D3d dds plugin for photoshop cs6. NVIDIA Plug-ins supporting Adobe Photoshop x64

Intel has extended Photoshop* to take advantage of the latest image compression methods (BCn/DXT) via plugin. The purpose of this plugin is to provide a tool for artists to access superior compression results at optimized compression speeds within Photoshop*.

Download Plugin

Before Compression 769k TGA

After BC7 Fine Compression 257k DDS


  • Access to hardw are supported superior compression results
  • Compression at optimized speeds
  • Previewing and convenience features to aid productivity
  • Runs within established content tool
  • Pluggable architecture for future compression schemes


Q: Why do We Still Need Texture Compression?
A: Demand for more realism in games via textures has increased with every new graphics hardware improvement. Effective texture memory management (compression), is still required to keep pace with this demand.

Q: How can I Minimize Artifacts/Errors?
A: Higher bit depths and/or finer (slower) compression formats (e.g. BC7 fine)

Q: Why Would I Use BCn over Lossless PNG?
A1: PNG, JPG, etc. saves disk space and transmission time over the internet but have no impact on optimizing textures for use in graphics hardware memory whatsoever
A2: BCn optimizes textures for real-time use in graphics memory and saves space on disk. However, not all applications can read/load the newer BCn compression formats - will allow you to implement optimized BCn in your app.

Q: Once I have a .DDS with BCn What do I do With it?
A: You can assign the texture to your object in any app that supports the chosen BCn format

Q: What Game Engines Support DDS?
A1: Unreal offers BC7 as a texture compression option on build
A2: Maya 2015+ supports BC7 in Viewport2.0

Q: Is There Support for DX 11.3 and DX12?
A: Yes the newer BCn formats are supported in DX11.2 and DX12

Q: How do I Know What Compression is Best for What?
A: See Export Formats table below

Q: What are the HW requirements for BCn
A1: Older graphics (< DX10) won"t support newer BC6 and BC7
A2: Low power graphics like PowerVR don't support BC compression

Q: Is a Mac version available
A: No, not at this time

Key Features

  • Multiple image format support for BCn,
  • Save with DirectX10 extended header for sRGB
  • Read DirectX10 extended header DDS files into Photoshop*
  • Choice of Fast and Fine (more accurate) compression
  • Support for alpha maps, color maps, normal maps
  • Support for cube maps
    • BCn Compression
    • Gaussian Blur Script
    • Convert Horizontal Cube Cross To/From Layers Script
  • Load/Edit mipmaps levels as layers - Repack mipmaps upon save
  • Real-time preview to visualize quality trade-offs
  • Photoshop Batch/Action support
  • Save plugin settings as Presets
  • Extensible

Cube Map Tools

Gaussian Blur Script

Allows you to apply a gaussian blur value across all individual layers (sides) of the cube map. Layers can then be saved directly to a single DDS file in the BCN format of choice or converted to a horizontal cube cross using the Convert Cube Map script provided to evaluate if desired.

Convert Cube Map Script

Enables 2-way conversion from a horizontal cube cross to individual sides as layers for image processing and back again.

Export Formats

Available formats change based on Texture Type chosen. Contextual guidance in simple terms is also provided. Color format list shown at left. Full list shown below.

BC1RGB4BPPaka DXT1Useful for color maps or normal maps if memory is tight. Contains RGB types of data
BC3RGBA8BPPaka DXT5Useful for color maps with full alpha, packing color and mono maps together. Contains RGBA types of data.
BC3sRGBA8BPPaka DXT5Same as above with sRGB extended header only on DX10 + level hardware
BC4R4BPPGrayscaleUseful for height maps, gloss maps, font atlases or any other gray-scale image
BC5RG8BPP Useful for tangent space normal maps. A two Channel Tangent Map
BC6HRGB8BPPFast CompressionUseful for HDR 16 images only on DX11+ level hardware
BC6HRGB8BPPFine Compression
BC7RGBA8BPPFast CompressionUseful for high quality color maps, color maps with full alpha. It provides the best quality compression only on DX11+ level hardware
BC7RGBA8BPPFine CompressionSame as above with longer optimized compression time for a finer result
BC7sRGBA8BPPFast CompressionSame as BC7 Fast above with sRGB extended header only on DX10 + level hardware
BC7sRGBA8BPPFine CompressionSame as BC7 Fine above with sRGB extended header only on DX10 + level hardware


  • Windows* (32/64) versions 7, 8, 10
  • Photoshop* CS6 through CC2015


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* Other names and brands may be claimed by their owners.
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It's finished! After several years of waiting, Nvidia was honored to update its NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and introduced version support into it CS4, CS5 and x64 systems (although it would be more correct to say  64-bit software versions). Now amateurs and professionals from all over the world can finally stop jumping from the 64-bit version of Photoshop to the 32-bit version and back to create normal maps.

Nvidia Normal Map Filter and DDS Plug-in for 64-bit Photoshop (x64)

NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop includes two main components:
  • NormalMapFilter  - a filter for Photoshop that can turn any image into a Normal Map. The algorithm works on the Height2Normal principle, i.e. in the original image, dark areas should correspond to depressions, and light areas should correspond to elevations. In other words, for correct processing, manual modification of the original image may be required (if you care about the quality of the result, of course). There are many customization options available for the filter, and there is also the ability to preview in 3D View mode.

  • DDS Plug-In  - allows you to open and save textures compressed using the DXTC algorithm (.dds format), select the compression profile used, etc. The DDS (Direct Draw Surface) format is widely used for game development and is often used to compress textures of game models.

On the NVIDIA Developer Zone you can download Nvidia Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and other useful tools, or use direct links to download plugin version 8.5:

NVIDIA Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop (32-bit) (8.51.0301.0345)
NVIDIA Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop (64-bit) (8.51.0301.0345)

P.S. Be careful with all manipulations with your textures and always save your job before you apply one of the filters. In general, saving more often and in different files is good form.

View all tools. You can find the tools in the icon menu. Understand which icon gives you access to a specific tool.

  • You can choose Various types Selection tools, such as Rectangular Marquee, Oval Marquee, Marquee (Horizontal Row), or Marquee (Vertical Row). These elongated selection options work on every tool except the Move and Zoom tools.

Select different areas of the image as needed. There are several tools that can help with this:

  • Rectangular Marquee: Select the tool by clicking on it, then click and drag onto the image.
  • Move: With this tool you can position the selected layer. Basically, this tool is used to move objects (layers).
  • Straight Line Lasso: This tool serves the same purpose as the Selection tool, but it lets you draw the shape of the selection yourself. You can create any shape. To do this, first select the tool and then start clicking on different places in the image, circling the area you need. Then click on the starting point to complete the selection or simply press Enter.
  • Magic Wand: Highlights areas of an image based on the color or brightness similarity of nearby pixels.
  • Crop the image using the Crop tool. It is used for cropping an image - creating a frame and cropping areas that are not included in the frame. Just click on the tool, determine the area you want to trim and press Enter.

    Pick colors from your image using the Eyedropper tool. With it, you can select colors from an image. You can click anywhere on your image to select a color, and then you can use that color for other purposes.

    Repair the problem image using the Spot Healing Brush tool. You just need to click on an object (defect) and the tool will fill it with color based on the pixels surrounding this object (defect). Parameters such as lighting, shading, texture, transparency will be taken into account (everything is calculated automatically).

    Use a variety of drawing tools.

    • “Brush”: a favorite tool of painters and artists, which is used for drawing. You can customize the brush size and type by right-clicking on work area Images.
    • Stamp: The tool is used to clone one part of an image onto another part. Select the tool by holding down the Alt key and then click on the area you want to clone, then release Alt and the area you selected will be cloned.
    • History Brush: This tool is used to show the original state of an image when you first opened it in Photoshop. For example, if you turned a color image into black and white (Alt + Shift + Ctrl + B) and then started painting over it with the History Brush tool. In those places where you drew, the image will become as in its original form - in color.
    • “Pen”: with this tool you can easily draw a vector shape of any shape, the size of which can be changed without losing quality. Place your cursor where you start drawing and click to create your first anchor point. Other anchor points will connect to each subsequent one and you will get a figure. To complete the shape, click on the first anchor point or press Enter.br>
  • Erase unnecessary areas using the Eraser tool. It is used to erase strokes or layers of an image.

    Create effects in specific areas Images.

    • Gradient: This tool can make a color gradient in a selected area or across the entire image. Select the tool and then click on the image, drag it in the direction you want.
    • Blur: This tool is used to blur the image or strokes. Simply select a tool and select the area you want to blur.
    • Illuminator: Used to brighten a dark area of ​​the image. Just select a tool and start drawing over the image.
  • You can add text to an image using the Text tool. This tool is used to add text to an image. Select the tool and click on any point to add text.