Alexander Blok and Lyubov Mendeleeva: a strange family union in which the third was not out of place. TO

Presentation on the topic "Dmitry Mendeleev and Alexander Blok - a servant of science and a poet" on literature in powerpoint format. The presentation for schoolchildren tells how two names - a great scientist - encyclopedist and one of the greatest poets - turned out to be closely connected in the history of Russia. Presentation author: Dmitry Nazarov, 10th grade student.

Fragments from the presentation

Two names - a great scientist - encyclopedist and one of the greatest poets - turned out to be closely connected in the history of Russia

Two names in the history of Russia

  • Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev had six children.
  • Two are from the first marriage - Vladimir and Olga, four are from the second - Lyubov, Ivan, twins Vasily and Maria.
  • “No matter how immersed I was in my varied activities, I always found time for the children. They constituted my main wealth” D.I. Mendeleev

January 2, 1865 at D.I. and F.N. Mendeleev's son Vladimir was born

  • Vladimir graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps and from 1884 served as an officer in the navy.
  • “My clever, good-natured first-born son, on whom I expected to entrust part of my covenants, died. knew deep thoughts unknown to those around him for the benefit of his homeland, with which he was imbued"
  • Ivan was a prominent figure among the children of Dmitry Ivanovich. He received a good physics and mathematics education. He actively helped his father in the last years of the scientist’s life.
  • Of all six of Mendeleev’s children, only Lyuba had a certain artistic streak, an undoubted acting talent. She played in the troupe of V.E. Meyerhold at the V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. She was interested in ballet and gave acting lessons to famous ballerinas Kirillova, Dudinskaya and others.

Two names - a servant of science and a poet - turned out to be closely connected in the history of Russia.

They were destined to become related: Mendeleev’s daughter Lyubov married Alexander Blok in 1903.

The estates of Mendeleev - Boblovo - and Beketov's botany - Shakhmatovo - were located nearby.

In Boblovo and Shakhmatovo (see photo), poems were sung, musical works were performed, and a home theater was organized.

After graduating from high school, Blok came to Boblovo riding his stately white horse

When Blok saw her, he said to himself: she is the only one whom he would later call in his poems the Beautiful Lady, the Lady of the Universe, the Majestic Eternal Wife. He considered poetry a prayer, and her a goddess.

The poet saw in Dmitry Ivanovich the embodiment of the genius of Russia

  • The periodic table of elements marked for the poet the triumph of space over chaos, the scientific comprehension of the harmony and music of nature
  • Ideas D.I. Mendeleev and A.N. Beketov’s development of science and productive forces in Russia was reflected in a number of Blok’s poems.

We must remember the names of those who brought glory to our Motherland

  • These were too different people.
  • Different in attitude and understanding of the world.
  • But, undoubtedly, the personality and scientific works of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev influenced Alexander Blok.
  • Each of them dreamed of a free, economically independent Russia, only each of them saw their own ways of realizing this dream.

Both geniuses, the scientist Mendeleev and the poet Blok, are still needed and serve Russia

The “Block” presentation is an excellent material for school activities. The report is structured depending on the key moments of the poet's life and work, rich in images and famous poems. Blok’s lyrics are a treasure of the country, of which every inhabitant is proud, and in order to attract the attention of schoolchildren, it is necessary to construct a lesson in accordance with modern technologies.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok was proud of Russia and praised it regardless of what was going on around him. A presentation about Blok's biography offers visual support for a lesson about the great poet of the twentieth century. His style still enchants with its melody and penetration. In order to fully capture the attention of students, especially those who perceive visually new information, it is recommended to resort to presentations during the learning process. Blok's life and work are presented in a convenient way, with an emphasis on biography and poetry. This will help diversify literature lessons and fully cover the curriculum.

You can view the slides on the website or download a presentation on the “Block” topic in PowerPoint format from the link below.

Blok's biography
Childhood and family
Writer's parents
Divorce of parents

Children's debut
First love
Block in the theater

Meeting with Mendeleev's daughter
Return to St. Petersburg
An offer of marriage

Literary debut
Beginning of the century
Conscription into the army


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Dmitry Mendeleev and Alexander Blok - servant of science and poet

Work of a student of grade 10a of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 19 Dmitry Nazarov

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Two names - a great scientist - encyclopedist and one of the greatest poets - turned out to be closely connected in the history of Russia

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Two names in the history of Russia

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev had six children. Two are from the first marriage - Vladimir and Olga, four are from the second - Lyubov, Ivan, twins Vasily and Maria. “No matter how immersed I was in my varied activities, I always found time for the children. They constituted my main wealth” D.I. Mendeleev

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Vladimir graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps and from 1884 served as an officer in the navy. “My clever, good-natured first-born son, on whom I expected to entrust part of my covenants, died. knew deep thoughts unknown to those around him for the benefit of his homeland, with which he was imbued"

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Ivan was a prominent figure among the children of Dmitry Ivanovich. He received a good physics and mathematics education. He actively helped his father in the last years of the scientist’s life. Of all six of Mendeleev’s children, only Lyuba had a certain artistic streak, an undoubted acting talent. She played in the troupe of V.E. Meyerhold at the V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. She was interested in ballet and gave acting lessons to famous ballerinas Kirillova, Dudinskaya and others.

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Two names - a servant of science and a poet - turned out to be closely connected in the history of Russia.

They were destined to become related: Mendeleev’s daughter Lyubov married Alexander Blok in 1903.

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The estates of Mendeleev - Boblovo - and Beketov's botany - Shakhmatovo - were located nearby.

In Boblovo and Shakhmatovo (see photo), poems were sung, musical works were performed, and a home theater was organized.

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After graduating from high school, Blok came to Boblovo riding his stately white horse.

When Blok saw her, he said to himself: she is the only one whom he would later call in his poems the Beautiful Lady, the Lady of the Universe, the Majestic Eternal Wife. He considered poetry a prayer, and her a goddess.

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The poet saw in Dmitry Ivanovich the embodiment of the genius of Russia.

The periodic table of elements marked for the poet the triumph of space over chaos, the scientific comprehension of the harmony and music of nature

Ideas D.I. Mendeleev and A.N. Beketov’s development of science and productive forces in Russia was reflected in a number of Blok’s poems.

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We must remember the names of those who brought glory to our Motherland.

These were too different people. Different in attitude and understanding of the world. But, undoubtedly, the personality and scientific works of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev influenced Alexander Blok. Each of them dreamed of a free, economically independent Russia, only each of them saw their own ways of realizing this dream.

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Both geniuses, the scientist Mendeleev and the poet Blok, are still needed and serve Russia

comprehensive school

Voronaev Ivan


chemistry teacher Oblivanova

February 8, 1834 – February 2

Author of fundamental research in chemistry, chemical technology, physics, metrology, aeronautics, meteorology, agriculture, economics, etc. He was always passionate about various ideas and projects and persistently implemented them, could work in several directions simultaneously, was on time everywhere, quickly , sometimes in an almost incredibly short time he created large monographs or solved important scientific and scientific-technical problems. It seems that there is no area in human experience in which the great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev has not left a mark.

Not science

Born in Tobolsk. He was the last, seventeenth child in the family of the director of the Tobolsk gymnasium, Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev and his wife Maria Dmitrievna. At the time of his birth, only two brothers and five sisters remained alive in the Mendeleev family. Eight children died in infancy, and for three of them their parents did not even have time to

Confused questions.

A reporter from a St. Petersburg newspaper asked:

Why does Dmitry Ivanovich have the last name Mendeleev, although his grandfather was called Sokolov?

Dmitry Ivanovich's father, Ivan Pavlovich, was born in 1783 into the family of the priest Pavel Maksimovich Sokolov.

His four sons, as was then customary among clergy, were given

different surnames.

Dmitry Ivanovich's father received

Full namesake.

Mendeleev had a nephew, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1851-1911), the son of Mendeleev’s brother Ivan Ivanovich. The nephew graduated from Kazan University, served as a railway doctor in many places in Russia, often met with his famous uncle, and once traveled along the Volga with him. Since the uncle and nephew were full namesakes, they were often confused.

Master of suitcases. Mendeleev loved to bind books, glue frames for portraits, and make suitcases. He usually made purchases for these works at Gostiny Dvor. One day, while choosing the right product, he heard one of the customers ask behind him:

Who is this honorable gentleman? “You need to know such people,” the clerk answered with respect in his voice.

This is a suitcase master

Mendeleev and Blok.

Dmitry Ivanovich and Anna Ivanovna had four children. Daughter Lyubov Dmitrievna graduated from the Higher Women's Courses in St. Petersburg, in 1903 she married the poet Alexander Blok and in the 1907-1908 season. She played in the troupe of Vs. Meyerhold and in the theater of V. Komissarzhevskaya. Subsequently, Blok dedicated “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” to Lyuba.

Hot Air Balloon Flight

Once he decided to fly in a hot air balloon, and even during a solar eclipse. This is how G. Chernechenko describes this case in issue 8 of one of the newspapers dated August 19, 1999 (the article is called: “Mendeleev in a Balloon”):

In the small picturesque estate of D.I. Mendeleev Boblovo, they were preparing to observe the eclipse of the sun in “home” conditions. And suddenly, when a little more than a week remained before the eclipse, a telegram arrived from St. Petersburg to Boblovo. In it, the Russian Technical Society announced that a balloon was being equipped in Tver to observe the eclipse and that the council considered it its duty to declare this so that Mendeleev, if desired, “could personally take advantage of the rise of the balloon for scientific observations.”

It was getting light. It was cloudy and drizzling. In the vacant lot between the railway line and the station, a ball was swaying, surrounded by a fence of poles. Nearby stood a gas production plant manned by soldiers in acid-stained shirts. "We were waiting for Professor Mendeleev.

At 6:25 a.m. applause rang out, and a tall, slightly stooped man with graying hair hanging over his shoulders and a long beard came out of the crowd to the ball. It was a professor,” Vladimir Gilyarovsky told readers of Russkiye Vedomosti.

PRESENTATION on literature On the topic: “Women in the life and work of A.A. Blok” Developed by students of grade 11 a “B”: Mazova Anna Rekun Maria Solonchenko Ekaterina


BRIEF CHRONICLE OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY November 16 (28), 1880 - born in St. Petersburg into the family of a professor. 1890-1906 - graduated from the Vvedensky gymnasium. He studied law, then at the philological faculty of St. Petersburg University. 1903, August 17 - wedding of Blok and L.D. Mendeleeva. 1902-1908 - cycles of poems "Crossroads", "Poems about a Beautiful Lady", "Showroom", "Rus", "Unexpected Joy", "Snow Mask", "On the Kulikovo Field". 1910-1921 - "In the Restaurant", "Scythians", cycles "Collected Poems", "Carmen", "Poems about Russia", "Iambics", "Beyond Past Days", unfinished poem "Retribution", poems "The Twelve", articles "Intellectuals and Revolution", " The Collapse of Humanism", "Art and Revolution" 1921, March 15 - last poem - "As always, feelings were mixed..." 1921, April - the first symptoms of a dying illness 1921, August 7 - died in Petrograd.

grandmother - Beketova Elizaveta Grigorievna grandfather - Beketov Andrey Nikolaevich

mother - Beketova Alexandra Andreevna

the poet's first love - Ksenia Sadovskaya

actress - Komissarzhevskaya Vera Fedorovna

actress - Natalya Volokhova

singer - Lyubov Delmas

wife - Mendeleeva Lyubov Dmitrievna

I dare to talk about the difficulties and complexities that confronted my fundamental ignorance in the affairs of life, in the affairs of love. Even a strong and self-confident woman in the prime of beauty and knowledge later defeated them with difficulty. I found myself completely unprepared and unarmed. Hence the false foundation that formed the foundation of our entire life together with Blok, hence the hopelessness of so many conflicts, the broken line of my entire life... ...My life with my “husband” (!) in the spring of 1906 was already completely shaken. The short flash of his sensual infatuation with me in the winter and summer before the wedding soon, in the first two months, went out, not having time to snatch me out of my girlish ignorance, since instinctive self-defense was taken seriously by Sasha... I idiotically understood nothing about love affairs. Moreover, I could not understand the complex and not entirely simple love psychology of such an unusual husband as Sasha...