English language and its role in the world. Material on the English language "the role of foreign languages ​​in modern society"

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The Role Of The English Language In The Modern World The role of English in the modern world

Half a century ago English was just one of the international languages, accepted in the world. As the time passed, the role of English in the society has significantly increased. Nearly every adult in the world dreams to learn the basics of spoken and written English. On top of that, they want their children to know conversational English well. There are many reasons for that. First of all, wherever we travel people know this language. Whether it’s a European country or Asian and African, everywhere people will understand you if you explain what you are looking for in English. Secondly, nearly all businesses in the world are done in English today. Basically every field requires the knowledge of this language. The students know that English plays a great role in education and their future career. The professionals know that if they learn English at least to intermediate level, they can get a significant pay raise and rapid career development. Thirdly, a lot of books and periodicals are written in English. Most Internet sites and pages are composed in English. And, it goes without saying that all computer programs and applications use the English language. From the very start of computers’ introduction to the society English was used as the basic language. Many famous films and songs are also in English. This list can continue endlessly, but the most important thing is that everyone in modern society understands how important English is today.

Half a century ago, English was simply one of the international languages ​​accepted in the world. Over time, the role of English in society has increased significantly. Almost every adult in the world dreams of learning the basics of spoken and written English. In addition, they want their children to have a good command of spoken English. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, wherever we go, people know this language. Whether it is a European country or an Asian and African country, people everywhere will understand you if you explain what you are looking for in English. Secondly, almost all world business is conducted today in English. In principle, every field requires knowledge of this language. Students know that English plays a big role in their education and their future careers. Professionals know that if they speak English at least at an intermediate level, they can receive significant salary increases and rapid career advancement. Thirdly, many books and periodicals are written in English. Most Internet pages and websites are written in English. Well, it goes without saying that all computer programs and applications use English. Since the beginning of the introduction of computers into society, English has been used as the primary language. Many famous films and songs are also in English. This list can be continued endlessly, but the most important thing is that everyone in modern society understands how important English is today.

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The modern world is becoming smaller all the time. Every day distances between different countries seem less. For this reason it"s becoming more and more important to know different languages, especially English.

One billion people speak English today. That's about 20% of the world's population. 400 million people speak English as their first language. For the other 600 million people it"s either a second language or a foreign language.

English is the first language in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. It is one of the official languages ​​in Canada, the Irish Republic and the Republic of South Africa.

As a second language English is spoken in more than 60 countries. It is used by the government, businessmen and universities.

English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sport and pop music. 80% of all information in the world's computers is in English. 75% of the world's letters and faxes are in English. 60% of all international telephone calls are made in English. More than 60% of all scientific journals are written in English.

To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Learning a language is not an easy thing. It"s a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But it"s a must.

English is taught throughout the world and a lot of people speak it quite well. In our country English is very popular: it is studied at schools (sometimes even at nursery schools), colleges and universities.

Everyone will speak English soon - I"m sure of it. We all need to understand each other. To do that we need an international language, and that"s English.

English today

The modern world is getting smaller. Every day the distances between different countries seem to get smaller. For this reason, it is becoming more and more important to know different languages, especially English.

One billion people speak English today. This is about 20% of the world's population. For 400 million people, English is their native language. For the remaining 600 million people, it is either a second language or a foreign language.

English is the first language in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. It is one of the official languages ​​in Canada, the Republic of Ireland and the Republic of South Africa.

English is spoken as a second language in more than 60 countries. It is used by government, businesses and universities.

English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sports and pop music. 80% of all information in the world is in English. 75% of letters and faxes in the world are in English. 60% of all international telephone calls are in English. More than 60% of all scientific journals are in English.

Knowing English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Learning a language is not easy. This is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But it is necessary.

English is taught all over the world and many people speak it very well. In our country, English is very popular: it is studied in schools (sometimes even in kindergartens), colleges and universities.

Everyone will speak English very soon - I'm sure of it. We all need to understand each other. For this we need an international language, and that is English.

At all times, the main popular language was, is and will be English. It is the easiest to learn, since the basis for its understanding is grammar and vocabulary, which is why it is taught in many educational institutions in Russia as the main foreign language.

The role of English in the modern world is quite large, since it is the native language of almost 400 million people, and about 650 million people study it in educational institutions as an additional discipline.

Language, in itself, is a whole system of functions, a means of expressing thoughts and communicating with people. Any single whole has its own origins, including the history of origin and development. This is what is worth mentioning first.

The origin of the language began back in the distant 5th century, when three Germanic tribes, the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, entered the territory of Britain. Since they all spoke similar languages, Old English was subsequently formed. Over the course of several centuries, the land of Britain was repeatedly invaded by Norman invaders. They brought many French words into the English language. In the 14th century it was called Middle English. Beginning in the 16th century, a change in vowel sounds began. This process began to occur in connection with the improvement of Britain’s relations with different countries of the world. Due to this, many different words and phrases have entered the lexicon of the language. With the development of printing, English grammar began to be based on theoretical knowledge. It was in 1604 that the first English dictionary was published. The language further developed by borrowing words from other languages.

Nowadays, English has become the most important language compared to others. Since it is an international language, it is necessary to know it at least at the initial level. Today they begin to study English not only at school or university, but also in preschool institutions. It is important to understand that training in this discipline is carried out, first of all, for the development of a person, his personality, so that in the future he can use these skills within the framework of his profession.

In fact, many people do not understand how necessary a foreign language is in the 21st century. Nowadays, it is no secret that languages ​​play a major role when applying for a job. Most professions and positions are prestigious and highly paid, but this only happens in conjunction with knowledge of an additional language, mainly English. Now all large firms and enterprises cooperate not only with Russian partners, but also with foreign ones. Therefore, in order for your deal to be successful in advance, you need to learn to speak the language, even if not perfectly, but even the initial level is not enough here. It is worth constantly working on yourself and developing not only communicative qualities, but also linguistic ones.

Another reason to learn English is the desire to travel the world. Today, in the main foreign resort areas, of course, there are Russian-speaking workers, but if we are talking about free, unplanned travel abroad, then in this case it is still worth learning a foreign language. Knowledge of English makes life much easier for a Russian tourist. Different situations can happen in life: someone is sick, lost, or simply asks for help - in all these cases, without knowing the language, a person will simply disappear. Of course, in the world of high technology, people can use their smartphone and use a voice translator to explain what they need. But our gadgets do not last forever, and they tend to run out of charge. This is precisely where our knowledge of English will come in handy.

It is impossible not to say that you can learn a language just for yourself for the purpose of self-development and self-improvement. We live, first of all, for ourselves, which means we decide for ourselves how it will be better for us. It will be much more pleasant for any person to talk about something with a foreigner himself than to do it through an interpreter. After all, this will be a tremendous experience in learning a foreign language.

In the world of high technology, one cannot help but notice the trend of development and creation of various inventions and programs. Most of them are based on foreign software and settings. Be it a laptop, tablet, phone, printer or any program - they are all initially a foreign product, even having a foreign manual for use, mostly English. Therefore, every person who wants to be fluent in technology should know English.

The main category of the population that speaks English, albeit not perfectly, is young people. As a rule, this process occurs during playing computer games. Teenagers spend a lot of time on the computer, and since all the popular games are global hits, the manual is also in English. Consequently, children subconsciously learn a foreign language without knowing it. Another way to learn a language is through films and music. Currently, the main product of consumption among young people is foreign films. They are very popular not only among European countries, but also in Russia. Most of them are produced in English format. The desire to listen and see something new motivates young people to learn the language in order to understand what is being said.

Topic (essay) in English on the topic “English in life”

Why is it so important to learn foreign languages?

I think, nowadays it is very important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages, because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third it`s just a hobby. People want to know languages, to write to their pen-friends or to communicate with people from different countries, to meet more people and make new friends. Also, they want to read books of famous writers in original, to read newspapers and magazines. It helps them to know more about different events, people`s life, customs and traditions.

Nowadays, English has become an international language. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. As for me, I learn English from 7 years age. This language helps me very much, to speak free with people from all over the world, make new friends and participate in international contests.

I like one proverb of Johann Goethe: "He who does not know foreign languages ​​does not know anything about his own." I speak Ukrainian, Russian, English, a little Italian and Spanish. And I`m very proud of it, because languages-it`s my second life. Also, I would like to learn Germany, French and Serbian, but this year I dedicate myself to learning Italian. You know, dream from my childhood - to be an an interpreter and I`m sure, I get it.

Personally, I think that to know foreign languages ​​today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist. So let`s to learn foreign languages ​​and discover with them many interesting things in our life!


I think in our time, it is very important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages ​​because they need them for work, others to travel abroad, and for others it is just a hobby. People want to know languages, write pen pals or communicate with people from different countries, meet more new people and make friends. In addition, they want to read books by famous writers in the original, read newspapers and magazines. This helps them learn more about different events, people's lives, customs and traditions.

Learning foreign languages ​​broadens our horizons, people become more educated. In my opinion, languages ​​are especially important for those who work in various fields of science, technology, and politics. A foreign language helps you learn your native language better. People who know many languages ​​are polyglots. We know some names of polyglots: German professor Schlimmann, famous writer Shakespeare, philosopher Socrates and many others.

Nowadays, English has become an international language. About 300 million people speak it as their mother tongue. As for me, I have been learning English since I was 7 years old. This language helps me a lot, speak fluently with people from all over the world, make new friends and take part in international competitions.

I like one proverb by Johann Goethe: “He who does not know foreign languages ​​knows nothing about his native language.” I speak Ukrainian, Russian, English, a little Italian and Spanish. And I am very proud of this, because languages ​​are my second life. Also, I would like to learn German, French and Serbian, but this year I am devoting myself to learning Italian. You know, my childhood dream was to be a translator and I’m sure I will.

Personally, I think that knowing foreign languages ​​today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Therefore, let's learn foreign languages ​​and discover many interesting things in our lives with them!

Kuznetsova Milena