Far cry 4 прохождение шангри ла. Убить или быть убитым

Подойдя к искателю, берем лук.

  • Исследуйте Шангри-Ла.

Продвигаемся вперед. Убиваем демонов и заходим в порталы, чтобы покрутить барабаны, тем самым открывая доступ к храму.

  • Войдите в храм.

В храме можно пополнить запас стрел.

Не забывайте, что убить Испепелителя не просто. Поэтому отвлекайте его, приказав тигру напасть на него .

Пленник рая

  • Доберитесь до Колокола Просветления.

Используйте воздушные потоки, чтобы поднятся выше.

  • Подберитесь к искателю.

У искателя берем улучшения для лука. Теперь можно стрелять по площади.

С боем добираемся до воздушного потока. Используем его для перемещения в следующую точку. Убив большое кол-во демонов, крутим барабан.

Снова направляемся к воздушному потоку и после продолжительной битвы активируем следующий барабан.

Отправляемся в очередной полет и оказываемся у колокола. Освобождаем его.

Рай уничтожен

  • Спасите слона.

Атакован демонами, ему необходима помощь. В благодарность за спасение, он будет вам помогать.

  • Отыщите Колокол Просветления.

Добравшись на слоне до барабана - вращаем его. Отстреливаем демонов и убиваем нескольких Испепелителей. Если тигр далеко, сделайте несколько выстрелов в Испепелителя и когда он ослабнет, нанесите ему смертельный удар [F] .

Активировав второй барабан, используем слона как таран и пробиваемся к храму.

Подымаемся по лестницам, избавляясь от демонов и Испепелителей. Ударяем в колокол.

Будущее без прикрас

Сразу попадаем под атаку черной птицы. Колокол в плену.

Это босс. На вооружении у него очередь из огненных шаров. От них легко увернуться. Слабое место - это огненная пасть. Стреляйте в нее, когда босс остановится и будет пытаться плюнуть шарами.

Несколько раз босс будет падать. Тигр (по вашему приказу) будет пытаться уничтожить его. Но получится это у него только после нескольких попыток.


Если вы не знаете, как пройти задание, найти необходимый предмет или одолеть того или иного босса в игре, тогда милости просим в раздел Прохождение . Здесь мы публикуем самые разнообразные видео прохождения каждого уровня, сотрудничая с пользователями на YouTube.

К каждому прохождения мы прикрепляем небольшое сюжетное описание игры и список миссий, чтобы вы сразу входили в курс происходящих событий, описанных в игре. Кроме того, упоминаем автора прохождения с активной ссылкой на его канал, чтобы вы могли подписаться на другие трансляции пользователя.

Информация о сайте

База данных развлекательного портала сайт была создана специально для того, чтобы геймеры и просто любители виртуального мира всегда были в курсе любых новостей из мира гейм-индустрии, узнавая именно то, что им нужно. Например, когда выйдет долгожданная стратегия, какие дополнения к ней создаются, кто занимается ее издательством или на каких платформах она появится.

Здесь пользователь всегда найдет интересные игровые посты с геймплейными роликами, картинки, деталями сюжета и описанием коллекционных изданий. Есть даже публикации с системными требованиями, видеодневниками и официальными обзорами от разработчиков. Отдельного внимания заслуживают специальные разделы, в которых публикуются большие статьи с прохождениями, игровыми топами и другими интересными материалами. Мы всегда стараемся идти в ногу со временем, поэтому обновляем сайт каждый день, дополняя и по возможности обновляя уже существующий контент. Также наша команда тесно сотрудничает с другими информационными ресурсами, сервисами и форумами, чтобы предоставить вам ещё больше информативных и главное интересных материалов в простой и понятной форме. Оставайтесь всегда с нами и узнавайте свежие подробности об играх одни из первых.

С уважением, Администрация.

In TemTem, there is a chance capture some creatures however, in early access the game does not have many to discover. Even so, the cdreaters have left several TemTem that are quite rare to find, and that you may not even have heard yet and that it would be good if you find them.

Saku Location : You can find this creature near the Gifted Bridges, an area that you will locate along the path of Route 3.

Saipat : It seems that this creature usually appears rarely along the Thalassian Cliffs, but its appearance rate seems to be very low.

Some players have also said that they have been able to see it in the Windward Fort, route 2 and even route 3.

Barnshe : It is a fairly powerful creature, which even has one of the strongest attacks discovered so far. To find this creature you must go to the Windward Fort, specifically to the upper floor.

Oceara : Get the surfboard and go to the Sillaro River, specifically to the docks. Once you arrive, go to the right of the docks, go up a little and find the seawater cave.

As soon as you have entered the cave, you must go to the north until you find a very long corridor. From there, go down, then turn right and go back up to find a new room where there should be a waterfall. Well, in this room you should find a natural pool at the bottom of the newly discovered waterfall and that is where you should find this rare creature.

After your battle with Rawiri at Mokupuni Dojo, your progress through the game will become increasingly difficult. Carlos will ask you to set a trap for Clan Belsoto and you steal their clothes, then you face the clan and Dr. Hamijo inside the Volcano.

How to beat Dr. Hamijo?

Hamijo mainly has Temtem fearing the Electric type. So don’t hesitate to use Ganki (or Gazuma) at the head of the team to face his Saipat, his Kalabyss and his Zaobian. For the rest, don’t hesitate to capture a Fire type Temtem and level it up to face the Taifu of Hamijo. There will only be one Gazuma left that you can take down with your own Gazuma or your Crystle starter (if you chose this one). Earth attacks will also be effective against Gazuma.

List of Temtem of Hamijo

Gazuma: Electric and Wind types (Level 28)

Kalabyss: Water and Toxic Types (Level 28)

Zaobian: Watch out for his Tesla Prison Electric attack / Type Digital (Level 32)

Taifu: Type Nature (Level 28)

Saipat: Type Water (Level 28)

Once Dr Hamijo is defeated, Carlos will give you the precious Crystal Skates.

This guide we’ll show you some useful tips on how to use the time machine to find and defeat the secret boss in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot (DBZ Kakarot)

As you progress through the game you’ll notice that certain type of enemies (red aura) called Villains are growing in the different regions and that they usually have a level above the average of the opponents that you usually encounter. Even if you can face them, it’s better to leave them until you finish the game as they’ll lead to find the secret boss Mira and Towa.

For this you’ll have to wait until you complete the game to have the time machine available. So once you complete the game, you already have the time machine available, here you must create a team with your three best fighters and go for all these villains that leave in the different areas. However, these villains are going to have levels ranging from 30 to 100 so they won"t be easy.

Our goal is to end all these most powerful versions of the enemies of the game, and you’ll go to the next region where you must repeat the same dynamic of ending all the villains so that all the most powerful versions of the great enemies appear, and so on.

When are done with all the villains and super enemies of each of the regions, Towa will already have completed his process and will bring back Mira, his great warrior. In that case you’ll have to go to the general map and press "triangle" on PS4 or "Y" on Xbox One to show various zones such as Namek, The planet of Kaito and the Kais world.

In the Kais world there is a special red icon that represents the fearsome Mira that has a level 100 and you must defeat him. Remember that this enemy has dark versions of very powerful techniques such as the energy bomb, and you will require a very high level of your characters to be able to defeat him.

As soon as you beat him, both Mira and Towa will escape to another temporary strip and they will definitely leave your region, but the villains with the red aura will appear again in the different areas that you can use to search experience and thus climb fast level your characters.

In Legends of Runeterra (LoR), Shards are in game currency that can be used to buy cards, build your deck and unlock shipments every week.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to earn Shards quickly in LoR.

Unlock Weekly Vault

Play Expeditions

This game mode will offer you to build a special deck from proposed cards and compete against other players to accumulate a maximum of winnings. The more games you win, the higher your rewards (the maximum being for 7 wins). However, two consecutive defeats in this mode will eliminate you from the match! You will then receive rewards based on your number of wins.

In LoR, you can play a maximum of 3 expedition sessions per week. It is therefore impossible, like other similar game, to use this mode in order to intensively farm the cards. However, the rewards are very attractive and it is necessary to do your 3 runs per week if you want to optimize your progress as much as possible.

Increase Your Region Levels

You can pick a region of your choice to gain XP which you can use to level up in LoR. For each level done, you’ll get rewards including chests that give Shards. In addition, your progress may allow you to get champions from said regions. You can only pick to climb one region at a time, but it is quite possible to pick another region at any time. The last award from each region will unlock champions.

Duplicate Cards

Another method to earn Shard, card recycling will allow you to clean up your collection somewhat and enrich it. To compose a deck on LoR, you can only align the same card 3 times in your stack. Therefore if you have 4 times the same card, the last will automatically transform into 25 shards if it is "common" or 75 shards if it is "rare".

For an epic card or more, it will automatically transform into another card of the same rarity which you don’t already have in 3 copies.

Monster Hunter World Iceborne players on PC are experiencing numerous performance issues at launch. Capcom has apologized for the technical problems that accompany the release. Until a patch is released, we have compiled some tips here to make things better. You don"t have to expect a miracle, but they can improve things more or less individually, and make a difference in the end.

Nvidia Cards:

Update your Nvidia drivers to the latest.

In the Nvidia Control Panel, open "Manage 3D Settings", deactivate the "Low latency mode" option if it is activated.

In the same panel, you can try to disable vertical synchronization.


Close unnecessary applications as much as possible, like your Internet browser.

Open the task manager and select MHW in the programs. Right click then details, in the new tab, select it, then put its priority high.

Head to the waypoint and climb then follow the trail east to another set of grapple points, arranged like a downward-pointing triangle. Climb the bottom “tip”, then switch to the one on your left. As you climb it, you’ll see another grapple point to the north, but you can’t quite reach it yet.

Climb all the way up, then creep left along the cliff and you’ll see that northern grapple point. Go up and to the left, as usual, until you come upon one more grapple swing. (You may see some enemies here as well.) And then, finally, you find the cave mouth, also known as “Kalinag’s Door”.

Back in Shangri-La, say hello to your white tiger and follow the path until you reach a seeker. He’s not one of the three hidden seekers in this level, so he doesn’t grant you a health boost. But he does give you bow 2.0.

Stay in the doorway to avoid getting hurt from behind, shoot as many demons as you can, and send your tiger on any demons you can’t shoot. Work your way around the room, so you can drop off the ledges and find the first of this level’s hidden seekers tucked under the bridge.

When the battle is finished, follow the quest icon through the waterfall and into an outdoor area where a red river leads to a glowing portal. But before stepping through the portal, follow the river back upstream to find the second hidden seeker in a tree.

Each door leads back to its specific area in the main level. Use it as a dodge. Just duck back into a portal and zip away to a new, hopefully safer spot of the map.

Back in the main level, you now have a new path to travel. It is infested with demons, including a fire breather. But if you’re not up to battle, you can just run to the temple gate and it will open.

Once inside the temple, the fight to reach the bell begins. You’ll meet a new enemy here that looks like a skinny, furless dog wearing a mask. These are “beasts.” And the thing you need to know about beasts is that they explode.

Keep yourself healed, and when a scorcher gets close, either coordinate with the tiger for a finishing move, or just snipe it in the back of the neck. Eventually, only two scorchers guard the bell left. Take them out and the bell is yours to ring.

Mission #2: The Surrender To Paradise [ edit ]

To reach the thangka, start around x:553 y:455, where a small bell hangs mounted in front of a cave entrance. But ignore it for now; you’re here for the stairs and the climbable ledges off to the right. Scale them.

Follow the trail that goes up and to the left (north) until you hit a grapple point.

Grapple up, leap across to two ledges and a grapple swing, use the log to cross the gap, climb and leap across more ledges, and follow the trail north to a waterfall. This is Kalinag’s Descent.

Use the grapple point to go down into the hole the waterfall drains into (look for a lost letter in a cave part way down) or just dive all the way down into the pool at the bottom. There, swim through the underwater passage to the west and make your way into the thangka chamber.

Once in Shangri-La, you’ll learn to use a wingsuit of sorts. The swirls of red leaves boost your altitude, so you’ll need to aim for them if you want to stay airborne.

Through the door, either leaf swirl will shoot you on a wild path from spire to spire. You can go in either order, but we’ll take the left one first. You’ll eventually land in a demon-infested courtyard in front of a multi-level structure with a wobbly mani wheel on a high balcony.

Pace yourself and remember all the tools you have: the bow’s time-slowing power, two fire modes, your old-fashioned takedowns , and the tiger. Watch your health, don’t be afraid to retreat.

After the battle, check the right corner of the middle level (the one with the blood pools) to find the second hidden seeker. Then spin the mani wheel and head back to the wind spire, which will send you to the right-side swirl’s battle.

Same slaughter, different demons. This level is a positively Escher-esque maze of stairs and platforms, but that gives you a ton of hiding and even sneaking places. Also, note the red pots with flames on top explode when shot. When the battle is over, just before heading up the stairs to the wobbling wheel, turn around and drop down the ledge on the left to reach the third seeker.

Then head to the wheel, the spire, and a flight (through swift waypoints) to one last battle.

Start by teaming with the tiger to take out the scorcher right in front of you. Then head back and crouch behind cover. Several demons will charge you. Meet them all with takedowns. Once they’re out of the way, you can concentrate on the long-range enemies and get to that bell.

Mission #3: The Paradise Destroyed [ edit ]

You’ll start your search for this thangka piece on a boat, floating southeast along the river near Jalendu Temple and Ratu Gadhi fortress, landing on the western shore next to the gun nest.

Take the trail to the southwest, where you’ll see a grapple point up the cliff. Climb, then run straight west until you reach another cliff. Move just a bit south and you’ll find another grapple point and follow the trail to the caved-in mine entrance. Head to the miners’ lodge. Just past the building, you’ll find a short grapple near a stack of bricks.

This leads to a trail, a hanging grapple, and a log bridge with a breathtaking view of a high waterfall.

Cross the log, follow the trail. You’ll touch down in a Shangri-La.

When you round the bend and get your first good view of the level, you’ll come to a gaggle of beasts lurking near an archway. Kill them, but before continuing, turn left and take the uphill path to a gazebo, where you’ll find this level’s first seeker. Return to the main path, which will take you to a group of demons torturing an elephant. Rescue it and the benevolent giant will reward you by declaring itself your very stylish new ride.

Hop on and follow the path. When it splits, take the right fork but pause just past the fallen tree to climb the ledge. It’ll lead to a small shrine and the second seeker. To your right, you’ll see a burning tree and catch a glimpse of one of the battles ahead of you.

As usual, your task in this level is to spin a pair of wobbly mani wheels. The trail leads to a circular courtyard ringed by a raised walkway that connects to the mani wheel platform. The elephant can charge right through the fallen tree, no worries, but it can be tough to maneuver once you get inside the circular courtyard beyond. Aim for the heavies, whom the elephant can toss like confetti, and then jump off and work on foot.

Once that wheel is spun, head back to the fork in the path and take the left fork, which leads through several arches. When you reach the walled courtyard with the wheel inside, climb the ledge to the left to find the third seeker.

Back to the elephant and the second wheel. The main path is blocked, so go around and use the elephant’s trunk toss to remove the debris from the other entry arch. You won’t find much resistance here until you spin the wheel. Then demons will spawn and your elephant will burst in.

Now your task becomes finding the bell. The path to it is clear, but blocked by demons and a particularly flowery gate that might as well be tissue paper as far as your elephant is concerned. Stampede down the bridge, running over the enemies in your path and bash through the second gate into a large rectangular area with raised walkways on three sides.

As for you, focus on taking out the scorchers first, coordinating your attacks with the tiger. Follow the quest marker up the stairs to a room with a towering golden statue with many arms and many stairs. As you move up, enemies of every type will continue to spawn. Take your time, especially with the scorchers.

Mission #4: The Unpainted Future [ edit ]

You have one more trip to Shangri-La to take.

Go straight south of the thangka icon. Follow the trail to a dead-end at a cliff and a grapple point. Go up, and at the top, slide a little to the right until you can see another grapple point above you. Climb the ledge at the top and step forward to discover Anadekh’i Ruins. Reach a dead-end and a treasure chest. Take the grapple point up, the three hanging grapples to the west, then follow the trail. Grapple down into the hole.

This is a boss battle. Rakshasa will fly around above you, screeching and summoning demons. You and the tiger need to fend off these summoned demons and, when Rakshasa taunts you, stick some arrows down his throat.

Just take the demons down as fast as you can and heal any chance you get. You"ll want to focus on bow attacks and the help of your tiger to be successful here.

The trick is learning to keep track of the swooping Rakshasa and recognize his animations. There are three in particular to watch for:

  • 3-6 enemies materialize in blue smoke soon after he wraps himself up in his wings. You may want to run a few steps in any direction once he starts this animation, just to decrease the odds of enemies surrounding you.
  • His mouth will fire up as he inhales before spitting flames. He doesn’t turn very much, so strafe to avoid the launch and they should all fly by.
  • As it"s mouth is open, an orange glow is clearly exposed. Trigger your bow’s slow-time effect and sink an arrow right into his orange glow. You’ll see a small explosion and he’ll fly across the arena to regroup, giving you prep time.

After three clean shots down his throat, Rakshasa will fall to the ground. Send the tiger to attack him, and as they struggle, fire another arrow down his throat. After several moments, the battle will resume, only now the metal bird will summon even more enemies and spit fireballs more often. Use the same strategy to continue to bring it down.

You can tell you"re hurting Rakshasa by the presence of additional battle damage.

You’ll have to complete the cycle three times in order to kill Rakshasa.

You"ll earn a sixth health bar for completing this quest.