Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Latest reviews Academy of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

The Academy of the State Fire Service plays the role of one of the most worthy universities in the country. The institute produces many specialists in the field of fire safety, protection of territories and the population from various external threats.

History of formation

The Institute of Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia began its activities in the thirties of the 19th century in the city of Leningrad. Due to the lack of specialists, fire technical schools were also opened in Moscow and the Urals, a faculty in which fire engineers were trained. In 1933, on September 1, a fire department was created. This day is considered the birthday of the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. In the 60s, the faculty was transformed into the Higher Engineering Fire and Technical School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the period from 1996 to 1999, the Higher School began to be called the Moscow Institute of Fire Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which later received a different name - the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The last name change was made in 2002. It has survived to this day.

The Academy includes 24 departments where students are trained according to a two-level system (bachelor, master). Since 2009, it has become possible for civilians to get an education at a prestigious university. Since 2010, training in postgraduate and doctoral programs began. The Academy also provides an opportunity to conduct professional retraining and improve skills.

Institute in Academy): faculties

On the basis of the Academy of the State Fire Service, the Institute was formed in 2006. It trained individuals in certain positions in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as specialists who were interested in acquiring knowledge in these areas. In 2013, it was renamed the Development Institute. Part-time and distance learning for engineering personnel is also conducted by the institute in Moscow (Ministry of Emergency Situations). This type of knowledge presentation makes it possible to deepen knowledge in one’s field of activity without leaving work.

In 1993, the Fire Safety Faculty was opened at the Academy. Today its cadets are not only boys, but also girls. The Faculty of Technosphere Security is also interesting. It studies the impacts of transportation and different technologies at different levels. On the basis of higher education, a faculty was created that trained future management personnel, as well as a faculty where cadets from other countries studied. To train scientists, or rather, scientific and pedagogical specialists, a training faculty was opened. It includes an adjunct.

The scientific organization has six educational buildings:

  1. Information technologies and automated systems.
  2. Carrying out observational activities.
  3. Civil protection.
  4. Department for the study and implementation of environmental safety and combustion processes.
  5. A department that studies emergency rescue and firefighting equipment.
  6. Fire fighting.

There is also a center where people learn how to avoid fire safety problems in construction. The Academy contains training fire departments, as well as technical centers, a stadium and the Nagornoye suburban building.

Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the city of Ivanovo: history

In 1966, the Ivanovo Fire-Technical School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs began operating in the city. The educational organization expanded every year, and courses were gradually introduced that helped deepen the knowledge of students. Thus, in 1988, a course on working with foreign fire officers was created. He was visited by listeners from Laos, Mongolia, Guinea, Afghanistan and so on. By the end of the 90s, the institution opened not only full-time, but also correspondence courses.

In 1999, the school retrained into the Ivanovo branch of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. And since 2004, the branch received the name “Ivanovo Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.” Over the years of its existence, the university has graduated more than 18 thousand professionals working in different countries of Africa, Asia, and the CIS. The Ivanovo Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations trained cadets who took part in the safe conduct of the 1980 Olympics, maintained order during conflicts in the Caucasus and during the anniversary celebration of the Victory in Moscow, and also extinguished complex peat and forest fires in nearby areas, and so on.

University in the city of Ivanovo today

Today it is an extensive educational and scientific university, where about two thousand students study. The university contains two dormitories, 23 laboratories, a training complex for training rescuers and firefighters, a wrestling and sports hall, a stadium, a sports town, a training ground with six sites, a club, a library, canteens and even a bathhouse. Thus, theoretical and practical knowledge are closely intertwined and complement each other.

You can study at the following faculties:

  1. Fire safety.
  2. Technosphere safety.
  3. Paid services department.
  4. Faculty of correspondence education.
  5. Advanced training and retraining of specialists.

Training of cadets in the Urals

The Ural Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is located in the city of Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region. In the distant 20s of the last century, fire-technical courses began their activities, which were later retrained into the Ural Regional Fire-Technical School of Middle Management of the City Fire Department. After a series of huge transformations in 2004, the educational organization was given a new name - “Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.”

Educational activities of the institute today

Employees and cadets constantly participate in extinguishing fires in nearby areas, many of them are awarded medals and orders for their courage. In 2011, the university received accreditation to carry out activities to study protection items, prepare conclusions on the conditions for compliance of an object with fire safety, review the risk of fires, and so on.

The Institute trains specialists on the basis of both higher and secondary education. It includes the following faculties: fire and technosphere safety, correspondence education, paid services, advanced training. The university also provides services in the following areas:

  1. Conducting examinations of technical solutions so that further construction proceeds in accordance with the fire safety plan.
  2. Interpretation of the requirements of rules and regulations, as well as their application in practice in the field of fire safety.
  3. Verification of compliance of construction design work with fire safety standards.
  4. Carrying out fire risk calculations and checking them.
  5. Regulation and construction of Fire Safety Declarations and others.

Training in the Moscow region

To increase the flow of those wishing to obtain a decent specialty, universities are opening branches in different regions of the country. The Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow is no exception. Khimki is the city that was the first in the Moscow region to open a branch of the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Education at the university is carried out at six faculties: command engineering, management, engineering, humanities, correspondence education, training of foreign specialists. The leadership faculty was created specifically to prepare officers for command positions. Training is conducted on a budget basis, full-time. They accept documents from officers who have graduated from a university and served in military positions for at least five years.

Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Voronezh

Russia, thanks to a license received from the Federal Service, provides training using programs for secondary and higher education. Specialists who graduate from college receive the qualification “technician”, and those who graduate from a university receive the qualification “engineer” or “bachelor”. The Institute conducts courses for applicants, advanced training, and retraining in the field. It consists of three faculties, a training ground, and 15 departments.

Admission to full-time studies is based on the results of the Unified State Exam or the results of exams conducted by the university itself. The last option is suitable for foreign citizens and people with secondary education. Both military personnel and civilians are accepted for the correspondence form.

Procedure for selecting candidates

To enter the institute in Moscow (EMERCOM), you need to bring a number of documents:

  1. Passport or military ID.
  2. Certificate.
  3. Certificate of Unified State Examination results.
  4. Six photographs.
  5. Medical certificate.
  6. Questionnaire.

All Moscow EMERCOM institutes conduct internal exams for foreign applicants. With passing scores obtained based on the exam results, the applicant is not yet considered enrolled. There is still a competitive selection ahead. Some categories of applicants with general secondary education can choose the method of admission - taking into account the school's Unified State Exam or based on the results of exams at the institute. This applies to foreigners, disabled children, persons who received a certificate before 2009, schoolchildren who received secondary education in special educational closed institutions. To admit applicants to the exams, it is necessary to undergo a professional psychological examination at the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Admission tests are carried out both written and oral.

Training organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

There is only one institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow - the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. But in other regions of the Russian Federation there are also institutions that produce specialists in this field. The addresses of institutes in Moscow and other cities are as follows:

  1. Academy of the State Fire Service. Moscow city, Boris Galushkin street, building 4.
  2. Ivanovo Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The university is located on Stroiteley Avenue, building 33.
  3. St. Petersburg University, which is located in the city of the same name on Moskovsky Avenue, building 149.
  4. Voronezh Institute. Voronezh city, Krasnoznamenaya street, house 231.
  5. The Ural Institute, which operates in the city of Yekaterinburg on Mira Street, house 22.

Cadets' stories

The Moscow Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia receives mostly positive reviews. Students note the high level of knowledge among teachers, a large number of practical trainings, maintenance of buildings and classrooms in proper condition, and also emphasize the comprehensive development of cadets. The advantage of studying at such universities is obtaining a military rank. Some students complain about strict adherence to the regime, increased requirements for exams, and the special role of physical training. Successful studies require good knowledge of physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

Therefore, before enrolling, you need to know exactly what awaits within the walls of the university and whether the student is ready for the requirements of the university. And if you are not ready yet, but have a great desire, then you need to prepare for school from school. To help future cadets, institutes organize preparatory courses, where teachers introduce applicants to the requirements for exams, solve trial versions of tasks and talk about the nuances of studying in different courses.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (AGPS EMERCOM of Russia) is the country's leading university in the field of fire safety and protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made threats , for carrying out research and educational activities.

general information

Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (hereinafter - Academy) conducts training for specialists with higher and postgraduate professional education and carries out research activities in the field of fire safety and protection from natural and man-made threats in the areas of training:
The Academy, which carries out scientific activities, has two dissertation councils with the right to award academic degrees of candidates and doctors of technical sciences. Currently, about 200 doctors and candidates of science work here. In addition, the university carries out licensing activities, certification of products (services), performs work and provides services in the field of fire safety under agreements (agreements, contracts) with legal entities and individuals of the Russian Federation and foreign countries. Being the base university of the Educational and Methodological Commission (EMC) in specialty 330400 “Fire Safety”, the Academy organizes the work of EMC in universities that implement educational programs in this specialty. Prof.-teaching staff and scientific. Academy employees participate in the development of fire protection means, technological installations and equipment, rules and regulatory requirements for fire safety, as well as assessment of the fire and explosion hazard properties of substances and materials.

Research work is carried out traditionally within the framework of scientific directions and schools, which include: *improving the problems of higher and secondary fire-technical education (Professor M. D. Bezborodko, Associate Professor M. V. Petukhova, Professor V. N. Lipsky, Professor V. I. Sluev and others);

Academy structure


  • Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training
  • Institute of Correspondence and Distance Learning
  • Development Institute


  • Faculty Higher Academy of Management
  • Faculty of Fire Safety
  • Faculty of Technosphere Security
  • Faculty of Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel
  • Faculty of Management Personnel
  • Special faculty for training foreign citizens
  • Faculty of Paid Educational Services

Scientific complexes

  • Educational and scientific complex for organizing the activities of the State Fire Supervision
  • Educational and scientific complex of automated systems and information technologies
  • Educational and scientific complex of fire safety problems in construction
  • educational and scientific complex of civil protection
  • educational and scientific complex of combustion processes and environmental safety
  • Scientific and educational complex of organizational and managerial problems of the State Fire Service


  • Department of Personnel and Legal Support for State Civil Service Activities
  • Department of Fire Tactics and Service
  • Department of Fire Engineering
  • Department of fire drill and gas and smoke protection training
  • Department of Fire Automation
  • Department of Fire Safety of Technological Processes
  • Department of Special Electrical Engineering of Automated Systems and Communications
  • Department of Engineering Thermophysics and Hydraulics
  • Department of Civil Protection
  • Department of Population and Territory Protection
  • Department of Physical Training and Sports
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Higher Mathematics
  • Department of Mechanics and Engineering Graphics
  • Department of General and Special Chemistry
  • Department of History and Economic Theory
  • Department of Philosophy
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Russian Language and Speech Culture


The history of the formation and formation of the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia as the basic scientific and educational institution of the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the Russian Federation began in the 30s of the last century in Leningrad. For the national economy of the RSFSR, already in the first five-year plan, 650 fire specialists of the highest and 3384 of intermediate qualification were required. In order to prepare them, it was planned to open the Moscow, Ural, Leningrad (correspondence) fire technical schools and the Faculty for the training of fire engineers in the 1930/1931 academic year. It was planned to open the faculty at the existing higher technical educational institution of Public Utilities and maintain it on the state budget, unlike other fire-technical educational institutions, which at that time were supported by State Insurance funds.

The training of teachers of special disciplines for the newly opened fire-technical educational institutions was organized in the graduate school of the Scientific Research Institute of Public Utilities (NIIKH).

In 1932, the first intake of graduate students from fire department workers took place. Fire technicians P.M. entered graduate school. Brown, S.W. Kalyaev and engineer V.A. Ellison. Later they became famous teachers, authors of textbooks for students of firefighting technical schools and schools. Since 1931, firefighting technical schools began to open.

The training of engineers and specialists with higher education for the country's fire department began in 1933 at the sanitary-technical faculty of the Leningrad Institute of Municipal Construction Engineers (LIICS).

On September 1, 1933, a fire department was created. This date is the Foundation Day of the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

V.S. Bektashev was appointed head of the fire department at LIICS.

In 1936, the Faculty of Fire Defense Engineers of the NKVD of the USSR 1933-1948 was created. P.V. Yakobson was appointed head of the department. In subsequent years, this position was performed by: P.D. Peslyak (1937–1938), N.P. Efremov (1938–1941), N.F. Shadrin (1941). At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, FIPO students defended besieged Leningrad. Already on September 24, 1941, the head of the FIPO Shadrin Nikolai Fedorovich read out to his subordinates the order of the Deputy People's Commissar of the NKVD of the USSR on the transfer of permanent and variable faculty members to the formation of the 20th Infantry Division of the NKVD and the Leningrad UPO. About a third of the faculty's personnel were lost in fierce battles.

On March 26, 1942, the faculty staff of 110 students and 24 command and teaching staff began to evacuate to the city of Essentuki. On April 18, the Fipovites arrived at their destination. Due to the German occupation of the city of Mineralnye Vody and the danger of the Nazis capturing Essentuki, classes were interrupted and the faculty left the city. Baku became the evacuation point. We arrived in Baku on August 16. At the request of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan SSR and in accordance with the telegraph order of the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, the faculty was transferred to the operational subordination of the UPO NKVD of the AzSSR from August 28. In accordance with the order of the All-Union Committee for Higher School Affairs under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated December 15, 1942 No. 305, FIPO resumed classes at the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute (AzII).

In total, from 1936 to 1948, FIPO made 10 issues. During this period, 286 students were trained and qualified as fire safety engineers, including 65 women. After completing their work in Baku, many teachers were transferred to Moscow to train fire defense specialists at the organized Higher Fire-Technical Courses (HPTK), the leaders of this period were L.M. Epshtein (1941–1943), G.G. Nikitin (1943–1948 ).

Higher fire-technical courses of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR 1948-1957 at different times it was headed by V. P. Verin (1948–1952), V. K. Brink (1952–1955), N. D. Ermilov (1955–1957).

Faculty of Fire Fighting and Safety Engineers of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs 1957-1973.

In 1957, on the basis of the VPTK in Moscow, at the Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the Faculty of Fire Protection and Safety Engineers was created. The faculty organized full-time and part-time training for students, retraining and advanced training for fire department command personnel. The number of variable composition was established: 200 people for full-time training and 250 for distance learning. The duration of training is 4 and 5 years, respectively. Graduates were awarded the qualification of fire and safety engineer. The training included senior staff of higher professional education, who graduated from fire-technical schools and had at least three years of practical work experience.

The heads of the faculty at different times were V.I. Rumyantsev (1954–1960), N.A. Tarasov-Agalakov (1960–1964), F.V. Obukhov (1964–1965), G.F. Kozhushko (1965–1969).

In 1969, Anatoly Nikolaevich Smurov was appointed head of the faculty. Under him the faculty developed into Higher Engineering Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (since 1991 of the Russian Federation) 1973-1996. Anatoly Nikolaevich headed the VIPTSH until 1983.

From 1983 to 1994, the VIPTSH was headed by Major General of the Internal Service Kudalenkin Vikenty Fomich - a representative of the new generation of fire department engineers, a student of FIPTS, a graduate of FIPTiB, a hereditary firefighter, Major General of the Internal Service, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. By the 90s. The system of training specialists for the fire department has reached a qualitatively new level.

In 1992, the school began training students at the faculty of training and advanced training of State Fire Service management personnel, which began to train highly qualified specialists to work in key leadership positions in the management level of the State Fire Service apparatus and divisions. Graduates of the faculty received a second higher education in the specialty “Management in Social and Economic Systems” with the qualification of a management organizer in the system of fire safety and emergency rescue operations.

In the same year, the VIPTS began training specialists on the basis of general secondary education with a five-year period of study from among those of military age.

Since 1993, VIPTSH also conducted training for groups of students who had already graduated from various fire-technical schools in the country and received the specialty of fire technicians: fire specialists had the opportunity to obtain higher engineering education.

From 1994 to 1996, the VIPTSH was headed by Major General of the Internal Service Viktor Afanasyevich Salyutin.

Moscow Institute of Fire Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RUSSIA 1996-1999. MIPB was headed by Major General of the Internal Service Evgeniy Efimovich Kiryukhantsev, one of the leading and most experienced specialists in the field of fire safety.

By decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, a concept was developed for the creation of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the basis of the MIPB, which was implemented in 1999 by a decree of the Government of Russia.

Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RUSSIA 1999-2002. From 2000 to 2005, the Academy was headed by Lieutenant General of the Internal Service Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Meshalkin.

In 2002, in connection with the transfer of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief - the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Academy was renamed Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

In March 2005, the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was headed by a colonel general of the internal service Teterin Ivan Mikhailovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the World Academy of Sciences for Integrated Security.

The GPS Academy is not only the largest educational, but also an authoritative scientific and methodological center. There are educational and research complexes here, and scientific events are held.

Scientists and specialists of the Academy annually prepare over 100 research papers and publish educational and methodological literature. These include modern textbooks, teaching aids, educational and reference materials, computer simulation programs, many of which have received the stamp of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Over the years of its activity, the Academy has trained many thousands of highly qualified specialists, who have always been distinguished by excellent scientific knowledge, professionalism, courage and courage as loyalty to the best traditions of the Academy and the fire service of Russia.
Over the entire period of the Academy’s existence (since 1933), more than 16 thousand graduates have been awarded state awards of the USSR and Russia.

Among the university graduates is Hero of the Soviet Union - Major General Telyatnikov Leonid Petrovich, awarded for courage, heroism and selfless actions shown during the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Major General of Internal Service Maksimchuk Vladimir Mikhailovich, posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for courage and heroism shown during a special task.

Colonel of the Internal Service Chernyshev Evgeniy Nikolaevich, who was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation for the courage and heroism shown in extinguishing a fire and saving people’s lives, was a student in the correspondence department of the Faculty of Management Personnel of the Academy.

Today, 24 departments are involved in the scientific and educational process of the Academy, where more than 200 doctors and candidates of science work; more than 60 specialists have the academic title of professor. Seven scientists of the Academy have the honorary title “Honored Worker of Science and the Russian Federation”, nineteen – “Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation”, there are also “Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation” and “Honored Worker of Physical Education and Sports of the Russian Federation”.

For the high level of training of scientific, pedagogical, engineering and technical personnel for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was twice awarded the Order of Friendship of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1983 (Higher Fire-Technical School) and 2008. In 1977, for its great contribution to the training of scientific, pedagogical, engineering and technical specialists, the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (Higher Fire-Technical School) was awarded the Order of Friendship of the Hungarian Republic.

The GPS Academy provides training in several educational programs, areas and specialties. Students receive higher professional education in the specialty “Fire Safety” and “State Municipal Administration”.

Since the 2009 academic year, civilians began to study integrated security sciences at the Academy on a contractual basis, once again emphasizing that resolving security issues is an activity widely in demand by society.

Since the 2010 academic year, training has also been carried out according to a two-level education system - bachelor's and master's degrees - in the specialty “Technosphere Safety”. In addition, the educational programs of the Academy include postgraduate studies in the specialties “Fire and Industrial Safety”, “Automation and Control of Technological Processes and Production”. Another program is doctoral studies based on higher professional education.

The Academy provides professional retraining and advanced training in basic professional educational programs. The Institute of Correspondence and Distance Learning and the Institute of Retraining and Advanced Studies successfully operate on the basis of the Academy. There are two representative offices - in Kazan, Stavropol and Rostov-on-Don.

First Deputy Head of the Academy

Major General of Internal Service
BASOV Vadim Anatolievich

Born June 14, 1969. Place of birth: Dzhambul city, Republic of Kazakhstan. He graduated from the Novocherkassk Higher Military Command School of Communications with a degree in command tactical communications forces, and the Military Academy of Communications.

After graduating from the academy, he served in senior positions in the troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In 2008, he was discharged from military service and enlisted in the reserves upon expiration of the contract for military service. In the same year, he was accepted into military service under a contract in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

He served in the Southern Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia as deputy head of the operational department, head of the crisis management center. Since 2010, First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Volgograd Region.

Awarded many departmental medals.

Appointed to the position of first deputy head of the Academy in February 2016.

Deputy Head of the Academy for Academic Affairs

Colonel of the Internal Service
BEDILO Maxim Vladimirovich

Born on September 7, 1974. Candidate of Military Sciences.

Higher education. In 1996 he graduated from the Kaliningrad Higher Engineering Order of Lenin Red Banner School of Engineering Troops. In 2003 he graduated from the Military Engineering University.

Appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Academy for Academic Affairs in 2012.

Deputy Head of the Academy for Scientific Work

Colonel of the Internal Service
ALESHKOV Mikhail Vladimirovich

Born March 20, 1962. Higher education. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1982 he graduated from the Ivanovo Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, in 1987 - the Higher Engineering and Technical School (HIPTSH) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, in 1990 - the Adjunct Course of the Higher Engineering and Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Awarded many medals. Appointed to the post of Deputy Head of the Academy for Scientific Work in August 2008.

Deputy Head of the Academy for Work with Personnel

Colonel of the Internal Service
KOROTKOV Sergey Nikolaevich

Born April 10, 1973. Higher education. Graduated from the Ivanovo branch of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Faculty of Management Personnel of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Awarded departmental awards. Since 2003, he served in various positions at the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. In 2010-2013 served as head of the special faculty for working with foreign citizens of the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Academy for Personnel in 2013, in 2015 appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Academy for Work with Personnel. .

Deputy Head of the Academy for Logistics and Technical Support

POKROVSKY Andrey Anatolievich

Born on August 20, 1959 in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. In 1980 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Higher Tank Command School named after the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. He served in active military service in command positions in the Carpathian Military District and the Far Eastern Military District. In 1994 he graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces. Reserve Colonel.

Awarded departmental awards.

Appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Academy in March 2015. .

Head of the Development Institute

Colonel of the Internal Service
NIKODIMOV Oleg Nikolaevich

Born on April 13, 1971 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In 1992 he graduated from the Kamenets-Podolsk Higher Engineering Command School. In 2001 Military Engineering Academy. Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor. State awards: Order of Courage - 1995, Order of Courage - 2000. Appointed to the post of head of the Development Institute in May 2015.

Banner emblem

The banner emblem of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia” (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated August 29, 2010 No. 408) is an image of a golden double-headed eagle with drooping wings and crowned with a crown. The eagle holds in its paws a figurative shield with a silver border covering its chest. The shield field is dark red. In the field of the shield are the main elements of the coat of arms of the city of Moscow - St. George the Victorious in silver armor and a blue cloak, on a silver horse, striking the black Serpent with a golden spear. The shield is superimposed on two diagonally crossed silver torches. Above the top of the shield is a silver fireman's helmet.
Knowledge for six years, correspondence: zero. Despite the fact that I went to classes and wrote. They treat you like in the army.

Will this continue to happen? I'm a third year student. Further we go, worse it becomes. Cadets are increasingly serving rather than studying. Management constantly makes illogical decisions that spoil everyone's lives and do not give positive results at all. Brains are replaced by drill training. Together we are falling into the abyss, comrades.

My husband, an officer, and I were not given a room; the State Post Service lied all the time. We wandered around the dorm for a whole year. As a result, I had to use my last money to move to the Moscow region. Now it will be September 1 and again the management is driving us out of the hostel, making promises.

From morning to evening, every day, the academy cadets: march, beat the tambourine, the orchestra thunders, shout to the whole street - “Hurray!”, “I wish you good health” to everyone, from the lieutenant to the supreme commander. Next is the anthem and the song “If only the native country lived,” but there are no other worries?!

Whoever wants it will receive knowledge. It is necessary to change the form of the set. They recruit a lot of "stupid" people. And, in principle, it’s not bad - it makes sense to study.

I’m a 3rd year student there, and to be honest, I wish I’d ​​gone there! Well, let's see who I turn out to be!

Graduated from the Academy. This year I entered its adjunct program. Since my graduation there have been big changes for the better. Graduates have a high level of knowledge, many of them work not in the State Fire Service, where they pay little money, but in various commercial structures related to fire safety, design, insurance, etc. Having a head on their shoulders and the goal of becoming successful, as well as education received at the Academy - you can be considered accomplished.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu. from 10:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews Academy of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Anonymous review 14:10 10/09/2015

A terrible institute, in particular the distance education department. They only collect money for studying. It is impossible to obtain knowledge there. The tests were not compiled correctly, there are a lot of errors, and even the most basic ones. Yes, it’s not surprising that in Russia they made a business out of education. The main thing is to fill your pockets... and the grass won’t grow there... Moreover, the management of this office (it’s impossible to call it any other way)... we won’t name names... are boors of the highest degree. Hiding behind his academic degree (probably...

Oleg Tkochenko 14:53 05/11/2013

In 2010, I graduated from the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the fire safety department which is located in Moscow. It was quite difficult to enter this university, given my not at all bad physical preparation, I thought that I would not get in. I entered without any cronyism, on a budget, during my entire education, I did not pay, and I passed everything myself for more than one subject. Of course, the requirements are very high, but the knowledge given there is very good. Faculty...

Gallery Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief"


No. 02124 valid indefinitely from 05/04/2016


No. 02029 is valid from 06/22/2016 to 06/17/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

University Reviews

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (MVD RF) trains specialists in 23 universities and their branches. All universities are training lawyers, criminologists, and forensic experts. Almost all universities have branches in different cities of Russia.

About the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

The Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is one of the best universities in the country, where they train specialists who can work in the field of fire safety, protect people from natural and man-made threats, and also conduct scientific research in this area.

Education at the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

At the Academy, you can obtain full-time higher education and a specialist, bachelor's or master's degree in the areas of fire safety, technosphere safety, state and municipal management, information systems and technologies, forensic examination. Students can study in their chosen specialties, both full-time and part-time.

Receiving education by correspondence, students attend the university to undergo laboratory and examination sessions for 40 days in the first two courses and 50 days in all others. During this time, students put into practice the knowledge they acquired at home.

Students can receive a high-quality education at a university through distance learning, carried out using a special Prometheus system, thanks to which the educational process is organized through a global or local network.

Students who have received a higher education can continue it in postgraduate or doctoral studies, where they prepare future scientists and teachers who will be able to write a master's or doctoral dissertation with the help of dissertation councils, which include the best teachers and professors of the university.

Citizens of foreign countries can also receive higher education at the State Fire Service Academy at a special faculty, after which they will be awarded the qualification of an engineer. After receiving their first higher education, they can remain for postgraduate studies to obtain a higher scientific education.

Specialists who are already working in the field of fire safety can take advanced training courses at the Development Institute, which operates on the basis of the Academy. In these courses, students will deepen their knowledge of their specialty and master skills that may be useful to them in order to perform their responsible work even better and more efficiently.

Structure of the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

To ensure that university students receive a high-quality education and sufficient physical and cultural development to work in their specialty, the Academy has a huge multifunctional structure. The university has:

  • a library with scientific and educational literature on all disciplines of the Academy, which can be useful to both students and teachers;
  • a comfortable dormitory for out-of-town and foreign students;
  • the psychological support department, whose employees select applicants for the Academy, help university students adapt to their studies and contribute to the formation of a friendly atmosphere among students and teachers;
  • a polyclinic where university students and teachers undergo an annual medical examination and where they can seek first aid;
  • a sanitary unit, which is located on the territory of the Country Training Base of the Pushkin District;
  • the editorial and publishing department, where the results of scientific research of students and teachers, monographs and methodological recommendations are published;
  • the editorial office of the magazine Fires and Emergencies, published by the Academy, organized in 2011, where students can try themselves as journalists;
  • educational and scientific complexes, where students, together with teachers and professors, engage in research into the problems of fire fighting, fire safety, civil protection, environmental safety and many others;
  • the university museum, where 3,500 exhibits are collected, telling the history of the formation of the Academy and its development;
  • The Center for Communications and Information Technologies, thanks to which the educational process is informatized and the university’s laboratory and computer equipment and technology are constantly updated.

Country training base Nagornoye

Since 2001, 1st and 2nd year students of the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia have been studying at a country training base, which is located in the Pushkinsky district of the Moscow region. Here students receive the necessary theoretical knowledge from the best teachers of the university, engage in physical education, both in gyms and in the fresh air, and learn the basics of drill training, which then allows them to better study and serve at the Academy.

The suburban base has its own educational complex with lecture halls and classes for seminars, as well as its own dormitory for those students who cannot travel home every day. There is a specially built base here where fire training classes are held for students.

In addition, there is everything necessary for students to relax in their free time:

  • billiard room;
  • a gym and a football field, where children participate in sports sections and clubs;
  • a winter garden where you can relax after training and studying;
  • a dining room where students and teachers refresh themselves before classes;
  • hall for hand-to-hand combat;
  • a hall where children can practice ballroom dancing;
  • ski slopes, where competitions between university students are held in winter;
  • a cultural complex where various cultural events are held and important dates in the life of the Academy are celebrated.

Every year the role and importance of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Response and Consequences of Natural Disasters in society increases. For a long time, the Ministry of Emergency Situations has been the most important structure for carrying out emergency rescue operations in various regions of the country. Often, military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have a minimum of time at their disposal to arrive to help people. That is why one of the main activities of the ministry is the training of highly qualified personnel who are able to quickly and efficiently assess the situation, make an intelligent decision and organize work to protect and rescue people in the conditions of man-made disasters, natural disasters, armed conflicts, terrorist attacks, and other negative events. Increasingly, employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations come to the aid of citizens of other states, including tens, hundreds and even many thousands of kilometers away.

Those wishing to acquire a real male profession have recently increased significantly. Currently, the country provides training for specialists with higher education about ten higher educational institutions (academies and institutes), as well as their branches in various regions of our huge country: Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Ivanovo, Murmansk, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Krasnoyarsk region.

Universities of law enforcement agencies, as a rule, are reluctant to provide detailed information on their official websites, limiting themselves to general information. But any applicant, future student, cadet or listener wants to receive information from those who studied at this university or continue to study.

If the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations itself can be judged by getting acquainted with various printed electronic and printed sources and media, then about the educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the educational process, and the difficulties that arise during study, you can learn from reviews on the Obuchebe information resource. The rating of a particular educational institution can tell a lot.

Information, reviews and ratings of the site can greatly help in choosing the future noble real male profession of rescuer and for current schoolchildren who are still deciding which path in life they will take and what awaits them. It often happens that young people are attracted by the romanticism and nobility of the profession, but without having the information, the difficulties awaiting them come as a surprise. The presence of honest and objective reviews will certainly help site visitors learn more about what they can expect both during their studies and during their further service. This information will allow you to begin preparing in advance for admission and study at universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which place increased demands on knowledge of certain subjects and sciences, certain technical knowledge and skills, physical readiness, moral and psychological stability and other equally important qualities.

The life and health of a huge number of people in the vast expanses of our country and beyond will largely depend on how knowledgeable you are, how you prepare yourself morally and physically for a difficult, noble profession that is fraught with difficulties, dangers and risks. We hope that you will successfully choose an educational institution for admission to study, successfully graduate from it and achieve great professional success in your future activities. We are confident that our information resource will help you make a choice and take your first steps into the future.