What is graduate school and why should you go there? How is part-time graduate school different from full-time? Full-time graduate school and work, how to combine.

Postgraduate studies, clinical residency

  • Adjunct- postgraduate studies at universities and research institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Clinical residency- a form of advanced training for doctors in medical universities, advanced training institutes and research institutions.

Graduate student

Social guarantees

In Russian legislation, the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education in the Russian Federation” provides the following guarantees:

P.S. Temporarily, until the spring conscription of 2012, full-time students of unaccredited graduate school are not subject to conscription into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation if they have Appendix No. 2 and a graduate school license, since the decree on obtaining accreditation by graduate schools was issued relatively recently (previously only licenses were required). Universities were given time to prepare.


In some European countries the terms graduate student And graduate school correspond doctoral student And doctoral studies.


Candidates and doctors of sciences are exempt from military service.


see also

  • Residency

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Postgraduate studies” is in other dictionaries:

    Adjunct, target Dictionary of Russian synonyms. postgraduate study noun, number of synonyms: 2 postgraduate study (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from Latin aspiro I strive, I try to get closer) in the Russian Federation, a form of training for scientists at universities and research institutions ... Legal dictionary

    Modern encyclopedia

    - (from Lat. aspiro I strive, I try to get closer), a form of training for scientific workers. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 1930s. spread to universities and research institutes of the USSR (postgraduate students defended their candidate's dissertations since 1934). In the beginning. 1990s... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    GRADUATE STUDIES, postgraduate studies, women's. (neol.). 1. Position, activity of a graduate student. 2. only units, collected. Graduate students (colloquial). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    GRADUATE STUDY, s, female. The training that graduate students undergo; system of such training. Study in graduate school. Finish graduate school. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    graduate school- y, w. PhD student German Postgraduate System for training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel at universities and research institutions. BAS 2. Lex. Ush. 1935: graduate student... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    GRADUATE STUDY- GRADUATE STUDY. Form of training of scientific pedagogical and scientific workers. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 1930s. in universities and research institutes of the USSR (postgraduate students defended candidate dissertations - since 1934). Can be full-time (3 years of study)… … New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    Postgraduate studies- (from the Latin aspiro I strive, I try to get closer), a form of training for scientific workers. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 30s. spread to universities and research institutes of the USSR (postgraduate students defended their candidate's dissertations since 1934). At first … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    GRADUATE STUDY- (from Latin aspiro I strive, I try to get closer) a form of training for scientists. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 30s. spread to universities and research institutes of the USSR (postgraduate students defended their candidate's dissertations since 1934). IN… … Legal encyclopedia


  • Philosophy of science: Proc. village / T. G. Leshkevich - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2016.-272 p..-(HE: Postgraduate Studies) (P), Leshkevich T.G.. The material corresponding to the minimum candidate program is presented in a concise and accessible form on the fundamentals of philosophy of science. An attempt was made to preserve the worldview potential of philosophy,...

A system of multi-level education, which includes obtaining bachelor's and master's degrees, was introduced in our country more than 15 years ago. Disputes over the effectiveness and necessity of such educational practice still continue to this day. However, almost 200 Russian universities now train masters in more than 100 different areas, and their number is constantly growing. What is a master's degree and who needs it?

According to the Law “On Education” of 1992 and numerous decrees of the Ministry of Education (and before that the State Committee for Higher Education), a master’s degree can be called the third level of higher education. It is preceded by a bachelor's degree and complete higher education.

A bachelor receives a basic higher education, without any narrow specialization. As a rule, the duration of a bachelor's degree is 4 years, after which you can immediately begin looking for a job. If your goal is a master’s degree, then a bachelor’s degree from the relevant university is the best “starting platform.”

Complete higher education involves studying for 5 years, after which, having passed state exams and defended your thesis, you become a specialist or certified specialist. Actually, such training existed in Soviet universities and exists in most Russian universities to this day, although the specialty, apparently, is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Both a bachelor's degree and a specialist's degree are equally considered higher education, therefore, they allow you to enroll in a master's program. We will answer a number of questions regarding obtaining a master's degree.

Who should pursue a master's degree?

Previously, those who decided to devote themselves to an academic career - research and teaching activities or work in the field of high technology - went to master's programs primarily.

Today, this feature of master's programs remains in most universities, but every year more and more master's programs with a clear practical focus and narrower specialization appear. We can say that with an increasingly clear transition to the “bachelor’s – master’s” system, the first becomes a source of basic knowledge without specialization, and the second provides more practical and narrow knowledge in the chosen field.

What is the duration and content of the master's program?

The duration of the program is two years. Upon admission, you must present a bachelor's degree, or a certified specialist, or a specialist. In the first two cases, the candidate has the right to free education (first higher education), in the third – only to paid education (second higher education). The master's program includes two components of approximately equal volume - educational and research. Accordingly, upon completion it is necessary, firstly, to pass exams, and secondly, to submit a research work: a master's thesis.

Paid or free?

If previously it was possible to enroll for free only in the master’s program of “your” university, that is, the one where the candidate graduated from a bachelor’s or specialist’s degree, then for several years now this situation has changed: you can enroll in a budget department at another university.

For those who have chosen a scientific career, we note that a master's degree is an excellent preparation for entering graduate school with the prospect of obtaining a PhD degree. During the master's degree, the future graduate student gets used to independent scientific work. At the same time, the master's program in no way replaces or duplicates the latter, since, unlike graduate school, the academic part of the program is no less important for preparing a master's degree than the research component.

Postgraduate studies

Postgraduate study is the path of the future candidate of sciences.

The candidate's degree is achieved by defending a dissertation after studying for up to 3 years in full-time graduate school (or up to 4 years in part-time graduate school). During this time, you will have to prepare several scientific publications and pass 3 candidate exams - usually philosophy, a foreign language and a specialty exam. In addition, you will have the opportunity (or even the responsibility) to teach seminars and take exams - which is important if you are interested in teaching.

As mentioned above, a master's degree can help you on your way to graduate student status. In addition, it is necessary to study well, write scientific articles, and speak at university conferences. The determining factor is the opinion of the academic council of the university and your supervisor about you.

In addition to universities, postgraduate studies exist at various research institutes. Admission of postgraduate students to scientific institutes is an order of magnitude lower than to postgraduate studies at educational institutions: every year over 100 thousand applicants enter postgraduate studies at universities, while scientific institutes accept about 17 thousand postgraduate students per year. Thus, the advantages of postgraduate study at research institutes include a lower level of competition for vacant positions. Surely, there are research assistants teaching at your university - you can negotiate with them about internships, and in the future, about admission to graduate school at a research institute.

Obtaining a PhD degree occurs by defending a dissertation before a dissertation council. After a second check of the work (this time by the Higher Attestation Commission - HAC) and with a positive decision of the commission, the applicant receives the coveted “crust” of a Candidate of Sciences.

Some facts:

  • The level of proficiency in a foreign language should allow the future candidate of science to translate one page of typewritten text closely to the text in 1 hour.
  • For the most part, postgraduate studies are free, but there are also paid ones - especially at non-state universities and in economic specialties.
  • Full-time graduate students are granted a deferment from the army for three years; Candidates of Sciences are not subject to conscription.
  • If a PhD is not your main goal, you can complete your graduate studies without completing a dissertation. In this case, you will be issued a diploma confirming completion of graduate school and passing the candidate exams.
  • The analogue of postgraduate study in military educational institutions will be called adjunct, and in medical institutions - residency.
  • A candidate of science can apply for the degree of Doctor of Science by enrolling in doctoral studies, preparing and defending a doctoral dissertation.
  • Obtaining an academic degree is possible in the form of a competition. In this case, passing exams and defending a dissertation occurs without interruption from the main place of work; applicants do not enter graduate school or doctoral studies.

Actual question: What will a PhD degree give you in the labor market if you are not going to engage in teaching? So, in what case should you consider defending your dissertation:

  • If you work in the field of high technology. A candidate's degree in medical, biological, physical, mathematical and other natural sciences guarantees an advantage when hiring highly qualified specialists. This applies to work not only in Russia, but also abroad.
  • If you want to become a senior manager in Russia. In the West, domestic personnel with degrees in the humanities (economics, law, sociology) are valued significantly lower than “naturalists.” In the vacancies of our enterprises, one can often find the desirability of having an academic degree - so the decision to defend a dissertation for a future leading lawyer or financial director is strategically justified.

Change is coming

In 2015, new standards for master's and postgraduate studies should come into force, which will seriously tighten the requirements for the accreditation of such programs in universities and research institutes. According to these changes, many universities will lose the right to offer master's and postgraduate programs. The vacated places will be redistributed in favor of the country's leading universities, which will be able to provide all the requirements for these programs. Moreover, these will not only be universities in the capital, since the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation plans to provide master’s and postgraduate programs to large regional universities.

Admission to graduate school to obtain postgraduate professional education and dissertation writing are an important decision that will affect your life in the future.

Reasons to understand what graduate school offers

Most often, teaching and scientific personnel require an academic degree, which is a necessity when obtaining this vacancy.

This does not mean that they should plunge into work immediately after completing their university education. Just make sure you have a good reason like scientific novelty of the research for admission to graduate school.

Some of the reasons listed below are more valid than others, but they all have common reasons why people determine what graduate school offers:

The downside or disadvantages of studying in graduate school

  1. High competitiveness. There is competition for places in research positions related to departmental politics.
  2. Requires the ability to prioritize. It takes a lot of discipline and vision. This can be a strain on family and personal relationships, not to mention yourself.
  3. Relationship strains. If you're married, housing can be an issue. You may be offered a position and free tuition, but not housing for your spouse in the dorm.
  4. Stress. Emotionally exhausting – finishing graduate school as a PhD student requires emotional maturity.
  5. Writing a dissertation. Writing an original thesis is not easy compared to a term paper or dissertation and it often takes much longer than studying.
  6. Needs support. You may need a strong support network to get through everything emotionally.
  7. May take 2-7 years of its life. Not everyone will end up with a dissertation in the typical 2 or 3 years. Personal obligations often interfere or lack of funds makes the defense difficult.
  8. Additional cost of training. If you do not intend to work while studying or do not get a job as an assistant or exemption from tuition fees.
  9. Does not guarantee a high salary. Earning a PhD doesn't necessarily mean you'll be offered a job with a much higher salary.
  10. Limited employment opportunities. If the PhD is in an academic field, finding work outside of teaching or research may be difficult.
  11. Overqualified. During an economic downturn, if you find yourself looking for a job, having an advanced degree can be a liability. You may hear "sorry, you're overqualified."

Is it worth going to graduate school?

The structure of training is different than at a university. There are virtually no lectures, all or almost all classes will be small seminars with a few graduate students. Even just 2-5 people in a class is not uncommon.

You must be prepared to conduct seminars, speak and engage in intellectual conversation. Your professors will be interested in hearing your findings. High quality work, presentations and group projects are expected. You will be able to devote much more time to each discipline than you could at the university.

This is what graduate school provides - an advanced training program focusing on a specific scientific discipline or profession with the opportunity to defend a Ph.D. dissertation.

The master's degree is followed by postgraduate study - the choice of those who feel a craving for scientific knowledge. The duration of postgraduate studies varies depending on the chosen form of study. Full-time students approach the defense of their dissertation after 3 years, part-time students prepare for a year longer.

Apply for training

What work needs to be done throughout the training

There are no restrictions on the time period for defending a dissertation work. It can become either the first serious application of a young scientist or the work of his entire life. But for the period of a graduate student’s study itself, strict requirements are imposed.

You can get to the postgraduate level of higher education in graduate school only if 2 conditions are met.

  • Completing the first stages of study with a high score (the university determines it independently).
  • Successful passing of tests (major subject, philosophy/history of science, foreign language).

The passing score is determined by the university. For those who were not among the graduate students, a “workaround” is open - a candidate for a scientific degree. The latter must pass candidate exams and be assigned to an educational institution for a maximum of 6 months.

The practice of training future scientists/teachers involves a huge layer of independent work. For 3–4 years of study, the student must:

  • Engage in the creation/promotion of original/co-authored scientific works. Registration of patents, development of original projects, and generation of research reports are encouraged.
  • Publish articles. A minimum set of publications has been determined (from 4 from the Higher Attestation Commission list, from 3 from the RSCI index). It is advisable to expand it with articles from scientific journals, newspapers, catalogs not indexed by the RSCI, outside the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.
  • Present at conferences about your own research. Active participation in such events largely determines the prospects for further research practice.
  • Conduct practical and laboratory classes for students, give lectures. Full-time graduate students take an exam in pedagogy.
  • Pass candidate exams, undergo intermediate certification.
  • Attend classes (at our university they are held in the evening for convenient combination of work and study).
  • Collect material (empirical, scientific, theoretical) for a future dissertation.

What level of education is graduate school?

The standard program of the Bologna system assigns graduate studies the third level of education after bachelor's and master's degrees. But there are clarifications related to the relatively recent transition to international professional training programs.

Thus, bachelors cannot become graduate students without a master's degree, but specialist graduates can. For the latter, this is the second stage. Students who have completed graduate school have the right to re-enter as applicants (this is already a second higher education or 4th level).

What degree is awarded to a graduate of graduate school?

Unlike bachelors, specialists, and master's students, graduate students do not receive a qualifying diploma. They are awarded a PhD degree. It gives the right to conduct teaching activities, take part in joint scientific work, and apply for government support when conducting research.

Is it possible to further improve the level of qualifications?

For many, the opportunity to enroll in graduate school is a serious step to take. A person going for this must clearly understand what he wants to achieve. It should be understood that postgraduate study is not just the next stage of education after graduation. Enrolling in it takes you to a whole new level. Graduate school is more than just a place to gain knowledge. It allows a person to receive an academic title.

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In order to study in graduate school, a person must have analytical, creative and research abilities, and you must also have talent. There are very few people with such abilities among graduates. Because of this, before making a decision, you must examine yourself and understand whether you have the aptitude for learning and scientific work. Without ability and talent, you will simply waste your time and it will not be useful. It's better to find yourself in something else where you can contribute.

What is this training?

Postgraduate study is a form of professional postgraduate education. It is the main stage in the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. Today it serves as an independent form of education. Its main goal is to acquire the skills to engage in scientific work independently. Education is mainly conducted at research institutes and higher educational institutions.

A specialist who has completed his training must have everything necessary to effectively solve problems in the scientific environment and carry out high-quality research work. Postgraduate study, in essence, is a form of advanced training for those wishing to obtain a PhD degree. During the training, a person gains the experience that he will need in order to choose a relevant scientific direction in the future. He learns to justify the research topics he is involved in. The graduate student also gains the required experience to properly organize and conduct an experiment. Acquires skills in skillful work with literature, the ability to competently receive and process research data, and perform their comparative analysis. Learns to correctly summarize the data from your research in the form of conclusions. The final stage of training is writing a candidate's dissertation. The postgraduate student will have to first defend the written dissertation at a meeting of the department, as well as at a meeting of the scientific department, which must necessarily correspond to his profile.

Who is a graduate student

A graduate student is a person who has a higher professional education. Its goal is to prepare for the defense of a dissertation to obtain the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences. To achieve this goal, he must undergo postgraduate training, which is located at research institutions and universities. This can be done by a person who has a master’s or specialist qualification and is at the same time a citizen of his or her country. To enroll in graduate school, you will need to pass entrance exams on a competitive basis. The candidate will need to prepare a scientific publication, an abstract and an application for admission. Participation in scientific conferences, on the basis of which a recommendation for admission is given, is very helpful.

Each graduate student is assigned a supervisor, under whose supervision he writes his dissertation. In addition to preparing to write a dissertation, a graduate student is engaged in an individual work plan. This plan provides for the deadlines for taking exams for the candidate minimum. It also indicates the dates by which individual parts of the dissertation are due. The graduate student's responsibilities also include attending additional classes. These classes are held in the first year of study. Participation in the work of the department to which he is directly assigned is also part of his responsibilities. If he does not fulfill his calendar plan, he may be expelled.

Scholarships are provided for full-time graduate students. Part-time students do not have a scholarship, but they can take an additional thirty days of leave every year. They must take this leave at their place of work. Part-time graduate students can also be given one day a week to conduct classes, which is paid at 50%. A person entering graduate school has the right to choose the direction in which he will study. Therefore, it is not necessary to enroll in graduate school in the specialty of your diploma. In this case, do not forget that you will need to master more information.

What gives

Postgraduate studies provide an opportunity for a person to engage in scientific activities. You also have the opportunity to speak at various conferences and participate in various competitions. It allows a person to improve himself. This happens by gaining knowledge in one direction that you have chosen. Thanks to graduate school, you can engage in teaching. The outcome of the training is the writing and defense of a Ph.D. dissertation.

Why is it needed?

First of all, graduate school is needed for those who plan to engage in scientific activities or teach at a university. Some people go to study in order to improve their skills or change their field of activity. Some people continue their studies because they have a great desire to learn and they enjoy the process.