Ay doodoo sits a raven. Lyrics of the song Yulia Chernyshova

Ay-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo,
A raven sits on an oak tree,
A raven sits on an oak tree,
He plays the trumpet.
He plays the trumpet
In silver
In silver
Raven, raven, don't sound,
Don't wake up our baby.

And bye-bye-bye,
A raven sits on the edge
A raven sits on the edge
And he plays the trumpet.
The trumpet plays loudly,
Sleep and drowsiness are catching up.

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden comb,
Silk beard,
Why do you get up early?
You sing loudly,
You don't let the kids sleep.

Cat, scat, cat, scat,
Go to sleep under the crib,
Wrap up the tray
Hold it with your right paw,
Don't grumble at the crib,
Don't wake up our baby.

Oh, lyuli, oh, lyuli,
The cranes have arrived
How they flew
Everyone was looking at them.
The cranes were crowing
The pussies were all purring.

And swing-kachi-kachi,
The rooks have come to us,
Sat on the gate
And the gate creaks and creaks,
And my son sleeps, sleeps.

Sit, cat, on the stove,
Babble a little.
How am I for you, cat?
I'll pay for the work
I will pay for the work:
I'll give you brocade on the dress.

Oh, you little gray cat,
Don't walk on the Senechki,
Go to bed
Rock your son.

You, little dog, don't bark,
You're a dog, don't whine
Don't wake our son.

Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Don't go to the hut, Babai,
Don't frighten the baby in the cradle
And don’t blow the horn -
The child is sleeping, don't wake him up.

Father will bring a kalach,
Saiku's mother,
Balalaika for my son.
He will rock his son
Play balalaika.

So people are sleeping,
So the animals are sleeping,
Birds sleep on branches
Bunnies sleep on the grass,
Ducks on an ant
The children are all sleeping and sleeping in their bassinets,
The whole world is told to sleep. I-do-do, do-do, do-do,
Raven sits on an oak,
Raven sits on an oak,
He plays in the pipe.
He plays in a pipe
In silver,
In silver,
Raven, raven, not Doody,
Our crumb doesn't wake up.

And bye-bye-bye,
Sitting on the edge of a raven,
Sitting on the edge of the crow
And playing in the pipe.
Zvonko trubushka plays,
Sleep and slumber overtakes.

Cock, cockerel,
golden scallop,
Oils little head,
Silk beard,
What did you get up early,
Vociferous sing,
Babe will not let sleep.

Kotick, scat, Kitten, scat,
Under the bed to sleep lie down,
Polozhechek wrap,
Right foot clip
Don't crib Burchi,
Our Babe do not wake up.

Oh, Luli, oh, Luli,
Arrived cranes
As they flew,
All of them looked.
Cranes Kurlykali,
all purring pussies.

A kachi-kachi-kachi,
Arrived to us rooks,
They sat at the gate,
A gate creak-creak,
And my son is asleep, asleep.

Sidi, cat, on the stove,
Little by little babbling.
Oh, how I told you, the cat,
For work pay,
For work pay:
Dam on the brocade dress.

Oh, you, gray cat,
Don't go by Semyon,
Go to the shelf
Son pokachati.

You"re a dog, not barking,
You"re a dog, do not whine,
Our son did not wake up.

Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Do not go into the house, the woman,
Dityu in the cradle does not scare
And gudochek not Doody -
Child sleeping, do not wake up.

Quality Quality Quality Quality,
Will bring his father roll,
Mother polar code,
Son of a balalaika.
Will the son of rock,
In balalaechku play.

So people are sleeping,
That animals are sleeping,
Birds are sleeping on the branches,
Bunny sleeping on travushke,
Ducks on muravushke,
Children are at lyulechkam sleep-sleep,
The whole world is told to sleep.

Ay-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo,
A raven sits on an oak tree,
A raven sits on an oak tree,
He plays the trumpet.
He plays the trumpet
In silver
In silver
Raven, raven, don't sound,
Don't wake up our baby.

And bye-bye-bye,
A raven sits on the edge
A raven sits on the edge
And he plays the trumpet.
The trumpet plays loudly,
Sleep and drowsiness are catching up.

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden comb,
Silk beard,
Why do you get up early?
You sing loudly,
You don't let the kids sleep.

Cat, scat, cat, scat,
Go to sleep under the crib,
Wrap up the tray
Hold it with your right paw,
Don't grumble at the crib,
Don't wake up our baby.

Oh, lyuli, oh, lyuli,
The cranes have arrived
How they flew
Everyone was looking at them.
The cranes were crowing
The pussies were all purring.

And swing-kachi-kachi,
The rooks have come to us,
Sat on the gate
And the gate creaks and creaks,
And my son sleeps, sleeps.

Sit, cat, on the stove,
Babble a little.
How am I for you, cat?
I'll pay for the work
I will pay for the work:
I'll give you brocade on the dress.

Oh, you little gray cat,
Don't walk on the Senechki,
Go to bed
Rock your son.

You, little dog, don't bark,
You're a dog, don't whine
Don't wake our son.

Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Don't go to the hut, Babai,
Don't frighten the baby in the cradle
And don't blow the horn -
The child is sleeping, don't wake him up.

Father will bring a kalach,
Saiku's mother,
Balalaika for my son.
He will rock his son
Play balalaika.

So people are sleeping,
So the animals are sleeping,
Birds sleep on branches
Bunnies sleep on the grass,
Ducks on an ant
The children are all sleeping and sleeping in their bassinets,
The whole world is told to sleep.

Translation of lyrics Ay doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo a raven sits on an oak tree performer Yulia Chernyshova. Russian lullaby song.:

I-do-do, do-do, do-do,
Raven sits on an oak,
Raven sits on an oak,
He plays in the pipe.
He plays in a pipe
In silver,
In silver,
Raven, raven, not Doody,
Our crumb doesn't wake up.

And bye-bye-bye,
Sitting on the edge of a raven,
Sitting on the edge of the crow
And playing in the pipe.
Zvonko trubushka plays,
Sleep and slumber overtakes.

Cock, cockerel,
golden scallop,
Oils little head,
Silk beard,
What did you get up early,
Vociferous sing,
Babe will not let sleep.

Kotick, scat, Kitten, scat,
Under the bed to sleep lie down,
Polozhechek wrap,
Right foot clip
Don't crib Burchi,
Our Babe do not wake up.

Oh, Luli, oh, Luli,
Arrived cranes
As they flew,
All of them looked.
Cranes Kurlykali,
all purring pussies.

A kachi-kachi-kachi,
Arrived to us rooks,
They sat at the gate,
A gate creak-creak,
And my son is asleep, asleep.

Sidi, cat, on the stove,
Little by little babbling.
Oh, how I told you, the cat,
For work pay,
For work pay:
Dam on the brocade dress.

Oh, you, gray cat,
Don't go by Semyon,
Go to the shelf
Son pokachati.

You're a dog, not barking,
You're a dog, do not whine,
Our son did not wake up.

Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Do not go into the house, the woman,
Dityu in the cradle does not scare
And gudochek not Doody—
Child sleeping, do not wake up.

Quality Quality Quality Quality,
Will bring his father roll,
Mother polar code,
Son of a balalaika.
Will the son of rock,
In balalaechku play.

So people are sleeping,
That animals are sleeping,
Birds are sleeping on the branches,
Bunny sleeping on travushke,
Ducks on muravushke,
Children are at lyulechkam sleep-sleep,
The whole world is told to sleep.

If you find a typo or error in the words or in the translation of the lyrics of the song Ay doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo, a raven sits on an oak tree, please report it in the comments.

Introduce the song, practice pronouncing onomatopoeia, encourage attempts to read a poetic text with the help of an adult; reinforce the techniques of rolling plasticine between the palms with straight movements, teach how to work carefully.



Folk song “Ay doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak tree."

Pipes for the guys.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, perception of fiction.

Goals: Introduce the song, practice pronouncing onomatopoeia, encourage attempts to read a poetic text with the help of an adult; reinforce the techniques of rolling plasticine between the palms with straight movements, teach how to work carefully.

Planned results:can, at the request of an adult, talk about the pipe, answer questions, show emotional responsiveness to the beauty of surrounding objects (the pipe), to the Russian folk song “Ay doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak tree"; masters the basic movements when performing the “Arms” exercise; takes an active part in productive activity(modeling pipes).

Materials and equipment:illustrations, toy pipe, plasticine, napkins, boards, product sample.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator. Look what toy I have. (Shows a pipe.)Do you know what it's called? That's right, it's a pipe. How do you play with a pipe? ( Children's answers.) You can blow on the pipe and it will play a beautiful melody.

2. Main part. Reading a Russian folk song.

The teacher reads a song.

Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo!

A raven sits on an oak tree.

He plays a trumpet, a silver one.

Chiseled pipe, gilded,

The song is okay, the fairy tale is good.

The teacher shows the children an illustration for the song and asks the children to tell what is drawn in the picture. Then he offers to look at the pipe, talk about it (it looks like a stick, has holes, is beautiful, golden, etc.), and plays with it.

Educator. How does the pipe play?(Children repeat after the teacher in chorus and individually “doo-doo, doo-doo”, pretend to play the pipe with their hands.) Now let me play the pipe, and you will sing along with me.

The teacher encourages children to pronounce onomatopoeic words and finish phrases during repeated reading.

Physical education session “Hands”

Where are our hands, where are our hands?

Our hands are gone. (Hides his hands behind his back.)

Here, here are our hands,

Here are our hands. (Show hands.)

Our hands dance, dance,

Our hands are dancing.

(Children stretch out their hands, showing them

Perform hand movements.)

3. Modeling pipes.

Educator. Did you like playing the pipe?(Children's answers.) It's a pity, we only have one pipe. Maybe we can make pipes out of plasticine?(Children's answers.) Let's see what the pipe looks like. (The teacher shows the children a toy.)The pipe is made from a stick. Do you remember how to roll out a stick? Show me how it's done. (Children perform straight movements with their palms.) That's right, this is how we will sculpt the pipe.

The teacher shows how to roll out sticks from plasticine and how to carefully lay them out on a board.

4. Reflection.

Children's work is laid out on a board.

Educator. Now everyone has wonderful pipes. Let's play them.(Children imitate playing the pipe, saying the words: “Doo-doo, doo-doo.”)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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