What to read to Orthodox children. The best Orthodox books for children

Orthodox books for children

Today, dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church and secular publishing houses print a variety of children's religious literature. These are children's Bibles, lives of saints, as well as stories about faith, peace, hard work, respect and other universal values. In “Labyrinth” you can purchase religious books designed for children of different ages - both toddlers and teenagers. Illustrated Bible for children. Old and New Testaments At different periods of life, a person gives preference to one or another book. But any of them, even the best, is not universal. However, there is a special ancient book that contains all the wisdom of the spiritual development and existence of people - the Bible. And the important thing is that it is intended not only for deeply religious people who profess Christianity. Any cultured person needs to know what is said in the Old and New Testaments just as he needs to remember the names of his forefathers. It is best to start getting acquainted with the Bible in childhood. But a child cannot understand a complex text. Therefore, in this publication, presented in simple, accessible language, he is offered only the initial information necessary for the formation of basic concepts. A child, who still has little personal experience in relation to good and evil, needs the right guidelines. He, like an adult, is sometimes hurt by injustice and cruelty shown by others towards himself or people close to him, but he still cannot understand the complexities and contradictions of the world around him. Biblical images, stories, sayings teach tolerance, help you rise above your own everyday life and allow you to better understand yourself and others. Knowledge in various fields of science and technology shapes the mind, but does not develop feelings, therefore even the deepest, encyclopedic education in itself is not able to make a person happy. Just as neither sports, nor spectacles, nor the numerous entertainments with which the modern world is filled are able to do this. Only when combined with the development of the soul does all this become a blessing, eliminating satiety and disappointment. Biblical parables make it possible to create a kind of spiritual framework that a growing person will have to equip with all subsequent experiences of his life. Without this, how to make a fair decision, how to resist vice? In addition, biblical stories and themes that are repeatedly used in painting, music, and literature form the basis of world culture and art. It is hardly worth trying to convince anyone of the meaning of the Bible. And since the taste and habit of reading are formed in childhood, it is necessary to rely primarily on eternal values, proven over thousands of years. By turning over the pages of a children's Bible with your son or daughter, looking at the beautiful illustrations of great artists, talking with your child about what you read, you will give him that same “spiritual compass” that will help him more than once or twice find the right path in the most complex labyrinths of life. The book was published with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'. Compiled by: Andrey Astakhov. Color illustrations. Children's prayer book The children's Orthodox prayer book, published by the Novo-Tikhvin Convent, is not just a collection of prayers for different occasions. The book will help the child see the beauty of the life of the Orthodox Church, introduce him to the world of icons and the world of prayer. A special feature of this publication are the small articles preceding the sections of the prayer book. From the pages of the book, children are spoken to in their language about the most important things in life: faith in God, the Church Sacraments, the correct attitude to prayer. Particular attention is paid to the Jesus Prayer as a work to which all Christians are called from a very early age. It will help the child maintain a living faith and grow in piety. Color illustrations. My sweet childhood. Autobiographical story Klavdiya Vladimirovna Lukashevich is known for her works for children, written in different genres: stories, essays, stories, memoirs. Warmth and sincerity, as well as an undoubted pedagogical vocation, made her one of the favorite writers not only of the past, but also of the present century. The story “My Sweet Childhood” will not only provide moments of entertainment for the young reader, but also, according to the author, “will breathe cheerfulness into the responsive soul of a child, the desire to live joyfully and be useful to other people.” The earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary for children This is a large, colorful children's book that tells children about the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her son Jesus. The book contains a large number of colorful images. It is written in beautiful, kind language that will be understandable to children. The Most Holy Theotokos is greatly revered by all Orthodox people. Stories about the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary will bring great spiritual benefit to little Christians and help them find life guidelines. As presented by Valentin Nikolaev. Gospel stories for children Gospel stories, clearly and simply retold by the writer Maya Kucherskaya, will help children better understand and remember the events discussed in the Holy Scriptures. Since this is not a canonical text, each reader can add his own thoughts and details to it. Then reading will turn into a conversation - and what could be more important for raising a child than an intelligent and serious conversation about such things as faith, conscience, kindness and love... Color illustrations. Biblical legends This book, invented by K. Chukovsky specifically for preschoolers, tells in an accessible form about eternal truths over which time has no power. Biblical legends about the Creation of the world, about Adam and Eve, about Noah, and the Flood, about the Tower of Babel and the greatest prophets are interesting and useful to read in the family circle. The book includes famous biblical legends and parables. Retold in a lively and accessible language, they will introduce the child to the Old Testament and teach kindness and tolerance. The book is useful for family reading. Color illustrations. Why Noah chose a dove Here is the famous legend about Noah and his ark. This biblical story was retold by the famous writer Isaac Bashevis Singer. His books are read all over the world by both adults and children. Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991) - Nobel Prize laureate, one of the most significant authors of our time writing in Yiddish. He was born in the Polish city of Radzymin. In his works, Singer addresses children as the last refuge of true values ​​in life, as the only hope of a modern world striving for self-destruction. Russian monasteries The book tells in an accessible and interesting way about the Russian monasteries - the Kiev-Pechersk and Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the ancient monasteries of Moscow - St. Danilov and Sretensky, Valaam, Kirillo-Belozersky, Savvino-Storozhevsky, Solovetsky, Pskov-Pechersk, New Jerusalem, Optina desert, Seraphim-Diveevsky monastery and Marfo-Mariinsky monastery. The monks looked for secluded places to pray to God, but their righteous life attracted other people who settled nearby. The monasteries grew, became richer, and often turned into mighty fortresses, which at times resisted the invaders who attacked the Russian land, were places of imprisonment for noble prisoners, and became destinations of pilgrimage for both ordinary people and great princes and kings. The history of Russian monasteries reflects the history of Russia. The book "Russian Monasteries" is published as part of the "History of Russia" project. Readers will learn about the founding of the largest Russian monasteries, about the holy ascetics who glorified the Russian Church, about the dramatic events of Russian history associated with the monasteries. The book will be of interest to children 9-12 years old - middle school students, and will help them imagine Russian history and Orthodox culture more clearly. Color illustrations. Orthodox saints. School Guide The Russian Orthodox Church honors many saints. These are people who lived at very different times. Many of them are separated from us by almost two millennia. Among them, for example, are the companions of Christ - the apostles. In Western countries, such saints as Nicholas of Myra and St. George are revered, and in Orthodoxy they are St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. George the Victorious. Among the saints revered in Rus' there are many who are exclusively Russian. These are princes Boris and Gleb, the epic hero Ilya Muromets, Prince Alexander Nevsky, icon painter Andrei Rublev, Xenia of Petersburg and the last Tsar Nicholas II... For what merits are they revered as saints? Who can be called a saint? This is what our book talks about. Color illustrations.

Orthodox books for children


Today, dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church and secular publishing houses print a variety of children's religious literature. These are children's Bibles, lives of saints, as well as stories about faith, peace, hard work, respect and other universal values.
In “Labyrinth” you can purchase religious books designed for children of different ages - both toddlers and teenagers.

At different periods of life, a person gives preference to one or another book. But any of them, even the best, is not universal. However, there is a special ancient book that contains all the wisdom of the spiritual development and existence of people - the Bible. And the important thing is that it is intended not only for deeply religious people who profess Christianity. Any cultured person needs to know what is said in the Old and New Testaments just as he needs to remember the names of his forefathers.
It is best to start getting acquainted with the Bible in childhood. But a child cannot understand a complex text. Therefore, in this publication, presented in simple, accessible language, he is offered only the initial information necessary for the formation of basic concepts. A child, who still has little personal experience in relation to good and evil, needs the right guidelines. He, like an adult, is sometimes hurt by injustice and cruelty shown by others towards himself or people close to him, but he still cannot understand the complexities and contradictions of the world around him. Biblical images, stories, sayings teach tolerance, help you rise above your own everyday life and allow you to better understand yourself and others.
Knowledge in various fields of science and technology shapes the mind, but does not develop feelings, therefore even the deepest, encyclopedic education in itself is not able to make a person happy. Just as neither sports, nor spectacles, nor the numerous entertainments with which the modern world is filled are able to do this. Only when combined with the development of the soul does all this become a blessing, eliminating satiety and disappointment. Biblical parables make it possible to create a kind of spiritual framework that a growing person will have to equip with all subsequent experiences of his life. Without this, how to make a fair decision, how to resist vice?
In addition, biblical stories and themes that are repeatedly used in painting, music, and literature form the basis of world culture and art. It is hardly worth trying to convince anyone of the meaning of the Bible. And since the taste and habit of reading are formed in childhood, it is necessary to rely primarily on eternal values, proven over thousands of years.
By turning over the pages of a children's Bible with your son or daughter, looking at the beautiful illustrations of great artists, talking with your child about what you read, you will give him that same “spiritual compass” that will help him more than once or twice find the right path in the most complex labyrinths of life.
The book was published with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'.
Compiled by: Andrey Astakhov.
Color illustrations.

The children's Orthodox prayer book published by the Novo-Tikhvin Convent is not just a collection of prayers for different occasions. The book will help the child see the beauty of the life of the Orthodox Church, introduce him to the world of icons and the world of prayer. A special feature of this publication are the small articles preceding the sections of the prayer book. From the pages of the book, children are spoken to in their language about the most important things in life: faith in God, the Church Sacraments, the correct attitude to prayer. Particular attention is paid to the Jesus Prayer as a work to which all Christians are called from a very early age. It will help the child maintain a living faith and grow in piety.
Color illustrations.

This large, colorful children's book tells children about the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her son Jesus. The book contains a large number of colorful images. It is written in beautiful, kind language that children will understand.
The Most Holy Theotokos is greatly revered by all Orthodox people. Stories about the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary will bring great spiritual benefit to little Christians and help them find life guidelines.
As presented by Valentin Nikolaev.

Gospel stories, clearly and simply retold by the writer Maya Kucherskaya, will help children better understand and remember the events discussed in the Holy Scriptures. Since this is not a canonical text, each reader can add his own thoughts and details to it. Then reading will turn into a conversation - and what could be more important for raising a child than an intelligent and serious conversation about such things as faith, conscience, kindness and love...
Color illustrations.

Here is the famous legend about Noah and his ark. This biblical story was retold by the famous writer Isaac Bashevis Singer. His books are read all over the world by both adults and children.
Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991) - Nobel Prize laureate, one of the most significant authors of our time writing in Yiddish. He was born in the Polish city of Radzymin. In his works, Singer addresses children as the last refuge of true values ​​in life, as the only hope of a modern world striving for self-destruction.

The book tells in an accessible and interesting way about Russian monasteries - the Kiev-Pechersk and Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the ancient monasteries of Moscow - St. Daniel and Sretensky, Valaam, Kirillo-Belozersky, Savvino-Storozhevsky, Solovetsky, Pskov-Pechersk, New Jerusalem, Optina Hermitage, Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery and Marfo-Mariinsky Monastery.
The monks looked for secluded places to pray to God, but their righteous life attracted other people who settled nearby. The monasteries grew, became richer, and often turned into mighty fortresses, which at times resisted the invaders who attacked the Russian land, were places of imprisonment for noble prisoners, and became destinations of pilgrimage for both ordinary people and great princes and kings. The history of Russian monasteries reflects the history of Russia.
The book "" is published as part of the project "History of Russia". Readers will learn about the founding of the largest Russian monasteries, about the holy ascetics who glorified the Russian Church, about the dramatic events of Russian history associated with the monasteries. The book will be of interest to children 9-12 years old - middle school students, and will help them imagine Russian history and Orthodox culture more clearly.
Color illustrations.

The Russian Orthodox Church honors many saints. These are people who lived at very different times. Many of them are separated from us by almost two millennia. Among them, for example, are the companions of Christ - the apostles. In Western countries, such saints as Nicholas of Myra and St. George are revered, and in Orthodoxy they are St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. George the Victorious. Among the saints revered in Rus' there are many who are exclusively Russian. These are princes Boris and Gleb, the epic hero Ilya Muromets, Prince Alexander Nevsky, icon painter Andrei Rublev, Xenia of Petersburg and the last Tsar Nicholas II... For what merits are they revered as saints? Who can be called a saint? This is what our book talks about.
Color illustrations.

There is no need to separate children from reading books. The word is a person’s guide at any moment of his life; it can both hurt and educate. Orthodox books for children lack universality. The family chooses each specimen to their own taste.

What to read for preschoolers

Childhood is not only a period of learning about the world, but also a time of character formation and soul development. It is important for parents not to miss this important point.

Children's literature is the foundation on which a child will build his spiritual life; it is one of the first steps along which a child will rise to Christ.

Stories and Orthodox fairy tales for children tell readers about the faith itself and its great followers; they contain the meaning of good and evil, good attitude towards family and friends. That is why respectable parents often ask for such books in bookstores.

Bible for children

  • Often found on church store shelves Bible for children. Colorful illustrations and a simple language of presentation of information that is understandable to a modern child allows you to understand the essence of good and evil, choose the right guidelines in life, learn about your forefathers and what is said in the Old and New Testaments. Your child may not be able to finish the entire book at once, so it is recommended that you return to it periodically. Biblical parables form a special spiritual framework, which the child will subsequently enrich with his life experience. Without knowledge of the Bible, we cannot understand how to resist vice.
  • Probably every child has been to church at least once. And if a child grows up in a believing family, then he should know the saints depicted on the icons. It is for such families priest S. Begiyan wrote the book “Lives of Saints for Kids”. In it, he talks about the earthly path of ordinary people and explains why they became saints and look at us from icons with severity and love, so that it seems as if they know everything about us.
  • Orthodox teacher B. Ganago published a book with many answers to children's questions, “For Children About the Soul.” Short stories and educational stories make children think and reflect, charge them with positivity and teach kindness and tolerance. Young readers learn to contemplate the beauty of the world, cultivate self-sacrifice, kindness, generosity and loyalty. All of B. Ganago’s works are imbued with the idea of ​​the need to rely on the Almighty for support in any life situations.
  • Children's prayer book published by the Novo-Tikhvin Convent is not just a collection of prayers. Each of its sections is preceded by an article telling about faith, the Sacraments of the Church, and the correct attitude towards prayer and its creation. A special place is given to the Jesus Prayer, which helps every person grow in piety.
  • “The earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary for children” as presented by V. Nikolaev. A large colorful book tells about the life on earth of the Virgin Mary and Her Son Jesus Christ. Good stories will be of great benefit to little Christians and will help them choose life priorities and a worthy path in life.
  • Book "Biblical Traditions" was invented by K. Chukovsky specifically for preschool children. It describes eternal truths over which time has no power. The book includes legends about the creation of the world, about Adam and Eve, about Noah and his ark, about the global flood, about the Tower of Babel, and the prophets. This publication will be interesting to read in a warm family circle.
  • The book “The Summer of the Lord” by I. Shmelev written in 1923. The writer talks about the life of the country at the end of the 19th century. The depth of the world, its traditions, holidays, trips to holy places is shown to children through the eyes of a merchant’s son. He sees all situations from different sides, feels good and evil, understands the need for repentance and life changes. The reader, unnoticed by himself, becomes a participant in the events taking place.

    “Summer of the Lord” by I. Shmelev

  • The work of C. Lewis “The Chronicles of Narnia” created at the beginning of the twentieth century. The publication consists of seven books, the writing style is fantasy. The reader discovers a magical land, into which several ordinary guys from England find themselves. Here the animals understand human language, talk and make friends with people. There is a lot of magic in the country, good fights evil, friendship and compassion are tested by difficult trials. At the end of the book, the author tells children about the sacrificial love of the Creator of the World, about His Resurrection. Lewis reveals to readers many Christian truths, thereby filling children's hearts with drops of faith in God.
  • "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry- a novel in the form of a fairy tale-parable by a writer-pilot from France. The Little Prince is a hero from a distant planet, allegedly met by the author in the Sahara. The boy tells the writer that his homeland is a small asteroid that needs to be put in order every day, because his favorite beautiful rose grows there. Although the main character, before meeting the author, traveled to many planets and met a whole string of human passions, his fragile childish soul, despite everything, remained pure. The book teaches readers to love and see the depth of real feelings hidden behind external, sometimes negative qualities.

On Christian parenting:

Literature for teenagers

The modern world is full of vices and temptations that destroy the psyche of children and contribute to personality degradation. That is why the interests of a child, especially a teenager, must be directed in the right direction.

Many modern children are passionate about various gadgets. Unfortunately, they have little interest in printed books, even when they are good for the soul. If you want your child to be able to distinguish between good and evil, make informed decisions, and be merciful, moral, and noble, teach him to read spiritual literature from an early age.

Our catalog contains literature from various Orthodox publishing houses. Children's Christian publications are designed for easy reading in large print and decorated with bright pictures. We always have an option that your little reader will like.

Fill your children's lives with good and beautiful books, just as you teach them healthy and nutritious food. It is always better to read a new book together so that the text does not seem boring to the child due to unclear words. By reading together, you will spend the necessary time with your baby and help develop his imaginative thinking. Live communication with a book is a sure step towards understanding and assimilating Christian values.

Children from the age of 4-5 are interested in God. If you are not ready to correctly tell your son or daughter about the Almighty, about the appearance of Jesus Christ, His life and mission, buy an Orthodox book.

Our store assortment

With us you can buy a children's Bible. The publication contains colorful illustrations and is written in language accessible to children. Perhaps not all the details are described there. But it is difficult for preschoolers and older children to convey everything at once.

In addition to this book, our online store has many other literature:

  • fairy tales are amazingly useful works that all children need; thanks to fairy-tale images, children absorb information well;
  • Children's Gospel - published in large print, in a language accessible to children;
  • prayer books - a collection of prayers for children who already know how to read, helps them learn to face joys and sorrows with prayer;
  • literature for shared reading with parents.

Orthodox literature teaches primary schoolchildren and teenagers to correctly understand life, to form faith, it talks about the laws of goodness and love. In addition, Orthodox books describe the following important points:

  • what are church rituals;
  • how to behave correctly in confession;
  • how to fast correctly;
  • how other children fast.

Instill in your children the love of God from an early age. Teach them not only to ask the Lord, but also to thank him for every day they live. If it is difficult for you to tell your child about faith and its importance for spiritual salvation, buy an Orthodox book. You can ask our staff for help, and they will tell you which book is best for you to buy.

All publications bear the stamp of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. Choose a book for your child or as a gift, and we will deliver your order as soon as possible!

Scientists have experimentally proven that reading books to children at night develops their learning ability. And if a child reads books on his own, this also develops his interest in the world around him. This is probably why many parents want their children to be interested in books and read a lot.

Forcing a child to read is useless - you will only do harm. That's why we have collected in this selection really interesting books that captivate children with exciting stories. In addition, they are useful for the child’s soul, because... show him the benefits of virtues using examples from characters.

Ivan Shmelev’s book, written in 1923, is an unsurpassed masterpiece of children’s literature, telling in magnificent Russian about life in our country at the end of the 19th century. The genre of the work is autobiographical prose. The joyful world of traditions, church holidays, pilgrimages to holy places is shown through the eyes of a little boy - a native of the Moscow merchant environment.

We see ordinary people who surrounded the author both in the process of daily work and in the most sublime moments of life. Shmelev shows them from different sides. But the reader understands a very important thing - no matter what situation a person is in, there is always the possibility of repentance and change for him. The book is written so captivatingly and talentedly that the reader, unnoticeably, becomes a witness and participant in long-past events. The work is perfect for reading with the whole family, as it will not leave either adults or children indifferent.

Hans Christian Andersen. The Snow Queen

The tale of the great Danish writer, which has been read for many generations in different countries, will not leave any child indifferent. And if we consider that the work has a deep Christian basis, then it can be recommended as compulsory children's reading.

The feat of Gerda, who went in search of the kidnapped Kai, remains an example of selfless love for all generations. And the snow queen, who makes the heart freeze and forget the warmth of human feelings, is an example of the evil that inevitably occurs in this world. He is served by unkind trolls, sowing fragments of a broken crooked mirror everywhere. When they get into a person’s eye, they disfigure his vision, presenting the surroundings in a distorted, ugly light.

This image very much reminds a Christian of those servants of darkness who lie in wait every hour for each of us on the path of life. Thus, the work teaches young readers from childhood to be ready, despite any adversity, to give goodness that melts even the most embittered souls.

The work of Clive Lewis, created at the beginning of the 20th century, has won the hearts of more than one hundred million people in different countries over the past century. The seven books in the series, written in a fantasy style, reveal to the reader an extraordinary country - Narnia.

Several ordinary guys from England, having got into it, discover that here the animals understand human language and are friends with people. Although life in the country is full of magic, just like here, good fights with evil, there is love, deception and betrayal.

Each children's journey to Narnia becomes a test for them, in which the highest feelings are tested: friendship, compassion, self-sacrifice. Thus, their human souls are gradually forged and prepared for the transition to another - a perfect world. The guys end up in it at the end of the epic, having left the Earth.

In conclusion, Clive Lewis talks about the great love of the Creator of the world, who sacrifices his life for people and rises again. By this, he gives the opportunity to both earthly children and the best inhabitants of Narnia to forever live next to him. During the course of the story, the author of the Chronicles allegorically reveals to readers many Christian truths, filling young hearts with the ideals of faith.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. A little prince

The famous novel by the famous French pilot writer who died during World War II. The work is written in the form of a fairy tale-parable. Its main character is the Little Prince from a distant planet who finds himself on Earth. As if the author of the work met him in the Sahara Desert, the little man tells him about his adventures.

The reader learns about the prince's homeland - a small asteroid. About his daily work to clean the planet and about the beautiful rose he loves. Listening to the story about the protagonist’s journey across different planets, you can see a whole string of images that reflect human passions. And the pure soul of the Little Prince, as an indicator, shows their inconsistency with eternal spiritual values.

The most important thing that the book teaches is the art of loving and seeing the depth of real feelings behind external qualities. And also be responsible for your actions and for the people who are nearby.

A collection of autobiographical stories about the life of a little boy from a poor but deeply religious family. The author is one of the leaders of the Orthodox youth movement of pre-war Estonia, who died in 1941 in the depths of the Stalinist Gulag.

The work is simply filled with amazingly beautiful images and expressions of the Russian language of the early 20th century. It tells about Orthodox fasts and holidays in the lives of ordinary people of that time. All these events are reflected in the sympathetic soul of the boy on whose behalf the story is told.

In his amazing stories, Nikiforov-Volgin was able to perceive and tenderly convey to descendants that pure, beautiful light that filled the souls of our believing ancestors about a hundred years ago.

Priest Maxim Kozlov. Children's Catechism

The book presents the priest's answers to questions from real Moscow schoolchildren, asked in writing. The guys, at the request of the editors of the publication, asked them about everything that interested them on the topic of the Orthodox faith. As a result, a work arose, built on the principle of questions and answers, which is usually called the word “catechism”. And since the questions were asked by children, the result was a “Children’s Catechism.”

The publication is valuable because the questions it contains were shaped by modern children and related to many relevant aspects of today's life. At the same time, the book provides answers to the “eternal” questions of humanity concerning the origin of the world, the essence of God, and the fate of people after death. The work will be interesting for high school students, and especially for teenagers who are beginning to think deeply about the philosophical side of the world order.

The collection of stories by the Belarusian writer Boris Ganago, as well as a number of his other books, is intended mainly for children of senior preschool and primary school age. The seemingly ingenuous stories from life included in it carry a special inner light and warmth.

Using the example of their peers, and sometimes adults, young readers learn to see and appreciate the beauty of the world around them. Stories instill in children empathy, kindness, generosity, loyalty to their word, and the ability to sacrifice something very dear to another person. The idea of ​​the need to trust in God and seek his support in all life situations runs through all the works.

World of Children's Literature

It is impossible to cover all significant children's books in one selection. Surely you have something to add. Help readers - share your favorite books in the comments. It is not necessary to register.