Baklanov for a year of service. God's people and his troops

In recent years, Ukraine has experienced more than one fall into the economic abyss. Since the Maidan, we have seen unprecedented currency swings, which will probably be written about in books someday. We saw rising prices and tariffs that could not be explained from a logical point of view. We saw the rapid impoverishment of the population and the equally rapid enrichment of those who were lucky enough to be closer to the trough called the “state budget.”

We have all seen and see this every day. We see a war that is not ending and, apparently, will not end very soon, we see regular price increases, but what is most interesting, we regularly hear from the government that everything is going according to plan and a bright future is just a stone's throw away. The main thing is to be patient a little. During Azarov’s time, it was necessary to correct everything that the “favorites” had done, now - to wait for that joyful moment when the cherished reforms would begin to work, corruption would eliminate itself, and all the good would defeat all the bad.

But here’s the paradox: no matter what the government promises us and who it blames for the current situation, the result remains the same - despite the promises, the life of an ordinary citizen becomes more and more difficult every year.

So what awaits Ukraine in five years? What surprises will politics, economics, ecology and demography bring us? I asked about this from people who know how to calculate events several moves ahead.

Oleg Soskin, political scientist, director of the Institute for Transformation of Society:

Five years is too long a period to make a forecast. Now it’s difficult to say what we will have in six months. If you try to understand the macro indicators, it is obvious that the global economic crisis is ongoing. Nowadays, even the IMF admits that the next phase of the crisis is now beginning. Although we must admit that this crisis did not end. This crisis began in 2007, and if it is correlated with large Kondratiev cycles, then the phase of economic decline will continue until 2020. In Ukraine, the decline phase will continue at least until 2021, if not until 2022.

In the next five years there will be a decline in Ukraine. The country was not prepared for such a long cycle of decline. The entire economy will fall, there will be no GDP growth, there will be no growth in industrial production, there will be no improvement in the well-being of the people, debt will grow, and there will be a devaluation of the national currency. Since the population behaves passively and allows the ruling clans to continue to rob them, then, naturally, they will suffer from this, the people become even more impoverished.

Vitaly Bala, political scientist, director of the Situation Modeling Agency:

I think that Today no one can make such a forecast. Moreover, it will not be possible to make a forecast not only for five years, but also for two years, or even for a year. To make such a forecast, you need to understand the ultimate goal, which is primarily set for Ukraine as a state. And only then can we draw any conclusions as to whether we can achieve this goal and at what stage in achieving it we will be in five years. Today, unfortunately, we do not have such an ultimate goal. Speaking in general terms, then, most likely, this should be something from the series “Ukraine joining the twenty most developed countries in the world.” To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop a clear strategic plan and strictly adhere to it. If there is no final goal, it is impossible to predict how events may develop. The world is now being reformatted, it is constantly changing, we have a war in Donbass, and all these factors will influence how Ukraine will develop.

Viktor Nebozhenko, political scientist, director of the sociological service “Ukrainian Barometer”:

In five years, Poland 1995 awaits us. This is frantic political activity, very difficult reforms, but, despite everything, recognition that we are moving in the right direction. Now we are experiencing the worst case scenario: the Ukrainian elite is stealing. But in five years we will be approximately where Poland was, when it knew for sure that it would be in Europe, received good economic assistance, formed institutions, but all this was incredibly difficult, and the Poles simply howled.

Vladimir Fesenko, political scientist, head of the Center for Applied Political Research "Penta":

There is no point in making a forecast five years in advance. Everyone who will now give forecasts for five years in advance are people who are engaged in unscientific fiction. There are no tools in politics that could make it possible to make forecasts five years in advance. Think back to 1986 and imagine a forecast for five years ahead. Perestroika has just been announced. Then it would be logical to say: “A renewed socialism with a human face awaits us,” etc.

Again, in 1986, there was also a mutual expulsion of diplomats by the USA and the USSR. And, logically, then there should have been an aggravation of the Cold War, but something completely different happened: a thaw in relations and, most importantly, after 5 years the Soviet Union collapsed. Nobody then predicted such a development of events. In 1986, there were no obvious prerequisites for the forecast that in 5 years there would be no USSR. I will say more: even in 1989, two years before the events, there were also no obvious signs of such a catastrophic development of events for the USSR.

We started in 2013. Was it possible to predict it in 2008? Of course not. In 2008, there was an economic crisis, and most forecasts promised uprisings, riots, etc. But none of this happened then. Now it makes no sense to make a forecast five years in advance, especially for specific events. You can try to formulate some scenarios. For example, European integration of Ukraine. Here we can say that Absolutely, in five years we will not be in the EU or NATO, although we may reach NATO standards by then.

It is impossible to say what the political and economic situation will be. Our economic situation will depend on the progress of internal reforms, on the effectiveness of government policies and on global conditions. In Ukrainian politics, God forbid, we can make a forecast for the year ahead. Such a forecast is permissible and acceptable, and even then there will certainly be certain amendments as events develop.

Sergey Bykov, political expert:

Nobody knows this now. This will depend on a huge number of factors. In five years, both parliamentary and presidential elections will take place. Will it be, what kind of relationship will we have with the West? There are a huge number of questions. Much will depend on how the elections go in France, in most European countries, and in Russia, for example. All this will play a role. Therefore, it is too early to talk about what awaits us in five years.

Trying to look five years ahead, I really want to hear that everything will be fine with us. And God bless her, with this dream of EU membership imposed on us. But I really want to hear that the war will end, pensions and salaries will increase, people will stop saving every penny, and the authorities will finally get tired of stealing. All this will definitely happen someday, the only question is whether we will wait for this joyful moment.

Each of us strives to lift the veil of secrecy at least for a moment and look into the future. This interest is easy to explain, because today we live in a time of rapid change, when it is impossible to predict future changes. Every day conflicts break out and are resolved, states gain and lose their territories, and the scientific community every now and then presents the next revolutionary novelty. It’s easy for an ordinary person to get lost in such a whirlpool of events, not to mention predicting the future.

Despite the improbability of the facts of foresight, people with this amazing gift still sometimes appear in our world. You won’t meet such amazing psychics on the street or in the subway. They are born extremely rarely, and lead thousands of followers.

Today, there are only a few people known who have truly great clairvoyant talent, whose prophecies have already come true. Despite the fact that these seers lived many years ago, they saw through the centuries and often predicted the events that are happening to us now.

In this article we have collected the most interesting information concerning the Ukrainian state from the most authoritative visionaries of the past. Some of them are positive, others say the opposite, but, nevertheless, they exist and only time will establish the final truth.

General points

In view of the latest events taking place in Ukraine, more and more people are interested in the future fate of this beautiful state. People want to know when the protracted military conflict will finally end, the economic situation will improve, and politicians will stop lying and start working for the benefit of the people, and not for their own profit.

Few people know, but this crisis, as well as its end, were predicted long ago, and everyone who was able to correctly decipher the prophecies guessed in advance about the possibility of what is now happening.

Despite some disagreements, most of the most respected soothsayers agree on one thing: Ukraine as a state will survive, strengthen and flourish over the years. Naturally, for this, the citizens of this power will have to endure many hardships and resist the onslaught of ill-wishers, but in the end, the reward for titanic efforts will be a great and developed country.

Vanga's prediction

Bulgarian, is one of the most famous and recognizable soothsayers of recent times. Despite the complete blindness acquired in childhood, she perfectly saw the fate of every person and always helped with practical advice to every pilgrim who came to her with a request.

Sometimes this amazing woman predicted the future of entire nations, and these prophecies, as a rule, came true. Her first prediction was the exact determination of the time of the beginning of the Second World War, after which thousands of people around the world believed in her gift.

Vangelia received those in need of help until her death. Over the years, several hundred thousand people visited her house, and all these people remained, immensely grateful to the blind seer.

The Bulgarian soothsayer prophesied a very difficult, thorny path for Ukraine. She foresaw a bloody conflict within the country, saying the following words: “War will happen and many people will suffer. Misfortunes will come from everywhere. Many nations will be affected by the conflict. People will become poor, they will walk around without clothes and will not find any fuel or light for themselves.”

At the same time, the clairvoyant foretells the end of the crisis: “The atrocities will end, peace and prosperity will come when honest rulers rise to power.” Experts are confident that these words are addressed specifically to, which will become a turning point in the history of Ukraine.

Besides everything else, Vangelia predicted the imminent collapse of one of the Eastern European countries, but did not name a specific state. What is known is that this power is located near the Black Sea and is connected from several different parts.

Nostradamus's prediction

Nostradamus is one of the most famous and mysterious seers in human history. He lived in Europe several centuries ago, but the works he wrote to this day excite the minds and imagination of most people. In his quatrains, the mystic described in a veiled form the future of most of the world's states, and according to researchers, many of his predictions have already come true.

Nostradamus prescribed Ukraine one of the central roles in the coming process of changing the world order. He argued that it was this country that should become the root cause and main impetus for the introduction of a new political system. Although the predictor in his works avoids directly naming states, experts are confident that this is exactly what he describes in his quatrains.

Molfar's Prediction

Carpathian Molfars are one of the most ancient and powerful castes of fortune tellers. For centuries, they have protected the wisdom of our ancestors and used this knowledge to foretell the future of both individuals and entire nations. Unfortunately, in our time it is difficult to find a true bearer of these traditions, however, high in the mountains there are still people who are able to give clear answers to the most intimate questions.

According to Molfar, the current crisis in Ukraine will last exactly five years, after which the state will be completely rebuilt, and a new “golden” period will begin in its destiny. Enemies who want to dismember the state will themselves suffer from their atrocities and will lose much more than they took away. It will all end in a lasting peace in which everyone will be equal.

Video section

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

Personal point of view.

Ukraine IMHO is unviable: Russia has refused to sponsor the fascist madhouse, and the West will also inevitably refuse to do so. At an international conference (Russia, the EU, possibly the USA) negotiations will be held that will simply consolidate the awareness of this fact by all members of the UN Security Council, and the UN Security Council will stamp the decisions made, just as the “Minsk Agreements” were stamped.

So, what awaits Ukraine?

The West does not have the resources, motivation or desire to carry out the denazification of Ukraine. Russia also does not want to do this (at least directly with its own hands). But for now the West is paying the bills.

We have a fork:

  • If the West continues to finance Ukraine, Ukraine will CONTINUE to degrade, and the West will CONTINUE to suffer image and financial damage.
  • In case of cessation of funding for Ukraine by the West, Ukraine will begin another military adventure against the Lao PDR, Poland, Hungary or Slovakia.

One way or another, as a result of military defeat and/or social collapse, the ability of the Ukrainian-Nazi regime to resist intervention will be catastrophically reduced. Ukraine as part of the West is not viable. There are months, maximum 1-2 years left until complete social collapse. At the same time, the West also cannot take Ukraine “on balance”, since it does not have extra money and cannot cope with the corruption and nationalism there, taking into account the current liberal approaches.

When the crests finally understand that there is no hope for the West, they will quickly change their colors. The social catastrophe in Ukraine and the successful Maidan of pro-Russian forces can lead the West to such a political and ideological collapse that it will be easier for them to agree to prevent this from happening. Therefore, IMHO they will negotiate. Negotiations will begin either forcedly (after the fact after the start of Ukraine’s war with the EU), or as the West realizes its loss in Ukraine.

An important condition: Russia DOES NOT WANT and WILL NOT include ALL of Ukraine into Russia. The maximum that is reasonable from the point of view of our authorities, IMHO, is the LPR and DPR, which are fairly thinned out from excess population, self-sufficient in energy, motivated and have proven their loyalty to Russia. They will most likely become part of Russia completely or within the current borders, with Ukraine completely renouncing its claims to these territories.

Russia will not want to finance the restoration of social infrastructure and production throughout Ukraine to the extent that this should be done according to domestic Russian standards. The maximum is self-government and relatively preferential conditions for local economic activity under tight Russian ideological, military and political control. IN SHORT, PROTECTORATE.

In the course of resolving the conflict, Russia expects the following bonuses:

  • Ukraine and the West will be forced to renounce their claims to Crimea. The UN will record the legality of his transfer to Russia.
  • Ukraine will be finally blamed for the crash of the Malaysian Boeing. The leaders who gave the corresponding order will be found or “appointed” and demonstrably convicted of murder. That's the minimum.
  • Guarantees of supply to Transnistria will be provided. Perhaps, in order to fulfill these guarantees, Odessa will be separated into a separate de facto independent region with direct control from Russia.
  • Possible: recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as members of the UN Security Council, rejection of the term “Russian aggression against Georgia”, a separate decision of the Security Council on this topic.

As a result, the West STOPS incurring image and financial expenses on Ukraine - this is its ONLY acquisition, but this is not enough: the Nazi viper at the borders is constantly undermining the EU and its ideological foundations

The deal will be next IMHO.

Level 1 - basic, unconditional

  • Russia gets everything it asks for
  • The West is throwing off the Ukrainian problem

Level 2 - conditions.

  • Russia establishes a protectorate in Ukraine to carry out reforms.
  • Access to Transnistria on terms that suit us.
  • Russia’s “burden” is the annexation of the LDPR, financing the restoration of which to the domestic Russian level, in the opinion of the West, will significantly limit our capabilities. This will make it possible to “sell” this decision to conservatives within the West.
  • Also, Russia will be forced for some time to subsidize Ukraine with prices for raw materials and access to its market, since there is simply no other way to mitigate the social consequences of the cessation of Western funding.

The protectorate is established for the purposes of:

  • restoration of the rights and freedoms of the Russian majority and ethnic minorities (Hungarians, Czechs)
  • carrying out denazification
  • restoring order on the streets
  • accustoming Ukrainians to comply with laws and disciplined payment of required taxes
  • eliminating imbalances in the economy
  • stopping the plunder of the country (amber, forest).
  • federalization
  • legalization of Russian as the first state language

In order to legalize the establishment of a protectorate, Ukraine will be simultaneously occupied by EU and Russian troops. Perhaps the occupation will be slow and last for a couple of weeks in order to morally break the Ukrainians and force a revolution or capitulation of power in Kyiv

I consider the following to be mandatory measures of the protectorate:

  • Ukraine's armed forces are being reduced by 98-100%
  • purges in the media, criminal prosecution of all those who “drowned” for ultra-nationalism,
  • imprisonment of members of Azov, Right Sector, etc.
  • mass landings of officials and deputies responsible for the war (“ATO”) and the downing of an airplane.
  • elimination of individual purely nationalist elements from Ukrainian, for example SUGS
  • introduction of criminal sentences for Ukrainian nationalist symbols and shouts (Right Sector, etc.)
  • strict police control over the above, or (preferably) control of people's squads.
  • areas that refuse these conditions will be subjected to massive bombing by the West, much like the Donbass by crests.
  • local and federal authorities in Ukraine will be COMPLETELY replaced by people who have not been soiled by the past chaos - preferably from Ukrainians or those born in the Ukrainian SSR.
  • purges of the police, complete replacement of customs officers and border guards.
  • massive confiscations of property from volunteers and oligarchs who supported the war, from the leadership of the police, army and customs.
  • elections are cancelled, legislation is formed by the Russian-appointed administration.
  • Denazification is carried out strictly according to new laws, by the citizens of Ukraine themselves.
  • regions that do not massively accept the new order are completely blocked: a total ban on the export and import of EVERYTHING is introduced, and entry into their territory is prohibited. Departure is allowed
  • The President of Russia has the right to cancel any decisions of any government bodies and install his managers in any positions.
  • All this is prescribed in Russia’s mandate, signed by the UN Security Council.

Perhaps the term “Ukraine” itself will be prohibited in relation to the times after the collapse of the USSR, except in the phrase “nationalist Ukraine”.

All armed actions to establish external control in Ukraine will begin only after a decision of the UN Security Council and will not constitute an aggressive war. After completing the occupation, EU troops surrender the occupied territory to Russian troops.