Почему случаются непробития и рикошеты в World of Tanks? Нормализация бронебойных и кумулятивных снарядов.

Мод Анти рикошет изменит принцип работы измененных утолщенных трассеров, теперь после рикошета цветная толстая линия не будет уходить вверх, что избавит экран боя от бесполезной информации.

Игрок, увидевший название чита «Анти рикошет» может подумать, что мод каким-то образом снижает вероятность рикошетов, что могло бы быть очень полезно. Но такой функционал невозможно реализовать, предназначение Анти рикошета в другом. Если вы когда-нибудь устанавливали цветные трассера, то могли обратить внимание, что в динамичном бою эти цветные линии хоть и приносят пользу, но все же мешают, да и атмосфера жаркого танкового боя немного теряется, ибо трассера остаются на экране долго, и к тому же они цветные. А когда происходил рикошет, то толстая линия и вовсе уходила вверх. Теперь таких случаев не будет, если во время выстрела по врагу командир докладывает о рикошете, то трассер перестает прорисовываться и сразу же исчезает в той точке, где снаряд отскочил от защиты врага. Оптимизация внешнего вида игры и очистка от ненужной информации — вот главное предназначение мода. Если вы предпочитаете играть с цветными трассерами, то этот мод создан для вас.

А кроме цветных трассеров можно еще как-то определять местоположение противников? Да, рекомендую скачать мод « «, который покажет, в какой точке находится только что совершившая выстрел артиллерия противника.


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6 лет назад Комментарии: 7

Часто в даже при выстреле из мощного орудия по легкому танку с тонкой броней можно добиться только непробития или рикошета . С чем это связано? Тому может быть множество причин. Для начала следует сказать, что траектория снарядов, пробитие и т.д. просчитываются на сервере, поэтому использование читов, каких-то специальных кодов и т.д. исключается. Если не пробили легкий танк, этому есть объяснения.

Броня и механика пробития в World of Tanks.

Для того чтобы проще было разобраться в проблеме, давайте остановимся на базовых аспектах игры World of Tanks: броне и механике пробития. В ТТХ (тактико-технических характеристиках) танка можно найти значения брони, это три числа (лоб/борта/корма). Для танков с башней отдельно указывается также и ее бронирование.

Секреты бронирования.

Но стоит отметить, что часто бронирование танка неравномерно, что не отображается в ТТХ танка. Например, в ТТХ StuG III указана лобовая броня в 80 мм, но такой толщины достигают только отдельные пластины во лбу данной ПТ-САУ, бронирование остальных частей лба меньше, соответственно, их могут пробить и снаряды с меньшим бронепробитием.

Рандом в цифрах бронепробития.

Далее, в ТТХ орудия указывается всегда только среднее значение бронепробития, которое при каждом попадании может отличаться в большую и меньшую сторону. Величина такого отклонения может составлять до 25% от указанного бронепробития. Например, снаряд со средним бронепробитием в 100 мм может в одном случае пробить и 120 мм, а в другом не пробить 80 мм. Здесь все зависит от случая. Но нужно отметить, что с появлением патча 0.8.6 средние значения стали выпадать чаще.

Углы наклона бронелистов.

Но и это еще не все. Очевидно, что снаряды могут попадать в броню под разными углами. Наиболее выгодным является угол в 90 градусов (снаряд попадает перпендикулярно броне). Чем острее угол, тем большее расстояние нужно преодолеть снаряду через броню. Угол попадания снаряда зависит от нескольких факторов: это и наклоны брони на самом танке, и положение танка, из которого производится выстрел.

Под каким углом вероятнее всего пробивается броня танка?

Стрелять по противнику надо всегда стараться так, чтобы угол при попадании был как можно ближе к 90 градусам. Иногда снаряд может попасть в броню под таким острым углом, что приведенная броня (которая и зависит от угла) будет в несколько раз больше толщины данного бронелиста.

Нормализация бронебойных и кумулятивных снарядов.

Обычный бронебойный снаряд обладает нормализацией в 5 градусов, то есть, например, при попадании под углом в 85 градусов снаряд доворачивается на 5 градусов и пробивает броню под углом в 90 градусов. Кумулятивные снаряды нормализацией не обладают, а для подкалиберных снарядов с патча 0.8.6 она составляет всего 2 градуса.
  • Не забывайте о том, что снаряд может попасть в любую точку круга сведения. Так что если, например, вы целитесь в нижнюю лобовую деталь противника, но краешек круга сведения задеваете крышу башни, то с небольшой вероятностью снаряд может улететь и туда.
Также стоит отметить, что урон могут «съесть» внешние модули: гусеницы и орудие. Это и является частой причиной попаданий без урона даже самых мощных фугасных снарядов по легким танкам. Обидно, конечно, но такова механика игры.

Отдельно стоит сказать о рикошетах.

Их вероятность крайне велика при попадании снаряда под очень острым углом. Но рикошет не случается, если калибр орудия в три раза больше толщины бронелиста. Например, если калибр орудия составляет 105 мм, а толщина бронелиста, в который попал снаряд, 30 мм, то рикошет не произойдет даже при очень остром угле. С выходом патча 0.8.6 рикошетить стали также кумулятивы.

Как вы видите, при попадании снаряда в танк срабатывает очень много факторов, которые часто и приводят к непробитию даже легких танков из очень мощных орудий. Связано это с элементами симулятора в игре в World of Tanks, которые приближают виртуальные сражения к реальным. Но нужно сказать, что в реальности все еще сложнее. Например, в игре оптимальный угол попадания снаряда составляет 90 градусов, но в реальности это может привести к рассыпанию снаряда и непробитию.


Мы подготовили специальный материал, в котором подробно разъясняется механика рикошетов в World of Tanks.

Что такое рикошет и из-за чего он может случиться

Рикошет — это отражённое движение какого-либо тела (в нашем случае снаряда), ударившегося о поверхность либо преграду под небольшим углом.

В World of Tanks рикошет бронебойного и подкалиберного боеприпаса происходит в том случае, если угол соприкосновения снаряда с бронёй превышает 70 градусов . Для кумулятивных снарядов угол, при котором происходит рикошет, составляет 85 градусов . Фугасы и HESH-снаряды не рикошетят. Проверка на рикошет выполняется в момент соприкосновения снаряда с бронёй.

Когда рикошета точно не произойдёт

Если вы ведёте стрельбу бронебойными или подкалиберными снарядами и при этом калибр снаряда в три раза превышает толщину брони противника , рикошет невозможен: в действие вступает «правило трёх калибров».

Кроме того, рикошетов не бывает при попадании во внешние модули танка : ходовую, приборы наблюдения и орудие — независимо от угла соприкосновения с ними.

Как изменится механика рикошетов в обновлении 9.3

Сейчас траектория срикошетившего снаряда рассчитывается в пределах одного танка. Это значит, что после рикошета снаряд либо пытается пробить броню или повредить внешний модуль в другом месте, либо вовсе «исчезает», если траектория уводит его в сторону от танка.

В обновлении 9.3 поведение срикошетившего снаряда изменится. После первого рикошета снаряд продолжит движение по новой траектории . При этом подкалиберный и бронебойный снаряды потеряют 25% от бронепробития, а у кумулятивных бронепробитие останется прежним. Если новая траектория полёта снаряда пересечётся ещё с одним танком, пробитие будет рассчитываться по стандартным правилам игровой механики.

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    Are you experiencing issues with self control? Do you want to stay focused? Would you consider yourself to be a major procrastinator?

    That"s why we developed this app - to help curb procrastination, distractions and maintain focus. Detox is a timer/focus lock designed to stop you from messing around on your phone needlessly. It can even be used as a way to give yourself a digital detox. As a bonus you can also uninstall other addictive apps from inside it!

    Once you turn on the lock in the app, you won"t be able to use your phone for a period of time - which you can select. The app will monitor your app usage during the period and stop you from using other apps. Plus, the timer keeps going even if you reboot your phone, there"s no way out - No more excuses!

    It"s really easy to start a digital detox, just:

    1. Launch the app.
    2. Set a time to lock your screen for.
    3. Hit the lock icon and confirm.
    4. Study away, without procrastination and distractions.

    Main Features
    1. An easy to use interface without unnecessary features.
    2. The timer stops you from using other apps and getting distracted(you can set up to 11 hours for free).
    3. You can view your timer use history on the History Screen.
    4. You can also see a calculation of the total time you"ve used the timer in the History Screen for a motivation boost.
    5. You can handily uninstall other apps from the "Uninstall Apps" screen of the settings page. It also shows you the size, name and package name of your installed apps.

    1. You can slowly improve your own self control.
    2. It should become easier to stay focused and keep on top of your tasks.
    3. You can break free from needless smartphone use by using the app as a "focus lock".

    Huawei and Xiaomi devices have task killer services that interfere with this app. To ensure it works properly you need to add this app to the allowed apps in security settings.
    Huawei: Phone Manager App > Protected Apps > Add Detox to the list.
    Xiaomi: Services > Security > Permissions > Autostart, find Detox and enable autostart.

    If you have any suggestions for this app or find a bug feel free to write it in the review section or email it to

    Notepad - Notes
    Adler Notes is free, full-featured and easy to use notepad app for Android.
    You can use it as a digital notebook or diary.
    Our app is also perfect for recording lectures, business meetings and interviews.
    It saves your inspirations, holiday plans, shopping lists or anything you want to organize or remember!
    Colors and tags help you to organize and classify everything.
    You can work everywhere, stay productive and get reminders at the right time.

    More features and details
    Basic note has a text field where you can write notes of any length
    Notes can have many additional elements:
    - Bold title field
    - Colors such as on sticky notes, 8 colors to choose from (one of them can be set as default)
    - Task lists, to-do lists, shopping lists and checklists - checkboxes let you control what is to be done
    - You can take a photo and attach it to your note
    - Voice memos - high quality and low size M4A audio recordings
    - Speech to text - use voice recognizer to dictate a note
    Reminders (one-time or recurring) notify you on time with blinking LED notification
    Status bar - component (in the notifications area) helps you add a new note quickly
    Tags support for better organize your notes
    The most important notes can be added to Favorites
    Efficient search helps you to get the information you need very quickly
    Backup and restore features
    Synchronization with Google Drive™ and Dropbox™ (auto sync works when needed and by default works on Wi-Fi only)
    Very useful widgets - put your notes on your home screen:
    - Add Quick Note - provides quick access to the app
    - Single Note - sticky note memo, resizable widget displays one note
    - Your Notes - resizable widget displays all your notes or notes from selected list
    Helpful actions on multiple notes at the same time (long-click selection support)
    Sorting notes by modification date, creation date, reminder date and by name with favorites on top or not
    Share ideas with friends and family via SMS, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter or any other app

    About Us
    Visit SplendApps.com: http://splendapps.com/
    Our Privacy Policy: http://splendapps.com/privacy-policy
    Contact Us: http://splendapps.com/contact-us

    Follow Us
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/SplendApps
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SplendApps
    Google+: https://google.com/+Splendapps

    Learn English words and phrases with the application English for beginners.

    Hi! Here is the English tutorial for those who want to start speaking English fast and free of charge.

    You can choose any of 48 topics to learn English words and phrases
    - Greetings/Farewell
    - Numerals
    - Pronouns
    - Family and friends
    - Calendar and time
    - Holidays
    - Age and stages of life
    - Babies and children
    - Toys
    - Parts of body
    - Colours
    - The senses
    - People and their character
    - Feelings and emotions
    - Clothes
    - Shoes and accessories
    - Hobbies and inerests
    - Sport
    - School
    - Education
    - Professions
    - Computer
    - The world around us
    - Home
    - Prepositions and adverbs
    - Bedroom
    - Bathroom
    - Kitchen
    - Household chores
    - Vegetables
    - Fruit and berries
    - Food and drinks
    - Cooking
    - Weather
    - City and country
    - Village
    - Transport
    - Shops and shopping
    - Society life
    - Free time
    - Books and art
    - Music
    - Cinema and theater
    - Media
    - Travelling
    - Nature and environment
    - History and politics
    - Health and desease

    Each lesson consists of 5 parts (+/- 20 min.):

    1. Vocabulary. Learn new words and phrases, the way they are pronounced and pictures which match them.

    2. Speaking. Practice your pronunciation.

    3. Listening. Match the picture with a word or phrase.

    4. Reading. Choose one of the words or phrase under the picture.

    5. Writing. Make a word out of letters or put missing words in sentences.

    Create your own set of words. You can add words to your notebook that are difficult for you to remember or that you need for your personal use in the coming days. Thanks to a personal notepad, you can independently determine which word to start learning, regardless of the topic.

    You can customize the color of the theme, choose the shade with which you will be more comfortable.

    You can set your individual timetable . Click on the icon with the clock and choose days and hours. You will have a sound and text reminder.

    You can choose your mode of difficulty:
    - only words
    - only phrases
    - together words and phrases in English
    - the number of words and phrases for one lesson 6 - 12 - 24
    - disable visual cues (pictures)
    - disable audio prompts (pronunciation)
    - partially close words

    The programme of each lesson is developed by highly-qualified teachers and the voice records are made by professional announcers.

    You can learn English words and phrases online and even if you are not connected to the Internet.

    You can also see statistics:
    - your progress in learning English words and phrases;
    - your progress in pronouncing words and phrases;
    - you progress in spellling writing.

    You can tell your friends about your progress:
    - share the link in Facebook
    - share the link in Twitter
    - share the link in Google+ or any other social network.

    If you have any questions, write us please:
    We will be happy to answer all your questions.

    Thank you for choosing our application!

    Car Driving on Extreme Impossible Industrial Tracks in super extreme car stunt driving.

    Impossible Tracks GT Car Racing is extreme car driving stunt 3d with impossible track car game 2019. Extreme car driving simulator 3d impossible stunt on extreme gt tracks.
    The fantastic and amazing crazy impossible car stunts 2019 will blow your mind. Crazy impossible car extreme stunts GT smashing machines and super gt driving stunt environment makes this game more dangerous and interesting. Extreme city gt car stunts is a most thrilling game of gt car racing 2019 with sports car stunt driving. You need extreme stunt car driving skills to drive safely on mega tricky extreme race tracks and curvy paths. This is crazy car driving simulator impossible gt tracks game presenting you heavy obstacles and hurdles which makes it impossible car driving simulator 2019. In this car driving simulator game 2019 you will see the hill climb ramps and the turbo stunts. Play car driving on extreme impossible tracks and keep balance your car and avoid throwing down from the tricky tracks. Tricky super car stunt racing is actually impossible mega car stunt dangerous track game 2019 on tricky stunt impossible car driver. Get ready to drive amazing stunt cars through dangerous hills and crazy extreme gt tracks. This is most entertaining ultimate mega impossible stunt master game. Real impossible car stunts track game is waiting for you to burn out tires and keep your name in the gt racing track. To complete all levels you need to secure your car from all impossible tracks. The most realistic impossible tracks gt car drifting simulator has more than one impossible track 3d to make racing challenge as car racing stunt man in the mid air stunt zone. Extreme gt car stunt race 3d is extreme ramp car simulation in category of super stunt car drifting games. The impressive ramps on highway tracks is most penetrating stunt car racing game experience. The fantastic and amazing legendary stunt driver 2019 and crazy car stunts on gt stunts tracks will blow your mind. There are a lot of different GT stunts, hurdles and barriers in this real impossible car driving to block your way in impossible car driving games. Enjoy stunt car racing challenges on impossible tracks in this stunt car racing game. crazy car driving impossible track ultimate car driving simulator with extreme car driving simulator 3d impossible stunts on gt car racing. car driving on extreme impossible tracks is ne wand unique super car simulation features on gt stunt car drag racing tracks. Highway gt stunt car race fever is amazing super speed car race fever. Impossible ultra track race gt stunt master game is ultimate gt track car stunt master game in which you can crazy car tricky stunt master in impossible gt tracks stunt master. This is most addictive hilarious car stunt game 2019. Impossible tracks mega car stunt with impossible mega car stunt master 2019. You will feel like smart car driver on real crazy mountain heights and city tracks to accomplish impossible stunts racing 3d 2019. Driving a real super gt car can be most thrilling and challenging for you. Take good care of approaching final point in this impossible car racing game to reach toward desired destination. You have a lot of thrilling missions on gt tracks where your little mistake can cause serious loss to your time and progress in this amazing 3 super car driving simulation.

    Impossible Tracks Car Racing: Car Simulation Features:

    ️ Amazing exquisite longest asphalt tracks for impossible car driving.

    Various interesting obstacles on your way which will increase the charm of the game.

    Different and unique car stunt techniques used first time.

    This is best game to entertain you.

    ⛐ By driving these supercars your driving skills will increase.

    Smart Tool Box - Handy Carpenter Kit is a handy toolbox app with 40 smart carpenter and metering tools like bubble level, ruler, distance meter, DB meter, protractor, heart rate monitor (cardiograph), speed gun, magnetic field (metal detector), bar and QR code reader... Use device"s in-built sensors in all in one tool box app, handy like a swiss army knife.

    Carpenter tool list:
    Ruler: Ruler size can be calibrated;
    Bubble level: Check surface level. Bubble level can be calibrated;
    Light: Use it as a manual torch light, strobe light or a sound driven light show;
    Protractor: Measure the slope and angle of any object. Protractor can be calibrated;

    Metering tool list:
    DB meter: Measure the sound DB level and its spectrum. DB meter can be calibrated;
    Location (map);
    Distance meter: Measure distance and height of different objects. Distance meter can be calibrated;
    Speed gun: Measure speed of moving objects;
    Magnetic field (metal detector);
    Vibration meter: Richter scale based seismograph data;
    Luminosity (Lux) meter;
    Color sensor;
    Heart rate monitor (cardiograph);
    Battery tester;
    Drag Racing.

    Other handy tool list:
    Unit and currency converter;
    Code scanner: Scan R code and bar code;
    NFC scanner;
    Time zones;
    Night vision;
    Dog whistle;
    Pitch tuner;
    Random generator;
    Body mass index;
    Period tracker;

    The app supports all device brands (Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Huawei, Lenovo, Toshiba and others). However, not all models have the appropriate sensors to support all the tools. It is tested mostly on Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Huawei, Lenovo and Toshiba. Feel free to visit out FB page for support: http://bit.ly/3N8UysR

    Free app with ads.

    new:Widget added (v 2.2.5)
    new:Portuguese language added (In the case of inappropriate or bad translation please contact our support team.)

    Some video tutrials could be found on our youtube channel.

    contributors: looking for contributors to localize the application...

    update: in the case of notifications not showing after update to new version, please uninstall the app, restart your device and then install it again.

    This app is designed to catch your device"s notifications and toast messages, which pops up on your device and store them in order to browse and search them later even if they were dismissed. You can also define filters for notifications which are undesirable, so they will not be saved and will not appear in lists or search results.

    Received notifications should be also scheduled for later by long tapping within a list, or selecting a clock style icon in notification detail view.

    To remove notification from view try swiping the item left or right.

    When notifications not showing: Please make sure, you have provided a Notification Access in android settings
    When toasts not showing: Please make sure, you have provided an access to Accessibility Service in android settings

    Please note, only content shown at least once can be handled, past events (which happend before this app installed) not !

    Premium edition features:
    - Ads free interface
    - KEEP Matched filter type
    - Unlimited filters
    - Custom date range in notification view

    Starting with version 2.5.1 WhatsApp images, audio, video support added. That means you can view images received by WhatsApp application even if they are deleted. To mirror and view images please enable storage permission. Images can be opened within notification detailed view by tapping on any of the items labeled as "photo". Please note this function is now in beta version, if you are experiencing any inconveniences, please let us know as soon as possible. You can enable or disable the function from side menu, by tapping a "WhatsApp monitoring" option.

    If you have any questions, please don"t hesitate to contact us.

    يعمل بدون انترنت

    خصائص و مميزات تطبيق الأذكار و الأدعية "أذكاري":

    ★ أذكار المسلم اليومية: اذكار الصباح, أذكار المساء اذكار النوم و غيرها من اذكار اليوم و اليلة
    ★ تنبيه لأوقات اذكار الصباح , اذكار المساء , اذكار النوم مع اشعار بسيط يمكن تأجيله او منه الدخول الى تطبيق المسلم أذكاري
    ★ سورة الملك, سورة الكهف, سورة الاسراء, سورة الحديد, سورة الرحمن, سورة يس, و العديد من السورة من القران الكريم التي يحتاجها كل مسلم يوميا
    ★ اشعار يوم الجمعة للتذكير بسورة الكهف و الصلاة على النبي و الدعاء
    ★ رسائل اذكاري لتلقي اذكار و ادعية و احاديث و ايات قرانية يوميا
    ★ امكانية تخصيص الاشعار الذكي لتغير موقع ظهور الذكر او الدعاء
    ★ المسبحة الاكترونية الذكية ! ستتذكر عنك اين كنت بالورد اليومي
    ★ ظهور الاذكار و الأدعية و الأحاديث و الايات القرانية على الشاشة لبضعة ثوان, لكي لا تنسى ذكرك الله ابدا
    ★ امكانية اضافة اذكارك و ادعيتك الخاصة بك لسهولة الوصول اليها
    ★ امكانية التحكم بمدة ظهور الاشعار على الشاشة
    ★ الوضع الليلي لقراءة القران و الاذكار في حالة وجودك بمكان مظلم
    ★ يمكنك تصميم اشعار الذكر بنفسك من تغيير لون خلفية اشعار الذكر, حجم و شكل خط الذكر..والمزيد..
    ★ والمزيد من الميزات الرائعة التي تنتظرك لتكتشفها في برنامج أذكاري...

    انشروه لينالكم الاجر

    ☆ يحتاج برنامج أذكاري لصلاحية القراءة و الكتابة على كرة الذاكرة, لقراءة و حفظ الادعية أوالأذكار المدمجة و التي ستضيفها بنفسك الى الادعية أوالأذكارالموجودة.
    ☆ يحتاج برنامج أذكاري صلاحية بدأ التطبيق مع بدء تشغيل او بعد اعادة التشغيل الهاتف او الوحي الخاص بك, لتغعيل التطبيق بعد اعادة تشغيله
    ☆ يحتاج برنامج أذكاري صلاحية انترنت لان البرنامج يحتوي اعلانات غوغل التي تدعمني ماديا للمزيد من التحديثات ان شاء الله فقط.

    شكرا لكم لاستخدام برنامج أذكاري

    "Athkari" Islamic app for all Muslims, the daily needed application for all Muslims around the world.

    Athkari has been designed to help you to never forget mentioning Allah and on your customized way.

    you can customize every single details about the islamic zikir notification message, including the thikir background and stroke color, azkar notification font size, azkar notification animation, when to show the zikir notification and the occurrence of the azkar appearance.

    While you are browsing Internet, reading news, chatting or whatever you are doing on your mobile, Azkari will display the notification smoothly to remind you with Athkar, Duas, Ayah, Suran, or Hadith (Athkar), on your personally customized way..

    Please share Azkari app as much as you can... let Thikr reach all muslims around the world.

    Features of Azkari for Muslims:
    ★ Morning Athkar, Evening Zikir, and Sleep Athkar
    ★ Notification for Sabah Athkar, Evening Athkar, and Sleep Zikirs
    ★ Athkar will show up automatically, and periodically to remind you to mention allah with Dua, Hadith, Surah, Ayah, or Zikir.
    ★ You can add your own Athkars that you want it to show up in the notification
    ★ you can choose when to display the Islamic Zikir, Dua, Hadith, or Ayah"s notification
    ★ you can change the Athkar"s notification background color
    ★ you can change the Athkar"s notification stroke color
    ★ you can change the Athkar"s notification font color and size
    ★ you can adjust the animation of showing the Islamic Athkar"s notification
    ★ Android Material Design
    ★ FREE

    Procreate Makeup Pocket is the best and most popular photo editing software & creator of photo collage makeup on mobile. Download Procreate makeup Pocket & enjoy our photo editor and face editor tools, effects, collage creator, camera, makeup and stickers to make your professional photos and drawing pictures. Procreate makeup is all about taking great photos and making it more professional & fun by remixing free photos into cool collages, memes and makeup editing.

    Procreate makeup pocket is a editing platform to express yourself, make beautiful photo and drawing, and connect with a creative community. Edit with a variety of mobile presets and tools while exploring original content made by creators around the world.

    Powerful enough for creative professionals. Simple enough for everyone. The award-winning Procreate makeup Pocket is the most versatile makeup and photo editor app ever designed for android phone. Procreate makeup photo editor gives you everything you need to create expressive sketches, rich paintings and also editing photos by adding makeup, stickers and filters.

    This incredible picture editor makeup has picture effects, shading effects, photograph effects, picture effects, and bokeh effects to embellish your lovely photographs. This dashing and cool Style changer make up you can modify photograph with a visual histogram and photoshop it by applying picture effects, Gray hair, Color hair, Bokeh impact, and numerous photograph altering effects in this Beauty Photo camera in one touch.
    With thousands of amazing features, Procreate makeup editor includes tools to create cutouts, crop, stretch, clone, add text & adjust curves. It also contains a complete library of art filters, frames, backgrounds, makeup filters & more.

    Camera hd and a face creator proofreader to get beauty .
    Procreate Selfie Camera editor with face makeup effects.
    Selfie Camera with a high caliber to take selfie and to alter at same time .
    Procreate photo editor Camera can take pictures with live effects. It"s your new sticker creator.

    We have included mobile image collage! This means that you can take a free image in Procreate makeup photo editor, add your personal touch by editing & sharing it in the PicsArt community.


    Revolutionary new QuickShape feature for perfect shapes – instantly
    - Stunning 64-bit color
    - Continuous auto-save - never lose work again
    - Import and export custom editing photo and Brush Sets
    -Powerful and easy photo editing tools
    -Built-in body editor supports slimming body, adding abs etc;
    -Adjust the brightness, contrast, temperature and saturation;

    Procreate Makeup pocket Photo Editor offers everything you want to edit images. A host of stylish effects, filters, grids, and drawing tools help you create an eye-catching collage, even if you"ve never edited a photo before.

    GPS Data app - you can check any necessary GPS data. If you like sports, mountaineering, journey, running you can use it to check your results or external parameters like speed, altitude, location, etc.

    Using this app you get:
    - altitude and elevation (measures of the height of a point relative to some datum - Height above sea level)
    - the location (latitude and longitude - GPS coordinates, lat and long)
    - speed km/h or mph
    - the quality of the GPS signal
    - list of GPS satellites (the number of satellites, and PRN are the "pseudo random noise")
    - direction - compass (determining the geographical position)

    In this app you get the access to the necessary mobile data, you don"t need navigation, GPS tracker or GPS Watch.
    With this app you can check sunrise and sunset time of the day, local UTC time, position on the world map and many others data.

    Have a fun with GPS data app !

    Special Strike Shooter has the most advanced and thrilling combat combat missions. You have to fight with courage and fearlessly for your country to win the fight. With the best weapon to destroy all enemies.

    No matter what kind of shooting game you like, this first-person shooter will satisfy your desire for shooting games. Slide your screen to control, including moving, jumping, throwing explosives. This is just the beginning of a battlefield battle that requires excellent combat skills and shooting skills to accomplish all kinds of difficult missions.

    Your mission is to destroy all enemies and you have to find them. They do not know your presence. But when you start shooting, they will hear gunshots and discover your presence. So when you start shooting, it is necessary to be very careful. To escape the enemy"s firepower, one by one to kill the enemy.

    This is a very interesting and very challenging first-person shooter game. He has high-definition graphics and is simple to operate. As a commando, you need to have incredible bravery, even in the face of brutal enemies. You have to destroy all the enemies, to complete the mission. You can destroy the enemy to get gold coins, use gold coins, you can buy more powerful and more advanced weapons. Use your mighty weapon to destroy more enemies. Join us, fight is about to start!

    The mission is full of excitement and challenge. Kill all your enemies and win. Clear the area and get a new mission. You have to clear all the deadly areas below you. Do not be defeated, destroy all your enemies.

    Special Strike Shooter Features:
    - realistic 3D effects
    - Simple and smooth control
    - Real war scenes
    - advanced and powerful weapons
    - a variety of challenging missions
    - Smart AI, make the game more interesting
    - shocking music and sound effects
    - Play anytime, anywhere