Antarctica - The Unknown Southern Land. Antarctica - the unknown Southern land


  • 1. History
  • 2 Population
  • 3 Interesting Facts
  • Notes


The Unknown Southern Land is marked in pink on the map. Maris Pacifici Abraham Ortelius (1589).

Unknown Southern Land(lat. Terra Australis Incognita) - the land around the South Pole, depicted on most maps from ancient times to the second half of the 18th century. The outlines of the continent were depicted arbitrarily, often depicting mountains, forests and rivers. Name options: Unknown Southern Land, Mysterious Southern Land, sometimes simply Southern Land. In theory, South Earth corresponds to Antarctica, although no data about it existed at that time.

1. History

Ptolemy's map (2nd century)

Eratosthenes Map

Map of Al-Idrisi (12th century)

The unknown southern land was depicted on the famous map of Eratosthenes as a small tip of Africa.

On the equally famous map of Ptolemy, it occupies the entire south, making the Indian Ocean a closed lake.

A thousand years later, in The Book of Roger, Al-Idrisi depicted the South Land as the huge eastern tip of Africa in the Indian Ocean, nevertheless leaving a water surface for the "end of the earth."

As geographical discoveries progressed, the Unknown Southern Land became smaller and smaller, moving south.

Its northern capes (or parts of its territory) were Tierra del Fuego (in this case, the Strait of Magellan was considered the border between South America and Terra Australis), Estados Island, Bouvet Island, Australia and New Zealand.

In 1770, the little-known English navigator A. Dalrymple wrote a work in which he provided evidence that the population of the Southern Continent exceeded 50 million people. This was one of the last theories about Southland.

In 1772, James Cook crossed the Antarctic Circle, coming very close to Antarctica. However, difficult conditions forced him to turn back. Upon his return, he stated that if the Southern Continent exists, it is only near the pole, and therefore is of no value.

After this, the Southern Continent was no longer depicted at all. Even after the discovery of the Antarctic Peninsula, which is truly the northern part of Southland, it was depicted as an island (Palmer Land, Graham Land).

Even 50 years after the discovery of Antarctica, Jules Verne wrote the novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”, where the heroes reach the South Pole in a submarine.

2. Population

In the Middle Ages, the main task for reaching the Southern Land was to spread Christianity among the local residents.

In the Early Middle Ages, it was believed that “bald people”, “people with dog heads”, giants, dragons and other monsters lived on the territory (or part of the territory) of the Southern Land. Others argued that there were no people or monsters there at all, but there were forests and fertile lands. Lokak, the country of Parrots, Anian, the wonderful island - these are some of the names of the Unknown Southern Land.

Later, nothing was clearly reported about the inhabitants (Dalrymple is an exception), and the discovery was sought only to expand the lands of one or another power.

3. Interesting facts

Fragment of the Piri Reis map

  • At the beginning of the 20th century (according to other sources, in the 19th century), a map was found from the archives of the 16th century Turkish admiral Muhidzin Piri Reis, which allegedly very accurately depicts Antarctica without an ice sheet. The records of Piri Reis indicate that the map was allegedly compiled on the basis of materials from the era of Alexander the Great.
  • In the 20th century, the remains of galleons of the 16th-17th centuries were found several times on the coast of the Antarctic islands. Now it is no longer possible to accurately determine whether they swam there on their own or whether their remains were carried away by ocean currents. Chile even claims Antarctica on this basis, since an 18th-century Spanish galleon that left a Chilean port was in Antarctica. A shipwreck found in Antarctica is kept in one of the Valparaiso museums. In addition to shipwrecks, knives, clothing and kitchen utensils dating back to the 17th century were also found.


  1. Dubrovin L. I. From the ideas of the ancients to the International Geophysical Year. The southern continent and its search -
  2. What have we gotten to the bottom of (Interview with Vladimir Kotlyakov) - // Ogonyok. - August 23, 2004. - No. 34 (4861). - pp. 14-15.
  3. Vladimir Khozikov We are studying Antarctica. What will we get from this? (Interview with Valery Lukin) - // Russian newspaper. - August 31, 1999.
  4. Antarctica was discovered back in the 17th century - (January 20, 2004).
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/11/11 11:37:07
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"The Unknown Southern Land"

Australia is the smallest continent on Earth, located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. “The unknown southern land” is what ancient geographers called the mysterious southern continent, which they had never seen and whose existence they could only guess about.

Geologists have found that approximately 12–13 thousand years ago Australia and Southeast

Asia was connected by land. Where the islands of Indonesia are now scattered, there were lands that were only occasionally cut by bays and straits. The island of Tasmania, located off the southern coast of the mainland, was also part of Australia.

Then ocean waters separated Australia and Asia. From past geological eras, Australia has preserved the rarest animals and plants that are found nowhere else on the planet. It is not for nothing that Australia is called the continent of relics - the remnants of the distant past.

The development of Australia began from the east coast, along which a narrow strip of plain stretched. It is on these lands that most Australians live today. Here are the largest cities in Australia.

Beyond the coastal plains, along the entire eastern edge of the continent, rise the East Australian Mountains. Australians call them the Great Dividing Range. The mountains are low - up to 1000 m, and only to the south do they look like real mountain ranges. Only in these places there are gorges where the snow does not melt all year round. True, these are just isolated spots. In the Australian Alps (as these mountains are sometimes called) there is the highest peak of the mainland - Mount Kosciuszko, 2230 m.

The settlers found passages through the Great Dividing Range into the mainland only in the 20s. 19th century Having crossed the mountains, they discovered vast plains stretching to the west for more than 1000 km. This is the Central Lowland - the lowest and flattest part of the continent.

About 100 million years ago, on the site of the Central Lowland, there was a strait separating the eastern and western parts of the continent. From those times, clay and sand remained on the surface of the plains and salt lakes - Eyre, Torrens, etc.

The entire west of Australia, from the central plains to the shores of the Indian Ocean, is occupied by the Western Plateau. Immediately beyond the Central Lowlands rise the MacDonnell and Musgrave mountain ranges, reaching a height of 1400 m. These ancient mountains are greatly destroyed by time. Behind them are the sand ridges and dunes of the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Gibson Desert.

The Great Sandy Desert is the hottest region of Australia. In summer, the air temperature here does not drop below +35° C, and if it rains, the moisture quickly evaporates. There are no villages or cities in this desert.

The Great Victoria Desert is covered with ridges of sand 10–30 m high. The sands are fixed by the roots of the Spenifex grass. This tall grass can grow in the driest places, where rainfall occurs very rarely, and even then not every year.

On the border of the deserts and the Central Lowlands lies Lake Erie. Its surroundings are called the “dead heart of Australia” - so lifeless are its shores covered with clay. The lake is filled with water brought by rivers during the rainy season, but then under the hot sun the water evaporates and the lake turns into a salt marsh - earth cracked from the heat, covered with salt. In the basins of some lakes, the salt thickness can be up to 1.5 m.

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Hard labor that became the island of dreams

Just over 200 years ago, the largest island and smallest continent on the planet, Australia, was sparsely populated by Aborigines. For many years, Australia remained an unknown southern continent, which, according to ancient scientists, balanced the lands of the Northern Hemisphere.

When the Dutch arrived in Australia at the beginning of the 17th century, they were horrified by what they found. The land of Australia seemed to them dead and good for nothing. But, as we know, this was far from the truth. At the end of the 18th century, the still alive and well British discoverer James Cook received a secret mission to find “Terra Australis Incognito” - “The Unknown Southern Land”. Cook was the first to sail around Australia and named the land he discovered New South Wales, declaring it the property of Great Britain, after which, according to one version, he was eaten by the Aborigines.

However, interest in the country arose much later. By the end of the 18th century in London, every eighth resident, in one way or another, lived by committing crimes. Because the slightest offense was punished, England's prisons were overcrowded. There were two capital punishments: death penalty and expulsion from the country. America served as the place of deportation for many years. But America, having gained independence in 1776, stopped
and accept British bandits. Therefore, the criminals who had accumulated in the country began to be sent to the newly discovered Australia.

So about a thousand prisoners landed on the shores of Australia and built the first settlement. Subsequently, it grew to the size of a city and received the name Sydney. The development of Australia continued until the mid-19th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, the discovery of rich gold deposits attracted masses of settlers to Australia. The Australian gold rush swept across the continent, bringing together thousands of adventurers from all over the world. And year after year, more and more expeditions were equipped to the Australian shores and into the interior of the mainland. The discovery of Australia continued.

Meanwhile, this suddenly discovered land did not even have a name. On the maps they wrote: “New Holland”, “New Wales”, “Botany Paradise”, “Terra Incognita”. And only at the beginning of the 19th century the new continent was named “Australia”, which translated from Latin means “Southern Country”.


Legally, Aborigines are not citizens of Australia; they are not even assigned land, which, however, does not in the least prevent them from living, receiving considerable government subsidies. Ninety percent of Aboriginal people live in large cities. The Aborigines are like Aboriginal people, not like homeless people, as they are often described by those who have been to Australia. Aborigines can be very beautiful people, it’s just that their beauty is wild - the beauty of Stone Age people. When the first Europeans arrived in Australia, the Aborigines had not even invented the bow and arrow; it was a typical Stone Age. And from this stage, the aborigines began to recognize European civilization, which turned out to be disastrous for them.

First of all, alcohol destroys the aborigines: the fact is that their body, like the body of the Chukchi and American Indians, does not produce the enzyme that breaks down alcohol. Therefore, the natives become drunk very quickly. At one time they were officially prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages so that they would not die out. However, like any ban, this does not help.

When the natives are not in a state of alcohol
drunkenness, they are engaged in the manufacture of various souvenirs: boomerangs, fur products, maps, in the center of which the large continent of Australia is depicted, and at the edges, inverted, other “trifles” - small and unusually distorted America, Europe, Asia. Many of the aborigines trade at the market or perform national music for tourists, playing the national instrument “didgeridoo”. It gives the impression of an alien melody. The didgeridoo is a large trumpet that must be played by simultaneously inhaling and exhaling air, blowing into the trumpet continuously. This is called circular breathing, which is quite difficult to learn.

Since the 19th century, the aborigines were considered the most primitive culture on the planet, a kind of living embodiment of the ancestors of modern man. In fact, the Australian Aborigines have a developed and multifaceted culture. Recently, Aboriginal art has become more fashionable and commercially successful than ever: society ladies gasp at the sight of monumental designs based on tribal tattoos, dreaming of transferring them to their curtains and shawls, and gallery owners all over the world are dumbfounded in front of abstract expressionist paintings.

Morals of modern "Ozzy"

Life for the early settlers was a constant struggle. They battled heat, lack of water, snakes and loneliness, and now most Australians live in big cities with little more than flies to contend with.

Australia's current population of almost 20 million is a mixture of almost every nationality known to the world: English, Irish, Italian, Greek, Dutch, German, Spanish, Polish, Indian, Vietnamese, Turkish, Chinese and, of course, Russian. All these people proudly call themselves Ozzy (“aussie”). Australia is a multinational country, when each people came to it they brought something of their own: the Italians brought cappuccino, the French introduced winemaking, the Germans established mass production of sausages and Bavarian beer. All these people are completely different from each other, and I think the aborigines will seem the least strange of all this mass.

Ozzie doesn't care about clothes, they have a strange sense of humor, and to understand them, you need to carefully monitor their facial expressions. After all, the Ozzies speak “strine” - this is the Australian version of English, so knowing English will not help you much here. In general, an Australian’s attitude to life depends primarily on nature. It’s unlikely that Ozzy will show up for work if the road is flooded with heavy rains, and he certainly won’t put on a jacket if it’s 40 degrees outside. The working day in Australia starts at 8 am and ends at 5 am with an hour break for lunch.

Columbus stumbled upon America by accident. No one suspected the existence of the New World.

They were looking for Australia. We searched for a long time. And when they found it, it turned out that they weren’t looking for her at all.

The point here again is in the usual ideas of ancient geography. Claudius Ptolemy and other scientists of the ancient world believed that our Earth is mainly dry land. After all, they did not know either about the true size of the Atlantic, or that there is such a grandiose ocean as the Pacific, or about the water spaces of the Arctic. They reasoned like this: if there is a lot of land in the middle and northern latitudes, then in the Far South, for balance, there should also be a large continent.

Elongated in latitude, it should connect with Africa, and that, in turn, with the Malacca Peninsula. It turned out that our planet is surrounded by land, and the water spaces in it are closed, like lakes. It is curious that even after the discoveries of Bartolomeu Diaz and Vasco da Gama they continued to think so, believing that they simply managed to find a strait in southern Africa.

Of course, new grandiose discoveries changed ideas about the globe, but still it was difficult to get rid of the misconceptions of ancient scientists. So the belief in a huge landmass, occupying all the space under high southern latitudes, in the mysterious and elusive Terra Australis Incognita (Unknown Southern Land) persisted.

Meanwhile, there have long been rumors about some kind of land in the Southern Hemisphere. The Chinese and Malays probably knew about it. It was as if the French and Portuguese had stumbled upon it. However, their stories, confused and vague, could hardly be trusted. Most likely, they mistook some large island for the mainland.

In the 16th century and at the beginning of the 17th, many new islands were discovered in the Pacific Ocean. Some of them were thought to be not islands, but part of the unknown Southern Land, the southern continent. This was the case with Tierra del Fuego, with the New Hybrids. Meanwhile, the sailors walked near the fifth continent and... did not see it! Only in 1606, when the Spaniard Torres passed through the strait between New Guinea and Australia, and the Dutch set foot on the coast of Australia, the fifth continent

was opened. However, the Dutch did not stay there long. After a skirmish with the indigenous population, they chose to leave, but the coast they discovered was still considered Dutch.

For a long time, the entire new continent was called New Holland and only then was it renamed Australia.

Gradually, the coasts of Australia were mapped. As the contour of the continent and its dimensions became more precise, it became clear that this was not Terra Australis Incognita at all. It is both small and located much further north.

No, that’s not it, but... then where is this Southern Land?

Does it exist?

The famous English navigator James Cook sailed almost all the oceans; he mapped the eastern shores of Australia, completing a survey of the coasts of the entire fifth continent; he walked around New Zealand and finally decided to go in search of the unknown South Land.

After a long and thorough search, having traveled around the world in the high southern latitudes (he crossed the Pacific and Indian oceans), James Cook came to the conclusion that there is no South Earth, the continent that ancient geographers talked about. However, there should be some landmass far to the south, around the South Pole. Frequent encounters with icebergs led him to this idea - more frequent than would be desirable. Cook correctly believed that icebergs are huge “shards” of glaciers sliding into the sea. They break away from the distant, ice-covered Southern Earth and float to themselves, driven by winds and currents. This Southern Land, said James Cook, is unsuitable for life; it is located in such inaccessible places that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to discover it.