are valued in the job market.

In this article we will talk about two promising teaching technologies: dual and project-based, and also tell you which domestic universities implement them. If you want to receive more useful information, subscribe to our telegram channel.

Dual training system

A similar approach to education originated in vocational schools in Germany, after which the dual system also began to be used in Canada, Austria, Switzerland and other countries.

Its essence is that students not only listen to lectures and discuss their acquired knowledge at seminars, but also perform practical tasks at specialized enterprises or firms. With this form of study, the number of lectures is reduced: students study either in 1-2 classes, or 2-3 days a week. The rest of the time they work in partner organizations of universities and even receive a salary for this. If they feel a lack of assignments, teachers conduct additional consultations.

An important advantage of this approach is that it solves the problem of graduate employment: most often, the student remains to work in the company where he already practiced during his studies. In addition, such a system has other advantages.

Advantages of the dual approach

The introduction of a dual approach allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. improve practical training;
  2. adapt professional knowledge and skills to real labor market conditions;
  3. speed up the process of employing a graduate and his adaptation to the workplace.

Where to get dual education in Russia?

Such a system is already in place in colleges (mainly in the Kaluga, Ulyanovsk, Yaroslavl regions and Perm Territory), however, teachers say that the organization of dual education at universities will also be implemented in the near future.

Project-based learning technology

The essence of project-based learning is also aimed at moving away from “pure” theory. The project-based learning system is built on active and interactive teaching methods (trainings, master classes, creative workshops, business games, case solving). Thanks to this, students learn to organize their activities and interact, acquire teamwork and time management skills.

This technology originated in the USA at the end of the 19th century. The founder of the project-based learning system is the American educator John Dewey, the author of the concept of pragmatic pedagogy.

The peculiarity of such studies is that instead of the usual laboratory or homework, students work on projects in the chosen industry. Future lawyers are involved in conducting real cases, journalists are working on producing a television program, doctors are making diagnoses, teachers are preparing lessons.

This technology differs from dual learning in that students work on a project not alone, but in small groups.

Benefits of project-based learning

The introduction of a project-based learning model gives students the opportunity to:

  1. better navigate the information space;
  2. make decisions independently and bear responsibility;
  3. acquire practical skills necessary to work in the chosen industry.

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Does this method of learning work in Russia?

In contrast to the dual approach to education, the technology of the project-based teaching method is used in many domestic universities. Students of the National Research University Higher School of Economics have been mastering this technology since 2014, and this academic year South Ural State University offered students the opportunity to complete projects with further employment at selected enterprises.

In addition, this approach is being implemented at the Moscow Polytechnic University, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky and Far Eastern Federal University.

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Dual model of training in the system of secondary vocational education

    Basic concepts used in the dual learning model.

A dual education system is an education system that provides for a combination of training in an educational institution with periods of industrial activity.

A professional standard is a document that establishes the requirements for knowledge, abilities, skills, experience, value system and personal qualities determined by professional qualifications.

A training educational program is a document that establishes the list and name of academic disciplines to be studied in the learning process, the volume of hours of theoretical and production components of the learning process and the conditions for certification of students.

Professional qualification is the level of competence required in a given field of professional activity and recognized on the basis of regulated requirements or requirements that have developed historically or in international practice.

Credit is a unified unit of measurement of the volume of student's academic work; one credit is equal to 1 academic hour of classroom work by a student per week during the academic period.

The credit education system is an educational technology aimed at increasing the level of self-education and creative acquisition of knowledge based on individualization, selectivity of the educational trajectory within the framework of regulation of the educational process and accounting for the volume of knowledge in the form of loans.

    The essence and content of the dual learning model.

The dual education system involves a combination of studying at an educational institution with periods of industrial activity. The educational process is organized as follows: in parallel with regular classes at a university, college or other vocational educational institution (general education training), students go to work at a specific enterprise or company, where they gain practical experience (vocational training). This form of training and retraining of technical and professional workers allows you to flexibly combine the completion of a theoretical course and professional training of specialists directly on the job and ensure that students are assigned higher qualifications (grades) and the possibility of expanding functional responsibilities. The schedule of the educational process in the dual education system is developed taking into account the specifics of each specific enterprise and the requirements for the competence and qualifications of the student in accordance with the recommendations of the Republican State Enterprise "RSMC" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The dual system assumes the direct participation of enterprises in the vocational education of students. The company provides conditions for practical training and bears all costs associated with it, including possible monthly fees to the student. Educational institutions cooperate on an equal basis with enterprises on the basis of which industrial or practical training is carried out

    Purpose and goals of the dual learning model.

The dual model of training involves the involvement of enterprises in the process of personnel training, which spend quite significant costs associated with training workers, since they are well aware that the costs of high-quality vocational education are a reliable investment of capital. At the same time, they become interested not only in the results of training, but also in the content of training and its organization.

Goals: Development of technical and vocational education by creating a highly effective competitive system for training and retraining workers and technical specialists.

    Regulatory and legal support for the dual training model.

Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. It is a set of interacting subsystems and elements:

1) continuous educational programs at various levels

and orientation, federal state educational

standards and federal government requirements;

2) networks of educational institutions implementing them;

3) bodies exercising management in the field of education, and

institutions and organizations subordinate to them;

4) associations of legal entities, public and state-

public associations operating in the field of education

This additional professional development program is developed on the basis of:

    Professional standard “Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education” (draft);

    Federal State Educational Standard SPO 44.02.06 “Vocational training (by industry)”;

    Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 050100 “Pedagogical education (qualification (degree) “bachelor”)”

and in accordance with the Methodological recommendations and clarifications for the development of additional professional programs based on professional standards (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2015 No. VK-1032/06).

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2015 No. 349-r “A set of measures aimed at improving the system of secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation”;

The legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of the dual model of training (education) requires the preparation of an appropriate regulatory and legal framework at all levels of management:




    Goals and objectives of introducing a dual training model in the system of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation.

Development of technical and vocational education by creating a highly effective competitive system for training and retraining workers and technical specialists.

Introduction of new teaching technologies into the educational process of vocational education organizations.

Further development of the system of continuous professional education.

Stimulating the development, processing and improvement of professional standards for workers and technical specialties.

Objectives: Bringing the volume, profile and territorial location of organizations for training workers and technical personnel in accordance with the needs of the labor market, the dynamics and prospects for the development of sectors of the national economy and the social sphere and taking into account the innovative orientation of the economic development strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Development of a multidisciplinary and multifunctional network of educational institutions for professional training and retraining of workers and technical personnel, ensuring that the needs of the population and the labor market are met.

Change and qualitative updating of the content and structure of educational programs for the system of training and retraining of workers and technical personnel, ensuring their high professionalism and mobility.

Creation of favorable conditions for personnel, scientific, methodological and material technical equipment of educational organizations for professional training and retraining.

    The main stages of the implementation of the dual model of education in the system of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation.

Stage 1 Selecting a coordinator (operator)

Stage 2 Regulatory and legal registration of the introduction of a dual model of training (education) - federal, regional, local.

Stage 3. Forecast of industry and regional needs.

Stage 4. Professional guidance.

Stage 5. Update of educational programs.

Stage 6. Organization of practical training.

Stage 7. Assessment of professional qualifications.

    Foreign experience of the dual model of vocational education.

Dual education was first introduced in Germany. Its experience is today considered a model for the entire EU. Dual education in Germany includes a fairly developed mentoring institution, characterized by the active participation of enterprises in personnel training. This training model has a strict legislative framework in the country. Dual education is implemented with the participation of crafts and chambers of commerce and industry.

Germany has adopted a law regulating vocational education and the “Craft Code”. These regulations regulate the interaction of young people with enterprises and educational institutions. The law defines companies that can participate in dual education. Of the 3.6 million organizations, half a million are involved. Regulations on personnel training are adopted by participants in tariff negotiations - the structures of enterprises and employees. They are put into effect at the ministerial level. The Ministry of Labor, in turn, draws up the Regulations on Training. It regulates the examination requirements.

    Best Russian practices for implementing a dual education model in the system of secondary vocational education.

Student practice is an integral part of the OPOP, ensuring the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education. The practice is aimed at comprehensive mastery by students of all types of professional activities in their specialty (profession), the formation of general and professional competencies, as well as the acquisition of the necessary skills and practical experience by students in their specialty (profession). The types of practice for students mastering the OPOP are: educational practice and industrial practice.

The dual system includes two different, but independent in legal and organizational terms, educational and production environments, such as the establishment of a secondary vocational education program and the enterprise-employer.

Dual training is a form of professional training that combines theoretical training in an educational institution and practical training at the sites of companies and enterprises. The main principle of the dual education system is the equal responsibility of educational institutions and enterprises for the quality of personnel training.

    Current problems of implementing the dual model of education in the system of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation.

Disadvantages of the dual system: With the motivation of training at the enterprise, the quality of education may decrease; Work programs are not always consistent with the seasonal sequence of work performed in production; An educational organization cannot always teach the educational material required by enterprises on time; Insufficient readiness of enterprises for training - as a result, the lack of training places in production; Enterprises are forced to earn money for education through increasing prices for the product they produce (missing equipment, lack of finance, etc.).

    The main directions of development of the dual model of education in the system of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation.

Compliance of the content of education with the modern level of production; Introducing students to the corporate culture of the enterprise and its features; Minimizing the costs of social and labor adaptation of a graduate to a new workforce; Use of modern equipment in the training process in real production sites; Involving highly qualified engineering and technical personnel of the enterprise in the educational process as vocational training specialists.

Nowadays, agriculture needs a specialist with broad general and special knowledge, able to quickly respond to changes in science and technology, capable of mastering new technologies, possessing problem-solving, analytical thinking, competent in the socio-psychological sphere, and possessing intellectual culture. Its distinctive features are the constant deepening and updating of knowledge, improvement of labor skills and competencies.

It is possible to prepare such a specialist only in one case: if you use a fundamentally new model of education and professional training, recognized throughout the world - a system of continuous education throughout life. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation considers the formation of this model to be one of the leading directions for the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex. This is the only way to ensure access to education for rural youth, to train qualified personnel of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, ensuring efficient production.

Another modern model fits well into the system of continuous education - dual training in the integrated “college-enterprise” system. The Novoanninsky Agricultural College and the Cargill Novoanninsky company are working on its creation for the agro-industrial complex of the Volgograd region.

It is worth emphasizing: enterprises incur quite significant expenses related to employee training, since their managers are well aware that these expenses are a reliable investment of capital. After all, not only the result is important for partners, but also the content and organization of training. This is how the gap and mismatch between the production and educational spheres in matters of training professional personnel is overcome.

In addition, dual training allows you to combine theoretical and industrial training, classes in college and at an enterprise. This means that students receive the competencies necessary for this production. Also, with a dual system, a unique opportunity arises for joint financing of personnel training programs, when funds come from businesses interested in qualified workers, and from regional authorities interested in developing the economy and improving the standard of living in the region.

Training is carried out in three stages. The first, preparatory, involves the creation of the model of dual education itself (in college it is based on the principle of continuity), the definition of the main functions, areas of activity, types and content of work performed by participants in the educational process - a professional educational organization, partner enterprises, as well as organizations of public interaction . It is at this stage that the formation of an organizational infrastructure and the development of regulatory documentation are expected. Here is the main thing to do for this:

  • formulate the content of a system of professional competencies (employer requirements);
  • adjust the content of basic professional educational programs;
  • create a package of educational, methodological and scientific-methodological support for the educational process;
  • conclude agreements with enterprises on joint activities.

When concluding contracts, it is necessary to take into account the qualification requirements for specialists, as well as the conditions for organizing the training process and conducting qualification exams.

The employer and the applicant for training - if he is not an employee of the employer - also enter into an agreement. The document specifies the financial obligations of the parties, the conditions for reimbursement by the applicant of training costs through mandatory work, the duration of which is agreed upon. It is not excluded that a tripartite agreement can be drawn up according to the scheme “employer - college - applicant for training”.

"Cargill Novoanninsky" is an American enterprise, not yet put into operation, but designed to
high-tech production. Taking this into account, it is assumed that the task of the second stage of training will be the transition to a qualitatively new and higher level of training of workers and specialists, a significant increase in the general and professional competencies of graduates. Factors that will contribute to the production of highly qualified specialists are:

  • joint implementation of created professional educational programs with employers and institutions of public interaction;
  • parallel increase in the level of competence of teaching staff in the field of high-tech production and enterprise workers in the field of psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge;
  • bringing the material and technical base of the college into compliance with the requirements of modern production;
  • adaptation of pedagogical technologies to professional educational programs;
  • creation and implementation of a mentoring system.

All this and many other steps will ensure the competitiveness and demand of graduates in the modern labor market, which, in turn, will become a powerful factor in its modernization.

The third stage is general in nature and consists of analyzing, evaluating and adjusting the developed model of dual training, taking into account the results obtained.

A special role is given to the subject-cycle commission created at the first stage. It is planned that training will follow a certain pattern. During one semester, students will come to the commission’s branch located at the enterprise, where, in accordance with the schedule, they will alternately visit workshops and laboratories, where leading on-site specialists will talk about the structure and operating principle of each type of equipment and show how to operate it. The visit to production is expected to be carried out within the framework of the discipline “Student’s educational and research work”, specially included for this purpose in the curriculum and class schedule of the academic group. Every week, each student will receive an individual assignment and submit a report on completion in the form of an abstract. For this purpose, special hours are allocated for each discipline and interdisciplinary course.

During the first academic year, training follows the schedule: production - college - production - college - session - production - college - production - college - session - vacation (work).

During the second academic year, the academic group, divided into four subgroups, masters high-tech equipment in real time. The class schedule is drawn up in such a way that one of the courses is required at the enterprise and at the college. For example: in September, the second and fourth years study at the enterprise, and the third - at the college; in October they change places. The study of disciplines and professional modules is carried out in cycles.

The enterprise pays the minimum wage to second-year student trainees of the specialty “Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products.”

In addition to mastering the main specialty, during the period of study students master the working profession of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant.

Such a system of personnel training for the agro-industrial complex obliges all participants in the process - students, and then graduates, young workers and specialists, teachers, industrial training masters, employees of the partner enterprise - at each stage to take into account new conditions and requirements, and, therefore, invariably work on themselves and move forward. The foundations for lifelong learning are laid. The logical chain of continuity is as follows: student - graduate - young worker (specialist) - mentor in production - teacher (master of industrial training) in college.

The organization of dual training forces us to take a new approach to the issue of college development, to work on the creation of an integrated educational institution - multi-level, multifunctional, multidisciplinary, implementing a wide range of programs for training skilled workers, employees, mid-level specialists, as well as additional professional programs for the agro-industrial complex of the Volgograd region. areas.

Currently, the educational activities of the college are aimed both at meeting the needs of the labor market for highly qualified personnel, and at implementing the individual educational and professional needs of various categories of students, including the adult population. Thus, dual targeted training becomes a natural form of organizing continuous professional education in the integrative “college-enterprise” structure.

It is a comprehensive training model. Theoretical training is carried out at the educational institution. The practical part is organized directly at the workplace. As part of this program, enterprises send applications for a specific number of specialists. Educational institutions, in turn, create training programs with the participation of employers. Practice for students is organized at the enterprise without interruption from the process of obtaining theoretical knowledge.

Foreign experience

Dual education was first introduced in Germany. Its experience is today considered a model for the entire EU. Dual education in Germany includes a fairly developed mentoring institution, characterized by the active participation of enterprises in personnel training. This training model has a strict legislative framework in the country. Dual education is implemented with the participation of crafts and chambers of commerce and industry.

Model value

The dual education system is an excellent opportunity for an enterprise to train personnel taking into account the specifics of its activities. Training programs ensure maximum compliance with the needs of the organization. In addition, the company saves money on searching and selecting personnel, their retraining and adaptation. Dual education allows you to select the best students. Future specialists themselves receive good motivation. Upon completion of training, they will be guaranteed employment at the enterprise. It should also be noted that the introduction of dual education has a positive impact on the reputation of companies and their image in the labor market. For small companies that want to participate in the programs, but do not have the opportunity to organize their own workshops, inter-industrial training centers are being formed with the support of chambers of commerce and industry.

Model Goals

Dual education is designed to promote the development of independence and painless adaptation of young professionals in adulthood. The programs are designed in such a way that already during training they begin to receive remuneration for their work. Dual education ensures a smooth transition into the work environment and eliminates various stresses associated with a lack of experience and theoretical knowledge. The goal of the programs is not only to teach skills to perform specific duties, but also to develop the ability to work in a team, social competence and responsibility.

Impact on career

On-the-job practice for students ensures a constant level of training within the programs is continuously improving. Until relatively recently, 14-year-old teenagers became students. Currently, quite mature young people with a solid knowledge base are increasingly appearing among them. Every sixth student has a high school diploma. However, many of them are in no hurry to enter a university, preferring to get a profession first. This is quite reasonable. After all, no higher education provides such knowledge about production as dual education. This fact gives programs special importance when achieving career heights.

Importance for the state

The government, introducing dual education, effectively solves the problem of training qualified employees. In the German economy, the burden of training falls predominantly on companies. According to statistics, companies annually spend more than 40 billion euros on employee training. This amount significantly exceeds the costs of maintaining universities. The state provides support for the training of specialists at enterprises, financing the development of the vocational school system. The main function of the government is to coordinate the legislative framework.

Regulatory support

Germany has adopted a law regulating vocational education and the “Craft Code”. These regulations regulate the interaction of young people with enterprises and educational institutions. The law defines companies that can participate in dual education. Of the 3.6 million organizations, half a million are involved. Regulations on personnel training are adopted by participants in tariff negotiations - the structures of enterprises and employees. They are put into effect at the ministerial level. The Ministry of Labor, in turn, draws up the Regulations on Training. It regulates the examination requirements.

Interdepartmental interaction

The general ideology of the partnership is determined by the Federal Institute of Vocational Education. On the basis of it, the German Ministry of Education and Science interacts with other interested departments and ministries. The federal states have a Permanent Conference. Ministers of Education from each administrative unit participate in it. In each territory, the activities of all vocational schools are monitored, standard regulations are developed, and the provision of teaching staff and the content of training programs are coordinated. The competence of land ministries also includes legal supervision and interaction with regional chambers on vocational training issues. The tasks of the latter include monitoring the availability of the necessary conditions for students in organizations, as well as the formation of examination commissions. As a result, the country provides a unified educational space with the ability of territorial units to solve their own specific problems in the field of vocational training.

Education in Russia

Things are not going so well in the domestic education sector. Nevertheless, constant work is underway at the government level to improve the situation. In particular, agreements on interaction have already been signed with the regions that won the competition of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI). Dual education in our country is being introduced in 10 regions: Yaroslavl, Kaluga, Sverdlovsk, Ulyanovsk, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow regions, in the Krasnoyarsk and Perm Territories and in the Republic of Tatarstan. Not only the regions and the Agency, but also the Ministries of Economic Development, Industrial Trade, and Labor participated in the signing of agreements. In addition, the parties were the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Russian-German Chamber of Foreign Trade. Agency Director D. Peskov noted that the program was supported by the country's President V.V. Putin. In his message to the Federal Assembly, the head of state focused on the introduction of training models that are effective for the formation of highly qualified production personnel. The President expressed hope that education in Russia will take a new course. Training programs, in turn, must become generally accepted models.

Project "Dual Education": characteristics

The developed model involves educational institutions and regional authorities. Joint financing of the training of employees for specific jobs is carried out by companies ordering personnel for themselves, and by the authorities of the subjects. It is worth noting that the country has already experienced dual education. However, today programs are being introduced in an unplanned economy. Enterprises that are interested in obtaining highly qualified personnel seek to voluntarily solve problems and share responsibility for training specialists.

Program objectives

The development and implementation of the dual education project is aimed at ensuring a modern level of professional training and retraining of personnel for priority sectors of advanced high-tech production within the framework of public-private partnership. The main objectives of the program are:


A significant effect in improving the system of training qualified personnel can be obtained provided that representatives of the business community take on part of the responsibility. At the same time, a joint zone of interaction between the state, employers and educational institutions should be created. As experts note, the experience of introducing dual education abroad can be successfully applied in the Russian Federation. The legislation in force today makes it possible to implement this model taking into account modern conditions. However, undoubtedly, the experience of foreign partners will require adaptation in Russia.