And we will go a different way. "We'll go the other way!"

In fact, this phrase is taken and paraphrased from the poem “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin” by Vladimir Mayakovsky.

According to the recollections of his elder sister Anna Ilyinichna, Vladimir Ulyanov said the phrase in a different wording: “ No, we won't go that way. This is not the way to go" The expression became widespread thanks to the painting of the same name by P. P. Belousov.

“Every cook must learn to govern the state”

In the article “Will the Bolsheviks retain state power?” (originally published in October 1917 in No. 1 - 2 of the magazine "Prosveshchenie") Lenin wrote:

We are not utopians. We know that any unskilled worker and any cook are not capable of immediately taking over the government of the state. On this we agree with the cadets, and with Breshkovskaya, and with Tsereteli. But we differ from these citizens in that we demand an immediate break with the prejudice that manage state, only the rich or officials taken from rich families are able to carry out the everyday work of government. We demand that education the work of state administration was carried out by class-conscious workers and soldiers and that it began immediately, that is, training in this immediately started attract all working people, all the poor.

The version “Any cook can rule the state,” attributed to V.I. Lenin, does not belong to him, but is often used when criticizing socialism and Soviet power. The option “Any cook should rule the state” is also used. Lenin meant, first of all, that even a cook, as a representative of the broad masses of working people, must learn to manage the state, must be involved in state administration. The expression was used by V.V. Mayakovsky in the poem “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”:

Good riddance!
We and the cook
let's learn
rule the state!

“Of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us”

Lenin’s famous phrase “You must firmly remember that of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us” is based on Lunacharsky’s recollections of a conversation with Lenin in February 1922, which he set out in a letter to Boltyansky dated January 29, 1925 (ref. No. 190) which was published:

In the context of the conversation, Lenin spoke about the tasks of developing communist cinema, noted the need for “a certain proportion between fascinating films and scientific ones,” especially pointed to the role of the chronicle, with which it is necessary to begin “the production of new films, imbued with communist ideas and reflecting Soviet reality,” emphasized the need censorship (“of course, censorship is still needed. Counter-revolutionary and immoral films should not have a place”) and at the end of the conversation he added: “you are considered a patron of art, so you must firmly remember that of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us " In this form, the phrase can be understood as a call for Lunacharsky to pay special attention to cinema in comparison with the “traditional” art forms that are closer to him.

Many people mistakenly believe that the phrase sounded differently, and such distortions end up in seemingly authoritative sources, for example, “While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, cinema and the circus are the most important for us.” Also used as a joke is the option “Of all the arts, the most important for us are cinema, wine and dominoes.”

"Study, study and study"

Famous words of Lenin " study, study and study" were written by him in the work "The Retrograde Direction of Russian Social Democracy", written at the end and published in 1924 in the magazine "Proletarian Revolution" No. 8-9:

At a time when educated society is losing interest in honest, illegal literature, a passionate desire for knowledge and socialism is growing among the workers, real heroes stand out among the workers, who - despite the ugly conditions of their lives, despite the stultifying hard labor in the factory - find in themselves so much character and willpower that study, study and study and develop ourselves into conscious social democrats, “workers’ intelligentsia.”

Perhaps Lenin used A.P. Chekhov’s phrase from the work “My Life”, Chapter VI, the first publication of which was in the appendix to “Niva” in 1896:

We need to study, study and study, but let’s wait with deep social trends: we have not yet grown up to them and, in all honesty, we do not understand anything about them.

A similar repetition was made in the article “Better less, but better” (“Pravda” No. 49, March 4, 1923):

We need to set ourselves the task of updating our state apparatus at all costs: firstly - to study, secondly - to study and thirdly - to study and then check that science does not remain a dead letter or a fashionable phrase in our country (and this, let’s face it, happens especially often in our country), that science really enters into flesh and blood, turns into an integral element of everyday life in a completely and real way.

They will be even better if we continue to study (I guarantee you that).

It is a common misconception that Lenin first uttered this phrase at the III All-Russian Congress of the RKSM on October 2, 1920. In fact, in this speech the words “ study" And " learn communism”, but the word “learn” was not repeated by him three times.

The call for education from a statesman is not unique. On October 21, 1888, the Minister of Public Education of the Russian Empire Ivan Davydovich Delyanov, speaking to students of the Imperial Novorossiysk University, said: “You are young, inexperienced and in your hobbies you often forget that your only and exclusive task while you are within these walls is - study, study and study... In recent years, I have become excessively gray and aged from the grief that our university students cause with their behavior.”

“In fact, this is not a brain, but shit” (about bourgeois intellectuals)

Lenin’s famous phrase about bourgeois intellectuals: “In fact, this is not the brain [of the nation], but shit.”

It is found in his letter to A. M. Gorky, sent on September 15, 1919 to Petrograd, which the author begins with a message about the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on September 11, 1919: “we decided to appoint Kamenev and Bukharin to the Central Committee to verify the arrest of bourgeois intellectuals near-cadet type and for the release of anyone possible. For it is clear to us that there were mistakes here too.”

And he explains:

“It is wrong to confuse the “intellectual forces” of the people with the “forces” of bourgeois intellectuals. I’ll take Korolenko as an example: I recently read his pamphlet “War, Fatherland and Humanity,” written in August 1917. Korolenko is the best of the “near-cadets,” almost a Menshevik. And what a vile, vile, vile defense of the imperialist war, covered up with sugary phrases! A pathetic bourgeois, captivated by bourgeois prejudices! For such gentlemen, 10,000,000 killed in the imperialist war is a cause that deserves support (in deeds, with sugary phrases “against” the war), and the death of hundreds of thousands in a just civil war against landowners and capitalists causes gasps, groans, sighs, hysterics.

No. It’s not a sin for such “talents” to spend a week in prison if this needs to be done to prevent conspiracies (like Krasnaya Gorka) and the death of tens of thousands. And we discovered these conspiracies of the cadets and “near-cadets.” And we know that professors around the cadets often give help to the conspirators. It is a fact.

The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and strengthening in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, intellectuals, lackeys of capital, who imagine themselves to be the brains of the nation. In fact, it’s not the brain, but the g...

We pay above-average salaries to the “intellectual forces” who want to bring science to the people (and not serve capital). It is a fact. We take care of them."

“There is such a party!”

"Political Prostitute"

Not a single document has survived where Lenin directly uses this term. But there are many [ ] evidence that he used the word “prostitutes” in relation to his political opponents (Bund). In particular, Lenin’s letter to the Central Committee of the RSDLP dated September 7, 1905 has been preserved, where he wrote:

“For God’s sake, don’t rush into an official resolution and don’t give in one iota to this Bundist-new-Iskra conference. Will there really be no protocols?? Is it really possible to have a conference with these prostitutes without protocols?”

Less is more

It is noteworthy that the original phrase is taken from the New Testament: “...When we were with you, we bequeathed this to you: if If you don't want to work, don't eat"(2 Thess.).

Trade unions - school of communism

A slogan put forward in relation to trade unions of the Soviet era. One of Ilyich's testaments. The expression first appeared in April 1920 in Lenin’s work “The Infantile Disease of “Leftism” in Communism” even before the start of a broad discussion about trade unions. There is this characteristic in his article “Once again about trade unions, about the current moment and about mistakes vol. Trotsky and Bukharin,” written in January 1921. Subsequently, Lenin repeated the thesis about trade unions as a school of management, a school of economics, a school of communism in his “Draft Theses on the Role and Tasks of Trade Unions under the New Economic Policy” in January 1922.

see also


  1. Ulyanova A. I. Ilyich's childhood and school years. - M.: Detgiz, 1962. - 40 p. - (School library. For primary school)
  2. Will the Bolsheviks retain state power? = V. I. Lenin. Will the Bolsheviks retain state power? // "Enlightenment": magazine. - October 1917. - No. 1-2. // V. I. Lenin Complete Works, ed. 5th. - M.: Publishing House of Political Literature, 1981. - T. 34. - pp. 289-339.
  3. Virtual reference service “Ask a bibliographer” // Russian National Library.
  4. « All Soviet people knew that “the most important of all arts for us is cinema.” And only during the years of perestroika and glasnost they were surprised to discover that the quote that greeted them in every cinema did not fully reflect what Lenin said in 1923 to the People's Commissar of Education Anatoly Lunacharsky. The thought of the most humane person was distorted twice to please film directors. In its original form, it sounded like this: “While the people are illiterate, of all the arts the most important for us are cinema and the circus.”» - Svetlana Kuznetsova Separation of the circus from the state // Magazine “Kommersant Power” No. 30 dated July 31, 2006. - P. 52.
  5. Retrograde direction of Russian Social Democracy // V. I. Lenin Publishing House of Political Literature, 1967. - T. 4 - P. 269.
  6. Chekhov A.P.. Complete works in 30 volumes. - M.: Nauka, 1985. T. 9.
  7. Less is more. March 2, 1923 // V. I. Lenin. Complete Works, ed. 5th. M.: Publishing House of Political Literature, 1970. - T. 45 - P. 391.
  8. Five years of the Russian revolution and prospects for the world revolution. (Report at the IV Congress of the Comintern on November 13, 1922) IV Congress of the Communist International November 5 - December 5, 1922 // Lenin V.I.. Complete Works, ed. 5th. - M.: Publishing House of Political Literature, 1970. - T. 45 - P. 291, 293
  9. Plans for the report “Five Years of the Russian Revolution and Prospects for the World Revolution” at the IV Congress of the Comintern. November, earlier 13, 1922 // V. I. Lenin. Complete Works, ed. 5th. - M.: Publishing House of Political Literature, 1970. - T. 45 - P. 439.
  10. .Nalivkin L. A., Solovyova Z. P. So said Lenin // V.I. Lenin in the modern world: materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Razliv, April 22, 2011 / ed. Doctor of Philosophy Sciences M.V. Popova. - St. Petersburg: Polytechnic Publishing House. Univ., 2011. - pp. 83-86. - 140 s.

Considering the significant role of their author in the history and culture of the USSR, many of them have become catchphrases. Moreover, a number of quotes in their well-known formulation do not belong to Lenin, but appeared for the first time in literary works and cinema. These statements became widespread in the political and everyday languages ​​of the USSR and post-Soviet Russia.

"We'll take a different route"

After the execution of his elder brother Alexander in 1887 as a participant in a Narodnaya Volya conspiracy to assassinate Emperor Alexander III, Vladimir Ulyanov allegedly said: “We will take a different path,” which meant his rejection of the methods of individual terror. In fact, this phrase is taken and paraphrased from the poem “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin” by Vladimir Mayakovsky.

And then
Ilyich, seventeen years old -
this word
stronger than vows
soldier with raised hand:
- Brother,
we are here
ready to replace you,
we will win
but we will take a different path

According to the recollections of his elder sister Anna Ilyinichna, Vladimir Ulyanov said the phrase in a different wording: “No, we won’t go that way. This is not the way to go.". The expression became widespread thanks to the painting of the same name by P. P. Belousov.

“Every cook must learn to govern the state”

In the article “Will the Bolsheviks retain state power?” (originally published in October 1917 in No. 1 - 2 of the magazine Enlightenment) Lenin wrote:
“We are not utopians. We know that any laborer and any cook are not capable of immediately taking over the government. On this we agree with the Cadets, and with Breshkovskaya, and with Tsereteli. But we differ from these citizens in that we demand immediate breaking with the prejudice that only rich people or officials taken from rich families are capable of running the state, carrying out the everyday work of government. We demand that training in the work of state administration be carried out by class-conscious workers and soldiers and that it begin immediately, that is, training this immediately began to attract all the working people, all the poor."

The version “Any cook can rule the state,” attributed to V.I. Lenin, does not belong to him, but is often used when criticizing socialism and Soviet power. The option “Any cook should rule the state” is also used. Lenin meant, first of all, that even a cook, as a representative of the broad masses of working people, must learn to manage the state, must be involved in state administration.

The expression was used by V.V. Mayakovsky in the poem “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”:

Good riddance!
We and the cook
let's learn
rule the state!

“Of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us”

Lenin’s famous phrase “You must firmly remember that of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us” is based on Lunacharsky’s recollections of a conversation with Lenin in February 1922, which he set out in a letter to Boltyansky dated January 29, 1925 (ref. No. 190) which was published:

in the book by G. M. Boltyansky “Lenin and Cinema”. - M.: L., 1925 - P.19; excerpts from the letter have been published, this is the first known publication;
in the magazine “Soviet Cinema” No. 1-2 for 1933 - P.10; The letter has been published in full;
in the publication by V.I. Lenin. Complete Works, ed. 5th. M.: Publishing House of Political Literature, 1970 - T.44 - P.579; An excerpt from the letter was published with reference to the magazine “Soviet Cinema”.

In the context of the conversation, Lenin spoke about the tasks of developing communist cinema, noted the need for “a certain proportion between fascinating films and scientific ones,” especially pointed to the role of the chronicle, with which it is necessary to begin “the production of new films imbued with communist ideas and reflecting Soviet reality,” emphasized the need censorship (“of course, censorship is still needed. Counter-revolutionary and immoral films should not have a place”) and at the end of the conversation he added: “you are considered a patron of art, so you must firmly remember that of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us ". In this form, the phrase can be understood as a call for Lunacharsky to pay special attention to cinema in comparison with the “traditional” art forms that are closer to him.

Many people mistakenly believe that the phrase sounded differently, and such distortions end up in seemingly authoritative sources, for example, “While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, cinema and the circus are the most important for us.”

"Study, study and study"

Lenin’s famous words “study, study and study” were written by him in his work “The Retrograde Direction of Russian Social Democracy”, written at the end of 1899 and published in 1924 in the magazine “Proletarian Revolution” No. 8-9:
“At a time when educated society is losing interest in honest, illegal literature, a passionate desire for knowledge and for socialism is growing among the workers, real heroes stand out among the workers, who - despite the ugly conditions of their lives, despite the stultifying hard labor in the factory, - find in themselves so much character and willpower to study, study and study and develop themselves into conscious social democrats, “working intelligentsia.”

Perhaps Lenin used A.P. Chekhov’s phrase from the work “My Life (A Provincial’s Story)” ch. VI, the first publication of which was in the supplement to Niva in 1896:

We need to study, study and study, and with deep

Let’s wait for social trends: we have not yet grown up to them and, in all honesty, we don’t understand anything about them.

A similar repetition was made in the article “Less is better” (Pravda No. 49, March 4, 1923):

We must at all costs set ourselves the task of updating our state apparatus: firstly, to study, secondly, to study, and thirdly, to study, and then make sure that science does not remain a dead letter or a fashionable phrase in our country ( and this, to be honest, happens especially often among us), so that science really enters flesh and blood, turns into an integral element of everyday life in a completely and real way.

In the report at the IV Congress of the Comintern “Five years of the Russian revolution and the prospects of the world revolution” (“Pravda”. No. 258, November 15, 1922; “Bulletin of the IV Congress of the Communist International” No. 8, November 16, 1922) the word was repeated twice :

“Soviet schools, workers’ faculties have been founded, several hundred thousand young people are studying, studying, perhaps too quickly, but, in any case, the work has begun, and I think that this work will bear fruit.”
“The entire party and all layers of Russia prove this with their thirst for knowledge. This desire to learn shows that the most important task for us now is to study and learn.”

In “Plans for the report “Five Years of the Russian Revolution and Prospects for the World Revolution” at the IV Congress of the Comintern” (“Pravda”. No. 17. January 21, 1926; magazine “Questions of the History of the CPSU”. - 1959. - No. 2.) it is said:

They will be even better if we continue to study (I guarantee you that)

It is a common misconception that Lenin first uttered this phrase at the III All-Russian Congress of the RKSM on October 2, 1920. In fact, in this speech the words “learn” and “learn communism” were repeatedly heard, but the word “learn” was not repeated three times.

“In fact, this is not a brain, but shit” (about bourgeois intellectuals)

Lenin’s famous phrase about bourgeois intellectuals: “In fact, this is not the brain [of the nation], but shit.”

It is found in his letter to A. M. Gorky, sent on September 15, 1919 to Petrograd, which the author begins with a message about the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on September 11, 1919: “we decided to appoint Kamenev and Bukharin to the Central Committee to verify the arrest of bourgeois intellectuals near-cadet type and for the release of anyone possible. For it is clear to us that there were mistakes here too.”)

And he explains:

“It is wrong to confuse the “intellectual forces” of the people with the “forces” of bourgeois intellectuals. I’ll take Korolenko as an example: I recently read his pamphlet “War, Fatherland and Humanity,” written in August 1917. Korolenko is the best of the “near-cadets,” almost a Menshevik. And what a vile, vile, vile defense of the imperialist war, covered up with sugary phrases! A pathetic bourgeois, captivated by bourgeois prejudices! For such gentlemen, 10,000,000 killed in the imperialist war is a cause that deserves support (in deeds, with sugary phrases “against” the war), and the death of hundreds of thousands in a just civil war against landowners and capitalists causes gasps, groans, sighs, and hysterics.

No. It’s not a sin for such “talents” to spend a week in prison if this needs to be done to prevent conspiracies (like Krasnaya Gorka) and the death of tens of thousands. And we discovered these conspiracies of the cadets and “near-cadets.” And we know that professors around the cadets often give help to the conspirators. It is a fact.

The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and strengthening in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, intellectuals, lackeys of capital, who imagine themselves to be the brains of the nation. In fact, it’s not the brain, but the g...

We pay above-average salaries to the “intellectual forces” who want to bring science to the people (and not serve capital). It is a fact. We take care of them."

“There is such a party!”

“There is such a party!” - a catchphrase uttered by V.I. Lenin at the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets in response to the thesis of the Menshevik I.G. Tsereteli.

"Political Prostitute"

Not a single document has survived where Lenin directly uses this term. But there is a lot of evidence that he used the word “prostitutes” in relation to his political opponents (Bund). In particular, Lenin’s letter to the Central Committee of the RSDLP dated September 7, 1905 has been preserved, where he wrote:

“For God’s sake, don’t rush into an official resolution and don’t give in one iota to this Bundist-new-Iskra conference. Will there really be no protocols?? Is it really possible to have a conference with these prostitutes without protocols?”

« Less is more »

The title of an article from 1923 about the measures that needed to be taken to strengthen and improve the Soviet state apparatus. Published in Pravda, No. 49, March 4, 1923.

"Who does not work shall not eat"

A phrase that appears in many of Lenin’s works (“State and Revolution”, “Will the Bolsheviks retain state power?”, “How to organize competition?”, “On hunger (letter to St. Petersburg workers)”, etc.), where it is called “commandment socialism" or "the root principle of socialism." The expression was included in the text of Article 12 of the 1936 USSR Constitution.

It is noteworthy that the original phrase is taken from the New Testament: “...When we were with you, we commanded you this: if anyone does not want to work, neither should he eat” (2 Thess. 3:10).

“Trade unions are a school of communism”

A slogan put forward in relation to trade unions of the Soviet era. One of Ilyich's behests. The expression first appeared in April 1920 in Lenin’s work “The Infantile Disease of “Leftism” in Communism” even before the start of a broad discussion about trade unions. There is this characteristic in his article “Once again about trade unions, about the current moment and about mistakes vol. Trotsky and Bukharin,” written in January 1921. Subsequently, Lenin repeated the thesis about trade unions as a school of management, a school of economics, a school of communism in his “Draft Theses on the Role and Tasks of Trade Unions under the New Economic Policy” in January 1922.

Mikhail Lantsov

Leader. "We'll go the other way!"


We are all accustomed to the fact that the ever-living leader of the world proletariat constantly wanders around the world in the form of the ghost of communism and plays tricks on honest people in the form of various revolutions. And they, as you know, go according to Chernomyrdin’s scenario: “We wanted the best, it turned out as always.” That is, they leave behind only ruins, blood and socio-political devastation. Revolutions, after which you have to clean up for many years and try to restore what was destroyed by a raging crowd led by fanatics and bandits. But what will happen if Vladimir Ilyich Lenin turns out to be completely different? What if he goes a different route?

Of course, we won’t choose among the “shades of gray.” Because it's too languid and boring. Therefore, I propose a rather sharp, arrogant and large-scale option, in which our contemporary inhabits the body of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, who is not yet familiar with his pseudonym. Not just like that, but by maintaining a connection with our time. Is this good or bad? Who knows. But I’ll try to bet on “one rebel diesel boat against the entire American nuclear fleet.” That is, a person, albeit endowed with great capabilities, against objective historical processes and circumstances.

And yes, of course, everything that you will find in the vastness of this book was invented by me, and any coincidences are accidental.

Vladimir Ilyich Solovyov stood at the large window and admired the bloody sunset from the height of the fifty-second floor of the “glass pencil” of the new Moscow reality. Today was a very important day in his life - he was leaving. No, not at all. Health, thank God, was quite normal. He left, leaving the business to the young and hot sharks of capitalism that swarmed behind him. Fifty-five years and fifty-five million dollars of wealth converted into highly liquid assets. That is, to put it simply, into regular money in accounts. It was now possible to travel around the world without rushing anywhere. Live, as they say, in pleasure. Of course, Vladimir understood that with his active character it would not be possible to idle for a long time, but the very impressive money that he had left “for the road” allowed him not to think about sad things. If he wants, he will assemble a tank according to the drawings; if he wants, he will assemble an airplane. It’s just a pity that it’s too late to fly into space. But nothing. There's enough to do without that.

It would be possible not to leave. But it's boring. Not interested. Fresh. There was an acute lack of taste for life. And for the sake of what or whom should he strive to acquire wealth? He had no close people - everyone died for various reasons. And he didn't need much.

Soloviev turned around.

Standing at the door was Isabella Yuryevna Papayani, his faithful friend and assistant. Moreover, surprisingly, despite a certain sympathy for each other, for so many years they managed to do without sex. Even while drunk. They were afraid to break that thin and tender line of trust that existed between them. More precisely, not they, but he. Vladimir understood perfectly well what passions could begin if he let Isabella into his bed. Moreover, for the last twelve years he had been a lonely widower, and her matrimonial chances were serious. That’s why I kept my distance, naturally afraid of not being able to stand it. Despite the fact that Isabella was an excellent assistant in business, he did not want to see her as his wife. And decisively. Beautiful, spectacular, seductive... and ruthless. Not a woman, but a predator, with sexual excitement from satisfying her ambitions and wallet.

Vladimir Ilyich easily picked up his leather bag and headed out. Kissing Isabella Yuryevna on the cheek as she passed and running his hand along her seductive thigh with some regret, he rushed towards a new life. New destiny.

Two hours in traffic jams and, the happy owner of an elite car, I was finally able to leave the Moscow Ring Road. After which he dropped his foot on the gas pedal and rushed forward like a wounded hippopotamus. I didn't want to wait. Not one extra second. Moreover, at his dacha, old friend Lev Borisovich Weinstein promised a surprise. And he always knew how to surprise.

-... well, come on, tell me what you wanted to please? - Vladimir said and completed the counter ritual of greeting.

Do you remember how many times we argued about certain issues in history?

How can I forget this? - Soloviev grinned.

So here it is. I figured out how to resolve all our disputes. And once and for all to the mutual interest of both.

And how? You can’t look into the souls of those who made history.

You may not be able to look into the soul, but through their eyes you can look at the legends of distant antiquity.

So how? - Vladimir was taken aback.

“You don’t like my theories,” Weinstein waved him off. - Let's celebrate your release and just try.

You're talking business! Let's go to. Because I didn’t even have breakfast today because of my nerves.

You? Didn't?

I'm surprised myself.

We had a good time, but not for long. However, as usual. Vladimir did not like to sort things out.

So, Lyova, I’m burning with impatience, like that girl on her first date,” Soloviev fooled around a little. - Come on, tell me what you came up with there.

If we discard the theory...

Throw it away, throw it away. Not up to her.

Then you just need to sit in a chair. I put that thing on you, press a few buttons, and you look through the eyes of some historical character.

Is it that simple?

Yes, it’s that simple,” Weinstein nodded with a satisfied smile. - Although, if you want, I can explain it in a much more complicated way.

To hell! Why complicate things?

That's what I think. So, who do we choose?

And who can?

If you want a king, you want a simple peasant. Space and time are not limited. The main thing is that you can clearly imagine this frame. Therefore, if you want to gaze at some kind of antiquity, you will have to travel long and painfully to get there, generation after generation. By the way, if we wish, we can track the evolution of the human species. True, I am not sure that my scheme will work with primitive primates. OK. Who do you choose?

When Vova was small, with a curly head...

Are you serious?

Why waste time on trifles? Or can't you?

From what? Quite.

We got up. Went. Connected. Lev Borisovich pressed the necessary buttons. But then everything went as it usually happens in such situations. And the last thing Soloviev heard was some kind of nasty buzzer and Weinstein’s surprised exclamation: “Oops...” Vladimir did not have time to answer him, although he really wanted to. Because everything around became dark and wet. “Well, Leva, well, my friend, just wait...” was all Solovyov had time to think, losing consciousness.

Lenin’s idea: “We will take a different path,” failed?! Victor Ushakov - Dmitry Talkovsky.

Dmitry Talkovsky. After the execution of his elder brother Alexander in 1887 as a participant in a Narodnaya Volya conspiracy to assassinate Emperor Alexander III, Vladimir Ulyanov allegedly said: “We will take a different path,” which meant his rejection of the methods of individual terror.

In fact, this phrase is taken and paraphrased from the poem “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin” by Vladimir Mayakovsky.

And then
Ilyich, seventeen years old -
this word
stronger than vows
soldier with raised hand:
- Brother,
we are here
ready to replace you,
we will win
but we will take a different path.

That is why the idea expressed by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov after the execution of his elder brother Alexander in 1887 as a participant in the Narodnaya Volya conspiracy to assassinate Emperor Alexander III, Vladimir Ulyanov, has now also become more than extremely relevant for us. Evidence of this is the activity of such individuals as blogger Vyacheslav Derevensky, who sings tearful and, in general, correct songs about the situation in which Russia finds itself today! But at the same time, he manages to get lost, in the figurative expression of V.I. Lenin, in three pines, excuse me, three parties, namely: firstly, United Russia! Secondly, - Communists! Thirdly, Zhirinovites?!

Moreover, under the name of blogger Vyacheslav Derevensky, we simply must mean all frank, in other words, absolute, complete RELATIVISTS, excuse me, TERRORISTS! And this, as you know, includes generals! First of all, Petrov! Secondly, Swan! Thirdly, Rokhlin!

Reviews. Write a review. Alexey Kurganov 01/09/2018 18:46. There are only goats around. Alexey Kurganov.

Dmitry Talkovsky 01/09/2018 19:. Not that word?!

But this is precisely the beauty of our, excuse me, life!

That’s why we, at the very least, need to thoroughly understand all these goats without exception, excuse me! In democrat Alexei Navalny, for example, and in all his friends, gentlemen, excuse me, without exception, comrades Igor Ivanovich Strelkov! And so on and so forth...

Reviews. Write a review. Victor Ushakov. "Trotsky - Stalin - Yeltsin." Dmitry Talkovsky 11/12/2017 13:07.

I became acquainted with great interest in your attitude towards Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky. I believe that understanding this triangle is both difficult and necessary. In other words, an unplowed field. That is why I will not insist on anything, but will only allow you to express my opinion regarding the above triangle. I will take your statement and my attitude towards it as a basis. I will say right away that in full accordance with your axiom, including your axiom, any judgment is based on one or another worldview! So, I consider Lenin to be a genius who was sent by Nature, /God/, who is closer to whom, for a positive solution to the problems that inevitably arise in the 21st century.

It so happened that by that time Russia had become the center of events. Which did not quite correspond to the teachings of Marx. But in full accordance with the dialectics of the Ancient Greeks, transformed by Lenin into Dialectical Materialism, there can be many hypotheses, but which of them is the TRUTH is determined by experiment or, if you like, experience, or even simpler, a fact. It’s easier for us, since the facts tell us that the Proletarian Revolution took place, / happened / in Russia. So Marx, the genius of all times and peoples, became solely thanks to Lenin. If there was no Lenin, no one would have known who Marx was, along with Engels, by the way!

As for Leon Trotsky, I will not drag my feet, but I will say frankly that Trotsky, unlike Stalin, for example, fully understood not only the mission that the Great October Revolution carries with itself to all humanity, by the way! But he also knew how, by deftly integrating into its implementation, to extract very useful dividends for himself personally and his friends too. This is the main difference between Trotsky and Stalin. While Stalin was an ardent and genuine supporter of Lenin, although he did not always understand, he always and in every possible way, naturally, supported him as best he could.

The main not even a mistake, but the misfortune of Comrade Stalin, as well as all Soviet people, as it seems to me, of course, is that with the passing of Lenin, we lost not only the heart of the Revolution, but also the head that determined its path construction. Trotsky knew what had to be done, but for various reasons he either did not want to do it, or he wanted to do it, but under his own conditions. Stalin did everything he could, but taking into account the opposition, including from Trotsky, it turned out the way it did!

The fate of the USSR ultimately began to be decided precisely on the map of the general staffs, instead of being decided on the map of the class struggle, not only of the European, but also of the world proletariat. This is how geopolitics was replaced by tactical developments. Lenin's idea: WE WILL GO ANOTHER PATH - FAILED! We won tactically, but lost strategically! Now there is a reaction to all these, unfortunately, tragic events for us. Whoever is the first to not only understand, but even realize the inevitability of the “October Revolution”, will be the master of the situation. Dmitry Talkovsky.

Add comments. Victor Ushakov 11/12/2017 20:32. It's a bit confusing, sorry, but it seems to you. I did not consider any “triangle” with Lenin; Yeltsin appears there, but this is not a triangle. In a triangle, the vertices are interconnected with each other, but here the first two “vertices” were not known, and they could not have known any Yeltsin. It is rather an axis from Trotsky, through Stalin, to Yeltsin, and Stalin in a certain way contributed to the emergence of the Yeltsins, and Trotsky justified and predicted this possibility.

* “The fate of the USSR ultimately began to be decided precisely on the map of the general staffs...” Well, how can that be? “Ultimately” refers to the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Was it destroyed as a result of a military clash with an external enemy? The greedy interests of the newly minted bourgeoisie, which have crushed the working people under itself, are evident. We destroyed it all together when we ignored the results of the referendum on the existence of the USSR and connived with Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

* “Lenin’s idea: we will go a different way - failed!” What kind of idea is this? This is not a prophecy, but only an intention not to engage in individual terror, like the Narodnaya Volya and Socialist Revolutionaries, but to use other methods of struggle. Lenin's idea was a socialist revolution in Russia. This idea can “fail” only if the citizens of the country, the overwhelming majority of them, come to a well-founded conclusion: we have no social contradictions, we do not need any kind of socialism. Nothing like this can be seen in today’s capitalized Russia, social contradictions are intensifying, and the political struggle of various social groups will increase. Therefore, Lenin’s socialist ideas are still relevant; restorations of the old system, as we know from history, are not eternal. Victor Ushakov.

Dmitry Talkovsky 11/12/2017 22:38. As I already said, I do not insist on anything, but will only allow you to express my opinion regarding the above triangle. Moreover, the triangle that interests me is, of course, exclusively: Lenin - Trotsky - Stalin. As for Yeltsin, I don’t consider it necessary at all to discuss any, mind you, actions of this I’m not afraid of this word, Grishka Otrepyev, this modern Emelyan Pugachev! In view of the fact that their activities have absolutely nothing to do with theory. That is why your statement that: “Stalin in a certain way contributed to the emergence of the Yeltsins, and Trotsky justified and predicted such a possibility.” I find it interesting more for novels and science fiction than for serious studies of historical events.

As for the statement: “Lenin’s idea: we will go a different way - failed!” So I meant that Lenin in his activities, the military solution of problems, mind you, any problems, assigned secondary importance. The slogan “Let’s turn the world war into a civil war and the last one” was extremely relevant for him specifically and for the world in general. It was this slogan that became the guarantee of all our victories in the revolutionary struggle for a new world.

As for: “Ultimately” is the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Was it destroyed as a result of a military clash with an external enemy? Then I think: Yes! The USSR was destroyed as a result of a military clash with an external enemy! Everyone is talking about some kind of victory of the USSR in the Second World War! Where is the winner, excuse me? You just need to take a broader view! And see, excuse me, not only what is under your nose, but also beyond! Why, at a minimum, establish who organized the massacre of Germans and Russians! And who in reality, if not the USSR, emerged victorious from this war! Of course, if you come out of a war at all, you can emerge victorious?!

As for the vision: “There are greedy interests of the newly minted bourgeoisie, which has crushed the working people under itself, which is visible today in today’s capitalized Russia!” This question is complex, and most importantly ambiguous. That is why, emphasize that social contradictions will worsen, and the political struggle of various social groups will increase in our country! To a lesser extent, it is short-sighted because this is precisely the plan of our constant, so-called opponents. This is on the one hand!

On the other hand, you are absolutely correct, as it seems to me, in asserting that: “Lenin’s socialist ideas are still relevant! Restorations of the old system, as we know from history, do not last forever.” And now there is a reaction to all these, unfortunately, tragic events for us. Whoever is the first to not only understand, but even realize the inevitability of the “October Revolution” that took place in its time, will be the master of the situation in modern world politics. Dmitry Talkovsky.

Reviews. Write a review. Sergiy Salnikof. Yes, Lenin took a “different path” - he abandoned petty individual terror and organized mass terror, which very quickly grew into genocide of the Russian people. Sergiy Salnikof.

Add comments. Dmitry Talkovsky. 01/11/2018 12:09. Mister Russian nationalist Sergius Salnikof! I dare to assure you that the Russian nationalist differs from all other varieties of nationalism, with the possible exception of Ukrainian nationalists, by his deep ignorance and tearfulness. Tearfulness, plus ignorance, this is the calling card of a Russian nationalist! Therefore, talking to you about the mission of the Russian people, in contrast to the tears and nonsense you shed on every occasion and even without reason, I consider a counter-productive activity.

The only thing you can, and most importantly, that you must not only understand, but also firmly grasp! So this is that terror is the method from which in the most decisive and irrevocable way, following Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, who at one time uttered the slogan: “We will take a different path!”, and later: “We will turn the imperialist war into a civil and the last war!”, was and remains for us and the whole world in general, extremely relevant. This slogan is supported by all communists without exception! And this is precisely what lies in the TRUTH and POWER of the GREAT and INVINCIBLE RUSSIA. Dmitry Talkovsky.

"We'll go the other way"

The words that, according to Soviet tradition, were uttered by the young Vladimir Ilyin Ulyanov (Lenin, 1870-1924), upon learning of the execution (1887) of his older brother, the People's Volunteer revolutionary Alexander Ulyanov, who, along with his comrades, was convicted of preparing an assassination attempt on the Russian emperor Alexandra III.

And Volodya kept his oath sworn over the grave of his beloved brother.


I'll start off hard. As an old "Soviet" friend. Several theses that have become an axiom for me. From them we will go to reason.

FIRST. Lenin, in fact, was the main customer of the mass terror that unfolded in the USSR in the 20th century.

The main customers, as a rule, do not kill themselves. They usually spiritually infect performers with their ideas, corrupt them, and recruit supporters from various walks of life, mainly from fragile young souls. And the customers act: some with a pen, some with an axe, some commanding at the foot of the gallows, some directing mass executions...

Where do such horrifying accusations come from, what kind of vile slander against the leader of the world proletariat?! - the “Soviet man” will exclaim.

And now it’s time to start sharing primary sources with readers.

"...1) Hang (be sure to hang so that the people can see) at least 100 notorious kulaks, rich people, bloodsuckers.

3) Take away all their bread.

4) Assign hostages - according to yesterday's telegram.

Make it so that hundreds of miles around people see, tremble, know, shout: they are strangling and will strangle the bloodsucking kulaks.

Wire receipt and execution.

Your Lenin.

P.S. Find tougher people."

(V.I. Lenin. “Unknown documents”,

1999 Letter to Penza V.V. Kuraev,

E.B. Bosch, A.E. Minkin. 11.VIII. 1918)

But here is a quote from very well-known documents - the complete collected works (PSS) of V.I. Lenin. This is a telegram to the authorized People's Commissariat for Food A.K. Pikes from August 22, 1918:

“Now I will talk on the phone with the military about all your demands. Temporarily, I advise you to appoint your own superiors and shoot the conspirators and hesitators, without asking anyone and without allowing idiotic red tape.”

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, Moscow, Politizdat,

1981, vol. 50, p. 165)

What spontaneity: hesitating means shooting!!!

It was such a time! - the “Soviet man” will object.

The objection will not be accepted. Because time was not like this, it became like this. They made him that way.

Execution in Lenin's style is not just a measure of punishment for specifically guilty people. This is a sophisticated measure of general intimidation, which Lenin repeatedly resorted to and which Stalin so effectively and effectively inherited and embodied later.

SECOND. Lenin was one of the first to raise violence within the framework of state policy and became a role model for a number of individuals who plunged humanity into the abyss of barbarism.

Molotov, a comrade-in-arms of the leader, argued that Lenin was even “harder” than Stalin (who, let me remind you, sent Molotov’s wife to the camps!).

Yes, Ilyich didn’t really hide this:

“Ruthless mass terror is necessary,” Lenin telegraphed in 1918, making recommendations to suppress the peasant uprising, “all suspicious individuals should be locked up in a concentration camp outside the city.” That's what they did. First in ruined churches and monasteries, then on the Solovetsky Islands and, finally, on the territory of the huge northern GULAG archipelago.

But about the camps a little later, now - to the documents and arguments, materials that have only now become available to us.

The attentive reader will find many shocking documents in the previously mentioned 55 volumes of Lenin’s legacy (LPS), published in the USSR. But the most cruel and cynical evidence was hidden in the repository of Lenin’s documents. These archival materials, of course, were not available to ordinary Soviet people. There were many good reasons for hiding the truth.

In a number of documents, Lenin encouraged and actually enforced the policy of terror and repression:

"...secretly prepare terror: necessary and urgent"; “try to punish Latvia and Estland militarily (for example, “on the shoulders” of Balakhovich, cross the border somewhere even 1 mile and hang 100 - 1000 of their officials and rich people there)”; “under the guise of “greens” (we’ll blame them later) we’ll walk 10-20 versts and hang kulaks, priests, and landowners. The prize is 100,000 rubles for the hanged man.”

What does the Communist Party do in such cases? This is how it should be done in such totalitarian organizations:

“ seems inappropriate to publish documents of this kind at the present time.”

(note by G.L. Smirnov to the CPSU Central Committee “On the unpublished documents of V.I. Lenin” on December 14, 1990 to the Deputy General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, comrade V.A. Ivashko. Historical archive. 1992, 1, p. 217)

It's that simple. The facts of Lenin's inhuman activities were hidden from the people under the heading "Top Secret".

In a few phrases - an order and instructions for organizing state terrorism against sovereign states!

In a few phrases - a call for monstrous reprisals against innocent people! Bonuses for hanging!!!

And how many similar documents have not reached us since Lenin’s times and were destroyed by the Politburo, Cheka, NKVD, KGB...

Is it still necessary to look for arguments, to present arguments proving the totalitarian, inhuman perversity of the regime that was created by Lenin and his associates?!

Need to!

To understand why a society so quickly disturbed, seething after two revolutions, unorganized, uninformed, as a result of Lenin’s manipulations, including through the apparatus of mass “brainwashing” and mass repression, was turned into a faceless, resigned mass.

THIRD. It was Lenin who created for the first time in the history of the twentieth century a totalitarian state, a totalitarian regime, the basis of which is a merciless dictatorship and tyranny. Thus a system was created that found its dialectical continuation in the fascist regime of Hitler.

The most “favorite” punishment of the leader of the proletariat was the death penalty. Back in September 1917, in his work “The Impending Catastrophe and How to Fight It,” Lenin wrote:

"...any revolutionary government can hardly do without the death penalty in relation to exploiters (i.e. landowners and capitalists)."

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 34, p. 174)

“...Not a single revolutionary government can do without the death penalty... the whole question is only against which class is the weapon of the death penalty directed by this government.”

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 39, p. 183)

Lenin’s manic desire to shoot and hang manifests itself in the widest spectrum: for possession of weapons, for profiteering, parasitism (!!), refusal to dig trenches (!!!), for poor zeal in delivering firewood (!!!), for disobedience. ..

Data? Quotes? Proof?

Only this way - and no other way!

The arch-famous article “How to organize a competition?” (December 1917 - January 1918). Lenin speaks of the need to develop thousands of forms and methods of accounting and control over the rich, swindlers and parasites:

“In one place they will put in prison a dozen rich people, a dozen swindlers, half a dozen workers who are slacking off from work...

In another, they will be assigned to clean toilets.

In the third, after leaving the punishment cell, they will be provided with yellow tickets, so that the whole people, until they are reformed, will supervise them as harmful people.

In the fourth, one out of ten guilty of parasitism will be shot on the spot.”

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 35, p. 204)

It was such a time...

“Whoever hides or helps to hide weapons is the greatest criminal against workers and peasants, he deserves to be shot...”

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 39, p. 50)

Execution on the spot. Without trial or investigation. This is what the leader decided. SHOOT!

“Until we apply terror - shooting on the spot - to speculators, nothing will come of it. ... In addition, we must deal decisively with robbers - shoot on the spot ...

The detachments shoot red-handed and fully exposed speculators on the spot. Members of units found guilty of dishonesty are also subject to the same punishment."

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 35, pp. 311-312)

“Execution, execution, execution!...” - this is the magic spell of the greatest orator, which was Lenin. And the lines of Vladimir Mayakovsky’s “Left March” are perceived in a completely different way: “Hush, speakers, your word is Comrade Mauser!”

But Lenin’s manic obsession does not raise any questions. It causes shock, shock, horror...

"Introduce execution for indiscipline...

Introduce mutual liability for the entire detachment, for example, the threat of shooting the tenth, for each case of robbery."

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 36, p. 374)

On February 21, 1918, in the equally famous article “The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger!” Lenin wrote that the workers and peasants of Petrograd and Kyiv, all cities and towns, villages and hamlets along the new front line must mobilize battalions to dig trenches under the leadership of military specialists.

"These battalions must include all able-bodied members of the bourgeois class, men and women, under the supervision of the Red Guards; those who resist will be shot..."

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 35, p. 358)

In “Draft decisions of the Politburo of the Central Committee on measures to combat Mamontov” (August 1918), Lenin proposed his own addition to the decision:

“...Introduce a number of more draconian measures to tighten discipline... 2) shoot immediately for failure to leave the carriages.”

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 39, p. 172)

It was such a time...

It wasn’t - but it became like that. In front of the whole country.

Executions, executions and executions. For failure to leave the carriages, for disloyalty, for indiscipline... Execution became the norm of Lenin's life.

People's Commissar of Justice D.I. On February 20, 1922, the leader wrote to Gorsky “On the tasks of the People’s Commissariat of Justice under the conditions of the new economic policy”:

“There is a lot of noise in the newspapers about the abuses of the NEP. There are a lot of these abuses.

Where is the noise against exemplary trials against scoundrels who abuse the new economic policy? This noise does not exist, because these processes do not exist. The NKUST "forgot that this is its business, that failing to tighten up, shake up, shake up the people's courts and teach them to punish mercilessly, even by shooting, and quickly for abuse of the new economic policy is the duty of the NKUST. For this it is responsible."

(IN AND. Lenin, PSS, vol. 44, p. 397)

And here Lenin the lawyer clarifies the task to his colleagues:

“Every member of the board of the People’s Commissariat of Justice, every figure in this department should be assessed according to their track record, after a certificate: “... how many merchants did you put under execution for abusing the NEP...”.

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 44, p. 398)

However, this is no longer Lenin the lawyer, this is Lenin the maniac.

In a number of cases, execution was not enough for Lenin; And whether for the sake of eloquence (or the clouding of reason at that moment was especially acute), he proposed other measures of revolutionary influence. Thus, in his letter to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RKB it is said without mincing words:

“This is not the first time that the Moscow Committee (Comrade Zelensky included) actually gives some slack to communist criminals who should be hanged.”

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 45, p. 53)

I recall the post-perestroika debate about a “return to Leninist methods of leadership.” Did those debating fully understand these methods? Just three quotes to get a sense of the unique style of Lenin's leadership.

“If it is confirmed that you did not accept bread after 4 o’clock and forced the peasants to wait until the morning, then you will be shot.”

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 50, p. 238)

“Decree and implement the complete disarmament of the population, shoot on the spot mercilessly for any hidden rifle.”

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 50, p. 324)

3. 1920th year. The leader speaks of the need to mobilize the entire population of Moscow in order to manually pull out from the forests a sufficient amount of firewood for railway stations and narrow-gauge railways:

“If heroic measures are not taken, I will personally carry out not only arrests of all responsible persons, but also executions in the Defense Council and the Central Committee.”

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 51 p. 216)

All! From theory to practice! Already the leader’s hand is reaching for the Mauser. Lenin is personally going to carry out executions if heroic measures are not taken and, think about it, for what reason - heroic measures to remove firewood.

One can endlessly quote lines from the open collection of Lenin's works, from secret telegrams and letters, previously unpublished, stored in Lenin's archives. A huge number of documents about Lenin’s organizational role in mass terror and execution for anything and everything...

But the main purpose of these quotes is not to excite the reader, but to lead to the main conclusion:

Relying on the teachings of their leader, the new Soviet government established executions and terror as the norm of the new Soviet life.

She didn’t learn it herself, the leader taught her.

"... to take hostages from the peasants, with the understanding that if the snow is not cleared, they will be shot."

(Decrees of Soviet Power. Vol. 4. Moscow, 1968, p. 627)

The system started working.

Revolution... “Of course, in this case we will have to get our hands dirty,” Lenin explained, “the party is not an institution for noble maidens. Some criminal may turn out to be useful to us precisely because he is a criminal.” "We must accept thieves, lackeys, paupers and prostitutes into the party."

Here analogies with modernity already suggest themselves.

And it turns out there were “goats” even in that distant time.

“I can’t accept it, because I’m sick. I advise you to put all theaters in a coffin. The People’s Commissar of Education should not deal with the theater, but with teaching literacy. Lenin.”

(V.I. Lenin, PSS, vol. 53, p. 152)

Maxim Gorky wrote in those years:

“The people of Smolny (meaning Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and others) are starting an incredible experiment on our country and it can only end in a terrible tragedy.” “Lenin and his henchmen are ready for any crime, they are already poisoned by the rotten poison of power,” This is how the writer dared to speak out until his magazine “New Life” was closed in July 1918, and he himself was morally broken and forced to collaborate with Stalin. Alas, examples of such “breakdowns” will still be given in this article.

Gorky's indignation was primarily directed against the terror with which Lenin and his accomplices tried to keep the country in subjection. And the same Gorky will later say, after talking with the leader: “Simple as the truth!” And, as in the case of Mayakovsky, it is not clear what truth the writer with such a symbolic pseudonym had in mind.

I understand that the article is turning into an endless quotation book. But I think you don’t mind, my shocked and annoyed readers, that it’s easier to defeat the cliches that have been hammered into our consciousness over the years, it’s easier, although more painful, to perceive the facts as they really are.

“Lenin, not Stalin, signed the decree establishing Europe’s first concentration camp for dissidents in Solovki back in 1918. Stalin was the father of the Gulag, but Lenin was the grandfather.

...It was Lenin who wrote a note to Dzerzhinsky, where he advised “to arrest 30 - 40 professors” in order to restore order. During the Civil War, Lenin advised Stalin to threaten Tsaritsyn telephone operators with execution if the audibility of conversations between Moscow and Tsaritsyn did not improve. It was Lenin who gave instructions to mercilessly shoot and hang peasants who were hiding seed (!) grain from the Bolshevik confiscation. How else could they survive? Lenin was responsible for the famine in the Volga region, when people began to devour each other."

(E. Yevtushenko, Moscow, Novaya Gazeta, 01/26/2004)

Extermination by starvation. Destruction of faith.

Even during the “tsarist” famine of 1892 in the Volga region, when about 14 million people were starving, Lenin, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, considered helping the starving people unnecessary:

"Hunger serves progress. Talk about helping the hungry is an expression of the sweet, saccharine-like sentimentality so characteristic of our intelligentsia."

On March 19, 1922, in a letter to members of the Politburo, Vladimir Ilyich insisted on the need to use the mass famine in the country to rob Orthodox churches, while shooting as many “reactionary clergy” as possible. The leader had special scores to settle with them.

Please note the date and number of the following document - May 1, 1919 13666/2. IN AND. Lenin - F.E. Dzerzhinsky:

" is necessary to put an end to priests and religion as quickly as possible. Priests must be arrested as counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs, shot mercilessly and everywhere. And as many as possible. Churches must be closed. Temple premises must be sealed and turned into warehouses."

May 1, 13 and three sixes... The number of the devil and the same devilish instruction. I'm not suspicious, it just evokes... Mysticism.

Since ancient times, it was impossible to work on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Lenin issues an order on December 25, 1919:

“To put up with “Nikola” is stupid, we need to put all the CHECKS on their feet to shoot those who don’t show up for work because of “Nikola.”

How to get out of this suffocating host of quotes! I quote, but it feels like I’m driving nails into the consciousness of the reader who has trusted me.

But how (HOW?!) get past Dzerzhinsky’s famous letter to the leader dated December 19, 1919 about about a million Cossacks being held captive?

Lenin then imposed a short resolution on him:

"Shoot every single one of them."

From Lenin’s letter to members of the Politburo on March 19, 1922, classified “strictly secret” (Izvestia of the Central Committee of the CPSU, 1990, 4, pp. 190 - 193):

“We must at all costs carry out the confiscation of church valuables in the most decisive manner, so that we can secure for ourselves a fund of several hundred million gold rubles...

Without this, no government work in general, no economic construction is completely unthinkable. The confiscation of valuables must be carried out with merciless determination, of course, stopping at nothing, and in the shortest possible time. The more representatives of the reactionary bourgeoisie and the reactionary clergy we manage to shoot on this occasion, the better.

It is now necessary to teach this public a lesson so that for several decades they will not dare to think about any resistance.”

After Lenin’s death, throughout all the years of the existence of Soviet power, a grandiose and false myth-legend about him was created.

And again the word from E. Yevtushenko, he is the same as you and me, a reader caught in the same mythical snare:

“We, the sixties, didn’t know much. We fought against Stalin - clearly, we considered him the author of the Gulag, we contrasted Stalin with Lenin - his modesty, kindness, and so on. That’s how he was portrayed in our eyes. And when the archives were opened, we ourselves read it and can you imagine what feelings I experienced? When I suddenly found out that the first concentration camp appeared by Lenin’s decree in 1918? These were the famous Solovki, where so many people died... My eyes were opened to many things...”

(E. Evtushenko, Kemerovo TRC, 2004)

Poet, a member of the sixties, a democrat-deputy from my beloved Kharkov during the turbulent years of perestroika and... “eyes were opened”... What can we say about you and me, who firmly know the “History of the CPSU” - that’s history ...

There is no shame in learning the truth and seeing the light. Moreover, when this truth can so greatly change general views on things, the course of history, and the development of the country! That’s why I decided to write these lines. You need, you need to know the truth about Lenin, and about Stalin, and about the terrible years of the Holodomor, about the war, about your country - about the bright and dark pages of its history...

And if you have to squeeze out of yourself drop by drop - in Chekhov's style - a slave of Lenin's inhuman and disgusting philosophy, drop by drop, becoming purer from lies and abomination, then this is necessary! Through tears and pain, but it is necessary!

No, I’m not preaching, I’m the same as most of you: “homo soveticus” from the distant ALREADY socialist past, with all the prejudices and brainwashed...

I am sharing my thoughts with you. For you.

Arsen Avakov

July 2007