On Ecologist's Day, holiday cards, poems, SMS and prose will come in handy. Official congratulations on the ecologist’s birthday

On Ecologist Day, to be honest,
The cheeks of many must blush,
After all, in the pockets of environmentalists often
It's not the banknotes that rustle, but only the copper.

But vocation replaces self-interest,
It is a great duty to save the planet!
Therefore, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
We will continue to be environmentalists in the future!

Ecologist Day, friends, -
The holiday is annual.
I'll meet you in nature
Anyone, anyone:

Kebabs, fishing, biting,
The air is fresh, clean,
Let's rest, be healthy,
And get into the car quickly.

I am an environmentalist, friends,
Thankful, honestly
Both the air and the seas are clean -
Let's have a wonderful rest!

To protect all animals,
Insects and plants
You stand in tight formation,
For future generations.

You are fearless, that's right,
And for purity in nature,
Fight tirelessly again
In any bad weather.

You are environmentalists and that means
Congratulations on your day,
Only this way, and not otherwise,
We sing your praises!

Nature is our home and we live in it,
Let's all save it together!
Ecologist, you must help us with this,
Then your son and your daughter will be healthy.

Today we congratulate environmentalists,
We wish them health and happiness,
Let the earth and water be clean,
And let the sun always shine in the sky!

Our environment is a valuable place,
We always live and work for good.
Ecologist Day, day of cry, manifesto,
And let the water become clean today.

Without you it would have been a long time ago
A cold dead wind was blowing,
And it became very uncomfortable and dark,
On our blue planet.

Thank you, bow to you to the ground,
For every blade of grass saved,
For what you wanted and were able to do,
Nature save the picture.

And on this day we want to congratulate
Literally from all the people,
We hasten to wish you success in the struggle,
Ecologists are defenders of nature!

Even though the planet is suffocating
From smoke, exhaust gases,
We, for the most part, don’t give a damn about this:
“Let IT” celebrate “others!”
After all, the purity of fields and rivers
The person is not concerned.

There's only hope here, guys.
On the ecology of a soldier!
So that the rain is clean, the snow is white,
He can help nature with deeds,
We want to wish him
Don’t get tired of saving us all!

World Environment Day is perhaps one of the most important holidays of the year. Today, everyone thinks about what harm humanity causes to nature and how everyone can help it: do not throw a used battery in the trash, take a burnt-out fluorescent lamp for recycling, or simply turn off the light. On this day, I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate all environmentalists on the holiday, because they are the ones who are trying to preserve the world as it is today for our children. So may luck and understanding accompany you in business, and may humanity direct its efforts not to developing yet another weapon, but to preserving the planet.

Let everyone be children of nature,
But we are only her friends,
Who will be responsible for her?
To others, saying: “You can’t!”

We store it securely
For future tenses:
We love nature tenderly -
We hear her moan.

Great labor of protection
We have dealt with:
Healing wounds
On the face of the earth!

You are responsible for natural resources,
You keep the forests and rivers clean,
And you stay on course,
So that man does not destroy nature!

Your path and contribution are truly priceless,
Your aspirations are to protect the beautiful world.
So stay true to your chosen one,
Yes, be persistent, and be tireless!

Congratulations to Cool congratulations on Ecologist's Day
Cool congratulations on Ecologist's Day, how to congratulate?
text of congratulations to Cool congratulations on Ecologist's Day

Cool congratulations on Ecologist's Day

There is such a profession - an ecologist, which is called upon to protect our planet and everyone living on it. It is relatively young, but the people who own it already have their own professional holiday, which is celebrated in early June. There are also employees whose work experience is a round number. Therefore, the best congratulations on the anniversary of the ecologist are heard on this day only for them.

They acknowledge their merits and invaluable contribution to the cleanliness of the environment. In what form should this be done? There are many options. An ecologist is a person who selflessly loves nature. The roadside flower, the ant carrying its heavy burden, and the blue eyes of the lakes are dear to him. All this is the outline of congratulations. All you have to do is come up with a luxurious rhyme and your congratulations are ready. Are you at a loss, but poetry is not your thing? Contact our website, and we will select the necessary phrases for you, put them into poetic forms, and all you have to do is present them to the hero of the day.

Try to show your imagination. Liven them up with a light joke, create a beautiful musical accompaniment by choosing a gentle melody. Create a suitable atmosphere by decorating the venue of the celebration with various attributes - symbols of the profession. Let there be as much greenery as possible, because an ecologist is a protector of forests. Come up with original costumes for the presenters, for example, animals or plants. An original congratulation would be a scene in which the main character is a bird or animal that has suffered from poor ecology. Where can I find the words for such a scene? The authors of our site can write it for you if you specify the topic and storyline.

Take care in advance to congratulate the environmentalist on his anniversary. Write it yourself, or even better, order a poetic SMS or voice message from our website. We can record it in the voice of a popular film actor, athlete, politician or any other celebrity. When ordering, you can specify a specific time when the hero of the day should receive it. Received during a feast, it can cause a storm of emotions and uncontrollable fun. A congratulatory SMS message in verse is an irreplaceable gift when the environmentalist-celebrator is on a business trip. He will be doubly pleased that they haven’t forgotten about him.

You can come up with original jokes, for example, presenting a notification to the hero of the day for receiving the Nobel Prize for his invaluable contribution to the protection of natural resources. Or “Congratulatory Address” on behalf of the UN Secretary General. Such a playful congratulation to the ecologist on his anniversary will definitely be appreciated by all guests.

Round dates vary. Some have dedicated a quarter of a century to the profession, while others have spent only 5 years. But both of them are anniversaries. And everyone wants to hear heartfelt, affectionate words. But in one case it is necessary to note the merits, and in the other - to express the wish that the hero of the day still has everything ahead: many difficulties, and his finest hour. Therefore, you should not get carried away with template phrases. Create your own unique masterpiece, and let it be a little clumsy, but from the heart.

Your loved one is an environmentalist, and he has an anniversary to celebrate, hurry up and visit our website. After all, you urgently need a beautiful congratulation. And our writers will write for you a delightful poem or greeting in prose, which he will certainly like. Kind words are a magical balm that has a rejuvenating effect on any person, relieves fatigue and lifts spirits.

All nature defenders,
Who saves the world for us,
All nations congratulate
Happy Ecologist Day now!

Be fresh, in kind,
Every day and all your life!
Let the storms not touch the grief
And deception mirages!


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Create a postcard

I suggest, on the most beautiful day,
For the sake of the happiness of great environmentalists,
Throw the factory pipes under the awning,
And set thousands of tables for them!

We will insert plugs into the pipes of factories,
So that the rivers breathe calmly.
So that our fighters for nature,
It's your holiday, have a good time!

Let's cleanse the world of waste
Let them have less trouble!
For the freshness of the water and the brightness of the sunrises,
Their fight for the planet is on!

Happy holiday. you - environmentalists!

Congratulations on Ecologist's Day

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I want to tell everyone: friends,
Without ecology - it is impossible!
And even more so without environmentalists
Everything would fall apart ingloriously.

For this, I propose a toast:
May our ecologist grow and grow!
To protect mother nature,
Let's drink to the environmentalists, viva!


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We all want the sky to be clear
The grass is green, but the river is blue.
Watching this very closely
The ecologist is our today's hero.

On Ecologist's Day we will say thank you to him,
Let him protect us from ourselves.
He once stood up for nature as a wall,
And we think it won’t let us down!


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Living nature, living country!!!

Living nature, living country,
Beloved mother, our land!!!
Congratulations to all those who are playing today,
The most important role in the ecology of the day!!!
Environmentalists seem to be fighters against death,
They stand up for the earth
Therefore, the colors, forests and seas,
We still see it in our homeland!!!


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You stand guard over H2O,
And oxygen too,
Everything that was spoiled long ago
All on the face and skin.

You're like Moidodyr from a fairy tale,
Ecologist is our Earth savior,
You will erase bad colors from the Earth,
As the world's best solvent.

Happy Ecologist Day to you!
We congratulate you together,
Because in a birch grove,
You need to breathe without a gas mask!

Congratulations on Ecologist's Day

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Let's raise a glass of vodka to the environmentalist!
To be healthy and active,
And not a shy, meek little bunny.
Always be positive, ecologist!

And fight the pollution more boldly,
With the release of nasty things onto the ground.
So that we can hear birdsong,
Dear ecologist, you are not asleep!

Be healthy, don't cough or get dry,
Be such that everyone is afraid of you!
And let your enemies die,
Since they have no intelligence and no repentance!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Ecologist Day

Congratulations! Happy Ecologist Day! This is a holiday for those
Those who protect the environment – ​​and we can see their success.

Plants, birds, fish are waiting for them on the planet,
Ecologists go there along their usual paths.

Everything in nature is interconnected, in harmony,
Flora is friends with fauna - we say without any irony,

So that the grass turns green on the slopes, clean lakes and rivers -
Every person must love his own nature.

We wish you good luck, Ecologist, in your tireless work.
So that the water is clear - in the ocean and in every pond!


Happy Ecologist Day today
Congratulations to everyone in the world,
Must protect nature
Everyone living on the planet.

I wish environmentalists
Replenish your ranks
Your mission is security

I wish year after year,
So that you go towards your goal,
For future descendants
Our Earth was saved.

Let's sing odes today
We are a conservationist!
Happy Ecologist Day, my friend!
On this sunny day
Surround yourself with:
With songs, delicious food,
I'll dance until I drop.
We are happy to congratulate you!
And for the health of the planet
Let them pay you in coins.

On World Environment Day, I would like to wish you to breathe deeply the clean air of happiness, not forgetting that the purity and beauty of this world is in our hands. Let life splash with transparent rivers of love, let it rain rains of success and let a bright rainbow of miracles shine in it.

It would seem that trees, a field
And weed is your circle of work,
But everything is more complicated: as in captivity
An environmentalist works until he sweats.

It will calculate the release into the air
And the concentrations of substances
But he wants to dream about the stars,
Get bogged down in a series of celebrations.

And there is also water, waste -
You need to keep an eye on them
And think about the fate of nature,
About what to eat and drink.

If suddenly there are no environmentalists,
There will be a whole pond of problems,
Therefore, appreciate it, people,
Sometimes thankless work.

Happy Ecologist Day
Those who protect nature
Who are the forests, seas and rivers
Protects year after year
We will thank them all
And we wish you good luck,
Let them not know the troubles
Let their business prosper!

We congratulate you today
Those who protect nature
Who are the forests and ponds
Protects year after year
We are for ecologists on their holiday
Let's not give up,
The Earth will thank them
Let their business prosper!

Happy Ecologist Day to you,
The environment is very important to us,
The one that surrounds us all,
Saves us from diseases!

Gives freshness, beauty,
Air, lightness and dream,
Joy, and in general our days,
Take care of nature!

Happiness, joy, goodness,
May you always be lucky
Always protect the environment
Let your dream come true!

Happy Ecologist's Day, friends.
We cannot forget this profession.
Clean seas and green fields to everyone,
Let people be kinder to nature!
We taught children so that from an early age they
To bring only benefit to nature, and not harm,
Protect it, protect it and take care of it.
Nature is given to man forever.
We wish you to always be clean
And our forest, and sky, earth and water!

I congratulate you today,
Noble brotherhood.
Those who defend the cause
Important, popular.

Your great, glorious work,
Dear to the universe!
Be healthy and prosper,
Our dear ecologist.

Let them always decide
Complex tasks.
The chosen route in life,
Will bring good luck.

The environment also needed a protector,
And the ecologist on the way is like a border guard warrior
Puts all sorts of barriers to harmful factors,
That’s why we are happy to congratulate you on your holiday today.

We would like to wish you every possible success in your work,
On the planet of purity, so that we can breathe,
So that the animals of the Earth do not disappear forever,
Well, to you personally - love, so that you can rest more often.

Every day an ecologist solves problems,
To keep nature healthy:
Takes samples, keeps all records,
Glory to the glorious profession, honor!

But for us there is a simple task:
Clean up after yourself both in the forest and in the country,
If you came to the river to relax,
Don't throw trash into the wind!

Let's congratulate today the one who is on guard,
Whose work is definitely important for the world,
Please accept all our gratitude,
We all agree with your profession!

We live in this big world,
And nature surrounds us everywhere.
Forest, fields, mountains, steppes are our home.
We call the relationship “ecology”.

An ecologist is responsible for the environment:
For the preservation of forests and cleanliness of water bodies.
So that life continues on our planet.
Happy Ecologist's Day!

Who will protect the entire planet?
Who will restore the forest and the sea?
Who reigns over nature?
Of course, a true ecologist.

And on the day of the ecologist say
We owe a couple of good lines.
We wish to save the living world -
From the waters to the maple tender buds.

And breathe clean air,
And drink crystal water,
And may your goodness again
It will come back to you, ecologist.

No doctor, no astrologer,
Today is environmentalist day.
And a holiday of purity,
Worldwide kindness.

Let's clean up
Protect our nature.
Respect each other, love each other,
And the sun will shine on us.

You take care of nature,
Teach people to love her
And do not pollute forests and water...
May fate protect you too!
How necessary you are - for people and our
Environment with you!
Happy Ecologist Day! And be richer
Fate will reward you for your efforts,
And health, and love, and affection
Let him give happiness as a surprise,
Let your life turn into a fairy tale,
And every whim will be fulfilled!

Environmentalists know the answers to this,
Earthly defenders, warriors of Good!
Today, on the holiday of nature and light
We shout a thunderous “hurray” in your honor!

Dresses with their hem
Summer has already covered the earth.
How beautiful! You, ecologist,
You save this beauty.

Happy holiday to you! Thank you
For efforts, for faith,
What's behind human mistakes?
You can build barriers.

May you succeed in everything
Happiness illuminates your home
And in my soul there is more sunshine
Passionate love shines!

Ecology of nature -
The earth is our shell.
We must take care of her
Like my son's own mother.

Clean air inspires,
Greenery - prolongs the age,
Water gives strength
From springs and fresh rivers.

Take care, cherish nature,
Don't litter (even accidentally),
After all, in her cycle
The secret of our life is hidden.

For those who protect nature,
Heritage for all peoples,
For those who will come after us,
Although it's not easy sometimes,
The forest and the river are dear to whom,
Congratulations, environmentalists!
Let everything be for you today,
Rest for at least an hour
From worries and problems,
The most important topics in the world!
We wish you to be in the service
You always worked together
And always with problems
You did it without difficulty!

The ecologist walked slowly through the city.
June. Summer has cleared up.
It seemed that even the soul was colored
In shades of green.

Adjusting his glasses, he looked carefully,
Recording observations in a notebook,
How chlorophyll performed an important process
In the spreading crown of trees.

The leaves rustled, giving oxygen.
The photosynthesis phase was in progress.
Round dance of cars on the road ring
Released exhaust gases...

The ecologist sat down thoughtfully on the bench.
And next to me, jingling the guitar,
The teenagers screamed their “ay love yu”
And they threw cigarette butts on the ground...

A mother and child were walking in the park,
Showing off your dress,
And left a trail of candy wrappers
Dazzling on the sad asphalt...

The ecologist sighed. The salt was waking up
For his mental wounds.
And he screamed, ignoring the pain:
“People, today is Defense Day
Environment! Take a look
Are you under your feet or something...
Let your ears burn with shame!
Let your conscience prick you with a needle!

The teenagers became silent. The foliage became silent.
And the lady turned purple.
I picked up all the candy wrappers from the asphalt
And silently threw it into the trash can.

How beautiful this world is
I'll say it with pride!
And on this beautiful day
I give you my gratitude.

Let success illuminate you
And it will give you the mood,
So that it works perfectly
With a pure, bright soul!

Every year on June 5, Ecologist Day is celebrated throughout the Russian Federation. This year it is celebrated 11 times. After all, this professional holiday was established only in 2007 by the Decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin “On Ecologist Day”.

On this professional holiday, it is customary to congratulate all those who carry out environmental activities, as well as teachers and students of educational institutions whose profile is environmental protection.

Ecologist's Day, congratulate colleagues with a postcard: congratulations on Ecologist's Day in verse

There are many different, interesting and important professions:
Consultants, engineers, dentists,
But they care about a healthy life on the planet
Our pride, our brave men, are environmentalists!

Being an ecologist is a person’s great pride!
On this day I want to say “thank you!”
For care, for clean nature, fields and rivers,
For the green forests, for the fact that I love so much in this life!

Being an ecologist is responsible and important work,
They are guardians of natural beauty!
Environmentalists give us cleanliness and, directly,
They provide us with health.

And on this professional holiday of an ecologist,
They deserve the highest praise!
I wish you, environmentalists, a life of bright colors
I wish that all your dreams come true!

Let your love for nature never dry up,
Let her inspire you to take action,
May she lead you on the right path,
Let our planet live in purity!

Let, environmentalists, your long-time dream come true
And the planet will be as clean as a tear,
Let us breathe easily and calmly,
Let everyone benefit from your actions!

Ecologists guard our planet
From ourselves, from garbage and dirt.
We leave our traces here and there,
We destroy the beauty of nature.

We cut down trees everywhere
The offspring are thus deprived of air.
We only breathe exhaust fumes.
Yes, the acrid smoke of chimneys of factories and factories.

We regularly pollute water bodies,
Ruining every living thing in them.
We kill rare animals mercilessly.
We don’t love it as if we are our own planet!

Happy holiday to all environmentalists,
And we wish you great success in your work,
Let the water, air and earth be clean,
Life will be filled with sparkling power.

Let your living space glow with purity,
And your hard work is always glorified.
Finally, let wisdom awaken among the people,
And they don’t raise their hands to “dirty” matters.

Ecologist's Day congratulate colleagues with a postcard: congratulations on Ecologist's Day in SMS

Happy Ecologist Day, colleagues,
Congratulations to everyone!
And I wish you to constantly look younger
And don’t grow old with your soul!

Protect your planet
To avoid a vendetta
From the angry earth.
Friend, take care of the environment!

Who wants to breathe clean air
And admire the clear sky,
He should become an ecologist
Decisive and brave.

And on Ecologist Day, friends,
I will note to the people:
It’s impossible to live the way we live,
It's time to save nature!

Anyone can neglect
But not a dedicated environmentalist!
Every leaf is dear to him

And a colony of goosebumps,
A drop in the ocean, the life of mongrels,
Sun, air, steppe and forest -
If only he could save everyone!

Hey ecologist, take a break!
Your battles are ahead!
Have fun today
Hurry up for a holiday walk!

I know you're not breathing smoothly
To the landscapes of mountains, seas, forests.
You understand: people need
Green meadow, carpet of flowers,

The water is clear and clean

And the singing of spring birds.
Thank you for the love of nature
Yours knows no bounds

Ecologist's Day, congratulate colleagues with a postcard: congratulations on Ecologist's Day in prose

Today is a professional holiday for those who have taken on the enormous responsibility of taking care of our environment. On this professional holiday of an ecologist, we wish everyone clean air, clear water and balance of all environmental variables. With your activities you make our lives brighter!

Congratulations on your professional holiday to all environmentalists! Indeed, on this day of environmental protection, you especially feel your importance and the enormous benefit of your calling. Be confident in the best, persistently promote your ideas and achieve the highest results. The whole Earth is in your brave hands!

Happy Ecologist Day! We wish that not only on this environmental protection day will people remember the urgency and importance of your activities. Let the global nature of your work be appreciated. Let there always be the necessary funding and specific assistance. Be persistent, true to your beliefs and rapidly improve our beautiful world!

On this wonderful day of environmental protection, I would like to wish you to breathe deeply the clean air of happiness, not forgetting that the beauty of this world is in our hands. Let life bathe in transparent rivers of love, let the rains of good luck fall in it and let a bright rainbow of miracles shine in it.

Today is a professional holiday for those who have taken on great responsibility - the responsibility for caring for our environment. On Ecologist's Day, we wish everyone clear air, clean water and balance in all environmental variables. With your work you make our lives better! World Environment Day is perhaps one of the most important holidays of the year. Today, everyone thinks about what harm humanity causes to nature and how everyone can help it: do not throw a used battery in the trash, take a burnt-out fluorescent lamp for recycling, or simply turn off the light. On this day, I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate all environmentalists on the holiday, because they are the ones who are trying to preserve the world as it is today for our children. So may luck and understanding accompany you in business, and may humanity direct its efforts not to developing yet another weapon, but to preserving the planet. Caring for the environment is the duty of every inhabitant of our planet. So let everyone, at least on Ecologist’s Day, think about preserving nature. Let separate waste collection become more than just an empty phrase: paper will be returned as waste paper, and glass and plastic will end up in the appropriate containers. Let everyone today bring used batteries to a collection point or at least to a hardware store (there are special bins for them). May, through the efforts of everyone, our land reach our grandchildren in its original form. Environmentalists make an invaluable contribution to the health of the entire planet. You monitor forests, seas and lakes. For your work, not only people, but also other inhabitants of the entire Earth express gratitude to you. We wish you health and prosperity. Let the amount of air pollution be reduced to a minimum. Let poaching disappear completely. Thank you for your invaluable work and once again happy holidays! June 5 is World Environment Day. Your service has gone through a difficult path of organizational, legal, financial and economic transformations. Environmental protection and ensuring the rational use of natural resources are among the most complex and pressing tasks of our time.
The land is our common home, our main wealth, and we are responsible for the kind of inheritance we will leave it for future generations. You stand guard over the environment to preserve everything that nature has given us.
Dear Colleagues! We wish you good health, vigor and optimism, new achievements for the benefit of the prosperity of our state and the health of its people! The day of ecologists is the day of fighters For the life of fields and forests, And animals, and birds, and fish, For the priceless gift - life! We wish you to be an example, to infect everything with Thirst, save the Earth from evil, and save animals from death! Environmentalists stand guard over the world After all, there is one world - there is nowhere else to take it. And we are obliged to preserve nature. It is not for nothing that they say nature is the mother.

Dear workers of environmental structures, our dear veterans!

Please accept congratulations on your professional holiday and gratitude for your active life position and fruitful joint work in the field of environmental protection!

We greet this day with a feeling of deep confidence that our efforts to improve the environmental condition of our beloved Kuznetsk region are not in vain!

Thank you, dear colleagues, for continuing your life’s work with persistence and patience - helping to preserve natural resources and ensure the rights of Kuzbass residents to a favorable environment.

With your help, many positive changes have recently occurred in the region. Enterprises are increasingly modernizing and reconstructing production facilities, introducing modern technologies that reduce the negative impact on the environment. Our cities and towns are becoming greener, our rivers are cleaner, where valuable fish species have begun to return, and our wildlife is becoming richer. Our environmental structures continue to ensure that all environmental protection measures planned by the owners of industrial enterprises and organizations are carried out.

But most importantly, people's attitudes are changing. They begin to realize that in order for the environmental situation to change for the better, they must first start with themselves. From your home, your entrance, your street. After all, planet Earth has no other hands and hearts than ours, and who, if not us, is responsible for creating a normal life for future generations!

2013 has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection. In this regard, numerous environmental events and campaigns are held in Kuzbass, both already well-known and new ones, such as “Green Living Rooms”, opened at the largest enterprises in the region. Such work will undoubtedly continue in the future. Environmental organizations and environmental resource services will do everything possible so that residents of our region can breathe clean air and raise healthy children.

Dear colleagues, I wish you happiness, health, successful implementation of all your plans!

Sincerely, N. Yu. Vashlaeva,

Deputy Governor for Natural Resources and Ecology

Dear colleagues, managers, workers and veterans of environmental structures!

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday!

Ecologist's Day is a holiday for those who care. This is also another reason to think about your own role in environmental protection. On the territory of Kuzbass there are several thousand industrial enterprises and major transport routes. And environmental specialists, monitoring compliance with environmental legislation, are doing a great and important job. After all, the responsibility of each of us determines what our cities and regions, country, and planet will be like for future generations. And work that helps ensure that residents of the region can breathe clean air and drink clean water is never in vain.

Dear friends and colleagues, I sincerely thank you for your cooperation!

2013 has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection in Russia. And this, undoubtedly, also became a landmark event, showing how much attention is paid to solving environmental problems in government bodies. Let's continue to do everything we can together to make the natural environment better!

I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity and success in such important work for the benefit of our region!


Head of the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kemerovo Region

Dear colleagues and residents of Kuzbass!

I sincerely congratulate you on World Environment Day, and all ecologists on their professional holiday. This holiday is another reason to address environmental issues and realize our common responsibility for preserving natural resources. I am confident that through joint efforts we will be able to improve the environmental situation in the region and achieve reasonable use of the natural resources of Kuzbass! And I wish the residents to love our beautiful nature and take care of it!

Happy holiday and gratitude for your joint work to protect the environment!

Pavel Stepanov,

Head of the Department for the Protection of Fauna Objects of the Kemerovo Region

Dear colleagues, congratulations on your professional holiday!

We, employees of the environmental block of the regional administration, work together and solve common problems of rational use of natural resources, protection of the unique nature of Kuzbass and the creation of a favorable living environment for the residents of our region. And in the light of common tasks, we all perfectly understand the importance of Kuzbass forests, the problem of preserving which is among the most important environmental problems of our time. For us, as specialists, it is obvious that a decrease in the area of ​​forests leads to negative processes of global significance: soil erosion, a decrease in the diversity of flora and fauna, degradation of water basins, an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, a decrease in the amount of industrial and fuel wood , and ultimately, to a decrease in the potential of human life. In addition to realizing the value of Kuzbass forests, we are connected by common efforts to educate the inhabitants of the region environmentally, increase their awareness of the special role of forests, as well as activities for the sustainable use, conservation and sustainable development of forests in the interests of present and future generations.

On the eve of this professional holiday, I thank you for your honest and effective cooperation, for your selfless help, for your worthy desire to do everything possible to preserve and enhance the beauties of Kuzbass. Each of you has invested a lot of thought, work, talent, and effort into the cause of nature conservation. The results of this are already visible. But they will become even more noticeable in the future, since this is noble work for the future. I sincerely wish everyone who is currently working in the ranks of environmental defenders success in implementing their plans, new achievements, support from your colleagues, family and friends, happiness, health and prosperity!

Gennady LIPATOV,

Head of the Forestry Department of the Kemerovo Region

Dear friends! Dear Colleagues!

Congratulations on the holiday, Ecologist's Day! Happy holiday to those people who care about the world our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will live in!

After all, it is very important for a person not only to develop civilization and enjoy all its benefits, but also to breathe clean air, drink clean water, see around not scorched deserts, lunar landscapes, dead bodies of water, but green plains and forests that are full of a variety of animals and plants, and rivers with lakes in which the blue sky is reflected and silver fish splash.

All together we are doing one big and important thing: we preserve the environment as it is at the moment, and strive to increase its dwindling resources.

I wish all colleagues of the environmental protection unit success in their difficult and noble work, environmental initiatives and their successful implementation!

Sincerely, Alexey EFANOV,

Head of the Kemerovo Department of State Control, Supervision and Protection of Aquatic Bioresources and Their Habitats

Dear Colleagues!

The environmental situation in the country is the most discussed and exciting topic. How to convince the public of the importance of preserving and improving the environment? What kind of world will the next generations live in, what values ​​will they have as a priority?

In recent years, much attention has been paid to these important issues, and it is no coincidence that 2013 has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection.

In the Kemerovo region, since 1963, the hydrometeorological service system has organized a network of points at which systematic measurements of the concentrations of harmful substances in the lower layer of atmospheric air are carried out, because the environmental situation depends not only on the amount of emissions into the atmosphere, but also on meteorological conditions. Specialists of the Kemerovo Hydrometeorological Center monitor the quality of atmospheric air, surface water, bottom sediments, and soil.

On Ecologist Day, I sincerely wish the veterans and employees of the hydrometeorological service, as well as all workers directly related to the environmental problems of the Kemerovo region, good health, inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm in this difficult task. Let the main incentive for your activities be the gratitude of future generations, their well-being and prosperity of Kuzbass!


Head of the Kemerovo Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

Dear friends!

I sincerely congratulate the residents of the region on World Environment Day, and all ecologists on their professional holiday!

The topic of ecology is especially relevant this year, which, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection.

For the first time, we began to systematically solve environmental problems and purposefully improve environmental legislation. Already now we can note positive changes in the approach to environmental issues in Kuzbass.

Government agencies, public environmental and youth organizations are making every effort to ensure that the constitutional rights of our fellow citizens to a favorable environmental environment are respected.

We must understand that the future of the next generations of Kuzbass residents depends on how we can preserve the nature of our region.

Happy Ecologist Day to everyone!

Alexander FOKIN,

State Duma deputy, chairman of the subcommittee on ecology

Dear Kuzbass residents!

2013 in Russia has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection, which means that managing natural resources, ensuring a favorable living environment and preserving the life and health of Russians are today priority areas of state policy.

On the eve of Ecologist Day, I would like to appeal to you, dear fellow countrymen, with a sincere appeal to take care of our native land on which we live, work and raise children!

Only through joint efforts aimed at preserving the environment, reducing environmental risks, and educating the younger generation will our joint environmental problem be solved! Resolving these issues is impossible without professional ecologists and representatives of public organizations whose life goals have become environmental restoration, environmental conservation and environmental improvement.

I wish everyone who is professionally involved in environmental protection fruitful and effective work in ensuring a favorable living environment, and I hope that the celebration of World Environment Day will awaken in every Kuzbass resident the desire to contribute to its protection.


Head of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) for the Kemerovo Region

Dear friends!

On June 5, ecologists celebrate their professional holiday – Ecologist Day and World Environment Day.

I would like to thank environmental professionals and public figures for their contribution to the protection of atmospheric air, water and land, managers of enterprises who reduce the negative impact of production on the environment, as well as all residents of the Kemerovo region who understand that its purity depends on respect for nature, and, consequently, the future of our children and grandchildren.

Currently, only high-quality environmental control and supervision force careless enterprise owners to think about the environment, but gradually everything is changing for the better.

Today, the Kemerovo region has reached a level of development where the priority has become not survival, but quality of life, care for future generations, and a civilized human attitude towards the environment.

Congratulations to environmental workers and all residents of the Kemerovo region on the holiday! I am confident that the Kemerovo region will achieve enormous success in the field of environmental safety, rational environmental management, energy saving and environmental protection! Health to you, dear colleagues, and prosperity!


Head of the Siberian Department of Rostechnadzor

Every year on June 5, Ecologist Day is celebrated throughout the Russian Federation. This year it is celebrated 11 times. After all, this professional holiday was established only in 2007 by the Decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin “On Ecologist Day”.

On this professional holiday, it is customary to congratulate all those who carry out environmental activities, as well as teachers and students of educational institutions whose profile is environmental protection.

Ecologist's Day, congratulate colleagues with a postcard: congratulations on Ecologist's Day in verse

There are many different, interesting and important professions:
Consultants, engineers, dentists,
But they care about a healthy life on the planet
Our pride, our brave men, are environmentalists!

Being an ecologist is a person’s great pride!
On this day I want to say “thank you!”
For care, for clean nature, fields and rivers,
For the green forests, for the fact that I love so much in this life!

Being an ecologist is responsible and important work,
They are guardians of natural beauty!
Environmentalists give us cleanliness and, directly,
They provide us with health.

And on this professional holiday of an ecologist,
They deserve the highest praise!
I wish you, environmentalists, a life of bright colors
I wish that all your dreams come true!

Let your love for nature never dry up,
Let her inspire you to take action,
May she lead you on the right path,
Let our planet live in purity!

Let, environmentalists, your long-time dream come true
And the planet will be as clean as a tear,
Let us breathe easily and calmly,
Let everyone benefit from your actions!

Ecologists guard our planet
From ourselves, from garbage and dirt.
We leave our traces here and there,
We destroy the beauty of nature.

We cut down trees everywhere
The offspring are thus deprived of air.
We only breathe exhaust fumes.
Yes, the acrid smoke of chimneys of factories and factories.

We regularly pollute water bodies,
Ruining every living thing in them.
We kill rare animals mercilessly.
We don’t love it as if we are our own planet!

Happy holiday to all environmentalists,
And we wish you great success in your work,
Let the water, air and earth be clean,
Life will be filled with sparkling power.

Let your living space glow with purity,
And your hard work is always glorified.
Finally, let wisdom awaken among the people,
And they don’t raise their hands to “dirty” matters.

Ecologist's Day congratulate colleagues with a postcard: congratulations on Ecologist's Day in SMS

Happy Ecologist Day, colleagues,
Congratulations to everyone!
And I wish you to constantly look younger
And don’t grow old with your soul!

Protect your planet
To avoid a vendetta
From the angry earth.
Friend, take care of the environment!

Who wants to breathe clean air
And admire the clear sky,
He should become an ecologist
Decisive and brave.

And on Ecologist Day, friends,
I will note to the people:
It’s impossible to live the way we live,
It's time to save nature!

Anyone can neglect
But not a dedicated environmentalist!
Every leaf is dear to him

And a colony of goosebumps,
A drop in the ocean, the life of mongrels,
Sun, air, steppe and forest -
If only he could save everyone!

Hey ecologist, take a break!
Your battles are ahead!
Have fun today
Hurry up for a holiday walk!

I know you're not breathing smoothly
To the landscapes of mountains, seas, forests.
You understand: people need
Green meadow, carpet of flowers,

The water is clear and clean

And the singing of spring birds.
Thank you for the love of nature
Yours knows no bounds

Ecologist's Day, congratulate colleagues with a postcard: congratulations on Ecologist's Day in prose

Today is a professional holiday for those who have taken on the enormous responsibility of taking care of our environment. On this professional holiday of an ecologist, we wish everyone clean air, clear water and balance of all environmental variables. With your activities you make our lives brighter!

Congratulations on your professional holiday to all environmentalists! Indeed, on this day of environmental protection, you especially feel your importance and the enormous benefit of your calling. Be confident in the best, persistently promote your ideas and achieve the highest results. The whole Earth is in your brave hands!

Happy Ecologist Day! We wish that not only on this environmental protection day will people remember the urgency and importance of your activities. Let the global nature of your work be appreciated. Let there always be the necessary funding and specific assistance. Be persistent, true to your beliefs and rapidly improve our beautiful world!

On this wonderful day of environmental protection, I would like to wish you to breathe deeply the clean air of happiness, not forgetting that the beauty of this world is in our hands. Let life bathe in transparent rivers of love, let the rains of good luck fall in it and let a bright rainbow of miracles shine in it.

Ecology is an important component of modern life, which is why professionals in this field of activity are especially valuable! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you good luck in the fight for nature!

You are the best ecologist without a doubt,
A kind, sensitive person.
Happy birthday!
Let this be a happy century.

Let obstacles and hindrances
They never bother you.
Let love and success surround you,
Joy, cheerfulness, warmth.

Happy birthday, ecologist,
We congratulate you
And we wish you to breathe
Clean air Earth.

To factories, factories
Rivers and lakes were not polluted
And ozone holes
So that we are not threatened.

So that in your struggle, ecologist,
You won
Everyone living on the planet
To protect nature.

Happy Birthday to You
I, an ecologist, congratulate you,
Our entire planet is our home
You consider them your family.

Clean air and water
Your priority
Protect and preserve nature
The most important thing in the world for you.

Let them stand next to you
People of all our land,
Save the planet alive
For the children so that we can.

Happy birthday, ecologist,
I send you congratulations,
I wish I could
You help the Earth in trouble.

To prevent pollution
You protect nature.
For people who are busy with themselves,
So that he can open his eyes.

Dedicated to ecology and science
Yourself completely
On your birthday I wish
Promote a good cause.

Let the projects succeed,
At home - they wait and understand,
May you always be positive
Everyday life goes by brightly.

To be an ecologist means to work
For the benefit of nature, people and the environment.
I wish you to always be proud of your work,
It’s easy to set plans, goals, dreams.

Let everything that is planned be fulfilled,
May nature soon breathe a sigh of contentment,
May life be filled with light and happiness,
And you are moving forward with success.

On your birthday let
Joy, laughter, fun reign,
Happiness overflows
The mood will be bright!

Let the sun shine in your soul,
Let love be pure!
May luck smile
For you again today!

Let the mood be bright
And all dreams come true!
I wish on this birthday,
May you be happy all the time!

Love nature, believe, hope,
Just change the world for the better!
Be optimistic, laugh more often
And never be discouraged!

Let purity shine in your soul,
Look for goodness in any moment!
Let your cherished dream come true,
And the world will be filled with wondrous magic!

I wish you good health,
Harmony, all the best and lots of strength!
Let there be no end to happiness in life,
May every moment bring good luck!

Ecologist Day in Russia (Photo: ESB Professional, Shutterstock)

Russian ecologists celebrate their professional holiday. The corresponding Decree No. 933 “On Ecologist Day” was signed by Vladimir Putin on July 21, 2007.

World Environment Day, or Ecologist's Day, is observed in almost all European countries. This holiday was established on December 15, 1972 at the initiative of the UN General Assembly to “draw public attention to the need to preserve and improve the environment.”

The choice of date was also not accidental: on June 5, 1972, a special UN conference on environmental issues was held for the first time.

The establishment and holding of Ecologist Day in Russia emphasizes the importance of the professional activities of state environmental institutions at all levels, non-governmental environmental organizations and everyone who contributes to the conservation of nature and the environment. After all, environmental protection issues are a priority in the political, economic and social life of the country, being one of the tasks of national security. The right of citizens of the Russian Federation to a favorable environment is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Ecologist Day is a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Environmental Prosecutor's Office, environmental departments, as well as other public and private environmental organizations.

According to expert estimates, about 20 thousand people are employed in the field of environmental protection in our country, working in government bodies of the Russian Federation and federal government agencies. More than 200 thousand environmentalists work at enterprises in various sectors of the national economy and in the field of environmental services. From 60 to 100 thousand specialists work in scientific and scientific-educational institutions of environmental protection, and the number of students in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions and graduate students is 40-45 thousand. There are more than 1,000 public environmental organizations in Russia that unite millions of citizens.

Traditionally, on this day many environmental events take place - conferences, round tables, forums and presentations, as well as public and environmental organizations organizing exhibitions of children's drawings, cleaning park areas, planting trees and other events aimed at attracting public attention to environmental problems and preserving our environment.

The editorial board of the “Calendar of Events” project sincerely congratulates all ecologists and people who are not indifferent to environmental problems on this holiday. We wish to show even greater care and bear even greater responsibility in protecting the environment. May our blue planet always be clean and healthy!

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Dear ecologists! Warm and cordial I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Ecologist Day and World Environment Day !
An environmental specialist is a young, socially significant and, perhaps, the most noble profession in the world. Ecologists, called upon to develop measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment, protect the life of the entire Earth and its inhabitants as a whole. Their task is to ensure the environmental protection of the planet from the irrational and uncontrolled use of scientific and technological achievements, to contribute to the improvement of the environment, to try to preserve the cleanliness of the air and natural bodies of water, the fertility of the land, the diversity of forests, and the diversity of flora and fauna.
Of course, all this activity requires enormous responsibility, significant skill and experience in the field of environmental protection, high professional training, knowledge of the legislative framework, observation and attentiveness, developed logical thinking, and the ability to concentrate.
Ecologists (they should include not only specialists from various environmental structures and companies, but also social activists, ordinary people who care about the future of our planet, the health of our children and grandchildren) carry out specific practical work, and in addition to this they are engaged in education, promoting respectful attitude towards nature and all living things, form the ecological culture of the population.
Despite the fact that services responsible for environmental protection and ecology, environmental enthusiasts have been purposefully engaged in their professional activities relatively recently, positive changes are already noticeable. In order to reduce the negative impact on the environment, modern technologies are increasingly being introduced in production; in cities, to improve the environmental condition, all kinds of actions are carried out, as a result of which new green alleys and parks, clean reservoirs and banks appear, flora and fauna are restored. People's attitudes towards environmental issues and environmental protection are gradually changing. They begin to understand that the general environmental situation in our country and throughout the world depends on their personal attitude towards waste disposal, the condition of rivers, forests, and fields. And this is very important! Dear colleagues, professional ecologists, and all conscious citizens who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet, to the future of our descendants, Congratulations on World Environment Day ! Thank you for your active life position, for the efforts you make to ensure the environmental safety of your settlements, districts, territories and regions. Thank you for your persistence and patience with which you help preserve natural resources and ensure human rights to a healthy environment.
I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity and unity in protecting nature, family happiness and optimism, faith in a better future and that our common efforts to improve the ecological state of the planet are not in vain!