Academician of the swamps biography. Crazy inventions of Boris Bolotov

How Bolotov demolished a five-story “dacha”

In the morning, a man in a padded jacket with a pensioner's bag on wheels pulled up to the DSK office building. He took a brick out of his bag, coated the end with glue and stuck it to the wall. I took out the second brick and stuck it to the first one...
Soon a strange brick perpendicular began to spread from the wall of the building. The eccentric was surrounded by people asking stupid questions like “why?” And How?". He didn’t answer them - he pasted them and pasted them...
When the brick barrier almost blocked the sidewalk, the director of the DSK came down from above. Having stood next to a man in a padded jacket, he asked a question:
- How many?
“I would like some building materials for my dacha,” answered the stranger.
On the same day, trucks with concrete panels and bricks began to unload at the suburban site of Bolotov. And he handed the director of the house-building plant a piece of paper from a notebook with a glue recipe.
Today, Boris Vasilyevich’s “dacha” stands out in the village with a helmet-shaped glass dome, under which there is a greenhouse. The glass roof is the fifth level of the structure. The other four houses machine tools and computers, fume hoods and oscilloscopes, a radio station and electric generators.
However, there is also a sun lounger in the yard. True, it is empty: Bolotov himself and his three dozen employees are always at work.

How Bolotov heats an apartment with a radio lamp

“Everyone is used to thinking,” says Boris Vasilyevich, “electrons in a radio tube fly to the anode.” And I say - to the anode cores. And they knock neutrons out of them. I specially measured it with a dosimeter - indeed, neutrons. By varying the anode material, I get different amounts of energy released. This, of course, is not on the same scale as at nuclear power plants: a hundred times less. But a million times more than when burning coal.

- So, the radio tube is a nuclear reactor?
- Certainly. Moreover, nuclear reactions occur in it at ordinary room temperature. It is enough to work out a method for extracting energy - and you can heat a house with a radio lamp.

Therefore, Bolotov does not require uranium for small-scale nuclear power. Phosphorus and sulfur become his nuclear fuel. Convenient, accessible, and most importantly - safe. Here is a solution to the energy problem without Chernobyls.

As Ph.D. Bolotov lost his academic degree

The household nuclear reactor was not proposed by a psychiatric patient (Boris Vasilyevich would be made one later), but by a senior researcher at the Institute of Electrodynamics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, a candidate of technical sciences. Small-scale nuclear energy was declared a pseudoscience, and Bolotov was fired as not suitable for his position. They suggested that I write a statement “of my own free will” - I would leave quietly, without a scandal. But Bolotov refused. Then they gave him a “non-compliance” and even passed a decision through the All-Union Attestation Commission to deprive the candidate of his academic degree.

True, Bolotov had his doctorate ready by that time. But not in technology, but in biology. In addition, the topic—the practical immortality of man—in terms of “pseudoscience” greatly exceeded the indoor nuclear reactor. So Boris Vasilyevich also had to do without a doctorate.

Why doesn’t Bolotov wince at the words “perpetual motion machine”

Everyone has more than once observed circles spreading across the water from a stone thrown into it. But few people looked at the opposite picture: if you stir the surface of the water with a hoop, the vibrations will converge to the center of the circle - and a splash will appear there. Bolotov calls this phenomenon self-focusing and associates with it the possibility of self-concentration of energy. Traditional science does not recognize it, which does not prevent the heart from pumping blood, or the mosquito and bee from flying, flapping their wings. These paradoxes are well explained by anti-entropy physics, which Bolotov has been developing for many years. Energy is not only dissipated in the environment, but in some cases it is taken from it and focused at a point. The heart is a natural perpetual motion machine. If we overcome aging, Bolotov considers this problem really solvable.

How Bolotov will overcome the energy crisis

In Ukraine, gasoline is even more expensive than in Russia, and it is rising faster. Bolotov seems to be one of the few who is not afraid of this, though. There are three cars parked in the garage of his “dacha”.

It’s just that the car engine that Bolotov created does not require gasoline. This internal combustion engine does without a crankshaft, without cylinders and generally without rubbing parts. Only two disks on bearings with a small gap between them. At high speeds, the air is divided into oxygen and nitrogen. At 900°C, nitrogen burns in oxygen. The engine weighs 8 kg and develops power of 300 horsepower. A very small amount of gasoline is required for the initial spin-up of the discs. Then air plays the role of fuel.

Why for Bolotov diamond is plasticine

108 known chemical elements are, according to Bolotov, a hundredth part of what is found in nature. There are chemical elements very similar to those included in the periodic table, only with a lower atomic weight. But their properties are completely different!

Thus, Bolotov knows 9 geometric modifications of hydrogen; they differ from each other in their crystal structure.

Bolotov produces a type of carbon that is 200 times harder than diamond (by the way, Ukraine even exports this superhard substance). “Diamond” powder based on silicon – also, of course, unusual – can withstand 4000’. Turbines can be made from low-melting aluminum. But if the blades are coated with heat-resistant silicon, such a turbine is not afraid of heating.

Ten thousand chemical elements - this is Bolotov’s periodic table.

How Bolotov defeated cancer

Boris Vasilievich is 80 years old. Lean, light, with slightly sunken cheeks, he is amazingly hardy and efficient. He has not been sick for many years.

“And I won’t get sick,” Bolotov is sure.
- God bless you, of course, but doesn’t that sound too self-confident? - I object to him.
- Not too much. I'm not the only one unique. My wife, my son, friends, all the employees you see here at the “dacha” stopped getting sick. Moreover, they are not threatened by either influenza or cancer.
— Your merit?
- Nature itself has provided for everything: absolutely all diseases can be treated with natural remedies. And I was lucky enough to understand how to prevent the disease.
- So you prevent cancer or cure it?
- For those who are not yet sick, I do not allow it. I heal the sick.
— What types of cancer can you treat?
- All.
- At what stage?
- At any.
- So you guarantee healing for cancer patients?
- If they follow my recommendations, I guarantee it.
- So can patients be referred to you?
- In no case. I have already served eight years for this. You know, I don’t want anymore.

Why doesn’t Bolotov treat strangers?

— I am an electrical engineer by profession. I didn't study medicine. Naturally, I don’t have a doctor’s degree. Therefore, I have no right to treat. When I understood the mechanism of cancer, I immediately, of course, began to fight it. Kyiv is a small city. However, rumors about healing from cancer spread quickly in any city. Acquaintances and strangers reached out to me. There was a time - in the mid-80s - the line of patients stretched for an entire block. It was not possible to save everyone. Not because there was anything wrong with the treatment algorithm. Many people, turning to me, were not psychologically ready to change their lifestyle. They were dying. And although I was able to alleviate the suffering of even such disobedient patients, other rumors began to spread about me: Bolotov treated and treated, but the patient still died. Now I follow the law - I don’t treat strangers.

Why was Bolotov imprisoned?

However, Bolotov received two years for illegal medical practice in addition to the eight he received for anti-Soviet propaganda. Was there such a thing?

“It was,” admits Boris Vasilyevich. — I gave lectures at the Civil Air Fleet club. Every now and then he made philosophical generalizations. Therefore, there were both criticisms of the war in Afghanistan and words of support for the Polish Solidarity. When they searched my house, they found a 13-volume manuscript of my work on immortality. It explores the chemical, physical, biological aspects of a scientific problem. And social too. From which it follows: neither communism nor all other “isms” bring a person closer to immortality. Excerpts from the manuscript appeared in court.

Why did Bolotov become an underground brewer?

The Soviet penitentiary system, as Boris Vasilyevich quickly realized, was focused on the physical decline of the contingent. In the three-thousand-strong Krivoy Rog colony where he was serving his sentence, at least one corpse was taken out every week. Either the prisoners killed each other, or death occurred from exhaustion. Not everyone was able to survive on gruel with traces of fish, liquid mashed potatoes from rotten potatoes, and a piece of herring - and not every day.

Bolotov tried to survive in his own way. Behind the barracks he buried empty cans in the ground. I poured water into them with bread and sugar (they gave me a spoon a day) - after ten days I got kvass. Fermentation products prevented people from getting sick.

When there was not enough bread or sugar, kvass was infused with bark torn from the boards.

Sometimes Bolotov was tracked down. They reported to their superiors or broke banks out of envy. We had to start all over again in another place.

How Bolotov was turned into Vanga

The case was pending for a long time - Boris Vasilyevich spent two years under investigation. At first they put me in a mental hospital. But the lawyer insisted on an examination - they sent him to Moscow, to the Institute. Serbian. It took seven months to be declared sane.

All this time they beat me half to death and injected me with tranquilizers. The body reacted to the influence unexpectedly: the ability to proskopia—foreseeing the future—was discovered.

After the injections, everything around seemed like glass. Even if I don’t want to, I see everything hidden, disguised, I can easily read people’s thoughts.

One night I woke up and told my cellmates; Now the doctor on duty will come and the execution will begin. That's how it all happened. Bolotov gained fame as a clairvoyant, which followed him from one zone to another.

Boris Vasilyevich arrived in the next zone, in Krivoy Rog, as such a celebrity that the guards immediately treated him to beer.

How Bolotov replaced two general secretaries

In the summer of 1983, Boris Vasilyevich suddenly felt: in six months, namely on February 9, 1984, the General Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, would die.

I shared my guess with one of my cellmates - soon the entire prison began counting down the days until the significant event. Some chuckled and twirled their fingers at their temples: they didn’t understand, they say, “Serbs,” Vasilich, that’s for sure.

The long-awaited February 9 has arrived. Bolotov is not given access: “Well?” “Already dead,” the clairvoyant reported. And the radio station, as luck would have it, is silent. When, finally, classical music poured out of the loudspeaker - without any words, prisoners let's rock Vasilich.

However, one security guard did not recognize the miracle: some people in “Sportloto” accurately guess 6 numbers out of 49 - probability theory! So you, Vasilich, just guessed the date. And if this is not an accident, tell me when the next one will die?

After one year, one month and one day, Bolotov answered. We were talking about a new secretary general, whose name no one knew yet.

A year and a month and one day flew by. On March 9, QD foreman Bolotov was released from the night shift. “Go and rest,” the bosses motivated, otherwise you’ll say later: you’re tired, so it didn’t work out.”

When the radio station suddenly turned off, Bolotov was woken up: all the camp people stood in front of him, having taken off their hats. Although the official announcement has not yet been made, the zone is convinced that there is a prophet among them.

How Bolotov escaped from prison

At the end of 1985, one of the prisoners started a rumor: Bolotov was not a political person at all, but he was in prison for raping his daughter. This was bad - such people were usually killed after losing at cards. What's the point of proving: Bolotov doesn't even have a daughter - the rumor has no authorship.

Boris Vasilyevich decided to run away. There was another politician in the zone - he was imprisoned for telling anti-party jokes. So he kept company.

Bolotov notified the zone in advance of his upcoming escape: I would disappear on the opening day of the CPSU Congress, exactly at noon. The camp authorities contemptuously dismissed this “chatter” - no one had ever escaped from the Krivoy Rog zone, and this gray-haired “Monte Cristo” would certainly not escape.

On the opening day of the congress, the fugitives calmly, without hiding, climbed into a vehicle container and drove out of the gate. The inspectors opened the doors, looked inside and, seeing no one, closed them.

Exhausted from hunger and cold, they themselves gave up. Bolotov was given two and a half years for escape. Which, however, they knocked off for the construction of the reactor.

Why was Bolotov in no hurry to be free?

Bolotov was not only the first to successfully escape from a Krivoy Rog prison. I have never met a prisoner before who, having completed his sentence in full, refused to be released.

“I have to finish the oven,” explained Bolotov. And indeed, until he completed the job, he did not leave the zone.

A stove is for management who know little about technology. In fact, it is a low-temperature nuclear reactor, which has been dreamed of for so many years. However, Bolotov did not deceive anyone. The foundry needed a furnace - he made the furnace. And what “incidentally” is also a nuclear reactor, which, by the way, heated the entire foundry, is Bolotov’s personal matter.

So he completed his work. Extra urgent.

Why does Bolotov drink acid?

A person consists of cells that are by no means long-lived. Kidney cells live for about six minutes, liver cells - up to a month, heart cells - up to three months, skin - up to six months. Only tendon cells live longer - up to a year. Let's take the average weight of a person, divide it by 365 (the number of days in a year) and take into account that most cells in the body live much less than a year.

Then, it turns out that 500 grams of cells die every day. This is Boris Vasilyevich’s calculation.

A day has passed - half a kilo of dead meat must somehow be removed from the body. To make room for young dividing cells.

“I found a mechanism for removing dead cells from the body,” says Bolotov. “This produces gastric juice consisting of pepsin, a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins, and hydrochloric acid. Fatty components are broken down by bile acids. How much gastric juice does the body need? Doctors believe: about six tablespoons a day. How much does the stomach generate? Eight to nine liters is ten times more. 98 percent goes into the blood to digest dead cells. I studied this process and came to the conclusion: gastric juice dissolves not only dead cells, but also those damaged by nitrates, free radicals, heavy metals, carcinogens, radionuclides... And even a cancer cell is successfully digested by gastric juice. Here's a very simple conclusion: if there are enough gastric juices in the body, can it get cancer? No, it can’t - gastric juice will dissolve everything: papillomas, warts, any growths and tumors, both non-malignant and malignant. The life we ​​all have now is like this, you know this very well, that we pick up plenty of nitrates, radionuclides, and other nasty things. This means that we have much more dead and damaged cells inside us than our great-grandparents had. And the same amount of gastric juice is produced. That is, there is an acute shortage of it to evacuate an increased number of defective cells. Naturally, the body needs help - an additional amount of weakly concentrated hydrochloric acid. Which I, my family, and all my employees consume daily.

Why Bolotov loves horseradish and sprat

“But to replenish the arsenal of gastric juices,” continues Boris Vasilyevich, “we also need pepsins.” And this is a complete set of 26 amino acids - 13 replaceable and 13 essential. All 26 are contained, for example, in sprat. So we eat three or four sprat every day and vary the rest of the food, each type of which contains one or two types of amino acids.

— Isn’t it possible to switch to one sprat to solve the amino acid problem?

- But sprat also contains harmful components. So you still can’t do without meat, eggs, cottage cheese, and various cereals. And a little hydrochloric acid - one tablespoon per one or two liters of water. In addition to hydrochloric acid, the body also needs to be helped with sulfuric and nitric acid. The liver supplies them to the body. But to generate, say, sulfuric acid, you need bitterness - pepper, horseradish, mustard. We love sweets more. And we need sulfur. So we have to deliver it with horseradish. With such help to the body, we are guaranteed not to get sick. Nothing - neither chronic diseases, nor the common cold. And we won't get sick. Nothing. Especially with cancer.

Where is Bolotov’s second heart?

The basis of Bolotov’s healing approach and his view of the body is the principle of pairing.

“There are only two in a person,” says Boris Vasilyevich, “two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, two lungs, two kidneys, two hearts...

- Excuse me, are you talking?

- Two hearts, of course.

- But still studied anatomy...

— Poorly studied. Second, the right heart is usually underdeveloped, but it is there. And sometimes surgeons and pathologists find it.

- And it turns out I have two hearts?

- And you too. You just didn't know it. Because they didn’t know the principle of pairing. And if you know, you will see that a person has two livers (the pancreas is actually the second liver), and there are also two stomachs (the duodenum is the second stomach), and everyone has two genital organs - male and female, just one is underdeveloped, so a hermaphrodite is, in fact, a normal person. Two circulatory systems: in the porphyritic core of blood hemoglobin there is iron, and in the porphyritic core of lymph hemoglobin there is copper. Chlorine travels through the circulatory system, iodine through the lymph. Potassium - sodium. Doctors do not take into account pairings, which is why they do not treat many diseases. And they don’t even know the approach to such things as leukemia.

I treat it like all other diseases. By the way, apparently also according to the principle of pairing, the Russian land has already given birth to one genius named Bolotov. Andrei Timofeevich was an agronomist, breeder, forester, and park builder. For the first time in our culture - two centuries ago - he appreciated the poetry of the Russian estate.

How Bolotov almost became president

Having left the colony and becoming famous - television shows, a documentary film, hundreds of articles in the press, his own books and brochures - Boris Vasilyevich decided to use his popularity for the common good. When Ukraine elected its first president, Bolotov was among the candidates at one time.

Bolotov to this day does not understand how such a simple and obvious idea - the state as a co-founder of a nationwide company - does not reach the broad masses.

He no longer goes into power.

Why doesn’t Bolotov put sugar in his tea?

Genius is genius - you can’t get enough of it. Boris Vasilyevich must earn his bread somehow. And not only for himself and his family, but also for those three dozen devotees (among them, by the way, two doctors of science) who work at the “dacha”.

Bolotov makes no secret about the sources of his income. Walking around the countless rooms of the “dacha”, we now and then go around mountains of white bags. In them, sugar is Bolotov’s only “currency”. Several years ago, he learned to squeeze out of sugar beets not 17% sugar, as is customary at all sugar factories, but much more. From a scientific point of view, this kind of trifle turned out to be easier to sell than, say, a low-temperature reactor. Several Ukrainian sugar factories that have implemented Bolotov’s technology pay its author with sugar - 3% of excess profits. And then there is already such a tired barter: oscilloscopes, and trucks, and chemicals - everything at the “dacha” is sugar.

It’s clear that sweet tea just makes you sick.

Why Bolotov does not need batteries

I am holding in my hands a tile that looks like chipboard. We put it on the gas burner. Not only does it not burn, but it does not even heat up on the reverse side. Our compatriots do not need such a building material - light, durable, technologically advanced and an ideal heat insulator - of course. But in Slovakia they decided to build a factory for the production of such tiles.

You cover your house with them, and in the most severe cold you won’t need either batteries or electric heaters. The heat of the human body is enough to warm a room. The trick is that not a single calorie goes outside the house.

How Bolotov resurrected the dying

Bolotov defines these difficult-to-explain abilities as the unity of thought and action. Even in his youth, he trained for long hours to achieve this unity.

Here is just one example of such training. Bolotov holds a thermometer in his hands and, by concentrating his thoughts, makes sure that the mercury column is creeping up. Having mastered this exercise, he complicates it - he pushes the mercury upward without touching the thermometer with his hand. Having learned to push the column to the limit, I moved on to stronger thermometers. Already 100 C, 200, and 300 are subject to thought. Next, ignite the paper without fire. Control your heartbeat. Stop a moving car at a distance. Literally any action is available to a person—you just have to want it.

It was possible to drive away from the dying man what seemed to be the death that had already taken possession of him.

Although this skill cannot be abused, Bolotov realized. You don’t notice where you cross the border of what is permitted to a person.

How Bolotov became an academician

The Kiev-Mohyla Academy, or college, was founded in 1632 by Metropolitan Peter Mohyla. It was, in essence, the first European-style university in Russia.

In 1991, Bolotov achieved the revival of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy and was elected its president. Soon, however, Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk closed the academy.

Boris Vasilyevich did not fight. He just smiles.

Following the closed Kiev-Mohyla Academy, the Russian Academy of Sciences was created. Bolotov is its active member.

How Bolotov decided to clean up Chernobyl

Bolotov is convinced that recultivating land contaminated by radiation is as easy as shelling pears. Ammonium sulfide should be sprinkled over them in a thin layer. Then the simplest, also well-known grass is sown, the roots of which energetically absorb ammonium sulfide, and with it all the radionuclides contained in the soil. The grass will remain to be mowed, burned and concentrated radioactive waste disposed of.

This method is patented in Belarus. But this does not seem to be the case. It is clear why: it is easier and more profitable for both Ukraine and Belarus to scream to the entire civilized world about the horrors of the Chernobyl tragedy than to quietly and practically overcome its consequences.

How Bolotov will fly

The age of airplanes and rockets is passing, says Boris Vasilyevich. We could already move through the air while sitting in a chair. By spinning air in a force field, you can obtain lift. But Bolotov went further: a vacuum is being spun up in his pilot plant. A transistor with a power of only 50 milliwatts creates a thrust of 100 grams under a vacuum hood. Increasing values ​​is no longer the trick. Dreaming of flights to Mars and beyond while sitting on burning rocket tanks is futile. Vacuum engine - here it is, already in your hands, just demand it!

What's in Bolotov's head?

Boris Vasilyevich had an exceptionally talented school teacher, Vasily Ivanovich Vasilkovsky. Working in the remote outback - the Ulyanovsk region, he taught children Hermeticism - a Hellenic teaching dating back to pre-ancient philosophy. From childhood, Bolotov learned six principles of truth, which he then transformed into 24 principles, and then into 384. This is the limit of dividing the matrix of consciousness, he believes, but 384 cells contain answers to all possible questions. To expand your consciousness to the scale of the consciousness of humanity - this, according to Bolotov, is a worthy intellectual task. Against this background, the creation, for example, of a device that deflects the trajectory of a bullet by 90 is just an everyday trifle.

Bolotov Boris Vasilievich was born on November 30, 1930 in the village of Glotovka, Inzensky district, Ulyanovsk region.

Graduated from the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, graduate school in Moscow. Think about it and evaluate: he was given an apartment in Moscow, but in Kyiv he was offered an interesting job - so in 1962 he ended up in Kyiv. In 1964, he became a candidate of sciences and the “nuclear scientist” himself, Andrei Sakharov, became interested in Bolotov’s idea of ​​a “cold” nuclear reactor, and invited the Kiev resident to his doctoral studies. However, life forced me to go to the Kiev Academic Institute of Electrodynamics (1965), where Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov prepared a doctoral dissertation, which successfully passed the preliminary defense.

And suddenly - an ever-accelerating descent from a very successful career ridge. Lectures at the Polytechnic, head of laser installations at the Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry (1975-1978) and, finally, March 15, 1983 - arrest, psychiatric examinations and a sentence of 8 (eight) years in prison. He served 7 (seven) of them, was rehabilitated on political charges in May 1989, and on April 7, 1990, the Russian Academy awarded Boris Bolotov the honorary title “People’s Academician.” Now he continues to work.

Books (11)

In the encyclopedia you will find descriptions of more than 50 valuable medicinal plants and many unique original recipes for alternative medicine.#

Herbalist Academician Bolotov

Green pharmacy phytoenergetics of Korodetsky

Grandma Travinka's golden recipes

Popularly beloved healers share with readers their secrets and many years of experience in the field of herbal medicine. Take their advice and be healthy!

Golden recipes for health and longevity

The book is a universal reference book of medications developed by the greatest scientist of our time - Boris Bolotov. Most of the medicines created by the academician are based on the use of lactic acid fermentation enzymes of medicinal plants. Their preparation and use are simple and accessible to everyone. The cornerstone of Bolotov's pharmacy is also aqua regia, thanks to which you can slow down aging and prevent many diseases by acidifying the body.

How to prepare medications at home? Where to get raw materials? How to use medications correctly? What medications should be used in this or that case? You will find answers to all questions in this book.

Truths of Bolotov. Cancer can be defeated

Many people trust Bolotov and use his recipes to improve their health.
Here is another book by Bolotov. It, as the name suggests, is dedicated to the treatment of cancer.
However, you should not, relying on such books, refuse treatment in official medical institutions!

Healing and rejuvenating bath according to Bolotov

Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov is the greatest scientist of our time, chemist, physicist, biologist, who devoted 40 years to scientific research. A huge reserve of scientific strength is combined in his books with simple and accessible recommendations.

You will meet new discoveries of the greatest scientist of our time. As you know, the bath itself has a healing and rejuvenating effect. Following Boris Bolotov’s recommendations and using special “Bolotov’s” kvass and enzymes makes it simply a universal healing and health-improving agent.

Therapeutic cleansing according to Bolotov

The first part of the book, written by Academician Bolotov, is devoted to cleansing procedures, which the author recommends for various diseases. He suggests using the cleaning complex products he specially developed - enzymes, vinegars, kvass, balls (cake).

The second part of the book, written by his student, scientist and practitioner Gleb Pogozhev, examines cleansing procedures for the prevention of various diseases. The author dwells in detail on the need for shock cleansing of the body, provides a method for such cleansing, and considers different options for soft cleansing.

Medicine Bolotov

The basic principles of treatment according to Bolotov and the universal reference book of medications developed by the academician - under one cover!

Most of the medicines created by Academician Bolotov are based on the use of lactic acid fermentation enzymes of medicinal plants. Their preparation and use are simple and accessible to everyone.

The cornerstone of Bolotov's pharmacy is also aqua regia, thanks to which you can slow down aging and prevent many diseases by acidifying the body.

Steps to Longevity

After reading the book, you will learn to maintain the internal organs and systems of the body in a healthy state, influencing them at the cellular level; you can get rid of salts and toxins using the properties of your own gastric juice; restore organs weakened by disease by combining bath procedures and a diet of offal and medicinal roots; learn how to prepare Bolotov's mixture.

I will teach you not to get sick and not to grow old

This brochure is compiled on the basis of the author’s lecture materials, interviews published in the press, and brief information from the manuscript “Immortality is Real.”

Despite the brevity of the information contained in the brochure, it will be extremely useful for anyone who is concerned about their health and the health of their loved ones. The text is presented mainly in the form of an interview: questions and answers. This form of text presentation is more understandable for readers. Tips for improving health proposed by the author become available.

It allows everyone to make an internal determination for success in their health, starting from scratch, i.e. from the moment when there is no trace left of their own health.

Reader comments

Irina/ 08/16/2019 I really need medicine for SA of the sigmoid colon. The operation was done....

Roma/ 12/28/2018 Please tell me how to get to B.V. Bolotov.

Tamara/ 3.11.2018 Thank you for everything. And God bless you.

Michael/ 10.24.2018 How sad it is sometimes to read negative reviews about Boris Vasilyevich. People, without delving into the essence of things, look superficially and draw incorrect conclusions. Wasn't Galileo called a false scientist and a charlatan in his time? And only hundreds of years later people were able to understand and accept his teachings and views that were progressive at the time of his life.

Alla/ 10.23.2018 Since childhood, my mother taught me to be treated with traditional methods, including the methods of B.V. Bolotov. And you know, I practically don’t get sick, sometimes during the season I can catch a runny nose, nothing more.

Dmitriy/ 09.09.2018 People, wake up, this is a dangerous charlatan. I came to the conclusion after reading his book on immortality. There is nothing at all about immortality, but there are a lot of crazy ideas, this person really considers himself a professor in all sciences, and without hesitation recommends his dangerous ideas as a panacea for all diseases.
For example, this idiot came up with aqua regia, a mixture of chemical acids diluted with water, supposedly dissolving toxins, think about it, once upon a time this poison was published in all newspapers until the results of such self-medication began to appear for people with severe poisoning.
People's Academician is an invented fictitious title that can be appropriated by any homeless person. In Soviet times, he was imprisoned precisely for charlatanism, and you know what he did in the Soviet colony, he assembled a functioning cold fusion reactor there, all the conditions were created for this, this is what he wrote about in this very book, but after leaving he was no longer maybe nobody can put it together correctly, but this is a blatant lie, like all his titles and inventions. He is dangerous because, without a twinge of conscience, he begins to convincingly claim that his ideas heal. Wake up, the serum itself is useful, there are no inventions here, and the recommendations of poisons are simply dangerous for your health.

Marina/ 01/16/2018 Good afternoon!
Please tell me, if it is not possible to go to Kyiv, how to get advice? Does Boris Vasilyevich have an e-mail? My son has type 1 diabetes. I saw Bolotov’s recommendations on type 2 diabetes, but I didn’t find anything on type 1... Thank you in advance.

MN/ 01/06/2018 Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov is the greatest scientist of our time, chemist, physicist, biologist, broad-minded person, author of more than 600 inventions...
Yeah... And he almost taught Sakharov how to make a hydrogen bomb, and now he teaches immortality.

Nikolay/ 11/5/2017 I agree with Albert’s letter dated 08/16/2016. I read the book 40 phenomena of the Bolotovs, where a red thread runs through the recommendation about acidifying the body to prevent many diseases. and I want to add to Albert’s letter that the Italian doctor Samoncini treats cancer with baking soda (alkali) and the so-called living water, which is considered healthy, is nothing more than an alkaline fraction with a pH much higher than 7. Where is the itin? I want to receive a qualified answer. Thank you.

Isrefil/ 06/08/2017 132, 176. How realistic is rejuvenation of the body?
Previously, I pointed out the relationship between the active life of an organism and the intensity of the processes of formation and annihilation of electron-positron pairs (EPP) in it.
With a decrease in the intensity of annihilation, the process of cell division in a living organism slows down, which leads to aging; The fruits ripen and the leaves of the plants turn yellow, and eventually the plants themselves also age. But, on the other hand, a decrease in the intensity of annihilation should be a consequence of the deterioration of the vital processes of the organism itself. It follows that the aging process takes on an avalanche-like character. Could there be a method for physically rejuvenating the body?
If an increase in the intensity of annihilation enhances the process of cell division and partially cleanses the body of radioactive nuclear isotopes harmful to health, which can result in physical rejuvenation of the body. There are many technologies for enhancing the intensity of EPP annihilation by technical means.
It will also be necessary to carry out parallel procedures for cleansing the body of toxins with some healing of individual organs. This is described in detail on the website of Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov, “Five Golden Rules of B.V. Bolotov.”
This means that forced physical rejuvenation of the body is quite possible. AIR. 01.06.2017.

Victor/ 03/16/2017 Love / 02/28/2017
You have to grow up to be a genius! Not everyone has it... Where can I buy Bolotov’s book “You can extend your life to 1600 years if you overcome 12 zodiac signs”? Really needed!
I saw this book at Bolotov’s house....

Love/ 02/28/2017 You need to grow up to be a genius! Not everyone has it... Where can I buy Bolotov’s book “You can extend your life to 1600 years if you overcome 12 zodiac signs”? Really needed!

Mantra/ 02/17/2017 Dear Victor!
Bolotov’s son’s phone number is Maxim 0672171957.
Be healthy!

Igor from Kerch/ 02/09/2017 "Please tell me where I can read about the laws of truth. Boris Bolotov says that there are 384 of them (it seems to me that there should be one more, so that there is one per day of the year)"

Is it okay that there are actually 365 days in a year?

Victor/ 01/27/2017 Uv.,"Mantra" Do you have contacts for Bolotov's son? Please indicate. Thank you.

Mantra / 01/26/2017
Bolotov B.V. lives and lives in spite of all the ignoramuses!
He receives at his dacha, not far from Kyiv.
His schedule is coordinated by his son Maxim.
I buy his balm and kvass from him. The drugs work wonders.
The human gastrointestinal tract must have an acid-base environment, and the lymph must be acidified. Don't get confused!

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov

Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov was born on November 30, 1930 in the village of Glotovka, Inzensky district, Ulyanovsk region, R.S.F.S.R.

Graduated from the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, graduate school in Moscow. He was given an apartment in Moscow, but in Kyiv he was offered an interesting job - so in 1962 he ended up in Kyiv. In 1964, he became a candidate of sciences and the “nuclear scientist” himself, Andrei Sakharov, became interested in Bolotov’s idea of ​​a “cold” nuclear reactor, and invited the Kiev resident to his doctoral studies. However, life forced me to go to the Kiev Academic Institute of Electrodynamics (1965), where Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov prepared a doctoral dissertation, which successfully passed the preliminary defense. And suddenly - an ever-accelerating descent from a very successful career ridge. Lectures at the Polytechnic, head of laser installations at the Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry (1975-1978) and, finally, 03/15/1983 - arrest, psychiatric examinations and a sentence of 8 years in prison. He served 7 (seven) of them, was rehabilitated on political charges in May 1989, and on April 7, 1990, the Russian Academy awarded Boris Bolotov the honorary title “People’s Academician.”

Survived an attempt on his life. The result was loss of speech. Restored the functioning of the body.


The man who expanded the limits of knowledge about Nature laid the foundations for many new directions in the development of mankind, gave a theoretical justification for the wave nature of the structure of the world, and in practice proved their correctness! His physical and chemical table of isosteres reflects the real structure of more than 10,000 substances that exist in nature; the periodic table is only a special case of his periodic law!

Academician Bolotov's teachings

1. First experience

2. About regeneration

3. Origin of "Bolotov's Balm"

4. Cause and effect

5. Regulatory system

6. Cooling and heating

Harmful vegetable oil. Boris Bolotov 2005

Visiting Boris Bolotov 11/15/2012

Visiting Boris Bolotov. DushaTV

(12:30) Winter swimming, hypothermia - stupidity of the highest degree

Visiting Boris Bolotov 2011

Bolotov and Nikolaev. Conversation

Regeneration after frostbite. TV about Boris Bolotov


Excerpts from Bolotov's new book

New theory of the atomic nucleus - Bolotov Boris Vasilievich


Bolotov Boris Vasilievich on the Global Wave

The effectiveness of Bolotov’s use of therapeutic techniques is explained primarily by the fact that he views medicine from the position of scientific Truth. And that with its help you can cure the most serious diseases. How does Bolotov’s medicine differ from traditional, official medicine? Official medicine is designed to protect human health, but Bolotov’s medicine does not protect human health. She has a completely different goal - to heal all the people of the earth without any restrictions. And it is not based on the use of any medications.

Bolotov's medicine is based on TRUTH. As an example, the principle of cause and effect indicates that official medicine makes a diagnosis not on the basis of the cause of the disease, but on the basis of its effect. In this regard, the approach to treating diseases is also erroneous. It is necessary not to treat the effect, but to eliminate the cause. In 1977, Bolotov completed 30 years of work " Immortality is real" In addition to a detailed description of medicinal plants and many thousands of recipes for treating diseases using unconventional methods, he formulated a system of rules about the patterns of aging of the human body.

Boris Bolotov has come close to solving the problem of slowing down aging and renewing cell life. Thus, the use of a healing composition called “ Balm Bolotov» allows you to stimulate processes in the human body that are associated with the regeneration of tissues of the human body.

The theory of immortality is based on the replacement of a leader cell every 40 years, which is located two fingers below the navel and is responsible for the production of young cells in the body. The body wears out because this cell ages, and it can be replaced with a new fertilized egg. After each such replacement, all cells of the body will gradually be renewed.

After the publication of the book Immortality is real"The persecution of B. Bolotov has gained momentum wars of destruction. Bolotov was almost killed on the train, he was saved by the ability to foresee and predict the situation.

By this time, Boris Vasilyevich had succeeded in treating cancer. He could cure all types of cancer at any stage of development. And kilometer-long queues were arranged to see him in order to get rid of the terrible disease. Official medicine knew and saw all this. But she could not do anything to help the dying patients, she did not have the ability to treat them, and even now she does not have it. And so, instead of learning from Bolotov, adopting his methods for treating cancer, this very official medicine, represented by doctors - the “luminaries” of world medical science, began to defame the great scientist. He was accused of not being a doctor by profession. And the fact that it cures almost all diseases, and even those that medicine does not know which way to approach, does not count. It was time for them, doctors, to nominate B. Bolotov for awarding him the title of Nobel laureate, but they were fussing over another problem, they were engaged in litigation. The doctors had to isolate the brilliant thinker; he was disturbing them. And they succeeded. As they say, by any stretch of the imagination, the brilliant scientist was put behind bars for eight years for “illegal healing” and “financial theft.” All books and manuscripts on human treatment and recovery were confiscated and have not yet been returned. And there is also a small note about medicine. Once upon a time, many years ago, she promised that if anyone could find a cure for at least one type of cancer, he would immediately become a celebrity and a golden monument would be erected to him during his lifetime. There is no monument or recognition yet.

Boris Bolotov also applies for the Nobel Prize in his other developments and methods for improving human health and treatment...

Healing kvass according to Bolotov. It has the effect of regenerating the gastrointestinal tract with the restoration of healthy microflora.


Nutrient medium: 3 liters of milk cheese or boiled chilled water, 1 glass of sugar. Sourdough: 1 tablespoon of sour cream (homemade, otherwise it may not work!). Filling: 1 cup fresh or dry chopped celandine herb.

Pour sugar into a bottle of water and dissolve. Place the celandine in a gauze bag and use a sinker to lower it to the bottom of the jar. Add 1 tablespoon of sour cream as a starter to propagate the culture of lactic acid bacteria. Cover the jar with two or three layers of gauze to prevent wine flies from infesting it. Store the jar in a dark, shaded place.

Within 2-3 weeks, very strong individuals of lactic acid bacteria will form. Celandine will neutralize the product from painful factors inherent in milk today: infections, residues of herbicides and pesticides.

Products of whey fermented in the presence of celandine have the ability to cleanse dirty nasopharyngeal, ear, pulmonary spaces, gastrointestinal tract, vaginal spaces and genitourinary tracts. These enzymes have powerful stimulating properties. If the resulting kvass is consumed for two weeks, half a glass half an hour before meals, then the epithelial surfaces of the stomach and intestines will be almost completely restored.

Take kvass - an infusion of pure lactic acid culture - 100 ml. 10-15 minutes before meals. The effect will not be long in coming: dysbacteriosis, diseases caused by pyogenic infection recede, the manifestation of symptoms of radiation sickness, etc. decreases. The colon epithelium is freed from salts of heavy metals - mercury, thallium, bismuth. The chlorides of these metals are removed by celandine enzymes. Cesium and strontium salts, thanks to gastric enzymes, are also not absorbed into the body due to the formation of insoluble complexes based on radionuclide salts and pepsin. This is important for residents of our nuclear cities and zones affected by nuclear power plant accidents.

It is enough to maintain the pepsin concentration at normal levels, and protection against the entry of radionuclides into the body will be ensured. Insoluble radionuclide complexes will get stuck in the collagenous hairs of the gastrointestinal tract epithelium. A daily breakfast of porridge is enough, and then the “protectors” of the radionuclide complexes of the porridge will remove the latter from the body along with the remains of food.

To prevent whey kvass from running out, replenish it with nutrient medium daily. After 10-12 hours, the kvass becomes full-fledged. To prepare a healing serum, you can also use celandine grown in areas of radionuclide contamination. You can use the stem and leaves - the level of radiation in them is much lower than in the roots.

You can replenish kvass with nutrient medium once every two days. Calculate - you should get 1 glass of sugar per 3 liters of water. Kvass has a pleasant sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness - but the bitterness is much less than in grapefruit juice!

You tell fantastic stories about frostbitten fingers and toes regrowing using your method. What is its basis?

Boris Bolotov: At the moment of cell division, if the intercellular environment is unfavorable, not regeneration occurs, but degeneration of the cell.

What does a degenerated cell mean? Could this be oncology?

B.B.: Not necessarily. Scar, scar tissue are also degenerated cells. In this case, the environment was also unfavorable for cell regeneration, and their degeneration occurred. That is, the division resulted in cells with defects, but not of an oncological nature.

What is it like - a favorable environment for cell regeneration?

B.B.: A number of plants have such properties. These are aloe, lemon, plantain, cabbage (including hare), Aralia Manchurian, eleutherococcus, lure, golden root, young, ginseng, celandine and some others. The presence of sea salt in this environment is mandatory. The proportion is as follows - 1 part of fresh plant minced in a meat grinder and 1 part of salt.

Is such a mass applied to a fresh wound? For how long? How often should bandages be changed?

B.B.: A paste of the plant and salt is applied to the wound, a napkin is placed on top and secured with a bandage. The dressing does not need to be changed at all in the case of a relatively small wound. Within a week, complete cell regeneration will occur, and there will be no scars or scars. If the wound is large, or it is a case of frostbite, or a severe burn, then the bandages are changed once a week, continuing the procedures until the tissue is completely restored.

Don't change the bandage for a week! What if the wound gets wet or suppurates?

B.B.: Under such a bandage there will be no suppuration. Tested many times. Tissue regeneration will take place, and there is no need to interfere with this process. You can moisten the bandage once a day with hydrogen peroxide, celandine kvass or Bolotov Balm.

2. "Heating" system of the human body.

Amino acids. An excerpt from Bolotov's new book.

We all know what wood is in a heating system and what ash is. What is firewood and what is ash in our body? Our body also has a heating system. If such a system did not exist, then our body temperature would be the same as the temperature of the surrounding air, like that of a frog. She doesn't have a heating system. And since a person has a heating system, it is reasonable to ask what is its fuel, what is ash. Talking with many biologists and doctors with very extensive experience, I asked: “What is the fuel in the human heating system?” They say: “We haven’t studied this, we don’t know. Maybe food, maybe sugar.” There is a heating system, and no one knows what it is heated with. I say: “Since you don’t know, then listen to me. I know. The fuel of our heating system is amino acids " What is an amino acid? Amino acid is a real miracle of nature. This is a large molecule that consists of two smaller ones connected to each other - an acid molecule and an alkali molecule. An acidic molecule is characterized by a carboxylic group (COOH), and an alkaline molecule is characterized by an amine group - NH2. This amino acid, like a Siamese twin, has two opposites, and it cannot extinguish itself. Amino acids can only neutralize with other amino acids. A molecule of the carboxy group combines with a molecule of the amine group of another amino acid. This connection produces a water molecule. And, of course, if a neutralization reaction occurs, then heat is generated. The DNA molecule, as is known, consists of tens of thousands of amino acid molecules. This means that to form one DNA molecule, tens of thousands of amino acid molecules will be consumed. In this case, tens of thousands of water molecules and tens of thousands of portions of thermal energy are formed. It is this heat that warms our body. Now imagine that we sleep with the window open. They say: you need to breathe fresh air. Let's say this is true. When the window is open, the cold enters the room and begins to cool the body. Receptors that control the self-regulation system signal that the temperature is dropping and the body is cooling down. This means that the heating system requires fuel consumption, that is, the consumption of amino acids. When amino acids are used up, proteins are formed. Proteins form cells. Extra proteins are extra cells. How many degrees you lost, so many extra proteins and extra cells you gained. Where do these extra cells go? They are dispersed throughout the body. Where there is a large accumulation of them, tumor processes occur. That is, loss of heat inevitably leads to the appearance of tumors, which then degenerate into oncology. Why do they say: cancer is incurable? Yes, sure. Is it possible to come up with a pill that would compensate for lost heat? Lost heat is compensated only by heat (we recommend reading about warming up the body and salt bath) I have been practicing traditional medicine for 50 years. I've seen so much. Sick people, usually walruses, come to me: “I’m a walrus, I hardened my body, and now I have an adenoma.” “I’m a walrus, I dived into an ice hole, and now I have a thyroid tumor.” “I’m a walrus, and now I have a tumor in my lung.” “I’m a walrus, and now I have metastases.” If people saw what my eyes saw, it would be real horror. From the cold - one hundred percent oncology. People rarely take action. A peasant, having worked in the cold, knows that he has lost heat. What does he do in the evening? He sleeps on a Russian stove - it's hot there. When the body is hot, excess cells are broken down into proteins, and proteins are broken down into amino acids. An amino acid is a reversible fuel. When it’s cold, it’s consumed, when it’s hot, it’s restored. When they say that Bolotov can cure oncology, I answer: “Comrades, I am not involved in treatment.” In the book “Medicine from the Position of Truth,” I, as a theorist, examine medicine from the position of Truth. I have already formulated 24 principles of Truth.

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov on the Global Wave

Found out - Invite friends

born on November 30, 1930 in the village of Glotovka, Inzensky district, Ulyanovsk region.

Graduated from the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, graduate school in Moscow. Think about it and evaluate: he was given an apartment in Moscow, but in Kyiv he was offered an interesting job - so in 1962 he ended up in Kyiv. In 1964, he became a candidate of sciences and the “nuclear scientist” himself, Andrei Sakharov, became interested in Bolotov’s idea of ​​a “cold” nuclear reactor, and invited the Kiev resident to his doctoral studies. However, life forced me to go to the Kiev Academic Institute of Electrodynamics (1965), where Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov prepared a doctoral dissertation, which successfully passed the preliminary defense.

And suddenly - an ever-accelerating descent from a very successful career ridge. Lectures at the Polytechnic, head of laser installations at the Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry (1975-1978) and, finally, March 15, 1983 - arrest, psychiatric examinations and a sentence of 8 (eight) years in prison. He served 7 (seven) of them, was rehabilitated on political charges in May 1989, and on April 7, 1990, the Russian Academy awarded Boris Bolotov the honorary title “People’s Academician.” Now he continues to work.

The effectiveness of Bolotov’s use of therapeutic techniques is explained primarily by the fact that he views medicine from the position of scientific Truth. And that with its help you can cure the most serious diseases. How does Bolotov’s medicine differ from traditional, official medicine? Official medicine is designed to protect human health, but Bolotov’s medicine does not protect human health. She has a completely different goal - to heal all the people of the earth without any restrictions. And it is not based on the use of any medications.

Bolotov's medicine is based on TRUTH. As an example, the principle of cause and effect indicates that official medicine makes a diagnosis not on the basis of the cause of the disease, but on the basis of its effect. In this regard, the approach to treating diseases is also erroneous. It is necessary not to treat the effect, but to eliminate the cause. In 1977, Bolotov completed his 30-year work “Immortality is Real.” In addition to a detailed description of medicinal plants and many thousands of recipes for treating diseases using unconventional methods, he formulated a system of rules about the patterns of aging of the human body.

Boris Bolotov has come close to solving the problem of slowing down aging and renewing cell life. Thus, the use of a healing composition called “Bolotov’s Balm” makes it possible to stimulate processes in the human body that are associated with the regeneration of tissues of the human body.

The theory of immortality is based on the replacement of a leader cell every 40 years, which is located two fingers below the navel and is responsible for the production of young cells in the body. The body wears out because this cell ages, and it can be replaced with a new fertilized egg. After each such replacement, all cells of the body will gradually be renewed.

After the publication of the book “Immortality is Real,” the persecution of B. Bolotov took on the character of a war of destruction. Bolotov was almost killed on the train; he was saved by his ability to foresee and predict the situation.

By this time, Boris Vasilyevich had succeeded in treating cancer. He could cure all types of cancer at any stage of development. And kilometer-long queues were arranged to see him in order to get rid of the terrible disease. Official medicine knew and saw all this. But she could not do anything to help the dying patients, she did not have the ability to treat them, and even now she does not have it. And so, instead of learning from Bolotov, adopting his methods for treating cancer, this very official medicine, represented by doctors - the “luminaries” of world medical science, began to defame the great scientist. He was accused of not being a doctor by profession. And the fact that it cures almost all diseases, and even those that medicine does not know which way to approach, does not count. It was time for them, doctors, to nominate B. Bolotov for awarding him the title of Nobel laureate, but they were fussing over another problem, they were engaged in litigation. The doctors had to isolate the brilliant thinker; he was disturbing them. And they succeeded. As they say, by any stretch of the imagination, the brilliant scientist was put behind bars for eight years for “illegal healing” and “financial theft.” All books and manuscripts on human treatment and recovery were confiscated and have not yet been returned. And there is also a small note about medicine. Once upon a time, many years ago, she promised that if anyone could find a cure for at least one type of cancer, he would immediately become a celebrity and a golden monument would be erected to him during his lifetime. There is no monument or recognition yet.

Boris Bolotov also applies for the Nobel Prize in his other developments and methods for improving human health and treatment...

*** It has the effect of regenerating the gastrointestinal tract with the restoration of healthy microflora.


Nutrient medium: 3 liters of milk cheese or boiled chilled water, 1 glass of sugar.

Sourdough: 1 tablespoon of sour cream (homemade, otherwise it may not work!).

Filling: 1 cup fresh or dry chopped celandine herb.

Pour sugar into a bottle of water and dissolve. Place the celandine in a gauze bag and use a sinker to lower it to the bottom of the jar. Add 1 tablespoon of sour cream as a starter to propagate the culture of lactic acid bacteria. Cover the jar with two or three layers of gauze to prevent wine flies from infesting it. Store the jar in a dark, shaded place.

Within 2-3 weeks, very strong individuals of lactic acid bacteria will form. Celandine will neutralize the product from painful factors inherent in milk today: infections, residues of herbicides and pesticides.

Products of whey fermented in the presence of celandine have the ability to cleanse dirty nasopharyngeal, ear, pulmonary spaces, gastrointestinal tract, vaginal spaces and genitourinary tracts. These enzymes have powerful stimulating properties. If the resulting kvass is consumed for two weeks, half a glass half an hour before meals, then the epithelial surfaces of the stomach and intestines will be almost completely restored.

Take kvass - an infusion of pure lactic acid culture - 100 ml. 10-15 minutes before meals. The effect will not be long in coming: dysbacteriosis, diseases caused by pyogenic infection recede, the manifestation of symptoms of radiation sickness, etc. decreases. The colon epithelium is freed from salts of heavy metals - mercury, thallium, bismuth. The chlorides of these metals are removed by celandine enzymes. Cesium and strontium salts, thanks to gastric enzymes, are also not absorbed into the body due to the formation of insoluble complexes based on radionuclide salts and pepsin. This is important for residents of our nuclear cities and zones affected by nuclear power plant accidents.

It is enough to maintain the pepsin concentration at normal levels, and protection against the entry of radionuclides into the body will be ensured. Insoluble radionuclide complexes will get stuck in the collagenous hairs of the gastrointestinal tract epithelium. A daily breakfast of porridge is enough, and then the “protectors” of the radionuclide complexes of the porridge will remove the latter from the body along with the remains of food.

To prevent whey kvass from running out, replenish it with nutrient medium daily. After 10-12 hours, the kvass becomes full-fledged. To prepare a healing serum, you can also use celandine grown in areas of radionuclide contamination. You can use the stem and leaves - the level of radiation in them is much lower than in the roots.

You can replenish kvass with nutrient medium once every two days. Calculate - you should get 1 glass of sugar per 3 liters of water. Kvass has a pleasant sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness - but the bitterness is much less than in grapefruit juice!

You tell fantastic stories about frostbitten fingers and toes regrowing using your method. What is its basis?

Boris Bolotov: At the moment of cell division, if the intercellular environment is unfavorable, not regeneration occurs, but degeneration of the cell.

What does a degenerated cell mean? Could this be oncology?

B.B.: Not necessarily. Scar, scar tissue are also degenerated cells. In this case, the environment was also unfavorable for cell regeneration, and their degeneration occurred. That is, the division resulted in cells with defects, but not of an oncological nature.

What is it like - a favorable environment for cell regeneration?

B.B.: A number of plants have such properties. These are aloe, lemon, plantain, cabbage (including hare), Aralia Manchurian, Eleutherococcus, lure, golden root, young, ginseng, celandine and some others. The presence of sea salt in this environment is mandatory. The proportion is as follows - 1 part of fresh plant minced in a meat grinder and 1 part of salt.

Is such a mass applied to a fresh wound? For how long? How often should bandages be changed?

B.B.: A paste of the plant and salt is applied to the wound, a napkin is placed on top and secured with a bandage. The dressing does not need to be changed at all in the case of a relatively small wound. Within a week, complete cell regeneration will occur, and there will be no scars or scars. If the wound is large, or it is a case of frostbite, or a severe burn, then the bandages are changed once a week, continuing the procedures until the tissue is completely restored.

Don't change the bandage for a week! What if the wound gets wet or suppurates?

B.B.: Under such a bandage there will be no suppuration. Tested many times. Tissue regeneration will take place, and there is no need to interfere with this process. You can moisten the bandage once a day with hydrogen peroxide, celandine kvass or Bolotov Balm.

*** Read Books by Bolotov B.V.Tips Recipes look at -

The official page of B. Bolotov on the Internet is located on the website: www.beztabletok. rf. Telephone number of the Moscow representative office of B. Bolotov: 8–499–748–31–87.

© Peter Publishing House LLC, 2017

© Series “Calendars and diaries”, 2017

From the publisher

Academician Bolotov is often called the Ukrainian wizard. The ideas of this man amaze the imagination, and his discoveries change the understanding of the world around us.

The scientist's books are published in huge editions, his name is familiar to millions. It is not surprising that many people began to live in accordance with the laws and truths of Bolotov. And this is understandable, because it was Boris Vasilyevich who discovered the path that now makes it possible for any person to live up to 150 years, and in the future will lead us to immortality.

On May 16, 1990, at the founding meeting of the Russian Academy and the World Fund for Assistance to Scientists, Innovators, Inventors and Cultural Workers, Bolotov made a report on the discovery of the century - a table that contains more than 10,000 chemical elements and for which Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements is a special case.

These new chemical elements, unknown to traditional chemistry and nuclear physics, are called isosteres by scientists. The Bolotov table (Boris Vasilyevich’s wife and son took part in its creation) is now in the museum named after. Zelinsky (Moscow) next to the periodic table.

We can say that Bolotov made a revolution in chemistry. He developed his own model of the structure of the atom and presented chemical elements as acids, alkalis and lithium water salts, which are obtained as a result of nuclear transformations of elements.

All these (and many other) fundamental discoveries enabled this encyclopedically educated scientist to lay the foundations of the medicine of the future. But Academician Bolotov is not only a theorist; his teaching contains numerous practical recommendations that can be used today.

Bolotov’s books are a theory tightly fused with practice, ironclad argumentation and polished evidence. One of the amazing revelations for us was the scientist’s idea about the existence of two types of cells. Based on the fundamental principle of existence - the principle of pairing - the scientist suggested the following: since there are two types of radiation (wave and in the form of particles), then two types of cells arose in nature. Plant cells absorb light and synthesize alkaline proteins and alkaloids, while animal cells absorb electrons and synthesize acidic proteins.

It is clear that this diary does not contain a complete presentation of Bolotov’s teachings; its purpose is different - it is intended to become an assistant in the daily fight against specific diseases. The main task of the calendar book is to help a person improve their body health and rejuvenate themselves. It will be useful in every home, in every family.

For those who want to receive comprehensive information and learn more about Bolotov’s health system, we can recommend the book “Human Health in an Unhealthy World,” published by our publishing house.

Much of this book is devoted to the treatment of cancer.

A doctor of the highest category C spoke well about Boris Vasilyevich. Vysokova, head of the therapeutic department of the cardiological sanatorium “Vorzel” of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

“Nowadays, a doctor, even equipped with all the necessary equipment and medications, always faces a dilemma: how to treat successfully, but not cause harm. Therefore, when recommendations appear that are easy to implement, accessible and quite effective, both for healthy and sick people, doctors accept them willingly, and of course, in each specific case they choose the most rational ones for a given patient. I had the opportunity to talk with many people who used the advice of Academician B.V. Bolotov, and they all noted the positive effect of following the rules of quintessence. Let us listen to the voice of a wise man. He sees further than us. He gets to the heart of things."

Boris Bolotov largely predetermined the development of medicine. One of the main directions of this development is the use of enzymes. Enzymes are medicinal preparations from medicinal herbs, in which the active principle is obtained not by chemical means, but by microbial fermentation. Academician Bolotov has developed a number of enzymes that relieve itching, flaking, salt build-ups, hair loss, sweating, and have diuretic, choleretic, analgesic, antitumor and many other medicinal properties. The action of enzymes has shown their extreme effectiveness.

What you need to know and be able to do to be healthy

To take advantage of the recommendations given in the diary, you need to know five basic health rules. Quintessence (as these health rules can be called) is effective always and everywhere. It doesn’t matter whether you are sick or whether the doctors have harmed you - the quintessence always works successfully, just as Newton’s law of universal gravitation always works. Quintessence allows a person to maintain his own health at the required level, helps him become healthy and live a long life.

The five rules of quintessence determine the main directions of treatment of diseases (restoration of the gastrointestinal tract, oxidation of the body and individual organs), as well as methods of treatment and recipes for the preparation of medicinal products.

So what are the five rules of quintessence?

Rule one – increase the number of young cells

The first rule is to increase the number of young cells relative to the number of old cells. An effective method of rejuvenation is the removal (destruction, splitting) of old cells with reduced vital function, the place of which should be taken by young ones. How to do this? It turns out it's simple. To do this, it is necessary to induce the release of gastric enzymes - pepsins - in the stomach, which, entering the blood, spread throughout the body and digest old and damaged cells (including cancer and pathogenic cells), without harming young healthy cells. The amino acid composition of pepsin is similar to the amino acid composition of proteins in young cells. Thus, we need to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, which contains all the necessary elements for the breakdown of old cells.

How to do it? Even in ancient times, for rejuvenation, it was recommended to eat plants of the Rejuvenating family or others that could stimulate the secretion of gastric juices. Among others (there are about a hundred of them in total), these include the following plants.

Hare cabbage, sorrel, plantain, dill, fennel, trifoli, regular cabbage, nettle, clover, aloe, kalanchoe, agave, seaweed, adonis (starwort), gray yellowberry, foxglove, strophanthus, lily of the valley, marsh lily, eleutherococcus, golden root , lemongrass, Leuzea safflower, Aralia Manchurian, zamanikha, ginseng.

There are two simple ways to increase pepsin-like substances in the blood (this is extremely important for rejuvenation and healing).

Method 1. Place a gram of salt on your tongue for a few minutes and swallow the salty saliva. The procedure is done immediately after eating, and also an hour after eating. You can repeat this up to 10 times during the day. You can eat salted and pickled vegetables and even fruits. Moreover, almost everything needs to be salted: bread, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, watermelons, melons, cottage cheese, butter, and sour cream. In addition, it is also advisable not to temporarily consume vegetable oil, as well as temporarily limit the intake of margarines, mayonnaise and all products prepared with vegetable oils.

Method 2. After eating, it is good to eat 1-2 teaspoons of seaweed or a small piece of salted herring. It is better to prepare borscht from sauerkraut with the addition of pickled beets, pickled carrots, and pickled onions. Plants from the Crassulaceae family (juvenile) are also best fermented. To do this, you need to fill a 3-liter jar with a plant (for example, young), add 1 teaspoon of table salt and 1/2 g of yeast and leave to ferment for several days. Then you can take 1-3 tbsp. spoons of kvass during meals.

Doctors sometimes prescribe that patients take stomach acid from animals (eg, dogs, pigs, cows). But the gastric juices of these animals are not suitable for humans. They are replaced by hydrochloric acid, as well as a set of diluted acids called “aqua regia,” which includes hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, pyruvic acid, and acetic acid.

Hot seasonings and bitterness are also used to stimulate gastric juices: pepper, mustard, adjika, horseradish, radish, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, mint. Juices should be drunk with the addition of hydrochloric acid or aqua regia.

"Aqua regia".“Royal vodka” is used in the treatment of many diseases. It can also be used as a prophylactic. If a person’s health is not bad, it is better to take it 4 times a day: after each meal and immediately after sleep. During sleep, some unfavorable substances accumulate in the human body, because of which we sometimes feel lethargic. “Royal vodka” neutralizes these substances and improves your well-being.

In case of serious illnesses, you need to drink “royal vodka” 3-6 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. spoons. In this case, take 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water. a spoonful of hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, 1/2 cup of grape vinegar or red grape juice, 4 tablets of nitroglycerin. If necessary, acetylsalicylic acid, succinic acid, methionine, tryptophan, methylalanine or tyrosine, as well as adrenaline are also added to aqua regia. Usually a pod of hot pepper is placed in a liter bottle, which is not only very healthy and gives the drink a pleasant taste, but also gives us the bitterness we need so much. In addition, you can add coriander and cumin.

Rule two - turning waste into salts

A lot of salts accumulate in the body - not only in the kidneys, bladder, gall bladder, but also in connective tissues and bones. Slags that are formed as a result of oxidative processes are especially dangerous for life. To rid the body of toxins that make connective tissues fragile, it is necessary to treat the toxins with acids. It is necessary to introduce acids into the body that, on the one hand, would be safe for the body, and on the other hand, would be capable of dissolving toxins, turning them into salts. Such acids are substances that are formed as a result of the activity of microorganisms of animal origin in an acidic environment. The fermentation process of these cells in an oxygen environment forms acetic acids, or enzymes.

Very useful acids are contained in all kinds of vegetable and fruit pickles in the form of vitamins and amino acids, in the form of ascorbic, palmitic, nicotinic, citric, lactic and other acids.

When consuming acidic foods, vinegars, kvass and enzymes, it is advisable not to consume vegetable oils, which have strong alkalizing and choleretic properties, which significantly slows down the process of converting toxins into salts.

Salts formed when consuming acids are partially excreted in the urine and partially remain in the body. Knowing this, you need to take care of removing insoluble salts. This constitutes the third rule of quintessence.

Rule three - removal of salts

Analyzing the salts that are formed in the body, you can see that they are mineral and organic, alkaline and acidic, soluble and insoluble in water. We will be interested only in salts that are not excreted from the body themselves. Observations show that alkaline, mineral and fatty salts such as urates, phosphates, oxalates, as well as fatty acids such as stearic and some urea salts usually do not dissolve.

Naturally, to dissolve alkaline salts, it is necessary to introduce safe alkalis into the body. Decoctions of some plants and juices turned out to be such safe alkaline substances.

For example, tea made from sunflower roots dissolves many salts in the body. Teas made from knotweed, horsetail, watermelon rinds, pumpkin tails, bearberry, and marsh cinquefoil dissolve salts well.

Salt-dissolving tea. Sunflower root tea is drunk in large doses for a month or even more. In this case, salts begin to be excreted only after 2 weeks and are excreted until the urine becomes clear, like water, and a suspension of salts precipitates in it. If you collect all the released salts by settling the urine, then they accumulate up to 2–3 kg. Naturally, when drinking sunflower tea, you should not eat spicy or highly salty foods (for example, herring), as well as drink kvass and vinegar. Food should be pleasantly salty. After the first days of drinking tea, pain may occur. They are caused by the movement of sand through the kidneys and ureter. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose; You can take a painkiller like no-shpa.

The juices of some plants are also used to dissolve salts. For example, black radish juice dissolves minerals well in the bile ducts and gallbladder and other mineral salts deposited in the vessels, renal pelvis, and bladder.

When carrying out such treatment, it is necessary to follow a blander diet, avoid spicy and salty foods, but only for the period of drinking the juice. When the juice runs out, you need to eat the cakes, which by that time will have already turned sour. During meals, 1-3 tbsp. spoons of cakes. This treatment helps strengthen the body, especially the lung tissues and the entire cardiovascular system.

Salts can also be dissolved by the juices of other plants, for example, the juice of parsley roots, horseradish, coltsfoot leaves, chicory, and turnips.

Salts are also dissolved with bird bile. Indeed, it has long been noticed that chickens, for example, peck pebbles. They do this to form the egg shell, and the bile that accumulates in the birds’ liver dissolves the stones. It turned out that chicken bile perfectly dissolves minerals not only in the bile ducts, but almost everywhere. Since vitiligo (skin discoloration) occurs from blockage of the capillaries of the skin with salt accumulations, the use of chicken bile leads to the cleansing of capillaries from salts and the complete cure of vitiligo. Duck, goose and turkey bile have similar properties. Bile is placed in special gelatin capsules, which are used for bitter medicines. Sometimes bile is also used in bread balls.

Balls with bile. To do this, small balls the size of a hazelnut are made from the crumb and a few drops of bile are added to them. Swallow 2–5 such balls in one procedure. Do this 30–40 minutes after eating. The course of treatment requires 5–10 gall bladders, respectively, taken from the same number of chickens. Bile is stored in a special plastic container in the refrigerator.

Remember that the maximum dose of bile should not exceed 20–50 drops. Urea (gout salts) hardened in blood vessels and joints is dissolved by the juices of coltsfoot leaves, as well as vinegar. Therefore, after alkalizing the body, it is necessary to acidify it.

Rule four – fight against pathogenic bacteria

The fight against pathogenic bacteria is based on the principle of pairing. The principle of pairing covers all biology down to the cellular level. This principle states that, despite the huge number of different cells, they differ from each other in the nature of their life activity. Cells can only be of plant and animal origin. Let us abbreviate them as KRP and KZhP.

All cells that are pathogenic to cells of animal origin are cells of plant origin, and all cells that are pathogenic to cells of plant origin are cells of animal origin. In other words, a person or animal can only get sick from waste products of plant cells. But since plant cells can only exist in an alkaline environment, then disease of any human organ is possible only when its environment is alkalized. Which means oxidation is a way to fight diseases.

Knowing what fermentations are needed for a particular organ, you can effectively influence it. To improve the health of the spleen, from ancient times people were fed pickled spleen; today this plant is called oats. Oatmeal is processed with the help of yeast and made into dough when hardened in the area of ​​the spleen (just below the pancreas). To treat the liver, peas, beans, soybeans, beans, lentils, clover, lupine, sweet clover, and Japanese sophora are fermented.

To do this, take a 3-liter jar of the plant (fill it completely), fill it with a solution of table salt, add 1-3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon of sour cream or 1 g of yeast (from boar intestines). Everything is fermented within a week. The product is then crushed and consumed raw.

Thus, you can ferment many plants and use them as needed, and simply for prevention. If the body is reliably oxidized, then there should be no pathogenic processes. But you also need to be careful not to over-acidify your stomach and upset the acid-base balance of the body.

At the end of this section it must be said that blood thinning is the most important way to longevity. This is achieved in at least two ways.

First way Based on the principle “like dissolves like.” This also applies to blood thinning. In other words, highly alkaline blood is diluted with alkalis. For example, during abstinence in drug addicts, the blood is thinned by drugs, which mostly consist of alkaloids, and they are alkaline. For an alcoholic, a hangover goes away by drinking a small amount of alcohol (vodka). What is especially important here is the fact that alcohol, on the one hand, leads to thickening of the blood, and on the other hand, it thins it.

Second way based on blood oxidation. Blood oxidation is carried out using acids. The simplest method of oxidation is to introduce lactic acid products into the body. Whey is especially effective for this.

Another powerful means of oxidation are all kinds of kvass and enzymes.

How to prepare kvass and enzymes. To prepare Bolotov's medicinal kvass, you will need 3 liters of fresh whey and 1/2 cup of dry or a glass of fresh medicinal herbs. For each disease discussed in this diary, you will be told which plant you will need.

The grass is placed in a gauze bag and, using a sinker (glass pebble), is immersed in the bottom of the jar. You can add 1 teaspoon of sour cream and 1 cup of granulated sugar to the resulting whey.

Kvass will be ready in 2 weeks; it should be stored in a warm, dark place. Cover the jar with three layers of gauze. Kvass is drunk before meals, 10–20 minutes, 1/2 cup, 1–2 times a day. Each time the kvass is drunk, it is supplemented with the appropriate amount of whey or water and sugar. The next day, the kvass again becomes suitable for consumption.

Vitamins, as well as mucopolysaccharide acids, oxidize and, therefore, thin the blood. Even ordinary hydrochloric acid or aqua regia thins the blood well. Vinegar and all kinds of vinegar-containing wines (old barrel wine), fatty acids, and fermentations are excellent blood thinners.

One of the most powerful blood thinners is mucopolysaccharides (chondroitinsulfuric acid, hyaluronic acid, heparin and keratosulfates). In conclusion, I note that if your blood does not thicken, then death, in principle, cannot occur, no matter what diseases you suffer from. On the other hand, oxidized and liquefied blood will save you from many diseases.

Rule five - restoration of weakened organs

The fifth rule is based on the principle of indifference. Without dwelling in detail on the principle of indifference, we can briefly say that all elements of any system can be in an indifferent state of equilibrium. This is also true for biological objects. Indeed, if part of the cellular tissue of the kidneys dies for any reason, then these tissues will not recover. The kidneys will not cope with their work, and the body will lose protection against cellular decay products.

The body is not able to recover from a critical state on its own, since, from the point of view of nature, it is indifferent. (It matters only to the person himself.) Consequently, the body’s disease from kidney failure can be cured by special methods and, of course, not by drugs, since there are no drugs that would be able to enhance the production of kidney cell tissue in a given period of time.

The author has developed methods for treating diseases associated specifically with shift disorders, that is, with phenomena of the principle of indifference. They are the basis for methods of treating and restoring kidneys, methods for treating cirrhosis and increasing liver cell mass, treating heart and lung diseases (lung restoration). These treatment techniques will be discussed in the diary.