In 1977, an event occurred. Criticism of the Brezhnev Constitution

Key statistics for 2014

Index industrial production in January - December 2014 amounted to 101.7% compared to January - December 2013, in December 2014 - 103.9% compared to December 2013 and 108.1% compared to November 2014 (102.1% excluding seasonal and calendar factor).

In manufacturing industries, production dynamics in 2014 amounted to 102.1% compared to 2013; in December 2014 – 104.1% compared to December 2013 and 109.2% compared to November 2014.

In 2014, production compared to 2013 increased for all types of manufacturing industries with the exception of textile and clothing (97.5%); production of leather, leather products and footwear production (97.2%); wood processing and production of wood products (94.7%); production of machinery and equipment (92.2%); production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment (99.5%).

Production volumes in December 2014 decreased compared to December 2013 for all types of manufacturing activities with the exception of the production of coke and petroleum products (103.6%); chemical production(100.1%); production of rubber and plastic products (116.4%); production of other non-metallic mineral products (109%); metallurgical production and production of finished metal products (104.4%); production of machinery and equipment (101.2%); production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment (106%).

In December 2014, producer prices of industrial goods in manufacturing increased by 8.5% compared to December 2013.

In January–November 2014 (according to the Federal Customs Service), Russia’s foreign trade turnover amounted to $459.4 billion, decreasing by 5.2% compared to January–November 2013. At the same time, exports amounted to $422.7 billion (minus 3.8% compared to January–November 2013); imports – $263.4 billion (minus 7.6%).

In 2014, retail trade turnover amounted to 26,118.9 billion rubles, 102.5% compared to 2013. In December 2014, it amounted to 2941.8 billion rubles, 105.3% by December 2013 and 123.6% by November 2014.

An important mechanism of state support is the emerging Industrial Development Fund, which provides for the use of a repayable financing mechanism at preferential rates when implementing investment projects.

In general, the results of work in 2014 are characterized by a continued decline in production volume for a number of products, which is due to global trends in the decline in industrial production, as well as the final stage of supplies of power equipment for power plant construction projects using the CSA mechanism to the domestic market. In addition, due to the long manufacturing cycle of high-power power equipment, annual production volumes experience significant fluctuations.

State support measure light industry to ensure state defense orders based on proposals from manufacturers of countries participating in the Customs Union is a serious tool for supporting domestic light industry enterprises as part of adaptation individual industries the Russian economy upon Russia’s accession to the WTO, and to improve the quality of materials and components supplied for the state defense order.

To support domestic leather enterprises, at the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Government Resolution No. 826 was adopted on August 19, 2014 “On the introduction of a temporary ban on the export of semi-finished leather products from the territory of the Russian Federation,” which came into force on October 1, 2014 and had a positive impact on the work of enterprises, allowing them In just the first month of its operation, load the capacity for finished leather and increase processing volumes by 10.5%.

In 2014, rules were approved for providing subsidies from the federal budget to organizations in the light and textile industry to compensate for part of the costs of implementing investment projects to modernize and create production facilities in the textile and light industry, including the flax complex. The amount of compensation is 0.9 of the Central Bank refinancing rate Russian Federation(Government Decree of January 3, 2014 No. 4).

Domestic trade

According to Rosstat, in 2014 the share of wholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items in gross value added was 17.3%.

In 2014, retail trade turnover amounted to 26,118.9 billion rubles, an increase of 2.5% compared to 2013.

The trend of faster growth in sales of non-food products compared to food products has continued. Sales of non-food products at the end of 2014 increased by 4.7%, sales food products, including drinks and tobacco products decreased by 0.1%.

The most important decisions of 2014:

The Trade Development Strategy in the Russian Federation for 2015–2016 and the period until 2020 was developed and approved by order No. 2733 of December 25, 2014.

The goal of the Strategy is to create conditions for the formation of a comfortable environment for citizens and business entities (both producers of goods and commercial entities) through the development of a multi-format trade infrastructure by stimulating the growth of all forms of entrepreneurial activity.

Federal Law No. 492-FZ of December 31, 2014 amended Article 24 Federal Law dated December 30, 2006 No. 271-FZ “On retail markets and amendments to Labor Code Russian Federation". In order to preserve and further development agricultural cooperative markets, the possibility of selling products of the agro-industrial and fishery complexes directly by producers, the Law stipulates that the period for transferring agricultural markets to permanent buildings, structures and structures is established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Federation. This will allow a more flexible approach to solving the problems of providing the population with agricultural products at producer prices, taking into account the level of socio-economic development of the subject, its administrative and territorial structure, the financial capabilities of companies managing retail markets, climatic and other factors.

The material was presented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to the Government in March2015.

Let's move mentally back to the year of your birth, 1977, and go back through life... It would seem that 30 years is not a long time for history, but how different that era is from the current reality! Just imagine: streets on which there are almost no cars, and no foreign cars at all, the capital’s air is clean and transparent, the traffic controller is dozing in a glass booth. The store windows are also clean and transparent: here and there cans of “Condensed Milk” and “Meatballs in Tomato Sauce” gleam; under the sign “Fruits and Vegetables” onions are golden. A bubbly liquid with syrup at the price of 3 kopecks splashes in the soda water machines, and the long tail of the line bends either for Finnish coats or for “Cervelat”:
- What do they give? Didn't you give anything yesterday?
Opposite, in the altar of a dilapidated cathedral, the Mechanical Accounting Factory hums, above the entrance of which there is a red banner: “Glory to the CPSU!” Some young man is dragging along Gorky Street (today's Tverskaya) the vast legs of his bell-bottom trousers, purring to the breath of the early Beatles. A warrior with a red bandage on his sleeve looks at him with suspicion: why is he hanging around in such an outfit? hairy or what? I would sit at home with my parents, especially since “Zucchini 13 Chairs” is broadcast on television. And the guardian of public peace himself is not averse to sitting in front of the Rubin and looking at Mrs. Monika, but he must stand at his post, working off time off for his vacation in sunny Miskhor. From open window comes a hit song performed by Mosconcert artist Alla Pugacheva: “This world was not invented by us, this world was not invented by me...”. “That’s right, not by us,” the representative nods his head people's squad and glances sideways at the portrait hung on the neighboring house Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. The expression on the Secretary General’s face is so calm that even a child will understand: a war has come on the territory of the USSR. quiet life, motionless, like a political bureau.

Teacher at kindergarten says to the children: - In the Soviet Union, everyone eats well and dresses beautifully. In the Soviet Union, people live in beautiful apartments... A kindergarten teacher says to the children: “In the Soviet Union, everyone eats well and dresses beautifully.” In the Soviet Union, people live in beautiful apartments. All children in the Soviet Union have a lot of beautiful toys... Vovochka burst into tears: - I want... I want... I want to go to the Soviet Union!.. Type: Sadistic poems

One old man, dying, decided to leave behind a memory. He took it and gouged out his eyes, and his eyes were green. The old man hung these eyes on the wall... One old man, dying, decided to leave behind a memory. He took it and gouged out his eyes, and his eyes were green. The old man hung these eyes on the wall and died. A year later, a family with a small child moved into the house. One day a husband came home from work, and his wife said to him: “Our baby cries for something when I turn on the light.” The husband answers: - Turn on the light and look at the walls. The wife did as her husband told her and saw green eyes on the wall. The eyes flashed and electrocuted his wife.

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