People's memories of the past life of history. How past life memories affect your child


  1. Believe it or not?
  2. 1824
  3. The amazing is just around the corner!
  4. Ask your relatives!

Believe it or not?

Many people wonder if reincarnation really exists. human soul?

On the Internet you can find many testimonies of “eyewitnesses” who remembered past lives under the guidance of experienced hypnotists, but there is always room for doubt. What if the subject retells not the memories of his soul, but information imperceptibly suggested to him, or does his imagination simply take flight, slightly corrected by the hypnotist, giving birth to such exciting stories that you are amazed?

An argument you can't argue with

However, there is evidence of the reincarnation of the human soul, disarming the most stubborn skeptics. And these are the memories of children, their amazing stories about events of the past, which they could not know in any way. Typically, such bursts of memory occur spontaneously and confuse the adults around the child, which excludes suggestion and fantasy.

This article will provide the most interesting examples of such cases.


One of the earliest documented cases of a child remembering a past incarnation of his soul occurred in Japan in 1824. A nine-year-old boy from a wealthy peasant family suddenly told his sister that he was absolutely sure that he had already lived before. Doctors, police and historians became interested in his stories, who were amazed at the level of detail of his memories: he named the names of his relatives past family, names of animals, dates and events taking place in an area where he has never been. He was interrogated many times and the information received was compared with archive data.

It turns out that in his previous life the boy lived on another island of Japan, also in peasant family, and in 1810 he died of smallpox, being already mature man. During interrogations, he told investigators several dozen incidents from the life of the village where he lived, named the exact day of his death and spoke in detail about his own funeral.

What do scientists think and say about this?

American scientist Jim Tucker traveled to many countries, collecting children's stories about past lives for 15 years, and identified some patterns of this phenomenon:

  • Most of the children who remember the past of their soul are between the ages of 2 and 6 years old.
  • 20% of them remember the period of soul life between death and last birth,
  • 90% of the children surveyed had past life the same gender as in the real one,
  • The average interval between death in one life and birth in a new one, based on children's stories, is 16 months.

The amazing is just around the corner!

If you have young children in your family, it may well be that they, too, can tell something about their past incarnations, like those whose parents gave the following evidence of the existence of reincarnation.

1. A three-year-old child once told me that he really likes his new dad, while his father is his own and only one! And to the question “Why do you think so?” said that his previous dad was very vile person and killed him with a blow to the back.

2. My son said that he had other parents and a brother, named them, but, unfortunately, they all died in a car accident. The next day I asked him about this again, to which he became angry and declared that I was not supposed to know more.

3. One day, out of curiosity, I asked my eldest daughter who she was. She answered - princess. She smiled. I think any girl would say that, but I still asked the youngest one. And she says: “Grandmother” and tells me that she lived in a house on the mountain with another old woman and it was very difficult for them to carry water from the river up the mountain home.

4. A friend’s son, who was 2.5 years old at the time, once went to the refrigerator where there were photographs of military aircraft, pointed to one of them and said: “This is the one I crashed on.”

5. When my daughter was one and a half years old, she saw me turn on the table lamp and clearly said: “Electric lamp.” How can she know English at that age?

6. My daughter told me that she wore mine for a small part of her life. maiden name. But I actually got married while pregnant with her. When she was only two, she told me in detail about the industry, I think metallurgical, and talked about the nuances of some specific narrow specialization.

7. At four years old, my son told me: “Mom, it’s so good that I chose you!” I asked him: “How is this so?” In response, he said: “I saw you. You were so kind, and I decided to go to you,” and named the clothes I wore during pregnancy.

Ask your relatives!

The human soul truly lives many lives. Some children, and sometimes even adults, remember this. Perhaps even you, turning your thoughts to your own childhood or asking relatives, will be able to remember or hear unusual cases, confirming this wonderful and indisputable fact!

Project “Past life regressions and life between lives. Awakening of the Soul." Zhanna Lysenko.

Once my grandmother told this story, when I was 3-4 years old, I came up to her and said, “But I don’t love you, you offended my dad!” My dad is the best, I chose him myself when I was in heaven, and then my mother!”

To say that grandma was dumbfounded is to say nothing! After all, for a very long time she was against the relationship between dad and mom, because he was from a poor family. I didn’t even come to the wedding! And when I was already born, the passions subsided, and my grandmother herself went for reconciliation.

After this incident, she tormented me throughout my childhood with questions: where did I come from? How is it in the sky? And do I remember anything else? But I was silent, like a partisan.

As an adult, I began to engage in spiritual practice, meeting and talking with wonderful masters who always admired children and said that they were pure creatures. We need to learn from them. The minds of children have not yet been trained by society and are not driven into the framework of stereotypical thinking.

No wonder there is such a saying: “The truth speaks through the mouth of a baby.”

When my eldest daughter was born, I very carefully asked her where she came to me from?! But for some reason the child always ignored such questions. The middle daughter was more willing to make contact. And this is what she told me one day. Previously, she lived on the big red planet, she had beautiful house, but not like us, but transparent. Through the roof of her house, our planet Earth was visible and she often looked at it and wanted to stay here. And she was allowed to do this, only on one condition: she must help her brother. My daughter agreed with pleasure.

At first I thought that she meant the brother from the previous incarnation, but when my son was born as my third child, I understood which brother she was talking about. One can only guess what kind of help he will need. But now you can see how Lada (middle daughter) treats Bogdan (my son) with trepidation. She plays with him from a very young age, protects him and pampers him in every possible way.

There was another incident related to childhood memories.

We had a family vacation in Thailand in 2015. One day, on the beach, a pretty girl of about five approached my daughter and told us in clear English that she remembered my daughter. She said that while there, pointing her finger at the sky, they agreed to meet her here on earth. For us, and especially for her parents, this information was a complete surprise. Now I myself ask the children of all my friends about who they were before. Try it yourself, it's a very interesting activity.

They tell you so many interesting and unusual things that it begins to seem that you are about to remember all the previous incarnations!

Who was I in a past life? This question has repeatedly arisen among those who are interested in finding the meaning of life and their purpose. But it turns out that for some children the answer to this question is not closed.

The stories and stories below are non-fictional memories of children's past lives. All of them were written by readers in the comments to mine, which I published in the group “ Finest hour” on

This topic aroused great interest and responses from readers, and in this article I cited the most interesting comments that indicate that young children remember their past life and can even talk about it in detail. Names - “nickname” and the style of the authors left unchanged)

Real stories - memories of children and adults about a past life


My youngest son, at the age of three, told a lot of interesting things - from his descriptions it turns out that one of his incarnations was in England (or English colony), somewhere in the 18th-19th century - offhand during the time of Mark Twain, with details of everyday life, architecture, interior, historical wardrobe... In such small details that a child at that age simply cannot know.

Sergey Rodnik:

Katerina, this is a very interesting testimony and proof of a past life! Could you describe your son's story in more detail?


Where to start?

Probably because I started communicating with him during pregnancy. (He is almost 8 years old now). The most vivid memory- exactly a month before his birth (he was born on the Annunciation - April 7), I dream of him and says that he wants to congratulate me on March 8th. What is looking forward to our meeting. That he will be white and blue-eyed (that’s what he is - and this is his mother - a brunette with brown eyes). That he wants us to call him Anatoly. It just so happened that they didn’t listen to me and named their son Mikhail. At the age of three, when he was already speaking quite well, she asked if he liked his name, to which he replied: “It’s a good name, and a good angel, but I should have been called differently!”

Another time that I remember was when he treated me for a concussion. I didn’t even have time to get to the emergency room. She was lying on the sofa with severe nausea and headache after hitting her head on an iron beam. He came up to me:

“For some reason I wanted to pat you on the head...Does it hurt you, or what???”

And he sat at the head of the bed for about 15 minutes, running his hands through his hair.

Once I moved my neighbor’s grandmother to tears - her hip fracture had healed incorrectly and she was in great pain. She and her son are sitting on a bench:

- Baba Sonya, this leg hurts you...

- Baby, how do you know?

“But I feel it” (also 3-4 years)

Well, about England - I even wrote down what I managed to do, like in a shorthand course - it turned out to be a sheet and a half, if you recreate it, you get something like this coherent story: (this is during the game, without turning to anyone..., or rather, he told the toys he told them - he sat them down in front of him and in a “here-now” state - as if he was taking them on an excursion).

Look, this is our house, yes, it’s so big. This is a staircase. There are portraits on the walls of my relatives. And this is mom and dad. Look how beautiful the flowers are in these vases - our gardener puts them out every morning. Aunt loves fresh flowers (unfortunately, my aunt’s name has disappeared from my memory, and now I can’t imagine where to look for this entry, but it was something similar to the names from “The Forsyte Saga”). And my mother loved me while she was alive.

And on the second floor is my room. From the window you can see the garden - these flowers grow there. And the meadow is visible. And the forest. There are wolves in the forest. But they don’t come here - there’s nothing for them to eat here. They go there, where the cows live - in those houses over there. There are still people living there who take care of the cows. But I can feed the cat - give it milk - wolves don’t need milk. But we don’t store that much meat in the house; they bring it to us from those houses. Here are the fruits - I can eat as much as I want. My room is my toys, my books, my clothes. My aunt gave me this hat for my birthday last year. My dresses are what I wear to church, and this is my favorite! To the hat..."

Well, something like this... And since I draw, I quickly drew a drawing of a girl about 12 years old, like Becky Thatcher from “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, I showed it to my son, he replied: “Yes, that’s me!”

Then suddenly he looks at me with suspicion:

- Wait, mom, how do you know what kind of girl I was???

Well, and especially for me, there are clarifications in the wardrobe: (only now switching to children's language) hats with ribbons - some sewn, and others like baskets, made of sticks (twigs or straw), and if you lift the skirt - there are long pants with These are (shows with his hands – like “frills”) and shoes with ribbons. And the dress has laces at the back. And in front of the apron...

There were other moments, but they are erased from memory...


I'm sure this is all true. When my son was 2 years old, he also surprised us very much. We arrived at the dacha with my husband and son. In general, he began to talk very early and very clearly. We fried kebabs, my husband and I were sitting on the steps, my husband was smoking. The son comes up from behind, hugs him, and says:

“I’ve known you for a very long time, I noticed you even then.”

– I ask: when then? Speaks:

- Well, a very long time ago. You see, mommy, back when you lived with Grandma Galya in Ukraine, and dad lived with his parents.

- And how did you choose us?

“I don’t remember how, but I knew for sure that I would be born with you and live with you, and you would never offend me.”

“Sometimes I still remember something, but less and less,” said the little son, pointing his finger at the sky.

Here's the story.


Thank you very much for the article!!!

My eldest son, at the age of 3, told my husband and I: Mom, when I lived in heaven, I looked at a lot of pictures and in these pictures I saw you and I really wanted to live with you.

Yeah... ours also put it something like that in response to dad’s (our third son, after two daughters)

– We’ve been waiting for you for so long - 9 years!

We received the following phrase:

- Hey...they were waiting! Here I was WAITING -s! Much longer than you!


My 4-year-old daughter also surprises me, every time I notice that she sometimes says something - time passes and everything comes true, as the child said. More than a year ago she said that we would live in the city (she said the name of the city, we lived 2.5 thousand km from this city). And what would you think - everything turned out so that after six months we actually moved and live in this city. Now she insistently says that we will buy a car and points her finger at a foreign car))) I say that there is no money, she insists on her own)))). So be it)))).

And she often talks about the sea, that you need to come and say hello to the water..., during pregnancy and the first 2 years of her life, we really lived by the sea. She calmed down when I brought her in a carrier and put her by the water when she was very tiny, she was not at all afraid of water and ran to the water in any weather... Some kind of mysticism.

Shumaeva Irina

My son also surprised me with similar things, talking about the fact that he had parents and named them. Brother (it turns out that this was when he didn’t know us), but they all died in a car accident... The next day, when I asked him to tell me more about it, he got angry and said that I wasn’t supposed to know more, this information closed to me. The next story was about the ocean, connecting the subtle world with the physical, souls who want to come to earth fall into it, and it is called “Elkraing” or something like that... Of course, I’ll tell you all this to perceive... something... In general, I can’t wrap my head around it, it’s easier for those people who study all sorts of esoteric knowledge..., and now he often “delights” me with his knowledge of energy, where a person’s light is (by chakras)... And so - absolutely normal child… marvelous.

Alexander I

A wonderful phenomenon! All of the above is a confirmation of the hypothesis of a new generation of amazing children coming to Earth. This is a completely new formation of people! They remember their “past”, they have a connection with the energy-information field of the Earth, and, therefore, access to the future! People! Take care of them! Create all conditions for them - they are the future of our civilization!


My girls were 3 years old and 1.5. We were walking on the street. A woman passed by with her grandson. The grandson is a little older than my girls. They lingered near us. The children played around and we started talking. The woman told me how her grandson lived in France in a past life, stood on the balcony and saw the Nazis parachuting from the sky into his city (I even named the city and what its name used to be, I have now forgotten). How he was then shot, and asks me if I asked my children who they were before? I am the daughter of communists and atheists, standing apart from her, on the sidelines. She took the girls home.

But at home, out of curiosity, I asked the eldest who she was. The daughter answered - a princess. I had no more questions... They are all princesses under 10 years old. But still she asked the younger one. And she says - grandmother. I say:

- Well, I thought I only had princesses.

The younger one is so very serious:

“No,” he says, “grandmother.”

And she begins to tell me that she lived on the mountain in a green house with another grandmother, there is no water, she has to go to the river, and oh how hard it is to carry water up the mountain. And this is a city child from a high-rise. Goosebumps crawled down my spine. I no longer wanted to experiment. It's a pity, maybe the eldest really was a princess. Now I would ask a lot of questions. That woman said that children can be questioned up to 4 years old. They remember everything well, even if they themselves don’t start talking about it.

Here are more interesting stories submitted by readers


“My daughter has a scar under her eye after surgery; she had a skin graft; in short, the scar is large. And apparently her grandmother talked to her about this scar, to which My daughter replied: “I knew that I would have such an eye, but I wanted to be born so badly that I agreed.” Here are some words. She was three years old then. It's 13 years now, but she still remembers it and confirms it when we ask her. I'm honestly shocked. I don’t understand, maybe he’s making it up, but something is stirring in my soul, because in childhood I also had some kind of “craving for a past life” in the form of very vague memories, similar to fantasy.”


"Hello. I vaguely remember the faces of some people. I know my appearance down to the details. And even a name. I know for sure that I was born a guy in the Middle Ages. I don’t remember where. She was a warrior for 19 years. I remember the king and my best friend the warrior. I remember this all the time... I want to go back...

I would like to add. I know everything down to the details, memories come with events every day, especially when I listen to music.
I remembered five girls, two of them were sisters, and I can even describe my family.

  • Older brother - dark curly hair, pale blue bottomless eyes, dark shirt, green vest.
  • My father is a big-eared man.
    Mother is a woman in a headscarf.
  • Was six years old younger brother. Blue eyes, round face with almost no hair.
  • There were also three best friends.
  • As I already said, I was 19 years old. Short dark hair, Brown eyes.
  • I remember one more person, and the blacksmith who made me a sword

In short, I’m tired of listing... If anything, I’m 13 years old now.

The most interesting thing is that I communicate with a girl, she describes her past life, and all her people coincided with my memories. It turned out that she was my friend, her name was Valerie, and my name was Robert.
Yes, there were a lot of beautiful guys and girls there. Those were good times...
True, I think I died from Viking spears.
I lived in Spain, as I remembered, in Tanros, the war took place next to Miravet Castle.


[email protected]

Now I’m 33 and I don’t really remember what my thoughts were as a child. But from a very young age I have been fascinated by Indians and everything connected with them. At the age of 7, I read children’s detective stories about Nancy Drew for the first time. The heroine went to Peru, where the book took place. Reading the descriptions of the area and the rituals of this country, I felt a burning interest. When I grew up, I didn’t lose interest, but another one joined him. strange phenomenon

My friend gave me a cassette with Indian songs North America. During the first audition, I started crying bitterly, I felt so sad, I really wanted to “go home.” Go home there, to the world where these sounds are. This music accompanies me all my life, every time I yearn for my distant home. I definitely understand. that this is a longing for the past, which I do not remember with my mind, but I remember at the level of spirit. And for some reason I know for sure that I was a man.

Stories from dreams

There was a period, about 5 years ago, when every night I had vivid, strange dreams. I just started writing them down. For example... I live on another planet. Me and my people. We have no atmosphere on our planet and we live inside it. In order to eat, you need to go to the surface and catch one of the many energy balls that fly there. This was our food. One day we go to the surface and find that there are almost no balls left. There was a feeling of sadness in a dream. We get it. that it's time to look for a new home. And I woke up. Another dream... I run to swim at the lake (we don’t have lakes in our city) through the forest, I run up to the railway embankment, it’s high.

I climb up this embankment, run across the rails and, like a hill, run down to the lake, which is somewhere there... in the distance. As fast as I can run, I crash into the water... And water, it’s not even water at all, it’s sparkling sparks of happiness, love, fun, it’s hundreds of trillions of refreshing sparkling, not at all wet, diamond drops! This is such crazy magic, this is such ecstasy, it is impossible to describe what happened to me in this lake... And what a pity it was to open my eyes...
Another dream, a short one: it was getting dark, some guy and I went out onto the roof of my 9-story building and saw that a huge red planet was hanging very, very low. You look at it seriously and understand that the time has come for serious changes on Earth.

And probably the coolest dream I ever had...

I’m sitting on the sofa in the living room (at home), in the lotus position. There is some kind of round medallion on the neck. I sigh and quite consciously take the medallion in my palm and “activate” it. I slowly rise above the sofa and hover over it. A feeling of absolute normality of what was happening, an understanding that I could always do this. And then something begins to arise inside. Some kind of enormous energy that requires an outlet. I spread my arms to the side and it bursts out of me with bright light, but it’s not enough for me. I need to free myself from my body. it bothers me, I need to give away this love that is bursting out of me, there is too much of it... The whole body begins to glow and vibrate, I scream in my sleep, I want to remove this body that is holding me back.....

And I wake up, morning... I can’t understand what’s happening, why I’m lying on the bed in my body, I’m shaking, I have vibration waves throughout my body. I get up, hobble into the hall, sit down on the sofa, trying to do the same thing that happened in the dream... there is no medallion, it doesn’t work... I walked around all day as if dumbfounded, I so wanted to return what was in the dream... On physical level all the cells were shaking. It is impossible to explain this in our language; words are simply not enough. Gradually the sensations passed, and the cycle of strange dreams also stopped. But there is a memory, maybe something will start again after a while... I wish I knew)))) Here’s a little experience, maybe something will come in handy)))

Watch also the video – the boy’s memories of his past life


After such stories - memories of a person’s past lives, you begin to think about the secrets that each of us carries within us. And who knows if these stories are not evidence of life after death, which all religions and mystical teachings talk about?

And if some children remember their previous existences or reincarnations in another body, then for many of us – adults, the answer to the question of who I was in past lives still remains a mystery that has yet to be solved.

Dear readers!

If you know similar stories, please share them in the comments.

Children remember and talk about past lives: non-fictional memories and stories sent by readers Articles on similar topics:

89 reviews

    How interesting! I had no doubt about the rebirth of our souls before, but now I wanted to ask my friends who have small children to ask them this question: who were they? maybe new evidence will be discovered

    Elena, if you have any interesting evidence, please share them in this thread or by email. I am collecting these materials for a book.

    Well, I thought that only I believed in it :-).
    I have two examples.
    My eldest niece, between the ages of 3 and 5, often repeated a mysterious phrase: “When I had a little boy...” Those who heard this from the little one began to laugh and she fell silent in embarrassment. At that time, she had not yet gone to kindergarten and there were almost no little boys in her environment.

    Second example. My youngest niece. She once said: “It was when I had three children...” This was said naturally. Like something that really happened in the past.

    Thanks for your insightful comment! I hope that when enough such evidence is collected, belief in the reincarnation of the soul will become knowledge.

    And for such “tricks”, my parents took me to a psychiatrist...

    Sergey, are you only interested in the reincarnation of souls? Or something else?
    Regarding past lives:
    I saw a lot and it took a long time to describe - in short, Tutathamon - I saw myself as a boy standing in front of a mirror (the mirror was made of some kind of metal). I knew exactly who I was.
    Then - an astronomer - I saw myself with a huge ancient pipe - I looked at the stars and drew up a star map in the form of a graphic diagram.
    Then the hermit monk collected herbs, brewed potions, healed...
    But who was she on Polish territory? Did not watch.
    It’s just that during the 90s I was engaged in so-called commerce. And during a visit to one castle (we lived in it), I knew all the nooks and crannies and the location of the buildings as if it were my apartment.
    I even knew where the nearest church was. I went and found him there...
    The house in which the family of the Romanov Tsars was executed horrified me. It was stuffy there and I couldn’t describe the feeling of fear. I just flew out of there and never went there again.
    I didn't look into it.

    Svetlana, you have a very interesting experience! At what age did memories of past lives begin to come?

    A friend of mine’s older child often said things like this... a lot about the church, although he wasn’t taken there then and in general the family is far from religion. then his grandparents took him to the Catholic church for Christmas, and when he saw the manger and this whole composition, his face was sooooo distorted, he was so surprised and embarrassed... as if he simply could not relate what he saw to reality... he walked around for the rest of the day I'm shocked…

    another friend, who has 4 children, said that her third son also comments on some things, and once said that her older children were husband and wife in a past life... said that a girl will be born, but not this time (when she is pregnant I was fourth),...
    and my mother once asked her pupil (3 years old), Lisa, do angels exist?... Liza, without being distracted, he told games Yes, and also showed how they talk... Lisa also had not come into contact with religion before.

    Elena, thank you for the valuable testimonies! This once again proves the continuation of life beyond the physical world.

    “And if children remember their past life, then for adults their previous existences remain a mystery that has yet to be solved.”

    If only for the purpose of treating incomprehensible fears and phobias. Regression therapy can help in this regard. Just out of curiosity, you shouldn’t delve into past lives. I remembered a dream I had when I was 4 years old, and I clearly saw myself killing a small child. After remembering such an old dream, any desire to delve into my past life disappeared. I really regret that I did this in my past life. That’s why I have a lot of problems. But now I do good deeds and improve.

    I agree that it is not worth delving into past lives out of curiosity. Such memory should open naturally when a person is ready to accept it. In addition, the personality in each incarnation is updated for specific task, so digging into past lives may even interfere with the completion of your mission. This is given to children because the soul finally enters a new body only at the age of 7, which is why they remember memories of a past life.

    And I started remembering my past life when I was 10 years old, maybe earlier. they come to me in fragments different moments. I know I was famous. Lived very rich life, I enjoyed life, I had many friends, I was very rich and beautiful. but memories come in fragments (not like others who remember their whole lives). I even remember 1 room of the apartment (or house) in which I lived. it was very richly furnished. I led the life that many famous top models and others lead. When I see how they live somewhere famous people, this becomes familiar to me, as if I, too, lived the same way.

    Anastasia, this is a valuable experience. Be sure to write down these passages - they will help you understand the reasons for the events happening in your life.

    It seems to me that I did something bad in that life. This is where I pay. Now I’m not a star, with complexes and many shortcomings, I live in a poor family, I’m not beautiful, etc. In short, everything is the opposite of the previous life.

    Don't despair, everything in this life can be fixed. This is what it was given for.

    and if since childhood you have been tormented by some fragments of moods, either happiness or sweet sorrow... and as if you should find these same feelings, experience them in this life... you also can’t try to understand what this is for? Shouldn’t I still go into the knowledge of past lives if I’m sure that all these memories are connected specifically with past (or past) lives?
    I remember myself from the cradle of this life, how I lay in the crib, how my parents rocked me to sleep... I still didn’t know how to speak, or even roll over... that is. I was a few months old. But even then I understood everything perfectly, just like now. I understood every word my parents spoke like an adult.
    I remember asking my mother when I was 5 years old, “are there past lives?” Mom answered that no, there is only one life and after death our soul flies to heaven to God.

    Marina, I still don’t understand from your comment: Do you acknowledge the existence of past lives or not?

    Each of us has fragments of memories of a past life. For some they are clear, down to the details - as in those given in this article, for others they are vague. I also sometimes remembered some moments from past lives, and then from different sources I learned that these are not fantasies at all, and we really come here many times, each time changing the physical shell, but the memory of all lives is not erased, but is simply forgotten for the period of the next incarnation.

    I wonder, are dreams really memories of other incarnations?
    I was recently at Regression. Of the 15 people in the room, I was the only one who didn’t remember. Everyone else remembered. Their stories were very convincing.

    And my parents told me this story: I was 3 years old (I was born in 91), mom, dad and I were sitting in the room, and then for no apparent reason I blurted out: “When I was big, they cut me stomach, pulled out the intestines and sewed up the stomach. Then they cut my head open and took out my brains...” My parents were shocked. At the same time, I showed the exact anatomical lines along which pathologists cut the corpse... So, it turns out that I was telling what my soul saw after death?!?!?! I myself don’t remember this moment, how I said it, although I remember a lot from early childhood, 1.5-2 years. What do you think about it?

    I think this memory is related to one of my past lives. But what you described is more like preparation for mummification, which was common in ancient Egypt and was used for burial noble people. After leaving the body, a person’s soul can see for some time everything that happens around the body and even feel what is happening to the body.

    Hello. I vaguely remember the faces of some people. I know my appearance down to the details. And even a name. I know for sure that I was born a guy in the Middle Ages. I don’t remember where.
    She was a warrior for 19 years. I remember the king and my best friend the warrior.
    I remember this all the time... I want to go back.

    I remember a dream I had in sixth grade. outskirts of the city, 2-3 floor L-shaped house, laundry hanging on lines. There is an arch in the corner of the house. Behind the house there is a field, high culture, waist-deep, and in the distance there are mountains. I hear the noise of technology. at that moment a tank drives into the yard, small, clearly not Russian. The tank makes a U-turn inside the yard, breaking all the ropes. Burnt dust...
    people start running into the field and I run with them. bright sun. they are shooting from behind... at some point I feel severe pain in my leg, I fall and wake up.
    was this a dream...

    Elena, thank you! Interesting memory.

    Dmitry, episodes from past lives can appear in dreams. Especially if the dream feels very realistic.

    Thank you Sergey!
    That's how I connect. Moreover, over the next few years I operated on this particular leg 2 times.

    In response to Irina Shumaeva’s story

    ... The next story was about the ocean, connecting the subtle world with the physical, souls who want to come to earth fall into it, and it is called “Elkraing” ...

    It is very interesting, because Crying in translation is not only “crying”, but in some cases also “screaming”, calling”, “praying” or “glorifying”, and the prefix El means holiness.

    Lena, if you know how to draw, sketch what you remember. And write before you forget. Memory has the ability to lose. And at an older age there may be a need to remember something... And if this is not just Fantasies, then it could be a good opportunity to understand today's problems.

    Anna, thank you for the addition – deciphering the word “Elkraing”.

    Elena, thank you for your story about your past life, I included it in the article. It’s interesting that you are communicating with a girl you met in a past life. Perhaps in this life you have some kind of joint task - a mission that needs to be realized.

    Thank you to all readers for participating in this topic!

    Alena, thank you very much for interesting stories! It's really spiritual experience memories of past lives, not only on our planet, but also on another planet and in the Subtle World. The description of the condition with the medallion and swimming in the “lake of love” is very interesting. If you remember anything else, please share with me and the blog readers.

    While attending a regression with Maria Manok, one girl, 18-22 years old, immediately refused to tell what she dreamed of at the time of regression. The woman alone began to simply compose something... It looked funny.
    One man of about 35 said that he saw himself in the form of a woman. He told me about his hard life in a woman's body.
    and another lady saw herself as the captain of a ship who died after hitting a reef.
    Of course it’s interesting to hear these stories. and surf the sites where these stories are available. But isn’t this just our brain’s usual reading of information from the earth’s field?
    I recently heard, I don’t remember where, that the brain, in principle, cannot think. He's not suited for this. But he can create conditions for thoughts.

    Dmitry, I’ve come across similar information regarding the brain. Its essence is that the brain is only an information processor (like a processor in a computer), and thoughts and memory are not in the brain... I won’t go into detail about where - this is a separate topic. As for regressions, I admit that there may be a play of imagination or fantasy. But I completely trust personal experience, such as Alena’s.

    Group F.p.s song morning breeze song just on topic
    In past lives I was a man, strange memories periodically emerge: I’m someone like a mafioso, then a dandy from old England, or a businessman... And they pop up strange habits, friends also notice and are very surprised because a lot of what sometimes happens to me is not at all typical for me... Until the age of 13, I saw vivid and very believable dreams, constantly shocking my relatives, but unfortunately, after several concussions, I don’t remember practically anything, but it doesn’t stop haunting feeling of deja vu.. Sometimes I can interrupt a conversation and tell a person what he wanted to tell me) scares many))

    Yes, it seems that in dreams a memory of something experienced pops up, and it seems not in the present time (incarnation). While this can be compared and assumed with the fact that the incarnation happened before... everything else is like fortune telling...
    the fact that people actually predict and complete other people's thoughts may simply be the experience of conversation. already knowing in what manner the conversation is moving, our consciousness tells us at what point it will arrive. Here we can turn to the question: “what is consciousness?” And apparently you are not the only one who has this opportunity.

    I read somewhere that the earth is a store of information, and it is quite possible that we periodically connect our brain to this store, and it reads what we need in this moment file. And the key can be anything, both how the opponent conducts the conversation, and how you met. and what drink did you drink during your lunch break...
    Remember, “love” also does not arise out of nowhere. You are attracted to one person, but not to another. Years pass, we grow and we already see in those whom we did not want to look at, something completely different, and you notice that interest has been shown in you. And this may be that life has put you on a common wave (for a while, forever - unknown), but now you are drawn to each other...

    Psychologists cannot always help patients, for the simple reason that they have not experienced what their patient is, for them it is just work. And a person who has gone through a similar situation without any education will be able to enter the situation and help resolve it.

    In general, psychology and the relationship between psychologists and patients was well said in the 1988 Soviet film “The Jester,” with Kostolevsky in the title role.

    Nastasya, Dmitry, thank you for your valuable comments!

    Let these true stories serve for a new understanding and attitude towards human life. The experience of remembering past lives is very important for understanding the events that occur in this life.

    Thanks to everyone who is participating in the discussion of this topic.

    I remember my childhood dream, which I saw quite often at the age of about 3-5 years. I'm in a Russian hut, the door is locked and I can't get out. The house is on fire, I hear the cracking of wood. I have only two exits: the windows and the door, but I can't get to either of them. In the arms of a stump Small child, he doesn't cry, he sleeps. And I will lie down on the floor above the stove with the child in my arms. And I don’t know how to explain: under the ceiling all over the room there seem to be boards lying like this, something like shelves, only you can climb on them. It resembles beams, only the distance between the board and the ceiling is such that you can crawl on your knees. I remember crawling in there with my left hand, hugging the child to me, and the thought in my head that I had very little time left. The crackling of the fire is getting stronger, the fire is already under me, but from the street I hear voices, both female and male, and such hope for salvation. In general, I almost crawled to the other end of the hut, when I heard the crunch of wood behind me, I turned around and saw that the beam was starting to burn. And I shout save him and throw the child out the window, hoping that he will be caught there. I also wanted to climb there myself, but I didn’t have time. The tree cracked and broke, and I fell into the fire. I remember screaming and feeling hot and painful. Then there’s a flash, everything turns white and I wake up.
    I had the dream so often that I still remember some details today. I woke up in a cold sweat, called my mother and cried. Based on her notes and my memories, it has already been recreated. Then I didn’t know how to decorate a hut in principle, but later, in the 7th grade, during local history lessons, they showed us and explained it to us. I looked at the pictures and knew that this is what I once lived in.
    By the way, since childhood I have been afraid of being near fire and afraid of hot temperatures. I can’t go to the bathhouse, I can’t drink too hot tea or wash myself under hot water.

    Here is another confirmation of Dinara.
    Apparently these are not just childish fears, but based on something more.

    Dinara, thank you for sharing your dream. In my opinion, this dream is a memory from a past life, and this is also evidenced by the fear of fire and hot things.

    As a child, I often started telling stories to my parents, especially my father with words when I was an adult, but he got angry and I stopped, as a child I talked a lot... I often saw a strange woman crawling towards me, holding on to me with one hand belly, the other one was reaching out to me, I don’t know who it is, I’m 19 years old now, what I told you about, I don’t even remember, but I can’t forget about this woman, when I was at school 5 years ago I saw one woman, I was in a stupor and I immediately remembered that one... I didn’t know who she was and didn’t try to figure it out, until a special time. I thought that that woman was me, but there is a possibility that I, on the contrary, killed her... I wish I could remember everything again...

    Here again I remembered an incident from my childhood, I often said, you are not my real parents, you adopted me and so on... In that spirit. I have always been drawn to the original teachings of the Buddha, I have always admired them.

    By the way, also very interesting fact, I was born I had an older sister Olga, then I, after me there were three more brothers Ilya Semyon and Egor. So, when my mother was pregnant with Semyon, I often had the same crazy dream. I dreamed of a war, a man in a suit but with a strange sewn type head in which a stand was sticking out, but this is not so important, I also dreamed of another boy, small in stature, all ugly, bluish in color, sitting in some kind of cage and every now and then repeating the words, I am Semyon, I am Semyon, in the end this creature was killed with spears or swords, as needed, and I woke up in sweat. I thought that whoever was born to my mother would be a freak, or I don’t know, for some reason it seemed so to me, but a completely normal boy was born, without flaws, but he still has birthmarks on his back and left shoulder, now he is 11 years old, As a child, I remember he constantly played games in which he called himself a colonel. I don’t know, maybe it’s just a coincidence, what does color reading in a dream have to do with it? I don't know. But many of Uncle Grandma’s relatives still call him Colonel.

    Alexey, thank you for the interesting stories! Judging by some details, these are indeed memories from past lives. Children often in childhood call themselves in games names associated with past lives or otherwise manifest these memories. For example, as a child I was very fond of war games and constantly drew officers of various ranks in the uniforms of the Tsarist Army with orders, shoulder straps and aiguillettes. Moreover, I painted them not just like that, but in ascending ranks - as if it was my career in the Army. So your stories are another proof of our past lives. And if someone doesn’t believe or doubts, please provide a link to this article. It is impossible to invent so many stories and with such details.

    About six months ago I had a dream. I’m 23. I didn’t talk about any rebirth as a child. But the dream was very memorable. It all started with a hill. There is a hill in a wasteland that is covered with snow in winter and it’s so cool to ride down it, like down a hill, and next to it there is a lonely tree. There is wasteland all around. So, I’m a boy, although in real life I’m a girl, about six years old, riding down the slide with my father. Then, when I was fourteen years old, a war began in the city. The Germans got close. In a dream I live in Leningrad. Just the beginning of the blockade, I have a father, mother and younger brother. So my father is called to war, and they want to evacuate me, my brother and my mother. But I’m a man, it doesn’t matter under a woman’s skirt. And when the refugees were leaving, I put my mother and brother in the car and told them that I was going to take a leak, and I hid and watched as my mother drove away. She screamed and wanted to jump, but the military held her back. He ran to his father happy. My father was angry, but he left me. The Germans went on the offensive. I don’t know what it’s called, but we made a mound of earth. Like a mound. Behind them we fight off the Germans. I was killed in the first week of the war. A bomb fell nearby and the blast wave covered me with sand. In short, I was small, I couldn’t get out of the sand, and I died. The only thing that is certain is that my biggest fear since childhood is being buried alive. I learned everything about lethargic sleep. I was afraid that they would mix it up and bury me. I'm not afraid of anything in life, but this is downright creepy. And then in the continuation of sleep. My brother, who left with his mother, has a son, and he has his own. And so, at the age of six, a boy and his dad are riding down a hill in a vacant lot next to a tree. And he says that he has already been here. In a dream it is 70-80 years old. Like this.

    Alexey wrote here that he saw a woman and was in a stupor..
    And I saw an old man... Who was looking at me, as if watching... when I was watching TV with the whole family, as I remember now... everyone was sitting with their backs to the door of the room, and I was lying on the floor, with my head in my hands... And she was either walking song -84, or 86... And I pass out... And I know - he’s standing there, I turn around - yes! ... Long beard, long white clothes..
    I remember asking my friends, did I sleep? But they didn’t, I watched the concert...
    And this happened a couple of times...

    I remember a dream when I was in grade 3-4, when I was studying at a boarding school:
    I'm at war. It's too light, and I need to go down the cliff. I don’t have time to go down, I see, as if from the side, that the Germans are standing over the cliff and starting to shoot at me. The cliff is gentle, more like a hill, but there is a river below. The Germans are shooting and it hurts my leg. When I woke up, I felt that my leg was lying on the metal frame of the bed, the mattress had moved under the deflection of the springs. My leg really hurts.
    I remember this dream, but I compared it with the fact that in the boarding school they often showed films about the war... And I put it into this image.
    I already wrote about a dream in which I was running across a field from a tank, which fired and also hit me in the leg. Only there is a plot in some Latin American country. And again the leg... True, I didn’t hit anywhere here.

    I remember very clearly how I was swinging on a swing between the palm trees and as an adult I fell from them and besides the palm trees around I didn’t remember anything else... When I started talking I immediately asked my mother: “Do you remember that place with the palm trees and the swing from which I fell?” To which my mother answered that we had never been to a place where palm trees grew and I didn’t fall from a swing, we lived in the city and my mother didn’t put me on a swing... I still clearly remember those palm trees and I remember the high swing from which I I fell, I even remember the roar of hitting the ground... Maybe these are not memories of a past life, but a combination of brain activity? After all, the child hears his parents a few weeks after conception...
    And I remembered another interesting fact: this year I had an MRI of the cervical spine, because I have had a lot of headaches and neck pain all my life. As a child, they said that puberty would go away later. Now I'm 25 and nothing has changed. Based on the MRI results, I had three doctors and they all asked me one question: did you fall and hit your neck as a child? I always answered that no, I never hit my head, neck, never had any concussions... Maybe it’s somehow connected...

    Ekaterina, it’s difficult to understand what this memory refers to. Perhaps it is connected with some memory from a past life, especially since in this life neither you nor your parents were in such an environment. But, some diseases in this life are often associated with injuries or diseases from the past. It could also be fears associated with trauma in past lives.

    Anargul, interesting story, Thank you! With a probability of 80-90% this is a memory from a past life. The brain is not able to invent such details and retain them in memory.

    Hello. I read your stories and decided to write my own. Firstly, I want to say that I heard about reincarnation for a long time, and not to say that I didn’t believe, but rather I didn’t pay attention to all (as I already understand) my fragmentary memories from my past incarnation, until my son was born. He is now 2 years old and started talking very early. He was about one and a half years old, he spoke a quatrain in some incomprehensible language (at first it seemed to me like baby babble), but then I began to notice that he constantly repeated the same text, and a RHYMED VERSE, he was 1 and 6 and he If he couldn’t have composed it himself, he soon began humming the same text in rhyme under his breath, pronouncing the words clearly and it was clear that this was not a set of meaningless words, this was a different language. He didn’t stop surprising me at this point, a couple of months ago, he just ran to me, hugged me and said: “Mom, let’s go to Batumi,” I didn’t pay attention and, moreover, I didn’t immediately understand what this word was, after about 10 minutes runs up to me again and says: “Mom, I want Batumi.” I asked: “What? What is Batumi,” he repeated again: “I want to go to Batumi.” I asked: “Son, what is this?” I was amazed by his answer, he said: “that’s where my home is.” I immediately came to my senses, went to the Internet, typed the word “Batumi”, and what was my surprise when the search engine revealed that this is one of the cities of Georgia. I was shocked how a 2-year-old child could know about this city. We have no relatives, we have never been to Georgia, he couldn’t even hear it on TV since he doesn’t watch TV at all, and besides, he responded to my question “what is Batumi?” answered “THIS IS MY HOUSE.” I don’t know how to explain this, and he often says casually, without confusion, “Mom is grandma’s mom, and dad is grandpa.” He always says this, he doesn’t get confused.
    I began to analyze everything, and I dare to suggest that my baby has memories from a past life. Now, recalling my memories, I realized, although I do not claim that episodes from past lives flashed in front of me, even if only for milliseconds. I used to constantly, whenever my eyes drooped, there was a picture in front of me as if I was in an inevitable situation, they wanted to kill me, and the pictures surfaced from the time of the war, I’m scared, I stand and REALIZE THAT THIS IS THE END, AND I’M BEING BLOWED UP. I’m still so afraid that I’ll find myself in a situation where death is inevitable, and I’ll have to accept it. And once I looked at myself in the mirror and the face of a bearded red-haired old man flashed before my eyes for a couple of seconds, although I’m not her redhead at all, but a burning brunette. And the most interesting thing is that I felt that this was Ch. It didn’t end there. One day I got tired of the child and closed my eyes on the sofa to take a nap, and a bearded old man appeared before my eyes again, and it was as if I saw it from the outside, but I was that same old man. I was wearing dirty, worn pants, old boots, and I was in the market, trying to find someone with my eyes and fiddling with my beard... I immediately woke up in a cold sweat, looked at my watch, I took a nap for only 3 minutes.
    That's how things are. Now I don’t know what to think, I’m trying to understand with my mind. But how? How is this even possible?

    Hello Anna. Children often remind us of past lives, but not all adults pay attention to this and take it seriously. Regarding your question - how is this possible? Science cannot yet provide clear explanations for such memories, but there are noteworthy studies by scientists, such as Ian Stevenson, who examined and described about 3,000 such cases. So it is possible, but it can be difficult to understand due to the limitations of our materialistic mind.

    Thanks for answering. I left my story on several sites so that at least someone would respond.
    I’ll continue my story... A couple of days after the story with Batumi, I decided to finish off my own child with questions and said: “Son, what were you doing in Batumi?” he answers: “played”; I ask: “who did you play with, Lily?” he answers “no” and calls some strange name and, without further questioning, he continues, “they played horse games, they went up high, high up,” and at the same time he shows how they ride horses, he continues, “he went up, I’m scared, I I’m afraid, mom, I want to go down here” and looks down and points to the floor. I say: “you too, get up, don’t be afraid,” I’m trying to get into the situation and play along. And he looked down again, made SCARED ROUND EYES, said “I’m afraid, mom, I don’t want to”, threw himself on my neck and hugged me tightly by the neck, it seemed that right now he would strangle me out of fear. I was scared myself, but I didn’t lose my temper and casually decided to ask: “Son, who is your mother?” He let go of his neck, looked at me and said: “You are my mother.” Finally, I calmed down and decided not to bother my son again and not to traumatize his psyche. But I don’t have any other words than – go crazy, this can’t happen.
    I told my husband, he laughed and twirled his finger near his temple with the words: “It seems like you’ve had enough at home, you should go to work, otherwise you’re going crazy, honey.” He didn’t believe it, but I’m sure a son at that age wouldn’t be able to come up with something like that.

    The fact of the matter is that children do not compose. I know of another interesting case when 4 summer child persistently told his parents that he fought at the front, his name and that he was buried in such and such a place - he named the settlement not far from Novosibirsk, where they lived. And the father decided to check this information and actually found in this locality in the cemetery the grave of the man named by his son. This case was written about in one of the newspapers several years ago.

    Only after 5 years do children most often forget these memories, and then in adulthood they may even deny that they said something similar.

    So I had the idea to ask the kid and film everything and see what he would say to this in adulthood. Then I think, why hurt the baby. By the way, he often talks about how I am his mother and grandmother’s mother. It's both funny and not. He says that when my grandmother was little, she said mom (meaning that she called me mom), if you listen to her son’s words, it turns out that my mother-in-law was my daughter. I'm thinking about becoming funny)))

    Anna, taking a video is a good idea!

    I remember that I was a man and sat in prison, then they shot me. My wife came to prison, kept crying and forgave me for all the pain I brought her. I was betrayed by everyone I trusted and only my wife stayed until the end. I remember that I was someone from the intelligentsia (I was completely unexpected from the betrayal of relatives and friends, I fully hoped for them). I remember that I had mistresses, and my wife forgave them. I sat in a dirty, smelly cell, my wrists constantly hurt from the handcuffs, I heard the sound of keys and expected death. Now I’m a girl and I even met people from my past life, I looked at them as family, they didn’t understand it.

    Anna from 11/26/2015

    Anya, how do you know that they are from a past life?
    How did you understand this?

    Anna, based on your story, an association arose that it was during the “ Stalin's repressions” in the 30s of the 20th century. Perhaps you were some kind of official, many of whom were shot then. I wonder how you recognized in this life those you knew in the last?

    And all my life I want to go home, even when I seem to be at home. And to my mother, being next to my mother. I always feel older than many people, including own parents, so I've been lonely all my life.
    I remember in detail the house in which I lived for 2 of my lives. In my first life, I don’t remember who I was, but I remember going into my house, wooden and two-story with a large staircase that split in two to the right and left. On the right, on the second floor, there was a piano, there were lace napkins, and I was greeted by a young, but seemingly sick woman in a dark dress and a light collar. It felt like the beginning of the 20th century. The weather was autumn, I felt cold, but there was peace in my soul.
    And the second life - as a child in Soviet sandals, I ran and played with other children on the first floor of the same house, where the dining room was located. Then I walk from room to room and know that there is another way out of the house. The interior was already completely different. The house was turned into either a hostel, or a communal apartment, or an orphanage. I remember the porch very well, it was summer and sunshine.
    I often feel a strong melancholy that I am now in the wrong place and with the wrong people, although everything is fine in my life. How can I finally find harmony with present reality?

    Very interesting story, strange.
    Maybe hypnosis could clarify more?

    I accidentally came across this site, when will you publish the book? And then I have the rooftop paranormal information on personal experiences, including past lives, I remember... The last one in sufficient detail, and the previous ones in episodes. I was thinking about writing a book myself, otherwise my head would explode storing so much information.

    Veronica, I don’t have enough materials for the book yet. If you have materials on the topic of memories of past lives that have not previously been published on the Internet, I can publish them on this site in the form of separate articles while retaining your authorship. For questions regarding publication, please visit

    Good day, Sergey! I read the comments and agree with many of them, except for one position - communication between a mother and her child in her womb. I believe that these are her fantasies, since we are being transferred into the bodies of people who have already been born. I can’t really explain who “us” is, but I’ll tell you everything in order. There are two strange fragments left in my memory that time has not erased. I never told anyone about them, since I was born in the USSR and they would have considered me mentally abnormal. Then in the 90s, work in law enforcement agencies, then in the 2000s, civil service, etc. Fragment one - I’m in some kind of “room” similar to a medical laboratory, next to me are two people who look like people, we communicate in a language that I can’t remember (I think under hypnosis I would be able to reproduce the conversation in this language), one I will say that it was a “sentence”, I did something wrong in my previous body and am obliged to serve the sentence again. Then, after manipulating the instruments of one of those present, a sphere appeared in the room, in which there was something like a portal to the room in which a newborn child lay in a stroller. I really didn’t want what was going to happen and resisted it in every possible way, which apparently caused a slight glitch in the blocking of my memory and this fragment remained in it. This is where the first memory ends. Fragment two - I am in the body of a child, I clearly understand that it is absolutely not controlled by me, the child is lying in a stroller, two people are bending over him and talking in a language unknown to me, since I still think in the language in which I communicated in the first fragment. I clearly understand that I am very outraged and don’t want what is happening, I’m trying to do something, but it’s like I’m locked in a cage in an uncontrollable body... I repeat, I think that under hypnosis I’ll probably be able to describe everything exactly and reproduce that communication speech. And regarding the line of fate - throughout my life, moments have repeatedly occurred in which I clearly realized that this had already happened to me, so to speak, a feeling of deja vu... I think that hypnosis is needed to pull out all the details of memories from me.

    There are many Reincarnation Specialists in Moscow. One of these specialists is Maria Monok. I visited her 2 times for general reincarnation. It didn’t work on me the first or second time. And the people who were with me (15 people) told me a lot of interesting things. Including my wife. And then I even tried to sketch from her words what she saw.
    Type “Maria Monok” on the Internet and find out how to contact her and the cost. A general session costs up to 1000 rubles, but an individual session needs to be discussed with her.
    There are other specialists, you can also find them. The process is interesting.

    As for memory and visions, it seems that in childhood I saw something, and maybe it was real. Or maybe a dream...

    As a child, quite often, at the moment of falling asleep, I saw a person lying on the bed. I saw it from the side and in a haze, but I clearly realized that it was me. And there are people around with sad faces.
    And this feeling of frighteningly accelerating and tearing away... And the anxiety that I am leaving these people. But the incredible horror was precisely from this feeling, which even now I cannot put into words.
    I always cried, and my mother, who tried to calm me down, is still surprised:
    How could a 2-year-old child cry out in such an adult way: “Oh, Lord!”
    I was also surprised because they themselves were raised as atheists and communists. And at that time, no one spoke the name of God in the family.
    Perhaps this is the memory of the moment of death, which was not “erased” at the moment of birth?

    Anna, this memory really resembles the moment of leaving the body. Obviously, the emotion was very strong, which is why it remained in consciousness.

    Andrey, I apologize for not immediately responding to your very interesting and valuable comment. Regarding communication between mother and child in the womb, not everything is so clear. I think that this is not fiction, but communication with a child, or more precisely, a soul that will move into the child’s body for spiritual level, i.e. not through the body. We all consist of several levels of consciousness and their corresponding bodies. And it also seems to me that the soul enters the body precisely at the moment of birth, and according to some teachings this process continues for several years (up to 5 or 7 years).

    As a child, I saw the same dream 5-7 times, I can’t get it out of my head. I saw exactly the moment of death (as it seems to me, of my past body). I haven’t told it to anyone, but it creates questions that torment me. It seems that the soul that saw the torment retains the memory of it.

    Dmitry, very few people retain the memory of their death in a past life and torment. Obviously, you need this experience for some reason in this life.

    My sister said when she was three years old that she had already been in this (in one of my relatives’ apartments) bathroom and asked where the mirror was and why it wasn’t smooth? -pointing a finger at the wall. The mirror was removed before she was born, and repairs were also made, replacing the smooth tiles with wallpaper. Then her mother noticed certain phrases behind her that were characteristic of her great-grandmother, who died one year before the baby was born. Already as an adult, my sister periodically gives out such pearls that everyone remembers as if they were grandma’s. But NOBODY in the family expresses or speaks like this. Those. she had no way to hear or know this.
    I’ll say about myself that as a child I really liked the theme of cowboys, well, it was also fashionable, so it’s hard to say how much this is related to reincarnation. But I also love horses very much, and even as a child I was involved in this sport, but I was always attracted by the feeling of freedom, I wanted to ride across the field, and not in a hangar. And I was never attracted to care like others. She chose the wildest, angriest and most daring horses. And I always found it with them mutual language. This feeling did not leave. As a child, when everyone played with dolls, I always chose the role of a cowboy - a boy.

    Hello. I do not even know where to start. From childhood I remember a lot of things that obviously never happened in this life. These are not just memories from one life, these are hundreds of passages and sensations that have been preserved in my memory from past lives. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that this cannot be called only excerpts from lives; what I remember also applies to travel in other worlds and subtle matters. I don't know why I remember all this. But I was born with the strong conviction that I “came here on my own” for some purpose. And I was always more than confident that physical death is not death at all. If I tell you all the memories, it will be a very long time. I'll tell you the most interesting ones. From extraterrestrial memories, I remember how I passed from one dimension to another, I remember how I walked towards the endless horizon in the distance, it took a long time to go and I forced myself to overcome it all, because I needed to get there, I knew that as soon as I got there this horizon, I will find myself in another world. It looked as if I was walking across some kind of field, and it was endless. I know for sure there is no time there, so if I’m not mistaken in my feelings, it took forever to make the transition. In general, of course, it’s difficult to explain all this in detail. I still remember myself in these different worlds, it's hard to describe. I remember myself as a bright white creature.
    How much I remember! This is so strange. From my life memories I remember a moment: I look at people swimming in the pool, there are sun loungers nearby, in my opinion it’s a cruise ship, because there is something above the pool. I am happy at this moment, I am at peace. I also remember sitting in the waiting room and looking at the front door, clearly waiting for someone and worried.
    Often I remember some sensations clearly from past lives to this day. And in Lately in a dream, it’s as if lightning strikes me and I see myself in another incarnation and “it’s me” is spinning in my head.
    From childhood I also remember several lisns, or what it is, I have no idea. It’s like I’m a lifeless body, forgive me for the terrible details, but it consists only of muscles, I’m staggering, there’s an endless desert around me, only rails, I stagger across these rails and immediately after that a train passes along them. It seems to me that this is some kind of hint for me in this incarnation. Perhaps this was “shown” to me before I was born. All my life I’ve been trying to decipher, probably the train symbolizes time, and this body is inaction and passivity, because of which I can lose time and literally “the train will leave.” Probably in this life I need to “catch” some train.

    Thank you for the interesting story! I sent you an offer for cooperation by email. Did you receive the letter?

    Good afternoon.

    I wanted to ask if it is possible to personally contact anyone who has encountered similar cases? Perhaps the child told a story, your parents told you about what you said in childhood, or do you remember it yourself?

    I am a student art university and my project is related to rebirths and as a research topic I would like to personally communicate with someone.

    The topic is interesting. Some children have an open mind and they remember their past lives. This is all clear. We all spin in the wheel of reincarnation. And we live a huge number of times. But there are Star children, such as Indigo and Crystal. They also talk about themselves. Just not about past lives, but about where their stellar homeland is. About their planets, about their spiritual Family. A friend of mine has a friend who is a crystal girl. She is 9 years old now. Until she was 5 years old, she told where she came from and who she is. But people they reacted strangely to her conversations. She stopped talking about it... And such cases are not isolated. A girl with a very deep and adult look. From the moment of birth, she looked through the eyes of an adult, consciously. This is the most main feature such children. They are self-educated at home. They refuse to go to school. They do not recognize the school system or any violence. Does not get along with children who are not like her. Different thinking... Feels people through and through, any insincerity, falsehood. She is also a very creative person. Such children are born more and more often. They come here without karma, they are different. They do not spin in the wheel of reincarnation. They come from the Higher Worlds. I continue to watch this girl with pleasure.

    Dara, it is for such children that this topic on the site was created, so that their parents would be more attentive and appreciate such messengers of the cosmos. It would be great if you could share your observations about this girl. I am ready to publish them and promote them in ways available to me. Write - send to the address in “Contacts”.

    And I often experience déjà vu, and it is so real and vivid that I am absolutely sure that I lived in those frames that my brain produces. For example, when I first arrived in another country and walked through the forest, in an instant I suddenly clearly understood that I had already been here. And not only was there, but I was familiar with every tree and bush. I know that behind the hill there will be a stream and a cellar dug in the ground. And so it turned out. Perhaps this is my past in which I lived? Or rather, one of them.

    These most interesting examples the most direct confirmation of the transmigration of souls and reincarnation. This often happens to me, too, when you start to “remember” something that definitely never happened to you in this life.

    When my daughter was 3 years old, I asked her who she was in a past life, at that time she was jumping on the sofa and immediately said “Grandma Tanya.” Baba Tanya is my husband’s mother, her grandmother, whom I can’t stand! My daughter is already 8 years old, and I keep thinking, what would that mean? By the way, then after a while I asked again, but she no longer understood the question and did not answer.

    I once read such stories at night and had a dream: I am Indian, I have a 10-year-old son. I'm scared to death of my husband, but I love another man. I'm going to run away with him. Then my son appears and I cry, stroke his face and say that I will return. Then my husband comes out, I get scared and say something like that I love him. He seems to have a clue. I don’t know what kind of dream it is. But I used to think that in a past life I was a soldier in the Second World War, I often dreamed of war, of being killed, or of hiding in a building from the Germans, with a small child with me.

    Thanks for sharing. It is difficult to determine from dreams exactly who we were in a past life, since memories can come from different incarnations.

    Hello everyone! I was born on 06/04/1986. As a child (I’m not a writer, I’ll warn you right away, I’ll explain it as best I can) I was very drawn to the time before the war period. I don’t know how to convey that state (it’s like living for a very long time in the same house ,V home, and I left) I don’t even remember whether I told my parents or not, but I knew and dreamed at that time of buying bread, a lot of bread. I remember one of the adults asked me a question - what is your dream? - I said - buy a bread store. I told everyone I understood in my gut, until a certain time (age), that I did not belong here. Each of us has the feeling that he is a super person, you must agree, especially at 18...
    I don’t want to write anymore) I’m dying in the bathroom) p.s. I’m not registered as a psychodis…
    I think whoever felt it will understand.
    Waiting for an answer.

    Hello, Victor. Here you will definitely not be mistaken for a crazy person)), because... gathered people who, in one way or another, encountered similar phenomena. Any vague sensations or impressions of some other life in another period of time may be associated with partial memories of past lives. In fact, such sensations and memories are often found in people’s lives, but few people pay attention to them. Many do not consider them worthy of attention. Thanks for sharing!

    Hello. My son, born in 1991, did not speak until he was 3 years old, when he was 1.5 - 2 years old, I put him to bed during the day, I lay down next to him, he fell asleep and I slowly began to get out of bed, he shuddered , whined and spoke (with eyes closed), I won’t tell you exactly now, but the meaning was that he was traveling on a bus, described the weather, the bright sun and a summer day, then the accident he took off through Windshield, there are fragments all around, blood, green grass, dead people, he even named the brand of the bus PAZ. At that moment I experienced a real shock - a child who did not speak at all told a whole confession in correct Russian, quite like an adult. He started talking almost a year after this incident. At the age of 4, he walked with his grandmother from kindergarten and on the way he told her something (I don’t remember what, a lot of time passed), she constantly asked him who told you this - this cannot be, he answers her: parents, she says no your parents could have told you that, but he tells her grandma, these are not these parents (at this point grandma already felt terrified), she says: which ones? he says, well, there, it’s like a pipe, I’ll show you now, they walked past a reinforced concrete ring (well), he let her down and says, well, it’s like there in the pipe. My eldest son started talking at 11 months and nothing like this happened to him.

    Hello. Thanks for your story! It is stories like this that give rise to the idea of ​​life as continuous process with a change of scenery. And new children, or as I call them “children of the future,” help us realize that in fact, man is immortal.

    Good afternoon.
    It would be good for you to understand the meaning of life. In what happens to our “I”, in the physical body. Once you realize this, you will understand the reasons for these memories. They are, naturally, for “something.” But for now, you are just stating them. Memories of past lives, of early childhood are like a tool for adjusting awareness, one’s self-perception. But how can you configure it if the necessary “parameters” are not known to you? Being aware of these parameters and realizing the meaning of life are one and the same.

    Good afternoon.
    I have a question, I’ll start with the fact that when my first son was born, the feeling of his gaze does not leave me, I mean the first glance, he was so thirsty for help, the baby was constantly crying, the look was especially expressed when I bathed him, after everything went away, maybe Is it connected with a past life? After the second son was born, his gaze was studying, remembering, not
    everything around and besides my face, it all didn’t last long, about a week, when I asked my friends, mother or acquaintances what their baby’s first glance was, everyone somehow didn’t attach any importance to it and always asked what? Mom said what I don’t remember what kind of look we had, we have three children in our family

    Victoria, our children are always connected with us through past lives, because people in the family have karmic connections from past lives.

    Dear Sergey!
    I will be glad to tell you about my experience, since I have always been attracted to this topic: the past and its perception different people, psychology artistic creativity. I try not to believe in reincarnation, although I do not deny this possibility. I am a believer, therefore I do not undertake to take such responsibility upon myself, claiming that God can do something, but cannot do something, or that all his capabilities are exhausted by revelations. Perhaps we cannot imagine all the diversity and complexity of the world, and it is better for our souls not to know something. Therefore, you should not limit your consciousness sacred texts, but you shouldn’t fantasize too much on this topic. Human guesses and fabrications will remain human guesses. And yet there are a number of facts, an attempt to substantiate which, even without any connection with the phenomenon of reincarnation, can lead us to amazing discoveries, to knowledge of how our mind, memory, etc. work. After all, we should not deny the possibility of the existence of the noosphere, etc. d. Can these cases be explained by something else? For example, like in this story with Kevin. After all, no one in the Roberts family died, this is not connected with rebirth. But the dog, the house, and so on are described correctly. And why was he so insistent on calling James Roberts his father? Where does this information even come from? Let's put it aside religious concepts about karma, etc. and analyze the facts. I will tell you the details in a personal letter. Sincerely, Victor.

    Hello, Victor. I would be grateful if you share your experience with blog readers.

I wouldn’t call my story scary, it’s more like my mystery for life!
In general, I try not to believe in any nonsense, and I deny reincarnation as a phenomenon in general. There remains only one fact that does not allow me to completely abandon this!
When I was little, according to my mother, I said that my parents were not my real mom and dad. She called some strange names. Mom still regrets that she didn’t write them down, because she didn’t remember to remember them. I don’t remember all this, but that’s not the point. The most interesting thing is that I remember the last day of my past life! This picture has been in my memory since childhood, and I can still clearly reproduce everything! True except for names.
In short, it was an autumn day in the distant past, it felt like wartime, since I remember a field incinerated by tank fire. And emptiness, not a soul... A huge forest behind the fence, and our house. Right in the forest... I, a girl of about five, am collecting yellow leaves maple in a bouquet, and at home grandma is doing something. I don’t know where the parents are... perhaps at war. There is a huge path in the forest leading from the battlefield, and a company of soldiers is marching along it in formation. They were dressed somehow in an ancient way, wearing some kind of helmets and with rifles on their shoulders. I stand near the tree and look at them, then turn away, and suddenly a shot is heard. My eyes get dark... they seem to be filled with blood... and I slide down the tree and see my grandmother running towards me! And that’s it, I don’t remember anything else.
Once in my childhood, when talking about this, I pointed behind my ear, saying, “They shot here.” And in this place behind my ear I have a birthmark! Mom, of course, was always in shock.
I still don’t know what it is: either a memory of a past life, or a dream remembered from early childhood. But how then can a birthmark be explained? Maybe someone had something similar? Share!
PS I dream of going to a psychic. Hypnosis would help you remember more!

The topic of past lives has come up very often recently during sessions with clients. In this regard, I would like to touch upon this issue in detail. First there will be theoretical part for those “who are not in the know,” and then consider the issue from the point of view of theta-healing.

First, I propose to understand a little about the physics of past incarnations and find out where information about all past lives of a Person is stored and recorded, so that in the future, when a question arises, how to remember a past life, and immediately eliminate all possible doubts when answering the question, there is Is there life after death?

To start, look at Figure 1.

Figure 1. Past life regression.
Where is information about past reincarnations contained?

As you can see from the first picture, a person is not only a physical body, but a whole set of much more subtle energy-informational structures belonging to different levels sustainable existence of matter.

Thus, as the Universe spreads through space at the speed of light, a person (as well as any other living object) remains so-called. “memory body”, or mental body (some consider this to be the human Soul), which contains all the information about the states of all energy-informational structures of a person, as well as his mental activity over time.

Figure 2. Memory body structure fourth dimension- Human souls. How to remember your past life

With help certain techniques It is possible to record from the memory body of a person in the current incarnation a detailed graphical characteristic from the point of birth to the present moment of his life and identify, with an accuracy of 5 minutes, the trigger points of subconscious control stress.

Figure 3. Graphic diagram of a person's life line. It is removed from a photograph or from an image of a person in ponderomotor writing mode. special techniques infosomatics

Also from Figure 1 you can clearly and clearly understand what a past incarnation is, and where exactly information about a person’s past incarnations is recorded.

Thus, during regression (the so-called journey to past lives), the center of a person’s consciousness, with the help of a special setting, moves from the present time to the memory body of some past life and begins to perceive from there, like a needle from a record, all the information left there by the body and brain a physical being who previously lived in that reincarnation (which, by the way, does not necessarily have to be human; moreover, this does not even mean that this reincarnation, into which the center of consciousness could fall, was on our planet in our dimension).

Thus, to the question of who I was in a past life, the visual answer obtained during the regression process can turn out to be quite unexpected, and sometimes downright shocking!

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to go beyond reality and remember your past lives?

More recently, one could answer with complete confidence that it is quite difficult and requires skills and great strength.

Undoubtedly, some practice and self-confidence are needed here, and in some moments you cannot do without an assistant.

But at present we already boldly declare that there is available methods, opening access to the space of past incarnations. Some of them are absolutely safe, while some pose a certain threat, because... when using them, you interact with the lower planes and the entities that inhabit them.

Therefore, we provide the information here as information.

Eight public ways to look into a past life

  1. Sleep (safe)

Every day we go into a state of sleep. Some of us say that we don’t dream at all, or at least don’t remember them. But a large number of people share amazing stories about their dreams.

So, isn’t it possible to use this state, when a person establishes a direct connection with his subconscious, to evoke memories of past lives? Of course you can!

In the beginning, it’s worth practicing your memory a little. The easiest way is to do this every time immediately after waking up, consciously recalling what you saw in the dream. It's much better to write down everything you can remember. This will not only serve as a kind of “charging” for your brain, but will also help you to understand those images and signs that very often come during sleep.

After such a warm-up (the exercises should be continued for about two weeks, although this is an individual question), you will be able to begin traveling to past lives.

Before you go to bed, make a mental note that today in your dream you will see information about one of your previous incarnations and will remember everything after waking up. Information will not necessarily come overnight. Perhaps a series of dreams will follow, in which new events will be revealed to you each time.

It is very important to write down all the information that you can remember from your dreams - this way, gradually, you will create the most complete picture about one past life.

After a detailed study and analysis of what you saw during this period, I recommend doing small break and give yourself some time to rest before you start “remembering” your next reincarnation.

  1. Hypnosis (relatively safe)

It is generally accepted that this is the most “scary” and difficult method of finding out information about past lives. In fact, this is just one of effective methods self-knowledge, and some people resort to hypnosis in order to find out what is considered to be the most reliable information.

To exclude the possibility of negative consequences due to deep interference in the subconscious, you should not do this yourself without necessary knowledge and experience.

  1. Reflection (unsafe)

For this method you'll need some kind of reflective surface. And here you can choose what is most convenient and accessible to you.

This could be an ordinary mirror, a glass ball or a glass of water.

When using a glass of water, it will be better to fill it completely. When using a mirror, it is necessary to install it in such a way that some light surface, for example, a wall, is visible in the reflection.

Your reflection shouldn't be there.

Mentally clearly and definitely formulate the intention that you want to see the events of your past life, and then you just need to peer into the reflective surface of the water, glass ball or mirror.

  1. Watch (safe)

Also, for traveling to past lives, you may need an ordinary watch (preferably with a large dial). In essence, this is a regular alpha meditation. There are two ways to do this kind of regression

“Move” to that episode and continue to watch how the hand on the clock moves. And further, listening to the ticking of the clock close to you and remembering the events associated with them, according to your intention, embark on an exploration of your past life. Just notice where you go from the clock episode.

Another way is to put a watch in front of your eyes and follow the clock hand. Next, you need to close your eyes and imagine the same clock on the internal screen. Now imagine how first the big arrow evaporates, then the small one. Then, one by one, “erase” all the remaining numbers from the dial.

And... forward to the past!

  1. Spirit Guide (unsafe)

This method is also very common for studying past lives. In addition to studying past life, it provides the opportunity meet your spiritual guide.

To do this, you are also recommended to sit in a comfortable and convenient environment, ensuring silence if possible. Then simply express your inner intention - invite your Spiritual Guide and soon you will see him in the space of the inner screen.

After the mentor appears before you in some form, you can meet him, find out his name and ask him to take you to a past incarnation.

It should be immediately clarified that without experience in communicating with beings of other planes, you cannot be sure that it is the spiritual mentor who will come to your call, and not some other entity, so you should treat this method very carefully.

  1. Letter (safe)

This is a rather unique way of exploring past lives. This is a well-known auto-letter. But this method will require some practice and skill.

The majority of people, starting to practice, recreate letters and figures that cannot be interpreted. Nevertheless, over time, the letter becomes more and more understandable and legible.

For the experiment you will need a pencil or pen and paper. Sit comfortably at the table, so that your elbow forms a right angle.

Focus and form the intention to explore a specific reincarnation or leave the choice to the will of the Universe.

Holding a pencil or pen loosely in your hand, place it on a piece of paper and wait for it to move. Just wait quietly and watch everything that happens. The most impressive and interesting results happen when there are no specific expectations or thoughts in your head.

  1. Akashic Records (relatively safe)

The Akashic Chronicles are a place between the fifth and sixth planes of existence, which contains information about everything that has happened and will happen in the universe from the moment of creation. This is a special “collective memory”, a galactic Library, it contains information about the life of every person on Earth, as well as about all his previous incarnations.

Every action, feeling or thought is displayed there, and If desired, everyone can gain access to the events that concern them.

You need to think in advance about what exactly you intend to find out. To travel to the Akashic Chronicles, you need good reasons; it is not recommended to perceive this visit as something curious or entertaining.

This is quite a serious task, and you should approach it with a serious attitude. Usually, for such a serious journey, it is better to have the practical skill of engaging in some other way of studying past lives.

Directly for the dive itself, you need to create a comfortable environment for you that will allow you to relax as much as possible.

In turn, this can be done independently using meditation. Using your mental intention and by concentrating on the inner screen you can immediately go to study your previous incarnations.

  1. Theta-healing sessions (safe)

Traveling to past incarnations: safety precautions

It is no coincidence that the Universe masks the doors to the cinema of past incarnations at each subsequent birth of a person, so that the experience of earlier reincarnations does not have a DIRECT effect in the current reality on the consciousness of a person.

Figure 4. Closed door to past lives

But despite this, the consciousness of a newborn is far from a blank sheet of paper! The experience of past incarnations, as well as tasks or problems unresolved in past lives, have a strong INDIRECT impact on the character, views and events that are already happening in a new incarnation with a person, on his choices, beliefs and people whom he meets on his way.

Thus, the Universe helps a person, through the events of the current incarnation, to carefully supplement, correct and harmonize all the experience gained in past lives.

Time, place and date of incarnation into a new physical reality The spirit, the family (with its problems) into which this soul comes in the form of a newborn child, as well as the gender of the biological body, are also not accidental and are predetermined by the experiences of past reincarnations and the lessons that the soul must go through in the current incarnation.

Traveling to past lives will certainly provide an opportunity to shed light on the cause-and-effect relationships of the chain of incarnations, making a person’s life in the current incarnation as “interesting” and conscious as possible with a deeper understanding of what will happen to his essence after death physical body.

But at the same time, regression to past incarnations can raise negative programs and beliefs historical plan and invite into our reality such skeletons from the closet and monsters from which consciousness unprepared person I just might not be able to stand it.

It is no coincidence that the Universe keeps these doors to past lives locked! And once opened, these doors are very difficult to close!

Figure 5. “Stream” memories of a past life

Figure 7. Final frames of the previous reincarnation

Therefore, when looking for information on the topic of how to remember a past life, you should not forget about basic safety precautions, and also irresponsibly violate the boundary regime between the present and past incarnation, which was established here by the Universe!

No matter how curious it may be to see what is on the other side of the sealed gate into the distant and not so distant past, remember: this is not a tour area and special permission is required to enter it!

And the main factor for obtaining this permission is your sincere intention, your sincere goal, why you actually intend to study your past life!

If you have any problems (eventual, personal, psychological) that bother you greatly, and for a long time you have not been able to find a solution or explanation for them standard methods, then in this case, a detailed study of past lives is fully justified, since with the help of this technology you will be able to detect the cause-and-effect relationships of a particular problem and, in order not to spend a lot of time and effort eliminating the consequences of this problem in this incarnation, simply eliminate it in one of previous incarnations the true cause, healing selected “destructive frames” on the film of your distant past.

Only such motivation will help you create a powerful intention that will make it possible to open the doors to the past and the Universe itself will be your assistant in this endeavor.

If you want to remember your past life out of simple curiosity or you assume that past life regression can make you more powerful, more spiritual or strong - then with such motivation you are unlikely to be able to lift the veil and find out the secrets of the past!

Besides, few people will smell of anything but expensive French cologne!

As interesting evidence of the existence of past lives, there are stories of young children who share stories with their parents about tragic deaths that happened to them, followed by the next happy life.

Small children have cleaner open space And stronger connection with previous incarnations. IN in social networks there are a lot of such stories.

Let me give you a few of them:

  1. When my child was 3 years old, he told me that he loved his new folder because it was “so cute.” While his own father is the only one and the first. Then I asked, “Why do you think so?”

The son replied: “My last father was a very vile man. He stabbed me in the back, after which I died. I really really like my new dad, because he will definitely never do this to me.”

  1. Once, when I was very little, I saw a young man in a store and started screaming loudly and heart-rendingly. This was extremely atypical for me, because I have always been a very well-mannered and quiet child. This has never happened before, but now I have been removed from the store due to my terrible behavior.

After a while, when I was able to pull myself together and calm down, my mother began to ask me why I behaved this way and what happened. I told my mother that this man somehow came and took me from my first mother, took me to his home and hid me under the floor. I was there for a long time, then I fell asleep and showed up at the next mom’s.

That time she refused to ride in the seat and told me to hide me under the dashboard so that he wouldn’t take me away again. This really shocked my mother, since she was my only biological mother in this life.

  1. My wife was bathing my 3-year-old daughter, and I was telling her about the rules of personal hygiene. To which my daughter casually replied: “But no one ever got me. Several already tried one night. They broke the doors and tried, but I was able to fight back. I died and now I live here.”

She said it as if it were an insignificant detail.

  1. “Before I was born here, I also had a sister? My other mother and She are so old now. I hope everything was fine with them when the car caught fire.”

He was about five or six years old. What he said was absolutely stunning to me.

  1. When my little sister was very little, she would often walk around the apartment with a photo of my great-grandmother and say, “I miss you so much, Susan.”

Susan died long before I was born. In addition to these strange incidents, my mother admitted that my sister talked about those things that Lucy, my great-grandmother, had told me long ago.

  1. From three to five years old, my son often told me the same story - about how he chose me as his mother.

He said that for his future spiritual mission, some man in a suit helped him in choosing a mother... The child was far from a religious environment and in our family there were no conversations on religious or occult topics.

The process of choosing a mother was similar to going shopping in a store - he was together with a man in a suit in a well-lit room, and opposite him in one line were images of people from whom he chose me. The mysterious man asked if he was sure of his choice, after which he nodded in the affirmative, and then he was born.

In addition, my son was very interested in airplanes from the Second World War, which he easily identified, naming their parts and parts, the places in which they were used and many other details.

I can't even imagine how, from a logical point of view, he could have obtained this information. I am a mathematician, and his father is Researcher.

We always jokingly called him “Grandpa” for his timid and peaceful nature. This little guy certainly has a soul that has seen a lot.

  1. After my little sister learned to talk, she sometimes said truly shocking things. So, she said that her previous family pushed things into her, which made her cry, but her folder burned her so much that she found us, her new family.

She talked about similar things between the ages of 2 and 4. She was too young to hear something like that even from adults, so my family always considered her stories to be memories of her past life.

  1. The same year my father's mother died, my older sister was born. As my father told me, as soon as my sister was able to utter her first words, she said, “I am your mother.”
  2. When my little nephew learned to speak more or less coherently, he shared with my sister and her husband that he was very glad that he chose them. As he claimed, before becoming a child, he was in a bright room where there were many people, from whom he “chose his mother, since she had a very sweet face.”
  3. My son, at two and a half years old, told in detail that when he was big, during the fighting, a shell hit the crater in which he was sitting, and he died. Such are the strange things.
  4. My mother often said that when I was very little, she said that I died in a fire a long time ago. Naturally, I no longer remember this, although one of my main fears was that our house would burn down. Fire always scared me, I was afraid to be near an open flame.
  5. My daughter, when she was two or three years old, was simply in a panic from my glue gun (it is very similar to a real combat pistol), although she certainly could not have seen or known the purpose of a real combat pistol before.

Watch an interesting video

Past lives by date of birth: who I was in a past life

There is a very widespread belief that by date of birth, or by some other sign, you can determine who a person was in a past life.

On the Internet, a large number of sites offer paid and free tests to determine their previous incarnations.

All this is based on the idea that you can connect to the Akashic Chronicles (or the space of options, as you prefer) and, by reading information from there, based on certain patterns, calculate all the reincarnations of the soul. There is a small part of truth in this.

Of course, with the help of theta meditation or any other practices, you can extract a huge amount of information about a person’s past incarnations. But this can only be done by a specialist in this field, and only for a specific person.

Finding some kind of pattern related to the date of birth and pulling out information about all people is something out of the realm of science fiction. Moreover, if we accept the theory that time is linear only in our perception, then we, theoretically, can be incarnated an unlimited number of times both in the past and in various versions of the future.

This is also confirmed by information obtained during regressions, when people, immersed in meditation and viewing past lives, see themselves in different roles during the same historical events(for example, during military operations they see themselves in different meditations, fighting on one side or the other)

Therefore, Internet resources offering to take the “who I was in a past life” test in five minutes are certainly just an entertainment attraction and should not be taken seriously.

What does immersion in previous incarnations give?

Regular viewing of past lives, like a movie in a cinema, will do nothing but satisfy your curiosity. This does not mean that diving into previous incarnations is only fun and serves only to excite the imagination.

If you treat this as a certain stage in the development of your soul, which left a certain, not always positive, imprint on it, then by healing the traumas of the past, you will be able to harmonize your present life.


Reincarnation, reincarnation or relocation souls (from Latin- reincarnatio"reincarnation") and metempsychosis(Greek μετεμψύχωσις - “transmigration of the soul”) - a number of religious and philosophical theories according to which the soul - the immortal essence of a living creature (in some movements - only people) is constantly reborn from one body to another.

Such an immortal structure in different religions and in teachings they can be called soul or spirit, “higher self” or “true self”, “divine spark”, etc.; in each subsequent life an independent new personality individual in ours, physical world, while a certain part of the individual’s “I” always remains unchanged, only passing from one body to another in a series of reincarnations.

In a number of spiritual schools there is a theory that the chain of rebirths has a specific purpose and the soul undergoes evolution in it and acquires the necessary experience.

The idea of ​​reincarnation is characteristic not only of some religious and philosophical systems, but often also occurs separately from any esoteric system (i.e. in a personal worldview).

If you have had experience of traveling to past lives, or you know or have tried interesting techniques regressions - leave comments, we will be interested.