What happened 1000 BC. Food of Ra – Chronology – Archaeological Evidence

Fiction about ancient history

(summary of the book about ancient history

peoples of the world since 17 million years ago)

1. Introduction


3. Study of archaeological cultures.

4. The beginning began

5.History of the Earth before the Atlanteans

6. 16 million years BC

7. 4 million years BC

8.History of the Atlanteans

9.History of the Hyperboreans

10. Ice ages on Earth and wars.

11.Unusual people.

12.Genialogy of the peoples of the world before the times of Egypt and Sumer

13. The main events on Earth before 3900 BC.

14. Peoples and tribes after 3900 BC.

15.History from 1000 BC to 400 AD.

16. The Great Migration of Peoples in 450 - 1000.

17.History from 1000 to 1600.

18. Indo-Europeans, their emergence and settlement.

19. Did the ancient city of Slovensk exist?

20.The future of humanity.

1. Introduction

As a child, I loved to read a lot, especially historical literature, first fiction, and then scientific literature. The more I read, the more I wanted to know everything about the emergence of humanity and the emergence of ancient states and peoples.

The more I read, the more I came across facts that do not in any way agree with official historical science (so-called artifacts). Why do geologists and archaeologists find traces of human presence (intelligent beings) in the layers of the earth 50 - 500 million years ago, when, according to official historical science, there were no people on Earth yet? Perhaps it was aliens? But scientists generally deny the existence of human (or human-like) civilizations on the planets of the solar system and in our Galaxy. No one is risking confidently asserting that there are no other intelligent civilizations on the planets of the entire Universe.

Having independently studied various facts, I came to the conclusion that the history of the world (including the Universe) is much more complex, and it is not at all what school teachers (historians) and teachers of historical institutes and departments imagined it to be. What if not only modern people lived on Earth, but also other intelligent beings? It is possible that various intelligent beings still live on Earth (with humans, of course, numerically significantly predominating), and they have been living on Earth for about 2 billion years.

When writing this book, I realized that in order to understand ancient history (since the origin of the Universe) it is necessary to change many postulates (misconceptions) in philosophy. You need to understand that there are many different laws in force in the world, sometimes incomprehensible, and the world is developing not only in the direction of progress (transition to a higher stage of development), but in the direction of regression (degrading).

2. Philosophy

At all times, people have been interested in the same questions:

Who are we? Why do we live?

Not finding answers to these questions, many people simplify their worldview and live according to their own laws - “live for your pleasure while you are alive.” They live for their own pleasure - they steal, deceive their neighbors, get rich by deceiving other people, and do not recognize any laws (official, moral, religious). They steal, rob, deceive people, spend money on their own pleasures, without even being ashamed of other people who observe all written and unwritten laws. But as the unwritten laws of existence say, you have to pay for everything, and these people pay for their actions in full, if not in this life, then certainly after death (in the next life). Often, people close to them (most often their children) pay for the unrighteous lives of some people.

But a significant part of people are constantly looking for answers to the above questions. They find answers to these questions in ancient philosophical works and religious documents. So, the Bible directly indicates how to live (the commandments of Moses, Christ). In Indian religions, the purpose of life and its principles are revealed in more detail.

Where did these suggestions to people come from? Who tried to teach people to live correctly? Why has human society often developed over the course of millions of years not in the direction of progress? We will learn about this in subsequent chapters of this book.

Now I confidently assert that the world is very diverse and we will probably not be able to understand our place in this world for a long time. For example, we see bees, but they don’t see us. The lower level is microorganisms that we can hardly see, and they cannot see us. If we take a level of life higher than ours, then we can assume that some more developed beings are constantly watching us, but we do not notice it. It can be assumed that the Earth is a living being, and perhaps the Sun is a living being, and then the Galaxy, Metagalaxy, Universe. One can imagine that there is such a higher intelligent being as the Superuniverse, which supervises the creation and destruction of universes. I would call the Superuniverse by another name - the Supreme Mind (in Indian religions - Parabrahman), since for sure the size and strength of this being cannot be measured by our standards. The Supreme Mind possesses not only immeasurably great material power, but also powerful energetic force, capable of creating and destroying universes. In addition, the Supreme Mind has such information (knowledge), with the help of which it can plan (and create) all events that occur in all universes. To put it simply, many religious philosophers call this Supreme Mind the Holy Spirit (or Supreme Deity). He is the source of all events and changes. The Supreme Mind has collected in itself all the knowledge accumulated by intelligent beings in all universes over all times, and this process continues. In a simplified concept, this creature can be called god (the Almighty, the Creator).

Some civilizations are so highly developed for us that the most ancient people on Earth considered representatives of these civilizations to be gods. And for us, many of the actions of representatives of these civilizations may seem like witchcraft.

Some great philosopher said: “You will see the future in the past.” And this is absolutely true. If you look into the past, you will see different civilizations - Asur, Atlantean, Borean. Where are they now? They are not there because they violated some laws (commandments). Quite recently there were great empires on Earth - Assyrian, Persian, Macedonian, Roman, Kushan, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, British, Russian. They don't exist now either. Now we can say that we live in an era of US hegemony, but this will not last long. All aspirations to govern unlimitedly (monopoly) all nations for the sake of one people will inevitably lead to collapse. Likewise, our entire human civilization, violating many moral principles (the commandments of the creators of many religions), inevitably moves towards self-destruction. You cannot use the gifts of nature unlimitedly (even barbarously) without giving anything in return. Nature will inevitably take revenge for this.

How do we live spiritually? Money became the most important measure for people. Only the one who stole the most, robbed the most, who took more power is respected, sometimes without having any right to do so. It has gotten to the point where mothers are abandoning their children to die in landfills, and children are killing their parents for money. And this civilization considers itself developed. The Revelations of John the Theologian directly states that our civilization is facing destruction. Don’t our leaders (I mean heads of state) see this, are they really so passionate about fighting each other?

and their aspirations to enrich themselves at the expense of their people.

My theory about the origin of human civilization and all peoples on Earth is that on Earth there is not only the law of social development in the direction of progress, but also in the direction of regression (degradation), and the latter direction is the main one. Degradation occurs especially strongly in the spiritual plane. People did not accept the orders and covenants of the prophets (Moses, Christ, Buddha). There are many religions on Earth, but there is basically one faith - faith in money and power (for the sake of money). I do not completely deny Darwin's theory of change in species, but I completely deny his statement about the origin of man from the ape. Many will find it strange that I recognize progress and degradation at the same time. Let me explain. The first highly developed civilization on Earth was the civilization of the Asuras (Lemurians). This civilization began its development approximately 500-250 million years ago, and by 700 thousand years ago it degraded. The direct descendants of this civilization are the Bushmen, Hottentots, Veddoids, Papuans, and indigenous Australians. But some of the asuras (a small one) retained their knowledge and were much ahead in their development, so they stopped direct contacts with the rest of humanity, although they did not completely leave the Earth and continue to observe the development of humanity from the side. The same thing happened with the Atlanteans; some of them also stopped contacts with earthlings and are only watching us. And the bulk of the Atlanteans degenerated. Their direct descendants are the Basques, the Caucasian peoples. Now the 5th human race dominates the Earth, and it is already clear that it is rapidly degrading (especially in spiritual terms). It only seems to us that we are developing rapidly, but we are developing only in the direction of war and predatory consumption of natural resources, while not caring at all about the protection of nature. Soon there will be so many hazardous waste dumps on Earth that nature will not be able to cope with them. Man-made and natural disasters have already begun to occur more and more often on Earth. And there will be more and more of them, and in the end all this will lead to the destruction of the Earth. It is written there in the Revelations of John the Theologian. And only 144 thousand people (the righteous) will be resettled on a new planet and will begin to continue the development of human civilization, but without the mistakes that they made on Earth.

3. Study of archaeological cultures.

I became interested in history from the first grades of school. I read all the historical works in a row, and somehow, unnoticed by myself, I began to increasingly read scientific literature on history, archeology, ethnography and anthropology.

Since 1972 (I was already studying at the institute to become a radio engineer), I began to consciously take notes on the literature I read. I especially wrote down facts about various ancient peoples (tribes) - about the time of their existence, about the facts of the emergence of tribes and peoples (where they moved from, from whom they originated), about the facts of the disappearance of peoples (tribes) - who destroyed them, which people they became part of, which the language was accepted.

I began to systematize descriptions of all archaeological cultures. Archaeological cultures are often characteristic of one group of tribes (one people). One culture dies and is replaced by another archaeological culture. This means that one tribe was replaced by another, and the remaining representatives of the lost culture became part of the new (alien) people. Sometimes one culture is simply absorbed by another (stronger, more developed culture). Sometimes, as a result of the struggle for territory, some tribes (with one culture) displace others (with another, weaker culture). And they, in turn, push back weaker tribes (or destroy them).

As a result of systematizing all the archaeological cultures of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages, I obtained a historical atlas of peoples, tribes and cultures since the Stone Age. From this atlas one could find out what culture came from some other more ancient archaeological culture or arose as a result of the merger (impact) of more ancient cultures.

But this atlas did not solve the main questions; from it it was impossible to understand which culture was the first among the Mongoloid peoples. It was impossible to understand which culture was the first among the Negroid peoples. I could not understand the tribes of which culture were the ancestors of the entire Caucasian race. I could not understand where the first Indo-European peoples appeared, where a single Indo-European people existed (what archaeological culture corresponded to it)?

This confusion was also facilitated by articles by scientific historians, each of whom put forward his own ideas and scientifically (or maybe not quite scientifically) proved that he was right. Even about the homeland of all Indo-European peoples there were several opinions (Germany, Northern Black Sea region, Southern Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Southern Urals, Tibet, Gobi, North America). The most widespread opinion about the emergence of the Mongoloids was that the Mongoloids appeared due to the heat in the steppes. At the same time, scientists tried not to notice the fact that Caucasians - Scythians, Sarmatians, Arabs, Berbers also lived in the steppes, but did not have Mongoloid characteristics.

In addition to these questions, I had questions about the date of the appearance of man on Earth. The earliest evidence of the appearance of modern people - Cro-Magnons - dates back to the 38th millennium BC. But artifacts obtained by various archaeologists suggest that modern man, even very advanced (no worse than us), already lived millions of years ago. How could this be explained from the point of view of Darwinism and modern historical science?

But when I began to read the myths and legends of ancient peoples, a lot became clear to me. Based on myths and legends, I created maps of the settlement of ancient peoples (asuras), and immediately all the questions of the origin of man and various ethnic and racial groups of peoples immediately became clear to me. N. L. Roerich’s book “Ancient Legends” and E. Blavatsky’s book “The Secret Doctrine” had a particularly strong influence on me and the creation of the atlas. Maps created on the basis of myths and legends were in excellent agreement with Stone Age maps created without taking into account myths and legends. I realized that Darwin's theory that man evolved from ancient apes is absolutely absurd. In my opinion, man lived long before the appearance of monkeys, and in general the appearance of monkeys on Earth is the result of the activities of ancient people.

Therefore, I created a historical atlas of all peoples (tribes and cultures) based on myths and legends, which I consider the most important source in the study of ancient history. And this atlas (I have never seen anything like it) turned out to be “alive”, it absolutely traces all the connections between archaeological cultures (and therefore between ancient tribes), using this atlas you can trace the entire history of the origin of all the peoples of the world. Of course, I cannot say that there are no errors in it (and currently I am constantly looking for them and eliminating them), I have already remade (improved) the original version of the atlas by about 10%.

But attempts to publish such an atlas were unsuccessful for me. Firstly, the publishers did not believe that I created this atlas on my own (alone). They didn't take into account that I spent over 32 years on this. The publishers demanded conclusions about this atlas from scientists - historians. In turn, scientific historians simply ignored my work, believing that no one but themselves could create such an atlas. But no one in the world has created such an atlas, since creating this atlas requires a lot of time and perseverance.

I cannot understand when statesmen, scientific historians say that they believe in God (and therefore recognize the Bible), and at the same time stubbornly do not want to question the theory of the origin of man from apes, cannot accept the theory that the world is very diverse, that the intelligent world is very ancient (does not fit into their theory of the beginning of human civilization from the 4th millennium BC - from Sumer and Egypt). These people, considering themselves the smartest in historical science, do not recognize myths, legends, religious literature (the same Bible) as a source of knowledge of history, although they are well aware of the facts that Troy, the Aryan city of Arkaim, and much more were found on the basis of legends. They do not try to explain the origin of the stone statues on Easter Island, the structures of Stonehenge, the stone statues carved in the mountains of Afghanistan, or the antiquity of the Egyptian Sphinx. They try to simplify all dubious questions and fit them into their simplified historical theory about the emergence of the peoples of the world. I am outraged that textbooks on ancient history, even for history students, are ridiculously simplified. And the fact that in our country (and, apparently, in other countries too) on the basis of archaeological discoveries already made, a universal historical atlas of all the ancient peoples of the world (and archaeological cultures) has not been created does not bother them.

In turn, I continue to make changes to my atlases. The first atlas from 17 million years BC was created taking into account legends and myths, and the other I created from 38 thousand years BC, where myths and legends were used. But the publishers do not want to publish both atlases (they only need money and only an advance payment). It seems that in our country only those who have a lot of money can become a writer, and not those who know how to write books and systematize scientific information.

4. The beginning of the beginning

In my personal opinion (which is why I gave the title to this book “Fiction”), the world is limitless in size. In this world there are an infinite number of universes similar to ours (and dissimilar). Some universes are in the stage of emergence, others are in the stage of flourishing, and others are in the stage of liquidation (decline). Our Universe, in my opinion, is at a stage of development, judging by our earthly civilization. Perhaps in other civilizations of our Universe, intelligent beings are in a state of their highest development, perhaps various UFOs that people on Earth often observe are observers from these civilizations.

It has been proven by many scientists that simple natural water has memory, has its own energy, some water is beneficial (“living water”), other water is harmful (“dead water”). There are suggestions that the airspace on Earth also has memory. From this I assume that outer space also has memory, there is a connection between all objects of Space. Perhaps this memory is informational, which means that all objects of the universe (galaxies, stars, planets, space, as well as all forms of life) are interconnected by invisible information threads. Any change in the state of any of the above objects entails a change in another object, for example, human pollution of the environment will undoubtedly negatively affect all of humanity. Nature will take revenge on humanity for the harm done to it. This is the law “you cannot build your happiness on the misfortunes of others”; this law also applies to relations between people and states. Large empires were created on the territory of destroyed states and peoples, which then perished in the same way (they were destroyed).

About 15 billion years ago our Universe began. It arose by the will of the Supreme Mind. Many religions claim that “in the beginning was the Word” (order, decision, command), that is, first there was information. Information materialized into energy, which in turn turned into matter, and matter began to spread in endless outer space. As a result of the primary universal explosion, the Universe arose, which subsequently began to expand in the dimensionless spaces of infinite space. Galaxies, stars and planets began to appear in the Universe (the Universe expanded). If we assume that the stars are some kind of intelligent beings (or intelligent beings lived and live on them, much more developed than on the planets), then we can assume that these beings, in turn, gave an impulse (command, decisions) to the creation of planets that are descendants of stars (you can call them children of stars). Thus, our Sun (or its inhabitants) is the father of the Earth, Mars, Venus and other planets of our solar system. Messengers from the center of the Galaxy created life on the Sun. The inhabitants of the Sun created life on Earth and other planets. Let me remind you that life forms are diverse and the inhabitants of the Sun live there despite the high temperature on the Sun. The inhabitants of the Sun may not even have a material body. Messengers from the Sun in ancient Indian teachings were called the Sons of Wisdom, Divine teachers, Sons of the Sun.

5. History of the Earth before the Atlanteans

The creators of intelligent life on Earth were other intelligent and highly developed creatures; most likely (ancient Indian myths and legends tell about this) these creatures were from the Sun, but I do not deny the participation of representatives from the Moon and Venus. The reader will immediately ask: “How can these creatures live there, since the temperature is very high there? (or, on the contrary, it is cold and there is no air.” I will repeat my assumptions once again. We do not know all the forms of life that exist in the vast Universe. If it can be assumed that life can exist without a material body (a subtle energy shell), this means that for such a form of life the temperature of the habitat does not matter. And in general, intelligent life can exist not only in the presence of a physical body (in humans - the bulk of the body, this water, the rest is a solid organic body).It can be assumed that intelligent beings in the Universe can have bodies as material, liquid, gas, transparent (ghosts), as well as not have bodies at all (subtle invisible), but perhaps there are creatures whose bodies consist from plasma, for which high temperature is also not an obstacle to life.

Messengers from the Sun began to create life on Earth more than 2 billion years ago. First, they influenced nature on Earth (bringing the land and oceans to a state close to the modern one), and then began to create living organisms. With the emergence and increase in the diversity of living nature, intelligent beings were also created (possibly through genetic engineering or in a more complex way - for example, by transferring them from other planets).

Intelligent life on Earth was created in various forms. All forms of intelligent life descended from one ancestor - Manu. Some archaeological artifacts indicate that intelligent life on Earth (not yet human) began 2 billion years ago, and planet Earth has existed not 4.5 but 6 billion years.

Approximately 2000 million years ago, the first intelligent beings appeared on Earth. Let me remind you once again that these are not people, but creatures. And the first forms of life on Earth, created by the Sons of the Sun, were also diverse..

The forms of intelligent life on Earth were very, very diverse. They were constantly changing, some creatures arose, others died.

The first intelligent creatures were multi-armed, which later degraded and turned into arthropods and insects.

After this, there were several more forms of intelligent life on Earth (cyclops, titans, gods), which also subsequently degraded and turned into various animals.

When these material forms of intelligent life existed, the Sons of the Sun tried to create creatures on Earth similar to themselves. The first race of these beings (the so-called angelic beings) were incorporeal. The second race (ghosts) were ethereal (their bodies were gaseous). The third race of people first had etheric bodies, but their bodies gradually became denser and from about 500-300 million years BC, people of this race began to have physical bodies.

If at first people of the third race were asexual and lived for a long time (thousands of years), then from about 250 million years BC these people were divided according to gender. The number of these people began to increase rapidly, but they began to live less. These people were called asuras or Lemurians, after the name of the continent itself that existed on Earth at that time. The continent of Lemuria was located on the site of the modern Indian Ocean. The northern part of the mainland included the territory of the modern island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), the western part of Lemuria included the modern island of Magadascar. The eastern tip of Lemuria was modern Easter Island. In the south, Lemuria may have included part of Antarctica. Apart from Lemuria, there were no other continents on Earth; at that time, separate islands existed on the surfaces of modern continents.

The Sons of the Sun continued to pass on their knowledge to the new permanent inhabitants of the Earth. The Lemurians were the first human civilization on Earth. There are theories that the material bodies of dinosaurs, which were numerous on Earth at that time, were used in the creation of asuras. This is confirmed by the fact that in the mountains of East Africa in 1904, a small tribe of pygmies was discovered who had cold blood (like dinosaurs). Now there are no such pygmies anymore.

The Asuras were the most advanced human civilization on Earth, but gradually they moved out of the tutelage of the Sons of the Sun and began to develop independently. Their knowledge and their capabilities were such that all subsequent human civilizations considered them demigods. Some researchers believe that the Asuras even had spaceships, with the help of which they created their colonies on the Moon and Mars. The asuras had cities. These cities were built inside ordinary mountains (this is why not a single city of asuras has been discovered by archaeologists to date). There are opinions of some researchers that the cities of asuras were often built underground (there is even an opinion that even now some of the asuras live underground). The asuras themselves also began to have a high opinion of themselves and began to engage in genetic experiments to create new people and animals. But there is an opinion that the asuras neglected the covenants of the Sons of the Sun and began to have sexual intercourse with animals. As a result of this, ancient monkeys and ape-people (Pithecanthropus, Australopithecus, Neanderthals) appeared. Because the asuras did not fulfill the commandments of the Sons of the Sun, the asuras stopped supporting the ruling circles of the asuras.

The knowledge and capabilities of the asuras in those days were so great that people of later times called the asuras demigods. And in general, there is a fact in history that more undeveloped peoples have always called representatives of developed peoples gods - the Greeks idolized the Hyperboreans, the ancient inhabitants of India idolized the Asuras and Atlanteans.

As they say in many Indian religions, the first inhabitants of the Earth were incorporeal (like ghosts), gradually, under the control of messengers from the Sun, the first material people (asuras) appeared on Earth. This happened about 65 million years ago. Asuras (almost gods) received knowledge from Divine teachers. This knowledge was limitless compared to modern knowledge. The asuras were tall from 36 to 6 meters (their height gradually decreased, but their body became denser).

Since the division of asuras by gender, Divine teachers from the Sun have interfered less and less in the lives of asuras. About 17 million years ago there was a huge continent on Earth - Lemuria, where asuras lived. From this continent, only Australia, Magadascar, Ceylon, New Zealand, and Easter Island are currently preserved.

The asuras had cities, especially many cities on the site of modern Magadaskar. The most important city of the asuras was a city in the mountains of Tibet (inside Mount Kailash) - the City of the Gods, where archives with the knowledge of the ancient asuras are kept to this day. Cities were built right in the mountains, so these cities are difficult to find (the city of asuras was no different in appearance from simple mountains). The asuras had highly developed science and technology and their capabilities were limitless. Therefore, the ancestors of modern people who lived in those times compared (and called them) with gods.

Where did our ancestors come from in those days? As mentioned above, the messengers of the Sun created life on Earth in various forms. Some asuras, after the messengers left the Sun, also imagined themselves omnipotent and began to continue experiments on creating new people (possibly with the help of genetic engineering, and perhaps by simply crossing asuras with ancient animals, as a result of which ancient monkeys appeared, which as a result of evolution became modern apes, some ancient apes evolved into the ape-men (Neanderthals). As a result of the degradation of some asuras in ancient times, new peoples arose - the descendants of the asuras (the ancestors of modern people). The asuras themselves also gradually changed and on the basis of the asura people arose a large number of other intelligent creatures - people (Atlanteans, Hyperboreans, Cyclops, gnomes, giants, dwarfs, intelligent monkeys).

But as a result of the activities of the asuras without control from the representatives of the Sun (or failure to follow their instructions), the asuras increasingly lost their knowledge (degraded). Some of the ancient asuras committed a great sin - they began to have sexual contact with animals, and as a result, ancient monkeys (driopithecus) appeared on earth, which some scientists still consider to be the direct ancestor of modern man. Some of them, degrading and mixing with animals (ancient monkeys), turned into intelligent monkeys (their descendants are Bigfoot). The other part (most) of the asuras gradually degraded and turned into semi-wild tribes, from which the Australian aborigines, Papuans, Bushmen and Hottentots are currently preserved. Their power on Earth weakened; the power of the Asuras on Earth was replaced by the power (hegemony) of the Atlanteans.

Table 1. The emergence and disappearance of peoples, tribes, archaeological

Asuras of Atlanta 4 million years ago

Khoisan-Australoids 38 thousand years ago

Pietersburg cult. 38 thousand years ago

6. 17 million years BC

17 million years BC, the surface of the Earth looked completely different than it does now.

In the place where the Indian Ocean is currently located, there was a huge continent of Lemuria. The name was given to it by modern researchers. Due to the fact that monkeys - lemurs - live in modern countries, they believe that all lemurs used to live on one continent - Lemuria. Due to the fact that Lemuria sank to the bottom of the Indian Ocean, the above type of monkeys (lemurs) survived only on the coast of the Indian Ocean.

The continent of Lemuria extended from the territory of modern Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean (in the east) to the southern coast of modern Africa (in the west). The northern tip of Lemuria was the territory of the modern island of Ceylon, in the south the mainland was close to modern Antarctica. In addition, in the west, in a narrow strip along the Arctic Ocean, islands adjoined Lemuria, stretching approximately from the territory of the modern North Sea to the southern coast of Africa.

In addition to Lemuria, there were many large and small islands on Earth in those days. This is a large island on the site of the modern Himalayas and Tibet, this is a large island on the site of Siberia, this is the island of Greenland, preserved almost unchanged from our times, this is a small island of Africa and a small island on the site of modern southern Europe. There were small islands on the site of modern USA and Canada.

At that time, the first people lived on the mainland of Lemuria - asuras (as they were called according to ancient Indian myths and legends). Asuras appeared as a result of the activity of representatives from the Sun (people who lived and are now living on the Sun); the asuras called them Sons of the Sun, Teachers of Wisdom.

We immediately have a question about how they could live (and are now living) on ​​this hot space object. The fact is that the Sons of the Sun do not have a physical body and they absolutely do not care whether it is cold or warm in their homeland. In our understanding and understanding of asuras, they are gods.

How they created the asuras is another complex question and we will look at it another time. But one thing is clear: when creating the first people on Earth - the Asuras, the physical characteristics of ancient amphibians and reptiles (dinosaurs, lizards) were also used, so the Asuras (and later the early Atlanteans) still had webbed hands. It is likely that even the blood of the asuras was cold. In 1905, in the east of Zaire, one of the French researchers discovered a tribe of pygmies (numbering about 40 people), these pygmies had cold blood and during the cold they became motionless (like frogs). After the Second World War, no one could find these pygmies. And the Pygmies, along with the Bushmen, Hottentots, Australian aborigines, Papuans, Andamanese, and Veddoids, are considered descendants of the Asuras (of course, these are degraded descendants).

17 million years BC the asuras lived together with the Sons of the Sun (gods). The sons of the Sun passed on their knowledge to the asuras and helped transform our planet for a comfortable life for the asuras. The civilization of the Asuras at that time was very highly developed; even the Atlanteans did not reach the heights of its knowledge and capabilities later. Our modern civilization will also not be able to understand all the knowledge of the asuras, since modern people are spiritually and morally sick (the main value of a modern person is money), humanity is infected with greed, envy, and hatred of each other. And in those days, the first people - the asuras - fully observed the covenants (instructions) of their gods - the Sons of the Sun. This was the only time on Earth when gods lived among people. Although the Sons of the Sun did not have physical bodies, they were visible to the asuras (the asuras had the ability to see the subtle, ethereal bodies of their gods). In the last (human) civilization, people were already deprived of the ability to see the gods (of course there were exceptions for some, chosen people).

The earth in 17 million years BC had a good (paradise) climate, it was warm throughout its entire territory, and the vegetation was very diverse. The trees in those days were very tall (up to 40-50 meters; now there are no such trees). In those days, the Earth had a dense atmosphere (atmospheric pressure was 10 times higher than today). Even ostriches, with their small wings in those days, could fly freely. The Earth year consisted of 260 days (the modern year consists of 365 days). The North Pole was located over the territory of the modern Himalayas. Some researchers believe that there was no Moon as a satellite of the Earth at that time.

The fauna of the Earth in those days was also diverse. Dinosaurs still lived in small numbers, mammals appeared, including the most ancient monkeys (dryopithecus). Like dinosaurs, other species of animals, including mammals, were large in size. And the asuras themselves in those distant times had a height of 16 to 36 meters, but later, with each millennium, their height constantly decreased. In addition to animals and asuras, other representatives of previous civilizations (multi-armed, cyclops, egg-headed) could also live on Earth in those days, but they gradually degraded, their numbers were insignificant.

Most of the asuras lived in cities in 17 million years BC, and most of the cities were then located on the site of modern Magadaskar. Cities used to be built (cut down) right inside the mountains, which is why now it is difficult to find former cities of asuras. Some researchers believe that some asuras built cities even underground at considerable depths, so these cities are also difficult to find now. There is a possibility that small groups of asuras still live underground.

7. 4 million years BC.

Four million years BC, the surface of the Earth has changed significantly compared to the surface of the planet, which was 17 million years BC.

The continent of Lemuria shrank significantly, most of it sank to the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Australia became a separate continent. On the site of modern Java and Sumatra there was one island. The islands in the Atlantic Ocean turned into the huge continent of Atlantis (the continent rose from the bottom of the ocean). The island on the site of modern Tibet and the Himalayas turned into the mainland of South Asia. The island on the site of modern Siberia turned into the continent of North Asia. A small island on the site of East Africa became the mainland of East Africa. An island appeared on the site of modern northern Africa. The territory of Greenland has hardly changed.

Asuras continued to live in Lemuria, but their power was undermined at that time. They no longer had cities on the territory of Magadascar. But they built a city in the mountains of Tibet - the City of the Gods. The remains of this city may still exist in the area of ​​Mount Kailash. The dominant position of the asuras on Earth was lost due to the fact that the Sons of the Sun abandoned them, since the asuras began to consider themselves equal to gods and began to violate the commandments of the Sons of the Sun. For example, asuras often experimented with creating new races of people (often the results were freaks or monsters), in addition, they began to have sexual relations with animals, and from these relationships new species of monkeys (monkeys - people) began to appear.

The dominant race at this time are the Atlanteans - the inhabitants of Atlantis. These are the descendants of the western group of asuras. Atlanteans are the ancestors of the Caucasoid and Mongoloid races.

At that time, the climate on Earth will continue to remain warm. The flora and fauna were very diverse.

In addition, australopithecines, ape-people, lived on Earth.

8. History of the Atlanteans

The Atlanteans are the descendants of the asuras who lived on the large continent of Atlantis, located on the territory of the modern Atlantic Ocean. The Atlanteans retained most of the knowledge of the asuras and their knowledge and technology are in many ways superior to modern science and technology. The Atlanteans controlled most of the Earth. The descendants of the asuras continued to degrade. Their last city in Tibet, the City of the Gods (near Mount Kailash), gradually came under the control of the Atlanteans. The direct descendants of the Asuras (degraded) are the modern aborigines of Australia, the Papuans, Pygmies, Bushmen, Hottentots, and Vedoids of Ceylon.

The Atlanteans also had developed science and highly developed technology. The Atlanteans already had a highly developed class society. The institution of slavery also appeared for the first time among the Atlanteans. Many Atlanteans (especially descendants of the Atlanteans) settled from Atlantis to different continents of the Earth. Resettlement occurred in waves. Atlantis gradually sank under the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and migration intensified. The peoples formed from the settlers from Atlantis were the Akkadians, Turanians, and Hyperboreans.

Already starting from 399 thousand years BC, the migration of Atlanteans to other places on Earth began from Atlantis. The simple descendants of the Atlanteans (the descendants of the Atlanteans, who no longer possessed much of the knowledge of the ancient Atlanteans (Toltecs), moved in especially large numbers; it is already difficult to even call them Atlanteans. These were modern people who possessed only a small fraction of the knowledge of the great Toltecs.

The first wave of migrants, the Akkadians, settled in the Middle East. These settlers subsequently gave birth to future Semitic-Hamitic peoples and the peoples of the Caucasus.

The second wave of migrants, the Turanians, settled on the seashore in East Asia (the territory of modern Gobi). The Turanians are the ancestors of all the Mongoloid peoples of Asia and the Indians of America. As a result of the war with the Atlanteans of Atlantis, atomic weapons were used against the Turanians. As a result of the war, the sea turned into the Gobi Desert. And the Turans, as a result of genetic changes, developed Mongoloid characteristics.

The third wave of settlers (the most massive) was approximately 38 thousand years ago. Modern scientists call these settlers Cro-Magnons. They are most similar to modern people.

By 30 thousand years BC, 5 main groups of peoples (differing in anthropological and ethnic characteristics) had already formed on Earth. These are the peoples of southern and central Africa (Pygmies and Khoisano-Australoids). In northern Africa, a group of southern European peoples formed. In southern Asia and Southeast Asia (including the islands of Indonesia), a group of peoples of the Australoid type (the future Dravidians, Dravidians, Veddoids, Papuans and Australians) was formed. In East Asia, a group of peoples of the future Mongoloid race (Turanians and proto-Indians) was formed. In western Asia, an Eastern Mediterranean group of peoples of the Caucasoid type (Akkadians) formed. In Europe (including the island of Poseidonis with the late Atlanteans), a group of peoples of the Caucasian race (Seletus and early Perigord cultures) was formed.

In the north, on the continent of Arctida, a strong civilization of the Hyperboreans developed. This is the northern branch of the Atlanteans. The Turanian civilization developed in the northern part of China. In the Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt) the Akkadian civilization developed. Often these civilizations opposed each other, and also opposed the remaining Atlanteans who lived on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean.

Table 2. The emergence and disappearance of peoples, tribes, archaeological

Primary people People (culture) that emerged Time

(culture) from the primary people of origin

Atlanteans Akkadians 79 thousand years ago

Turanians 79 thousand years BC

Seletian cult. 30 thousand years BC

Early Perigord cult. 30 thousand years BC

Dabbian cult. 30 thousand years BC

Aterskaya cult. 30 thousand years BC

Hyperboreans 17.5 thousand years ago

Protonegroids 9 thousand years ago

9. History of the Hyperboreans

In the 15-12 millennium BC, the most developed civilization on Earth became the Borean (Hyperborean) civilization on the continent of Arctida. The Hyperboreans also had developed science and technology, they even had aircraft, with the help of which Apollo of the Hyperboreans visited Greece, where the ancient Greeks revered him as a god. Perhaps the Hyperboreans were revered as gods by both the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Indians.

In the 13th millennium BC, the civilization of the Atlanteans (late Atlanteans) on the island of Poseidonis was unable to be the hegemon on Earth; it launched a nuclear war against the Hyperboreans, which it lost. But the result of the war was a nuclear winter and severe cooling in northern Europe and Asia. Glaciers covered a significant part of northern Eurasia.

Some researchers believe that in the middle of the 13th millennium BC another catastrophe occurred on Earth. The Moon approached the Earth and became a satellite of the Earth, for this reason various disasters occurred on Earth - earthquakes, floods, then a sharp cold snap. In addition, the following changes occurred on Earth: a year on Earth began to last 365 days (before that, a year was equal to 260 days), the Earth’s north pole moved from Tibet to the Arctic Ocean, the Earth’s atmosphere decreased 9 times (from 9 atmospheres to one ), as most of the atmosphere was blown away into space. A sharp decrease in the atmosphere and subsequent cooling again suggests a nuclear war, but perhaps with representatives of other alien civilizations. After all, to destroy 90% of the atmosphere you need very powerful nuclear (or other) charges. And there is a theory for this that this war was between the Asuras, Atlanteans and aliens from Venus - dragons. As a result, earthly civilizations (asuras and Atlanteans) won, civilization on Venus was destroyed, but dragons (some) lived on Earth for a long time and ruled in some parts of our planet. In turn, the civilizations of the Asuras, Atlanteans and Hyperboreans also lost their strength and the Stone Age returned to Earth in the person of modern people (degraded Asuras, Atlanteans and Hyperboreans).

According to many historians and researchers, the Hyperboreans are the ancestors of many peoples - the Indo-Europeans and the Ural peoples. Around 12,500 BC, a war with the use of nuclear weapons occurred on Earth, after which severe cooling occurred in northern Europe, Asia and North America.

Due to the decrease in the territory of Arctida (its subsidence under the waters of the Arctic Ocean), as well as the appearance of glaciers and colder temperatures, the Hyperboreans moved first from Arctida to the ocean coast, and then even further south to the territory of the Ural Mountains. At the same time, their descendants increasingly began to lose their knowledge and skills. The most developed part of them began to live among other peoples as leaders, priests, teachers (among the Akkadians in the Middle East and among the descendants of the Atlanteans in Europe). These were the tribes of the Ural initial archaeological culture (such a culture has not yet been found). This culture existed before the advent of the Shigir archaeological culture, which arose around 7500 BC.

The tribes of the Shigir culture are descendants of the Hyperboreans, but they have already lost all the knowledge of their great ancestors - the Hyperboreans. Some of the knowledge and special abilities of the Hyperboreans were preserved by the Sirtya tribes, who lived at that time (and much later) north of the tribes of the Shigir culture. The Sirtya include such ancient peoples of northern Europe as the white-eyed Chud, the Nibelungs, and the Picts. The memory of these peoples was preserved only in medieval myths and legends. No one was able to specifically find out where they subsequently went, although there are many different theories about this. Although even in the Middle Ages (after 1000 AD) in the north of Europe, short people were mentioned who possessed witchcraft knowledge. In the north of Rus', the inhabitants of the tundra (Samoyed tribes) also often mentioned meetings with representatives of the amazing people (Sirtya). According to their legends, the Sirte now live underground and only come to the surface of the Earth at night and try not to come into contact with people.

Table 3. The emergence and disappearance of peoples, tribes, archaeological

Primary people People (culture) that emerged Time

(culture) from the primary people of origin

Hyperboreans Ural initial cult. 14200 BC


initial cult. Shigir cult. 7500 BC

Phosna cult. 7500 BC

Askola cult. 7500 BC

Maglemose cult. 6500 BC

Kargopol cult. 4500 BC

Finno-Ugrians 4100 BC

Sirtya (white-eyed chud) 4100 years BC

10. Ice ages on Earth and wars.

There were several ice ages on Earth, during which a significant part of the planet was covered with glaciers. Such periods were approximately 1 million years BC, 79 thousand years BC, about 38 thousand years BC, about 12.5 thousand years BC. Some scientific researchers believe that all these cold snaps are similar to the consequences of global atomic wars on Earth. If we assume that this is so, then who fought with whom during these times?

Approximately 1 million years BC, the Atlantean civilization was at the peak of its development, but at that time the civilization of the Asuras still existed. Therefore, we can assume that the war was between these two civilizations.

In 79 thousand years BC, there were three main civilizations on Earth - the civilization of the Atlanteans on the island of Poseidonis, the civilization of the Akkadians in the Eastern Mediterranean (this is the first wave of immigrants from Atlantis) and the civilization of the Turanians who lived in East Asia (this is the second wave of immigrants from Atlantis). Therefore, the war was between the late Atlanteans and the Akkadians or Turanians. Most likely, the Atlanteans fought with the Turanians and they received a lot of radiation, as a result of which Mongoloid characteristics appeared in the Turanians.

In 38 thousand years BC, the same civilizations existed on Earth as in 79 thousand years BC, but at that time many Atlanteans lived in Western Europe (this is the third wave of immigrants from the former Atlantis - from the island of Poseidonis). Most likely the war was with the inhabitants of Western Europe. Perhaps after this they developed Caucasoid racial characteristics and became the ancestors of all Caucasoid peoples.

In the 13-12 millennium BC there were already many civilizations on Earth, including the Borean (Hyperborean) civilization in northern Europe, which disappeared after the last ice age. Therefore, we can assume that the war was between the Atlanteans from Poseidonis and the Hyperboreans of northern Europe. After this war, glaciers remained in the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica even after relative warming. But there are legends that the war was between the inhabitants of the Earth (probably the Boreans) and aliens on other planets who tried to subjugate the population of the Earth to their power. These forces in legends and myths are often called the forces of Satan and are represented in the form of lizards and dragons.

11. Unusual people.

Many legends and myths often mention unusual people (creatures similar to people) - cyclops (one-eyed giants), many-armed, many-headed, giants, dwarfs, gnomes, elves, goblins, hobbits, arches and others.

In addition to ordinary people, myths mention people with special amazing abilities - magicians, sorcerers, ghosts.

Along with people, smart monkeys are mentioned in legends, especially ancient Indian ones. Some researchers believe that these monkeys still exist as Bigfoot people. Or perhaps vice versa, Bigfoot people are degraded (feral) people who have completely returned to a wild state.

Maybe in fact, in ancient times, human civilization was diverse and had many types of people. I believe it. After all, at the beginning of this book it was said that during the creation of human civilization on Earth, intelligent life was very diverse and it cannot be considered that the first people on Earth - the asuras - were the only form of intelligent civilization. The development of intelligent civilizations passed from forms of intelligent life similar to the inhabitants of the Sun - the Sons of the Sun, that is, incorporeal creatures invisible to our eyes, to intelligent beings with physical bodies like modern insects, only much larger in size (multi-armed).

Apparently there were other forms of intelligent life - giants, dwarfs, cyclops, but the asuras became the final and dominant form of intelligent life on Earth approximately 250 million years ago (although, according to some researchers, they still had signs of reptiles and amphibians for a long time). At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that even after 250 million years ago, other representatives of other civilizations, different from the asuras, still existed on Earth, which was accordingly reflected in ancient myths and legends.

There is another point of view about all the strange, mysterious intelligent beings and people. Apparently, starting with the Atlantean civilization, wars began to take place on Earth (the first wars were probably between the Asuras and the Atlanteans) for power (for hegemony) on Earth. Various weapons were used (nuclear, chemical, bacteriological). The consequence of these wars was the birth of various mutants (and even freaks), as well as people with special magical properties. Especially many mutants appeared about 12-13 thousand years ago. Perhaps this was a consequence of the war. A representative of such a mutant is the minotaur on Crete. Even now, among modern people, all sorts of seers, magicians, sorcerers, witches, healers began to appear frequently; it is most likely that such people have always existed. There are even opinions among some researchers that modern races (Mongoloid and Caucasoid) arose as a result of mutations in the genes of the descendants of the ancient Atlanteans.

12. Geniology of the peoples of the world before the times of Egypt and Sumer

In my opinion, the genealogy of the most ancient peoples of the world is as follows.

From asuras happened Atlanta(western branch of asuras), ancient tribes Khoisano - Australoids(in East Africa, South Asia, Indonesia), tribes Petersburg archaeological culture (southern Africa), tribes Baradostan culture (territory of Iran), culture Grimaldi race(Don River basin in Eastern Europe).

The direct descendants of the asuras at present are the aborigines of Australia, the Papuans, the Veddoids of Ceylon, the Bushmen, the Hottentots, and the pygmies. In addition to these peoples, the descendants of the Asuras are currently the African peoples, the Dravidians, but these peoples contain an admixture of other peoples. Even the most direct descendants of the Asuras today do not have even the slightest fraction of the knowledge that the Asuras possessed. This confirms the theory of human development in a degrading direction.

From Atlanteans The following ancient peoples originated: Akkadians(residents of the Eastern Mediterranean), Turanians(East Asians) Hyperboreans(northern branch of the Atlanteans), as well as tribes early Perigord cultures (in Europe), tribes Seletskaya cultures (Eastern Europe), tribes Dabbian And Aterskaya crops (North Africa).

From Akkadians tribes originated Khormusi(upper Nile area) and Sebilskaya cultures (Nile Valley and Middle East).

From Turanians tribes originated proto-Indians, tribes Eskimo-Aleut, proto-Chukchi, proto-Tungus, proto-Mongols, proto-Chinese, proto-Altaians, proto-Tibeto-Burmese, proto-Koreans-Japanese, Austronesians, Austroasiatics.

From Hyperboreans tribes originated Ural primary(Doshigir) archaeological culture.

From the tribes early Perigord cultures originated tribes Aurignacian, Perigord, Grimaldian, Gravettian crops

From the tribes Seletskaya cultures occurred Eastern Caucasians, tribes Sungirskaya And Kostenkovskaya crops

Tribes Dabbian Orange culture and also took part in the formation proto-negroids.

Tribes Aterskaya cultures were absorbed by tribes Aurignacian culture.

More details The merger and division of ancient tribes and peoples can be clearly traced in the historical atlas. All these changes can be traced there in a temporal and territorial context.

Table 4. The emergence and disappearance of peoples, tribes, archaeological

Table failed (too big)

13. The main events on Earth before 3900 BC.

The main event after the disappearance of Hyperborea was the death of the island of Poseidonis and the last descendants of the Atlanteans who lived on it. Perhaps this was due to some actions (possibly war) of the Hyperboreans. This happened around 9500 BC. Although it is possible that Hyperborea disappeared simultaneously with the island of Poseidonis.

In Asia, the main event was the completion of the departure of the proto-Indians to the American continent, as well as the gradual advance south (towards Indochina) of the tribes of the Mongoloid race and, accordingly, the Australoid tribes were pushed south.

At this time, the Akkadian civilization was rapidly developing on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. There were many cities there, the ruins of which are still often found by archaeologists. The largest city was Jericho, which already existed around 9500 BC. Perhaps on the territory of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Israel, from that time on, other cities began to emerge (Chayenu, Mersin, Apamia, Baalbek, Sergilla). The first states arose among the Akkadians (city-states). Why did the first states arise in the form of city states? With the advent of agriculture and cattle breeding, rich tribes had surpluses of their products, therefore, to exchange their products, first temporary centers of inter-tribal trade arose, and then these centers became permanent settlements and became centers of inter-tribal trade (exchange). Due to the fact that the population in them grew, and in addition, various crafts quickly developed in these settlements, these centers in the 10-8 millennia began to turn into cities where the supreme leader (the prototype of the ruler, the king) lived. Perhaps Jericho was the hegemon (leading city) among other cities in the Middle East. It is quite possible that the Atlanteans from Poseidonis and the Hyperboreans who survived the disasters and were able to occupy a significant place in Jericho society thanks to their knowledge participated in the creation of this civilization.

Around 7500 BC, its southern part, the Shigir culture, emerged from the initial Ural culture. It is gradually spreading from the Middle Urals to the coast of the Baltic Sea. The tribes of this culture later became the Ural peoples and Indo-European peoples.

Around the same time, Caucasoid peoples (descendants of the Seletsky and Perigord cultures), moving from west to east, reached the upper reaches of the Yenisei and came into contact with the Mongoloid peoples.

Around 4800 BC, from the southern part of the tribes of the Shigir culture, tribes of the Narva culture (the westernmost group of ancient Indo-Europeans), tribes of the Upper Volga culture (the central group of Indo-Europeans) and Indo-Europeans (mainly Indo-Iranians - “Aryans”, but later they strongly influenced the western and central Indo-Europeans, since this group was the largest).

The Indo-Europeans constantly moved further south, and accordingly other Caucasian peoples (not Indo-Europeans) moved further and further south from them - the tribes of the Svider culture went to central Europe, the tribes of the Gagarin culture went to the Black Sea region, and the Neolithic tribes of Kazakhstan moved to Central Asia.

In Africa, or more precisely on the territory of Egypt, from about 9000 BC, the first city-states in the form of nomes also began to emerge.

Around 4000, the climate in the Sahara became drier and it turned from a heavily populated savannah into a desert. The tribes of the Capsian culture (northern Negroids) were divided. The southern Capsians became a separate ethnographic group of peoples - the Sahrawis, who began to move to the south of the Sahara, and the northern group of Capsians and the Semitic-speaking nomadic tribes who moved there from the Middle East formed a new group of peoples - the Livicians, who gradually mastered the entire main territory of the Sahara. The Nile Valley was increasingly inhabited by proto-Semites, who pushed the Nilotic tribes south. By 3900 BC, the Nile Valley was mainly populated by the ancient Egyptian people (these were the Merimde and Amrat tribes).

On the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, based on the descendants of the Akkadians and proto-Semites, the ancient Canaanite people developed. Starting from Jericho, new and new cities appeared there (the so-called dead cities, the ruins of which are still often found by archaeologists). Urban settlements (prototypes of future cities by 3900 appeared in the new territories of Egypt, Palestine and Mesopotamia.

Cities are also emerging in Europe. In the south of Spain, the city of Tartessus has not yet been found (according to some researchers, the last settlers from the island of Poseidonis lived in this city). It is most likely that by 3900 BC there were cities in Sicily and Malta. These cities were also founded by settlers from the island of Poseidonis. In the south of the Balkans (in Yugoslavia and Greece) there were also urban settlements. The Chedap archaeological culture that existed there at that time is also characterized by urban settlements. These cities were also founded by the later descendants of the Atlanteans from Poseidonis, but it is possible that the Hyperboreans, who moved here after the death of Hyperborea, also participated in the creation of these cities. The Hyperboreans occupied a dominant position in the cities of Yugoslavia and Greece (apparently as teachers, priests) and were subsequently deified by the inhabitants of Ancient Greece (pre-Greek, not Indo-European population) - Zeus, Apollo of Hyperborean were apparently real people with great knowledge and special abilities.

On the islands of the Aegean Sea, Crete and Cyprus there were also cities founded by the Akkadians, in the creation of which, in my opinion, the Hyperboreans also participated. There was intense trade between the cities of southern Spain, Malta, Sicily, Greece, Yugoslavia, cities in the Aegean Sea and the cities of the Middle East, Egypt and Mesopotamia.

14. Peoples and tribes after 3900 BC.

After 3900 BC (before 1000 BC), the following events occurred on Earth.

The Indo-Europeans, settling south, occupied a significant area in Europe and Asia by 3100 BC. These are mainly steppes from the Irtysh River in the east to the Dniester River in the west, the southern Urals and the upper reaches of the Don in the north, and the Aral, Caspian and Black Seas in the south. Archaeologists call this area the zone of distribution of the Yamnaya (ancient Yamnaya) archaeological culture.

In addition to this culture, other cultures of the Indo-European tribes arose. This is the Kelteminar culture in the northern Aral Sea region (this is the southernmost group of Indo-Indians - the first wave of settlers in this region), this is the Balakhna culture in the Middle and Upper Volga basin (this is the northernmost group of Indo-European tribes), in the upper reaches of the Volga, Don and Dnieper in those At times, there were other cultures related to the Indo-Europeans - Lyalovo, Belev, Ryazan, Dnieper-Donetsk. By this time, the tribes of the Upper Volga culture had basically ceased to be an Indo-European people, since many tribes of more northern - Ural peoples - had joined their mass and the language of the Uralians began to predominate there.

The westernmost group of Indo-Europeans remained the tribes of the Narva culture in the Baltic states; to the east of them, the North Belarusian culture was formed (from the merger of the Narva and Upper Volga cultures).

By 2500 BC, a culture of tribes with Corded Ware had formed in the Don basin (it was formed from the Yamnaya culture and the Indo-European cultures of the more northern regions). These were tribes of shepherds who did not have enough territory to raise their livestock. From that moment on, the massive penetration of these tribes into Europe began (this is the first wave of migration of Indo-Europeans to Europe).

Already in 2300 BC, these tribes (involving the tribes of the North Belarusian and Narva cultures into their movement) had already occupied the territory of the Dnieper basin, the entire Baltic region, and even penetrated into the south of Scandinavia.

By 3100 BC, the Corded Ware tribes occupied a large part of Poland (the archaeological culture of Złota was formed there). Their westward advance around 1600 BC was temporarily stopped by tribes that entered Central Europe from Spain (these were the Bell Beaker tribes - the Iberians).

But by 1500 BC, the Corded Ware tribes occupied the territory of Germany, and the proto-Thracians reached the foothills of the Alps in Austria.

In addition, in the center of Europe the following cultures are formed with tribes of Indo-Europeans - Unetica (in the Czech Republic), Magyar (in Hungary), Trzcinets (in Poland and Slovakia), Monteoru (in Romania).

By 1100 BC, the central part of Europe (a wide strip from the Adriatic to the North Sea) was occupied by tribes of the Hallstatt culture.

What happened in the southeastern part of Europe from 3900 BC?

By 2100 B.C. Achaean tribes penetrate into the Balkans (territory of Bulgaria) - this is the first wave of Indo-Europeans (they separated from the tribes of the Yamnaya culture), by this time the tribes of the Usatovo culture penetrated into the eastern part of Romania (they also separated from the tribes of the Yamnaya culture).

By 1600 B.C. The Achaeans were already in Greece and became an integral part of the Cretan-Mycenaean culture along with the ancient population of Greece (not Indo-Europeans).

Their place in Bulgaria was taken by Greek tribes (Dorians, Ionians, Aetolians). Perhaps these tribes came out of the Usatov culture. Around 1200-1100 BC, the Greeks invaded Greece and displaced most of the former population (these settlers were called the “Sea Peoples”). "Sea Peoples" after these events appear in the Middle East (Philistines), in Libya (Garramantes), and possibly in Italy (Etruscans).

By 1000 B.C. the remaining part of the Balkans is inhabited by Thracians - most likely these are descendants of the Monteoru culture (on the territory of Romania).

In Western Europe (in Spain), on the basis of three cultures - Mugem, Asturian and Los Millares (the northern remnant of the Capsian culture), a new culture was formed - the culture of the bell-shaped cups (then the ancestors of the Iberians), which began to quickly move across Europe towards the Indo-Europeans (corded tribes). pottery) and by about 1600 B.C. The Iberians even captured the territory of Poland. But later the Indo-Europeans began to push them west again. By 1100 BC, the Iberians from Germany were pushed back to France and England.

By this time, the Ural tribes had spread to northern Europe. Some of them are Sami by 1100 BC. already occupied a significant part of northern and central Scandinavia. The south of Scandinavia at that time was occupied by the boat-axe tribes (Indo-Europeans - in the future the basis of the Germanic tribes).

As mentioned above, the Ural tribes settled not only to the west, to Finland and Scandinavia, but also to the east and by 1100 BC. populated the Ob valley (lower and middle parts).

In Western Asia from 3900 to 1000 BC. Significant events also took place. By about 1900 B.C. a mass of Indo-Europeans (from the tribes of the Yamnaya culture), having passed through the Caucasus, appeared on the territory of Asia Minor - these are the Hittites, Palais, Luwians. The Hittites founded a powerful state there and subjugated all of Asia Minor. Some of the Indo-Europeans, the Mittanians, penetrated into Syria and the north of Mesopotamia.

Another significant event in this region was the spread of Semitic tribes. By 2300 B.C. Semites (Akkadians) captured the northern part of Mesopotamia, pushing the Sumerians (descendants of the ancient Australoids) to the south. By 1600 B.C. The Amorites (another group of Semitic tribes) had already subjugated all of Mesopotamia. By 1100, the descendants of the Australoids remained only in the south of Iran (Elamites).

The most important event in 3900-1000 BC. was the penetration of Indian tribes into India. Back around 2100 B.C. Aryan (Indo-Iranian tribes) lived mainly in the Southern Urals and in the steppes of Kazakhstan. Already in those days they had large cities - Arkaim, Sinashtra and others. But already the first groups of Arians at that time reached the shores of the Aral Sea and the North Caucasus. From the North Caucasus, the Aryans penetrated into Asia Minor (Hittites, Luwians, Palais), and from the shores of the Aral Sea their mass movement to the south began.

By 1500 B.C. Indian tribes had already reached the territory of modern Afghanistan. Under pressure from Indian and Iranian tribes, the Dravidian tribes (southern Caucasians of non-Indo-European origin) constantly retreated south. Back in 1900 B.C. The Dravidians created a developed urban civilization in the Indus River valley (Harappan civilization). There were many urban Dravidian settlements in Central Asia and Iran. By 1400 B.C. Indian tribes already dominated the Indus basin, and by 1000 BC. Indians had already reached the upper Ganges and dominated the northern part of India. The Dravidoids were assimilated by the Indians, some of them joined the population of southern India and became part of the Dravidians, who in turn pushed the local Australoid tribes (Veddoids, Andamanese) to the extreme south of India and Ceylon.

A little later than the Indians, Iranian tribes (Medians and Persians) began to move south in their footsteps, and in 1000 BC. already lived in the northern part of Iran.

An echo of the movement of large masses of Indian and Iranian tribes was the movement of another group of Indo-Europeans (most likely these were tribes of the Srubnaya culture, from the Don basin, perhaps there were more western Indo-European tribes there) - the Tokhors.

The Tocharians moved from west to east and by about 1100 BC. already occupied a vast territory in western China (the territory of Uyghuria).

In East Asia, the main event was in 3900-1000 BC. the formation of the Chinese people appeared. In 3500 B.C. The proto-Chinese (archaeological culture of Yangshao) occupied only the basin of the middle reaches of the Yellow River. By 1000 B.C. The Chinese already lived in the basin of two rivers - the Yellow River and the Yangtze (only other peoples lived in the upper reaches of these rivers). In their settlement, the ancient Chinese constantly pushed the Austroasiatic and Austronesian tribes to the south.

Austroasiatics from 3900 to 1000 BC. moved from the territory of southern China to the territory of Eastern India (the culture of copper treasures - the future Munda peoples) and to the territory of Burma and Indochina.

Austronesians from 3900 to 1000 BC. moved from the lower reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow River to the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia.

By 1000 B.C. There were almost no Austronosians on the territory of modern China.

In their settlement in Indochina, Malaysia and Indonesia, the Austronesians pushed aside the indigenous Australoid peoples, and by 1000 BC. The Papua-Australoids were finally pushed back to the island of New Guinea and Australia.

In North Africa, Semitic tribes in 1000 BC. already occupied the territory of Somalia and Ethiopia (Cushites), the entire Nile Valley in Egypt (ancient Egyptians, Copts), most of the Sahara and the entire African coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

In addition to the Libyans, in the year 1000 the Garamantes lived on the territory of modern Libya (this is part of the “peoples of the sea” forced out of Greece by the Greeks).

Under pressure from the Libyans, the Sahrawi tribes moved deep into Africa; under their influence, the Bantu tribes emerged from the Negroid tribes of North Africa and moved south from the Lake Chad basin to the Congo River valley. The Azande and Bagirmi tribes also emerged from the Negroids. In their movement south, the Bantu tribes began to push the Pygmy tribes south.

Read more about the movements of peoples and tribes in the period from 3900 to 1000 BC. can be traced from the maps of the historical atlas and the table below.

Table 5. The emergence and disappearance of peoples, tribes, archaeological

The table was not inserted (too large)

15. History from 1000 BC to 400 AD.

In Europe, the main event in the history of ancient peoples from 1000 BC to 400 AD is the further settlement of Indo-European peoples in the western part of the European continent.

As is known from the previous chapter, by the beginning of this time the western part of Europe was inhabited by Iberian tribes. By 900, Italian tribes of Indo-Europeans (possibly one of the groups of the Hallstatt culture) penetrated into Italy from the east. From the west (from the sea) Italy was inhabited at this time by the Etruscans (part of the “peoples of the sea”). With the advent of the Etruscans, cities appeared in the central part of Italy. Rome was at first one of the Etruscan cities, but gradually power in it passed to the Latins. Subsequently, Rome became the largest state in Europe.

And the Romans became a people into which all the Latin, Italic tribes, the Etruscans and all the tribes that lived in Italy before the appearance of the Etruscans and Italics joined.

By 200 B.C. the Romans became the dominant people in Italy. By 400 AD, the Romans already lived in Spain, France, Dacia (Romania) and were the dominant people there, while the Ligurians and Celts (in northern Italy and southern France), the Iberians in Spain, Gauls in France, part of the Dacians in Romania.

Since 1000 B.C. the tribes of the Hallstatt culture constantly moved west, pushing the Iberians into the territory of Spain. By 350 B.C. The Hallstatts had already occupied the territory of most of France, and also penetrated into England and Ireland. From that time on, the Illyrians separated from the Hallstatts and began to live in Illyria (Yugoslavia). The remaining part of the Hallstatt culture became known as the La Tène culture - these were the Celtic tribes. The Celts penetrated into the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and southern Poland, and the Kel tribe of the Galatians penetrated into Asia Minor and remained there to live (until merging with the Byzantine people). In France, the Celts were called Gauls. Some of the Celts penetrated into Spain, a mixture of Celts and Iberians laid the foundation for a new people - the Celtiberians.

The Iberians, pushed back to Spain by the Celts, having fallen under the rule of Rome, gradually merged with the Romans, forming a new people - the Spanish-Romans, and only part of the Iberians of Spain have retained their language to this day - these are the Basques.

Around 700 B.C. In the south of Scandinavia and the north of Germany, the Jastorf culture developed (these are the future Germanic tribes), this culture arose from the merger of two cultures - the boat-shaped axes and the Lusatian. Germanic tribes settled to the south, west and east. By 400 AD, individual Germanic tribes penetrated to the east, into the Crimea (Ostrogoths), to the west - into the north of France (Franks), in the south, Germanic tribes penetrated into the territory of Austria and Switzerland. By this time, based on the merger of the Gauls and the Romans, the Gallo-Roman people arose on the territory of France. By this time, the Celts remained only in Switzerland, England (Britons), Ireland (Scotts) and Asia Minor (Galatians).

In the 2nd century AD, Slavic tribes were formed from the tribes of the Zarubinets and Przeworsk culture; by 400 they occupied the territory from the upper Volga and Oka in the east to the Oder in the west, from the shores of the Baltic in the north to the upper reaches of the Prut and Dniester in the south, including the territory Czech Republic and Slovakia.

By 400, the Slavs were divided into two groups: the Sklavins (western) and the Ants (eastern).

To the north of the Slavs in the Baltic states lived the Letto-Lithuanian tribes, and to the north and north-west of the Slavs and Letto-Lithuanians lived the Ural peoples (Finnish-speaking).

The territory inhabited by Finnish-speaking peoples included all of Finland, the Upper Volga basin, the upper reaches of the Don, the Pechera and Vychegda basins, the territory of modern Estonia, and the Western Urals. The Sami lived in the middle part of Scandinavia. Samoyed tribes lived on the coast of the White and Barents Seas in 400. On these same banks lived the Sirtya (white-eyed Chudi) tribes, but there were very few of them.

The main event in Europe by the year 400 was the invasion of the Huns from Asia. By 400, the Huns already lived in the southern part of Ukraine and in the northern part of Romania. The Daco-Romans at this time were mostly driven out into the territory of Bulgaria by the Visigoths and Huns, although some of them remained in the Romanian Carpathians.

Time since 1000 BC before 400 in the steppes of Eurasia (from the lower Dniester to Altai there was a time of domination there by nomads and shepherds from Indo-European peoples.

As mentioned above, by 1000 BC. A significant part of the Iranian tribes (Persians, Medes) left the steppes. But there were still many nomads from the northern group of Iranian tribes in the open spaces. These are the tribes of the Srubnaya culture (from the lower reaches of the Dniester to the Ural River), the tribes of the Andronovo culture (from the Ural River to the Tien Shan) and the tribes of the Karasuk culture (from the southern Urals to the upper Yenisei).

Around 800 B.C. In the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region, the Cimmerians dominated, to the east of them (in the lower reaches of the Don and Volga) - the Scythians, then further to the east (from the southern Urals to the upper reaches of the Yenisei) - the Sauromat tribes.

Around 700 B.C. The situation in the forest-steppes of Eurasia has changed. There are no Cimmerians by this time - they disappeared in Asia Minor (they died or were assimilated by local peoples), the Scythians are in their place, they occupy a vast territory of the steppes from the lower reaches of the Dniester to the Volga, including the North Caucasus. To the east of their steppes the Sauromatians occupy (up to the upper reaches of the Ob). To the south of the Sarmatians (in the territory of southern Kazakhstan) the Sakas and Massagetae roam - these are also northern Iranian tribes. This situation practically did not change for a long time, only by 500 BC. the Sarmatians (Sauromatians) pushed the Scythians beyond the Don, and by 250 BC. The Sarmatians pushed the Scythians beyond the Dnieper. By 150 BC, the Sarmatians pushed the remnants of the Scythians into the Crimea, where they had their own state.

By 300 AD, Germanic Gothic tribes were already living in Crimea, and the Scythians were completely destroyed or became part of the Sarmatian tribes (they are related to them). But this is not the main event of the Eurasian steppes. The main event in the steppes of Eurasia, which entailed the Great Migration of Peoples, was the emergence of the Huns (Xiongnu) tribes from the territory of Mongolia and Uyghuria. In 200, the Huns captured the entire territory of Eastern Kazakhstan and reached the Tobol River.

In 350 they were already on the eastern bank of the Urals, and in 400 they reached the territory of modern Romania. The flow of the Huns took with them other unrelated tribes. These were the Iranian-speaking Sarmatians and the Trans-Ural tribes of the Ugrians (future Hungarians). After the Huns left the steppes of Kazakhstan, various Turkic-speaking (Altai) tribes penetrated there after the Huns, including the Khazars, who settled in the steppes of the lower Volga.

By 200 AD, on the banks of the Yenisei the Kets people formed from the proto-Kets, to the south of the Kets (along the Yenisei) the Khakas people formed (probably from the proto-Kets and Altaians), and in the upper reaches of the Yenisei the Kirghiz emerged from the Altai tribes.

By 400, Uyghur tribes formed from Altai tribes in the upper reaches of the Ob River.

By 300 AD, the Kurds emerged from the Persian people.

In Asia Minor, after the wars of the Hittites with the “peoples of the sea” (1100 BC), the Hittite state disappeared, and the Hittites as a people survived under the name Cappadocians. Hegemony on the peninsula passed to the Thracians (these are tribes related to the Thracians, and they came there from Thrace), and in the 7th century BC the state of Lydia was formed there, in which, in addition to the Capadocians, Phrygians, Lydians (descendants of the Luwians and Cappadocians) and Lycians (descendants Luwians) also lived Mysians (a new wave of immigrants from Thrace). Since 200 B.C. Celtic Galatian tribes settled in Asia Minor.

During the times of Hellenism (after the conquests of Alexander the Great), the Greek language began to spread more and more in Asia Minor and the boundaries between peoples began to blur more and more, this happened during the reign of the Roman Empire, and during the rule of the Byzantine emperors, the people of Asia Minor became a new people - the Byzantines with Greek. This was the case before the conquest of Asia Minor by the Seljuk Turks.

There were no special ethnographic changes in the Caucasus. In the southern part of the Caucasus (region of Armenia and further south) by about 1000 BC. The Armenian people emerged (it was formed from the descendants of the Indo-European tribes of the Palayans and absorbed part of the assimilated Hurrian tribes of the Urartians).

In the Middle East in the first millennium BC. was the time of dominance of the Aramaic language; neither the power of the Hellenic rulers nor the power of Rome could supplant this language. The language of the Jews did not disappear either. They continued to live on their territory throughout the period under review - from 1000 BC. to 400 AD. Peoples such as the Phoenicians and Philistines (“peoples of the sea”) disappeared, the Philistines by 700 BC, and the Phoenicians by the beginning of our era, they were absorbed by the Aramaic language. But in the northern part of Arabia, a new people arose from the proto-Arab tribes - the Arabs, who by 400 already dominated the Arabian Peninsula.

On the territory of modern Iran since 1000 BC. Iranian tribes continued to settle, by 300 BC. The Medes were assimilated by the Persians, and the Persians inhabited the entire territory of Iran, with the exception of a small area in the south of Iran inhabited by the Elamites. And this situation remained until 400.

In Central Asia by 600 BC. New Persian-speaking peoples emerged - Khorezmians, Sogdians, Bactrians. The Macedonian conquests did not affect the ethnic composition of the population of Central Asia; a strong influence was exerted only on culture.

There were no big changes in India, only the territory inhabited by Indians increased at the expense of the Dravidians of southern India; by 400, the indigenous population - the Veddoids - were pushed to the island of Sri Lanka.

In 200 B.C. A powerful state of the Xiongnu tribes emerged on the territory of Mongolia. But as a result of wars with China, the Xiongnu suffered defeats and under pressure from the Chinese and other tribes by 120 BC. left Mongolia, moving west towards Europe. By the year 200, their place in Mongolia was taken by the Xianbi tribes; in 300, the place of the Xianbi was taken by the Rourans (in Europe they were known under the name Avars).

In 400 B.C. The Japanese appeared on the islands of Japan (they appeared there from the Korean Peninsula where they had common ancestors with the Koreans). Subsequently, the Japanese gradually moved from the south to the north of Japan, destroying and assimilating the indigenous population of Japan - the Ainu. Accordingly, in Korea during these times the Korean people were formed.

In 500 B.C. In the northern part of Vietnam, tribes of Vietnamese appear, displaced from the southern part of China by the Chinese. By 400 AD, all of northern Vietnam was inhabited by the Vietnamese, the south by the Cham (Austronesians).

By 400, a people had formed - the Khmers (in the territory of Kampuchea), the Mons (in the territory of modern Thailand), and the Thais (in the territory of Laos and southern China). In the southern part of China, by the year 400, a group of Miao-Yao tribes and an Itzu-Burmese group had formed. The first group of Burmese tribes (the Pyu tribes) were already inhabiting Burma by this time; they appeared there in the 6th century BC. By 400 B.C. In Malaysia, the Malay people were formed, and by the beginning of our era, Indonesian tribes were mainly formed in Indonesia. By 200 AD, the Papuans-Australoids separated into separate groups of tribes - Papuans and Australians.

Since 250 B.C. Under pressure from the Xiongnu, the Tochar tribes began moving south to the territory of Tajikistan and Afghanistan, where they settled around 120 AD under the name Kushans.

By 100 B.C. in the territory between Balkhash and the Aral Sea a group of tribes was formed known as the Kangyuy, and approximately on the territory of Kyrgyzstan a group of tribes known as the Usuni was formed.

Those and other groups of tribes were formed on the basis of the Saka tribes, from the Tocharians who remained in those places, as well as part of the Sarmatians, pushed aside by the movement of the Huns. These tribes spoke Iranian languages ​​and were the last outpost against the onslaught of Turkic-speaking tribes from the east. In the far north of India (northern Kashmir), a new people, the Burishi, formed from the remnants of the Dravidians.

In the period from 1000 B.C. Garamantes (“peoples of the sea”), who settled on the Libyan coast of the Mediterranean Sea, wandering around the Sahara and mixing with the Libyans, by 50 BC. became Tuaregs with a Berber language, and began to live permanently in the southern Sahara (south of modern Libya).

The Bantu tribes constantly moving south, pushing back and destroying the pygmies,

In 400 they already reached the territory of modern Zimbabwe (in the south) and Kenya (in eastern Africa).

From about 550 BC. From the south of Arabia, the Sabaeans began to move to the territory of Ethiopia, who by 120 AD formed into a new Semitic people - the Aksumites.

Around 200 B.C. From the Nilotic tribes the Nubian tribes emerged.

Around 100 B.C. from the Western Negroid tribes the Fulani, Mende, Mosi, and Akan peoples were formed, and their Saharan peoples were formed the Songhai and Kanuri.

By the beginning of our era, Malagasy tribes (related to the Malay and Indonesian tribes) had formed in Magadascar.

Table 6. The emergence and disappearance of peoples, tribes, archaeological

16. The Great Migration of Peoples from 400 to 1000.

From 400 to 450 the following tribal movements occurred:

Suevi - from the territory of southern Germany to the territory of northern Portugal,

Visigoths - from the territory of southern Romania to the territory of southern France,

Burgundians - from the territory of northeast Germany to the south of France,

Allemans - from the territory of southwest Germany to the western part of France,

Franks - from the territory of northwestern Germany to northern France,

Jutes - from the territory of northern Denmark to the west coast of England,

Angles - from the territory of Denmark to south-east England,

Saxons (part of them) - from the territory of northern Germany to southern England,

vandals - from the territory of Hungary to northern Africa (Tunisia),

Ostrogoths - from the Northern Black Sea region to western Hungary. In northern Spain, a new people formed from the Iberians - the Basques. Of the Sarmatian tribes, only the Alans remained in the northern Caucasus. Turkic Bulgar tribes settled in the Northern Black Sea region. The Ugric tribes of the Hungarians settled on the eastern bank of the Don, and the Turkic tribes of the Khazars settled in the lower reaches of the Volga. In the territory from the shores of the Baltic Sea to the Urals, various Finnish-speaking peoples are being formed.

From 450 to 500 the following tribal movements occurred:

Visigoths - from southern France to western Spain,

Ostrogoths - from western Hungary to northern Italy.

During this period, the Huns disappeared from the map of Europe.

By 550, the first Slavic tribes (Antes) appeared in western Bulgaria, and

Slavic tribes of Sklavins penetrate into the territory of northern Yugoslavia.

By this time, the Avars (Zhurans), who came from the territory of Mongolia, were settling on the territory of Hungary.

By 600, the Suevi disappeared from the map of Europe (assimilated by the Ibero-Romans), and the Ostrogoths disappeared (assimilated by the Romans). The Lombards, who came there from southern Germany, settled in northern Italy. A significant part of the Britons from England were forced out by the Anglo-Saxons. These were the Bretons of Brittany to the west of France. In France, the mixing of German-speaking Franks with Gallo-Romans continues.

By 600, the Slavs already constituted the majority of the population in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia.

By 700, the Visigoths had completely dissolved among the Ibero-Romans. A single Anglo-Saxon people was formed in England, the Scots moved from the territory of Ireland and became the main population of Scotland, displacing and destroying the small people of the Picts. On the territory of Rus', the Slavs bear the new name “Rusichi” instead of the old name “Anty”. Turkic-speaking tribes of the Bulgars penetrate into Bulgaria, becoming the dominant layer of the population there, but due to the numerical predominance of the Slavs, over time the Slavic language became the main one, and from the Bulgars only the name of the people remained - Bulgarians.

By 750, another group of Bulgars settled in the lower reaches of the Kama and became another people, the Volga-Kama Bulgars. A new people formed in Italy - the Italians, who absorbed the Germanic tribes of the Lombards. Arabs penetrate into southern Spain. Around this time, the North Germanic tribes of southern Scandinavia began to be called Vikings (and even later Normans).

The Avars are disappearing in Europe; their place in Hungary is being taken by the Slavs.

By 850, a new people, the Scots, had formed in Scotland (based on the Scots tribes). In Denmark, the Viking tribes living there received a new name - Danes. The formation of the Polish people was completed on the territory of Poland, the peoples of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes were formed on the territory of Yugoslavia, and the Bulgarian people were formed in Bulgaria.

At this time, in northern Europe, the mysterious people of the Sirtya (White-Eyed Chud and Picts) stopped being mentioned.

By 900, Hungarians settled in the territory of Hungary and northern Romania (previously they lived in the Northern Black Sea region). Peoples emerged - the Vlachs (from the Daco-Romans), the French (from the Franks and Gallo-Romans), the Germans (from the Germanic tribes).

By 950, a number of peoples had emerged in Europe that still exist today.

These are the Basques, Hungarians, Italians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Czechs, Slovaks, Scots, Vlachs (Romanians), Moldavians, Maris, Mordovians, Karelians, Finns, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Danes, French, Poles, Germans.

From 400 to 450 the following changes occurred in Asia. The Kangyu people (in Kazakhstan) joined the Saks, the Usuns were forced out of the territory of Uyguria by the Jurans, a new people appeared on the territory of Tajikistan - the Hephthalites (from the Kushan tribes), the Gaogyu (from the Altai Turks), the Tanguts (from the Mongol-speaking Tanguts and Tibetans).

From 450 to 500 the following changes occurred. From the Itzu-Burmese, separate peoples emerged - the Burmese and Itzu. The Usuns (in the south of Kazakhstan) disappeared due to the pressure of the Turkic peoples and joined the Saks (Central Asia), the Kushans joined the Hephthalites.

From 500 to 550 the following changes occurred. Independent peoples emerged from the Caucasian tribes - the Adygs, Colchs, and Iberians (the ancestors of the Georgians). The Rourans disappeared from the map of Asia - they became Avars (in Europe). The Mohe tribes emerged from the proto-Tungus (lower Amur)

From 550 to 600 the following changes occurred. Uighurs from the upper reaches of the Ob moved to the southern part of Mongolia. Turkic tribes from Southern Kazakhstan begin to penetrate into Central Asia (especially Kyrgyzstan). The Samoyed tribes were divided into three independent groups - Nenets, Ngasans, Selkups.

The tribes of the Turks of the Turkic Khaganate were divided into Western and Eastern Turks,

From 600 to 650 the following changes occurred. The Hephthalites disappeared, who, under the pressure of the Turks, became part of the Iranian people of Bactria (Afghanistan).

From the Eastern Turks, the Turgesh tribes emerged, who lived in Kazakhstan.

From 650 to 700 there were no big changes, the penetration of Turkic tribes into Central Asia continued, the Arabs began to penetrate Iran and Central Asia (but this did not change the ethnic map, but led to the spread of Islam in these areas), the Japanese gradually moved north ( pushing the Ainu north). From the Western Turkic tribes arose the Pechenegs, and from the Altai Turks - the Karluks, who settled in Kazakhstan.

From 700 to 750, a powerful group of Turkic tribes emerged - the Kipchaks (Cumans), who populated the steppes of Kazakhstan. The Lao tribes settled in the territory of modern Laos, stopping their advance to the south.

From 750 to 800, the penetration of Thai tribes from southern China into the territory of Laos and northern Thailand continued.

From 800 to 850, the Uyghurs moved from the territory of western Mongolia to the territory of Uyghuria.

From 850 to 900, a new Turkic people emerged - the Oguzes (from the Kipchaks), who immediately began to move south along the territory between the Caspian and Aral, crowding out the Saks on their way. The Sakas, in turn, increasingly go to Iran and merge with the Persians. From among the Mongolian tribes, a group stands out - the Guchin-Tatars. The Yakuts stand out from the Altai Turks, who settle in Transbaikalia and begin to gradually move north (towards Yakutia). A new people is formed from the Yilou tribes - the Jurchens (ancestors of the Manchus). After the Hungarians left for Europe, in their place (Northern Black Sea region) the Pechenegs appeared, coming to the eastern shores of the Urals.

By 950, the Oguzes reach the south of Turkmenistan, a new people is formed from the Adygs - the Adygeis, a new people are formed from the Colkhians - the Abkhazians, new peoples are formed from the Iberians - the Georgians and Laz, the Burtases and some of the Oguzes leave the Khazars to the north (the western coast of the middle Volga) receives the name Seljuki (after the name of its ruler). The Baluchis stand out from the Persians (possibly due to the massive settlement of Saka tribes in Iran). At the same time, the Sogdian people disappeared from Central Asia, apparently under the onslaught of the Turkic peoples, some of them joined the Persians, the other part mixed with the Turks.

By 600, the Vandals had disappeared from northern Africa (Tunisia), and merged with the Berbers.

The settlement of North Africa by Arabs began in 700.

By 850, new peoples had emerged - the Igbo (from the Akan), the Ewe (from the Akan), the Kru (from the Akan), the Sandawe (from the northern Khoisan), the Hadza (from the northern Khoisan).

By 900, the Bushmen and Hottentots (from the Khoisans) peoples had formed.

By 950, Bantu tribes had already penetrated South Africa and made up the majority of the population of Central Africa.

Table 7. The emergence and disappearance of peoples, tribes, archaeological

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17. History from 1000 AD to 1600 AD.

By the year 1000, peoples had formed - the Udmurts (from the Perm tribes) and the Albanians (from the Illyrians).

By 1050, new peoples had formed in Spain - Catalans, Galicians, Castilians (from the Spanish-Romans). The Pechenegs disappeared from the northern Black Sea region (they were defeated by the Russians), their place was taken by the Torci.

By 1100, new peoples had emerged - the English (from the Anglo-Saxons and Britons), the Portuguese (from the Spanish-Romans). The steppes in the valleys of the Dnieper, Don, and Volga were occupied by the Polovtsians (a western group of Kipchaks).

By 1150, the Merya and Muroma disappeared (assimilated by the northern Russians).

By 1200, new peoples had emerged - the Welsh (from the Britons), the Bretons (from the Britons), the Norwegians (from the Vikings), the Swedes (from the Vikings), the Irish (from the Scots). By this time they had disappeared from the map of Europe. By this time, the Lusatians and Bodrichis had disappeared from the map of Europe (assimilated by the Germans).

By 1250, the Burtases disappeared (they became part of the Horde).

By 1300, new peoples had emerged - the Swiss (from the Germans), the Austrians (from the Germans). By this time, the Prussians had disappeared from the map of Europe (assimilated by the Germans).

By 1400, the single ancient Russian people (Rusichi) were divided into Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. The Dutch and Flemings became separate peoples (from the Germans).

By 1450, the Volga Bulgars disappeared, and in their place a new people arose - the Chuvash. Most of the Bulgars became part of the new people - the Kazan Tatars (together with part of the Horde).

By 1500, a people arose in Spain - the Spaniards (from the Castilians).

By 1600, new peoples arose - Komi (from Chud), Komi-Permyaks (from Perm). By this time, Russian settlements had appeared in the Ob basin and their settlement further east continued. After this time, the ethnic map of Europe remained virtually unchanged.

By 1000, the Burmese settled in the northern part of Burma, the Pyu tribes were pushed back to the south of Burma. The Khazars disappeared from the map of Asia; they became part of other Turkic peoples (Pechenegs, Kipchaks, Burtases).

By 1050, new peoples had emerged - the Torks (from the Khazars) and the Kanglys (from the Kipkaks). The Thais settled in Thailand, practically stopping their advance to the south. The Seljuks had already reached the south of Turkmenistan.

By 1100, most of the Mon were absorbed (assimilated) by the Thai tribes. The Burmese settled in the south of Burma, the Pyu tribes were assimilated by the Burmese and disappeared from the ethnic map of Burma. The Seljuks settled in Azerbaijan and Asia Minor.

By 1150, new peoples had emerged - Azerbaijanis (from the Oguzes and Caucasian Albanians), Afghans (Pashtuns) (from the Bactrians), and Karakitais (from the Khitans).

By 1200, new peoples had emerged - the Buryats (from the Merkits), the Mongols (from various Mongolian tribes), the Oirats (from the Naimans and Kereits), the Manchus (from the Jurchens and Mohes), the Turkmens (from the Oguzes), the Tajiks (from the Bactrians).

By 1250, peoples had emerged - the Horde (from the Mongols, Kipchaks, Polovtsy, Kangly, Oghuz, Burtas), Qashqai (from the Seljuks). The Khitans disappeared (joined the Mongols).

By 1300, peoples had emerged - the Shans (from the Itzu), the Evenki-Evens (from the proto-Tungus), the southern Tungus (from the proto-Tungus), the Kabardians (from the Yas and the Horde), the Karachais (from the Horde), the Balkars (from the Horde) . At this time, the Yakuts began to settle in the Lena basin. The proto-Chukchi, under pressure from the proto-Tungus and Yakuts, move east to the Chukotka Peninsula.

By 1350, peoples had emerged - Uzbeks (from the Karluks, Kipchaks, Karakitaev), Turks (from the Seljuks and Byzantines of Asia). The resettlement of the Yenisei Kyrgyz from the upper reaches of the Yenisei to the territory of Kyrgyzstan begins.

By 1450, peoples had emerged - Nogai (from the Horde and Kipchaks), Tatars (from the Horde and Bulgars), Chuvash (from the Bulgars), Astrakhan Tatars (from the Horde), Crimean Tatars (from the Horde), Bashkirs (from the Horde), Siberian Tatars (from the Horde and Kipchaks), Kazakhs (from the Kipchaks and Uzbeks). The Karluks disappeared from the ethnic map of Central Asia and became part of the Uzbek people.

By 1500, peoples had emerged - the Evenki (from the Evenki-Evens), the Evens (from the Evenki-Evens), and the Vainakhs (from the Caucasians). The Vietnamese reached the mouth of the Mekong. The Yenisei Kyrgyz have largely completed their resettlement to Kyrgyzstan. The Khakass are moving south to the habitats of the Yenisei Kyrgyz.

By 1550, peoples had emerged - the Kirghiz (from the Kazakhs and Yenisei Kirghiz), the Nivkhs (from the southern proto-Chukchi), the Koryaks (from the proto-Chukchi), the Chukchi (from the proto-Chukchi), the Yukaghirs (from the proto-Chukchi), the Itelmens ( from the proto-Chukchi).

By 1600, peoples had emerged - Khanty (from the Ugrians), Mansi (from the Ugrians), Dakhurs (from the Mongols), Duchers (from the southern Tungus), Nanai (from the southern Tungus), Kalmyks (spread out from the Oirats), Karakalpaks (from the Kazakhs) .

By the year 1000, Arabs settled in the northern part of Sudan.

By 1150, peoples had emerged - the Wolof (from the Fulbe), the Yoruba (from the Igbo).

By 1300, peoples had emerged - the Amhara (from the Aksumites), the Gurage (from the Aksumites), the Tigre (from the Aksumites), and the Tigrayans (from the Aksumites).

By 1400, Arabs settled on the coast of Mauritania.

By 1500, peoples had emerged - Hausa (from Tuareg, Tiv, Kanuri), Tubu (from Kanuri), Moru-Madi (from Bagirmi), Kunama (from Bagirmi), Koma (from Bagirmi), Berta (from Bagirmi). The Fulani tribes begin to settle west.

By 1550, peoples had emerged - Afar (from the Cushites), Oromo (from the Cushites), Somalis (from the Cushites), Ometo (from the Cushites and Nubians). The Fulbe appear on the territory of modern Niger.

By 1600, peoples had emerged - Soninke, Bambara, Malinke (all from Mende), Susu (from Wolof), Senufo (from Mosi), Macbetu (from Moru-Madi). The Fulbe reach the territory of Lake Chad. The Arabs reach the south of Sudan.

Table 8. The emergence and disappearance of peoples, tribes, archaeological

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18. Indo-Europeans, their origin and settlement.

The largest group of peoples on Earth is the largest language family - Indo-European. Now the peoples of this language family live on all continents and their total number makes up the majority of the population of our planet.

But this was not always the case; there were times when the Indo-Europeans were an insignificant people. When did the Indo-Europeans appear? Where did they come from? How did they settle across the vast expanses of Eurasia? This is what this article is about.

In ancient times, the surface of the Earth (oceans and continents) had different shapes than now and the climate was completely different - it was warm on the entire surface of the planet. The Arctic Ocean was also warm (without glaciers), in this ocean there was the legendary continent of Arctida, where people lived from one of the most ancient human civilizations - the Hyperboreans (this is the northern branch of the Atlanteans).

The Hyperborean civilization existed and flourished around 18-13 millennia BC (that is, before the Great Glaciation in the 13th millennium BC). But gradually the continent of Arctina began to go under water (settle to the bottom of the ocean). This has always happened on Earth - some territories rise, others fall, and in our time this also happens, but we don’t notice, human life is so short that global changes on the planet are invisible to us.

By the end of the 15th millennium BC. Arctida sank to the bottom of the ocean so much that its main population began to live in the northern part of Eastern Europe (Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, the Northern Urals and northern Scandinavia). In the 13th millennium BC. In northern Europe there was a sharp cooling, and glaciers appeared there. In my personal opinion (I know that some famous researchers also share the same opinion), this happened as a result of a war using nuclear weapons. Who fought in those days and with whom is unknown (then the following civilizations existed - Hyperborean, Akkadian, Turanian and the civilization of the late Atlanteans on the island of Poseidonis).

As a result of the advance of glaciers, the Hyperboreans and their descendants began to move south. This migration marked the end of the Hyperborean civilization. Gradually, the Hyperboreans disappeared (only their descendants remained), although some researchers believe that some of them reached the Mediterranean Sea and participated in the creation of new civilizations there (in the Middle East, Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece).

The bulk of the descendants of the Hyperboreans remained in the north of Eastern Europe, they no longer had that knowledge, they were even greatly degraded (they reached the primitive communal level of development).

About 7500 BC. The Shigir archaeological culture arose in the territory between the Urals (including the Urals) and the Baltic states. The tribes of this culture were the starting point for the emergence of the Finno-Ugric and Indo-European peoples.

Around 4800 BC. Indo-European tribes finally separated from the general mass of Shigirs. Three groups of Indo-European tribes were formed - Narva (Narva archaeological culture occupied the territory of modern Latvia, Lithuania, Nogorod and Pskov regions), Upper Volga (Upper Volga archaeological culture occupied the territory from the Novgorod region along the southern bank of the Upper Volga, up to Tatarstan, including the Oka basin) and Aryan (these are the ancestors of the Indo-Persian peoples, they occupied the territory east of the Upper Volga, including the Southern Urals and the south of Western Siberia).

By 3900 BC. all three groups of Indo-European peoples expanded their territories. The Nar group populated the territory of Estonia, the Upper Volga group populated the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Don, and the Aryans populated the territory from the Irtysh to the Middle Volga.

By 3100 BC, the Narva group almost did not change the territory of its residence (apparently there was only an increase in population density); the Upper Volga peoples also expanded their territory slightly. At the same time, the Aryan group of tribes, having mastered cattle breeding well, occupied vast areas of the steppes from the Irtysh to the Dniester. At the place where the Aryan peoples lived, archaeologists discovered the Yamnaya (ancient Yamnaya) archaeological culture.

In the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. large migrations of Indo-European peoples began. The Narva peoples penetrate into the south of Scandinavia, the Upper Volga peoples penetrate into Europe, including the territory of Poland and Slovakia, and the Aryans settle on the western coast of the Black Sea and the northern coast of the Aral, Caspian and Black Seas. By 2100 BC. Indo-Europeans already occupied most of Eastern Europe and large parts of Western Asia. At that time, the Aryans had the city of Arkaim in the Southern Urals (Chelyabinsk region), and the Upper Volga tribes (judging by the legends) had a city of Slovensk in the area of ​​modern Novgorod.

Since 2000 BC, the Hittites, Luwians, and Palais (these are Indo-European tribes from the Aryan group) begin to penetrate into Asia Minor from the territory of the North Caucasus. At the same time, the Achaeans began to penetrate into the north of Ancient Greece from the western coast of the Black Sea (these are Indo-European tribes, most likely from the Aryan group, but possibly also from the Upper Volga group).

By 1600 BC. The Hittites, Luwians, and Palais almost completely occupied the territory of Asia Minor, forming there one of the largest powers of the Ancient East - the Hittite Kingdom.

And the territory of Ancient Greece was occupied by the Achaeans, they lived together with the peoples who lived there before them. The Achaeans formed several Achaean states in Greece (Mycenae, Pylos, Thebes, Ochromenos). By this time, the tribes of the Narva and Upper Volga groups of Indo-Europeans had already penetrated into the center of Europe (tribes of the Saka-Thuringian archaeological culture lived in Germany at that time). The territory of the Balkans (Romania, Bulgaria) at this time was inhabited by tribes of the Upper Volga group - Thracians and Dorians.

By 1500 BC. Aryan tribes (Indians) in their advance to the south reached the territory of modern Turkmenistan. The Thracians at this time occupied the territory of the western Balkans. But the Indo-Europeans did not only move south and west. By 1500 BC, the Aryan tribes (Persian-speaking Scythians), in their movement to the east, reached the upper reaches of the Yenisei.

By 1300 BC, Indian tribes had settled in northern India (Indus Valley).

By 1100 BC, the Medes settled in northern Iran. In Europe, Celtic tribes reached the borders of modern France. The Tochars (tribes of the Upper Volga group) already lived in the eastern part of modern China (Xinjiang). Greece was invaded by the Dorian tribes (who became the basis of the modern Greek people).

By 900 BC, the Persians had settled in the southern part of modern Iran, and the Indians settled in the upper Ganges. By this time, Italic tribes had already populated most of modern Italy.

By 800 BC. The Celts occupied a significant part of eastern France.

By 700 BC. The Celts entered England. The Indians at this time settled the entire north of India, and the Persians settled all of modern Iran. All of Central Asia and Kazakhstan were also inhabited by Persian-speaking tribes (Scythians, Sauromatians, Sakas, Massagetae, Khorezmians, Sogdians, Bactrians). But by this time, the lands along the Upper Volga were free from the Upper Volga group of Indo-Europeans, and were inhabited by the Ural peoples.

By this time, the area of ​​settlement of the Indo-European tribes had changed little, the Indians continued to move to the south of India, and the Celts moved to the south of France and Spain.

More details about the settlement of Indo-European tribes can be found in the historical Atlas (peoples, tribes, cultures) from 17 million years ago to 1600, in which 83 maps with explanations are located in chronological order.

19. Did the ancient city of Slovensk exist?

In 2002, the Veche publishing house published a very interesting book, “Hyperborean Rus',” the author of which is Doctor of Philosophy V.N. Demin.

Based on the analysis of folklore and oral traditions, this work reveals the Hyperborean roots of Russian history, establishes its connections with the ancient peoples of the world, and outlines the migration routes of Indo-European tribes across the territory of Eurasia.

This interesting book claims that, according to the ancient Russian work “The Legend of Sloven and Rus and the city of Slovensk,” that after long wanderings, the ancient Slavic people appeared on the banks of the Volkhov and Lake Ilmen in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC and founded the city of Slovensk here and Staraya Russa. The legend also names the exact date of the founding of Slovensk the Great - 2395 BC Three thousand years later, after being abandoned twice, a new city was built on the site of Slovensk - Novgorod (the city was named new because it was built on the site of the old one - Slovensk). Modern historians deny this fact. But such denials have happened very often in history. Established scientists have denied many facts before. They denied the existence of Troy and Arkim, but in the end they were provided with irrefutable evidence. The fact of the existence of ancient Slovensk will be fully proven.

For my part, I will also try to prove this. Since 1972, I have systematically collected scientific information on the history of all peoples of the world - articles on archeology, ethnography, anthropology, articles on the Ancient East, on various ancient civilizations. In addition, I began to use legends, myths, and religious literature as a source of information on the history of the emergence of the peoples of the world. As a result, I created a historical atlas of peoples, tribes and cultures from 17 million years BC. In my article I will be based on materials recognized by modern historians and archaeologists.

Let us consider chronologically the history of the emergence of the Ural peoples, Slavs and other Indo-Europeans and non-Indo-Europeans. From approximately 8500 BC to 5200 BC, tribes of the Shigir archaeological culture lived on a vast territory from the Baltic Sea to Western Siberia (including the Urals). These tribes included the Ural peoples (Finno-Ugrians) and all Indo-Europeans. The rest of Europe and Asia was inhabited by non-Indo-European peoples.

By about 4800 BC, three archaeological cultures emerged from the Shigir culture (its southern part) - Narva, Upper Volga and Aryan; all the tribes of these cultures were Indo-Europeans, i.e. belonged to the Indo-European language family. The Aryan group occupied the territory of the southern and middle Urals and partly the south of Western Siberia, the Narva group occupied the territory of the Baltic states, and the Upper Volga group occupied the space between them - the territory of the Upper Volga. It is now difficult to determine which of these cultures the Slavs lived in. But in my opinion, the Narva culture (the most western) probably included the ancestors of the most western Indo-European peoples (Celts, Italics, Thracians, Illyrians). The easternmost group, the Aryan, included the ancestors of all Indian and Iranian peoples. The Upper Volga group therefore included the ancestors of all other Indo-European peoples (Germans, Slavs, Letto-Lithuanians). Why do I not classify the ancestors of the Greek tribes, Armenians, Tocharians, Cimmerians as any of the groups)? Because I think that these peoples were formed as a result of the interaction (mixing) of tribes of one group (Aryan) with another (Upper Volga).

Around 3100 BC, changes occurred in the settlement of all three groups of Indo-European tribes. On the basis of the Aryan group of tribes, the Yamnaya and Kelteminar cultures arose, the tribes of the Aryan group lived over a large territory - from the Irtysh in the east to the Dniester in the west, from the Aral, Caspian, Black Seas in the south, the northern border ran along the upper reaches of the Don, the Middle Volga and the Middle Urals . Perhaps at this time the city of Arkaim arose, found by archaeologists in the Chelyabinsk region.

On the basis of the Upper Volga group, the following cultures arose: Lyalovo, Ryazan, Belev, Dnieper-Donets, Balakhna (a mixture of Upper Volga and Aryan tribes). At the same time, the Upper Volga culture itself was preserved. All tribes of this group also occupied a vast territory - the Upper Volga, the upper reaches of the Don and Dnieper.

On the basis of the Narva culture, the North Belarusian archaeological culture arose, while the Narva culture continued to exist. The tribes of this group occupied the territory of the Baltic states and northern Belarus. Looking at the map of the settlement of peoples in 3100 BC, it can be argued that the ancestors of the ancient Slavs could already have lived in the area of ​​Novgorod and Staraya Russa at that time. This area was already inhabited in those days by tribes of the Upper Volga culture, and therefore by the ancestors of the Slavs.

Now consider the location of the peoples in 2500 BC. Modern archaeologists refer to this period as a period of mass movement of “pastoral” tribes from Eastern Europe to the West. Let's look at the location of all three groups of tribes as of 2500 BC. The position of the Aryan group of tribes practically did not change - the tribes of the Yamnaya and Kelteminar cultures remained in the same territories, but the number of tribes of the Yamnaya culture in the North Caucasus increased.

From the North Caucasus, starting around 2100 BC, a massive movement of Aryan tribes to the territory of Asia Minor (Hittites, Luwians, Palais) will begin.

The territory occupied by the tribes of the Narva and Upper Volga groups in 2500 BC also remained, but the tribes of these groups moved to the center of Europe (in 2300 BC the tribes of the Narva group were already in the south of Sweden and Norway, and the tribes of the Upper Volga group of tribes and partly the Aryan group ( tribes of Corded Ware) appeared in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary).

Analyzing this, it can also be argued that the ancestors of the Slavs at that time could have lived in the area of ​​Novgorod and Staraya Russa. And if we take specifically the year 2400 BC, then in this territory lived the tribes of the Middle Dnieper culture, which can be confidently attributed to the ancestors of the Slavs. If in 2000 BC (most likely even 2500 BC) the ancient city of Arkaim existed in the south of the Urals, then why in 2395 BC the ancient city of Slovensk and the city of Rusa cannot exist on the site of modern Novgorod.

In addition to the above, the book “Hyperborean Rus'” states that the ancient Slavic leaders (princes) already in the 23rd century BC had contacts with the rulers of Ancient Egypt and other states of the Middle East. I also cannot deny this fact, because at the end of the 3rd millennium BC, the massive penetration of Indo-Europeans into Greece (Achaeans), into Asia Minor (Hittites, Luwians, Palayans), and into Northern Mesopotamia (Mittanians) began. Why weren’t individual tribes of the ancient Slavs able to penetrate there at that time? It is clear that they did not stay there permanently like the Hittites, Palais, and Luwians. But could they establish contacts with Middle Eastern countries? Of course they could, because they were probably able to maintain contacts with the Indo-Europeans who settled there.

There are many mysteries in ancient history and they will be solved for a long time. Some historians believe that the rulers of all the ancient states of the Ancient East were Indo-Europeans and their states were also created by Indo-Europeans, I do not consider this theory correct, since the most ancient civilizations were created long before such a community of peoples as the Indo-Europeans arose. After all, before them there were civilizations of the Asuras, Atlanteans, Akkadians, Turans and Hyperboreans.

I think that over time archaeologists will find evidence of all these facts. Of course, it is best to observe the movement of various peoples and tribes on the maps of the historical atlas of peoples, tribes and cultures, where this movement can be traced from 17 million years ago on 83 color maps, the maps in the atlas are arranged in chronological order. I hope that I will find interested people who will help fulfill my dream of publishing this atlas. I will gladly accept any assistance, my email address is [email protected].

20. The future of humanity.

Our ancient history is very complex and often incomprehensible, especially before the times of the existence of the states of ancient Sumer and Ancient Egypt (before the 4th millennium BC). Perhaps ignorance of this ancient history of mankind is beneficial to someone. After all, knowledge of our history provides the key to predicting the future of our civilization.

Why did very developed civilizations that existed in ancient times perish? There is only one answer - the rulers and inhabitants of these civilizations violated the covenants (mentoring) of their teachers.

Let us consider how human civilization is currently developing. What is currently the highest value among people? Of course money (and power, which also makes it possible to get big money). But there were times, times of flourishing civilizations, when knowledge was considered a great value; in those days, honesty, kindness, and love for one’s neighbor were valued. All these covenants were brought to humanity by the prophets - Moses, Buddha, Christ and others; these prophets tried to direct the development of humanity on the righteous path.

But where is humanity going now? People barbarously use the natural resources of the Earth (oil, gas). Modern industry is rapidly polluting the planet; soon it will be impossible to find clean places on Earth; there will be landfills of industrial and household waste everywhere. Natural resources will run out, the land will no longer provide sufficient food. People will increasingly develop wild habits (the degradation of society will begin). For food, for money, people will increasingly kill each other. Already now, children are killing their parents for money and alcohol, and mothers are abandoning their newborn children in garbage dumps. Already, our civilization is degrading faster and faster.

The leaders of many states are trying in every possible way to convince their people that everything is going well in their countries - science and technology are developing, people are living better and better (though not everyone). Leaders of states and their entourage, vested with power and money, hope that their lives will go well. The rich (few of them) are becoming richer, the poor (the majority) are becoming poorer. But the ruling circles try not to notice this; they broadcast on TV and in the media that everything is fine in the country, people are living better and better. But people see that this is a deception. History teaches that you have to answer for any sins, and often you have to answer completely unexpectedly.

The result of modern human development is inevitable death. It is unknown when this will happen. Researchers name different dates - 2033, 2035, 2075, 2371, other dates and even 2012. But 2012 will not be the end of humanity, in December 2012 only strong earthquakes will occur on Earth (as a warning to humanity), these strong earthquakes will occur almost simultaneously in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Strong tsunamis (very high waves) will appear that will destroy many cities and villages on the shores of these oceans. These dates are calculated from the revelations of John the Evangelist, the records of various prophets and seers, and Mayan legends. But even these predictions say that from human civilization a part of the people - “righteous” (people who keep all the covenants of the prophets) will be preserved and will begin to live in the new civilization.

How many of them will remain is also unknown. Different numbers are mentioned - 22,000, 144,000 (this number is called in the Revelations of John the Theologian), 66,000 people, but in any case these will be completely new people. Perhaps these people are already appearing at the present time.

As we know, the Asuras, Atlanteans, and Hyperboreans had very amazing knowledge and possessed very amazing abilities (similar to witchcraft). Why don't people have any special abilities now? Because the majority of people are simply unworthy to have these abilities due to low spiritual development. Nowadays, people with amazing abilities appear from time to time, especially often these abilities appear in children. They were even called by a special name - “indigo”. Perhaps this is a new human race. In addition, there is a theory that the new race will include people who are now classified as “downs” (people with harmless mental disorders). Downs and indigos will form a new race, which will be resettled with the help of more developed extraterrestrial civilizations (Higher Powers) to another planet. According to the revelations of John the Theologian, our Earth, together with the people living on it, will be destroyed.

Is there a way to avoid this? Theoretically yes, but in reality it is impossible. It is impossible for the ruling circles to begin to worry about their people (and not about their enrichment), and the rulers of all states and the heads of industrial corporations to begin to worry about the conservation of nature (and not about their profits). Even when natural disasters and abnormal natural phenomena occur on Earth, the above people will never give up their good life (at the expense of their peoples and at the expense of nature). Even in 2010, when many people have lost their homes, Russian oligarchs are not very keen to provide assistance to their affected fellow citizens (they continue to buy yachts, castles and live abroad).

We continue a series of publications that reveal the mysteries of the ancient history of people who lived in “Primorye” long before us. This essay is about the era called paleometal by archaeologists.

How did our fellow countrymen live in those days when powerful agricultural civilizations flourished in the valleys of the Indus, Ganges, Nile and Euphrates, when humanity was already familiar with gold and bronze, iron and slavery? Thanks to the discoveries of archaeologists made in recent decades, the territory of modern Primorye no longer looks like a backward outskirts of the ancient world, where the Stone Age supposedly lasted until the Middle Ages.

Eurasian superconductor

At the beginning of the first millennium BC, the inhabitants of Primorye became acquainted with bronze. The most ancient bronze things found by archaeologists in Primorye near the village of Siny Gai were not primitive bronze crafts, they were weapons and jewelry of the ancient Sinygais, made using thin-walled casting technology, advanced for that time. The shape of the daggers and spearheads had elements of similarity with weapons found in the northern Black Sea region, the homeland of the famous Conan the Barbarian. True, apparently, the first bronze objects of Primorye were cast not in Cimmeria, but in Central Siberia. This is further evidence of active contacts in the ancient world from Europe to Primorye. The fact is that for a person who tamed a horse, the strip of steppes became a kind of “information channel” through which technologies, goods, small groups of people, and then entire hordes of nomads were spread.
In the west, this cross-continental superconductor abutted the Danube, and its eastern end was the Khanka steppes. It is not surprising that for many centuries this area served as a “gateway” for newcomers.
Three thousand years ago, with the then level of knowledge, it was impossible to extract metal from coastal ores, therefore finds of bronze objects of that time are quite rare and people of that time used mainly stone tools. But at the Blue Rocks, in the Olginsky region, foundry molds were discovered - apparently, the craftsmen poured some bronze things, perhaps broken, into others.

Oyster hunters

Three thousand years ago, around the time of the Trojan War, another global warming occurred, and the climate in the south of Primorye became almost subtropical (warmer than now). Sea levels rose 1.5 meters higher than today, and coastal lowlands turned into vast shallow lagoons full of fish, shellfish and other tasty creatures. Numerous settlements of fishermen and shellfish gatherers appeared on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan from Korea to Valentine Bay. Archaeologists call this people “Yankovsky”, after the site of the first excavations on the Yankovsky Peninsula in the Amur Bay. The most well studied settlement of the Yankovites on the Peschany Peninsula, i.e. literally on the outskirts of Vladivostok.
Judging by the finds of utensils and household items, these were people who were not at all devoid of a sense of beauty. Both women and men wore numerous jewelry: necklaces, pendants, beads made of stone and bone. And what beautiful (for that time) ceramic dishes the Yankovites made! Their craftsmen, without using a potter's wheel, sculpted smooth thin-walled pots, cups and jugs of bright orange color, decorating the products with complex traced patterns.
The Yankovites used mainly stone tools, but they perfected the technique of making them: their knives and tips were light, sharp, and carefully polished. They were also familiar with iron and bronze tools of “imported” production.
The prestige and relative rarity of metal gizmos has become the reason for a curious phenomenon - “metal” fakes. Archaeologists have found many exact likenesses of bronze knives and spearheads created from stone by the hands of local stonemasons. It is much more difficult to make a thin blade with an imitation of a stiffener from stone than from metal, and it should not be used for its intended purpose - the product turns out to be too fragile. But, apparently, there was a good demand for fakes, since it was prestigious to have such things.

And the hatchet is cast iron!

At the excavations of the Yankov settlement of the first millennium BC, the earliest iron adze axes for Primorye were found. The message about the chemical composition of their iron was greeted with a real flurry of emotions in the archaeological world. The products turned out to be made of white cast iron, which became known in Europe only in the 13th century! This, of course, is not evidence of any special technological “advancement” of the creators of “our” cast iron hatchets. It’s just that the ancient metallurgists of Europe worked with bog ore, from which almost chemically pure iron is obtained, and in East Asia they smelted iron ore, which is abundant in this region. Therefore, the “Iron Age” of the Far Easterners began immediately with cast iron products. At that time, the centers of metallurgy closest to modern Primorye were located in southern China and Mongolia, from where cast iron products somehow ended up on the shores of the Amur Bay.

Once, several birds of prey, shot down by arrows, fell into the courtyard of Prince Min Kung, where the great Kung Fu-tzu (Confucius) was visiting.“What is this, Teacher?” - the prince asked him, expecting to hear a sophisticated interpretation.“These birds are gyrfalcons from the falcon family. The arrow shafts are made of ku wood,and the tips are made of stone, well, that is
from petrified wood that is foundin the waters of a large river in the northeast. Therefore, people from the Sushen people have come to you,” the sage answered calmly.

Mysterious sushini

Chinese court chronicles repeatedly report about ambassadors of the Sushen people, who lived somewhere far in the northeast, on the seashore. The Sushen first appeared at the court of the legendary Emperor Shun, allegedly in 2021 BC, and presented him with “five arrows made of ku wood with tips made of nu stone.” Of course, this is a legend composed with the aim of “antiquating” Chinese history, and it is suspiciously reminiscent of the famous parable about the gifts of the Scythians to the Persian king.
But over the next three millennia, Shushen ambassadors visited Chinese capitals again and again at every fateful turning point in history, so it was their appearance and persistent presentation of the notorious “arrows made of Ku wood with tips made of Nu stone” as a gift to the emperor that became a symbol of the importance of the event for the Chinese. Perhaps not all of these embassies were staged by flattering courtiers, and some of the ambassadors were real. In any case, some of them described in detail their country and the vicissitudes of the journey from there to China. Judging by these descriptions, the ancient coastal inhabitants were the “sushen” people of the Chinese chronicles. The Chinese clearly distinguished them from other barbarians of the Northeast: Koreans, Tungus, Mongols and Turks. Apparently, in terms of national composition, the Sushens were Paleo-Asians, like the tribes that inhabited Primorye in the Stone Age. Modern Paleo-Asian peoples - Nivkhs and Chukchis live much further north.
A Chinese traveler who visited the country of the Sushen described the life of one of the tribes this way: “In the summer they walk naked, sometimes covering their backside and front with a flap; in the winter, to protect themselves from the cold, they smear their bodies with pork fat. Both men and women wear their hair in braids. Although the clans are small in number, they are superior to others in courage and bodily strength. They do not have a sovereign, but each village has its own ruler.” In addition, the Chinese noted the rough treatment of the sushen with each other, unkempt clothing and the unpleasant smell that they emitted. In general, primitive people clearly did not use perfume. Archeological data also speaks of the untidy, in our understanding, way of life of the Yankovites: shell heaps, and in fact - landfills - they poured right next to their houses (however, in Europe they threw garbage out of windows onto the street back in the Middle Ages, and in Vladivostok some - who still does this).

When the Persian king Darius tried to conquer the Black Sea steppes, the Scythian leader Idanfirs sent him gifts: a bird, a mouse, a frog and five arrows. Surprised, Darius asked the messenger what this meant, but the messenger replied that the Persians themselves should understand the meaning of the gifts. The opinions of the Persian sages were divided: some decided that the Scythians were giving the Persians their sky (bird), earth (mouse) and water (frog), and also lay down their weapons, but others interpreted the gift as an ultimatum: “If you, Darius, do not fly away like a bird into the sky, or as a mouse does not hide in an underground hole, or as a frog does not dive under the water, you will die from the Scythian arrows.” A few days later it became clear that the second interpretation was correct: the Scythians went to battle. But the fight did not take place, because A hare ran between the troops. All the Scythians, avid hunters, rushed after him with a whoop and left the battlefield. And the offended Darius returned to Persia with nothing.

Know-how: flue heating system

An agricultural people who lived in the area between the lakes. Hanka and R. Tumangan is known in Chinese chronicles under the name “Woji”. Russian archaeologists call their culture “Krounovskaya”, because the settlement of this people was excavated near the village. Krounovka, near Ussuriysk.
In terms of language and culture, these were apparently Korean tribes. In any case, it is believed that it was the Woji who invented the kan - a system of heating smoke passages made of stone slabs along the walls, which is typical of Korean dwellings, and later spread widely throughout the Far East. So their houses were finally free of smoke, while their neighbors’ homes were heated “black.”
The Krounovs were much more businesslike people than the Yankovites. Their dishes have a dark clay color, are poorly finished and undecorated, they were not sophisticated in polishing stone products, but they actively used various iron agricultural implements, grew barley, millet, wheat and bred not only dogs and pigs, but also goats and horses.
Gradually, Woji villages spread further and further to the east and appeared on the territory of Russian Primorye: on the southern shore of Lake. Khanka and in the middle reaches of Suifun. In addition to the eland and new breeds of domestic animals, the Krounovites brought to Primorye another “achievement” of civilization - opium poppy: poppy seeds were found in their home on the Bunchka hill near Nakhodka.

Expulsion from Paradise

However, time passed, and the blessed times of the “primitive paradise” of the first millennium BC ended. In the 3rd-4th centuries BC, the climate cooled again, the sea level dropped to 1 m below the current level, the coastal lagoons were overgrown with grass, numerous herds of fish stopped approaching the shores of Primorye, and some mollusks simply died out. The Yankovites had a hard time, as can be judged by the changes in their diet. Their diet includes a wide range of seafood, including heat-loving fish: sardines, mackerel, anchovies and even tuna; shellfish have become absolutely dominant. The coastal population was rapidly declining. Some Yankov communities generally left the sea coast inland, where they took up hunting and gathering. The Krounov neighbors were quick to take advantage of this. Apparently, the cold snap did not have much impact on the efficiency of their farm. At first, the villages of the Krounovites peacefully coexisted with the depopulated fishing villages. But by the beginning of the new era, the Yankov population had almost completely disappeared, and the Krounovites were basking on their kanas throughout the south of Primorye. Only in the territory of the modern Khasansky district did the settlements of Yankov fishermen survive until the Tungus invasion.

All photographs of objects were taken at the exhibition of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Far Eastern State University.
Photos of items foundat the excavations of the Sinegai culture of the Bronze Age, which existedon the territory of Primorye 3100-2900 years ago. From left to right there are stone stones: grater, chime, hoe, sinker. Next: the rim of a ceramic vessel, a spindle whorl, stone beads. A perfectly polished stone spear tip imitating a metal counterpart, a bronze spear tip, an armor plate.

Tunguska invasion

In the 4th century AD. the whole world began to move - the Great Migration of Peoples began. But not all barbarians aspired to Europe. Tunguska tribes from the Lena basin migrated to the Far East. It is difficult to say what tore the taiga reindeer herders from their homes, but it was only in the Khingan and Khanka steppes that they found their place in history. The Tungus, who remained on the land of their ancestors (Evenks), still lead reindeer through the taiga, and recently even lost their autonomy, annexed to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The descendants of the ancient Tungus, who went east in search of a better life, eventually created great states, fought to the death with the hordes of Genghis Khan and twice conquered the Celestial Empire.
Peaceful farmers, whose ancestors lived in the Far East for thousands of years, were unlikely to be delighted
from the appearance of aliens. Conquering living space for themselves, the nomads devastated their fields, destroyed forges, and burned villages. The greatest damage was suffered by the most developed steppe regions on the middle Amur and near
lake Hanka. Fleeing from the Tunguska raids, the inhabitants of the Amur region fled partly up the Amur River, partly to Primorye.
They were a peaceful Paleo-Asian people, related to the Yankovs, who managed to develop a high agricultural culture and even learn how to process metal. There is no clear evidence of an armed struggle between the newcomers from the Amur and the Krounovites, and the reason for the departure of the Krounovites from here is considered unknown. After all, the fact of the discovery of decorated Polish ceramics in a house equipped with kanami in the Nakhodka region can be interpreted in different ways... But one way or another, the Woji people were pushed out of Manchuria and Primorye to the Korean Peninsula, where the first Korean state - Koguryo - was formed, and the coast Primorye was repopulated by Paleo-Asians, but now not by fishermen, but by farmers.
And on the steppe expanses from Khingan to Khanka, from the Amur to the Yellow Sea, several dozen Tungus tribes settled. They built fortified settlements, were well armed, even had armor, but at the same time they were experienced cattle breeders and skilled artisans. It was these people who managed to create the first state,
which included the territory of southern Primorye.

For those who are interested in learning much more about the ancient history of the Far East, we advise you to read the monograph “The Russian Far East in Antiquity and the Middle Ages,” prepared in 2005 at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, edited by Doctor of Historical Sciences. Zh.V. Andreeva.
The editors thank Zhanna Vasilyevna for advising correspondents on a number of archaeological issues.

"The population of the world... What associations arise in everyone who hears this phrase?" - asks author Irene N. in her article. Further, she claims that every 0.24 seconds another baby is born on our planet, and in an hour the world population is replenished by more than 15 thousand newborns. And almost every minute (0.56 seconds) a person dies, and our world loses almost 6.5 thousand people per hour.
On this topic, I found Monty White's PhD interesting, who claims that the world's population increased to seven billion during precisely the period indicated in the Bible. However, read below for yourself.

Everything is very simple - ordinary arithmetic speaks of the absolute mathematical rationality of the young age of the earth.

Creationists are often asked, “How could the world's population reach 6.5 billion people if the earth is only about 6,000 years old, and if there were only two people living on it in the beginning?” Let's see what simple arithmetic tells us.

One plus one equals billions

Let's start from the beginning - with one man and one woman. Now let's say they got married and had children, and then their children got married and had children. Let's also assume that the population doubles every 150 years. Consequently, in 150 years there will be four people living on earth, in another 150 years - eight people, and in another 150 years - sixteen people, and so on. It should be noted that this population growth rate is actually very conservative. In fact, even taking into account disease, famine and natural disasters, the population has recently doubled approximately every 40 years.1

After 32 times the population doubling, which is just 4800 years, the world population would reach almost 8.6 billion people. This is 2 billion more people than live on earth today, namely 6.5 billion people. This figure was recorded on March 1, 2006 by the US Census Bureau.2 This simple calculation shows that if we started with Adam and Eve and took into account the standard rate of population growth that we just noted above, the current population figure could very well be achieved for 6000 years.

Impact of the Flood

However, we know from the Bible that around 2500 BC (4,500 years ago), the global Flood reduced the number of people on earth to eight people.3 But if we assume that the population doubles every 150 years, we again see that if Starting with Noah's family in 2500 BC, 4500 years would be more than enough time for the current population to reach 6.5 billion.

From two people who were created 6,000 years ago, and then from eight people who were aboard Noah's Ark some 4,500 years ago, the world's population could easily have grown to the number we celebrate today - over 6.5 billion people.

Evolutionists always tell us that people have existed on earth for hundreds of thousands of years. If we still assume that people have existed for approximately 50,000 years and use the above method of counting, the result would be that the population has doubled 332 times, and the number of people on earth would be simply enormous - a number with a hundred followed by zeros 100 ; that is:

10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000.

This number is truly impossible to imagine, since it is billions of times greater than the number of atoms in the entire universe! This calculation shows how meaningless the claim that humans have existed on earth for tens of thousands of years is.

Everything is very simple - ordinary arithmetic speaks of the absolute mathematical rationality of the young age of the earth. From two people who were created 6,000 years ago, and then from eight people who were aboard Noah's Ark some 4,500 years ago, the world's population could easily have grown to the number we celebrate today - over 6.5 billion people.

However, some cities exist for decades, centuries and even millennia, and life in them has not been interrupted since their founding. Here are 10 not just the oldest of them - but 10 oldest continuously inhabited cities on the planet. Especially for those who want to visit places where people were born, lived, fought, killed and died for many, many thousands of years in a row. Not all of them will be easy to get into, but it’s even more interesting.

Tamar Hayardeni // cc

Despite the fact that the “city of palm trees,” which today is home to about 20 thousand people, was founded nine thousand years BC, it has been continuously inhabited “only” since about 3000 BC.

The key attractions of the site are the ruins - the ruins of an ancient city lie to the east and date back to the eighth millennium BC. Many of the finds and discoveries made there are truly amazing, but the problem is that in the surrounding area there is still, for obvious reasons, much more hidden - it is assumed that if large-scale excavations could be carried out, treasures would be found comparable to what was discovered in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.

The Orthodox Monastery of Temptation, which is located to the west of the city, on the Forty Day Mountain, also deserves special attention.

Franco Pecchio /

After excavations in the outskirts of Tel Ramad, it was established that the city was inhabited already in the tenth millennium BC, although the settlement of the same name was founded perhaps as early as the 15th millennium BC. Continuously inhabited since at least six thousand years BC.

Unfortunately, a trip to Damascus for tourism purposes is now impossible even in theory (unlike Jericho), but once upon a time there was something to see there. An ancient fortress, four large museums (including the unique Museum of Arabic Calligraphy), Azem Palace, a dozen churches and four large historical mosques... everything disappeared in the fire of the civil war.

Jerzy Strzelecki // cc

One of the oldest papyrus trading centers in the Mediterranean, founded 5 thousand years BC. Now in its place is the city of Jbeil. He is famous, if only because it was in his honor that books (“bibles”) began to be called that way.

The Jebeil area is full of ancient ruins and archaeological sites, but they are of true interest only to professionals - mere mortals will be bored. However, if you happen to find yourself in Lebanon, choose a day and join in the history.


Another city that is currently lost to civilization. However, this is not the first time for him - it was founded and constantly inhabited 6 thousand years BC; over the past eight thousand years it has seen a lot of wars and grief. And a lot of trade, since it was one of the key points of the Great Silk Road.

From a tourist point of view, Aleppo was a wonderful cocktail of cultures, religions (12% of the population is Christian, which is high for the Middle East) and architectural styles. Particularly interesting were its markets, old baths and religious buildings, as well as the Blue Lagoon water park and Casino d'Alep - the only casino in Syria.

Athens hardly needs any special introduction, but we note that this place was already permanently inhabited five thousand years BC. It must be all the more offensive (for its ancient inhabitants) that most of us know the history of Athens only from the golden age of the city, which lasted some 700-900 years. However, most of the surviving attractions (or their ruins) date back to this period.

Let us remind you that the "Tour Guide" has a wonderful guide around Athens.

Karin Helene Pagter Duparc /

Argos can compete with Athens in literally everything, except, perhaps, fame. And this place was continuously inhabited approximately for the same 5 thousand years BC. Near it were the cities of Mycenae and Tiryns, known to history buffs of Ancient Greece. However, their story ended several thousand years ago, and Argos was luckier.

Interesting sights include the Acropolis on Larisa Hill, the largest prehistoric amphitheater in ancient Greece, a large archaeological museum and the ruins of the sanctuary of Hera (Argos was the cult center of the worship of Hera).

Liz Jones /

Life in this city, very remote from any seas, was in full swing already 4 thousand years BC and has not really stopped since then. The city is famous for the deification of crocodiles, which were found in abundance in the surrounding swamps - more than 2 thousand mummies of these animals were discovered during excavations.

It cannot boast of any interesting modern attractions, with the exception of colorful bazaars, signature canals with bridges and ancient water wheels. The canals in the city in the middle of the desert, however, look very surreal.


Sidon, which was inhabited already four thousand years BC, today is called Saida. It was one of the key trading cities of the prehistoric world and for the same reason it was extremely popular with conquerors of all stripes and calibers. By the way, it is a sister city of Russian Sochi and Ukrainian Odessa.

Since Sidon was regularly at war, only a few fortresses remain among the well-preserved attractions, including the unique Sea Castle of Sidon, as well as the central synagogue.

Martyr /

The Bulgarian city, so familiar to generations of Soviet people, has been constantly inhabited for five thousand years, and in general the first settlements on the local three hills arose already 6 thousand years BC.

For an inquisitive tourist, Plovdiv has plenty to roam around - in its historical center it is extremely difficult to find a building that is not a cultural or historical monument. Of course, the vast majority of attractions in the city date back only a few centuries, but the ancient theater is quite an ancient building. To the credit of Bulgaria, it is in excellent condition for its age, and in the summer they give concerts and performances there.

Pilar Torres /

Continuously inhabited for 5.5 thousand years, it was originally called Antep and was inhabited by Armenians. The main attraction, which really deserves the attention of a sophisticated tourist, is the Mosaic Museum. It contains the world's largest collection of Roman mosaics, previously collected in the ancient city of Zeugma. What happened to him? He drowned - Zeugma was sacrificed to the gods of electricity, that is, the hydroelectric power station on the Euphrates.