Day of the Legal Service Specialist of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Dossier

You, military lawyers,
Congratulations on this day.
Let it not fall on your uniform
A shadow of suspicion.

Happiness to you, good luck in your service,
New titles, new stars
And we wish you in salary,
To please the growth.

You, a military lawyer,
I congratulate you on a wonderful day!
You will become three hundred times happier
Let life be interesting!

You defend the rule of law strictly,
I did it as usual.
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Let it be nearby, and not somewhere!

Those lawyers who take the oath
They gave it to the Armed Forces.
We wish you a wonderful day
We don't know sadness.

May the service be a joy to you,
I'm happy with the work.
Let him always wait for you at home
Only someone you love.

About lawyers
Let's be honest
All lawyers -

We want you all

Congratulations to all military lawyers,
We are in a great hurry on this day,
We want to wish you happiness,
We want to give a lot of peace.

And accept a gift from us,
This is our dear congratulations,
To have as much luck as possible,
He could bring you joy.

A lawyer is needed everywhere
In the armed forces too.
Let them keep the law,
After all, it’s no good to violate it.

I warmly welcome you!
I wish you immense luck,
Let fate be submissive,
And let the fun surround you.

I am you, military lawyers,
I want to congratulate you on the holiday.
Smart, beautiful and broad-shouldered.
You guys can handle everything.

I wish you success in your business,
Love, attention - in the family,
Let them replenish the incentives
Your dossier is worthy.

Lawyers in the army are necessary people,
After all, there are many laws to obey,
Take into account nuances and errors
Who will help the officers?
In fact, legal service
Today I need congratulations,
And it’s good that our friendly congratulations
It's easy and fun to read today.

Being a lawyer is not that easy
Know the answer to all questions.
Help everyone, be on time everywhere,
Maybe you should also sing?
I just wish you
Huge growth.
So that the salary keeps growing,
To get stronger. Saved everyone.
So that everything comes together at work,
And not just a conversation.
For health from the heart.
Hurry to accept congratulations.

You have your own special world,
And you are the law in it!
From Kaliningrad to the Kuril Islands
It is observed everywhere.

Maintain order in our troops
You are called to serve!
Subject to you, soldier and general
All regalia and all ranks!

Let me congratulate you on your holiday!
I wish that the work continues,
It was getting smaller every hour,
And save more lives!

On March 29, military personnel of the legal service of the Armed Forces celebrate their professional holiday in Russia. The holiday of military lawyers officially appeared on the basis of presidential decree number 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” The document states that the holiday in Russia is established in order to revive and develop domestic military traditions, increase the prestige of military service and in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

Military lawyers deal with issues of legal regulation of all types of activities in the structures of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. These are issues related to the work of military courts (tribunals), military prosecutors, and military justice bodies. Specialists of the legal service of the RF Armed Forces monitor the implementation and compliance with all normative legal acts within the Armed Forces, including general military regulations, documents relating to compliance with international law in those segments of it that are recognized by the Russian Federation.

The Legal Service of the RF Armed Forces is responsible for ensuring the rule of law when performing tasks related to military service. The competence of military lawyers also includes the protection of the rights of military personnel as defined by relevant documents. Thanks to the work of specialists from the legal service of the RF Armed Forces, many military personnel managed to defend their right to receive decent housing after retirement.

Military lawyers provide qualified assistance to military personnel serving under conscription. Today, in each military unit, on the information board there is a list of contacts, among which there are also contacts, for example, of the military prosecutor’s office, which will help a serviceman report violations of military discipline in the military unit, if any actually occur.

On the eve of the professional holiday of military lawyers, the Chief Military Prosecutor of the Russian Federation Sergei Fridinsky summed up the activities of the Main Military Prosecutor of the Russian Federation over the past year and outlined the goals and objectives for the next stage of activity. According to Sergei Fridinsky, employees of the main military prosecutor’s office carried out truly titanic work in 2015, eliminating over 350 thousand violations of the law in the RF Armed Forces. At the same time, about 12 thousand illegal legal acts were canceled with the simultaneous restoration of the rights of more than 850 thousand citizens who are now or were previously associated with the Armed Forces of the country.

The activities of employees of the main military prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation made it possible to return more than 9 billion rubles to the state budget. In addition, the GVP prevented losses to the Ministry of Defense treasury of 1 billion rubles.

Sergei Fridinsky noted that in 2015, the number of crimes and offenses committed by both conscripts and contract soldiers decreased. A significant reduction was also noted in the sad segment of violent acts committed by military personnel in military groups.

One of the most important tasks of military lawyers is to reduce the level of economic crime in the RF Armed Forces. The Chief Military Prosecutor of the Russian Federation notes that an important area of ​​work remains control over the implementation of the state defense order with simultaneous control over the expenditure of budget funds allocated for the implementation of the state defense order.

Sergey Fridinsky during his speech:

The task is to provide proper supervisory support, including when using the latest equipment and performing combat training tasks by specific formations and military units. (...) Shortcomings in the production activities of enterprises and the lack of proper control led to an increase in overdue accounts receivable by hundreds of billions of rubles. This needs to be dealt with. To do this, it is necessary to establish coordinated work with territorial colleagues.

Work to eliminate (prevent) corruption in the country's Armed Forces is also noted. Today, according to specialists from the legal service of the RF Armed Forces, the proportion of corruption crimes in the troops is very high - about 20% of the total. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that outsourcing agencies involved in catering for military personnel are increasingly included in the statistics of corruption crimes and various types of fraudulent schemes. In a number of cases, it turns out that outsourcing companies are registered by affiliates, which leads either to the misuse of funds allocated to the Russian Ministry of Defense, or even to outright theft. In recent years, budget losses from the activities of “food” outsourcing companies average about 1 billion rubles (annually). There is an overestimation of the cost of products and (or) the cost of delivering these products to the military unit. Often the work of outsourcing companies (for example, cooking) is replaced by the work of conscripts, which is performed, for obvious reasons, for free - the allocated funds go into the pockets of commanders who are more concerned about the thirst for profit than the prestige of the military formation and the honor of the uniform. Such officers belong not in the commander’s office, but in the dock.

From the statement of the chief military prosecutor of Russia Sergei Fridinsky:

Truly effective combat capability of troops and each serviceman individually is impossible without proper material and living support.

The Military Review team congratulates the legal service specialists who defend the rule of law in the country's Armed Forces on their professional holiday!

The Russian legal framework has accumulated a large number of laws. They regulate many areas of society, creating a complex system. Specialists who understand the peculiarities of its functioning are called lawyers. They are divided into civilian and military and have their own professional holidays as a tribute to these workers.

When is it celebrated?

Legal Service Specialist Day in the Russian Armed Forces is celebrated annually on March 29. It is not a day off. In 2019, the holiday is celebrated at the official level for the 13th time. The event was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” The document was signed by V. Putin.

Who's celebrating

All employees of the legal departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, regardless of their position, rank and length of service, are involved in the celebrations. Their relatives, acquaintances, friends and close people join the event. The holiday is celebrated by former employees of this government agency. Legal Service Specialist Day is considered by teachers and students of specialized legal educational institutions.

History and traditions of the holiday

Celebrations at the official level began to be held not so long ago. In 2006, a Decree of the President of Russia was signed. He was one of the first to recommend that legal specialists of various specializations be read. Despite the fact that military lawyers have existed since the time of Peter I, the holiday in their honor was established relatively recently. The published document emphasizes the importance of the profession and its responsibility in the development of the state.

Legal Service Specialist Day 2019 is marked by traditional feasts among colleagues, relatives, friends and loved ones. The memorable date is filled with congratulations, toasts, wishes for health and success in hard work, and the clinking of glasses. Events take place in offices, cafes and restaurants. Lawyers discuss successes, achievements, innovations in legislation, and share plans and stories of their service.

The top officials of the state recognize the best military lawyers with awards, medals, diplomas and certificates of honor. The command congratulates its subordinates on the event. For outstanding achievements, memorable gifts are awarded, and gratitude is entered into personal files. There are promotions in positions and ranks. News releases from television and radio stations mention specialists celebrating the professional holiday Day of the Lawyer of the Armed Forces of Russia. They usually broadcast stories about employees, their activities, difficulties and successes.

About the profession

Specialists oversee the implementation of legislation in the defense sector. It is based primarily on legal acts enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Armed Forces. Employees represent the interests of the state in military courts, prosecutors and justice authorities.

The path to the profession begins after graduating from a higher educational institution with legal specialization. Graduates must pass certification demonstrating their level of knowledge and suitability for service. Lawyers have military insignia and ranks ending with the word “justice.” They act as public prosecutors and formulate proposals for improving the legislative framework.

Their responsibilities include investigating offenses by soldiers and officers. Employees of the body can serve in the Main Military Prosecutor's Office in districts, fleets and other units. They have the opportunity to retire after 20 years of service, receiving a social package and benefits.

Few citizens who have not completed military service even know that there is such a specialty as a “military lawyer.” Nevertheless, military lawyers exist and play a vital role in ensuring the combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces. These specialists, who have military and higher legal education, serve in the military prosecutor's office, military courts and teach at universities. And naturally, they cannot do without their own professional holiday.


The Presidential Decree on the establishment of another military holiday - the Day of Legal Service Specialists in the RF Armed Forces - was released in 2006 on May 31. But the history of military lawyers themselves is much older. And we owe the emergence of this profession, like many other innovations, to Peter the Great, before whose reign nothing like this existed in the Russian army.

The first military lawyers were called:

  • auditors;
  • military fiscals;
  • prosecutors.

A special school was established for their education. This event took place in 1719.

The legal service itself, as a separate body of the Ministry of Defense, appeared only in 2007. Up to this point, all military lawyers served in the administration. Although representatives of this specialty are highly characterized by corporate solidarity, there was no single holiday dedicated to this profession before its official approval. In any case, there is no mention of such a phenomenon.


Military lawyers, although lawyers, are military. Therefore, they celebrate their professional holiday like many other branches of the military. The command traditionally tries to coincide with this date to assign extraordinary and regular military ranks to its subordinates. For lawyers, they sound like ordinary ones, only with the addition of the word “justice” at the end. Let's say, "Lieutenant of Justice."

Distinguished military personnel are presented with awards - government and departmental, valuable gifts or prizes, certificates of honor, and thanks are declared. True, until now the celebration of Military Lawyer Day, for unknown reasons, has not received the widest possible distribution in a number of units and units of the Armed Forces.

Naturally, corporate parties with feasts and, especially, alcohol are never held in military structures. Therefore, the “birthday people” sit down at the festive table at home, after the end of official events.

The national security of our country includes many areas, among which we can separately mention the legal provision of military security. Legal service employees are a separate category of lawyers who are military personnel or civil servants of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The uniqueness of military lawyers lies in the fact that they work in conditions of international conflicts and hostilities. Legal Service Specialist Day is the day of professional lawyers working in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

When is it celebrated?

The Day of Legal Service Specialist in the Armed Forces of Russia is a holiday for a relatively young country; it was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” on May 31, 2006. March 29 was chosen as the ceremonial date. Every year on this day the whole country honors legal service specialists.

Who's celebrating

The scope of work of military lawyers is extremely large. Everything related to crimes, including murder, terrorism, high treason, which were committed in the army, military courts, military prosecutors, military authorities, as well as in the preparation of by-laws of the Ministry itself or the commanding staff. Compliance with the principle of legality in the army is the main task of military lawyers. The country's leaders understand this and therefore every year on March 29 they congratulate its perpetrators and reward them with awards. Legal Service Specialist Day in 2014 will be no exception.

A little about the profession

In modern Russia, there is only one educational institution that trains military lawyers - this is the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. From there come future judges for military courts who hear complaints, civil and criminal cases related to the army and military personnel. Military prosecutors investigate the most complex crimes, supervise the work of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and limited troops. Legal advisers coordinate issues of an international legal nature, for example, on joint military exercises and the movement of military aircraft. Legal Service Specialist Day is a holiday for lawyers, those who dedicated their lives to serving in the army.

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