Butthurt - what does it mean? What is “butthurt”: the exact meaning of the term and the cases in which it is used.

I heard the word “butthurt” not very long ago. As a person who is in the middle between the age of the new computer generation and the generation that scolds this new generation, I don’t take the new slang right away, but I try to keep up and, at a minimum, understand the terminology.

So, I found a comprehensive article on the well-known Lurkomorye. It is noteworthy that other sources simply copy the article from Lurk word for word. I won’t reinvent the wheel, so I’ll accumulate from there with a little selectivity and censorship.

Butthurt (Russian butthurt, literally “ass pain” or “pop pain”) is a special psycho-emotional state widely represented on the Internet, as well as the person in it. The closest scientific (psychological) term for Butthurt is frustration or unfinished (unfinished) gestalt. Captain Obvious should report that in cases of butthurt, it is the patient’s butt that does not hurt. It's just a metaphor.

The essence. The owner of butthurt is distinguished by an exceptionally strong negative reaction to an insult or sarcastic devaluation of some particularly painful subject for him. Therefore, he attacks the offender with all his heat. In most cases, the subject is the exact equivalent of the Russian proverb “ it really stings my eyes" In the minority - a sign of increased impressionability.

Consequences. As a rule, a person suffering from butthurt loses all ability to control his actions and immediately begins to show his negativity in all available ways - he writes angry posts, trying to complain to the authorities, threatens with exterminatus.

What complicates the suffering of the butthurt victim is the fact that the release of negativity does not bring the desired relief in the form of punishment to the opponent - on the contrary, he laughs and asks for more. Butthurt only gets worse from this, a chain reaction of positive feedback develops, and in especially difficult cases the consequences can become unpredictable. It has long been noticed that an individual, driven by butthurt, often writes something himself that causes butthurt in other individuals

How to get rid of butthurt. Get rid of unnecessary emotional attachments - then you won’t care about other people’s statements about your fetish.

Did you have a butthurt? Or. maybe you saw him with your friends?

0 The Internet is filled with a variety of slang words and expressions, the meaning of which is not clear to everyone. And even the younger generation sometimes faces a situation where they are not able to understand what is being said in everyday speech or in game chat. This causes wild fits of anger and rage, which among young people are “dubbed” with an interesting word Bathurt, which means you can read a little lower. I strongly recommend that you pay your attention to our useful resource, since interesting and new information often appears here. Add this site to your bookmarks so that you can always drop by for a visit.
However, before continuing, I would like to point you to a couple of interesting publications on the topic of Internet jargon. For example, what does Sygly mean, what does Zaovnit mean, how to understand Yell in your voice, what is an Imageboard, etc.
So let's continue Butthurt, meaning? This term was borrowed from the English language" Butthurt", consists of two words" butt" And " hurt". The first can be translated as " ass"(slang), and the second is like" to cause a pain".

Butthurt is an online slang term used to describe an extremely strong negative reaction to something happening on the Internet. It may be a response to some caustic comment directed in his direction or some information that is unpleasant for him.

Synonym Butthurt: fart bombs, burble.

Typically, this word is used to draw attention to a person who is showing signs of irritation due to a perceived insult, an unfavorable situation, or a lack of cultural communication.

Origin of Butthurt

The term "butt-thurt" comes from spanking, an action (hitting another person's buttocks) that is often seen as a method of punishing a child. Although some cultures view this as a perfectly acceptable form of discipline, it can be interpreted as abusive corporal punishment. One of the earliest archived references to "butthurt" appears in a 1998 comment posted on the website of Swiss surrealist painter HR Giger. " Well I used to be impressed until I read all this BUTTHURT he has been going through. Oh poor baby Giger" (Well, I was impressed until I read about the whole "BUTTHURT" thing that happened in his life. Oh, poor Giger.)

Since in our time the Internet has turned out to be the only supplier of new words and expressions, and most of the World Wide Web communicates in English, it is not strange that all teenage jargon is simply filled with Anglicisms.

Anyone in an emotional state Butthurt experiences anger and extreme resentment. You may be asking, why did people start using these English words in their communication? Is it really impossible to use Russian analogues? Most likely, the term Butthurt expresses such a range of the most contradictory emotions that it is not possible to simply choose a replacement. In order for this feeling to appear, you cannot simply insult your interlocutor with rude words. In fact, in order to call Butthurt, you need to touch on something very important, you can say sacred to you, for example, go through impartial criticism of the game " Dota 2"or hint that the company" Blizzard" is no longer a cake. In short, you understand, everyone has something that they honor in their soul, and do not intend to put up with it when someone begins to stretch out their dirty hands to it. As a rule, “trolls”, in order to further humiliate them, communicate very polite, but as they say, they know how to masterfully “spit in the soul.” However, “butting heads” with veterans of verbal battles and organizing “holy wars” is futile and, I would even say, unnecessary.

There are several types of Butthurt - patriotic, national or religious:

In the first case, a person loves his homeland, and cannot stand it when someone, especially Ukrainians, begins to criticize Russia. Patriots believe that we need to return the lost territories, and the barbarians around us should return to Great Rus'. Nationalists have an extremely negative attitude towards those people who oppose reunification with Crimea, rightly believing that either Western mercenaries or Russophobes of all stripes may think so.

In the second case, the national people have an extremely negative attitude when their noses are poked into their affairs and sins, proving with their fingers that without the Russians they will turn into a pitiful herd of sheep. This causes fierce anger in them, and they become more furious the more clearly they understand that this is all the truth. Trolls often hunt for stupid foreigners from the CIS, where they are completely let down.

In the third case, the religious topic comes to the fore, and some trolls deliberately begin to harass and humiliate those people who are “advanced” in their religion. Naturally, no one ignores such attacks, and an “explosion of farts” begins, from which the entire sky blooms with bright flashes, like a fireworks display.

Butthurt and psychology

Some researchers draw parallels between this word and the phenomenon of frustration ( a state that arises in a situation of real or perceived impossibility of satisfying certain needs). In fact, there is a lot in common here, and the collapse of expectations, as well as disappointed hopes, are one of many factors. Usually when communicating, no one expects that the interlocutor will suddenly begin to walk around with sarcasm about things dear to your heart, and this is very disappointing. However, if a person becomes more withdrawn during frustration, then during Butthurt he experiences a surge of furious energy, which he dreams of pouring out on his opponent’s head.
In addition, Butthurt's psychological state is somewhat similar to an unfinished gestalt. Usually this condition is caused by incompleteness in relationships with a person or incompleteness in business. Such understatement torments, giving rise to endless internal dialogues, which only lead to even more irritation and anger.

Use of the word Butthurt

Above, we have already discussed in detail what Bathurt is and what it is eaten with. However, in what cases you can use it and when to abstain, you probably haven’t figured it out. There are constantly online wars going on on the Internet, where people verbally try to hurt each other. Sometimes in the text you can find the expression “he’s a butt-head”; it is used when a certain topic has led to powerful “holywars”. In that case we can say that " the subject caused an awesome butthurt".
Although most often, butthurt is mentioned in connection with a person who, foaming at the mouth, endlessly defends his rightness.

After reading this informative article, you have finally figured out what is Butthurt, and why this word is so popular on the World Wide Web.

Lately you have often heard a new word in colloquial speech - “butthurt”. To people who do not have an account on social networks, it may seem strange and incomprehensible. However, the expression is becoming increasingly popular. What is “butthurt”, and where did this term come to us? What does it mean and how to use it? Are there any subspecies of Butthurt? Read about all this in this article. We will also tell you what scientific terms this expression has, and what exact synonyms it can be replaced in Russian speech.

Origin of the idiom

Most new word formations seep into speech from the Internet. And since the largest audience of users lives in the United States, the terms come from English. butthurt is no exception. The translation of these two words, merged together, is as follows: butt - butt, and hurt - pain. What happens? Painful sensations in the anus or hemorrhoids according to science? Not at all, except perhaps allegorically. As one Internet user put it, buttheart is such a sore when the butt bothers the patient the least. We can say that this is a nervous illness, manifested in anger and hyperactivity, which results in inappropriate actions. Butthurt can happen to anyone, another thing is whether we can get it under control in time.

The exact meaning of the idiom

The Internet meme “buttheart,” the translation of which sounds somewhat indecent, has nothing to do with such a part of the body as the butt. Rather, it is closer to the heart. A person in a state of butthurt experiences a strong sense of resentment and anger. But is it possible to replace the simple Russian word “resentment” with a foreign fashionable term? Probably not. Butthurt has its own nuances. It is not enough to offend a person directly, directly, for example, for resentment to arise. But butthurt is when they humiliated not even you, but the most sacred thing that you honor. Usually the offender expresses himself in literary language, but this only makes things worse. A person is not able to adequately respond to veterans of online holivars, and therefore drowns in empty angry posts, compromising himself even more.

Varieties of Butthurt

Each of us has our own ideas and objects that we unconditionally love and honor. On the other hand, some phenomena are considered bad for us by default. These are axioms that we never question, and when in a discussion someone speaks badly about our “sacred cows” or, on the contrary, praises something that is unacceptable to us, we are seized with acute resentment and anger. Stung, we begin to respond caustically to our opponent. Based on the nature of the “apple of discord,” a distinction is made between religious, national or imperial butthurt. What does this mean in the latter case? Love for one's Motherland is, of course, one of the virtues, but patriotism should not be identified with aggressive aspirations. Being against the seizure of foreign territories by your own country is not treason, but it is difficult for people with an imperial butthurt to prove the opposite. They are offended that the world does not applaud the annexation of foreign territory, but considers this action to be illegal aggression.

Colloquial synonyms and sayings

“Kicking a sacred cow” does not mean throwing a person into a state of butthurt. The reaction of the offended person must also be appropriate. If a person responds to a groundless desecration of a saint correctly and, most importantly, with reasoning, keeping a cool head, treating the opponent with respect and tolerance, there is no need to talk about any “pain in the behind.” After all, what is “butthurt”? This is a resentment that causes a painful nervous state, resulting either in angry swearing or inappropriate actions. Therefore, the closest thing to an Internet meme is the saying “You stepped on a pet peeve.” The butthurt state often arises from a vague feeling of one’s own wrongness, but since the person does not want to reconsider, arguments in favor of another point of view are unpleasant to him. Here it is appropriate to recall the saying about the truth that stings the eyes.

Scientific terms

What is “butthurt” in psychology? Many experts compare this nervous state with frustration. They have one reason - disappointed expectations, collapse of hopes. A person in communication with an opponent does not expect to hear sarcastic statements about what is sacred to himself and is deeply disappointed. But if frustration often leads to isolation and withdrawal from reality, then butthurt pushes a person to take active action. And since he is in a state of nervous breakdown, these statements or actions are not entirely thought out. For example, when Alexander Lukashenko was not allowed into the UK, the president, who was not allowed to travel, ordered the closure of the London restaurant in Minsk. The state of butthört is also comparable to an unfinished gestalt. This last nervous tension is caused by incompleteness in business or relationships with some person. Incompleteness torments, forcing you to constantly transfer the situation to others in order to finally achieve a feeling of calm and integrity.

In what cases is it appropriate to use the phrase

Internet users are well aware of what butthurt is. In holy wars (holy wars) waged on social networks, you can often find the phrase he is butthurt. Roughly translated, this means “he is butt-hearted.” The phrase is also used when the topic has led to too heated debate. They say: “the subject caused serious butthurt.” But most often, such an idiom denotes a person who too furiously and without choosing expressions, foaming at the mouth, defends his dubious rightness.