September 1 in other countries. Class hour “First of September in different countries of the world”


    In the USA, there is no single day, like ours, when all first-graders go to school together. The fact is that American schools are free to choose the day when to start the school year. However, according to the rules, they must meet a certain period - open the school doors between mid-August and mid-September, and also work out the required 180 days of the school year

    After all, each school (depending on the state and even on the district where the school is located) has its own rules and there is no single generally accepted standard of education in America. On average, classes start between 8-9 am. Grades are not given in primary school - this is considered unpedagogical. The national feature of the American school is the yellow school bus that takes students to classes.


  • The beginning of the school year, like ours, is the first of September. Although in another Arab country, Saudi Arabia, studies begin only after the end of the month of Ramadan, that is, when Muslims finish fasting.

  • Boys study separately from girls, so 6-year-old daughters are taken to school by their mothers, and their same-year-old boys are taken to school by their fathers. “Only at the university do both sexes study together: and then there are rows in front for boys, and in the back for girls

  • First-grader girls and their mothers have a kind of preparatory week. “It's the first week of school. Every day from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., mothers and their daughters go to school. While the children are getting to know each other, their mothers are told about their children’s school routine. And on the last day of this week there is a big celebration with competitions and games.

  • The academic year in Palestinian schools lasts until July, and students study for 12 years, of which 7 years are primary school and plus another 5 years

  • Palestinian first-graders must go to school in a uniform: before grade 5, boys have blue shirts and black trousers, girls have knee-length dresses of the same color, after grade 5, the color of boys’ shirts changes to gray, and girls begin to wear green shirts. dress pants. They start covering their heads around 3rd grade.


    Japanese first-graders go to school in early April. “Winter ends and cherry blossoms begin to bloom. Spring is coming in full force. On Knowledge Day, Japanese first-graders who are 6 years old find themselves in school for the first time - dressed up, excited, but without flowers and gifts for teachers, like ours. In addition, the first line in the assembly hall is held only for first-graders, not for older schoolchildren.

    On this day, children are greeted by school teachers, parents are told what their children need to buy for school, there are no lessons, and already in the first half of the day everyone goes home. Then the kids and their parents have a week to make all the preparations. But around the 8th, everyone without exception goes to school: both big and small. Primary school in Japan lasts 6 years, followed by 3 years of high school. This is where compulsory education ends. Anyone can study for three more years in high school. Total – 12 years.

  • Despite the fact that first-graders write tests that are graded on a 100-point system, at the end of the year they receive a report card without grades - only with verbal comments from the teacher: “very good,” “good,” “try harder.” The word “bad” does not exist, so it is almost impossible to become a poor student in a Japanese school.


    At the discretion of schools. The beginning of the school year can be either in the last days of August or in the first days of September. The school itself has the right to determine when the school year begins. The main condition that they must fulfill is that there must be 185 school days in the year, until the beginning of August next year. From the age of 5, everyone must go to kindergarten, where children are prepared for school. In kindergarten, children undergo a medical examination, and a psychologist works with them. It happens that a psychologist does not give a recommendation for school, then the start of school for the child is delayed for a year.”


    An interesting and quite old - from the beginning of the 19th century - tradition is associated with the first school day of a German first-grader: the so-called “school bag”. With this large, beautifully decorated bag made of thick paper, children, accompanied by their parents, come to school on their first day of school. And they definitely take their first school photos with it in their hands. An exciting moment for every child is opening their bag at school: what did mom and dad put in there? If filling the bag is the prerogative of the parents, then the children themselves are usually involved in making the “container” itself. They enthusiastically glue the bag together and paint it, showing all their imagination and artistic taste. There is no single start date for the school year. “Each land starts the school year differently. There is also no uniform school entry age for the whole of Germany. In Berlin, for example, it is 5 years and 8 months, in Baden-Württemberg - 5 years 11 months, and in Hamburg - 6 years 2 months.


  • Indian children go to school very early - at 4 years old. And at three years old they begin to attend the so-called “playschool”, where they spend 2-3 hours, little by little preparing for school: they play, learn letters. Before enrollment in school, an interview is conducted with the child. They may ask what kind of animal is in the picture or what this or that letter is called.

  • But this does not apply to all Indian children, since a significant part of them still remain without school education. The government is not yet able to provide school places for everyone, and many parents do not see the need for education or do not have the opportunity to do so: children here often start working very early, helping the family. As a result, there are millions of people in the country who cannot even read and write.

  • “Education in public schools is free, but the quality is quite low. In good private schools, tuition can cost from $2,000 a year or more

  • Public school students wear a compulsory school uniform: girls wear long dresses, boys shorts and T-shirts. Indian first-graders begin their studies in April. Moreover, the exact start date of classes is determined by the school itself. At the same time, no holiday is organized at school; it is an ordinary day. But before going to school for the first time, parents can hold a solemn prayer and treat their child to sweets.


  • There is a tradition in Austria: both students and parents come in national clothes on the first day of school. On this day, a service is also held in the church of the denomination of the community on whose territory the school is located.

  • In some states of Austria (mainly adjacent to Germany) there is also a tradition of “school bags”. But, unlike the German ones, these bags are painted in their own color in each area.

  • In Austria people start first grade at the age of 6. This year the school year begins in Vienna and Lower Austria on September 6, and in other regions on September 13.

Today, September 1, a new academic year began in Russia for students of schools, secondary specialized educational institutions and universities. The official state holiday Knowledge Day in our country was approved in 1984, but historians find it difficult to answer why exactly September 1. According to one version, in Russia until 1699, people began to go to school with the onset of the new calendar year: that is, on the first day of autumn. Despite the decree of Peter I on postponing the New Year to January 1, the school year in Russia has already began in September, and they did not reschedule it.

The editors of have prepared the top 10 countries in which Knowledge Day is celebrated differently.

Great Britain

English children start school at the beginning of September, when they reach the age of five. Parents only have to choose whether their child will study in a public or private school. Both systems are based on the national curriculum, which each school adheres to.


In Germany, children go to school from the age of six or seven. In different cities, the school year begins differently (from late August to early September). According to the tradition that developed in the 19th century, on the first day, parents give a “school bag” to a first-grader, in which they put books, stationery, favorite toys and sweets.


In the Czech Republic, Knowledge Day is celebrated on September 1, and the age of those entering first grade is six years. Czech first-graders are not required to read or write. Czech first-graders only have to undergo an interview with a psychologist to determine whether the child is ready for school stress.


Today, not all African children receive even a primary education. However, parents who decide to educate their child send him to school at the age of four. Before enrolling in first grade, children are subject to a kind of interview. It is considered successful if the African child knows the alphabet.

South Korea

In South Korea, the school year begins in March. Korean children enter first grade at the age of eight and also undergo an “interview”: if they successfully pass the entrance exam, the future student receives the right to study at any school; if the results are unimportant, he enters an educational institution at his place of residence.


In Norway, the school year begins at the end of April. Children go to first grade at the age of six. A feature of Norwegian schools is the absence of canteens and school meals in general: children bring lunch from home.


The academic year in India begins on June 1st. In addition, unlike Russia or Germany, Knowledge Day is not considered a holiday, so there are no ceremonial lines, no ceremonial uniforms, no tradition of flowers on this day in India.


In different Spanish cities, the start of the school year starts from September 1st to October 1st. This is associated with harvesting, in which children also take part.


In the USA, September 1 is not a holiday, and the school year in different schools may begin in August. Each school also has the right to determine the end of the school year itself - each educational district has its own start and end dates for the school year. In the United States, you can become a first-grader at either five or eight years old.


For Icelandic schoolchildren, the school year begins in late August - early September. The academic year lasts 180 days. The primary school includes grades 1-7, where all subjects are taught by one teacher. The grading system in Iceland is also interesting: teachers can give grades from 0 to 10, the lowest satisfactory grade is 5 points

Class hour

on the topic

Teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 30 Kochneva A.N.

Knowledge lesson!

Subject: September 1. How Knowledge Day is celebrated in different countries.

Target: expand children's understanding of the date September 1;

about the traditions and customs of schools of different nations;

cultivate a sense of respect for the history of other peoples, culture,

develop memory, thinking, imagination,

promote the formation of a children's team, cultivate a sense of patriotism.

Progress of the lesson

    Organizational part.

    Hello guys! Glad to see you. I hasten to congratulate everyone on the holiday - September 1st!


    What holiday do you think is celebrated on September 1? (1 September is the day of knowledge).

    First graders go to school for the first time.

    Updating knowledge.

    Indeed, this is a special holiday. This is also the first day of autumn. The first bell rings in schools. For first-year students, this means meeting new friends - classmates and teachers. The rest of the schoolchildren also have a lot of reasons to rejoice, as they will meet their teachers and school friends after the long holidays.

    What else do you know about this day?

    Problem. Search. Study.

    September 1, according to the Byzantine chronology, is the day of the creation of the world. The creation and timing of the universe began

exactly on this day. Byzantium celebrated the New Year on this day. This year the first record appeared, the first supermarket opened in London.

The program “Good night, kids!” appeared in the USSR.

    In Rus', September 1 was the Harvest holiday. Prince IvanIII, having married the daughter of the Byzantine emperor, introduced this holiday as a New Year celebration.

    By decree of PeterINew Year celebrations were brought to January 1st. Before 1035, all educational institutions began their classes differently. The official status of Knowledge Day was received in 1984, now it is a holiday.

    What do you think, when do schoolchildren in different countries start classes? (….)

    In Norway - at the end of April.

    At the beginning of September - Great Britain, Germany.

    Denmark - mid-August.

    New Zealand - February, South Africa - January.

    What do you think, is Knowledge Day celebrated the same way everywhere?

    How does this day usually go for us? (in Russia) (….)

(ceremonial assembly, 1 lesson, walk, excursion, jokes with classmates!)

    Discovery of something new.

    Have you ever wondered what is happening in other countries?

    In Germany, first there is a service, then teachers give excursions to different high schools.

In Germany, there is a 150-year-old tradition - first-graders take out their first-grader “sugar bags” and look at: sweets, toys, stationery. The bags are glued by children and parents.

    In Japan, the school day is only for 1st grade. There are no classes, teachers talk with parents.

    In Israel - in the 2nd lesson, Line, where children give balloons, children write wishes on them and release them into the sky.

    In Vietnam - September 1 - a line, like ours, but instead of a bell, a drum sounds.

    Each school has its own drum.

    There is no single day in America.

Everyone chooses a day between mid-August and mid-September. Everyone must work 180 days of the school year. Not everyone can end up in school. Often parents themselves “give” education to their children; they just have to provide the curriculum and also report on its success. Lessons last 55 minutes, lunch – 1 hour, classes end at 15:30 – 16 hours. There are no uniform textbooks.

There are no grades until 4th grade. The “yellow” bus will pick up and drop off the student, and it has a camera.

    Remember how old you were when you came to first grade?

(….) children's answers.

    Search. Study.

    What age do you think people should go to school in different countries?

    At the age of 5 they go to school in the following countries: Great Britain, Australia, Pakistan, Malta, Ireland, etc.

    At 6 years old: USA, Canada, European countries.

    At age 7: CIS countries (except Ukraine and Belarus), China, Ethiopia, South Africa.

    Remember how long and difficult Pinocchio’s journey to school was?!... How did you get to school today?

(...) children's answers.

    See how students from different schools around the world are forced to overcome serious obstacles!!!

Indonesia. Children cross the river on a broken suspension bridge.

India. Children walk to school on a living bridge made of intertwined tree roots.

School auto rickshaw in India.

A 200-kilometer road to school in Pili village, China.


    How do you think; Are the words student, teacher, textbook the same root?


    Prove your answer!

(they are formed from the verb to teach)

    The verb to teach is common Slavic. This word is derived from the word “uk” - teaching.

    The word "teacher" comes from the Latin "teacher", a word derived from the Greek (literally, leading a child).

    Summary of the lesson.

Do you think this day and holiday is needed in the country?

What does he bring?

    Did you enjoy the activity?

    What did you know?

    What was new?

    What have you read or learned about in the media?

USA. In the USA, there is no single day, like ours, when all first-graders go to school together. The fact is that American schools are free to choose the day when to start the school year. However, according to the rules, they must meet within a certain period - open the school doors between mid-August and mid-September, and also work out the required 180 days of the school year. After all, each school (depending on the state and even on the district where the school is located) has its own rules and uniform There is no generally accepted standard of education in America. On average, classes start between 8-9 am. Grades are not given in primary school - this is considered unpedagogical. The national feature of the American school is the yellow school bus that takes students to classes.

Palestine The beginning of the school year, like ours, is the first of September. Although in another Arab country, Saudi Arabia, studies begin only after the end of the month of Ramadan, that is, when Muslims finish fasting. Boys study separately from girls, so 6-year-old daughters are taken to school by their mothers, and their same-year-old boys are taken to school by their fathers. “Only at the university do both sexes study together: and even then, there are rows in front for boys, and in the back for girls, first-graders and their mothers have a kind of preparatory week. “It's the first week of school. Every day from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., mothers and their daughters go to school. While the children are getting to know each other, their mothers are told about their children’s school routine. And on the last day of this week there is a big celebration with competitions and games. The academic year in Palestinian schools lasts until July, and students study for 12 years, of which 7 years are primary school and plus another 5 years. Palestinian first-graders must go to school in uniform: up to grade 5, boys have blue shirts and black trousers, girls - a knee-length dress of the same color, after 5th grade - the color of boys' shirts changes to gray, and girls begin to wear trousers under their already green dress. They start covering their heads around 3rd grade.

Japan. Japanese first-graders go to school in early April. “Winter ends and cherry blossoms begin to bloom. Spring is coming in full force. On Knowledge Day, Japanese first-graders who are 6 years old find themselves in school for the first time - dressed up, excited, but without flowers and gifts for teachers, like ours. In addition, the first line in the assembly hall is held only for first-graders, not for older schoolchildren. On this day, children are greeted by school teachers, parents are told what their children need to buy for school, there are no lessons, and already in the first half of the day everyone goes home. Then the kids and their parents have a week to make all the preparations. But around the 8th, everyone without exception goes to school: both big and small. Primary school in Japan lasts 6 years, followed by 3 years of high school. This is where compulsory education ends. Anyone can study for three more years in high school. Total – 12 years. Despite the fact that first-graders write tests that are graded on a 100-point system, at the end of the year they receive a report card without grades - only with verbal comments from the teacher: “very good,” “good,” “try harder.” The word “bad” does not exist, so it is almost impossible to become a poor student in a Japanese school.

Hungary At the discretion of schools. The beginning of the school year can be either in the last days of August or in the first days of September. The school itself has the right to determine when the school year begins. The main condition that they must fulfill is that there must be 185 school days in the year, until the beginning of August next year. From the age of 5, everyone must go to kindergarten, where children are prepared for school. In kindergarten, children undergo a medical examination, and a psychologist works with them. It happens that a psychologist does not give a recommendation for school, then the start of school for the child is delayed for a year.”

Germany An interesting and quite old - from the beginning of the 19th century - tradition is associated with the first school day of a German first-grader: the so-called “school bag”. With this large, beautifully decorated bag made of thick paper, children, accompanied by their parents, come to school on their first day of school. And they definitely take their first school photos with it in their hands. An exciting moment for every child is opening their bag at school: what did mom and dad put in there? If filling the bag is the prerogative of the parents, then the children themselves are usually involved in making the “container” itself. They enthusiastically glue the bag together and paint it, showing all their imagination and artistic taste. There is no single start date for the school year. “Each land starts the school year differently. There is also no uniform school entry age for the whole of Germany. In Berlin, for example, it is 5 years and 8 months, in Baden-Württemberg - 5 years 11 months, and in Hamburg - 6 years 2 months.

India Indian children go to school very early - at 4 years old. And at three years old they begin to attend the so-called “playschool”, where they spend 2-3 hours, little by little preparing for school: they play, learn letters. Before enrollment in school, an interview is conducted with the child. They may ask what kind of animal is in the picture or what this or that letter is called. But this does not apply to all Indian children, since a significant part of them still remain without school education. The government is not yet able to provide school places for everyone, and many parents do not see the need for education or do not have the opportunity to do so: children here often start working very early, helping the family. As a result, there are millions of people in the country who cannot even read and write. “Education in public schools is free, but the quality is quite low. In good private schools, tuition can cost from $2,000 a year or more. Public school students wear a compulsory school uniform: girls wear long dresses, boys shorts and T-shirts. Indian first-graders begin their studies in April. Moreover, the exact start date of classes is determined by the school itself. At the same time, no holiday is organized at school; it is an ordinary day. But before going to school for the first time, parents can hold a solemn prayer and treat their child to sweets.

Austria There is a tradition in Austria: both students and parents come in national clothes on the first day of school. On this day, a service is also held in the church of the denomination of the community on whose territory the school is located. In some states of Austria (mainly adjacent to Germany) there is also a tradition of “school bags”. But, unlike the German ones, these bags are painted in their own color in each area. In Austria people start first grade at the age of 6. This year the school year begins in Vienna and Lower Austria on September 6, and in other regions on September 13.

On the first of September, Knowledge Day, our city will be filled with smart children with bouquets of flowers. They will all rush to school for the ceremonial assembly and the first bell. Afterwards they will go to their classes for their first lesson. I wonder how and when is Knowledge Day celebrated in other countries?

For example, in African countries, schooling begins at a very early age. As a rule, at 4 years old children are already in first grade! But before becoming a full-fledged schoolchild, the child undergoes an interview at which the level of his knowledge and preparedness is assessed. If the child does not know the letters, then he is not accepted to school. To increase the child’s chances of entering school, he is sent to a preparatory school in advance. There are play-based classes for children from three years old. Unfortunately, not all children receive education, since it is not compulsory in African countries.

Knowledge Day in South Korea is celebrated in March. Children enter school at age eight and take an entrance exam. Those who pass it better have the right to choose an educational institution at their discretion, while the rest - by assignment. That is why parents who want to send their child to an elite school actively study with him, starting from the age of 5-6 years.

In Germany, Knowledge Day is usually celebrated at the end of August and beginning of September. At the same time, there is an interesting tradition called the “first-grader’s bag.” Its essence is that for children going to school for the first time, parents collect a paper bag, filling it with various sweets, toys, and sometimes books!

The Japanese chose an interesting date to celebrate Knowledge Day. They celebrate it on April 1st. Children go to school for the first time at the age of six. From the very first grade, the school curriculum includes a subject dedicated to the love of nature. It is noteworthy that this subject is taught on the street, where the teacher visually introduces children to natural phenomena and interesting facts.

In Great Britain, Knowledge Day is celebrated, like ours, at the beginning of September. Children enter school at the age of five. Classic British education involves education in boarding schools. This means that children leave the school premises only during the holidays. The rest of the time they live in special school dormitories, and only occasionally do their parents come to visit them.

In Norway, the school year begins at the end of April. Children go to first grade starting at the age of six. A peculiarity of Norwegian schools is the lack of canteens and school meals. Only the youngest are given yoghurt and juice, and even then not in all schools. The rest of the children take food with them from home. Traditionally, a student brings classic sandwiches, an apple and a pack of juice or iced tea from home.

Like here in the Czech Republic, Knowledge Day is celebrated on the first of September, and the age of those entering first grade is six years. At the same time, first-graders are not required to have any special knowledge or skills. It is not at all necessary to read and write - everything will be taught in elementary school. A conversation with a psychologist is mandatory, during which a conclusion will be made about the child’s emotional readiness for school stress.

An unusual date for us to start the school year was chosen in India. Children go to school on June 1st. Moreover, in India it is not customary to vigorously celebrate the Day of Knowledge: there are no bouquets of flowers, no music, no white bows. But from an early age, children are instilled with a love of work and handicrafts. In Indian schools there are special workshops with weaving looms, and each student must pass his “norm” of hand-woven fabric! Money from the sale of fabric goes to the needs of the school.