Dictations with missing letters and commas. Training texts on punctuation and spelling

Tests 5th grade.

Dictation No. 1.

Autumn in the taiga.

A golden autumn was walking through the taiga. On the narrow path she rustled a withered leaf. By dawn, she had spread milky-gray mists on the winding river and lake. Thick fog from the river reached the forest. He hid the end of the old clearing, the edge of the clearing. The fog settled on the carved leaves of aspen, birch, and spruce. Autumn gray hair also appeared on poplar, maple, and rowan.

At night, the trees were touched by a light frost, and by morning the puddles had managed to be covered with fragile ice. Malachite fir trees were covered with silver frost.

Here at the edge of the forest a herd of deer stopped and listened to the autumn tread. A nimble mouse ran towards a narrow hole. A hedgehog rustled along the path. He is in a hurry, preparing for winter. The amazing silence was broken by the sharp crack of branches and the crunch of ice floes. This is a bear making its way through a windfall, hurrying to lie down in a den for the winter.

  1. Perform a morphological analysis of the word at the edge.
  2. Perform a phonetic analysis of the word ate.
  3. Make a morphemic analysis of the word amazing.
  4. Write down all possible word combinations from any simple sentence.

Dictation No. 2.

Topic: “Communion. Participial".

Forest sounds.

Thousands of sounds will be born in the spring in the revived forest. One can hear the whisper of the earth that has not yet awakened. A mouse ran from stump to stump, squeaking subtly. A clumsy beetle sounded as it hit a birch tree and fell heavily. A woodpecker sitting on a non-living tree let out a ringing drum trill.

On the top of a birch tree, covered with the smoke of young leaves, a cuckoo crows loudly and suddenly suddenly falls silent. Surrounded by the golden glow of the sun, a dove coos, and a hazel grouse, hidden in a spruce thicket, quietly squeaks.

At sunset, a brave eagle owl will hoot terribly. A silently flying owl will scream, and hares celebrating spring will respond to it from all sides. And in the cold puddles, joyful frogs tirelessly sing about something.

A bumblebee flying out from its earthly refuge will make a bass sound. And the first mosquito sings its song.

Grammar task:

  1. Write down all the participles from the text, highlight the spellings.
  2. Phonetic analysis : in the spring.
  3. Morphological analysis: clumsy.
  4. Morphemic parsing: lurking, flying out.
  5. Determine the style and type of text.

Dictation No. 3.

Topic: Participial phrase.

At dusk, the light grew brighter and brighter, blinking welcomingly at the boy from afar. But he frowned even deeper as the restless Nikolsky forest darkened in the twilight.

Going down the path, Dimka suddenly stopped when he heard something interesting. Around the bend, near the shore, someone was singing in a high, shimmering alto, somehow strangely, although beautifully breaking up the words... On the shore, he saw a small, thin boy lying near a worn-out bag. Hearing footsteps, he stopped the song and looked at Dimka with caution...

Having thrown himself to the ground with a flourish, Dimka noticed how the boy moved away in fear.

Grammar task:

  1. Phonetic analysis: light;
  2. Morphemic parsing: stopped, lying around;
  3. Morphological analysis: going down, scared;
  4. Syntax: On the shore he saw...
  5. Write out all the participles from the text.
  6. Determine the type and style of speech.


Topic: “Pronoun”

1) There will be so many that a whole book could be written about them. 2) In cities, signs are not needed. 3) The fiery rowan tree is replaced by an enamel blue sign with the name of the street. 4) Time is recognized not by the height of the sun, not by the position of the constellations, and not even by the crowing of a cock, but by the clock. 5) Weather forecasts are broadcast by radio. 6) In cities, most of our natural instincts go into hibernation. 7) But as soon as you spend two or three nights in the forest, your hearing becomes sharper again, your eyes become sharper, your sense of smell becomes more subtle. 8) Signs are connected with everything: the color of the sky, dew and fog, the cry of birds and the brightness of starlight. 9) Signs contain a lot of accurate knowledge and poetry. 10) There are simple and complex signs. 11) The simplest sign is the smoke of a fire. 12) Either it rises in a column to the sky, calmly flows upward, the necks of the tallest willows, then it spreads like fog over the grass, then it rushes around the fire. 13) And now, to the charm of a night fire, to the bitter smell of smoke, the cracking of branches, the running of the fire and the fluffy white ashes, there is also added the knowledge of tomorrow’s weather.

A 1. Which sentence says whether signs are needed in the city?

A 2. Write down all the pronouns. Perform a morphological analysis.

A 3. What style does the fragment of this text belong to?

1) scientific

2) conversational

3) artistic

4) officially - business

A 4. What types of speech are presented in this fragment of text?

1) description

2) description and reasoning

3) narration

4) storytelling and reasoning

A 5. From sentence 4, write down a noun formed without a suffix.

A 6. Among sentences 9-13, find the one that uses antonyms.

A 7. Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence.

Test on the topic: “Numerals”.

Mandatory part.

1. Insert the missing letters, underline the numerals as parts of the sentence.

First hours.

Historians suggest that the Arabs were the first to create watches . In those days, that is, one thousand to one thousand two hundred years ago, the Arabs were significantly superior to the Europeans in their culture and education.

It is believed that the very first clocks in Europe appeared in 1223.

In Russia... watches became famous almost simultaneously with Western Europe. Already in the 13th century, scribes began to carefully indicate not only the year and day of an event, but also its hour.

In 1404, a tower clock was installed in Moscow at the palace of Prince Vasily, the son of Dmitry Donskoy.

2. Write these numbers in words.

12, 20, 50, 115, 800, 5248.

3. Decline the numeral together with the nouns.

Page 356.

4. Write numerals (in words) into these sentences.

We don't have enough (555) rubles. Russian athletes meet with athletes from (5) continents in (34) sports. The Tsar Bell, standing in the Moscow Kremlin, weighs over (1200) poods, i.e. (200) tons.

5. Replace cardinal numerals with suitable ordinal numerals with nouns hour.

Dawn in December begins at 8:20 am.

At 19:50 a concert was broadcast on the radio.

The bus leaves at 10:20 am.

6. Find numerals in these words and prove the correctness of your choice.

Three, three o'clock, thirteen, triple, triple.

7. Make up sentences with these phrases, underline the numerals in them as members of the sentence.

8. Test. Choose the correct answer.

9. Match the words given in brackets in the correct case. Determine the case of numerals.

Dig (both, both) with your hands. (Both, both) girls were not in class. Knit (both, both) with knitting needles. Tie (both, both) ends.

10. Compose three sentences using both numerals and both in different cases.

Additional part.

  1. For cardinal numbers 3.5.7, write down words with the same root of different parts of speech.
  2. Write down examples of Russian folk riddles, proverbs and sayings that use numerals.
  3. Decipher the recording of these words. Write them down correctly. Brilliant with pur100th, prepare with great care, in the 100 os3ny, s3tsy clucked, 100 only us3ts.
  4. Compose and write a short text using numerals. Option 1: type of speech - description, style - journalistic; Option 2: type of speech – narrative, style – artistic, Option 3: type of speech – reasoning, style – scientific.

Test on the topic: “Adverb”.

Mandatory part.

1. Insert the letters a or o into adverb suffixes.

Renew.., long ago.., darkened.., sideways.., occasionally.., again.., direction.., north.., right.., tightly.., full.. .

2. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which b is not needed in adverbs after sibilants? Why?

  • I opened the window wide...
  • I was lying on my back... in the grass.
  • everyone ran away...
  • her daughters got married...
  • he spoke exactly..-exactly.. the same way.

3. Insert where necessary and indicate what parts of speech these are.

Backhand.., bitter.., hidden.., fresh.., prickly.., already.., spectacle.., superfluous.., (not) other.., backwards.., carriage.., turn.. , look.., midnight.., night.. .

4. Open the brackets, first write down the phrases in which adverbs are written with a hyphen, then all the rest.

It’s (like) frosty in January, you can see it (everywhere), exactly according to the textbook, living side by side, tying a cross, standing in pairs, finally (then) came, (first) do something, barely answered.

5. NOT together or separately.

(Un)noticeably they became (necessary) for me. It was decided to (im)slowly leave. I waited for them (not) less than an hour. I (not) noticed him right away.

6. Place emphasis in adverbs.

It’s more convenient, blindly, in passing, otherwise, completely, enviably, on time, simply, immediately, race, to death, gradually.

Additional part.

1. Make sentences with pairs of words. What parts of speech are these?

  • on time - on time.
  • in a moment - in a moment.
  • therefore - for this reason.

2. Together or separately.

(Without) looking back, (inside) out, (in) the distance, (in) haste, (in) a mess, (in) the dark, (for) eyelids, (for) distortion, (for) breakdown, (for) choice, (in) half a voice, (in) a hug, (before) demand.

3. N orNN. Indicate the parts of speech.

  • the speaker spoke with conviction(n,nn)o.
  • spoke justification(n,nn)o.
  • the statement was substantiated(n,nn)o.
  • his decision was instantaneous.

4. Can adverbs be used with nouns? If yes, then give examples.

5. Explain the word in vain, choosing synonymous adverbs for it. Write down the synonymous series.

6. From an adjective majestic form an adverb, select synonyms for this adverb.

7. Write an essay based on this beginning.

Kutuzovsky Prospekt... Poklonnaya Hill! From here you can enjoy a majestic view of Moscow. At this place on September 2, 1812, Napoleon waited in vain for a deputation of “boyars” with the keys to the Kremlin...


“Continuous and separate writing, not with different parts of speech”

1. Solve the issue of continuous and separate writing.

(Not) interfering in events, (not) there were intentions, (not) to fall in love at first sight, (tirelessly), the song was (not) finished, (not) opening the doors, the girl was (not) wounded, (not) a stupid act , fly (not) high, but low, (not) hateful person, behave (not) at ease, it’s (not) expensive, but beautiful, (not) caring at all, (not) saying, (don’t) need to worry, ( no) where to rest, (no) anyone to ask, (no) something to be proud of, (no) anyone else, (no) time to rest.

A1. Find a case of continuous spelling NOT.

A) (not) lighting a fire

B) came (not) on time

B) (un)ventilated room

D) carpet (not) woven

A2 Find a case where NOT is written separately.

A) the woman is (un)educated

B) they (don’t) like me

C) the house is (not) tidy

D) (not) large but interesting brochure

A3 In what cases is it NOT written together?

A) (not) burned

B) (un)righteous sin

B) absolutely (not) sown fields

D) (not) warming winter sun

A4 In what cases is it NOT written separately?

A) (not) exposing the shoulders

B) the fields are (not) abandoned

B) (not) hardened ice

D) (dis)hatred

A5 In what cases is it NOT written together?

A) (not) looking at faces

B) does everything (slowly)

B) (not) daughter

D) (non)combustible safe

Creative task: Will you write the same or differently? Not in phrases and sentences: completely (not) rested; (not) justifying trust; were the guests (not) met on time?


Control dictations. 10 - 11 grades

Extraordinary days

Voropaev entered Bucharest with a wound that had not yet healed, received in the battle for Chisinau. The day was bright and perhaps a little windy. He flew into the city in a tank with scouts and then was left alone. Strictly speaking, he should have been in the hospital, but is it possible to lie down on the day of entering a dazzling white city seething with excitement? He didn’t sit down until late at night, but kept wandering the streets, engaging in conversations, explaining something, or simply hugging someone without words, and his Chisinau wound healed, as if healed by a magic potion.

And the next wound, accidentally received after Bucharest, although it was lighter than the previous one, healed inexplicably for a long time, almost until Sofia itself.

But when he, leaning on a stick, got out of the headquarters bus onto the square in the center of the Bulgarian capital and, without waiting for someone to hug him, began to hug and kiss everyone who fell into his arms, something pinched in the wound, and she froze . He could barely stand on his feet then, his head was spinning, and his fingers were cold - he was so tired during the day, for he spoke for hours in the squares, in the barracks, and even from the pulpit of the church, where he was carried in his arms. He talked about Russia and the Slavs as if he were at least a thousand years old.


There was silence; all that could be heard was the snorting and chewing of the horses and the snoring of the sleeping people. Somewhere a lapwing was crying and occasionally the squeak of snipes could be heard, flying in to see if the uninvited guests had left.

Egorushka, suffocating from the heat, which was especially felt after eating, ran to the sedge and from there looked around the area. He saw the same thing that he had seen before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the purple distance. Only the hills were closer, and there was no mill, which remained far back. Having nothing else to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the mud, brought him in his fist to his ear and listened for a long time as he played his violin. When he got tired of the music, he chased a crowd of yellow butterflies that were flying to the sedge for a watering hole, and without noticing, he found himself again near the chaise.

Suddenly, quiet singing was heard. The song, quiet, drawn-out and mournful, similar to crying and barely perceptible to the ear, was heard from the right, now from the left, now from above, now from under the ground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Then, when he listened, it began to seem to him that the grass was singing. In her song, she, half-dead, already dead, without words, but plaintively and sincerely convinced someone that she was not to blame for anything, that the sun burned her in vain; she assured that she passionately wanted to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and drought. There was no guilt, but she still asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was in unbearable pain, sad and sorry for herself.(According to A.P. Chekhov) (241 words)


Often in the fall I would closely watch the falling leaves to catch that imperceptible split second when a leaf leaves the branch and begins to fall to the ground. I've read in old books about the sound of falling leaves, but I've never heard that sound. The rustle of leaves in the air seemed as implausible to me as stories about hearing grass sprouting in the spring.

I was, of course, wrong. Time was needed so that the ear, dulled by the grinding of city streets, could rest and catch the very pure and precise sounds of the autumn land.

There are autumn nights, deaf and silent, when calmness stands over the black forested region.

It was such a night. The lantern illuminated the well, the old maple under the fence and the nasturtium bush tousled by the wind.

I looked at the maple and saw how a red leaf carefully and slowly separated from the branch, shuddered, stopped in the air for an instant and began to fall obliquely at my feet, slightly rustling and swaying. For the first time I heard the rustling of a falling leaf - a vague sound, like a child's whisper.

Dangerous profession

In pursuit of interesting shots, photographers and filmmakers often cross the line of reasonable risk.

It is not dangerous, but it is almost impossible to photograph wolves in nature. It is dangerous to photograph lions, very dangerous to photograph tigers. It is impossible to say in advance how a bear will behave - this is a strong and, contrary to the general idea, a very active animal. In the Caucasus, I broke a well-known rule: I climbed a mountain where a mother bear and her cubs were grazing. The calculation was that it was autumn and the mother no longer guarded her offspring so jealously. But I was wrong... When the camera clicked, capturing the two babies, the mother, dozing somewhere nearby, rushed towards me like a torpedo. I understood: under no circumstances should I run - the beast would rush after me. On the spot, the remaining man puzzled the bear: she suddenly braked sharply and, looking intently at me, rushed after the baby.

When photographing animals, you must, firstly, know their habits and, secondly, not get into trouble. All animals, with the possible exception of the connecting rod bears, tend to avoid meeting people. Analyzing all the misfortunes, you see: man’s carelessness provoked an attack by the beast.

Telephoto lenses have long been invented to photograph animals without frightening them or risking an attack, most often a forced one. In addition, unafraid animals that are not aware of your presence behave naturally. Most of the expressive shots are obtained with knowledge and patience, an understanding of the distance, which is unwise and even dangerous to violate.

Path to the lake

The morning dawn is gradually flaring up. Soon a ray of sun will touch the bare treetops in autumn and gild the shining mirror of the lake. And nearby there is a smaller lake, of a bizarre shape and color: the water in it is not blue, not green, not dark, but brownish. They say that this specific shade is explained by the peculiarities of the composition of the local soil, the layer of which covers the lake bottom. Both of these lakes are united under the name Borovye Lakes, as the old residents of these places dubbed them in ancient times. And to the southeast of Borovye Lakes there are gigantic swamps. These are also former lakes that have been overgrown for decades.

At this early hour of a wonderful golden autumn, we are moving towards a lake with a very unpleasant name - Pognomu Lake. We got up a long time ago, even before dawn, and began to get ready for the road. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took waterproof raincoats, hunting boots, prepared food for the road so as not to waste time lighting a fire, and set off.

We made our way to the lake for two hours, trying to find convenient approaches. At the cost of supernatural efforts, we overcame the thickets of some tenacious and thorny plant, then half-rotten slums, and an island appeared ahead. Before we reached the wooded hillock, we fell into a thicket of lily of the valley, and its regular leaves, as if aligned by an unknown master who had given them a geometrically precise shape, rustled in front of our faces.

In these thickets we indulged in peace for half an hour. You raise your head, and above you the tops of the pines rustle, resting against the pale blue sky, along which not heavy, but summer-like, semi-airy, fidgety clouds move. Having rested among the lilies of the valley, we again began to look for the mysterious lake. Located somewhere nearby, it was hidden from us by thick growth of grass.(247 words)


The supernatural efforts made by the hero to overcome various kinds of road obstacles were not in vain: the visit promised to be by no means uninteresting.

As soon as Chichikov, bending down, entered the dark, wide entryway, built somehow, a cold air immediately blew across him, as if from a cellar. From the hallway he found himself in a room, also dark, with lowered curtains, slightly illuminated by light, not descending from the ceiling, but rising to the ceiling from under a wide crack located at the bottom of the door. Having opened this door, he finally found himself in the light and was overly amazed at the chaos that appeared. It seemed as if the floors were being washed in the house and all the things were brought here and piled up haphazardly. On one table there was even a broken chair and there was a clock with a stopped pendulum, to which the spider had already attached a bizarre web. There also stood a cabinet leaning sideways against the wall with antique silver that had almost disappeared under a layer of dust, decanters and excellent Chinese porcelain acquired God knows when. On the bureau, which was once lined with a lovely mother-of-pearl mosaic, which had already fallen out in places and left behind only yellow grooves filled with glue, lay a great variety of all sorts of things: a bunch of pieces of paper covered with small handwriting, covered with a green marble press with a handle in the shape of an egg on top, some an old book bound in leather with a red edge, a lemon, all shriveled up, no bigger than a hazelnut, a broken arm of a chair that had long since fallen apart, a glass with some unattractive liquid and three flies covered with a letter, a piece of a picked up rag somewhere and two feathers, stained with ink. To top off the strange interior, several paintings were hung very crampedly and awkwardly on the walls.

(According to N.V. Gogol)


I remember with inexplicable joy my childhood years in an old landowner’s house in central Russia.

Quiet, clear summer dawn. The first ray of sun through the loosely closed shutters gilds the tiled stove, freshly painted floors, recently painted walls, hung with pictures on themes from children's fairy tales. What colors shimmering in the sun played here! Against a blue background, lilac princesses came to life, a pink prince took off his sword, rushing to help his beloved, trees glowed blue in the winter frost, and a spring lily of the valley blossomed nearby. And outside the window a lovely summer day is gaining strength.

The dewy freshness of early peony flowers, light and delicate, rushes through the old window, which is wide open.

The low house, hunched over, goes away, grows into the ground, and above it the late lilacs are still blooming wildly, as if they are in a hurry to cover up its squalor with its white-lilac luxury.

Along the narrow wooden steps of the balcony, also rotten from time and swaying under our feet, we go down to swim to the small river located near the house.

After swimming, we lie down to sunbathe not far from the thickets of coastal reeds. A minute or two later, touching a branch of a dense hazel tree growing on the right, closer to the sandy slope, a magpie-babbler lands on a tree. What does she not talk about! A ringing chirping rushes towards her, and, growing, gradually the polyphonic hubbub of birds fills the garden, brightly colored in summer.

After enjoying the swim, we head back. The glass door leading from the terrace is slightly open. On the table in a simple clay pot is a bouquet of skillfully selected, freshly picked, not yet blooming flowers, and next to it, on a snow-white linen napkin, is a plate of honey, over which bright golden toiling bees hover with an even hum.

How easy it is to breathe in the early morning! How long can I remember this feeling of happiness that you experience only in childhood!

Greatest Shrine

Thanks to the efforts of a dear friend, I received from Russia a small Karelian birch box filled with earth. I belong to people who love things, are not ashamed of feelings and are not afraid of crooked smiles. In youth, this is forgivable and understandable: in youth, we want to be self-confident, reasonable and cruel - to rarely respond to insults, to control our face, to restrain the trembling of our hearts. But the burden of years wins, and strict consistency of feelings no longer seems the best and most important. Now, as I am, I am ready and able to kneel in front of a box with Russian soil and say out loud, without fear of prying ears: “I love you, the land that gave birth to me, and I recognize you as my greatest shrine.”

And no skeptical philosophy, no smart cosmopolitanism will make me ashamed of my sensitivity, because I am guided by love, and it is not subordinate to reason and calculation.

The soil in the box had dried out and turned into lumps of brown dust. I sprinkle it carefully and carefully so as not to waste it on the table, and I think that of all human things, the earth has always been both the most beloved and closest.

For you are dust, and to dust you will return.

(According to M.A. Osorgin)


Early in the morning, as soon as dawn broke, I returned to familiar places along untrodden paths. In the distance, unclear and foggy, I already imagined a picture of my native village. Walking hastily along the uncut grass, I imagined how I would approach my house, rickety from antiquity, but still welcoming and dear. I wanted to quickly see the street I knew from childhood, the old well, our front garden with jasmine and rose bushes.

Immersed in my memories, I quietly approached the outskirts and, surprised, stopped at the beginning of the street. At the very edge of the village stood a dilapidated house that had not changed at all since I left here. All these years, for many years, no matter where fate took me, no matter how far I was from these places, I always invariably carried in my heart the image of my home, as a memory of happiness and spring...

Our house! It is, as before, surrounded by greenery. True, there is more vegetation here. In the center of the front garden, a large rose bush grew, on which a delicate rose bloomed. The flower garden is neglected, weeds are intertwined in the flowerbeds and paths that have grown into the ground, not cleared by anyone and not covered with sand for a long time. The wooden lattice, far from new, was completely peeling, dried out and fell apart.

Nettles occupied an entire corner of the flower garden, as if they served as a backdrop for a delicate pale pink flower. But next to the nettle there was a rose, and nothing else.

The rose blossomed on a fine May morning; when she opened her petals, the morning dew left a few tears on them, in which the sun played. Rose was definitely crying. But everything around was so beautiful, so clean and clear on this spring morning...


Behind the large house there was an old garden, already wild, drowned out by weeds and bushes. I walked along the terrace, still strong and beautiful; through the glass door one could see a room with a parquet floor, which must have been the living room; an antique piano, and on the walls there are engravings in wide mahogany frames - and nothing more. All that remained of the former flower beds were peonies and poppies, which raised their white and bright red heads from the grass; along the paths, stretching out and interfering with each other, grew young maples and elms, already plucked by cows. It was dense, and the garden seemed impenetrable, but this was only near the house, where poplars, pines and old linden trees of the same age still stood, surviving from the previous alleys, and further behind them the garden was cleared for haymaking, and there was no more hovering, no cobwebs were getting into your mouth or eyes, the breeze was blowing; The further you went, the more spacious it became, and already there were cherries, plums, spreading apple trees and pears growing in the open space so tall that you couldn’t even believe that they were pears. This part of the garden was rented by our city traders, and it was guarded from thieves and starlings by a foolish man who lived in a hut.

The garden, thinning out more and more, turning into a real meadow, descended to the river, overgrown with green reeds and willows; near the mill dam there was a stretch, deep and fishy, ​​a small mill with a thatched roof was making an angry noise, frogs were croaking furiously. On the water, smooth as a mirror, circles occasionally moved, and the river lilies trembled, disturbed by the cheerful fish. The quiet blue reach beckoned, promising coolness and peace.


It happens that in the forest of some golden-red pine tree a twig will fall out of the white pine body. A year or two will pass, and this hole will be inspected by the dawn - a small bird exactly the same color as the bark of a pine tree. This bird will drag feathers, hay, fluff, twigs into an empty twig, build itself a warm nest, jump out onto a branch and sing. And so the bird begins spring.

After some time, or even right there, after the bird, a hunter comes and stops by a tree, waiting for the evening dawn.

But then the song thrush, from some height on the hill, the first to see signs of dawn, whistled its signal. The dawn bird responded to him, flew out of the nest and, jumping from branch to branch higher and higher, from there, from above, she also saw the dawn and responded to the song thrush’s signal with her own signal. The hunter, of course, heard the thrush's signal and saw how the dawn bird flew out, he even noticed that the dawn dawn, a small bird, opened its beak, but he simply did not hear that it made a sound: the voice of the little bird did not reach the ground.

The birds were already praising the dawn above, but the man standing below could not see the dawn. The time has come - dawn rose over the forest, the hunter saw: high on a twig, a bird would open its beak, then close it. This is the dawn singing, the dawn is praising the dawn, but the song cannot be heard. The hunter still understands in his own way that the bird is glorifying the dawn, and why he doesn’t hear the song is because it sings to glorify the dawn, and not to glorify itself in front of people.

And so we believe that as soon as a person begins to glorify the dawn, and not the dawn itself, then the spring of the person himself begins. All our true amateur hunters, from the smallest and simplest person to the largest, breathe only to glorify spring. And how many such good people are there in the world, and none of them knows anything good about themselves, and everyone will get used to him that no one will even know how good he is, that he only exists in the world to glorify the dawn and begin your spring as a human being.


The dawn was breaking, it was getting fresh, and it was time for me to get ready for the road. Having passed through dense reed thickets, making my way through a thicket of bent willows, I went out to the bank of the small river and quickly found my flat-bottomed boat. Before leaving, I checked the contents of my canvas bag. Everything was in place: a can of pork stew, smoked and stewed fish, a loaf of black bread, condensed milk, a skein of strong twine and many other things needed on the road.

Having pulled away from the shore, I let go of the oars, and the boat quietly drifted downstream. Three hours later, around the bend in the river, the gilded domes of the church appeared clearly visible against the background of lead clouds on the horizon, but, according to my calculations, it was still not close to the city.

After walking a few steps along the cobbled street, I decided to repair my boots, or boots, that had been wet for a long time. The shoemaker was a dashing man of gypsy appearance. There was something unusually attractive in the precise movements of his muscular arms.

Having satisfied my hunger in the nearest cafe, where I had beetroot borscht, liver with stewed potatoes and borzh at my service, I went to wander around the city. My attention was drawn to the plank stage, where multi-colored flags fluttered. The juggler had already finished his performance and bowed. He was replaced by a freckled dancer with reddish bangs and a yellow silk fan in her hands. After dancing some kind of dance that resembled tap dancing, she gave way to a clown in a star-shaped tights. But the poor fellow was devoid of talent and was not at all funny with his antics and jumps.

Having walked around almost the entire town in half an hour, I settled down for the night on the river bank, covering myself with an old waterproof raincoat.

Primary school teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 15, Azov

This educational manual contains various types of dictations in the Russian language for students in grades 1-4. The features of these types and the methodology for their implementation are shown. The material is grouped into classes, in each of which the order of studying spelling topics corresponds to the sequence of their location in textbooks.

The publication is addressed to primary school teachers and students of pedagogical educational institutions.



Control dictation………………………………………………………………...22

Vocabulary dictation……………………………………………………………...23

Working on errors…………………………………………………………....24

PART 2. DICTS……………………………………………………………..29

    1st CLASS………………………………………………………...29

Sentence, word, sound, letter……………………………………………29

Indication of softness of consonants by the letters e, e, yu, i, i, b………….31

Letters I and J………………………………………………………34

b at the end of the word…………………………………………………………….........35

b in the middle of a word…………………………………………………….36

Combinations zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu, chk, chn, schn……………………….38


Capital letters in proper names…………………………….41

Repetition of what has been covered in a year………………………………………43

    2nd GRADE………………………………………………………...45

Repetition of what was covered in 1st grade………………………………….45

Unstressed vowels at the root of the word…………………...48

Paired consonants at the end of a word……………………………………..50

Separating b……………………………………………………...52

Double consonant……………………………………………………………..55

Repetition of what has been covered in a year………………………………………56

    3rd GRADE………………………………………………………...58

Repetition of what was covered in 2nd grade……………………………..58

Composition of the word………………………………………………………..62

Separating b……………………………………………………….64

Spelling of unpronounceable consonants…………………………65

Prefix and preposition…………………………………………………………….66




Repetition of what has been covered in a year……………………………………..73

    4TH GRADE………………………………………………………...75

Repetition of what was covered in 3rd grade…………………………………75

Homogeneous members of a sentence…………………………………77





Repetition of what has been covered in a year………………...………………………86

PART 3. LESSON NOTES……………………………………………………….89

    Lesson - dictation……………………………………………………...89

    A lesson in dealing with mistakes………………………………………………………91



If a person's knowledge is not organized,

then the more he knows, the more

there will be confusion in his thoughts.

G. Spencer

The purpose of the teaching aid is to show the variety of types of dictations, the features of all types, the methodology for conducting them, to give the primary school teacher systematic material on all the main spelling topics of the Russian language program in grades 1-4. The teacher will be able to use this material to practice spelling skills and to monitor the assimilation of educational material on spelling.

The material of the teaching aid is selected in full accordance with the sections and topics of the Russian language program. It is located in the collection in the same sequence as the textbook material.

The manual has the following structure. The introduction provides a description of various types of dictations and brief methodological recommendations for conducting them. The first part provides standards for grades and the number of words in dictations by grade, typical mistakes made by students, as well as methods for working on mistakes. Further, according to grades (years of study), various dictations with grammatical tasks are offered. The last part offers notes from two lessons.

The text material of dictations are: words, phrases, individual sentences, connected texts. Coherent texts were selected taking into account the educational objectives of the school and the age characteristics of younger schoolchildren.

At the end of each topic, several versions of control dictations with grammar tasks are given, which will allow the teacher to test students' knowledge of grammar.

This organization of material in the teaching aid is intended to ensure sufficient repeatability of the material covered and to integrate the students’ knowledge and skills in the language.

Each type of dictation is represented by several texts. The teacher can choose the text that corresponds to the level of preparation of students in this class. In a number of cases, additional tasks are given to dictations of various types to test certain skills.

Let us dwell on the types of dictations and the methodology for conducting them.

Dictation is a type of written work in which the teacher dictates the text, and students write it down based on previously developed writing skills. The teacher dictates the text in accordance with the pronunciation norms of the Russian language.

The entire text is read expressively, slowly. Students listen to it, understanding the content. Then the text is read in separate sentences. Students begin writing the sentence after it has been read to the end by the teacher. It is advisable for students to remember the sentence and repeat it “to themselves” before writing it down: this prevents repeated questioning. When dictating text, the teacher must maintain a uniform pace so that there are no lags in writing. It is important to read the text loudly and clearly enough. Reading should not be suggestive or, conversely, “catch” students. The teacher should be warned that if in the dictation there are words based on rules that have not yet been studied, then these words should be pronounced clearly or written on the board.

This is the methodology for conducting a control dictation.

The remaining types of dictations are a methodological technique for teaching spelling, a special kind of spelling exercise. All of them are educational in nature and are used in combination with other types of written work.

Let's take a closer look at these types of dictations without changing the text.

Helpful is called a dictation, during which the text dictated by the teacher is subjected to spelling analysis before the students write it down (first an explanation, then a recording).

Precautionary dictation has its disadvantages:

1) after analyzing spellings, students often write text without thinking about spelling, i.e. mechanically;

2) when conducting analysis, usually only strong students work.

At explanatory dictation First, what is dictated is recorded, and then explanations are given. Such a dictation can be carried out in lessons to consolidate the material studied, as well as when repeating previously covered material. Compared to precautionary dictation, explanatory dictation requires students to be more independent. It is possible to combine a warning dictation with an explanatory one (the dictation is carried out as an explanatory one, and mistakes based on unstudied rules are prevented).

A special place in Russian language lessons is given to commented dictation, during which students give the necessary explanations directly during the writing process.

Why - then this technique was forgotten in most schools. In her methodology, S.N. Lysenkova revived the idea of ​​commented control, or commenting. Not only the teacher teaches, but also every student in the class, when, thinking out loud, explaining his actions, he “leads” the others. First, a strong student (and then other students) says everything he does according to the teacher’s instructions from beginning to end, and leads the rest. It is very important that commentary management begins from the first day of school, from the first steps (writing letter elements, pronouncing words). As we move from 1st to 4th grade, commented control turns into evidence-based commenting - reasoning in complex spelling tasks. 0

Commented management allows you to solve not only educational, but also educational problems. Children develop a harmonious, complex learning skill (thinking, speaking, writing down), a sense of comradeship and camaraderie is fostered, and the teacher can see the progress in everyone’s learning thanks to the constant “student” feedback - teacher".

In Russian language lessons, a dictation can be used that combines the features of the three types considered; it is called combined dictation. It is used to prevent the “cons” of the above-mentioned dictations, and also as a transition to the control dictation. It is a peculiar combination of warning, commentary and explanatory dictations. So, first we prevent mistakes (1/3 of the dictation), explaining all or only difficult cases before recording. Then comes the commented letter (2/3 of the dictation), i.e. During the recording process, an explanation occurs of those cases that are currently being repeated. The last third of the dictation text is an explanatory dictation; analysis of spellings, punctograms after recording didactic material.

Let's continue to consider different types of dictations. In order to activate students in Russian language lessons, I found application dictation with justification, which is considered a new type of dictation. 0 The essence of this type of exercise is as follows: the student first gives a written explanation of the spelling of the dictated word, and then writes down the word itself. Justification must certainly precede writing, which teaches the writer to first think about how to write a word, and then write it down. Justification may consist of writing a test word or indicating its grammatical form.

You can successfully use this type of dictation when studying the topic “Spelling personal endings of verbs.”

All motivated writings must be underlined. Justification, carried out with the aim of consciously preventing possible errors, can be not only written, but also oral.

If you think about the content of the dictation with justification, you can see that this is not a new type of dictation, but a kind of precautionary dictation, because the explanation of what is written is carried out orally or in writing before recording what is being dictated.

As school practice convinces, dictation “testing myself”, the next type of dictation, is quite accessible to primary school students. The methodology for carrying it out is as follows: in the process of writing down the text, children underline all those spellings, the spelling of which they doubt, in order to then ask the teacher whether they wrote this or that word correctly. Students can ask the teacher any questions, and the number of underlines and corrections does not affect the grade. It is quite possible that when writing down some words, children will not notice the difficulties and make mistakes. In this case, the help of a teacher is needed.

The “testing myself” dictation is also a type of explanatory dictation: in comparison with the explanatory dictation in its usual form, the “testing myself” dictation involves the selection of words that are difficult to spell independently by each student, and the explanation of these words is given by the teacher or the student called by him. 0

The advantage of this dictation is that it allows you to perform two functions at once: training and testing. Other strengths of the training and testing dictation include the following:

    dictation is designed for students to write consciously; children themselves learn to find difficult spellings;

    student activity increases;

    dictation requires a lot of effort and attention from children;

    Hints and copying from each other are almost completely eliminated, because All questionable spellings can be clarified from the teacher.

Prepared dictations – a type of work in which a text that is already familiar, usually prepared at home, is recorded. This type of dictation shows how well the material has been mastered and how consciously the knowledge is applied in practice. It develops memory in students and activates the process of mastering spelling rules. The methodology for conducting this type of dictation is as follows: at home, students write down words with missing spellings or words without missing spellings, and in class we write the same words under dictation. The student, doing such work, feels more confident, since he had the opportunity to prepare. Conducting a prepared dictation – 5-6 minutes.

Self-dictation plays a big role in memory training, the development of the child’s inner speech, understanding difficult spellings, and mastering literary material. This type of dictation is effective in practicing the spelling of words with untestable and difficult to check spellings, and develops the student’s ability to dictate to himself. For this dictation, poetic texts are often used. Unlike a prepared dictation, in which the text is dictated by a teacher or a strong student, self-dictation consists in the fact that the student, writing down the memorized text from memory, dictates it to himself. Unfortunately, this type of dictation is used extremely rarely, although in methodological literature it is often found under the name “Writing from memory.”

Visual dictation - one of the types of spelling exercises that develop visual memory, attention, and spelling vigilance of students. 0 The text is written on the board, students read it, analyze difficult words and sentences. Then the text is removed, the students write it under the dictation of the teacher.

Based on the use of various types of linguistic and non-linguistic material, vocabulary and picture, “silent” and graphic dictations can be distinguished.

Vocabulary dictation- This is a type of auditory or visual dictation. 0 Its distinctive feature: only individual words are dictated. Vocabulary dictation allows you to write individual words without relying on context.

Vocabulary dictation can be part of lexical work in the system of students learning new words and expressions, and then when writing words, not only their spelling is explained, but also their meaning.

Vocabulary dictation takes up only part of the lesson, and therefore it can be included in any of its components: when checking homework, when explaining, or reinforcing a new topic. It can be warning, explanatory, commentary or selective.

Picture dictation (silent dictation) – this type of work when the teacher shows a picture card and the children:

- name the depicted object, explain the spelling of the unstressed vowel in the word and write it down;

- name the depicted object, write down the word, highlighting the unstressed vowel in it and putting an accent mark;

- They independently write down a word that is the name of the object shown in the picture, highlight an unstressed vowel in the word, which must be remembered in writing, and put an accent mark.

"Mute" dictation - This type of work is based on the nonverbal (paralinguistic) level of communication. 0 Arouses interest in the studied spelling and creative inclinations, promotes the formation of spelling skills. Methodology: a teacher or student, chosen at will, does not dictate words, but shows with facial expressions, pantomimes and gestures. Students write down words in their notebooks, highlighting spellings.

Graphic dictation- a type of work that develops the ability to write down real lexical and grammatical material in the form of graphic diagrams. 0 Students write down the language material presented by the teacher (words, phrases, sentences, text) in the form of graphic images accepted in school practice. For graphic dictation, diagrams of the composition of a word, homogeneous members of a sentence, a diagram of the structure of a phrase, a simple sentence, complicated and complex sentences can be used. The teacher dictates the language material for the first time - the children listen, then the word or sentence is repeated 2-3 times, the students write down the material in the form of diagrams; The last reading is for self-examination. In our opinion, this is a rather difficult and complex type of dictation, and it is extremely rarely used in school practice.

Dictation “In the footsteps of mistakes” serves to reinforce the spelling of words. The teacher selects typical errors from a number of classroom and home exercises and tests, writing them out and grouping them. Work on these errors is carried out over a series of lessons; the dictation “In the Footsteps of Errors” represents the final stage of this work. Children should be warned in advance about such a dictation. A dictation consisting of words from several written works can last for 5-7 minutes; if the material of the entire quarter is used for the dictation, then for 15-20 minutes.

Let's consider the following group of dictations with text changes.

Selective dictation is called a dictation in which children, on the instructions of the teacher, select parts of the text that correspond to a specific task for writing.

Selective dictation, in comparison with others, is valuable in that it eliminates the possibility of mechanical recording, allows you to provide concentrated material rich in the spelling patterns being studied, and contributes to better perception and memorization of the spelling of words.

In elementary school, during selective dictation, individual words are most often written down.

You can ask students to write down word combinations. Selective dictation should not be given when the forms of the words written out can only be determined in context (spelling of case endings of nouns, adjectives; - and - in verbs, etc.). The text is sampled using either grammatical-spelling or semantic features as a basis. Selective dictation can be carried out in several forms. The simplest form of implementation is writing out words without changing them, the most difficult is selective recording with a preliminary change of words.

Morphemic dictation- a type of selective dictation. The teacher dictates words, phrases or sentences, the students write down only the significant parts of a word with the required spelling indicated by the teacher. This type of dictation helps memorize the graphic appearance of morphemes, develops spelling vigilance, and combines grammatical and spelling analyzes of words.

Distributive dictation (“scatter in columns”- this synonymous name was invented by teachers) is a dictation, during which the recording of words and phrases is accompanied by classification work. For example, nouns of the 3rd declension with “b” after sibilants at the end of the word are written in one column, and nouns of the 2nd declension without “b” are written in the other column.

The next group of dictations that we will consider are creative ones.

Creative dictation - This is a dictation, when the student writes down the text dictated by the teacher, having previously subjected it to changes. 0 There are several types of creative dictation.

Creative dictation with insertion of words (text distribution). We can talk about the distribution of the text by secondary members of the sentence. Before conducting a dictation, the teacher indicates which words the children should additionally add to the text. Students remember the spelling of inserted words better because attention is fixed on them.

Creative dictation to replace words, i.e. with changing the grammatical form of some words of the dictated text according to the teacher’s instructions. For example, the teacher dictates a text that uses 1st person singular verbs. Children, as instructed by the teacher, replace 1st person verbs with 2nd person verbs. The difficulty of this dictation lies in the fact that spellingly easy forms are replaced by more difficult ones. In addition, children do not have the original text in front of them.

Dictation with continuation of the text- this type is a dictation with elements of an essay in continuation of the text. Before completing this written work, the teacher orients the students to the upcoming task - to create their own text, thematically related to the dictated text. First, students write down the text under dictation (as when conducting a regular test or control-training dictation). At the second stage of the work, a task for continuation is formulated (it can be written on the board), which depends on the features of the dictation text. Texts for dictation with continuation can be of two varieties: texts that break off, so that it is clear in which direction they can be continued, for example, write a further development of the action, continue the reasoning and draw a conclusion, complete the description that has been started; texts that contain a question or allow you to pose a question that can be answered; texts of this type are selected taking into account problems that are relevant for a given age or class. Continuation dictation differs from creative dictation in that students create statements of an independent nature in terms of language and content, rather than inserting or replacing some forms with others. The type of dictation under consideration resembles in its nature a presentation with an additional task. The teacher evaluates a dictation with a continuation with two marks: the first - for the text of the dictation (in accordance with the grading standards for dictation), the second - for its continuation (according to the standards adopted for assessing essays and presentations).

Under free dictation understand such a recording of the dictated text in which students are given the right to change it, freely choose words and expressions while maintaining the general meaning. 0

The value of free dictation is that it contributes to the development of the skill of memorizing what is dictated; when conducting free dictation, students develop attentiveness, intelligence, and develop logical memory. This type of dictation allows you to set both spelling and speech tasks.

As a means of teaching spelling, free dictation is inferior to other types, because with free dictation, students replace spelling-difficult words with other, less complex ones.

Currently, the methodology for conducting this type of dictation is as follows: the teacher first expressively reads the entire text and works on its content, then reads the text in parts, and the students write.

Restored dictation– this type of work develops the ability to identify text components from which it can be reproduced. The purpose of dictation is to develop the concept of thematic unity - one of the main text features, assimilate the studied linguistic phenomena, develop the ability to formulate a sentence, and recreate the text. For dictation, a text is used in which thematic words are words containing the spelling pattern being studied or words that determine the style of the text.
The technique for conducting a dictation is as follows. First, the teacher motivates students to perform a dictation - searching for key words in the text from which it could be reconstructed. Children listen to the text, and then the teacher asks questions to understand the text: what is the text about, why is it interesting? At the next stage of work, children listen to the text again and write down thematic words (independently or collectively) on the board and/or in a notebook, analyze, and explain the spelling. After this, they move on to the main stage of the work - actually writing the text using reference (thematic) words. The dictation is checked in the traditional way: the teacher reads the text, the children check what they have written. The restored dictation is close to the presentation based on key words in that thematic words are searched and analyzed during the work process. This view also allows you to combine speech and spelling tasks.

Dictation by analogy- this is such a creative work, during which the student listens to the text read by the teacher, and then writes down an independently composed coherent text, similar to the dictated text in composition and grammatical structure, but different from it in content; this type is also associated with both speech and spelling tasks, it is part of the work on presentation and composition.

And the last types that we will consider are control dictations.

Current control dictation is carried out to test students' knowledge on the topics studied or on individual issues. For control dictation, coherent text or individual sentences are usually used, the content and construction of which are understandable to primary schoolchildren.

The technique for conducting a control dictation is as follows: the entire text is read expressively, slowly. Students listen to it, understanding the content. Then the text is read in separate sentences. Students begin writing the sentence after it has been read to the end by the teacher. It is advisable for students to remember the sentence and repeat it “to themselves” before writing it down: this prevents repeated questioning. When dictating text, the teacher must maintain a uniform pace so that there are no lags in writing. It is important to read the text loudly and clearly enough. Reading should not be suggestive or, conversely, “catch” students. The teacher should be warned that if in the dictation there are words based on rules that have not yet been studied, then these words should be pronounced clearly or written on the board.

After the students have written down the entire text, the teacher reads it in its entirety. Students follow through their notebooks, checking what they have written. 5-7 minutes of the lesson are allotted for testing.

Final control dictation involves checking children's assimilation of material studied over a long period of time, for example, a quarter or half a year.

For the final control dictation, a text that does not contain words on unstudied rules is preferable. If such words occur, then they need to be written on the board. The number of words in the final dictation is strictly defined.



Number of words for control dictation:

1 class

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

Marks for the control dictation:

« 5 “- is not given if there are three corrections, but if there is one minor mistake it can be given;

« 4 » – 2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors or 1 spelling and 3 punctuation errors;

« 3 » – 3 – 4 spelling and 4 punctuation errors, as well as 5 spelling errors;

« 2 » - more than 5 – 8 spelling errors;

« 1 » – more than 8 spelling errors.

The main criteria for assessing the completion of tasks are those discovered by the student: mastery of rules and definitions; the ability to independently apply them in writing practice and language analysis; the ability to give your own examples of a given rule or definition.

Grammar grades:

« 5 "- that's right;

« 4 » – at least 3/4 is correct;

« 3 » – at least 1/2 is correct;

« 2 » – more than half of the total volume of tasks has not been completed;

« 1 » – not a single task has been completed.

Errors made while completing assignments do not affect the grade for the dictation. The grade for the assignment does not depend on the grade for the dictation.


(assessed more strictly than the control dictation)

Number of words for vocabulary dictation:

1 class

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

Scores for vocabulary dictation:

« 5 " - no mistakes;

« 4 » – 1 – 2 errors;

« 3 » – 3 – 4 errors (if 15 – 20 words);

« 2 » – 5 – 7 errors;

« 1 » – more than 7 errors.


After checking all the work, the teacher enters their results into the analysis chart. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of errors gives the teacher an overall picture of the state of knowledge and skills of students in his class.

Considering the mistakes made in the dictation, the teacher should keep in mind that:

1) a repeated error in the same word is considered one error;

2) errors on the same rule made in different words are counted as two errors.

An error is considered:

a) violation of spelling rules when writing words, including errors in omission, rearrangement, replacement and insertion of extra letters in words;

b) incorrect spelling of words that are not regulated by the rules, the circle of which is outlined by the program of each class (words with unchecked spellings);

c) absence of punctuation marks currently studied in accordance with the program; the absence of a period at the end of a sentence is not considered an error if the next sentence is written with a capital letter.

When conducting work results, the teacher focuses his attention not so much on the number of good and excellent grades, but on the number of works completed without errors. Those students who make 4 or more errors in their work should be kept under special supervision and the nature of the errors should be studied. For these purposes, it is recommended to keep a record of errors made by weak students; in particular, you should pay attention to the so-called graphic errors (omission, substitutions, insertion of letters), because they are very stable; on average, every fifth student makes them.

The value of grades for control dictations is very high in comparison with other grades for educational dictations. In control dictations, the tasks of checking spelling skills come to the fore. Using these assessments, the teacher can objectively judge the results of the educational work of the class as a whole and of each student individually in the most important sections of the program. When assessing academic performance for the quarter and for the year, the grade for the final dictation is of particular importance.

Teaching spelling in elementary school should be structured in such a way as to prevent errors as much as possible. This does not mean that the teacher should in every possible way protect students from mistakes, or give hints during tests in the form of syllable-by-syllable reading or clearly pronouncing words. Prevention of errors is achieved by the entire system of spelling classes: studying the rules, consciously assimilating them, the ability to be guided by them in writing practice, and setting up written training exercises. Particularly important is the pronunciation of words (spelling reading), which should be given a larger place in the system of spelling lessons than is practiced at school. In order to prevent errors, one should adhere to the principle put forward by N.S. Rozhdestvensky: “The own pronunciation of a word greatly helps the writing student: 1) it clarifies the sound-letter composition of the word; 2) regulates the writing process itself (the student pronounces the word “to himself” and reproduces its sound pattern in writing); 3) facilitates self-checking of what the student has written (the student pronounces the word, compares it with what is written, and thereby controls the correctness of the recording).”

Errors made in dictations can be different: graphic, spelling, punctuation. Graphic errors are associated with incorrect reproduction of the sound composition of a word: omission of letters, their rearrangement, replacement, insertion of extra letters. Such errors are a consequence of miscalculations during the period of learning to read and write; Graphic errors are typical for first-graders, but they persist for quite a long time, sometimes until the end of primary education.

Spelling mistakes– incorrect choice of letter when writing a word. They are caused by various circumstances: a) insufficiently formed orientation in the word (children do not know how to highlight the stress, determine the position of the sound - vowel, consonant; determine in which part of the word it is located); b) inability to choose a word with a strong position of sound (vowel - under stress, consonant - before the vowel); c) mixing of similar spellings; d) inability to apply a known rule to a specific case.

The most typical errors in the writing of primary schoolchildren are in writing vowels after sibilants, capital letters in proper nouns, and especially unstressed vowels at the root of a word. The fact is that the range of application of the rule to unstressed vowels is quite wide; The student is required not only to determine the position of the sound and the place of the weak position (root), but also to establish the semantic proximity of the tested or test word. That is why teaching the spelling of words with a given spelling and preventing errors on this rule should be in the teacher’s field of vision throughout the entire period of initial training. It is also difficult to overcome such typical mistakes as incorrect spelling of unstressed endings of nouns. In order to prevent them, children should be trained not only in recognizing case and declension, but also in the ability to check unstressed endings - stressed. Errors in unstressed personal endings of verbs are caused by children’s insufficiently developed operative memory: to determine the endings of verbs, the child must go through five to six “steps” (establish the form of the verb - person, number; “translate” the verb from the personal form to the infinitive; establish conjugation, remember ending in this form), and the RAM holds three or four “steps”.

An entire lesson is devoted to working on mistakes made in the test dictation. The teacher prepares material for work: writes down the words in which the largest number of students made mistakes; uses material to reinforce spelling. First, the whole class works on common mistakes; then errors made by individual students are corrected individually.

Punctuation errors considered: absence or incorrect placement of punctuation at the end of a sentence; absence of a comma when listing or incorrect placement of a comma when listing or incorrect placement of a comma in the presence of the conjunction “and”. By organizing the correction of such errors, the teacher transfers the work to the plan of oral speech: students must pronounce a sentence with the appropriate intonation and determine the desired sign. After this work, they write down the sentence and underline the required sign.

The teacher's attention should also be directed to eliminating calligraphic errors: violation of the configuration, the ratio of parts in the letter, parallelism of strokes, height and width of letters, their placement on the line. These shortcomings are corrected on an individual basis.




Graphic dictation

Write down in numbers how many sentences are in the text. Draw sentence diagrams.

    Winter has come, snow has fallen, the forest is beautiful in winter.

    So the slide Ira and Kolya took the sled, Misha is skiing.

    Mom bought the book and the kids were happy.

    This is our school, it is big and bright.

Vocabulary dictations

Emphasize the vowels.

Poppy, rose, aster, chamomile, carnation, lily of the valley, dandelion.

Ball, cubes, doll, horse, sled, skis, cars, hoop.

Underline the consonants.

Crow, woodpecker, magpie, crane, duck, goose, chicken, parrot.

Axe, saw, hammer, plane, pliers, tit, seagull.

Write it down, separating the words for hyphenation. Underline words that cannot be hyphenated.

Notebook, textbooks, pen, pencil, ruler, glue, watering can, tea, T-shirt, lawn.

Write down the highlighted words. Write down in numbers how many syllables they have.

Underline words that cannot be hyphenated.

Lesson coming soon. Students go to class. There are books, notebooks and pencil cases on the desks. The children sat down at their desks. They read ABC books.


It was a clear day. Petya and Nina came to the hill. The children got into the sled. The sled is moving quickly down the mountain.


Vocabulary dictations

washed - mil swam - lil

mouse - bear bow - hatch

cart - carried nose - carried

cake - grater garden - sit down

Children, guys, ball, maple, net, beets, cherry, fork.

Logs, gingerbread, dish, chandelier, ribbon, keys, ducklings.

Lida, Mila, Lyuba, Svetlana, Seryozha, Tolya, Petya, Andryusha.

Warning and explanatory dictations


The guys came to the factory. Cars are made here. The workshops are in full swing. Workers help collective farms. Their cars will go to the fields.

The collective farm has a large farm. Ducks and geese swim in the pond. Here's the chicken coop. Aunt Lucy feeds the chickens. Birds peck grains. The Octobers bring them water.


We are having a labor lesson. We make toys. Vitya is making a turnip. Yasha has a fungus. Raya and Yulia are making a bunny and a squirrel. The guys' crafts are good!

Aunt Zoya bought a book. There are poems and pictures. Here is a bear and a bunny. And here is Tanya and the ball. I love reading these poems.

Picture dictation

Emphasize the vowels.

Cage, ball, kitten, pit, hedgehog, trousers, feather, heron.

Commented dictations

Emphasize soft consonants.

Kostya and Phil are playing. They are spinning the spinning top. Little Lenya looks attentively. They gave him a spinning top. The boy was happy.

The jackdaw pecks at the bread crumbs. The finch eats rowan berries. A bullfinch sits on a spruce tree and takes seeds from the cones.

Prepared dictation

1.Calves are smoothly tied to the beds. (Cucumbers). 2. Red paws, pinches your heels, run without looking back. (Goose.) 3. A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Head of cabbage.)

Dictations by analogy

Emphasize the vowels.


Julia and Petya are on duty. Julia washed the desks. She watered the flowers. Petya washed the board. He swept the floor. The classroom is clean. All the guys are doing well.

Words for reference: watered.

Lenya learned his lessons. He took a broom and swept the floor. The boy washed the cups. Mom and dad came home from work. And the house is in order. Good son!

Words for reference: order, washed.

Visual dictation


Happy winter guys. There is snow all around. Borya and Alik go to the skating rink. Lyuba and Raya are making a snow woman. Kolya got on his skis.

Words for reference: skating rink.


Vocabulary dictations

heroes - hero lake

yours - your own kettle

parrots – lawn parrot

harvests – harvest construction

Listen, read, stand, play, draw, wash.

Red, blue, big, tasty, tall, bright.

Selective dictation

Write down words with the letters I and J.

1.The grass is cut with a scythe. 2. Clothes are sewn with a needle. 3. They dig the earth with a shovel. 4. The boards are cut with a saw.

"Mute" dictation

Get up early. Do exercises. Wash with cold water. Brush your teeth. Wash your hands before eating.

Visual dictations

Underline the letters I and J.

    The earth feeds people like a mother does children.

    In winter the snow is deep, in summer the bread is high.

Warning and explanatory dictations

Underline the letters I and J.


The book is your good friend. The book was made by many people. Don't draw in the book.

There is construction going on here. Workers are building a new club. My older brother Andrey works there.

Distributive dictation

Distribute the words into 2 columns. 1st – words with the letter I, 2nd – words with the letter Y.

A hare jumps in the snow. The snow is white, and the bunny is white. The bunny is not visible. The fox is waiting behind the bush. Find the hare, fox!


Vocabulary dictations

chalk - stranded brother - take

horse - horse pole - six

heat - heat dust - dust

ate - spruce teaches - teach

Door, deer, animal, notebook, primer, crane, crucian carp.

Perch, pigeon, day, lynx, autumn, seal, teacher, furniture.

Visual dictation

No need to call, no need to wait,

(V. Berestov.)

Warning and explanatory dictations

Underline b.


My dad works at a factory. He cooks steel. Sveta’s dad is a woodworker. He makes furniture. Yulia's dad is a writer.

It was a hot day. Igor and Sergei went into the forest. They sat down on the spruce tree. There was a shadow there.

Dictation with continuation

Yura is seven years old. Now Yura is a student. He goes to first grade. Dad bought his son a briefcase.


Vocabulary dictations

shelf – polka vigilantly – dawn

corners - coals foam - hemp

jar - bathhouse rarely - radish

slide - bitterly wrestlers - struggle

Days, animals, perches, lights, moths, ferrets, cornflowers.

Letter, coat, boy, hospital, teacher, schoolboy, tulip.

Strong, big, white, small, bitter, single file.

Selective dictations

Write down words with b in the middle of the word.

1. New residents are moving to the big house. 2. I get up earlier than everyone else in the morning and make my own bed. (With Mikhalkov.) 3. I wrote a letter to a friend. 4. The days are good. 5. Talk less and do more.

Warning and explanatory dictations

It's frosty days. Now we need skates and skis. Girls and boys run to the skating rink. So much laughter and joy!

Cows were grazing in the meadow. Our Zorka is there. A cow chews juicy grass. Zorka's fur is white. Her horns are big.

Dictation “Testing myself”

Underline the b in the middle of the word and the consonant before it.


Igor and Lyuda are brother and sister. Luda is small. Igor is already big. He is a student. The girl put on her coat. Luda goes for a walk. The boy sat down to write a letter to a friend.

Creative dictation

Make up 2-3 sentences with these words.

    River, boys, perches.

    Autumn, park, big.

    Days, less, schoolchildren, skates.

Combined dictation

Underline the b in the middle of the word and the consonant before it.

The days are warm. The guys took off their coats and hats. The skates and sleds were removed. Now it's good in the forest. Children run there in a crowd. Boys and girls play hide and seek.

Words for reference: standing, now.


Vocabulary dictations

Kids, pencils, skis, lilies of the valley, reeds, pears, hedgehogs, mice.

Siskins, swifts, ruffs, floors, puddles, resident, car, awl.

Fat, width, bug, residents, jug, spring, rosehip, giraffes.

Fragrant, fluffy, wide, fresh, red, large.

Picture dictations

Emphasize zhi-shi, cha-sha.

Pears, lilies of the valley, pearl, bug, tire, cone.

Candle, watch, sorrel, shepherd, task, grove.


Emphasize zhi-shi.

    My native country is wide! (V. Lebedev-Kumach.)

    To live is to serve the country. (Proverb.)

    White fluffy snow

spinning in the air.

And the ground is quiet

falls, lies down. (I. Surikov.)

Commented dictation

Emphasize the feeling.

1. Pike is a predatory fish. 2. Oleg solved a difficult problem. 3. I also solved the problem and am learning the poem. 4. I am silent - it is silent. I scream - it screams. (Echo.) 5. Woodpeckers look for food under the bark of a tree. 6. The forester went into the thicket of the forest to listen to the sound of a woodpecker.

Warning and explanatory dictations

Emphasize zhi-shi.

There is an oak grove near the river. Fedya and Mitya often play in the grove. The dog Ryzhik walks with them. Ryzhik runs into the thicket and barks. He smells a hedgehog.

First grade students became October students. The older students brought them gifts. Seryozha has pencils. Alyosha has a pencil case. Lyova Shishkin has a small car. And Natasha has a book. Nice gifts!

Creative dictation (with insertion of words)

Emphasize zhi-shi.


There is a kindergarten near the school. There are kids there. We are friends with them. After lessons we go to the guys. They are waiting for us. We read books to them. We play blind man's buff. Our kids are happy.

Selective dictation

Write down the words from zhi-shi.

1. White snowflakes were spinning in the air. 2. Ruffs live in water. 3. Mice live in a hole. 4. The rose has thorns. 5. Cones were falling from the tree. 6. Lilies of the valley are blooming in the forest. 7. I have leather boots. 8 There are big puddles on the street. 9. Clean my neck and ears. 10. Reeds grow near the shore.

Distributive dictation

Distribute the words into 2 columns. 1st – words with SHI, 2nd – words with ZHI.

1. The students made few mistakes in the dictation. 2. The store sold fatty fish. 3. Sasha put the forks and knives on the table. 4. A large car stopped at the house. 5. Our skiers won the competition. 6. Fragrant flowers grew in the flowerbed. 7. The spring in the watch burst.

Dictations with justification

Emphasize chu-shu, zhi-shi, chk-chn.


Our cat's name is Murka. She is very beautiful. Murka has a fluffy red tail. Eyes are green. Our Murka walks quietly. The cat has ears on the top of its head. Murka loves to lap up milk with his tongue.

Words for reference: lap, tongue.


Spring has come. These are wonderful days. There are puddles all around. Ice floes are floating along the river. Birds are flying from the south. The rooks have already built their nests. There are a lot of children in squares and parks. They are playing in the sun. Everyone is happy about the arrival of spring.


Dictation “Testing myself”

Underline the prepositions.

The fox has a hole in the forest. The fox cubs crawled out of the hole. They began to run around the stumps. And the fox ran after the prey.

Vocabulary dictations

Cow Zorka, horse Orlik, sparrow Chick, crow Karkusha.

Minsk city, Beloye lake, Berezovka village, Shirokaya street.

Underline the capital letter.


The attendants Kostya Usachev and Lyuba Malinina are watering the flowers. The guys and teacher Valentina Ivanovna are looking at an explanatory dictionary.

Olya and Kira go to the skating rink. Ice glistens. The girls put on their skates. Good on the ice!

Visual dictation


North Pole, Murmansk, Norilsk, Vologda, Pechora, Novgorod, Amur, Krasnodar, Yenisei, Baikal, Chelyabinsk, Smolensk, Neva.

Free dictations

Underline the capital letter.

I know the names of cats: Barsik, Tishka, Vaska, Chara, Timka.

I know the names of the dogs: Zhuchka, Laika, Bobik, Tuzik, Polkan, Sharik.

I know the names of the horses: Voronoi, Little Humpback.

I know the names of the cows: Belyanka, Pestrushka, Zorka.


Underline the capital letter.


Irishka baked

The dolls deserve the cake.

I like the gingerbreads

Irishka and Marishka.

It was fun on the slide

Sanya, Sonya and Egorka.

But Marusya didn’t skate,

She was afraid to fall into the snow.

Dictation “Testing myself »

Underline the capital letter.

1. Irina Nikolaevna is my aunt. She lives in Moscow in Kuzminki. 2. My grandmother Anastasia Pavlovna lives in Orenburg. 3. Our neighbor Klavdiya Vasilyevna Andreeva works as a postman. 4. Viktor Aleksandrovich Kovalev - forester. He has a horse Kochubey, a dog Dina and a cat Romka.

Control dictations


There is a large pond behind the mill. Igor and Vasya were fishing there. Small perch and crucian carp lived in the pond. The fish were biting well! Igor caught a perch. Vasya has a fat crucian carp. The guys were happy.

Words for reference: pecked.

    Write down the number of words in the first sentence.

    Write down words with a b sign.

    Underline the capital letter.

Oleg and Yura live in Moscow. In the summer they will go to the dacha. Grandfather Semyon lives there. Near the village there is a forest and the Klyazma River. The boys love to go to the forest. The boys will fish.

    Write out the vowels from the words in the first sentence.

    Underline the capital letter.

    Write down words from ZHI.




Place dots where needed.


There are fewer and fewer warm days in the gardens and parks, the last flowers are blooming, the forest is beautiful now, the aspen trees are turning red, the birch trees are standing in a golden headdress, a maple leaf has fallen to the ground, the birds have set off on a long journey.

At the end of the year there will be a concert for parents at our school; a boys' choir will perform in the hall; Pavel Pylnikov will read his poems; we have prepared an exhibition of children's drawings at the entrance to the school; parents will receive a concert program.


Selective dictations

Write words with capital letters.

1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - Russian poet. 2. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote many stories for children. 3. Pavlik Morozov, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova - pioneer heroes. 4. Worker Vasily Sergeevich Grushin - hero of labor. 5. Milkmaid Nina Petrovna milks cows. 6. Yuri Gagarin loved basketball and skiing from his youth.

1.Moscow is the main hero of our country. 2. On the Volga there are the cities of Gorky, Kazan, Volgograd. 3. The guys went on vacation to the Baltic Sea. 4. A club was built in the village of Morozki. 5. Lake Svetloye is rich in fish.


In Orel, in Leningrad, in Ryazan, in Klin

Let everyone plant a lilac or a pine tree.

(Z. Alexandrova.)


Vocabulary dictations

Schoolchildren, teacher, letter, coat, mill, days, cornflowers, fingers.


Underline b.


Picture dictation

Emphasize zhi-shi, cha-sha, chk-chn.

Pears, cones, cups, a car, a spring, a clock, a jug, a teapot, pencils, a pike, stockings, a cloud, a pen.

Vocabulary dictations

Rosehip, giraffe, reeds, water lilies, seagulls, closet, cast iron, grove, sorrel, prey, resident, meeting.

Living, sewing, making friends, stewing, dragging, knocking, pushing, learning, squeaking, crackling, sounding, growling.

Visual dictations

Emphasize zhi-shi, chu-shu...

    We will be strong friends

And to serve my native country.

(Z. Alexandrova.)

    I really want to grow up quickly

And then I will fly with dad too.

(S. Baruzdin.)

Distributive dictation

Distribute the words into 2 columns. 1st – words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, 2nd – with a stressed vowel at the root.

Woolen - wool, pearl - pearls, heaviness - heavy, rustle - rustle, yellowness - yellow.

Steps - step, night - night, saw - saws, smell - smells, old man - old, river - rivers, rolls - skating rink, steppe - steppe.

Vocabulary dictations

Sailor, fighter, strongman, overnight stay, flower, nightingale.

Smell, cook, skating rink, swallow, walk, shine, harm, peck, roar, wheeze, creak.

Goat, beard, bark, pluck, fight, master, order.

Free dictations

It's getting cold. Snow on the fields. There is a big mountain in the yard. There is a snow woman standing by the mountain.

We lived in the village. Our house was located by the river. We went fishing. Weeded the beds. In the morning dad was chopping wood. Mom lit the stove. Masha carried water.

Clouds are crawling across the sky. The birds fell silent before the rain. It's good to be in the garden after the rain. It became light. Starlings whistle. Senya and Tolya run home from the garden wet.

Dictation with justification

Place an accent mark and emphasize unstressed vowels.

1. A light is burning in a village across the river. 2. The children went for a walk. 3. There was a breeze. 4. I'll go cut wood. 5. Write down these poems. 6. The fisherman caught fish. 7. There is a large nest on the tree.

Creative dictation (to replace words)


Schoolchildren make toys for the Christmas tree. Here is a bear, a fox and a ram. Santa Claus carries a large basket. There are gifts for children for the New Year.

Dictation “Testing myself”

Place an accent mark and emphasize unstressed vowels.

A hunter lived in the forest. He guarded the forest. He had a granddaughter Katya. She was preparing lunch. There was silence all around. Only the stream was babbling. Grasshoppers were chattering in the grass.

Combined dictation

Place an accent mark, emphasize unstressed vowels, b.

It was bitterly cold. The rivers froze. The boys put on their skates and took their sleds. The children rode for a long time. Petya froze his fingers. It hurts him. His sister Nastya runs after him.

Vocabulary dictations

Snow, laughter, flag, fluff, step, air, tooth, snowdrift, sheaf, forehead, pillar, steppe, mushroom.

Cargo, eye, honey, row, mole, walrus, grass snake, beach, shower, thrush, rain, bush, ice.

Visual dictation

Tall oak, hot bread, green dill, cherry orchard, cockchafer, long beak, bookcase, woolen scarf, move forward, go back, white horse, a dove has arrived, a new iron, prepare kvass, pour soup, go to the club.

Explanatory and warning dictations

Explain the spelling of words.

1. A raft is floating along the river. A ripe fruit fell from the tree. 2. Masha has a rod in her hands. She is chasing the geese to the pond. 3. Onions grew in the garden bed. The meadow is full of flowers.

1. Cowardly as a hare. 2. As is the root, so is the fruit. 3. People honor those who love work. 4. What a frost! It brings me to tears.

Selective dictation

Write down the words whose spelling needs to be explained.

1. There is a haystack in the meadow. 2. Lots of berries, lots of juicy herbs, lots of bright flowers. 3. Delicious carrots grew in the garden. 4. Our region is beautiful.

1. A large turkey is walking around the yard. 2. Mom baked a pie. 3. The mole is ruining the garden. 4. The grandfather made a whistle for his grandson and repaired his shoes.

Commented dictations

Explain the spelling of words.

Winter dress of the forest, fluffy snow, snow fluff, oak in the snow, strong ice on the pond, a bear in a den.

Winter. There is snow on the paws of the fir trees. Snow scarf on pine branches. Thick ice bound the river. There are snowdrifts in the forest. One snowdrift is a den. A bear fell asleep there.

Dictations with justification

Explain the spelling of words.

1. I am your friend and you are my friend. 2. The children stood in a circle. 3. Lunch in an hour. 4. For lunch there was soup and cabbage pie.

1. Fishermen drag the seine to the shore. 2. Large fish were chosen for fish soup. 3. The net with small fish was sent into the river.


1. Growing grapes is a lot of work. 2. Vegetables were loaded into the back of the car. 3. The carrots and onions were collected in large baskets. 4. The quantity of vegetable products was recorded in the notebook.

Dictation “Testing myself”

Explain the spelling of words.

1. The skiers went around the deep ditch on the left. 2. The train arrived at five o'clock. 3. There is an ink mark on your finger. 4. North, south, east and west are the sides of the horizon.


Vocabulary dictations

Streams, Kolya, stakes, live, fingers, flight, ears of corn, will pour, letter.

Warning and explanatory dictations

Underline the dividing b.

Salt, salt, field, pour, dust, dust, Kolya, stakes, seven, families, flight, pour, family, drink, linen, Natalya.

Beats, blizzard, weeds, streams, nightingales, sons, branches, friends, health, at night, autumn, Tatyana, Ilya, ears of corn, feathers.

Visual dictation

Underline the dividing b.

Distributive dictations

b softens the consonant, in the other - with a separating b .

Feathers, perch, ants, Daria, teacher, big, coat, step, bitter, trees, orange, Ilya, leaves, ring, jam, coat, sit, housing, blizzard, lilac, gun, skates, strand, skates, white, snowstorm.

Selective dictations

Write down the words with ь.

A polka is dancing, dry hemp, a raw log, buy raw materials, a delicious broth, clean tiles, a bone for Polkan, an old postman, well-fed sparrows, a small bone, one champignon, a young gentleman, a frosty morning, a healthy peasant, a desk, grandma's blanket, a basket chanterelles, fox ears, a dangerous guillotine, lumps of snow.

Warm summer day. The sun is very hot. There is silence in the forest. Ants crawl under the pine tree. Kolya and Shura throw dry branches into the hole.

Write down sentences with words in which the sound is pronounced [th"].

1. Deer live in the north. 2. Deer antlers are highly prized. 3. The first flight ended successfully. 4. Natalya will water the beds. 5. My son made a shelf. 6. Sons please their mother with their successes. 7. Carefully turn over the pages of the book, 8. The leaves have blossomed on the trees.

Creative dictation

Change the words so that they refer to several objects. Write them down.

Nightingale - nightingales , sparrow, stream, son, bough, beehive, leaf, ear, friend, tree, chair, stake, feather, wing, ant.

Restored dictation

There are blizzards. The frost is crackling. The forest is sleepy. The clearings were covered with fluffy snow. The stumps put on snow caps. There is a fox hole at the roots of a pine tree. A bear lay in a hole under a spruce tree. Forester Ivan Grigorievich puts hay in the feeder for the animals.

Words for reference: Grigorievich, sleepy.


Vocabulary dictations

Saturday, bath, neat, autumn, flu, appetite, morning, story, Russian, buzzing, Gennady.

Highway, terrace, mass, spring, passenger, early, group, youth, alley, Anna, kilogram, class, cash desk.

Selective dictation

Write down words with double consonants.

Gennady has a good appetite. But now he has the flu. He didn't want to eat his morning porridge. Just drank tea. Here he lies and reads a story by the Russian writer Bunin.

Restored dictation


Passenger Gennady Kirillovich is traveling from Moscow to Odessa. He bought a ticket at the box office and is traveling from Russia to Ukraine. Outside the train window, groups of houses and trees flash by. Cars are driving along the wide highway. Huge trucks carry tons of cargo.

Dictation “Testing myself”

Emphasize doubled consonants.

From the terrace of our house you can see the highway. A lot of cars pass there. Buses carry passengers. Yesterday in the early morning hours a horse and cart passed by.


Test dictation


The winged singers have already returned to their homeland. On clear, warm days, the entire forest rings with bird songs.

Suddenly, amidst the chirping, a timid cuckoo is heard. How dear this voice is to everyone’s heart! It beckons you into the wilderness.

The first time after arrival, the cuckoo calls with long breaks. It hasn't sung yet.

(According to G. Skrebitsky.)

Words for information: everyone, I’m starting.

    Write down the words with the separator b.

    Write down words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word.

There was a big drought. Dust hung over the fields. Streams and rivers have dried up. There is no dew on the grass. Long dry tree branches crackle from the heat. Young birch trees dropped their leaves. Suddenly a cloud appeared. The birds fell silent. Strong thunder struck. He went through fields and forests to the south. It began to rain. The grass and trees lit up. How joyful everything became!

    Write two words with the same roots as in the words grass, birch.

    Write down words with b.




Put the necessary marks at the end of the sentences.


Our Motherland is great; its borders run along high mountain ranges and plains, through deserts and dense forests, and how many large rivers and lakes we have, how many blue seas we have, green meadows and wide fields, people work everywhere.

Visual dictation


Who loves you dearly, children? Who rocks the cradle for you?

Who loves you so tenderly? Who amuses you with a song?

Without closing your eyes at night, or telling a fairy tale?

does everything take care of you? Who gives you toys?

Mom dear! Mom is golden!

(A. Pleshcheev.)

Creative dictation

Complete sentences with minor members

Clouds have moved in. Wind started to blow. Lightning flashed. Thunder struck. Rain is coming. The storm has passed.

The sun has risen. The birds began to sing. The kids ran out.


Vocabulary dictations

Place an accent mark and emphasize unstressed vowels.

Tables, rains, rooks, rows, core, village, oar, slab, grass, spot, number, letter.

Country, sister, pine tree, thunderstorm, bridges, balls, bread, herds, fruits, steps, leaves, edges, deeds.

Animal, leaf, horn, snowball, hour, stump, fungus, forest, colored, mushroom.

Selective dictations

Write down words with unstressed vowels at the root of the word, select test ones.

1. Gardens are blooming all over the country. 2. The collective farm fields are noisy. 3. Forest and water are brother and sister. (Proverb) 4. Rooks and starlings are friends of gardens, fields and vegetable gardens. 5. Flocks of sheep were grazing in the meadows.

6. The chicks are screaming in the nest.

1.A friend sent me a letter. 2. I am sitting in the first row by the window. 3. There are high hills beyond the river. 4. The pine forest has clean air. 5. Elephant, tiger, fox, kitten - babies.


Vocabulary dictations

Underline the consonants at the end of the word.

Factory, hut, hammer, bear, pencil, vegetable garden, frost, shore, sail, notebook, dove.

Fragrant lily of the valley, warm sheepskin coat, deep ditch, left sleeve, sharp knife.

Warning and explanatory dictations

Explain the spelling of words.


The dog Laika was the first to fly into space. Belka and Strelka followed her on a long journey. The dogs Malyshka, Chernushka and Zvezdochka visited space. They flew there on reconnaissance missions. Thank you, friends!


Our city is all in gardens. Every spring, schoolchildren plant trees and shrubs. Good plantings of linden and maple trees. Birds sing in the dense foliage. The guys take care of the gardens. In the spring, the boys loosen the soil. Girls whitewash tree trunks. People are relaxing in the shade of the gardens.


Underline the consonants at the end of the word.


    Spring day feeds the year.

    In winter the snow is deep - in summer the bread is high.

    Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.


Vocabulary dictations

Underline the dividing b.

Trees, ears of corn, squirrels, fun, housing, family, crows.

Semi, families, skates, health, at night, Tatyana, chairs, trees, more, birds.

Visual dictation

Underline the dividing b.

Hare tracks, bear den, squirrel hollow, fox cunning, goat milk, bird nests, deer herd, cow horns.

Distributive dictation

Write down the words in two columns: in one - words in which b softens the consonant, in the other - with a separating b .

Letter, I'll take, leaves, drink, nightingales, shadow, chairs, spruce forest, Sophia, dress, coat, blizzard, autumn, carrots, streams, skates, fingers, days, learning, lights, pouring, fingers, blizzard, letter.



Vocabulary dictations

Select the root.

Running, runner, treadmill, jogging.

Light, light, shine, shone, firefly.

Red, blush, redness, blushed.

Far, far, far away.

Blue, blue, turn blue.

Cooks, jam, cook, cook, cooked.

Leaf, foliage, leaflets, leaflet.

Gives, gave, gift.

Selective dictation

Write down words with the same root. Select the root in them.

1.The Russian forest is beautiful in autumn. Quiet in the forest. Light leaves are falling. Dry leaves rustle underfoot. The bright colors of the aspen trees are visible. The air is clean. The water in forest streams is clear. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.) 2. The wind, the wind whipped, turned over the leaves. Rain in the forest! Rain in the forest! I’m not bringing mushrooms home – just raindrops on my nose. (A. Barto.) 3. The guest was visiting, paving the bridge, without an ax, without wedges. (Mystery.)


Vocabulary dictations

Highlight prefixes in words.

Tied, pulled, ran, skidded, shouted, sculpted, looked, seedlings, finish reading, carry out.

Trip, freeze, guess, pull up, tray, moved, set up, push.

He welded, tied, sewed, counted, fed, screamed, pinned, sawed, danced.


Vocabulary dictations

Identify suffixes in words.

Note, nest, snowball, trailer, loader, sun, leaves, small.

Autumn, foggy, lemon, long, cast iron, carriage, antique.

Sofa, northern, snowdrops, stripe, sugar, tabletop, plantain, worker, top.


Vocabulary dictations

Entry into the city, advertisement in the newspaper, explain the task, lifting edge, eaten leaves, bulky luggage, filming, bypass road.

Edible mushrooms, shriveled from the cold, entrance to the house, removable part, amount of work, drove away from the castle, exit from the mountain.

Visual dictations

Underline the dividing b.

In the clearing, Yegorushka saw large animal tracks. He went around the clearing on skis. Some animal disappeared into the thicket of the forest. The boy followed the tracks and drove into a spruce forest. Silence.


We have long dreamed of a new school. Trucks were arriving. Crane booms carried bricks to the third floor. The school building grew every day.


Vocabulary dictations

A cheerful holiday, a delicious lunch, dry cane, an interesting story, a joyful feeling, a terrible incident, an oral response, an honest deed.

A wonderful day, a dangerous path, harmful cabbage, late evenings, stormy days, lovely flowers, a mother’s heart, happy days.


Emphasize unpronounceable consonants.

It was already late and dark,

The rain beat angrily on the window,

And the wind sang, howling sadly.

(A. Pushkin)

Hello, my handsome prince!

Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?

(A. Pushkin)

Frost and sun -

Wonderful day!

(A. Pushkin)

Selective dictations

Write down a phrase with an unpronounceable consonant.

All residents of the star city dream of space.

A big, bright sun rises over the Motherland. (A. Prokofiev)

New Year is the most joyful and cheerful holiday. There was a large pasture near the river. The day was stormy.


Vocabulary dictation

Select prefixes. Circle the prepositions.

From a puddle, we drove along the road, from a tree, jumped up, entered, behind a cloud, to the city, into the yard, warmed up, came across it, crawled into a crack.

Distributive dictation

Write down nouns with prefixes and nouns with prepositions separately.

1) Residents paid for water. 2) I completed the task easily. 3) This book has an interesting title. 4) The factory needs workers. 5) Behind the dacha you can see the forest. 6) The forester made a notch on the tree. 7) A flag was flying over the construction site. 8) Our organization started building a house. 9) My brother defended his dissertation for the title of Candidate of Sciences. 10) The child needs constant supervision. 11) 3a logging poachers are brought to court.

Morphemic dictation

Write out the prefixes.

    You cannot fill a bottomless barrel with water.

    Labor will both feed and teach.

    I've said so much that you can't even put it together.

    A good word will reach the heart.

    It’s good to go mushroom hunting with happiness.

    If you deal with a quitter, you will end up with grief.

Creative dictation

Replace these nouns with a preposition with nouns with a prefix.

Without law, without rights, without honor, without soul, without order, without cunning, without system, without road, without care, without will, without plan, without mercy, without end, without benefit, without fear, without taste, without help. , without strength.


Vocabulary dictation

Before each noun, write in brackets the question it answers.

Rooster, dandelion, birch, wind, sparrow, pea, girl, village, hare, pencil, cow, milk, frost.

Heart, sun, Russia, watchman, beard, ants, friends, bed, bear, cow, help, last name, baby.

Distributive dictations

Distribute the nouns into two groups: the first is proper nouns, the second is common nouns.

Last name Ivanov, seagull, highway, Russia, first name Petya, Lena River, bullfinch, Ivan Andreevich Krylov, boots, Volga, lake, cow Milka.

Distribute the nouns into three groups: the first with masculine nouns, the second with feminine nouns, and the third with neuter nouns.

Kalach, night, coat, lily of the valley, mouse, cloud, trembling, crying, name, wilderness, ray, game, metro, hut, silence, lie, feeling, carrot, swift, rye, sun, surname, help, borscht, reeds, potatoes, coffee.

Distribute nouns into three groups: in the first, nouns that are used in both singular and plural, in the second, nouns that are used only in singular, in the third, nouns that are used only in plural.

Milk, crow, hammer, bed, sugar, sled, scissors, cloud, breakfast, metro, aspen, weather, student, Russia, coat, factory, checkers, cabbage, vacation, sour cream, furniture, shop, room.

Communion, gerund

1) I went ... l (to) the right through the bushes. 2) Meanwhile, the night... was... huddled... and r... like a thundercloud. 3).It seemed that together with the black vapors (from) there l...was t...m...that. 4).I came across an early...highway...ka. 5).I walked (along) it attentively... looking ahead. 6).Everything around quickly became black and quiet...only quails occasionally...screamed. 7).A (not) large night bird, rushing low...on its soft wings, almost stumbled upon me and timidly dived (to) the side...well. 8).I went out to the edge of the bushes and wandered across the field between ... th. 9).Already (with)difficulty I ... distinguished individual objects. 10) The field turned white around him, looming ... in huge clouds, gloomy darkness rose. 11).My steps sounded dully in the frozen air. 12).The pale ... sky became dark ... but it was already the blue ... of the night! 13).The stars began to...flick...and...flow on him.

  1. Fill in the missing letters and punctuation marks.
  2. Title the text.
  1. Among sentences 11-13, find a word that obeys the rule: “In prefixes ending in Z/S, Z is written before voiced consonants.”
  2. From sentences 1-5, write down all the words with alternating vowels in the root.
  3. Carry out a morphemic analysis of the words: PR...CLOSING, RUSING, APPROACHING.
  4. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence No. 5.
  5. Make an outline of proposal No. 7

N – NN in different parts of speech (adverb)

Just yesterday there was a crazy March snowstorm swirling around. The icy wind howled furiously outside the windows. In the evening everything changed. Drops of unexpected spring rain hit the snow. At dawn it was freezing.

The dim sun was rising, shrouded in a pinkish haze. The morning was windless. Someone's long fishing rods were sticking out near the coastal bushes. A float with a goose feather lay motionless on the silver surface of the water. Half an hour later, a fire lit by fishermen was burning on the sandy shore. Boiled water was pouring out of a tin kettle. Gradually the wind became stronger.

Lighting his small smoked pipe, the grandfather said: “In the afternoon the wind will subside, and then we will start fishing.”

Yesterday the mad(?) March storm was swirling around. Ice... (n, nn) ​​the wind howled wildly (n, nn) ​​outside the windows. In the evening everything changed. Drops of (un)waiting (n, nn) ​​rain hit the snow. It was frosty at dawn.

The (not) bright sun rose, covered with a pink... woolly haze. The morning was windless. Near the coastal bush...someone's long fishing rods were roaring. A... swimming trunk with a goose(n, nn) ​​feather lay without movement on the silver... (n, nn) ​​surface of the water. After (half) an hour on the sand (n, nn)om b...regu was burning to...erased the kindling...(n, nn)y fish...kami. Boiling...(n, nn) ​​water poured out of the horn of the gesture... (n, nn) ​​kettle. The wind gradually...increased.

Lighting up his small...smoky...(n,nn) pipe, the grandfather said after (half) a day the wind will subside...t and then we will start fishing.

Adverb “Oh, this is an adverb!”

I disliked the adverb long before I first learned about it. Every hour all I hear is: “Stand up straight, sit upright, speak correct Russian, write beautifully, count correctly, do everything carefully and conscientiously, act like a comrade, give change like a man.” All this is not easy to do. How would you like to eat soft-boiled eggs for breakfast or hear that they can see right through you?

Perhaps some people want to run around uncontrollably, but for me it’s more pleasant to lie horizontally and quietly leaf through the pages of a book, which are visible and invisible.

At school we finished studying the dialect that bored me, and I hope that from now on my life will flow in a new way: fun and carefree, and maybe still somehow.

Pretext. Tea party.

Despite the beginning of September, it was hot like summer. Tea was served in the living room. The room was lined with antique furniture upholstered in burgundy plush along the walls. Thanks to the openwork capes and snow-white tablecloth, the room looked festive. The dishes were polished to a shine, and in the middle of the table stood a flower-shaped jug. Around him were placed low but elegant glasses made of cut crystal. For half an hour the conversation did not stop. They talked mainly about the trip, which, contrary to fears, ended well. At the end of the tea party, one of those present suggested examining the picturesque lake, which had overflowed due to recent rains. (85 words)

(Despite the beginning of September it was (like) summer hot. Tea was served for the guests (nn, n) oh. In the room (along) the walls there was old (nn, n) furniture upholstered in brown plush. Thanks...to the openwork capes and the snow-white tablecloth, the room looked...pretty(?)n...m. The dishes were polished (nn, n) to a shine, and in the middle of the table stood a jug (in) the shape of a flower. Around him were ra(ss, s)tabl(nn,n)s (not)tall but graceful b...kals made of cut(nn,n) crystal. (For) ... (half) an hour the conversation (did not) stop. They talked mainly about the trip which, contrary to fears, ended happily. (At) the conclusion... of... drinking, one of those present suggested looking around the picturesque lake... of... the... (as a) consequence of... the (recently) recent rains.

Pretext. The Bat Riddle

For a long time, biologists could not say anything definite about bat vision. In view of the need to solve this problem, we performed the following experiment. They brought the bat into the office, curtained the windows, plugged all the cracks and holes. Despite the complete darkness, the bat calmly flew around the room, without touching the furniture or bumping into the walls. When they covered her eyes with pieces of black plaster, she still flew freely, as if she could see everything perfectly.

This mystery was solved relatively recently. It turned out that mice do not bump into surrounding objects due to their unusually developed sense of touch. The bat flaps its wings, and air waves emanate from them. Reflecting from oncoming objects, the waves touch the smallest fibers located on the inside of the mouse’s wings, and it becomes aware of the obstacle from a distance. 115 words

(For) for... a long time, b...ologists (couldn't) say anything definite (n, nn) ​​about the vision of a bat. (In) view of the need to solve this problem, we carried out such an experiment. They brought a bat into the office, curtained the windows, plugged all the cracks and holes. (Despite the complete darkness, the bat calmly flew around the room...those (not) behind the furniture (not) bumping into the walls. When they covered her eyes with pieces of black plaster, she (still) flew freely (as if) everything was just... perfect.

This s…mystery was solved a…recently (not) long ago. It turned out that the mice (do not) bump into surrounding objects (as) a consequence of... their (un)usually developed sense of... knowledge. The bat flaps its wings and air waves emanate from them. Reflecting from oncoming objects, the waves hit the smallest spots located on the inner (n, nn) ​​side of the mouse’s wings, and the mouse immediately learns about the forward direction.

Union. Sunday walk.

Today is Sunday. What can you come up with to make the day fun and useful?

Genka and I decided to go skiing, so we went to the nearest forest. Noticing a fresh ski track, we rushed along this trail. The fast running made us hot, which is why our cheeks were so hot. Here is a familiar lake. From that lake the ski track led us into the depths of the coniferous forest.

Suddenly Genka noticed hare tracks. They turned behind that spreading tree that stood about ten steps from us. We didn’t find a hare, but we saw a nimble little squirrel, a hardworking woodpecker, and elegant bullfinches.

By lunchtime I was very hungry, and so was Genka. So we turned around and returned home along the same route.

Today is Sunday. What is it like to think that the past day was fun and useful? Genka and I decided to stop skiing (so) we went to the nearest forest. Note...we rushed (following) this trail into a fresh ski track. The fast running made it hot (that’s why) our cheeks got so hot. Here is the famous lake. (From) that lake the ski track took us into the depths of the coniferous forest. Suddenly Genka noticed hare tracks. They turned ... behind (that) scattered ... standing tree that stood ten steps ... from us. We (didn’t) find a hare for (then) we saw a nimble squirrel, a hardworking woodpecker n... row sn... g... rays. By lunchtime I was very tired of Genka the same way. (So) we turned around and returned home along the same (same) path.

Preposition, conjunction

For three hours in a row, the sky was just as gloomy as the day before. At first we did not attach any importance to this circumstance and walked so cheerfully that those we met were jealous of us. When the road got wet, we slowed down. At the same time, the rain intensified, and soon we were pretty wet due to the fact that instead of raincoats with hoods we put on quilted jackets. But my feet remained dry thanks to waterproof rubber boots. I was thoroughly chilled, my friend complained about the same. The matches were also damp, so it was impossible to light a fire. What should we do now? My companion believed that the rain would stop by noon, and I also hoped for the same. (96 words)

(For) three hours in a row, the sky was as gloomy as (on) the eve. (C)began... we (did not) understand the significance of this circumstance and walked so cheerfully that those we met looked envious of us. When the road got wet we slowed down. At the same time, the rain intensified and soon we got pretty wet as a result of the fact that instead of pla... y jackets. But my feet remained dry thanks to (not) waterproof rubber and... boots. I was thoroughly chilled comrade (?) and complained about the same thing. The matches were also damp, (so) the fire was lit(?) (un)successfully. What to do now? My companion said that the rain would stop by noon, and so did I.

Particles. Fox cubs

More than once my comrades and I watched the fox cubs, and I could not help but be amazed at how the mother fox commands her cubs without making a sound. The foxes invariably understand and listen to her. I sat at the fox's hole for several hours, but no matter how hard I tried, I never heard even one fox grumble at her hole. Not a single wild animal ever gives voice near its home, so as not to give it away to its enemies. But in this silence, undisturbed by anyone, they still somehow explain themselves to each other and, apparently, understand each other. Throughout the day, kids frolic in the sun. Then the cubs gather around their mother, and she bends her head towards them. Sometimes the mother fox goes off to get food, but not a single fox cub will ever stick its nose out of the hole until the mother returns. (132 words)

(N...) since my friends and I were watching the l...s and I (n...) could (n...) admire (?) how the mother fox commands her c... swarm (n...) publishing (n...) sound. The little foxes (not) understand (n, nn)o and listen to her. (B) continued... (not) how many hours did I sit...by the fox hole, but how much (n...) I tried (n...)once (n...) I heard that (would) at least one fox howl...roar at its hole. (N...) one wild animal (n...) when (n...) raises voices near its home in order to (n...) betray it to its enemies. But in this silence... not (n...) broken by (n...) they still somehow explain themselves to each other and seem to... understand... each other. (In) the current... the whole day the kids frolic in the sun. Then the cubs gather around their mother and she bows her head towards them. Sometimes the mother fox goes off to d... get food, but (n...) one l... cub (n...) (for) sticking his nose out of the hole until the mother (n...) returns. (132 words)

Particles NOT and NOR.

No matter how much the hunters pursued the deer, it was elusive. The animal stayed close to the cliffs all the time, and the hunters could not help but notice what a steep rocky wall towered above their heads. No matter how hard the hunters tried to climb it, nothing came of it. Chasing the deer, they ran around the entire valley and never crossed it, did not even see the lake during the chase. The hunters, without saying a word, looked at each other in bewilderment. Their gaze did not express surprise, but anxiety, fear of some danger that was not fully realized by either hunter. But what kind of danger was this?

How many (n...)n...followed the deer hunters, he was (un)captured. The animal kept close to the cliffs all the time and the hunters (n...)could (n...)notice how steep the cameo(n,nn)wall was high...t(?)above their heads. How (n...) they tried to climb (?) on her (n...) and what (n...) came of it. Pr...following the deer, they ran around the entire length...and (n...)once (n...)crossed...it even (n...)saw the lake in the continuation...of the chase. The hunters (n...) speaking n... words looked (at) each other with (dis)bewilderment. Their gaze expressed (n...)surprise and anxiety, fear of some kind of danger(?)to the end (un)awareness (n, nn) ​​of n... one n... another willing... com. But what kind of danger(?) was this?

The end of the year. Hike to the top of the mountain.

In the morning, the hikers set off again, hoping to climb to the top of the mountain today. It is not high, but with four ledges.

A barely noticeable winding path winds along the bank of a narrow mountain river, originating from a glacier, and then sharply climbs to the left. Travelers struggle to overcome the steep climb.

The path goes around random piles of stones, complicating the path. We have to overcome these obstacles too. Thickets of wild raspberries, strewn with not yet ripe berries, are in the way. Its thorny branches cling to backpacks.

This is the top. Here tourists settle down to rest. A wonderful panorama opens up from here. To the left of the foot of the mountain lies a valley covered with dark green forest. Here and there the mirrors of small lakes sparkle in the sun. For thousands of years, their banks were overgrown with dense vegetation. To the right stretches an endless chain of hills, completely covered with greenery.

All day long, tourists enjoyed the beauty of the mountains, sunbathed, and sang songs to the accompaniment of a guitar. Only in the evening, afraid of getting lost in the dark, they returned to the path leading to the camp, sharing their impressions of the hike. 146 words.

In the morning, the participants(?) of the dream hike… set off on their journey….working today, raised(?) to the top of the mountain. It is (not) tall but has four ledges.

A barely noticeable meandering path in...runs along the bank of a (not) wide mountain river...in the Rus...beginning at the ice...ka and then re...climbing (in)to the left. Travelers(n,nn) have difficulty walking up the steep slope.

Tr...kick og...there are...decent loads of stones complicating the path. You have to go...on...to the left and these right...heels. They interfere with the harvest of wild m...lin with all the (n,nn) still (un)ripe berries. Its key…branches c…tackle the backpacks.

This is the top. (N, h) here tourists settle down to rest. From here a miracle(?) pan…ra(mm,m) opens up. To the left... from the foot of the mountain ra(s,ss)t... there is a length... covered with (dark) green forest. (In some) places the mirrors of (small) large lakes shine in the sun. (In) the course of... a thousand... hours... the dawn... their shores became dense with... vegetation. To the right... there is... a finite chain of hills completely (?) covered with greenery.

All day long, tourists enjoyed the beauty of the mountains sunbathing and singing to the accompaniment of g...tara songs. Only in the evening, afraid of getting lost(?) in the dark, they returned to the path leading to the camp, sharing their thoughts about the hike. 146 words.

Insert missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

We all know the image of the cute hedgehogs that live on their keys and apples. But the hedgehog hibernates all winter and doesn’t eat anything during this time. Therefore, a simple question arises: Why do hedgehogs need apples? Plant food is used by these animals in very small quantities. The basis of the race of hedgehogs, lizards and snakes. Hedgehogs need apples only for genetic purposes. When these animals travel through the forest and dance with their needles for grass and eyelids, they gather a large number of us. These creatures bite us and cause terrible itching in hedgehogs. To get rid of these torments, hedgehogs heat up their needle-like armor with apples. The sour juice of these fruits destroys fleas and ticks.


From O fermentation d O movable hedgehogs , To O which n e day on St. O them to O apple hatches O ki , we are all x O I know well e m. But the hedgehog spends all winter e been e t into hibernation e and n And what he doesn’t eat during this time. Therefore And ka e t pr O wait a question : « Why do I eat apples? O ki ? " R A vegetable food A used by these animals in the very sky O bigger ones l properties. The basis of rac And she's a hedgehog - lizards s and snakes. Yabl O hedgehogs need ki only in And G And enical purposes. When these animals put e walk through the forest and e splashing needles for tr A wu and ve T ki , they are their own And hate themselves b O great deal l the number of us e whom. These us e which bite and cause terrible itching in hedgehogs. To deliver b I'm tormented by these e lei , hedgehog And intensity s piss on your needle A Thy pants And ry apple O ki. The sour juice of these fruits will destroy O kills fleas and cells e cabbage soup