Statements by famous people about AMO technology. The role of the epigraph in goal setting in literature lessons

Physics and lyrics

Quotes for epigraphs to physical events: “Your physics is worthless if it obscures everything else for you: the rustle of the forest, the colors of the sunset, the ringing of rhyme. This is some kind of truncated physics, emasculated if you like. For example, I don’t believe in it... Any isolation, first of all, indicates limitations... A physicist who does not perceive poetry and art is a bad physicist.”

L.D. Landau

“Sciences are divided into two groups - physics and stamp collecting.”

E. Rutherford

Should I look for another path,

New techniques, strange combinations


“There is always an element of poetry in scientific thinking. Real science and real music require a homogeneous thought process."

A. Einstein

“You need to turn your wit to the most insignificant and simple things and dwell on them for a long time until you get used to clearly and clearly seeing the truth in them.

If this argument seems too long to read at one time, then it can be divided into six parts.”

R. Descartes “Discourse on Method”

"Let's start! When we reach the end of our history, we will know more than we do now.”

H.K.Andersen "The Snow Queen"

Laws of physics!

Oh how important they are.

There is no point in getting angry at their complexity...

Scientific folklore

And all the free minutes

Only to her, only to give it to physics.

She is our goddess and mother...

Scientific folklore

“The science of physics is good, but life is short”


All the rules are wrong, the laws are not legal,

Until they are set into verses and chained in iambics.

B. Slutsky

"The fundamental laws of nature...can yield more than is contained in the material from which they are derived."

Fr. Bacon

“The main goal of the natural sciences is to reveal the unity of the forces of Nature.”

Fr. Boltzmann

The science! You are a child of the Gray Times!

Changing everything with the attention of transparent eyes,

Why do you disturb the poet’s dream.....


“The limits of science are like the horizon: the closer one approaches them, the more they move away.”

Scientific folklore

“The whole difficulty of physics lies in recognizing the forces of nature from the phenomena of motion, and then using these forces to explain other phenomena.”

I. Newton

“If we liken physics to a building, then it is a huge, multi-story structure with a powerful foundation, basements and slender towers. Nearby are access roads leading to factories, training grounds, and clinics. Thousands of people, laboratories, hundreds of different installations and instruments, large libraries, numerous journals. At the same time, physics is characterized by a deep internal unity of ideas and methods. The growth of the building only leads to the fact that it becomes increasingly difficult to identify this unity, to trace and use it.”

"Teacher's newspaper"

“In reality, everything is completely different than in reality.”

A. de Saint-Exupéry

“...Physics, which only one generation ago was ranked among the oldest and most ancient sciences of nature, has now entered a period of storm and stress, which promises to be the most interesting that has ever occurred in history.”


"It's not as easy as it seems."

Corollary to Murphy's Law

“- How do you feel about the theory of relativity? – a scientist friend asked Evgeniy Sazonov.

“Relatively well,” answered the “cannibalist.”

"Literary newspaper"

“Science takes on real meaning when it is considered not as an abstract reality, but as the result of the work of all generations - both the current one and those who no longer exist. No scientific statement, no observation, no idea exists by itself. Any idea is the result of the efforts expended by someone, and until you know who this person was, what country he worked in, what he considered to be true and what was false, until you know all this, you cannot truly understand this or that scientific thesis or fact, this or that idea.”

Isaac Asimov

“The time will come when our descendants will be surprised that we did not know such obvious things.”


“How much we know and how little we understand”

A. Einstein

Teacher, teach the student,

So that you have someone to learn from later


Little poems for big physics:

Physics, like mathematics, is usually classified as an exact science. And if the bell rings for class, then not only students, not many teachers believe that everything extraneous - literature, art, poetry - must give way to precise experimentation, strict proof and formulas. Leaving, of course, a decisive role for the latter methods, one should, however, recognize the opinion about the incompatibility of science and art in physics lessons as erroneous. To confirm this, it is enough to recall the thinkers of Ancient Greece, who successfully combined poetry and science.

The history of physics is rich in examples that prove what a large role the feelings evoked by works of art played in the creative process of scientists.

Louis de Broglie and Niels Bohr argued that art leads the scientist to fundamentally new knowledge.

Biographers always love to be touched by the fact that great scientists found time to play the violin or write poetry and music. But art is not only and not so much a hobby in the life of a scientist, not only and not so much a means of relaxation and pleasant pastime, but an absolutely necessary “gymnastics of the mind” for scientific activity itself, “training” its ability to generate fantasies, find new connections and associations.

How else can one explain J. Maxwell’s passion for poetry, S.I. Vavilov’s inexhaustible craving for Faust, A. Einstein’s love for the work of Mozart and his famous statement: “Dostoevsky gives me more than any scientific thinker, more than Gauss” .

What is the specific significance of using literary works in physics lessons?

First of all, this is rich illustrated material for various sections of the physics course. Based on it, the student creates visual images for himself.

Skillful, timely use of literary words awakens students' interest in the material being studied, helps them understand and better remember what they have learned.

Poetic inserts can be used in different ways in the learning process: this is an explanation of new material, a repetition of what has been covered, and hints for answers.

At the beginning of studying physics in the 6th grade, the following structural diagram can be given:

This diagram can be accompanied by a poetic insert below:

In order to study science,

We must observe its phenomena,

And then, using the laws,

Draw conclusions and make decisions

And solving formulas and deriving laws,

We use concepts, terms and quantities

Without a doubt

Well, each value, of course,

Will have a unit of measurement.

Reminder for solving problems

How often does it happen -

The problem is not solved

I just need the formula

Substitute and solve.

And substituting into the formula

All values,

About units of quantities

Try not to forget.

Getting the job done

If a force acts on a body

And the body begins to move,

You and I in mechanics are watching everything

The work of doing it.

And if even with the action of force

The body will be at rest

The value of work in such a case

It will always be zero.

Α = F · S.

Society for properties of aggregate states of matter

Gas particles are scattered everywhere

They may be getting closer.

Due to the large gaps between them

Gases can be compressed.

Liquid can take

The shape of all vessels,

It can be poured

In any dish.

But, however, placing

Liquids into vessels

The shape will change

But there will be no volume.


Stands firmly on its own

Doesn't change

Neither its shape, nor its volume.

The phenomenon of inertia

We often observe the phenomenon of inertia,

When we move calmly.

Having stumbled, we notice

That we keep moving

Forward, not backwards

Meeting many in life

Obstacles and obstacles.

Find the error and explain (the phenomenon of inertia)

If we stumbled, it’s not a problem,

After all, we know in advance

That we will always fall

Backward, not forward.

Question hint

How to explain the phenomenon?

What do we need to take into account?

We need about inertia

Read it in the textbook.


If you drop paint into water

And wait a little

That's creating a solution

It will be possible to observe.

If you go out into the garden in the spring,

You will inhale the scent of flowers,

These strange phenomena

You call it diffusion.

Pressure determination

If you suddenly decide

There's pressure hereP) find,

Then you have this power (F)

Feel free with the area (S) delhi.

Speed, path time

To find out the speed,

You need to know the way and time,

Speed ​​to determine

Divide the path for a while.

If the path is divided by the speed,

You can get time

And multiplying byt,

Feel free to define the path.

Determination of the density of a substance

To obtain density,

Per volume (capacity)

We need to divide the mass,

So that everything works out

Work and Energy

Changing energies

(this is how it always turns out)

To do the work

Always brings us.

A= E


If you act on the body,

To change the form,

Need types of deformations

Study it thoroughly.

Shear and torsion

And there is also compression,

And also stretching?

Riddles about physical quantities

For planets it is large,

Minimum for particles.

It is not measured by eye,

After all, she has many faces.(Weight.)

No one and nothing can stop me

I equal infinity

To match with the Universe.(Time.)

I am often vertical,

I can accept any inclination,

Can I lie down horizontally?

I can determine the size.

I can form a ring, curl into a spiral,

I can crawl like a snake

I can go back again

I can go a long way.(Length.)

I rule the entire Universe

I set bodies in motion,

I can handle any job

And I lead round dances.(Force.)

I am also constant

And more often a variable,

And sometimes instantaneous.(Speed.)

I live on the top floor of the Mendeleev Temple,

I occupy two apartments in different entrances,

And at number one.

This is the kind of gentleman I am!(Hydrogen.)

Having looked at my spectrum in the window,

Found me in the sun

I am gratefully friends,

I am part of the family of gases.(Helium.)

My mother is called salt,

Electorliz is my father,

I'm aggressive with water

And a very hot-tempered businessman.(Any alkali metal.)

The wisdom contained in these quotes will be useful to anyone buying/selling/negotiating. That is, not only for marketers and sales people, but in general for everyone. Because negotiating salary at an interview is also a sale. And the English courses you are trying to persuade your child to take are also a sale. And much more...

“People buy based on emotions. Even if your customers are business owners, no matter how large and reputable it may be, they still remain people with all the ensuing consequences.” . Michel Fortin, Marketing Manager

Technologies, tools, techniques are all good, but it is useful to see the buyer, first of all, as a person. And treat him not as a goal (“he should bring me so many dollars in profit”), but as an interlocutor who has his own interests, tastes, and even oddities.

“Listening brings many benefits that speaking never brings. There is no better method to arouse people's trust than to listen carefully to what the other person wants to say." . Brian Tracy, business coach, author of famous books on entrepreneurship, leadership, and sales.

No comments here. Be willing to listen; and do not pretend that you are listening, but delve into the interlocutor’s message.

"You can't sell if people don't want to buy" . Akio Morita, entrepreneur, founder of Sony

This is already a question of market strategy - to develop (purchase) a product for which there is demand. Of course, there are legends about salespeople who can sell a refrigerator to the Chukchi, but the question is why this is necessary. You can use sophisticated sales techniques to convince a customer to buy something they don't need. However, sooner or later the client will be disappointed. And it is unlikely that he will come to you again.

“The client cannot simply be satisfied. The client must be satisfied!” Michael Dell, businessman, founder of Dell

A subtle play on words that hides the idea: the client should feel happy.

“Objections are like steps on a ladder leading to a successful deal.” . Tom Hopkins, business coach, consultant, business and sales expert

That is, we don’t look for easy ways and learn to work with objections.

“The customer loves to buy, but does not like to be sold to.”

In negotiations, the client should feel like an active party: he controls the process, for the simple reason that he is the client, and he brings you money, and not vice versa. Do you want to alienate a client? Show him that you know his needs better than he does, and that in general you are smarter and more eloquent. And also put pressure on the client at the most crucial moment, push him to sign the deal, and you can do it more rudely. A good way to get rid of a client once and for all...

“Better once on time than seven times perfect.”

This can be applied not only to sales, but to any field of activity. Perfectionism is good in moderation. It is better to complete the task not with perfect results, but on time. It’s worse to do everything perfectly when no one is interested in it anymore.

“Even if you are the only company that offers such a product, you will still be competing, just not with similar products or services from other companies, but with other products or other ways of solving a certain problem.” . Valeria Dolgikh, business coach.

Competitors don't sleep. It’s worth remembering this every minute, and treating competition as a way to become better, stronger, more useful.

“I've never done marketing. I just loved my clients." . Zino Davidoff, owner of the Davidoff brand.

There is a bit of coquetry in this - everyone who wants to sell and be successful in the market engages in marketing. But still. What if you actually genuinely cared about your customers and made that a core value?

10 quotes about successful sales was last modified: August 21st, 2017 by Elena Nabatchikova

The computer resembles the Old Testament God: lots of rules and no mercy. J. Campbell 10

If technology worked without errors, we would all be out of work. 7

Just because something doesn't work the way you planned doesn't mean it's useless. Thomas Edison 9

If technology does not free people from routine so that they can pursue the higher goals of humanity, then all technological progress is meaningless. Jacques Fresco 9

The most effective invention in history is the book. Northrop Fry 9

I believe that engineers will save the world. Jay Leno 12

The fact that today is science is tomorrow is technology. Edward Teller 10

Technology is something that didn't exist when you were born. Alan Kay 7

An airplane, a car, a computer are the most important inventions of man. They say a little about his intelligence and a lot about his laziness. Mark Kennedy 9

Art challenges technology, and technology inspires art. John Lassester 10

The computer world gives only the illusion of power. In real life, a person is not able to change even his own destiny. 9

With all the improvements, women spend the same amount of time cleaning the house as in the days of our grandmothers. Michael Crichton. 9

With happiness it’s like with a watch: the simpler the mechanism, the less likely it is to spoil. Nicola Chamfort 10

Programming today is a race between software developers striving to build bigger, foolproof programs and a universe producing bigger and better fools. As long as the Universe wins. Rich Cook 9

A man is only a man on the surface. Skin it, cut it open, and you will immediately find a machine. Paul Valéry 8

My new phone is amazing, my computer is wonderful, my calculator is perfect, but, Lord, where did my brain go? 9

We must find a balance between privacy and the use of data within the framework of public safety. Satya Nadella 9

Technologies are getting old. The only thing that does not become obsolete is communication. 9

It is becoming too noisy and industrial in humanity, there is not enough spiritual peace. Dostoevsky 9

By using technology to empower us, we risk losing our ability to love, strive to be better, and do what is right. But this is precisely what makes us human. 10

All people are divided into two types: normal and those who constantly chew pizza and go crazy over all sorts of mechanisms. Terry Pratchett 10

One of the greatest myths of our time is that technology is bringing us closer together. Libby Larsen 9

The computer performs very simple operations - it takes a number, adds it to another number, compares the result with a third number. But at speeds greater than 1,000,000 operations per second, the results are more like magic. Steve Jobs 9

When new technology comes at us, those who are not part of the steamroller become part of the pavement. Stewart Brand 9

Science and technology have revolutionized our lives, but our feelings are shaped by memories, traditions and myths. Arthur Schlesinger 9

The progress of technology gives us increasingly sophisticated means of moving backwards. Aldous Leonard Huxley 9

The technology has a shelf life like a banana. Scott McNeely 9

Man is less and less able to tame his power over technology. Gabriel Honore Marcel 9

If you have passion, you can accomplish anything.

Enthusiasm is the basis of any progress.

Thinking according to a template is the surest way to fail.

D.F. Enright

No matter how little is achieved, it is an acquisition.

If you have an apple and I have an apple, and if we exchange these apples, then you and I each have one apple left.

And if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.

It is not enough to have clear and true ideas. To communicate them to others, one must also express them clearly.


Creativity is the most effective school of patience and clarity. It is also a stunning testimony to the only dignity of man - his stubborn rebellion against his lot, constancy in efforts considered fruitless.

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for that all other pleasures no longer exist.

One machine can do the work of five ordinary people; no machine will do the work of one extraordinary person.

E. Hubbard

I fear that the day will definitely come when technology will surpass simple human communication. Then the world will get a generation of idiots.

Albert Einstein (100+)

The most tender communication in the world occurs between those who are not interested in communication.

Marcel Proust (40+)

The most natural thing in this world is change. Living things cannot be frozen.

West of Death (Luis Rivera) (10+)

If mankind's thoughts and energies were no longer wasted on war, we could end world poverty in one generation.

Bertrand Russell (100+)

Temporary separation is useful, because constant communication creates the appearance of monotony.

Karl Marx (100+)

Even in a serious quarrel, do not try to touch a person’s nerves. You will make peace, and the words will be remembered for a long time.

Remembering our childhood with one channel, a jump rope, an elastic band and blind man's buff...
Sometimes I feel sorry for the younger generation.

Konstantin Pi (50+)

And ice melts when we shine, and hearts open when we love, and people change when we are open, and miracles happen when we believe.

Each generation considers itself smarter than the previous one and wiser than the next.

George Orwell (50+)

Death is the greatest illusion of humanity. When we live, it is not yet there, when we die, it is no longer there.

Socrates (100+)

On this page you will find quotes about technology; you will definitely need this information for your general development.

Technology will reach such perfection that man will be able to do without himself.

I saw the wonders of technology. But this!...

It wasn’t the technology that got here, it was I who got here myself.

By ski.

The more perfect the technology for transmitting information, the more ordinary, vulgar, and gray its content becomes.

Any business is improved by mastering technology. Every skill is achieved through exercise.

... technique is a trick, a trick with the help of which they want to rebuild the world so that there is no place for feeling there. The mania of technocrats is to reduce everything in the universe to a useful reality, as if to force the world to serve themselves, because they are not able to resist it as partners, they are powerless to embrace it. Technology is a cunning attempt to overcome the resistance of the world, to make it flatter, more stereotypical by overcoming the pace of life, in order to kill the life of the spirit...

Power and technology, money and goods have value and are useful only insofar as they give a person freedom.

Technology comes to the aid of any desire and any fear.

We are all biorobots. We are unable to live without the technology we surround ourselves with.

What is science today is technology tomorrow. Edward Teller

Technology is technology, but the elevator breaks down more often than the stairs. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The incentive for technical progress is our defenselessness against technology. Karl Kraus

Any well-developed technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur Clarke 9

Technology has brought us physical and mental illnesses, but you rarely hear about it. Isaiah Sandoval 9

Large populations make technology mandatory. Joseph Krutch 9

Humanity always creates the right technologies for the wrong purposes. R. Buckminster Fuller 9

An engineer is a person who can take a theory and put wheels on it. Leonard Louis Levinson 9

Technology is actually about people, not hardware or software. Robert Vaday 9

Let's look at an example of driverless car technology. The idea appeared back in the 1990s. The first prototype was presented in 2004, ten years ago. But only now, 20 years after the idea appeared, the technology is starting to enter the market, and most of us still do not have such a car. In other words, the process of emerging new technologies takes much longer than many people think. Eric Schmidt 9

Technology is always a double-edged sword. Evan Rachel Wood 9

It has become monstrously obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity. Einstein 9

Computers make a lot of things easier, but most of the things they make don't need to be done at all. Andrew Rooney 9

We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology, in which almost no one knows almost anything about science or technology. Carl Sagan 9

The day will come when we will become mechanized to the point that there will be no place left for people on Earth, only for machines. Clifford Simak 9

Technology is technology, but the elevator breaks down more often than the stairs. Stanislav Jerzy Lec 9

It's great to live at a time when everything in the world is changing, and to feel the currents of progress in your fingertips lying on the keyboard. Julian Assange 9

The real danger is not that computers will start thinking like people, but that people will start thinking like computers. S.Harris 9

We continue to create our technologies without wisdom and prudence. Our servant may also turn out to be our executioner. Omar Bradley 9

For a designer, the main thing is instinct. Here is the key to the future. And technology will follow the instinct. Giovanni Caproni 9

The danger of the past was that people would become slaves. The danger of the future is that people will become robots. Erich Fromm 9

All technology starts with sparks in someone's head. The idea of ​​something that didn't exist before but will one day be invented can change everything. And this activity is generally not very well supported. Nathan Myhrvold 9

This is the whole point of technology. On the one hand, they lead to immortality, on the other, they threaten degeneration. Don DeLillo 9

The Internet was made so well that many people think of it as a natural resource like the Pacific Ocean, rather than something made by man. Alan Kay 9

The real danger is not that computers will start thinking like people, but that people will start thinking like computers. Sydney Harris 9

Technological progress is like an ax in the hands of a pathological criminal. Einstein 9

Twenty first century. It is not love that creates miracles, but technology. Oksana Robski 9

Technology is just a tool. Bill Gates 9

The more artificial the environment around us, the more dependent we are on technology, on its reliability - and on its failures.

Stanislav Lem. 9

The machines must work. People must think. 9

So far, no machine can do the work of a talented person. 9

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My name is Ivan Kistankin, I am engaged in website promotion in search engines (SEO promotion). I work in one of the internet marketing agencies in Novosibirsk as a team leader (team lead) for SEO.

I mainly promote online stores, and to a lesser extent service sites. According to my observations and the observations of my colleagues, it is not always profitable to promote service sites under SEO, but online stores show good results.

Why does this happen:

Online stores with a good assortment and many categories simply have more semantics (that is, key queries for which the project is promoted), compared to small service sites. Having worked out the structure and done internal SEO optimization, you can already achieve significant growth.

It is worth noting that there are many successful examples of promoting service sites, but it is working with online stores that is more interesting to me as a specialist.

What I offer:

— I offer my services for promoting online stores in search engines (Yandex and Google)
— website promotion from 4-5 months, because SEO is an area where time is needed and the results of promotion have a cumulative effect
- usually this is a complex of works - collecting semantics, drawing up a structure, work on internal optimization, technical optimization, work on building up the link mass, drawing up technical specifications for improvements, analytics, etc.
— it is possible to carry out any work without monthly promotion for six months, for example, SEO audit, consultations or drawing up technical specifications for improvements to solve certain problems

Why me:

— experience with many popular CMS: 1C-Bitrix, OpenCart and others
— knowledge of HTML, CSS, experience with many tools, for example, Key Collector for working with semantics, Screaming Frog for scanning sites, Yandex.Metrica for web analytics (I am a certified specialist in metrics) and others
— experience in promotion since 2010, during this time I learned many nuances and worked with sites in various fields
— experience working with multi-regional online stores (which are promoted across several regions on subdomains), with sites in competitive regions (Moscow, cities with a population of over a million) and with very large projects (for example, a site with 750 categories and tens of thousands of products)
— I am for transparency, at the beginning of work a plan is created, I report monthly on the work done
— the customer can see the results clearly: positions by key phrases can be tracked using special services, such as topvisor, traffic — using Yandex.metrics