The biosphere includes. Composition, structure, layers and boundaries of the biosphere

Over the last month, how many videos have I watched where they claimed that our planet is actually a hologram, that reptilians came from outer space, and people are their lab rats. People love to believe in all sorts of nonsense! As if they didn’t teach us at school how our biosphere developed. Although I’m sure that most of the authors of such videos don’t even know what I’m talking about, what is biosphereA.

Biosphere - the shell of the Earth

Let's imagine the candy “Bears in the Forest”. Our planet is like such candy. And on shell, as on the wrapper, bears live. And not only them, but also all living beings. This:

There is another definition: biosphere is a place in space where life spreads. Don’t you see the difference with the previous definition, since the Earth is a space object? The fact is that this approach assumes that life can exist and on other planets.

Biosphere within the Solar System

What life in all its diversity exists on Earth - the matter is obvious. Look outside the window: birds are flying, butterflies are fluttering, trees are growing, flowers are blooming. But what about extraterrestrial civilizations?

Scientists have been hoping to find life in space for decades. The very first candidate here was Mars, and all because it is very well located. But the research led to sad results: even the smallest organisms, like bacteria, and were not found in the vastness of the red planet. It’s a pity: Bradbury described life on Mars so beautifully in his “The Martian Chronicles.”

Other contenders were Jupiter's moons – Callisto and Europa. Here everything is even more rosy, research is still underway. For example, scientists believe that under the ice of Europe the real one is hiding ocean. What if life could arise there, as on Earth? Moreover, this moon of Jupiter also hides under its surface oxygen reserves. On Callisto with oxygen it’s worse, but ocean presence also quite likely.

What about the gas giant itself? Alas, local the climate is too harsh so that you can exist here. The same can be said about Uranus, Saturn and Neptune.

Yes and Venus not happy with his acid rain. Try living in such conditions!

So on every planet– somewhere the puzzle doesn’t fit, and life just can't appear. So The fact that the biosphere and you and I, as part of it, exist is a huge piece of luck.

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"What is the biosphere?" - this question ruined me at the school biology Olympiad. After that day, I learned and, probably, for the rest of my life I will remember what this “sphere” was that cost me Olympic silver. Now I’ll tell you about it so that no one else falls for insidious questions.

The biosphere and what it is eaten with

Biosphere - shell of the earth, which is inhabited alive organisms. It's like this global ecosystem of our planet Earth. The biosphere includes all land, bodies of water(but it’s difficult to say for sure about the depth to which the reservoir belongs to the biosphere; it is very likely that there is life at the bottom of the Mariana Trench), this upper layers of soil (up to 7.5 km deep) And lower layers of the atmosphere (15-17 km).

If there are living organisms somewhere, then their habitat is already part of the biosphere. If life is found on other planets or people populate them, then the populated areas of the other planet will be a biosphere.

What does the biosphere consist of?

  1. Alive organisms or, to put it roughly scientifically, living matter.
  2. Nutrient(what living organisms form, that is, their waste products and what animals and plants synthesize, say, glucose, etc.).
  3. Inert substance(that which is formed not by living organisms, but by nature, for example, stones)
  4. Something between inert matter and biogenic matter, such as soil itself or silt.
  5. Substances of extraterrestrial origin(many meteorites fall to the ground, some disintegrate and the rock from which they are created falls to the ground).
  6. The most mysterious part is atoms, which, under the influence of forces and radiation, were knocked out of the composition of any earthly substance.

The future of the biosphere

Now the biosphere is undergoing changes and not always favorable ones. To build roads, forests are cut down, rivers, swamps, lakes, which are natural habitat for living organisms. Work is already underway to restore the earth's biosphere through landscaping and the creation of nature reserves. There are suggestions that in the future the biosphere can be recreated on other planets, for example, on Mars.

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The biosphere is everything that can be called living: from dandelions and blue-green algae to humans. It has boundaries, since “life” cannot remain alive under all conditions. For example, in the oceans, “life”, and therefore the biosphere, has spread to approximately 12 km in depth. Above the Earth's surface, 20 km up (the ozone layer ends there). If you rise higher, hard ultraviolet radiation and radiation will destroy all living things.

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My mother is a teacher of geography and biology, which is probably why I was and remain passionate about these subjects. And in view of this, I learned what the biosphere is much earlier than the corresponding topic began to be taught at school.

What is a “living shell” (biosphere)

Speaking in purely scientific language, the biosphere is the ecosystem of the planet. It includes all life on Earth:

  • animals;
  • plants;
  • microorganisms;
  • People.

There are several types of “spheres”, including: hydro- (water), strato- (lower part of the atmosphere) and other spheres. They all overlap or combine with each other. In this case, the biosphere is located on the surface of the lithosphere, inside the hydrosphere and in the lower layers of the atmosphere.

The boundaries of the biosphere pass through the habitats of living organisms. The lowest point is in the hydrosphere, at a depth of about 11 kilometers, and the highest is 15–20 kilometers in the atmosphere - where the ozone layer is present. In the earth, life is possible at a depth of 3.5–7.5 kilometers.

It is important to understand that the biosphere consists of more than just living organisms themselves. The Earth's ecosystem also includes, for example, animal waste.

How did the biosphere appear?

Having understood what the biosphere is, it is impossible not to talk at least briefly about how it was formed. According to the most recent data, the formation of the corresponding layer began no later than 3.8 billion years ago - it was at this time that the first organisms began to appear on our planet.

As for the origin of life, there are several theories on this matter. One of the most common says that it appeared as a result of a random collision of atoms, resulting in a self-replicating molecule. Then, as a result of further progress, the corresponding microscopic structures became more and more complex, which led to the appearance of the first cells.

The biosphere is one of the most important layers of the earth. We are all part of it. And even any serious disturbances in the biosphere can lead to tragic consequences.

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Probably each of us has wondered about the benefits of school knowledge. After all, it often seems that we study only useless information, and miss something worthwhile. And today, for the first time in several years, my knowledge of the biosphere was useful to me. After all, who, if not the older sister, helps the younger ones with homework?)

What is hidden under the name “biosphere”

Simply put, the biosphere is all living things, including us who inhabit the Earth, and according to the latest data, not only it. Plants, animals, even their tiniest representatives are part of this ancient earthly shell.

Can you imagine that the biosphere is already more than 3 billion years old? After all, it, as the earth’s shell, began its formation simultaneously with the birth of the first inhabitants of the Earth and to this day contains more than 3 million unique species of representatives of the living world. Incredible, isn't it?

History of the study of the earth's shell

The first attempts to study the largest shell of the Earth can be safely attributed to scientists and philosophers of Ancient Greece, the Middle Kingdom and India. Of course, it took centuries for study and recognition, and not everyone succeeded.

For the first time, the concept of the biosphere was introduced into science by J.B. Lamarck, but many treated the term with caution and distrust for a long time. Only in the twentieth century, thanks to the Soviet scientist V.I. Vernadsky, did the modern doctrine of the earth’s shell appear, which was also not immediately recognized.

Ecological problems of the biosphere

Unfortunately, technological progress has not only brought good things. Due to the large number of industries, unprocessed waste and lack of proper attention to the problem, the condition of the biosphere is deteriorating.

Effective measures to prevent death and destruction of the living shell include:

  • financing of environmental projects;
  • installation of filters in production;
  • limiting waste emissions and recycling;
  • use of new, environmentally friendly technologies in production.

Thus, now, in the era of technology, people should think not only about themselves, but also about who lives next door.

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Biosphere- one of the shells of the Earth, populated by living organisms, which is under their influence and filled with the products of their vital activity.

The biosphere began to form no later than 3.8 billion years ago, when the first organisms began to emerge on our planet. It passes through the entire hydrosphere, the upper part of the lithosphere and the lower part of the atmosphere. The biosphere is the totality of all living organisms. It is inhabited by more than 3,000,000 species of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. Man is also part of the biosphere.

French scientist Jean Baptiste Lamarck at the beginning of the 19th century. first proposed the concept of the biosphere, without even naming the term itself. The term "biosphere" was proposed by the Austrian geologist and paleontologist Eduard Suess in 1875.

A holistic doctrine of the biosphere was created by the Soviet biogeochemist and philosopher V.I. Vernadsky. For the first time, he assigned living organisms the role of the main transformative force of planet Earth, taking into account their activities not only at the present time, but also in the past.

Boundaries of the biosphere:

  • Upper limit in the atmosphere: 15-20 km. It is determined by the ozone ball, which blocks short-wave ultraviolet rays that are destructive to living organisms.
  • Lower boundary in the lithosphere: 3.5-7.5 km. It is determined by the temperature of transition of water into steam and the temperature of denaturation of proteins, but generally the distribution of living organisms is limited to a depth of several meters.
  • The boundary between the atmosphere and the lithosphere in the hydrosphere: 10-11 km. Determined by the bottom of the World Ocean, including bottom sediments.

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During my student years, I often had the opportunity to work with various biological and environmental concepts. But what the biosphere is and what its boundaries are has been a mystery to me for a long time. But one day, gathering my will into a fist, I decided to figure out what kind of thing this is? And I didn’t regret it, because I learned a lot of new things!

Why the biosphere is a film of life

The doctrine of the biosphere was developed by the greatest Russian scientist V.I. Vernadsky. He called it the “living” shell of the earth. Simply put, the biosphere is an area inhabited by living organisms. Moreover, it is so subtle that our contemporaries more often use the concept of “film of life” to define this unusual phenomenon.

Thus, the biosphere can include all places on our planet where life can be found. And the aforementioned Vernadsky said that it is the living organisms living in it that play the most important role in creating the appearance of the Earth.

Layering of the biosphere

With all of the above, we can name three obvious layers in the “living” shell of the planet:

  • the aerosphere populated by bacteria and flying animals;
  • the geosphere, inhabited by all organisms living on earth;
  • hydrosphere inhabited by aquatic organisms.

People, like most mammals, are residents of the second on the list, but the first in importance, geosphere.

Is there a biosphere in space?

But small living organisms can rise beyond the accepted boundaries of the aerosphere. In particular, tardigrades can easily withstand the cold and radiation of space. Given that for most other animals, the upper limit of survival is the ozone layer, located at an altitude of 15–20 kilometers.

And recently I read that microscopic algae were discovered on the skin of the ISS, apparently accidentally brought in by astronauts going into outer space. These amazing organisms were able to calmly grow and reproduce there!..

So it turns out that the biosphere is a home for the inhabitants of the Earth of any kind. But the desire for life is stronger than all circumstances. Therefore, many organisms can easily find refuge far beyond the borders of our planet.

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Life in all its manifestations interested me at a very early age. Endless books and TV shows about animals, plants, mushrooms...

When biology lessons started at school, I was in seventh heaven. That's when I found out what is the biosphere?

What are geospheres

Biosphere- one of geospheres, so I suggest you first get acquainted with this general concept.

If we imagine the Earth in a very simplified way as a prefabricated structure, we can find that it consists of the following shell spheres:

  • lithosphere;
  • pedosphere;
  • hydrosphere;
  • atmosphere;
  • biosphere.

The lithosphere is formed by the earth's crust; pedosphere - soil; hydrosphere - water; atmosphere - air.

All geospheres connected between themselves, neither one can be “removed” without damaging the other. They are not static, each is constantly changes.

Biosphere(“life” + “sphere”) is different from others.

It is the youngest and, in a sense, the most fragile, because the biosphere is life itself, i.e. a set of living organisms and the elements of their life activity.

What is included in the biosphere

Biosphere is quite complicated. It intersects with other geospheres, forming:

  • geobiosphere;
  • hydrobiosphere;
  • aerobiosphere.

The biosphere of earth, water and air, in other words. They are all interconnected.

Substances that make up the biosphere:

  • alive;
  • biogenic;
  • inert;
  • bioinert.

With the first, everything is simple - these are the organisms themselves. WITH biogenic too - these are products of their (organisms) vital activity.

Inert substance is formed without any participation of living organisms, but bioinert is a kind of “mixture” of biogenic and inert.

Biokosnoe a substance is formed by the joint “work” of living organisms and complex and, as a rule, long-term geochemical processes.

The simplest example is soil. Organic waste in it gradually decomposes into inorganic substances, which are then absorbed by plants, parts of which then die off, turning into organic waste...

Like this cyclicality.

If we consider the organisms inhabiting the biosphere, they have traditionally been divided kingdoms:

  • bacteria;
  • mushrooms;
  • plants;
  • animals.

At the moment, they tend to distinguish into separate kingdoms chromists And protists, which, by their characteristics, do not belong to any of the listed groups.

Viruses occupy a complex, strange position between living and nonliving, so it is unclear to what extent they relate or do not relate to biosphere. Although they influence her life more than noticeably.

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The biosphere is the shell of the Earth populated by living organisms and transformed by them. The biosphere began to form no later than 3.8 billion years ago, when the first organisms began to emerge on our planet. It penetrates the entire hydrosphere, the upper part of the lithosphere and the lower part of the atmosphere, that is, it inhabits the ecosphere. The biosphere is the totality of all living organisms. It is home to more than 3,000,000 species of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. Man is also part of the biosphere, his activity surpasses many natural processes and, as V.I. Vernadsky said: “Man becomes a powerful geological force.”

French natural scientist Jean Baptiste Lamarck at the beginning of the 19th century. first proposed the concept of the biosphere, without even introducing the term itself. The term "biosphere" was proposed by the Austrian geologist and paleontologist Eduard Suess in 1875.

A holistic doctrine of the biosphere was created by the Soviet biogeochemist and philosopher V.I. Vernadsky. For the first time, he assigned living organisms the role of the main transformative force on planet Earth, taking into account their activities not only at the present time, but also in the past.

There is another, broader definition: Biosphere - the area of ​​distribution of life on a cosmic body. While the existence of life on space objects other than Earth is still unknown, it is believed that the biosphere can extend to them in more hidden areas, for example, in lithospheric cavities or in subglacial oceans. For example, the possibility of the existence of life in the ocean of Europa, a satellite of Jupiter, is being considered.

Biosphere location

The biosphere includes the upper layers of the lithosphere in which organisms live, the hydrosphere and the lower layers of the atmosphere.

Boundaries of the biosphere

Composition of the biosphere

  1. Living matter- the entire set of bodies of living organisms inhabiting the Earth is physical and chemically united, regardless of their systematic affiliation. The mass of living matter is relatively small and is estimated at 2.4...3.6⋅10 12 (dry weight) and constitutes less than one millionth of the entire biosphere (approx. 3⋅10 18 t), which, in turn, represents less one thousandth the mass of the Earth. But this is “one of the most powerful geochemical forces on our planet,” since living organisms do not just inhabit the earth’s crust, but transform the appearance of the Earth. Living organisms inhabit the earth's surface very unevenly. Their distribution depends on geographic latitude.
  2. Nutrient- a substance created and processed by a living organism. During organic evolution, living organisms passed through their organs, tissues, cells, and blood a thousand times over most of the atmosphere, the entire volume of the world's oceans, and a huge mass of minerals. This geological role of living matter can be imagined from deposits of coal, oil, carbonate rocks, etc.
  3. Inert substance- products formed without the participation of living organisms.
  4. Bioinert substance- a substance that is created simultaneously by living organisms and inert processes, representing dynamically equilibrium systems of both. These are soil, silt, weathering crust, etc. Organisms play a leading role in them.
  5. A substance undergoing radioactive decay.
  6. Scattered atoms, continuously created from all kinds of earthly matter under the influence of cosmic radiation.
  7. Substance of cosmic origin.

Layers of the biosphere

The entire layer of the influence of life on inanimate nature is called the megabiosphere, and together with the artebiosphere - the space of human expansion in near-Earth space - the panbiosphere.


The substrate for life in the atmosphere of microorganisms (aerobionts) are water droplets - atmospheric moisture, the source of energy is solar energy and aerosols. From approximately the tops of the trees to the height of the most common location of cumulus clouds, the tropobosphere (with tropobionts; this space is a thinner layer than the troposphere) extends. Above is a layer of extremely rarefied microbiota - the altobiosphere (with altobionts). Above there is a space where organisms penetrate randomly and do not reproduce often - the parabiosphere. Above is the apobiosphere.


The geobiosphere is inhabited by geobionts, the substrate, and partly the living environment for which is the earth's firmament. The geobiosphere consists of the area of ​​life on the land surface - the terrabiosphere (with terrabionts), divided into the phytosphere (from the surface of the earth to the treetops) and the pedosphere (soils and subsoils; sometimes this includes the entire weathering crust) and life in the depths of the Earth - the lithobiosphere (with lithobionts living in the pores of rocks, mainly in groundwater). At high altitudes in the mountains, where the life of higher plants is no longer possible, the high-altitude part of the terrabiosphere is located - the aeolian zone (with aeolobionts). The lithobiosphere breaks down into a layer where aerobic life is possible - the hypoterrabiosphere, and a layer where only anaerobes can live - the tellurobiosphere. Life in an inactive form can penetrate deeper into the hypobiosphere. Metabiosphere - all biogenic and bioinert rocks. The abiosphere is located deeper.


The hydrobiosphere - the entire global layer of water (without groundwater), inhabited by hydrobionts - breaks down into a layer of continental waters - the aquabiosphere (with aquabionts) and the region of seas and oceans - the marinobiosphere (with marinobionts). There are 3 layers - a relatively brightly illuminated photosphere, an always very twilight disphotosphere (up to 1% solar insolation) and a layer of absolute darkness - the aphotosphere.

Between the upper boundary of the hypobiosphere and the lower boundary of the parabiosphere lies the biosphere proper - the eubiosphere.

History of the development of the biosphere

Development is observed only in living matter and the bioinert associated with it. The evolutionary process does not manifest itself in the inert matter of our planet.

Origin of life

Life on Earth originated in the Archean - approximately 3.5 billion years ago in the hydrosphere. The oldest organic remains found by paleontologists are of this age. The age of the Earth as an independent planet in the solar system is estimated at 4.5 billion years. Thus, we can assume that life arose during the juvenile stage of the planet’s life. In the Archaea, the first eukaryotes appear - unicellular algae and protozoa. The process has begun

Biosphere- the shell of the Earth inhabited by living organisms. Includes the lower atmosphere, hydrosphere, and upper lithosphere. The founder of the doctrine of the biosphere is V.I. Vernadsky. He emphasized that the biosphere is the result of a complex mechanism of geological and biological development and the interaction of inert and biogenic matter. The living matter of the biosphere is the totality of all its living organisms. Vernadsky called the highest stage of development of the biosphere the noosphere, when intelligent human activity is the determining factor in the development of life. The basis for the stability of the biosphere is the biological diversity of all life on Earth - from genes to ecosystems.

Concept and definition of the biosphere. Structure of the biosphere

The complex natural process that has occurred and is occurring on Earth is directly related to the interaction of the three shells of the planet: the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. It is these shells that are the sphere, the area where living organisms exist. The region where living organisms exist on Earth is called the biosphere.

For the first time, the French naturalist J.B. came close to the concept of “biosphere”. Lamarck in the 18th century. The conclusions he made suggest that they contain the rudiments of the concept of the biosphere. Lamarck's works laid the foundation for ideas about the existence on our planet of a certain space inhabited by living beings. Moreover, it was emphasized that this space is organized precisely by the vital activity of organisms.

Austrian geologist E.-F. Suess introduced the concept and definition of the biosphere into science in 1875. He wrote: “In the area of ​​interaction between the upper spheres and the lithosphere and on the surface of the continents, an independent biosphere can be distinguished. It now extends over both dry and wet surfaces, but it is clear that previously it was limited only to the hydrosphere."

(from the Greek bios - life and sphaira - ball) - the shell of the Earth inhabited by living organisms, the habitat area of ​​living organisms on the planet. It was living organisms that formed limestone deposits, coal and oil deposits, and accumulated free oxygen in the atmosphere.

Structure of the biosphere

The biosphere is a complex planetary shell of life, inhabited by organisms that together make up living matter. This is the largest (global) ecosystem of the Earth - an area of ​​systemic interaction between living and inert matter.

The biosphere covers the lower part of the atmosphere to the height of the ozone screen (20-25 km), the upper part of the lithosphere (weathering crust) and the entire hydrosphere to the deep layers of the ocean (Fig. 11).

Too high or low temperatures limit the distribution of life. The lower boundary of the biosphere on continents is conventionally drawn along the 100 °C isotherm. At higher temperatures, most bacteria cannot exist. In Europe, this isotherm is located at a depth of 10-15 km; in young alpine troughs it rises to 1.5-2 km. In fact, life in the lithosphere can be traced to a depth of 3-4 km.

The limit of the length of the biosphere is 39-40 km. However, life in the biosphere is concentrated within much narrower limits, covering only a few tens of meters. Compared to the diameter of the Earth (13,000 km), the biosphere is a thin film on its surface.

As for the boundary of the biosphere in the seas and oceans, the English naturalist E. Forbes in 1841, based on the results of his observations in the Mediterranean Sea, categorically stated that life in ocean waters deeper than 540 m is impossible. However, 20 years later, a cable was lifted from a depth of 2160 m from the sunken ship: it turned out to be covered with corals, oysters, bivalves and gastropods, and squid eggs.

On January 23, 1960, oceanographers J. Picard and D. Walsh descended in a submersible into the Mariana Trench of the Pacific Ocean. At a depth of 10,525 m, they spotted fish and shrimp. This proved the existence of living organisms in the deepest places of the ocean. It should only be noted that the density of organisms in the ocean is extremely uneven. About 5/6 of its inhabitants prefer the upper, sunlit layers. As you descend to depth, the number of species decreases sharply.

Regarding the upper limit of the existence of life, it should be noted that scientists usually place it at an altitude of 20-25 km, where the ozone screen that saves all living things is located. Here the situation with the dispersal of organisms is the same as in the ocean, only in reverse. Already at an altitude of 8-9 km, low temperatures greatly limit the existence of animals and plants.

Rice. 11. General structure of the Earth’s shells that form the biosphere

The biosphere is inhabited by about 2-2.5 million species of living beings. A special place is given to plants - producers of organic matter. Their total dry weight (phytomass weight) is estimated at approximately 2.42 x 10 12 tons. This represents 99% of all living matter on the planet. The remaining 1% comes from heterotrophic organisms.


The term “noosphere” (literally, the sphere of the mind) was first used in 1927 by the French researcher E. Leroy. V.I. Vernadsky began to develop and express the basic ideas of the doctrine of the noosphere at the beginning of the 20th century. Even then, he understood the possibilities of the human mind in the global transformation of the world, the prospects for human influence on nature, and the need for speedy harmonization of their relationships.

Noosphere means a new state of the biosphere and the entire planet as a whole, in which the conscious activity of man, the human mind becomes not only a decisive factor in the evolution of the biosphere, but also an important condition for its preservation.

The noosphere is the sphere of intelligent human activity to transform the environment. At the same time, society reaches the level of conscious regulation of industrial development and adequate intervention in natural processes. In the state of the noosphere, the needs of society must become commensurate with the capabilities of the geo- and biosphere. The expansion of the noosphere will mean the onset of a noogenic period in the history of interaction between society and nature.

The indicators of the current environmental situation on the planet leave much to be desired, and today special attention is paid to the relationship between humanity and the biosphere. Pollution of the biosphere has long been the root cause of numerous diseases, premature aging and death. The main task of modern society is to prevent irreversible changes associated with environmental pollution. The constant development of society and progress stimulates the quantitative and qualitative growth of biosphere pollution.

Humanity owes its idea of ​​the biosphere to the Austrian geologist Eduard Suess, who introduced this concept in 1875.

The position on the biosphere is characterized by the presence of two aspects: from one point of view, the biosphere is a specific shell of the entire earth's space, and from the other, the biosphere is a global ecosystem.

The set of components characterizes the biosphere as the lower part of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the upper part of the lithosphere. All components are inhabited by living organisms, or, based on the expression of V.I. Vernadsky, they represent the area of ​​distribution of living matter.

Composition, structure, layers and boundaries of the biosphere

Emerging almost four billion years ago, today's biosphere includes about three million species of living organisms; their remains; atmospheric zones; the hydrosphere and lithosphere, which are inhabited and modified by these living organisms. The entire set of living organisms on our planet is called living matter by V.I. Vernadsky and is considered as its main characteristics of total mass, chemical composition and energy.

The composition of the biosphere, in addition to living matter, includes

  • a biogenic substance consisting of waste products of all living organisms;
  • a bioinert substance that combines decay products, as well as soil, weathering crust and natural water;
  • inert matter as a collection of substances formed without the participation of living organisms.

Based on the above, the biosphere is the region of the Earth covered by the influence of living matter. The places where the highest concentration of organisms is observed in the biosphere were called films of life.

The distribution of modern life covers the upper part of the earth's crust, or lithosphere; the lower layers of the air envelope, or atmosphere; water shell, or hydrosphere.

The artebiosphere is the space of human expansion into near-Earth space.

The megabiosphere represents the general layer for the impact of life on all inanimate nature.

Panbiosphere is a combination of megabiosphere and artebiosphere.

The biosphere includes the following layers:

  1. aerobiosphere,
  2. geobiosphere,
  3. hydrobiosphere.

The upper boundary in the atmosphere is 15–20 km. In the atmosphere, the limit of life is determined by the indicator of ultraviolet radiation - radiation.

The lower boundary in the lithosphere is 3.5–7.5 km. Life in the lithosphere is limited by the temperature of groundwater and rocks.

The separation between the lithosphere and the atmosphere in the hydrosphere is about 10 km.

The boundary is fixed at the bottom of the World Ocean and includes bottom sediments.

Dynamics and resources of the biosphere

Regular changes occurring in the state of the habitat of all living organisms, as well as the state of these organisms, represent the dynamics of the modern biosphere.

Regular inversion of weather conditions serves as the main source of numerous oscillatory transformations in the biosphere. The modern dynamics of the biosphere have long been influenced by human activity. According to Yu. N. Kurazhkovsky, the difference from natural and environmental factors is the predominance of not oscillatory, but predominantly progressive changes occurring in nature.

Example: Progress in water transport requires the expansion and modernization of canals that connect different river systems. This process stimulates the exchange processes of fauna and flora between different water basins. Oscillatory phenomena in nature based on human activity are observed extremely rarely. They are represented either by rhythmic, often multi-year processes of changing plant crops in crop rotation, or by anomalous phenomena.

Ecological problems of the biosphere

Nowadays, the flora of the Earth, in particular North America, needs protection. Otherwise, the plants will continue to die out.

The future of the biosphere

Non-renewable resources of the biosphere are still capable of being formed in the process of geochemical phenomena occurring in the conditions of the subsoil, ocean depths and on the surface of the earth's crust. The rate of their generation in the conditions of the earth's crust or landscape is incomparably lower than the rate of consumption by humanity. A significant modification of the biosphere has been observed since the active use by humans in order to meet industrial needs of energy external to the biosphere - non-renewable energy of fossil fuels.

The pre-production era was characterized by man's use of exclusively renewable resources of the biosphere in the form of its products for his life. Over time, the biosphere became more unstable, and this process progresses every year. The presence of several untimely changes in the state of the biosphere, tragic for all of humanity, has been recorded, and a significant part of them is associated with the various activities of mankind.

The desire to satisfy growing needs, despite the depletion of a significant part of the resources of the biosphere, entails genetic changes in flora and fauna, mass breeding and the spread of monocultures and domestic animals. Such processes lead to sequestration of biological diversity and distortion of ecosystems.

Preservation of the biosphere

Over the past decades, the result of the accelerated development of mankind has been significant distortions of the natural parameters of the biosphere. Pollution of the natural environment and depletion of biosphere resources occur on a huge scale. These processes should become the subject of a holistic study of the environmental problem. This task is a priority for the new direction of ecology - social ecology, which determines a safe strategy for transforming the activities of society into the corresponding standards of human life.

The solution to the problem must be based on a revolution in human minds, a revision of spiritual, moral, and also intellectual values. The biosphere should act as the basis of life, not a source of resources. It is necessary to use environmental regulation based on scientifically based limitation of the impact of any activity on biological resources. Such a strategy takes into account the socio-economic interests of humanity and environmental needs, it will help cope with.

) and hard ( litho-sphere) shell of the Earth (Fig. 74).

Upper limit

The upper boundary of the biosphere is located at an altitude of 15-25 km above sea level (and is different in different regions of the Earth) in the lower layer of the atmosphere - the troposphere (Fig. 75).

Within these limits of the biosphere, under the influence of the energy of solar rays, oxygen is converted into ozone and an ozone screen is formed. It does not transmit the main part of cosmic and ultraviolet rays, which have a harmful effect on living organisms, so they do not reach the earth's surface.

In the uppermost layers of the biosphere there are spores of bacteria, fungi, mosses and ferns that are very resistant to adverse conditions (they are called aeroplankton). Some birds, butterflies and spiders can rise to a height of 6-7 km.

Lower limit in the hydrosphere

Composition of the biosphere is diverse and is divided into four parts.

  • Living matter.
  • Nutrients.
  • Solids.
  • Substances of biogenic and abiogenic origin.

Living matter

The totality of all living organisms living on our planet is living matter biosphere. Despite the fact that living matter in its mass represents a very insignificant part of the biosphere, its activity during geological epochs had a huge impact on the development of the Earth.

According to V.I. Vernadsky, life originated on Earth some time after its appearance and was one of the main factors that changed the appearance of our planet.


Nutrients is the result of the activity of living organisms. These include oil, coal, limestone and atmospheric gases.


The total mass of living organisms in the biosphere is called biomass, 93% of which is on land, and 7% in the aquatic environment. Living organisms, through their activities, have a great influence on biosphere processes and cause changes in the biosphere.

The biosphere is constantly evolving. Its development is determined by factors such as geological and climatic changes on our planet, the impact of living organisms and human activity.

The first stage of the evolution of the biosphere is called biogenesis, and the second - noogenesis. Currently, due to the fact that the main influence on the biosphere is exerted by