Why am I going to the parent meeting? Parents' opinion. Student survey results

Municipal preschool educational institution Cherdaklinsky kindergarten No. 5 “Ryabinka”


  • Zheltova S.A.
  • Shaginova E.A.

Goal: to summarize the educational work for the year.


  • Contribute to the formation of the group team.
  • Develop children's individual abilities.
  • Maintain friendly relations between students of the group, between parents of students, between parents and students.

Event plan:

  • introduction
  • Intellectual game "Lucky case" (Tasks for children).
  • Interview with children.
  • Rewarding children.

This is the end of your child’s last year in kindergarten. The stage of development called preschool childhood ends. Soon the school will open its doors to you, and a new period in the life of your children will begin. They will become first-graders, and you, dear mothers and fathers, will sit at their desks with them. We have so many expectations and joyful hopes for school. Entering school is a child’s entry into the world of new knowledge, rights and responsibilities, complex, diverse relationships with adults and peers. How a child will enter a new life, how the first school year will turn out, what feelings he will awaken in his soul, what memories he will leave, to a huge extent this depends on what the child acquired during the years of preschool childhood. And the children bought a lot. First of all, they became more seasoned and physically developed. We learned to purposefully carry out elementary intellectual and practical activities. They developed speech, increased cognitive activity, interest in the world, desire to learn new things, and abilities in terms of mental activity. Children are quite good at navigating the world around them. And we will show you this now.

Intellectual game "Lucky case"

Assignment for children.

1. Finish the phrase:

Sound is what we...

The letter is what we...

There are as many syllables in a word as there are...

The offer consists of...

The first word in a sentence is written with...

At the end of the sentence there is...

Always written with a capital letter...

2. Name it in one word.”

Autumn is the time of year when the leaves turn yellow;

Wardrobe - furniture for storing things;

A bee is an insect that makes honey;

A skirt is a garment worn only by girls.

Snow is what falls from the sky in winter;

A plate is a utensil from which we eat;

A dog is an animal that guards the house;

Compote is a drink made from fruit.

3. "Three Definitions" .

We name three definitions of an object, and you guess what it is. For example, what can be black, shiny and hot at the same time? (coal)

yellow, warm, small (chick);

northern, piercing, sharp (wind);

orange, round, juicy (orange).

small, white, sweet (sugar);

wet, cold, autumn (rain);

bright, yellow, hot (Sun).

4. "Answer quickly" .

You cannot name colors in this task. But what can we do? And like this. Think and everything will work out. For example, what color is the sky? - Like a forget-me-not.

What color is the squirrel? (like an orange);

What color is chalk? (like snow);

What color is the spikelet? (like gold);

What color are your lips? (like raspberry);

What color is the earth? (like coal);

What color is cornflower? (Like sea);

5. Mathematics and logic

Name the first month of the year (January)

Which hand has more fingers: the left or the right?

Name the working days of the week.

Which is shorter: a week or a month?

How many stripes are on the Russian flag?

How many angles does a circle have?

Name the fifth month of the year.

Who is younger, grandma or mom?

What is deeper, the river or the sea?

Name a device for measuring time.

6. What numbers does it consist of?

7. Write the required number in the square.

8. Solve a chain of examples

9. Name and count geometric shapes.

10. Name the flowers from tallest to shortest.

11. Put the right sign

Our guys are all great, they showed everything they have learned.

The day before we carried out a blitz survey. And there was only one question: “Why do I want to go to school?”

Now we will introduce you to the children’s answers and invite you to guess your child’s statements.

And now comes the most solemn moment. We want to present medals to children for achievements in the educational process. (medal presentation)

And finally, we want to say these words to parents:

Don't waste time with your children

Try to make friends with them.

Try not to blame them

Learn to listen and understand.

Warm them with your warmth,

Talk about everything in the world

Always guide them invisibly

And help them in all matters.

Learn to trust children -

Every step doesn't need to be checked

Respect their opinion and advice,

Children are wise men, don't forget.

Adults, rely on children

And love them with all your soul

In a way that is impossible to describe.

Then you won’t lose your children!

What numbers does it consist of?

Write the required number in the box.

Don't waste time with your children

Look at the adults in them,

Stop quarreling and getting angry,

Try to make friends with them.

Try not to blame them

Learn to listen and understand.

Warm them with your warmth,

Let the house become a fortress for them.

Try with them, search,

Talk about everything in the world

Always guide them invisibly

And help them in all matters.

Learn to trust children -

Summary of the final parent meeting in the preparatory group

Tushmakova Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher, kindergarten No. 203 “Alice” ANO DO “Planet of Childhood “Lada”, Togliatti.
Description: This material can be used by teachers of preparatory groups for final parent-teacher meetings.
Target: involving parents in the process of preparing future first-graders for school.
- summing up the results of the group’s work for the year;
- rewarding parents for active participation in the life of the group and kindergarten;
- familiarizing parents with the criteria for children’s readiness for school in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Parent meeting summary

1. Greetings, viewing the presentation “From the life of the group”
2. Report on the expenditure of funds on the purchase of stationery, educational games and benefits for children (speaking by the chairman of the parent council N.N. Panasyuk)
3. Preparation for organizing a graduation party for children (speaking by member of the parent council Abbasova V.K.)
4. Preschooler’s readiness for school in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard (speaking by teacher Tushmakova N.N.).
5. Our achievements, rewarding families for success in education (both educators participate).
6. How to overcome fear of school (speaking by teacher Sidorova O.G.).

1. The school year is ending. Our children have grown older, learned a lot, learned a lot, and our friendly family has grown stronger. I want the parting to be pleasant and memorable. Let's remember once again what this school year was like in our group (viewing a photo presentation from the life of the group).
2. The floor is given to the chairman of the parents’ council, Natalya Nikolaevna Panasyuk.
3. The floor is given to a member of the parent council, Valeria Konstantinovna Abbasova.
4. Many parents are concerned about the problem of children transitioning from kindergarten to school. Parents are interested in their child’s school success, so they begin preparing him for school as early as possible. What needs to be done so that a child goes to school prepared and studies well, while receiving only positive emotions?
As part of the law on education, the “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” was issued, in short - the Federal State Educational Standard, and it came into force on January 1, 2014.
Why did scientists suddenly start developing a standard for preschool education? Because for the first time in the history of our culture, preschool childhood has become a special, intrinsically valuable level of education - this has never happened before, i.e. Previously, preschool age was considered as one of the stages for preparing children for school. Now preschool age is valuable in itself. The essence of the change concerns the model of the educational process. The educational model needs to be completely eradicated from it. Preschool children need not to be taught, but to be developed. Development is at the forefront. They need to develop through activities accessible to their age - games.
The changes also concern the position of the adult. An adult interacts, but interaction is considered not in a formal context, but in an essential one (partnership). An adult interacts with children: together they set goals, together they act to achieve these goals, and together they evaluate the resulting product.
The main thing under the new law was the psychological preparation of children for school, which includes:
- intellectual readiness;
- motivational readiness;
- emotional-volitional readiness;

Parent meeting on the topic
“How our children have grown and what they have learned this year. Organization
children's summer holiday" »
Develop interest in learning about your child, promote active
interaction with him.
Emotional rapprochement of all participants in the educational process,
organizing their communication in an informal setting.
Develop the ability to critically evaluate yourself as a parent, your
educational activities.
Preliminary work:
Scenario development.
Development and release of a leaflet for parents.
Progress of the event:
Speech by the head:
Dear parents, we are glad to see you. Our meeting is dedicated
end of the school year.
1. Results of work to attract sponsorship and extra-budgetary funds,
information on the distribution of state standards according to
improvement of material and technical equipment.
2. Draw the attention of parents to the fact that kindergarten graduates
visit the institution until 08/01/2018, and if there are free places -
until August 31, 2018
3. Bring to the attention of parents and kindergarten employees that, in
during the summer period work will take place to unite related
age groups.
Attention to the issue of attendance by preschool pupils and payment for
supervision and care of children in kindergarten, arrears of payment for
supervision and care of a child in kindergarten using the example of four
last months from January to May 2018.
5. Gratitude to parents for participating in competitions and cosmetics
renovations in dressing rooms, in the daily life of children's
garden, during community cleanup days for cleaning, landscaping and painting
plots. Many thanks to the parents for their support of the team.
Speech by senior teacher

Final general parent meeting
“How have our children grown up and what have they learned during this
year. Organization of summer holidays for children"
Good evening, dear parents! This meeting takes place at the end of the year,
Let's take stock together, celebrate achievements, evaluate results,
let's think about working on the problems that we came across in this
Today I would like to briefly dwell on the activities of our children's
kindergarten this school year. What tasks did we set for ourselves?

All parents whose children attend kindergarten or school have, of course, heard about
Federal State Standard or, as it is more often called, Federal State Educational Standard.
With the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard, kindergarten became the initial stage of educational
systems of Russia. However, this does not mean its transformation into a mini-school. Neither
in any case. The task of kindergarten is not to teach reading and writing by the time
admission to school, but to develop the child’s desire to learn and learn new things.
The teacher is not a teacher; the child acquires all knowledge by playing. Certainly,
Play is the leading activity in the garden, but not the only one. Is there some more
experimentation, observation, conversations, looking at illustrations,
modeling, appliqué, musical and labor activities and much more.
We try to impart any knowledge, even the most complex, to the child.
in a playful way, where you can run around, hear fairy tales, and reason.

Main tasks for the 2017-2018 academic year:
Continue work on developing speech activity for
formation of coherent speech in children using various techniques and
game techniques for teaching children to tell and retell.
To develop children's creativity in the process of environmental education,
through the formation of creative imagination, intellectual and
personal development of the child during observations of nature and natural
phenomena; development of children's creative abilities in the process of working with
natural material; development of artistic and aesthetic skills
children using the example of folk art.
Our kindergarten has accumulated some experience in these areas
The following activities were carried out for the 1st annual task:
aimed at solving this problem:
1. Thematic test in all age groups on the topic:
“The effectiveness of teaching children to tell stories.”
2. Open viewing of GCD on speech development at all ages
3. Seminar-workshop for teachers on the topic: “Development of skills
retelling in preschool children"; Seminar "Game techniques
development of coherent speech in preschool children in independent
4. Consultations for teachers on the topics: “Main stages of work on
development of coherent speech in everyday life", "Content of work on
formation of the lexicogrammatical structure of children’s speech”, “Requirements for
teacher's speech"
5. Teachers’ Council “Effective implementation of pedagogical development technologies
coherent speech as a condition for the development of speech abilities of preschool children."
6. Information for parents on the MBDOU website.
For the 2nd annual task, MBDOU educators carried out
activities aimed at solving this problem.

1. Thematic check in all age groups on the topic: “State
educational work on environmental education of children
preschool age"
2. Workshop for teachers: “Creative approach to problem solving
environmental education"
3. Consultation for teachers: Consultation “The role of observations in
the process of cognition of nature by preschoolers"; "Environmental education
children in art classes. Nature in drawings
children"; “Child and nature in kindergarten”; "Creative development of children in
the process of working with natural materials"; "Artistic and aesthetic
development of preschool children through Russian folk art";
"Environmental education in kindergarten."
4. Open viewing of a game situation to familiarize yourself with the natural world
“A fish swims in the water” (first junior group) Open viewing
GCD for acquaintance with the natural world (junior, middle, senior and
preparatory group)
5. Pedagogical Council “Development of the creative potential of preschool teachers and their
competence in environmental issues.”
Thus, it should be concluded that play activities in children's
the garden is organized, speech in play activities is more active than in
Last year. Teachers in the system carry out work for speech and
ecological development of children, replenish the subject-development environment,
study methodological literature, participate in seminars and workshops,
disseminate the accumulated experience in this area by participating in
competitions “For the best methodological development” and publishing in
MASS MEDIA. Preschoolers have developed coherent speech at a sufficient level,
children try to express their thoughts grammatically correctly and can conduct
To develop children's creativity in environmental education, we each
year we are preparing for an exhibition and designing crafts from natural
material that we prepare with the children in advance. These are different roots
Natural pantry material for the development of imagination, creativity,
imagination. Creating crafts from natural materials makes it possible
children to look at the world through the eyes of a creator. And may the paintings he created
the panels are not very perfect yet, but they bring a lot of joy and
creative satisfaction.


The guys expressed their impressions of excursions and walks in their
drawings. They depicted what they liked best. All this
increased the children's interest in observations, forced them once again, now
mentally, visit familiar places.
Indicators of success in the development of children's creative abilities
are exhibitions of children's creativity and competitions.
Children were awarded diplomas for their creative performance. Diploma 3
degrees of the municipal stage of the 8th international competition “The Beauty of God
world" was awarded to Arina Karosas (teacher S.V. Parshina), diploma
“Year of Ecology 2017” was awarded to Svetlana Yarushina, who took 1st place in
international competition “I love nature” (teacher Kalinichenko
Activities of the preschool educational institution team during the 2017-2018 school year. was
diverse and multifaceted. The results achieved, in general,
correspond to the goals and objectives set at the beginning of the school year.
We are ending the school year with dignity. Thank you, you also have to
This is directly related!!!
creating favorable conditions for summer
health campaign, ensuring the protection of life and health of children,
prevention of morbidity and injury, implementation of the system
activities related to the health and physical development of children, their
spiritual and moral education,
formation of cognitive
1. Create conditions that ensure the protection of life and promotion of health
children, prevention of morbidity and injury.
2. Create conditions for hardening children, using favorable
summer time factors (sun, air, water), contribute to them
physical development by optimizing motor activity
every child.

3. Implement a system of measures aimed
for development
independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive
activities in various educational fields.
4. Expand and clarify the knowledge and ideas available to children about
objects of nature and natural phenomena, form
ecological culture.
5. Carry out correctional development work during continuous
educational activities, during walks, games and everyday life
6. Carry out pedagogical and health education
parents on issues related to the upbringing and health of children during the summer.

1. Familiarization of parents with the plan for the summer health period in
2. Summer is coming - a happy time for everyone. Bright sun, fresh
air, colorful nature are always attractive for adults,
so for children. How favorable and memorable will it be?
summer vacation depends on you, caring parents. But also
it is necessary to remember about safety on the water, road, Execution
Law of the Krasnodar Territory No. 1539 “On preventive measures
neglect and juvenile delinquency in
Krasnodar region".
Great hopes are always placed on summer time, because without it
exaggeration can be called special. Joint rest is necessary
every family: this is a great opportunity to improve health, find common
interests and rejoice together. And most importantly, communication with your
child. Don't miss these moments! All the best. See you again!
Video “Vaccination of Love” with Dmitry Dyuzhev

  • Use of metaphors ( motivational stage of parent-teacher conference).

At the beginning of the lesson, it is necessary to motivate parents to actively participate in the discussion of the issues raised, to intrigue them. To do this, the teacher can successfully use metaphor.
A metaphor, as you know, is an indirect message of information in the form of an instructive story or figurative expression. This technique allows you to reach a person’s consciousness not directly “in the forehead”, but by avoiding defense mechanisms. Metaphor underlies the wise sayings of philosophers and writers, ancient and modern parables, and fairy tales.
In my work, I often resort to using this technique, especially at the motivational stage of parent-teacher meetings.

One use of metaphor is methodical technique for discussing drawings - metaphors , proposed by educational psychologist S. Tsvetkova in the article “Education Issues in Pictures” of the newspaper “School Psychologist”. The technique described is based on a discussion of a drawing that, at first glance, is not related to the topic of the parent meeting. However, in the course of reasoning, parents answering the teacher’s leading questions gradually come to understand that the object (or phenomenon) in the picture, like nothing else, personifies the topic or problem raised at the meeting.
Here is one example of the use of a drawing at a parent meeting - a metaphor, taken from the above-mentioned article:

Drawing – metaphor “Sponge”(problem addressed – raising a child)

This drawing can be proposed for discussion at a parent meeting dedicated to the basic principles of education, and in this case, the principle of education based on the personal example of an adult.
According to the original author’s development, “Education Issues in Pictures,” parents, answering the teacher’s leading questions, need to compose a fairly detailed story based on the picture presented to them. And only then is it announced to them what educational moment the drawing under discussion is associated with.
In my work, I use this technique in a slightly different way - from the very beginning I try to activate the parents’ reasoning with the help of direct, pre-prepared questions to the drawing - metaphor. This is due to the fact that often parents, when they come to a meeting, try to avoid any activity (express their own opinion, make a remark, ask a question, show their own knowledge on the topic), not wanting to seem incompetent in matters of education, fearing to make a mistake when answering a question, etc.

Below are the teacher’s questions and sample answers from parents (those to which it is advisable to summarize their reasoning):
– What is shown in the picture?
– Sponge ( parents).
– Let’s try to list the qualitative characteristics of this item. What characteristic property does it have?
– It absorbs liquid well ( parents).
- Let's imagine what will happen to a sponge if it absorbs a blue liquid? How will this affect her?
– The sponge will turn blue ( parents).
– What if we pour red liquid into the sponge?
– The sponge will turn red ( parents).
– What if we simultaneously pour liquids of different colors into the sponge?
– The sponge will become an incomprehensible, indeterminate color ( parents).
– At the beginning of the discussion, we determined that a feature of a sponge is its ability to absorb. What word do you think the word “education” comes from?
– Parents express their own assumptions.
– The word “education” is derived from the words “nutrition”, “absorption”. It was not for nothing that I drew attention to the commonality of the roots of these words, because a child in childhood, like a sponge, absorbs everything that his parents “pour” into him. You can convince a child for a long time that smoking is harmful, punish him for his bad habit. This is meaningless if he sees with what pleasure his father or mother, older brother or other people around him smoke. He will most likely “absorb” the example of older and respected people.
– Can you now name one of the most important principles of raising children?
– Parents speak out.
– Of course, this is the principle – education by example.
Having slightly modified the described technique and selected other metaphor drawings, I often resort to it in my practice - and not only when holding parent-teacher meetings, but also when providing psychological education to teachers.
So, in my “piggy bank” the following drawings appeared - metaphors ( Annex 1 ):
– Metaphor drawings “Lock” and “Keys”(the problem addressed is the need for an individual approach to the child, knowledge of the psychological patterns of child development; methods of education).
– Drawing-metaphor “Egg”(the problem addressed is the age crisis, for example the crisis of 3 years).
– Metaphor drawings “Swan, crayfish and pike” And "A trio of horses"(the problem addressed is the lack of consistency in upbringing, unity of requirements for the child).
– Drawing-metaphor “Backpack”(the problem addressed is preparing the child for school).
Another possible use of metaphor is discussion with parents of an ancient or modern parable , selected by the teacher in accordance with the plan of the meeting.
So, for example, when discussing with parents the issue of the consequences of rude, uneducational treatment of a child, I use the text of the famous Eastern parable “Everything leaves its mark”:
“Once upon a time there lived a hot-tempered and unrestrained young man. And then one day his father gave him a bag of nails and punished him to drive one nail into the fence post every time he could not contain his anger.
On the first day there were several dozen nails in the pillar. Another week he learned to control his anger. And every day the number of hammered nails began to decrease.
The young man realized that it is easier to control his temperament than to drive nails.

Finally, the day came when he never lost his temper. He told his father about this. And he said that this time, when his son manages to restrain himself, he can pull out one nail at a time.
Time passed, and the day came when he was able to tell his father that there was not a single nail left in the pillar.
Then the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence: “You did well. But you see how many holes there are in the pillar. He will never be the same again. When you say something evil to a person, he is left with the same scar as these holes. And no matter how many times you apologize after that, the scars will remain.”

No less effective is the demonstration of animated films based on parables, followed by their discussion ( Appendix 2 ).

Wise sayings of philosophers, quotes from writers can be used to design a thematic stand or a memo for a parent meeting - as the main idea of ​​​​all the information presented ( Appendix 3 ).

  • Questionnaire for working with parents ( diagnostic stage of parent meeting).

When talking with parents about a particular problem (children’s aggressiveness, anxiety, psychological readiness for school, etc.), I want this conversation to be substantive, so that parents, at least roughly, have an idea of ​​whether they have the described difficulties. child. After all, not all parents are critical of themselves and their child; they are not always able to see the problem they have in the family, in the process of building a relationship with the child. Other parents simply may not have enough special knowledge to objectively assess the situation.
In this connection, there is a need to use express questionnaires at parent meetings. It is clear that such questionnaires cannot provide an in-depth analysis of the existing difficulties, however, they allow for a first general assessment of the existing situation.
The proposed questionnaires should be easy to understand and process by the parents themselves at the meeting. Among such questionnaires, the following can be distinguished: questionnaires “Signs of aggressiveness”, “Signs of impulsivity”, “Signs of anxiety”, “Child’s readiness for school”, “Parenting styles in the family”, etc. ( Appendix 4 )
In order for parents to be sincere in their answers to the questions of the questionnaire, before conducting the questionnaire they need to be given the instruction that the data obtained during the diagnosis will be known only to them, and there is no need to voice them to the entire audience.
Having received specific information about themselves and their child based on the results of the survey, parents will most likely listen more quickly to the teacher’s words and be more willing to take into account his recommendations.

  • How to present theoretical information in an interesting way ( the main stage of the parent meeting is the study of theoretical information).

Studying any topic involves turning to theoretical knowledge. Without revealing the basic theoretical principles on a particular problem, its correct understanding is impossible. At the parent meeting, the teacher needs to introduce parents to the basic concepts that reveal the problem at hand. To ensure that parents' introduction to the theory is not boring and uninteresting, the teacher needs to approach the issue creatively.
There are a number of methods for non-standard presentation of theoretical information.
A similar methodological approach is exercise "Associations"(borrowed by me from the technology of teaching critical thinking to schoolchildren; in the original this technique is called “Cluster”).
The teacher presents to the parents the key concept of the topic and invites them to name as many words or expressions as possible that, in their opinion, are associated with the proposed concept. The main condition is not to repeat what has already been said by others. All statements are recorded on the board. When the flow of parental associations dries up, the teacher generalizes the parents’ knowledge and gives new theoretical information on the problem, unknown to the listeners.
Let's consider an example of using the “Associations” exercise at a parent meeting on the topic “Psychological characteristics of adolescence.”
Key concept: “Adolescence.” Parents freely name their associations associated with the concept, resulting in the formation of a cluster (bundle):

The teacher summarizes everything the parents said: “Adolescence is a transitional, turning-point age (since during this period there is a kind of transition from childhood to adulthood). It is believed that this period is more difficult for training and education than the younger and older ages, because associated with the restructuring of all mental processes, activities and personality of the student".
And the remaining associations, not reflected in the generalized conclusion, are used as support for explaining new theoretical material.

Another, no less interesting exercise for parents to study theoretical information is exercise “Portrait of a “special” child”(proposed by the authors Lyutova K.K. and Monina G.B. for working with parents of children with developmental difficulties).
A schematic image of a “special” child, for example, an aggressive one, is posted on the board (the topic of the parent meeting is “The influence of family upbringing on the development of aggressive behavior in a child”).

Parents, even before the teacher provides theoretical information on the topic, are invited to try to draw up a portrait of such a child themselves - to describe his inner world, as well as external manifestations of behavior. The resulting description is adjusted, if necessary, by the teacher and supplemented with information unknown to parents.

  • Harmful and useful advice ( the main stage of the parent meeting is practicing practical skills).

Very often, a teacher working with parents has a question: how to properly give them recommendations so that they are listened to, taken into account, and also implemented in practice?
Experience shows that a simple listing by a teacher of recommendations for interacting with children (even the most meaningful and effective) will not leave a trace in the minds of adults. This knowledge will not be personal until it is experienced. Only by being involved in a direct discussion, “trying on” the educational situation for themselves, can a parent understand the positive and negative aspects of certain pedagogical influences.

A standard exercise for developing and discussing the optimal pedagogical strategy for interaction with a child is exercise « Discussion of problematic situations." When discussing typical and atypical pedagogical situations, the teacher unobtrusively makes it clear to parents how to act in a given situation. Each teacher needs to accumulate a “piggy bank” of similar educational tasks for parents, which he will later use at meetings ( Appendix 5 ).

A more interesting and non-standard method of introducing parents to psychological and pedagogical recommendations is “Bad advice” technique.
One day I came across a memo for teachers - “Useless advice”, following which can significantly worsen a younger student’s attitude towards learning (author – Yu. Klimakova). This memo, similar to G. Oster’s “Bad Advice,” gave recommendations (or rather, anti-recommendations) on how a teacher should communicate with a child. This memo formed the basis for the methodological technique I developed, “Bad advice or How not to communicate with a “special” child.”
At the meeting, parents are offered “Harmful advice” on communicating, for example, with a 3-year-old child, during the discussion of which it is necessary to understand how such an attitude towards the child will affect his development, as well as jointly develop the correct strategies for behavior with a “special” child.

This presentation of theoretical and practical material allows parents to see their mistakes in raising a child with certain difficulties; Instead of the existing strategy for communicating with him, think of a new, more optimal strategy based on psychological and pedagogical laws.
So in my “piggy bank” appeared “Bad advice” for parents of aggressive, anxious, hyperactive children ( Appendix 6 ).

Many interesting methodological techniques for discussing optimal strategies for building relationships between parents and children are offered by Lyutova K.K. and Monina G.B. These are techniques such as:
- "Ambulance"(parents, working in groups, develop various methods of prevention and corrective influence on a child with a particular problem),
– “Letter on behalf of a child” with a developmental problem (parents, working in groups, draw up an appeal to parents on behalf of the “problem child”, how he would like adults to interact with him), etc.
Each of the presented techniques is interesting in its own way and can be adopted by a teacher to work with parents.

  • Summarizing ( reflective stage of parent meeting).

It is clear that within the scope of this article it is impossible to describe all available methodological techniques for increasing the effectiveness of parent meetings. I am sure that their multitude is not limited to those I presented to the attention of readers. The teacher, working with parents, must constantly search for such techniques to use in their practice.

List of used literature:

  1. Galaktionova T.G. From self-knowledge to self-realization: Personnel-technology of educational activities. St. Petersburg, Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, 1999.
  2. Klimakova Yu. Don’t be afraid of the scary / School psychologist, 2004, No. 8.
  3. Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Training for effective interaction with children. St. Petersburg, Rech, 2005.
  4. Khukhlaeva O. Active forms of group work with parents // School psychologist, 2006, No. 19.
  5. Tsvetkova S. Educational issues in pictures // School psychologist, 2006, No. 5.

The burning topic of “parent meetings” found a response in the editorial office of the publication, on social networks, and among our experts.

photo from the archive

As it turns out, parents go to school to resolve organizational issues, learn about the successes and failures of their beloved child, when necessary, to protect his interests and, in general, it is important for them to be involved in the life of their child. And if parents of first-graders attend meetings with trepidation and interest, then parents of middle and high school students consider it quite normal to watch the meeting in a recording. Yes, yes, such formats for holding meetings are already being practiced. And why not, if formal issues are being resolved?

Ekaterina Voronova, technical editor, “Publishing company “September””

My children studied straight, with grades of four and five, so I was never afraid to go to parent-teacher meetings. I don’t even know what I was expecting all the time from these meetings: I was not a member of the parent committee, because I simply didn’t have time, I could have passed on the money through the children. But I walked regularly for a long time, and only gave up at the end of my son’s 11th grade. Only because all the last meetings discussed the prom, and the son categorically refused to go to it.

In the school life of my children, there were, perhaps, only two meetings that I remember. My children moved to a new school, far from home, so I was eager to attend the first meeting to find out how they were feeling at school, whether they were doing well, and whether they were falling asleep on the go.

"What is happening? Why don’t girls wear physical education uniforms, why do they always come up with reasons not to run or jump? Only one girl in the class doesn’t show off, but practices at full strength,” asked the physical education teacher.

“What a good girl, I need to have a conversation with Masha at home on this topic,” I had only just managed to write this point down in my notebook when I heard that this girl was my daughter.

But at my son’s meeting in the 10th grade, I even shed tears, even though I haven’t cried over the endings of touching films for a long time, at most I get goosebumps.

I’ll tell you in order, because, without hiding, I like to show off my children.
A psychologist who had been testing children for career guidance all year came to that meeting. She said that four people still cannot decide on their desires. And then she began to talk about each child, asking parents not to put pressure on their children to choose their professions. Well, I also asked about Vanya. And she choked with delight: “Ivan? Magnificent boy, magnificent."
At first I embarrassedly muttered that I liked him too, and then...
“I asked the children 3 questions: “Who is the smartest in the class?”, “Who is the kindest?”, “Who is the most fair.” And more than 90% of the children named the same person — Vanya. I have never seen such answers; different people usually give answers to different questions. And only here Vanya is the undisputed leader. Yes, he is definitely an informal leader. If the class is very noisy, he simply says: “Well, we had fun and that’s enough, let’s continue to study.” And the class falls silent.
Here I could no longer hold back and sobbed.
“Now I’ll tell you about his career guidance. Vanya has the highest level of creativity and the ability to find a way out of a critical situation; his priority is working with numbers rather than with people. And the fact that he decided to become a scientist and develop spacecraft suits him perfectly.”
Tears of happiness were already smearing down my cheeks.
And in conclusion, I want to say that my son entered the aviation institute at the aircraft engines department and is doing exactly what he became interested in in his early childhood.

Oksana Piterskaya, Partner Relations Manager, Publishing Company “September”

Understanding that the education and upbringing of a child (school age) in our country is the joint work of the family and the school, I always come to parent meetings. It is important for me to see interest, attention from teachers, to see that they really want to invest reasonable, kind, eternal things in children. The child spends most of his life at school. It is important to me who works with him and how he works. And it’s interesting to hear an opinion about a child.

Now, of course, at meetings, they constantly say that the behavior of our children leaves much to be desired, but they immediately offer ways to solve problems: “let’s (together) try to do this,” “but now it’s hard for the kids, please help them with this.” this way, and we, for our part, will act like this.” I’m glad that every teacher has extra hours when the kids can come up, rewrite, and figure something out. This is a real saving on tutors, at least at this stage.

Why else? Well, general organizational issues of class life, which are usually also resolved at meetings (gifts, excursions, additional literature). What additional classes are there, what tests and city tests await us in the future, etc. I also find out information about the life of the school: for example, “A psychologist has appeared, whoever needs it, come, everyone is waiting!”))

I remember, perhaps, the very first meeting, when I personally was as worried as my first-grader was on September 1st. What kind of teacher? Who did I entrust the child to after all? How will everything be? And, probably, the last meeting in elementary school. Touching. Completion of a small stage.

Alexandra Bronnikova, G. Moscow

My son's last school meeting was online. But this was an administration meeting in front of 7th grade parents. All questions could be written anonymously in the chat, and the school director answered everything. At the appointed time we turned on the link, waited a little - everything worked! It lasted 45 minutes, I watched it at home while lying on my bed (I was sick), it was beautiful! If only all meetings were like this! And for parents to communicate, we have a fun chat.

Zhanna Koltsova, journalist

I go to meetings. General (gymnasium) ones are now less common, because there, as a rule, there are Unified State Exam statistics and some profitable vectors for the gymnasium administration. I go to class meetings regularly. At them, mothers and I usually discuss excursion days and educational field trips. In short, everything that directly concerns joint study and recreation of children.

Good afternoon. Today is the teachers' meeting. You can ask a question about unsatisfactory grading in the electronic diary, grading “retroactively”, lack of homework...

In one class, many children were given geography grades at the end of term because there were not enough grades. More precisely, the grades were substituted for work that did not exist. Geography once a week, for some reason it didn’t occur to the teacher to give additional tasks during the term so that the children could get more grades and knowledge. No comments, no clear explanation... We can only hope that it was force majeure and will not happen again. In elementary school we were told that in high school the electronic diary is kept entirely by teachers, almost online. Now it turns out that many subjects in electronic form have only a journal form (grades are given), and are not kept as a diary (with homework).

It turns out an amazing situation: they refused to keep a paper diary, and they don’t consider it necessary to keep an electronic one. But we are still a gymnasium... We have to conform in the end.

Albina Loktionova, Director of the Institute of Humanistic Psychotherapy for Children, Adolescents and Their Families

The time when I went to them is long gone. But I think I went for the parent community and wanted to learn new teaching ideas from the teachers. For example, you know that we are going through this topic, and you could download such and such a movie or visit such and such a museum, but, basically, there was some kind of tedious stuff about the wrong thing. But it was very important to go anyway: to feel the spirit of the school or something.

Natalya Romanchik, director of the psychological theater "Luteya"

I go and find out information about the affairs of the class, we have a very active parent committee - they always come up with something developmental and team-building. Interesting. Sometimes we defend children's rights.

We probably have a unique gymnasium. We have amazingly active parents. At the first meeting, when asked: who will be on the parent committee, a forest of hands grew up. And the teacher is very good. Children love her. So attending parent meetings for me is contact with the teacher, with parents, an opportunity to make life in the classroom interesting, although we have a group on social networks.

Nikolay Leonov, Officer

I went to hear about my daughter’s successes (she did well in high school) and donate money for public needs. Find out the news and trends of what is happening in the classroom. When there was a conflict with a teacher in the 5th grade in order to protect the interests of my daughter.

The benefit of attending meetings is the psychological effect of being involved in a child’s life. If everything is fine with the child, then you walk around like an extra, indicate your presence and show others that there is someone to stand up for the child, if anything happens. If there are problematic issues, then you need to participate in resolving them yourself, so presence is mandatory.