English language crash course and dragoons. Dragunkin Alexander Nikolaevich

Name: 30 textbooks on English by A.N. Dragunkin (PDF | DjVu | MP3)
Number: A.N.Dragunkin
Year: 2000 - 2009
Genre: English, self-study, languages

Format: PDF | DjVu | MP3

The selection includes the following books:
1. 10 lessons in English. 2005
2. 10 English lessons + Akimov’s dictionary 2008
3. 15 main differences between English and Russian
4. 33 features of the English language
5. 51 golden formulas of English
6. 53 golden formulas of the English language
7. English times and designs 2002
8. English tenses and constructions + L. Akimov - Russian vocabulary in English 2008
9. English in 3.5 days
10. Articles and the phenomenon of “detailing” in English. language
11. Fast English for energetic lazy people
12. Guaranteed English in 3.5+... days for those who have learned - and those who have forgotten (Reanimator of your English)
13. English-Russian grammar book-self-instruction manual 2009
14. Grammar Russian-English. reader 2005
15. Grammar Russian-English self-instruction book
16. Memos on English grammar
17. How to pronounce English words
18. Cool English language tutorial for beginners and beginners
19. Small prozhok in English. language in 115 min (+ audio)
20. Irregular verbs
21. New fast English for energetic lazy people
22. New cool English tutorial
23. New cool English tutorial
24. Fix your English 2005
25. Fix your English 2009
26. Russian-English dictionary
27. Russian-English unambiguous dictionary
28. Universal textbook English. language
29. Reader of the English language (+ audio)
30. 5 sensations Pamphlet-like essay on the topic of language

Dragunkin A.N. born July 29, 1947 in Leningrad.
He graduated from evening school and entered the Eastern Faculty of Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin.

After graduating from university with a degree in oriental studies and philology, he taught mainly English. With the beginning of perestroika, he went into business without stopping his teaching activities.

In 1998, he wrote his first book (“Super Guide for Smart Lazy People”), in which he outlined his own views on the problems of teaching English and proposed new solutions.

Dragunkin's goal is not to “teach”, but to teach a person very correct English, while liberating the student, giving him the opportunity to believe in his own strength!

According to Dragunkin, top officials of the state learn English.
The entire Russian emigration learns English from his books.
His books are used by those who have already lost hope to learn English.
He debunks myths, demystifying the English language and making it accessible to everyone.

Teaching foreign languages ​​is always an original method, so the results of students in two different courses cannot be the same. However, the basis of linguistics is always built on general points. This is precisely where difficulties arise for most students. For those who are already desperate to understand anything, English with Dragunkin was created. This is a combination of classical teaching methods and original tools for memorization, pronunciation, and learning rules.

Alexander Dragunkin is the creator of popular textbooks for learning English, an orientalist, and a philologist. Dragunkin teaches English in such a way that it is difficult to get bored during the course! Let's understand the nuances of this series of video tutorials.

English from the basics using Dragunkin's video course

The course begins with mastering the basic structure of the language. However, its main advantage is the abandonment of outdated multi-tiered rules. The teacher takes into account only those laws that are used in modern English. Dragunkin's video course is for those who, first of all, are ready to abandon stereotypes in learning. So, for example, you will see in class:

Previously unknown terms, coined by the teacher himself to simplify the presentation of the material
Functional Russified transcription
Systematized block on articles, tenses, irregular verbs

Read also:

By the way, many linguists and philologists still do not accept Dragunkin’s teaching methods, arguing that the English language is a system of proven rules and laws. But the results of the teacher’s students speak for themselves: the video course works!

English with Alexander Dragunkin: the language of modern times

The non-standard nature of Alexander Dragunkin’s course lies in its unusual presentation. New students are often confused when the teacher suggests Russifying the language. For example, pronouncing the combination –th– is equivalent to Russian [f]. The author builds his position on several arguments:

1) Dragunkin believes that the parent language is not Sanskrit at all, but Russian, therefore all foreign languages ​​should be Russified
2) This method of pronunciation simplifies reading and memorization, and therefore has a positive effect on the results in learning English
3) Today's English is, first of all, the language of Internet communication, and only then a means of oral communication, so you should get rid of irrelevant rules and conventions of speech

Many scientists disagree with Dragunkin, but the overwhelming majority of people who took Alexander Nikolaevich’s course confirm the effectiveness of his methods. Be that as it may, it’s definitely worth trying his teaching method!

Video course on English by Alexander Dragunkin: all parts (playlist)

For your convenience, we have collected all parts of Alexander Dragunkin’s video course into a common playlist. This makes learning English much easier. Don't forget to bookmark this page so you can refer to it at any time!

requires perseverance and patience, so don’t expect quick results. But if you find a course that suits you, it will be interesting to study. And pleasure is the best assistant in achieving high results!

English for beginners - what's good about Dragunkin?

Beginners will be interested in Dragunkin's course for several reasons:

1. The author does not set a goal to teach a person to speak English fluently at the Proficiency level in a short time, but helps to achieve a confident speaking level.
2. English for beginners - these are video lessons, built in a comfortable way. It will be enough for students to regularly access the video for at least 30-40 minutes - the structure of the lessons allows this.
3. Even if after the first lesson you are not interested in the course, you will have an understanding of what video lessons you should look for in the future.

You, like many other people in modern society, have decided to learn to speak English. And here the first question immediately arises - where to start? You can get started on your own using various books, websites, tutorials, and training videos. Dragunkin's method for learning English In search of the best method, I came across the video course All Dragunkin on DVD. Don't be lazy to study it. According to Alexander Nikolaevich’s universal method, the entire emigration, the top officials of the state, those who have already despaired of learning English, are learning the language with pleasure, taking on Dragunkin’s self-instruction manual.

I have heard about this special approach to learning foreign languages ​​for a long time. I became interested and decided to figure out what and how. And here is my personal subjective opinion and impression from contact with Dragunkin’s method of learning English.

The main difference of this method is the obvious simplification of the learning process. It seems as if the author is proving that “English is not easy, but very simple.” Of course, such a statement gave rise to a storm of controversy between opponents and supporters. But I do not want and will not reconcile them. This is none of our business.

Personally, this method is very close to me. Why? I really like the linguist’s special way of expressing himself. He deliberately distorts his speech, uses jargon to win over his interlocutors - “We don’t change anything here,” “Insert the future tense here and you’re in the king,” “There are no cases in English.” This really makes you feel comfortable and trustworthy.
What is unique about the Dragunkin method? Alexander Nikolaevich completely redid the entire grammar. If for you the tense system is a richness of speech, then you will not like this approach. But if times are your headache, then Dragunkin will be your salvation. He reduced 12 times to 4, called them actions, and gave them in a very accessible form so that anyone could easily master them in a few video lessons.

If you are not good with articles, then you will be very grateful for the Master’s advice on how to minimize their use. Universal monologue stories are the main language material for lessons and educational videos. Moreover, they are compiled in such a way as to illustrate as much as possible the principles put forward by the author.

Let's sum it up

There is no need to say that tutorials, textbooks, lessons, videos, and even Dragunkin’s methodology itself are better or worse than others, it’s just different, fundamentally. What distinguishes her from others is not only her approach to teaching, but also her ultimate goal. Here the educational material itself is different. The author abandoned artificial, outdated rules and clearly explains the very structure of the language.

A linguist does not set out to “teach”; he is interested in “teaching”. It provides a good opportunity for a person to learn rich and correct English in the simplest way, while at the same time believing in one’s abilities and overcoming internal constraint. The author uses his own transparent terminology - transparent, functional and clear.

Dragunkin even developed his own transcription! With its help, any beginner can learn English words and easily learn to read; he has come up with only 3 rules. He solved the problem of using “irregular” verbs and articles, systematized exception words, and according to his method, students learned the most difficult tenses in 5-6 lessons.

All the discussed factors make it much easier to master the educational material. Learning English according to Dragunkin is available to anyone and everyone who is aimed at obtaining quick and high-quality learning results.

I will be happy to read your reviews, opinions and suggestions in the comments.

Good results to you!

Watch the interview where Alexander Dragunkin talks about his technique

Dragunkin Alexander Nikolaevich
Date of Birth
Place of Birth

Saint-Petersburg, Russia




Alexander Nikolaevich Dragunkin(July 29, 1947) - linguo-freak, specializes in etymology and interpretation of words, author of textbooks on the English language, also author of historical-phric ideas.


Born on July 29, 1947 in Leningrad in the family of a mechanic worker. He graduated from evening school and entered the Eastern Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. After graduating from university with a degree in oriental studies and philology, he taught foreign languages, mainly English. With the beginning of perestroika, he went into business without stopping his teaching activities. He is the author of numerous manuals, as well as marginal historical and linguistic studies.

In 2012, he received a diploma of “Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics (English)” from the non-state educational institution “International University of Fundamental Education”.

Methods of teaching English

In his methodology, Dragunkin abandoned the classical study of the rules for reading English words, replacing the traditionally used IPA with “Russified transcription” (teeth - tiif, thing - fing, knowledge - noolidzh, etc.). In addition, he derived 51 “golden” formulas of English grammar, which differ significantly from the classical ones. For example, there are three basic rules:

  • the actor is designated only by a subjective pronoun;
  • Every English sentence must have a verb (in any form);
  • Once changed, an English word is not subject to further changes.

New grammar categories have also been highlighted (obligatory determiners, hint words, etc.)

Critics of this technique draw attention to the inadequacy of the transcription used and the inability of graduates to use learned grammatical structures in speech, taking into account a particular communicative situation.


Dragunkin's ideas are rejected by the scientific community. For example, Professor E.V. Mayevsky noted that “Dragunkin’s etymologies are downright striking in their ignorance.”

This book is a complete textbook, written on the basis of a completely new grammar of modern English.
Intended for a wide range of readers learning English.

VERBS are words that denote any action or state:
fly, drink, walk, carry, get sick, sleep, lie down, and so on.

Verbs answer the question “WHAT TO DO?”
In the English language, of all the parts of speech in it, it is the verb that is subject to the greatest number of standard (“correct”) and non-standard (“incorrect”) changes, therefore, when learning English, the verb is given the most attention (since there is almost nothing else to learn) .

In addition, if in Russian we can sometimes omit a verb, that is, do without it, then in an English sentence the presence of ANY verb in any form is simply MANDATORY!!!

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Universal English Language Textbook, New Approach, Dragunkin A., 2008 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Universal textbook of the English language, New approach, Dragunkin A.N., 2008 - This book is a full-fledged textbook written on the basis of a completely new grammar of modern English. Designed for a wide range of… Books on English
  • Irregular verbs and other irregularities of the English language, Dragunkin A.N., 2003 - The book by the famous St. Petersburg philologist Alexander Dragunkin continues the series Fix Your English! . It addresses one of the most difficult aspects... Books on English
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The following textbooks and books:

  • English grammar for beginners, Matveev S.A., 2012 - English grammar for beginners is the basics of English grammar. All the necessary grammatical rules of the English language are given in a simple and accessible form... Books on English
  • Self-teacher of the English language, Practical course, Hans G. Hofmann, 2004 - This textbook is intended primarily for those who would like to learn English on their own. It contains detailed descriptions of English... Books on English
  • Memos on English grammar, Dragunkin A., 2008 - We present to your attention the world's first and only grammar of a foreign (in this case English) language in poetry and in Memos... Books on English
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