Homework letter m. chalk – – – – –

Date of:


Subject:"Sound and the letter M."

consolidate clear pronunciation of sounds and letters [m], [m‘], letters “M”, “m”;

Correctional and developmental

Correctional and educational :


During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

She lives in a hole
Underground, in a closet.
Gray baby
Who is this? (mouse)

Say this word several times. What sound is heard at the beginning of a word?

- (Sound [m])

What kind of vowel or consonant is it?

-(Consonant, when pronounced a barrier is formed from the lips)

Voiced or voiceless?

Name words that have the sound [m]

-(Car, milk, baby, tape recorder, March, May)

Did you get the letter M? - Yes!

3. Main part.

Introducing the sound [M].

Hungry - mooing,

Full - chews,

Gives milk to all children. ( Cow)

The air comes out through the nose;

The neck "works".

Phonetic exercise.

The cow moos: MMMMMMMMMMM... (following the adult, pronounce the sound [M] for a long time).

Didactic exercise “Clap your hands.”

m, a, y, m, m, and; am, ar, or, om, ma, mu, ka, sa, we; poppy, Olya, fly, house, soup, flour;

The adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat the syllables, while the child should feel the lips closing when pronouncing the sound [M]:

ma, mo, mu, we; am, om, mind, im.

Repeat the syllable sequence:

ma-mo, ma-we, moo-ma, moo-we; um-om, um-im, um-am, om-im.

Patter: Mom washed Mila with soap.- Say the tongue twister with different intonations (surprise; joy; sadness).

Game “Catch up”(The work continues until the children’s pronunciation reaches the pace of the tongue twister)

4. Finger gymnastics

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger took a little nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep,
This finger is fast asleep
Nobody makes any noise anymore.
- Take the child's palm in your hand and bend your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger.

Game “Complete syllables to words”

    ma- (car, raspberry, matryoshka, fry)

    mo- (sea, walrus, sink, bridge, moss)

    mu – (garbage, fly, ant)

    we – (mouse, mouse, thoughts)

    mi – (bear, bowl, minute, world)

    me – (month, meter, furniture, fur, chalk)

Reading syllables and phrases.

Ma-ma-ma - I'm at home myself.
Mu-mu-mu - milk for anyone?
Mo-mo-mo - we eat popsicle.

Mi-mi-mi - sing the note E. (Slide 17).

Letter M in a notebook.

5. Summary of the lesson.

talked in class?

What sound is this?

What color do we use?

Date of:


Subject:"Sound and the letter M."

Correctional educational: Introduce children to new sounds [m], [m‘], letters “M”, “m”; learn to compare sounds, distinguish letters; .

Correctional and developmental to develop the skills of conscious, correct, syllabic, fluent reading; divide words into syllables; develop the ability to analyze words, cognitive interests and abilities; develop speech, attention, memory; enrich vocabulary;

Correctional and educational : develop attention and self-control; develop communication and speech skills.

Equipment: individual mirrors, pencils, ball,

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Game "Remember - repeat"
Gnome – album – house – com 3 – 4 chain options
- What do the words have in common?
Fly – soap – raspberry – skein 3 – 4 chain options
- What do the words have in common?
Mila - pyramid - machine gun
- What do the words have in common?

What does the letter M look like? What does it remind you of? Come out and hold hands.

Did you get the letter M? - Yes!

Let's say this sound together loudly, quietly, in a whisper, without sound.

Today in the lesson we will not only repeat what we studied earlier, but we will get acquainted with a new letter.

2. Articulation gymnastics:

3. Main part.

Introducing the sound [M].

The adult asks the child to guess the riddle and answer the question:

Hungry - mooing,

Full - chews,

Gives milk to all children. ( Cow)

“How does a cow moo?” - "MMM..."

An adult shows the child in front of the mirror and explains the articulation of the sound [M]: when we pronounce the sound [M]:

The lips are closed without tension;

The air comes out through the nose;

The neck "works".

The sound [M] cannot be sung, because the sponges create a barrier to the air. This sound is a consonant, hard, voiced (the neck “works”), so we denote the sound [M] with a blue circle with a bell. In this way, the child learns the characteristic of the sound [M].

Didactic exercise “Say the word, name the first sound in the word.”

In the underground, in the closet

She lives in a hole

Gray baby.

Who is this?., ( mouse)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

I sucked a brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to roar.

This is a forest animal... ( bear)

Guess the riddles, name the first sound in the answer:

In winter he sleeps

In the summer - he stirs up the hives. ( Bear)

No arms, no legs,

And he can draw. ( Freezing)

The girl is sitting in prison,

And the braid is on the street. ( Carrot)

Flying all day long

Everyone gets bored

The night will come

Then it will stop. ( Fly)

4. Finger gymnastics“Hammers”.

O.S. – feet – shoulder-width apart, arms down. Fingers clenched into a fist.

- They knocked fist on fist - clink and clink. Hammers knock-knock-knock. Knock-knock-knock on the nails. Hammers knock-knock, knock-knock on nails. Hammers knock-knock-knock. Knock-knock-knock on the nails. (Repeat - 2 times to the music, children perform the appropriate movements

Sounds M – M in sentences
The next task has been prepared for us.
October's sentences are scattered and we need to help him put them together, add words that start with the letter M
Olya drinks...
On the way he eats...
Sleeping in a den…..
A berry grows in the garden.....

Letter M in a notebook.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, remember what sound we are talking about today talked in class?

What sound is this?

What color do we use?

What did you like most?

Learn pure sayings:

Ma-ma-ma - I'm at home myself.

Mu-mu-mu - milk for anyone?

Mo-mo-mo - we eat popsicle.

We-we-we - we read the book.

Mi-mi-mi - sing the note E.

Me-me-me - give me some grass.

The adult says a couple of words and asks the child to determine what the first sound is in these words, and then make a sentence with each word:

mouse - bear; soap - Mila; small - crumpled.

Exercise19. Exercise for fingers and development of coordination of speech with movements:

We wrote, we wrote, Squeeze your fingers rhythmically

And now everyone stood up together. into your fists.

They stomped their feet, Carry out the appropriate

Hands patted. movements.

We wrote, we wrote, Squeeze your fingers rhythmically

Our fingers are tired. into your fists.

We'll take a little rest -

Let's start writing again.

Exercise20. Introducing the letter M.

Letter M with two humps,

Like a camel - see for yourself!

O. Hoffman

What does the letter M look like? Letter M from fingers: close the tips of your index fingers, lower them down along with your middle fingers, and squeeze the rest into a fist.

Letter games.

Exercise21. Syllable analysis: AM, MA. Drawing up diagrams from circles. (A consonant sound is a blue circle with a bell, a vowel sound is a red circle.)

Composing the syllables AM, MA from the letters of the split alphabet. Reading, copying, writing in block letters from dictation.

Tikhonenkova Elena Pavlovna

Speech therapist teacher, MBDOU general developmental kindergarten No. 62 "Zhemchuzhinka, Mytishchi, Moscow

Tikhonenkova E.P. Summary of a lesson in preparation for learning to read and write: “Sounds M, M and the letter M”// Owl. 2016. N4(6)..02.2019).

Target: clarifying knowledge about the sounds [M], [M"]


  • Educational: Introduce the sound [M] and the graphic image of the letter, teach children to correctly give acoustic-articulatory characteristics, and develop sound analysis skills.
  • Developmental: develop skills in word formation of adjectives from nouns, develop fine and gross motor skills, speech breathing and voice strength, phonemic hearing, attention, thinking, spatial perception;
  • Educational: Cultivate respect for your friend’s answers.


Demo material: a beautiful envelope with the indicated group address, pieces of light paper, “stones” - letters, a “river” carpet, a large labyrinth with “minks”, a toy mouse, a drawing of a house, a sample letter, sample tasks from the worksheet, three boxes of different types quantities.

Handout: cut-out pictures for a subgroup of children, worksheet with tasks, pencils, trays with letter elements, word strips, circles (green, red, blue).

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Children are greeted at the entrance to the group. "Good morning, guys! Many of you came to kindergarten very early, but did you remember to wash your face and brush your teeth? Let's remember how we do it"

- Self-massage and articulation gymnastics

Water, water, wash my face ( We move the palms of our hands along the forehead from the center to the temples)

To make your eyes sparkle ( from the corners of the eyes along the cheekbones to the temples)

To make your cheeks blush (Rub your cheeks with your palms in a circular motion)

To make your mouth laugh (index fingers from the center above the upper lip, and then under the lower lip, lead to the edges of the lips)

The tooth was clean and white (smile, show teeth and hold for a long time)

Speech therapist: Today a message from the land of sounds and letters arrived for you in kindergarten! (Shows the envelope) “Dear guys! We invite you to visit our country, get acquainted with a new sound and learn to write the letter representing this sound.”

- work on the strength of speech breathing

When the children give their consent and set off, the road is blocked by a “fast river”. But there is no crossing.

The speech therapist asks the children what time of year it is outside and asks them to justify their answer. (Children name the signs of winter.)

Speech therapist: And our snowflakes covered everything on the tray. Let's all take a deep breath together through our noses and blow hard on the snowflakes, pursing our lips into a tube.

Children blow off the leaves and see “stones” with the letters A, O, U, E, I.

Speech therapist: We use these stones to cross the river.

Stones are placed across the river, and each child, following the example of the teacher, jumps from stone to stone, calling the letter loudly and clearly with a firm attack.

Having crossed to the other side, the children see a house. “Who lives in the house?” Children guess the riddle:

In the underground, in the closet

She lives in a hole

Gray baby

Who is this?... (Mouse)

3. Subject message.

- Work on word formation of an adjective from a noun

The speech therapist takes out the owner mouse. “There are different types of mice. What do you call a mouse that lives in a person's house? (house mouse). Mouse on the computer? (computer). What about the mouse that lives in the field?” (field mouse) Mila the field mouse has prepared tasks for you today.

- Work on orientation on a sheet of paper and the development of auditory attention.

A tablet appears in front of the children - a labyrinth.

Speech therapist: The field mouse has many storerooms and they are all connected by underground passages. Following my hint, let’s go to the first storeroom and find out what sound they want to introduce us to.

The speech therapist tells the route, and the child moves the mouse along it: “We go from the arrow up, turn right, down, past the flower.” The mink is removed from the tablet, turned over and you see “?” (question). The teacher shows a card with objects: flowers, table, chair, bed. Asks to list the items: “What is extra on the card? (Machine. Why? (children’s answers) This extra picture will help us in revealing the topic of the lesson. Let’s say the word “machine” again and call the first sound “(mmmashina).

Children highlight the sound [M].

Here’s another task: who’s the odd one out on this card?

Let’s say the word “bear” again and name the first sound” (mmbear).

Children highlight the sound [Мь].

Name the first sounds of these words again.

Mmmachine. [M]

Mmmbear. [My]

Speech therapist: Yes, and it is these sounds that we will talk about today.

4. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic characteristics.

Speech therapist: Look in the mirror and first say the sound [M]. And now the sound [Мь]. (in chorus, then individually)

Questions according to the scheme:

Are your lips open or closed? (They first close and then open.)

Where is the tongue? (it lies at the bottom of the mouth)

Is there anything blocking the flow of air from your mouth? (yes, lips)

Conclusion: What do we call sounds, during the pronunciation of which an air stream encounters an obstacle? (consonants) So, what are the sounds [M] and [Мь]? (consonants).

Speech therapist: And we know that consonant sounds can be voiced or unvoiced. Let's determine which of our sounds are voiced or unvoiced. To do this, put your palm to your throat and pronounce the sounds [M] and [M]. ... Do you feel the voice ringing? So what are the sounds [M] and [M]? (voiced).

Speech therapist: Yes, and consonant sounds can be soft and hard. What color do we denote solid sounds with? (blue). What about soft ones? (green).

5. Development of phonemic awareness.

The speech therapist offers another child with a mouse to go to the second hole. (We go up, turn left, up, past the bell, past the boletus mushroom) On the other side of the mink there is an ear drawn.

Speech therapist: Let's play the game “Catch the Sound.” I will name different sounds. If you hear [M], clap your hands, and if [Мь], stamp your foot... (With a small screen, the speech therapist covers his mouth from the children’s eyes and pronounces sounds) O-v-m-u-m-y-m-m -sh-n-n-m-m-m-m. (Then the syllables) Ma-so-we-mi-you-om-im-no-but-not. Then the words: spoon, fish, honey, cats, smoke, tomato, raspberry, skis, pen, peace, bull, smoke...

And now for a physical minute.


6. Pronunciation of sounds in words. Determining the position of a sound in a word

Children work on tables with cut-out pictures for each child: on the 1st row there are 5 cut-out pictures: raspberries, carrots, honey, lemon, ice cream, tomatoes.

On the 2nd row there are cut-out pictures: airplane, car, tram, dump truck, motorcycle, metro.

Speech therapist: Name the collected pictures in one word. (products (food), transport)

Each child once again names the collected picture, highlighting the sound [m] or [m] in his voice, and explains where he heard the given sound. (At the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word). And places the circle in the right place.

7. Designation of sounds [M] and [Мь] by the letter “EM”.

One of the children approaches the maze again and follows the instructions to the hole. On the back of the mink there is a pencil drawing. “Guys, what do you think we will do now?” (learn to write the letter M).

Guys, we talked about the sounds M and M. We heard them, pronounced them, and what to do to see them. What do we need for this? (Letter).

Speech therapist: Yes, we need a letter that represents these sounds. Here she is.

Children sit at tables to do written work. The teacher shows the letter M on the card. How many elements are in the letter? Which? (four vertical sticks),

Speech therapist: Assemble the letter M using a sample of 4 elements that are on everyone’s table.

- Development of visual perception.

Speech therapist: The pencil decided to test you and almost completely covered the letter from our eyes, hid it behind the drawing (shows the card and directs the children’s attention to their worksheet) (Appendix)

Find the letter behind the lines and color it in with half blue and half green pencil. To make the letter beautiful, you need to stretch your fingers.

- Finger gymnastics.

In our little house

There are gray mice

So they snoop around

Everything in the kitchen is upside down

Circular movements with fingers

They're stomping under the table

Enjoying milk

They want to sit on the bench

And they scare the guys there


Then mice will climb into the closet

Then there are naughty girls on the chair

I really want to catch it

And they scurry under the bed

They quickly hide the mice

Then the children color the letter.

Speech therapist: Now let’s write the letter in the air: (Speech therapist explains and shows)

Stick and stick,

There is a tick between them.

And it’s clear to everyone at once:

The result is the letter M.

Several times the children, together with the speech therapist, “write” a letter in the air. Then the speech therapist puts a sample of the following task on the board. The children have the task printed on their worksheet. The children learn to write a letter with a simple pencil along the dotted lines. Children trace the letter on pieces of paper, then write the letter themselves according to the model.

8. Development of phonemic representations and work on sound analysis and the scheme of the word “house”.

Our invitation envelope contains sounds: we cannot see them, but we can hear them. If you name the sounds quickly in the order you caught them, you will recognize the word from the envelope.

The speech therapist takes out and “throws” the sounds [d] (Masha, what sound did you catch?), [o] (Ivan, what sound did you catch?), [m]. What word was in the envelope? (house). Well done, you did a good job.

Children have envelopes with circles on their tables for sound analysis. They need to make the correct diagram from the circles.

Now come up with beautiful sentences with this word.

9. Organization of the end of the lesson.

Our lesson has come to an end.

What sounds did you become familiar with?

Which task did you like the most?

Speech therapist: I liked traveling with you, so I have prepared a surprise for you as a souvenir. It is not in the first and not in the high box.

Children guess. This is a picture of the last task from the worksheet. Children are invited to complete the task - guide the mouse through the maze to the cheese - on their own or with their parents at home.

Zinaida Angarova

Goals: Strengthen discrimination and clear pronunciation skills sounds(M,Mb) develop phonemic awareness in syllables in words and phrases, practice selecting antonyms; learn to understand and correctly explain popular expressions.

1. Org. moment. The one who answers correctly in one word will sit - Ball game “Call it in one word” (onion, cucumber, tomato) etc.

2. Articulation gymnastics according to Kosinova A.M.

Breathing exercises. -

3. Getting to know sound M,MY.

Pictures with sound M, MY. Which sound more often than other sounds occurs in all of these words? Children answer (Sounds of M,M.)

Articulation sound: M – lips are compressed and tense, the tongue lies on the bottom, air passes through the nose.

Characteristic sound M:

- Sound(M)– consonant, voiced, hard, cannot be sung, indicated in blue. Sound Мь - consonant, sonorous, soft.

4. Speech exercise: ma-mya, mo-myo, mu-myu, we-mi, me-me, am-am, om-om, u - Say pure sayings

Om-oh - this is our home

Om-om - there is a gnome in the forest

Om-ohm - catfish in the river

Om-oh - there's an album on the shelf

m-um, um-um, um-um

The poor bear is sick

The bear ate a lot of honey. The bear is crying and screams:

My stomach hurts.

5. Game "Listen carefully". Working with signal cards -

Children show a blue circle if among the consonants sounds will hear the sound"M"; green circle if he hears "MY": t, w, m, d, g, m, p, m, k, s, h, v, m, f, x, c, r, n, m, etc.

In syllables: sa, then, mo, ka, po, mu, vo, mi, yes, etc.

In words: catfish, Sonya, Rita, Sasha, sea, Tolya, March, moss, etc.

6. Define sound according to didactic pictures according to sound houses. - (beginning middle and end) poppy, Tim, Misha, com, Tom, lighthouse, etc.)

7. Physical education minute

8. Getting to know letter"M" -

Draw in the air, make up letter“M is made from sticks, from cereals from wire.

9. What the letters are hidden? -

10. Game "Stone and cotton wool" Working with signal cards. -

A mouse is scratching on the floor,

A brown bear is sleeping in a den.

This bear is very cute

Only he didn’t wash his paw.

The mouse ran into a hole,

The bear lay down to sleep in the den.

The boy is small, but very cute.

He washed his hands with water.

11. Game "Vice versa" Folder with antonyms.

12. Introducing popular expressions.

Disservice. How do you understand? Children answer with their thoughts. The speech therapist makes a conclusion: (a service that brings harm or trouble instead of help).

Wave your hand. How do you understand? Children answer with their thoughts. (stop paying attention to something, stop doing something or doing something).

Muddy the waters. How do you understand? Children answer with their thoughts.

(to deliberately confuse something, to create confusion in something). All expressions begin with what letters? The children answer.

13. Printing letters"M". Getting to know letter M,MY. Place in the alphabet. What does it look like letter M? (Answers children) . Letter M consists of four elements: two straight sticks and two short sticks.

Holding hands we stood up -

And they began to look like M.

Draw with your finger in the air.

Laying out letters M from cereals.

Make a figure letters M made of wire.

14. Working with graphic recording. Compose sentences from 3, 4 words. Mom washes Mila. Mila plays with Anna.

Printing letters M, m; syllables ma, mo, mu, we, mi, am, om, mind, ym, them; words mom

15. Reading syllables and words from the board.

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter M, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter M and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter M in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Ask: How does a cow moo? (My!..)
Say it like I do: MMMU. What sound did you make first?

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Mouse Carrot Bear Ant

MOUSE, CARROTS - tell me how I do. What is the first sound in these words?

When we pronounce the sound [m], the lips first close and then open.

Say: MMM.

The lips prevent air from leaving the mouth freely when we pronounce the sound [m]. Please remember: if you pronounce a sound, and your lips, teeth or tongue prevent the air from freely leaving your mouth, then this sound is a consonant. Some consonant sounds are pronounced with a voice, others - without a voice.

If the child finds it difficult to determine the participation of the voice when pronouncing consonant sounds, here and in the future the child is asked to place his palm on his larynx. With the participation of the voice in pronouncing a sound, the child will feel vibration of the larynx (“neck trembles”). This is observed when pronouncing voiced consonants.

Who is bigger?

  1. Remember which berry begins with the sound [M] and ends with [A]. (Answer: raspberries)
  2. Name the flowers whose names contain the sound [M]. (Poppy, chamomile, mallow, daisies)
  3. List the products that have [M, M’] in their names. (Meat, margarine, butter, pasta, semolina, milk, tangerines, flour.)

Assignment: Printed letter M for preschoolers

  • Look at the letter M. What does it look like?
  • Form the letter M with your fingers.
  • Write the letter M in the air.

Draw the sticks carefully along the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

He slept in a fur coat all winter,
I sucked a brown paw,
And when he woke up, he began to roar.
This is a forest animal... (bear).

Look at the good guys:
Cheerful and lively.
Dragging from all over
Material for construction.
One suddenly stumbled
And a friend rushes to help.
The people here are good.
Without work, for the life of me.
Can’t live... (ant).

Lyudmila went to wash her hands,
She needed... (soap).

Everyone here in the forest is talented -
Both a singer and... (musician).

Our Tanya is crying loudly.
Dropped it into the river... (ball).

The distance of the fields is green,
The nightingale sings.
The garden is dressed in white,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles.
Guess what month this is? … (May.)

We are a puppy in soap and water
Two hours with a washcloth... (washed).

Under a heavy burden -
In the underground, in the closet
She lives in a hole.
Gray baby.
Who is this? ... (mouse.)

White hare in a black field
Jumped, ran, did loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? … (chalk.)

Riddles for children starting with the letter M

The giant is standing at the port
Lighting up the darkness
And signals to the ships:
“Come visit us!”

Above the river, across.
The giant lay down stretched out.
Across the river, along the back.
He allowed me to walk.

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut.

In the forest near the stump there is running and bustling:
The working people are busy all day,
He is building a house for himself.

The red nose has grown into the ground,
And the green tail is on the outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose.

Flying all day long
Everyone gets bored;
The night will come.
Then it will stop.

Crowded, noisy, young,
The city rumbles underground.
And at home with people here
They are running along the street.

Slipping away like something alive
But I won't let him out.
Foams with white foam,
I'm not too lazy to wash my hands.

What artist put this on the glass?
And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses?

Small stature, long tail,
Gray coat, sharp teeth.

Molten Arrow
An oak felled near the village.

Liquid, not water.
White, not snow.

The white pebble melted
He left marks on the board.

Horned, but not butting.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter M

Peace builds, but war destroys.

He who sows peace will reap happiness.

A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of grass.

Moscow is the mother of all cities.

It’s not enough to want, you have to be able to.

Tale about the letter M

The mouse Mouse and the bear cub Misha were lying in the clearing and eating raspberries. Mouse says:
- Let's come up with poems. Listen to what I wrote:

Every day and every hour we stubbornly repeat:
There is no one in the world better than ours...

Raspberries! - Misha yelled.
- What does “raspberry” have to do with it! I wanted to say: “Better than our mother.”
- That's great too! And now I’ll write... What about?
- Well, at least about this fly agaric.

Don't eat white pasta
And eat red fly agarics!

What are you, what are you! - the mouse was scared.
- You can’t eat fly agarics, you’ll end up in the hospital. Here, listen to the verse about the doctor:

There is no more important doctor in the forest,
What a lively redhead...

Aibolit! - the bear cub yelled.
- Yes, not Aibolit, but an ant. Aibolit heals animals, and the ant heals the forest.
- How do you know so much?
- He who reads a lot knows a lot! - the mouse Mouse answered importantly...

Funny poems about the letter M for children

Let's sit in silence
Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn’t play!
I don't start a top
And I sat down and sat.
My toys don't make noise
The room is quiet and empty.
And on my mother's pillow
The golden ray steals.
And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh.
There's so much I want!
But mom is sleeping, and I am silent!
The beam darted along the wall,
And then he slid towards me.
“Nothing,” he whispered, as if
- Let's sit in silence...
(E. Blaginina)

- Look - a letter!.. Here are the ones on:
Not in a book - on the path!
What is it called?
Similar to horns?
Scientist dog, bull and goat
They stare at her...
The goat figured it out in her mind,
She said: “This is the letter “me.”
The bull objected: - Not “me”, but “mu”
I know better what's what! -
And the dog exclaimed:
- Come on, don’t argue, this is the letter “am”!
- No, “mu”!
- No, “meh”!
- Not there"!
Am! Am!..
Such a racket went up,
Such a terrible noise and scream!..
Completely confused
Scientist dog, goat and bull,
Seeing the letter M...
(A. Shibaev)

We are the multiplication tables
They took it and hid it
Give it to us to speed it up
(E. Grigorieva)

Mom, grandmother, sister -
Everyone is dressed up in the morning.
Congratulations are accepted.
Even though it's not their birthday.
Every holiday gift
And the bouquet is very bright.
And another surprise awaits them -
My dad and I baked a cake.
Wash all the dishes
They put things in order everywhere.
We forgot the word laziness.
This is what Women's Day means!
And my sister asked us:
- Will this happen every time?
(V. Nesterenko)

Mother! I love you so much,
That I don’t really know!
I'm a big ship
I'll give it the name "Mom".
(Ya. Akim)

...In the evening, as well as at night, it is very difficult to swim in the sea...
The captain is so upset - he can’t even see the shore.
Suddenly the sailor is delighted: the LIGHTHOUSE lights up.
A red eye just appeared at the very top of the head.
He blinked - and again no, and the light came on again.
Here, they say, it’s quiet - all ships sail here...
The light shows everyone whether it is dangerous here or not.
(V. Mayakovsky)

Little bear Mishka climbed into the hive,
And now - sweet honey drips from the paw!
I started laughing at him:
“The little bear made a joke!”
- What kind of jokes! - he answered.
- I am a bear!
I've been a bitch!
(M. Yasnov)

It's March, and there's a snowstorm and frost...
We bought mimosas for mom!
(E. Blaginina)

Poor Bear is sick
- The bear ate a lot of honey.
The bear cries and shouts:
“My stomach hurts!”
The bear is moaning.
Tears are shed -
He has a stomach ache.
Naughty Greedy Teddy Bear
Ate a forest raspberry Lishka.
(F. Bobylev)

The feather runs up and down,
Drawing the letter M
It's like going down the subway
And then you go up.
On smooth marble and granite
A soft light falls.
The staircase itself runs here -
And there is no end to it.
(S. Marshak)

Colored ball jumping
In the yard in front of me.
This ball is very cute:
He hasn't broken any glass yet.
(G. Vieru)

Bear march and bear waltz!
A bear with an accordion in the arena.
A she-bear dances with a bear.
The little bear waves his paw at them.
(V. Berestov) The ball flies striped.
Bear cubs play ball.
- Can I? - asked the mouse.
- What you!
You're still a baby.
(G. Satir)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

Summary of GCD in the senior group
compensating direction.
Topic: Sounds “m, m”, letter M.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher at MBDOU No. 41
highest qualification category

Topic: Sounds “m”, “m”. Letter M.

Correctional educational tasks:

Reinforce the pronunciation of vowel sounds, the concept of “consonant sound”. - Teach children to correctly pronounce and distinguish the sounds “m” and “m”, to highlight the desired consonant sound in syllables and words. - Learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds. - Learn to identify the first and last sound in a word, the vowel sound in the middle of a word. - Introduce the letter M. - Strengthen the skills of sound analysis, drawing up a sound diagram of a reverse syllable, reading reverse syllables. - Develop children’s ability to divide words into syllables. - Practice using the accusative and instrumental cases of nouns, forming relative adjectives, agreeing numerals with nouns.

Correction and development tasks:

Develop auditory and visual attention, logical thinking, phonemic awareness, fine motor skills, coherence of statements, creative imagination.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Cultivate interest in cognitive activity, initiative, independence, and the ability to interact with each other.

Equipment: toys - mouse and little mice, bear cub, monkey; subject pictures depicting a house, clouds, sun, cow and calf in a meadow; symbols of sounds (chips), houses for sounds, to determine the sound in a word; items: milk, sour cream, butter, honey; card with the image of the letter M.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment. The children stand in the center of the hall.

Eyelashes droop

The eyes are closing,

Let's fall asleep in a magical sleep

We are flying to the land of fairy tales.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 —

Let's look again with our eyes.

Speech therapist: There is a house in a clearing. Now you guys will find out who lives here. Listen to the riddle and find the answer picture among the pictures.

These little babies

Even a bread crumb is welcome. (Mice)

Who lives in the house? (Children's answers) The speech therapist puts out toys - a mother mouse and baby mice.

II. Psycho-gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Every morning the little mice got up early, looked out the window and greeted the sun. And today it hid behind the clouds, and the little mice became sad. Show, guys, how sad the little mice were (Children's actions).

But soon the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, the little mice smiled at him and were happy. Show how happy the little mice were (Children's actions).

III. Articulation gymnastics, voice development.

The kids smiled and sang their songs: u - a - i; u - a - o;

Repeat the little mouse songs (children sing combinations of sounds);

What sounds did the little mice sing? (Children's answers)

What sounds are these? (Children's answers)

Why are they called vowels? (Children's answers)

In which house do vowel sounds live? (Children's answers)

IV. Introducing the sound "m".

1. Guessing the riddle.

Early in the morning, having sung their songs, the little mice ran out into the meadow to collect grains (they were preparing supplies for the winter), and saw... a huge animal (the little mice had never seen it). Who is this, guys, help the little mice, guess the riddle.

The hungry one moos, the well-fed one chews,

He gives milk to all the kids.

Who is this? (Children's answers)

That's right, guys, this is Martha the cow.

What are you doing, cow, long horns,

"Mmm!" - Martha the cow moos, “I’m grazing in the meadows.”

2. Pronunciation of sound, characteristics, development of voice.

How did the cow moo? (Children answer in chorus)

What sound will we be familiar with today? (Children's answers)

When we pronounce the sound “m”, the lips close, air cannot pass through the mouth, the lips get in the way. The air found another way - through the nose. "M" is a nasal sound.

Guys, let's hum like Martha. (Children: “M-mm-mm-mm...”)

Did you get the song? (Answers)

So what is the sound of “m”? (Answers)

Why is "m" a consonant sound? (Answers)

- If the neck trembles, then a ringing sound sounds.

- » Mmmm,” the cow mooed,

She was looking for Milka the heifer.

And the chick answered her: “Mmm-mm-mm.”

The cow mooed sternly: mm-mm-mm; and the heifer answered tenderly, affectionately: m-m-m-m.

How did Martha moo? (Children answer) How did Milka answer? (Answers)

The sound “m” is a consonant, voiced, hard, nasal, denoted by a blue chip with a bell, lives in a blue house (the chip is placed in the blue house).

The sound “m” is a consonant, voiced, soft, nasal, denoted by a green chip with a bell, lives in a green house (the chip is placed in a green house).

V. Development of phonemic hearing.

Game "Who's Mooing?"

The little mice sit in the grass and listen to who is mooing, Marta or Milka. Let's help them, guys: if Martha hums, we raise the symbol for the sound "m", if Milka - the symbol for the sound "m".

1. Isolating a sound from a number of consonant sounds:

v, m, n, m, v, m, f, m, w, m, n, m….

2. From a series of syllables: am, ap, mi, va, pe, mu, mya, ma, fo, shi, we, mi...

VI. Development of speech breathing, speech memory, voice.

Speech therapist: We listen, remember, and clearly repeat the sayings.

Ma - ma - ma - it's winter outside,

Ma-ma-ma - cold winter,

We - we - we - we are not afraid of winter,

Me - me - me - we are glad for winter.

VII. Gymnastics for fingers

1. Game “Count” (matching numerals 1 - 5 with nouns)

The little mice collected seeds in the meadow and ran home, their mother praised them: “There will be a supply of food for the winter.” Let's help the little mice count the seeds.

Children have seeds on their plates, they count and voice their actions.

2. Game “Mice wash their paws”

Speech therapist: We prepared food for the winter, now it’s not scary. We need to wash the mice's paws, friends will come soon. Let's help them, guys.

The mice washed their paws with soap,

Each finger in order:

Here they soaped a big one,

Sprinkling it with water.

Don't forget about the pointer

Wash off both dirt and paint.

The middle one was washed diligently,

It was probably very dirty.

The nameless one was rubbed with paste -

Immediately the skin turned red.

And the little finger was quickly washed

He was very afraid of soap.

VIII. Determining the position of the sounds “m”, “m” in words.

1. Use of the accusative case of nouns.

Friends came to visit the mice. Who do we see visiting the little mice?

(Children's answers)

What is the first sound we hear in the word “monkey”? (Answer)

And in the word “bear”? (Answer)

Game "Who brought what?"

Friends brought toys for the mice. The speech therapist places them on the table.

Let's try to guess who brought what?

(Answers: The monkey brought a matryoshka doll and a typewriter.

The bear brought a pyramid and a ball.)

2. Use of the instrumental case of nouns.

What did the little mice treat their friends with? There are objects on the table (products - milk, butter, sour cream, honey). Children answer with suggestions.

(Answers: The mice treated their friends with milk.)

3. Formation of relative adjectives

Mama Mouse prepared a treat for the guests:

She cooked porridge (what kind?) from milk.... (dairy),

I baked a cake from honey (what kind?) ... (honey),

I made cream for the cake from the butter (what kind?)…. (oil)

IX. Development of phonemic hearing.

1. Game “Which syllable is extra”

The monkey invited her friends to play a game, and we will play with them. The speech therapist pronounces a number of syllables, the children highlight the extra one:

Ma-ma-pa mu-mu-well

Mi - mi - pi mo - mo - but

2. Game “What vowel is hidden in the word?”

Mishka invites us to play with words that contain vowel sounds. Which? Listen and say. (According to individual pictures: poppy, bridge, goose, whale, cat, tail, steam).

3. Game “What sound ran to the end of the word?” (based on subject pictures)

The speech therapist pronounces the word, the children name the last sound.

4. Game “Walking Words”

Children divide words into syllables and lay out syllable patterns.


The little mice invite their friends to move, and we guys are with them.

One, two - everyone get up,

Three, four - squat,

Five, six - turn around,

Seven, eight - bend over,

Turn left and right

And smile at each other.

X. Sound analysis of backward and forward syllables.

(noise is heard outside the door)

Speech therapist: Guys, someone is scratching behind the door, do you hear?

The cat Murzik is part of the group.

Murzik: I can often wash myself not with water, but with my tongue.

And mmm I often dream of a saucer with warm mmmm milk and smmmethane, and it also smells mmm of mouse.

Speech therapist: Who is this? (Answer) Murzik the cat is a hooligan and prankster. We recognized you.

Murzik: How many guys are you celebrating?

Speech therapist: Guys, what are we doing? (Children's answers) You wander the streets, and the children study and are very good at distinguishing sounds. Do you, Mmmurzik, know what the first sound is in your name?

Murzik: No, I don’t know. Which?

Speech therapist: The guys will tell you now (the children answer).

Have you come to visit us?

Murzik: Mmmmice here - mmmy favorite delicacy, ummm - ummm, so tasty.

Speech therapist (in a whisper): Guys, let's quickly complete the tasks and then the cat will become kind, fabulous and will not touch our little mice.

Sound analysis of back syllables:

How many sounds did Murzik make: aaammm (answer),

What sound do we hear - (“a” is a vowel),

Which 2nd - (“m” - consonant, voiced, hard),

Say it. What happened (aaaammm)

Children transform the syllables: am - um - im - om.

What did we do? (Children's answers)

We... (hear, pronounce) sounds. Sounds live in letters.

XI. Introducing the letter M.

A card with a picture of the letter M is shown.

Speech therapist: We see the letter and read it.

1. Children write the letter in the air, trace the outline of the letter on the board, and fold it out of sticks.

2. Game “Let’s draw a letter”

We quickly stood up in pairs

They look like the letter M.- Children draw the letter in pairs.

3. Game "Windows"

The guys play with the “Windows” manual, match the sounds “a, u, i, o, m” and their letters, and read the syllables.

Murzik praises the guys.

Murzik: Guys, forgive me, I won’t offend mice anymore and I want to be as kind as you.

Children: Well done, Murzik!

Speech therapist: What can we treat the cat, guys?

(Sour cream. Here's a bowl of sour cream for you, pussy)

Cat: Delicious smmmetana. Guys, you are so good, you know a lot, you know a lot. I also want to learn and will no longer hunt for mmmice. Now I will treat you.

Murzik treats the guys to Puss in Boots candies and leaves.

Did you like it in fairyland? What sound did we meet today? (Children's answers)

And now it’s time for us to return from the fairy tale:

One two three four five,

Turn around yourself

Return from the fairy tale.

Well done boys. You tried very hard and did a good job.