English grammar collection of exercises download pdf. We consolidate theory in practice according to Golitsyn

English Grammar Collection of exercises- The collection contains exercises on all sections of English grammar. The exercises are based on simple vocabulary. They contain enough material to memorize basic grammatical forms and develop skills in their use. The collection is supplemented with theoretical material and a dictionary. Designed for students in grades 5-9 of basic schools and schools with in-depth study of the English language. Collection of exercises on English grammar Yu.B. Golitsynsky is widely used in the educational process of educational institutions in Russia and the CIS countries. The uniqueness of the methodology used in the manual lies in the possibility of thoroughly practicing and consolidating the material on basic grammatical topics.

Workbooks for the collection of exercises English Grammar- They contain tasks and exercises for students’ independent work, facilitating the assimilation, activation and systematization of lexical and grammatical material. Exercise tasks come in a variety of formats. In the notebooks, exercises are numbered twice. The second number of each exercise allows you to check the correctness of its execution.

Spoken English Speaking Guide for Schoolchildren- For secondary classes of gymnasiums and schools with in-depth study of the English language. All material contained in the manual is divided into several general topics: family, education, theater, travel, etc. Each topic is accompanied by a large number of tasks and exercises aimed at developing and consolidating the skills of writing a story using direct and indirect speech, the ability to ask questions, answer them, and maintain a dialogue. Each section is supplemented by a large number of established phrases, proverbs, and sayings used in colloquial speech. The manual will be interesting and useful to all English language learners.

Self-instruction manual of the English language No. 1 Method of substitution tables- Substitution tables were used in his teaching practice by the famous methodologist and author of textbooks Yu.B. Golitsynsky. Thanks to this method, the student consistently masters the English language by studying the structure and methods of constructing sentences. By building phrases based on set expressions, the student brings English speech skills to automaticity. The substitution table method was used by Yu.B. Golitsynsky for decades and has proven its high effectiveness in learning English.

Great Britain A manual on regional studies- This book is a manual on regional studies, which introduces students to the main attractions, history and biographies of famous British citizens. The book is intended for high school students of gymnasiums and schools with in-depth study of the English language, for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

You have mastered the English language at an elementary level, read Natalya Bonk's textbook and other manuals, listened to audiobooks and watched video courses. What to do next and in what direction to move when your head is a “porridge” of verbs, conjugations and moods?

It seems like you already know a lot, but for some reason it’s difficult to remember and apply everything you’ve learned in life. And it’s difficult to write, and the dialogues are tongue-tied, and you understand spoken language only when Estonians speak English, and a little faster and you’re already helpless.

Don't worry! The thing is that you still have little practice, you still need to work hard and practice the theory properly, strengthening it with exercises using such a wonderful book as “Grammar. Collection of exercises” by Yuri Golitsynsky.

Golitsynsky’s textbook “Collection of English Grammar Exercises” is perfect for doing the exercises many times and bringing your knowledge to automatism. The rule is remembered at the subconscious level: you don’t even need to remember it every time, the hand writes itself, and the tongue speaks. This is akin to the behavior of an experienced driver: when starting from a stop or changing speed, he automatically presses the clutch and gas pedals, without remembering his driving school lessons.

We are saying:

  • many books (many books), not many books
  • much joy (a lot of joy), not many joy
  • the lesson began (the lesson began), not the lesson began
  • I stopped refueling (I stopped to refuel), not I stopped to refuel
  • no smoking (not smoking), not no to smoke

There is only one conclusion: in order to speak freely and without thinking, you need to constantly practice, as in driving a car, and in our case this means not letting go of the collection of grammar exercises from your hands.

Golitsynsky will help you master one of the most confusing topics in English grammar: gerunds.

Memorizing verbs followed by a gerund and followed by an infinitive, as well as memorizing a table of irregular verbs in its pure form, is a useless exercise. Only practice, and constant practice, will help you intuitively correctly apply one or another verb form. The same can be said regarding the use of definite “the” and indefinite “a” articles.

Latest edition of Golitsynsky's grammar

Yuri Golitsynsky worked on the book for a long time - almost 25 years. Currently, the seventh edition of the textbook “Grammar. Collection of exercises." The exercises are lexically simple, and this is important: a complex topic of grammar is easier to master with simple examples.

The topics of the exercises are wide, here is just a short list:

  • articles, pronouns, prepositions
  • noun
  • adjective (with degrees of comparison)
  • times and their agreements
  • modal verbs
  • subject, object
  • passive voice
  • subjunctive mood
  • imfinite forms of the verb
  • indirect speech

After completing the exercises, you can always check yourself by looking at the answers using the key (they are published in a separate book). This makes it possible not to depend on the teacher and work completely independently.

The seventh edition of the textbook has been supplemented with new interesting topics:

  1. Olympic Games of recent years and upcoming ones
  2. Economic crisis
  3. Sino-Indian miracle
  4. Global warming.

The book contains texts about President Barack Obama and Prime Minister James Gordon Brown.

The additions that Golitsynsky continuously makes give his textbook modernity. Having gone through all the lexical material, you will be able to freely talk about all the burning topics of society, politics, culture, science and sports. Therefore, it is suitable for both schoolchildren and adults who have decided to learn English, and especially for those who want to expand the boundaries of their personal world: travelers and emigrants, simply curious people who read in the original language.

Ease of search and self-control

What else is the charm of this thing and how Golitsynsky differs from other authors of collections of English grammars published before him.

A clear advantage is that in his book you can easily find any topic with exercises on it and answers to them. The content is systematized; there is no need to study the entire textbook from the very beginning in order to get to the place of interest.

Do you want to deal with tenses? Here you go, basically they are all: choose exercises to compare the features of each time, do them with self-control. Don’t know how to construct phrases like “if only” and “would like”? So this is where you come - to the section on conditional sentences and subjunctive moods. Everything is very simple and clear. At the end of the grammar there is a dictionary with words used in the exercises.

Golitsynsky’s textbook can be purchased from an online bookstore or downloaded from electronic libraries. I advise you to start learning the language using any available grammar for beginners (for example, the Bonk textbook, video and audio courses), and after completing each stage of training, consolidate your knowledge using the Golitsynsky method.

GDZ in English for grades 5-9 Golitsinsky is a workbook that includes a set of ready-made exercises from the textbook of the same name, compiled by an authoritative scientist-methodologist of the Russian Federation - Golitsinsky Yu.B.

English language guide Galitsinsky - independent study of grammar

There are cases when parents have an insufficient level of English proficiency, and the student did not understand in class how to use this or that rule.

There is a solution - a workbook in English for grades 5-9 Golitsinsky. The collection of ready-made homework assignments will be useful for parents who want to monitor the progress of their children, as well as for students who want to independently understand the practice of using English grammar.

Our website is equipped with a convenient intelligent search function: just enter the task number or part of the condition for it into the search bar - and the system will display a list from which you can select the appropriate option.

The advantages of using our site are obvious:

  1. Intelligent search helps to effectively save time;
  2. The versatility of the resource lies in the possibility of using it from any electronic gadget - PC, laptop, tablet;
  3. Availability of current versions of solution books corresponding to textbooks. Used in secondary schools.

Textbook 7th edition 2011 Golitsinsky Yu.B. - GDZ and English grammar for schoolchildren

In Russian secondary schools, when studying grammar in grades 5-9, they use the textbook by Yu.B. Golitsinsky. The workbook provided on the site is compiled from its 4th edition, released in 2003.

The book also includes a workshop with explanations that are aimed at strengthening students' language skills. The book includes sections such as:

  • Characteristics of articles and their use;
  • Basic properties of parts of speech and their placement in a sentence;
  • Verb and its tenses in active and passive voice.

The textbook will be useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for people learning English on their own.

If the exercise is performed according to the book by Golitsinsky Yu.B. earlier or later edition, you can use smart search.

Our site will help students achieve success in the practical mastery of English grammar and help them prepare for the final assessment.

Click the button above “Buy a paper book” You can buy this book with delivery throughout Russia and similar books at the best price in paper form on the websites of the official online stores Labyrinth, Ozon, Bukvoed, Read-Gorod, Litres, My-shop, Book24, Books.ru.

By clicking the “Buy and download e-book” button, you can buy this book in electronic form in the official liters online store, and then download it on the liters website.

By clicking the “Find similar materials on other sites” button, you can search for similar materials on other sites.

On the buttons above you can buy the book in official online stores Labirint, Ozon and others. Also you can search related and similar materials on other sites.

A collection of exercises on all sections of English grammar. The exercises are based on simple vocabulary. They contain enough material to memorize basic grammatical forms and develop skills in their use. Supplemented with theoretical material and dictionary.
Designed for students in grades V-IX of basic schools and schools with in-depth study of the English language.

Translate into English using the prepositions on, in, at, to, into.
1. In summer they always go south. 2. My dad works at a car factory, and my mother works at the library. My older brother studies at our university, and I study at school. In the morning, dad goes to the car factory, mom goes to the library, my brother goes to the university, and I go to school. Our grandmother usually goes to the store in the morning. She buys bread and milk at the store. 3. My friend lives in the north. 4. We spent the summer in the south. 5. It was very hot in the city, and we decided to go out of town. After breakfast we went to the station. There were many people at the station. People stood on the platform and waited for the train. It was wonderful outside the city. First we went to the forest. It was hot, but when we entered the forest it became cool. Then we came to the river. We swam in the river, and grandmother sat by the river on the grass. In the evening we went to the city. 6. Vladivostok is located in the Far East. 7. Yesterday we were at the theater. 8. The day before yesterday we were in the park. 9. Tomorrow we will go to the cinema or to the museum. 10. Where is your brother? - He is in the room, standing by the window. 11. Where is your sister? - She is at school. 12. Where is the child? - He's in bed. Mom put him to bed half an hour ago. 13. Where is your dad? - Oh, at work. 14. Where is your grandfather? - He is at home. 15. Where is Kolya? - He's at the stadium.

  • Self-instruction manual of the English language number one, Method of substitution tables, Golitsynsky Yu.B., Karasev A.A., 2016 - The proposed textbook is a self-instruction manual of the English language for beginners. The main purpose of the book is to help the student master English speaking skills. For … Books on English
  • English language, Grammar, Keys to exercises, Golitsynsky Yu.B., Golitsynskaya N.A., 2011 GDZ in English
  • English language, Grammar, Collection of exercises, Golitsynsky Yu.B., 2011
  • English language. Grammar. Keys to the exercises. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Golitsynskaya N.A. 2010 - Collection of exercises on English grammar Yu.B. Golitsynsky is a book from which all Russian (and not only Russian) schoolchildren study. ... GDZ in English

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  • Phonetic course of the English language, Collection of phonetic exercises and exercises on reading rules, Titova L.V., 2014 - Practical phonetic course from letters and letter combinations to sounds is suitable for any textbooks from domestic and foreign publishers, both ... Books on English
- The book presents Olympiad test tasks with answers in English for students in grades 7-11. The authors offer comprehensive material aimed at... Books on English
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