Наши семейные традиции. В каждой се

Family traditions

In every family there are different traditions. Family traditions help people to feel themselves part of the whole, strengthen the family unity and simply to enjoy happy memories. I think that the moments spent in the circle of your family are the most precious.
We have a great tradition in our family. On May Day we usually go to the country where my grandparents live and spend there our days off. I often help my grandma with gardening or go fishing with my granddad. We love to make up picnics. My father usually cooks Russian fish soup and grilled vegetables. We often sit up late at night and look through our family albums. I can sit for hours studying each image and recalling life events. It is so touching. If it is summer, on weekends we go to the river to sunbathe and swim. We play beach volleyball or badminton. To tell the truth, I like to "unite" with the nature. As for me, I can spend hours staring at the water. At night we often build a fire and sing to a guitar. At these moments I feel the happiest person in the world.
Another family tradition is decorating our New Year tree with ornaments, tinsel and candles. As I am fond of handicrafts, I usually make scrapbooks of our celebrations. My mother usually makes New Year"s tree decorations and it definitely adds a special festive touch to the New Year decor. Besides, we usually celebrate New Year at home, in the circle of our family. I get up early in the morning and help my mom to cook a festive supper. It is a tradition in our country to have a certain menu for this holiday. Usually it is a baked goose, a famous Russian salad called Olivier, jellied minced meat and, of course, champagne. Then I go into my room to put my gala dress on. Sometimes my mom asks me to help her lay the table. When all preparations are behind, we watch TV and wait for our guests to come. When the Kremlin chimes strike twelve times, all of us make wishes, hold glasses of champagne and wish each other Happy New Year. Children usually receive long-awaited presents from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. Besides, New Year fireworks are must-have for this holiday.
Frankly speaking, I love all holidays but my birthday is my favorite one. My parents usually wake me up early in the morning with a nice song "Happy birthday, dear Sophia" and give me their presents and flowers. We always invite guests to our place and make fun. We sing songs, dance and play games. Then, suddenly, all the light goes out and my parents bring a very nice cake with burning candles. I make my wish and blow out all candles. In the end of the party all of us come outside and set off fireworks.

Семейные традиции

В каждой семье есть различные традиции, которые помогают укрепить единство семьи, почувствовать себя частью целого, и попросту насладиться счастливыми воспоминаниями. Я считаю, что моменты, проведенные в кругу семьи, самые ценные.
В нашей семье есть отличная традиция: на майские праздники мы обычно уезжаем в деревню, где живут мои бабушка и дедушка, и проводим там все выходные. Я часто помогаю своей бабушке ухаживать за огородом или хожу на рыбалку с дедушкой. Мы любим устраивать пикники. Мой папа обычно готовит уху и овощи на гриле. Мы обычно засиживаемся допоздна, просматривая семейные фотоальбомы. Я лично могу часами изучать каждую фотографию и вспоминать былые времена. Это так трогательно.
Если это лето, то по выходным мы ездим на реку, чтобы позагорать и искупаться. Мы играем в пляжный волейбол или бадминтон. По правде говоря, мне нравится сливаться с природой. Лично я могу часами смотреть на воду. Ночью мы часто разводим костер и поем песни под гитару. В такие моменты я чувствую себя самым счастливым человеком в мире.
Еще одна наша семейная традиция связана с украшением новогодней елки игрушками, мишурой и свечами. Поскольку я люблю делать поделки своими руками, я обычно делаю памятные декоративные альбомы, в которые вклеиваю фотографии празднования Нового года. А моя мама обычно изготавливает праздничные елочные игрушки, что вносит особый штрих в новогодний декор. Кроме того, у нас есть традиция отмечать этот праздник дома, в кругу семьи. Я обычно просыпаюсь рано утром и помогаю маме готовить праздничный ужин. В нашей стране есть даже особое традиционное меню для этого праздника, включающее запеченного гуся, известный салат оливье, холодец и, конечно же, шампанское. Затем я иду в свою комнату, чтобы переодеться в праздничный наряд. Иногда моя мама просит меня помочь ей накрыть стол. Когда все приготовления остаются позади, мы смотрим телевизор и ждем прихода гостей. Когда куранты бьют двенадцать часов, мы все поднимаем бокалы с шампанским и желаем друг другу счастливого Нового года. Дети обычно получают долгожданные подарки от Деда Мороза и Снегурочки. Кроме того, в Новый год есть излюбленная традиция фейерверков.
Честно говоря, я люблю все праздники, но мой день рождения - это самый любимый. Мои родители обычно будят меня рано утром песней «С днем рождения, София» и дарят подарки и цветы. Мы обычно приглашаем гостей и веселимся: поем песни, танцуем и играем в игры. Затем неожиданно гаснет везде свет, и мои родители выносят очень красивый праздничный торт с горящими свечами. Я загадываю желание и задуваю все свечи. В конце вечеринки все мы выходим на улицу и запускаем фейерверки.

Topical Vocabulary:

1) to unite - объединяться
2) to strengthen - усиливать, укреплять
3) family unity - единство семьи
4) precious ["prejbs] - дорогой, ценный
5) to go to the country - ехать за город, в деревню
6) day off- выходной
7) to make up picnics - устраивать пикники
8) Russian fish soup - уха
9) to sit up late at night - засиживаться допоздна
10) to look through - просматривать, разглядывать
11) family album - семейный альбом
12) to sunbathe ["sAnbeiG] - загорать
13) to stare - пристально смотреть
14) to build a fire - разжигать костер
15) to sing to a guitar - петь песни под гитару
16) tinsel - мишура
17) handicraft ["haendikra:ft] - ручная работа
18) scrapbook ["skraepbuk] - альбом для вырезок, фотографий, картинок
19) celebration [, seb"breif(9)n] - празднование
20) festive - праздничный
21) in the circle of a family - в кругу семьи
22) jellied minced meat - холодец
23) to lay the table - накрывать на стол
24) preparations - приготовления
25) long-awaited - долгожданный
26) Grandfather Frost - Дед Мороз
27) Snow Maiden - Снегурочка
28) to set off fireworks - запускать фейерверки
29) to invite guests - приглашать друзей
30) to make fun - веселиться
31) to blow out candles - задувать свечи

Тема : Family traditions

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.


Образовательный аспект:

    Автоматизация сформированности навыка говорения

    Введение и первичная автоматизация новых лексических единиц;

Развивающий аспект:

    Развитие языковых, индивидуальных и интеллектуальных способностей учащихся.

    Развитие навыков и умений восприятия англоязычной речи на слух.

    Развитие познавательного интереса к различному образу жизни.

Воспитательный аспект:

    Воспитание интереса к изучению темы и реалиям страны изучаемого языка;

    Воспитание самостоятельности и личной ответственности.

Формы работы : фронтальная, парная.

Оснащение урока :доска, компьютер, презентация PowerPoint

Ход урока:

    Организационный момент.

    Good afternoon, boys and girls. I"m glad to see you today.

    Sit down, please. What date is it today? Who is absent?

Коллаборативная среда Клубок

2 Постановка темы урока, сообщение цели.

We shall continue to learn the topic “Living together”. The title of our lesson is “Set the table”. We shall continue to talk about your responsibilities and you will know new words and will learn a poem “Helping mother”

3 Фонетическая зарядка .

I hope you are ready for your lesson. Now it is time to practice today s vocabulary. You can see the cards on your tables. You will have two minutes to write the missing sounds. (Daughter, husband, niece, aunt, nephew, elder, parent, uncle, female, cousin)

4 Речевая разминка .

Now listen to me carefully? You must agree or disagree with me. If I am right, repeat my sentence, If I am not right, disagree with me.

    You have got two sisters.

    You do your homework.

    You made your bed.

    You take out the rubbish.

    Your mother sets the table.

    You help your parents in the garden.

    Children help parents with the washing up.

    5. Актуализация ранее изученного материала.

Your home task was to ask your parents what responsibilities children and parents have at home.

    Are relations very important in the family?

    What are the children s responsibilities?

    What do you like doing about the house?

    What do you think about parents responsibilities?

    Must members of the family help each other?

Работа в парах: развитие навыка устной речи, письма. Отработка ранее изученных лексических единиц

There are different families. They have different relations. Look at the board, you must match the word combinations and their descriptions. You will work in pairs.

1. A friendly family

2. A close family

3. A caring family

4. A hospitable family

5. A traditional family

6. A conservative family

a. Members of the family always help each other.

b. Members of the family are near in relationship.

c. Members of the family feel responsibility each other.

d. Members of the family are friendly with guests.

e. Members of the family have many traditions.

f. Members of the family do not allow their children to go to the disco.

Your next task. Make a list of your responsibilities at home.

I like to do and I do

I do not like to do but I do.

    Введение новых лексических единиц .

I know you help your parents about the house and often set the table. That s why you must know the following words. Look at the board and read these words.

A cup, a glass, a knife, a spoon, a fork, a plate, to clear the table, responsibility, tradition

What colour is the spoon?

What do you use to eat soup?

Did you help your mother to clear the table?

7 Первичное закрепление лексического материала.

You have learnt some new words. It helps you compose the dialogue.

I’m well, thank you. Do you have the family traditions?

Yes of course. We like to play the Monopoliya altogether. And you?

Every year we celebrate altogether New Year, we decorate our home and give presents for each other

Oh, it is very interesting. I think our family is friendly

I agree with you. But in your family every member of the

Who wants to read the dialogue?

8 Подведение итогов, задание на дом. Рефлексия

Thank you for your work. - You were very active today.

Дополните фразу:

Урок был……. Теперь я знаю………Хочу больше узнать…..

    Your home task is page 130 ex 25

Thank you for the lesson, it"s over. Good-buy.

Let"s talk about family traditions

It goes without saying that the family is very important as a unit in our society. Nothing else but family can be an emotional centre of people"s lives and a transmitter of culture. Understanding between all members of the family and consideration for others are very important in family relationships. Tenderness, warm-heartedness and respect must always be present in the family to make it friendly. I do think family traditions help its members respect and support one another.

A lot of activities can help members of a family to be on friendly terms: discussing all the family plans, going on trips together, visiting museums, theatres, exhibitions and exchanging opinions about them, sharing joys and sorrows.

If to speak about my family, I can say I enjoy our honest and open relationship. I like it when parents trust their children, give them freedom, rely on them and respect them. In my opinion these things make family relations warm and pleasant.

Unfortunately, we can"t spend much time together during a week. My parents have to work a lot to earn money for our family. But in the evening they try to spend as much time as possible with my sister and me. Everybody in our family likes having tea when we can speak about our working day, share impressions and good news, discuss our challenges and make plans for the coming day. It"s one of our family traditions. To my mind, it helps us learn more about one another and makes our family united.

Every member of our family looks forward to the weekend. We enjoy going to the cinema and cafes together. In winter we often ski and skate. In other seasons we enjoy riding bikes, going to theme parks or visiting famous sights of our country. We visit our extended family and often help them in the garden. It"s also our family tradition to spend summer holidays together either at the seaside or in the country, which I enjoy very much.

We have other family traditions. Our family see the New Year at home. We cook a lot of delicious food for the night meal which usually starts at 10 p.m. A goose or chicken stuffed with apples is our traditional New Year dish. We sing songs, play games and give presents to one another.

We have a family tradition to celebrate birthdays of each member of the family. On these days we usually have parties. Friends and relatives come with presents and flowers. Our last family birthday was mother"s birthday. We wanted to make it a special day since it was her 38th birthday. We had selected a nice present for her and my father and I had done all the cooking. The table was nicely laid up. The party was fantastic. All the guests seemed to enjoy themselves a lot.

As you can see, consideration for others is very important in our family relationships. We have our family traditions which make our life more exciting and interesting, help to understand one another better, to express our emotions and feelings. Our parents feel great affection for us and try to bring us up in a proper way. They devote their free time to us and this makes our home the happiest place for me.