Unified State Exam test spiritual culture. Test “Spiritual sphere of social life”

Grade 10

1 – option.

Part I .

1. The performance of classical music at a symphony orchestra concert is an example of culture:

1) folk 2) mass 3) elite 4) traditional

2. The totality of everything created by humanity is covered by the concept:

1) technology 2) society 3) economy 4) culture

3. Russian scientist A.I. Kravchenko emphasizes: “No culture can be self-sufficient. The creative development of culture is possible only through interaction with other cultures, with every possible enrichment of one’s own experience.”

What phenomenon is being referred to in the statement?

1) traditions in culture 2) cultural search 3) dialogue of cultures 4) cultural isolation

4. Elite culture as opposed to mass culture:

1) focused on obtaining commercial benefits

2) characterized by the complexity of forms of artistic exploration of the world

3) is entertaining

4) created by qualified craftsmen

5. Are the following judgments about the role of science in modern society true?

A. The problem of a scientist's social responsibility for the consequences of his scientific discoveries was recognized many years ago.

B. In modern society, issues of social responsibility of a scientist have lost their relevance.

6. Are the following judgments about trends in the development of education correct?

A. The humanization of education is manifested in the introduction of information technology.

B. The internationalization of education is manifested in the recognition of educational documents obtained in one country by other countries.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

7 . World religions include:

1) Christianity 2) Shintoism 3) Hinduism 4) Confucianism

8 . Which of the following characterizes art as opposed to science?

1) identification of patterns of development of nature and society

2) theoretical solution to ideological problems

3) reflection of the world in artistic images

4) use of concepts and theoretical positions


A. Art, unlike religion, has an emotional impact on people.

B. Art reflects the world around us and people in artistic images.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

10. The statement: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is a formulation:

1) the right to personal integrity 2) the principle of the rule of law

3) the “golden rule of morality” 4) the right to freedom of conscience

11 . Find the main characteristics of moral standards in the list below. Write it downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) established by the state

2) are expressed in public opinion

3) mandatory

4) regulate social relations from the standpoint of good and evil

5) give a lot of room for interpretation

6) supported by the power of state coercion





Allows you to accumulate and transfer social experience from generation to generation


Allows people to communicate with each other


13 figure , under which it is indicated.

1) education system; 2) educational institutions; 3) goals of education;

4) functions of education in society; 5) educational programs.


14. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept"the science".

1) hypothesis; 2) experiment; 3) evidence; 4) rationality;

5) sensuality; 6) theory; 7) concepts; 8) subjectivity.


15. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and functions of education: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) formation of the intellectual and moral potential of society and the state

B) reproduction of professional personnel

B) development of skills, abilities, interests

D) mastering scientific knowledge, acquiring experience and skills

D) transmission and dissemination of culture in society

1) social

2) personal


1) factual nature



“Scientists have created several classifications of religions. The simplest of them unites religions into three groups. Primitive tribal beliefs. They arose in ___________ (A), but over time they did not disappear from people’s consciousness, but survived and live to this day along with more complex religions. Numerous ___________ (B) come from them. National-state religions, which form the basis of the life of entire peoples and nations. World religions, that is, those that have gone beyond national-state boundaries and have a huge number of followers all over the world. There are three world religions: Christianity, ___________ (B), ___________ (D). All religions can also be combined into two large groups ___________ (D), i.e., those recognizing the existence of one God and ___________ (E), recognizing many gods.”

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.


18. Science is:

1) the only form of knowledge 2) social stratum

3) a set of life values ​​4) a special system of knowledge

19. Subculture is usually called:

1) traditional cultural values

2) denial of the most important cultural values

3) the culture of any social or demographic group

4) innovation in the field of artistic creativity

20. What science studies the origin and content of moral norms?

1) ethics 2) linguistics 3) literary criticism 4) aesthetics

Part II .

21. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “morality”? Using knowledge from a social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about any of the functions of morality in society, and one sentence revealing any category of morality.

22 . All forms and directions of culture are closely related to each other. Products of elite culture may well become part of mass culture. Mass and folk cultures are also interconnected.

Illustrate with any three examples the relationship and interaction between different forms of culture. (Write the relationship illustrated first, then the specific example.)

23. One of the lessons in the 10th grade was held at an exhibition in the historical museum. The schoolchildren were shown lace, fabrics, and clothes made by peasant women for holidays, everyday life, and special events, as well as clay animal figurines in the form of whistles made at home. Guess what form of culture the exhibited works belong to, and indicate by what criteria this can be determined. Name any two characteristics of this form of culture that are not reflected in the condition.

Testing on the topic: “Spiritual life of society.” Grade 10

Option 2.

Part I .

1. The traveling circus tours are an example of culture:

1) folk 2) mass 3) elite 4) pop

2. Which of the meanings of the concept “culture” is the narrowest?

1) level of technical development of society

2) the totality of all achievements of mankind

3) the degree of education of a person

4) all genres of art

3. Elite culture, as opposed to mass culture:

1) uses a system of artistic images

2) has genre diversity

3) created by professionals

4) assumes a high level of aesthetic culture of consumers

4. Folk culture products are distinguished by the fact that:

1) they satisfy the needs of a specially trained consumer, a connoisseur

2) their production has a pronounced commercial orientation

3) their creators and creators are usually anonymous

4) they are created to satisfy the spiritual needs of people

5. Are the following statements about modern culture true?

A. Modern culture presents numerous forms and varieties of culture: mass, elite, folk, screen and others.

B. Works of modern culture are accessible only to a narrow circle of art connoisseurs and highly educated intellectuals.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Are the following judgments about the role of education in modern society true?

A. Education remains one of the most important channels of individual socialization.

B. In the system of modern education, the tendency towards its humanization and towards taking into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren is becoming increasingly important.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

7 . National religions include:

1) Buddhism 2) Christianity 3) Confucianism 4) Islam

8 . Which of the following features directly characterizes art?

1) adapting the world to human needs

2) establishing the essence of natural and social phenomena

3) aesthetic development of the surrounding world

4) clarifying the patterns of development of society

9 . Are the following statements about art true?

A. Works of art are intended, first of all, to bring practical benefits to people.

B. In modern society, synthetic arts are widespread, combining various genres and types of art in their products.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

10. What distinguishes religion from other forms (areas) of spiritual culture?

1) expression of a subjective attitude towards the world

2) reflection of reality in artistic images and symbols

3) theoretical understanding of the essence of social and natural phenomena

4) the idea of ​​supernatural intervention in people's lives

11 . Find in the list given the features characteristic of folk culture. Write it downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

2) is predominantly commercial in nature

3) does not require special training for its perception

4) appeared earlier than other forms of culture

5) designed for a narrow circle of connoisseurs

12 . Write down the word missing in the table.





Provides mutual understanding and communication between people in society


Forms the ability to independently navigate moral values


13 . Find a concept that generalizes all other concepts in the series below, and write downfigure , under which it is indicated.

1) heroic epic; 2) anonymity of works; 3) collectivity of the creative process;

4) folk culture; 5) folklore group.


14. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, aretrends in the development of modern education.

1) humanitarization; 2) dogmatization; 3) humanization

4) internationalization; 5) informatization; 6) ideologization

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.


15. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic features and types of culture: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) anonymity of works

B) focus on the needs of a wide range of consumers

B) commercialization of spiritual activities

D) priority development of entertainment genres

D) complexity of content

1) folk

2) massive

3) elitist

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

16. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

Determine which text provisions have

1) factual nature

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

Write down in the table under the letter indicating the position a number expressing its character.


17. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“The main function of morality is regulatory. Morality acts as a way of regulating __________(A) in society and self-regulation of individual behavior. Moreover, the method is specifically social: it appears when __________(B) can no longer cope with the increasingly complex organization of social life (clan, work, family life, etc.). At the same time, the emerging morality is initially based on at least minimal __________(B) from the natural conditions of existence. Moral regulation makes sense and is needed where there is at least some choice of behavior, an elementary opportunity to prefer one action to another.

Of course, as society developed, it invented many other ways of regulating __________(G): legal, administrative, technical, etc. However, the moral method of regulation continues to remain unique. Firstly, because it does not require any organizational support in the form of various institutions, __________(D), etc. And secondly, because moral regulation is carried out mainly through the assimilation of __________(E) relevant norms and principles of one’s behavior in society.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Select one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.


18. What function of science is illustrated by the desire to test and critically understand all incoming scientific information?

1) social 2) cognitive-explanatory

3) ideological 4) prognostic

19. Having entered the tenth grade, student T. chose several specialized elective courses in various subjects. He is most interested in the social and human sciences, so he will take some additional courses in philosophy, sociology, law, and history. At what level of education is student T.?

1) primary vocational education 2) basic general education

3) complete (secondary) general education 4) secondary vocational education

20. What sciences belong to the field of knowledge, including theoretical and experimental scientific research with the aim of studying the patterns of interaction between nature, society, and thinking?

1) fundamental 2) applied

3) humanitarian 4) technical

Part II .

21. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “education”? Using knowledge from a social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the structure of general education in the Russian Federation, and one sentence revealing any function of education as a social institution.

22 . Art is a significant part of spiritual culture for society and its development and influences all spheres of public life. List any three functions performed by art and illustrate each with a specific example.

23. What form of culture can ballet be classified as? Name any three distinctive features of ballet by which you determined this.

Test answers

Unified State Examination under the Section: "THE SPIRITUAL SPHERE OF SOCIETY'S LIFE"

1. Write down the word missing in the table.

Types of religion

Types of religions


National religions

Shintoism, Judaism, Hinduism

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism


2. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series presented below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) spiritual culture; 2) spiritual values; 3) scientific research; 4) moral standards; 5) religious views; 6) moral actions.

3. Below is a list of characteristics. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the characteristics of art.

1) imagery, 2) awakening of fantasy and imagination, 3) reliability and verifiability of results, 4) focus on obtaining objective truth, 5) emotionality of perception, 6) clarity.

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under

by which they are indicated.

4. Select the correct statements about the role of the media and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The media in modern society can play a disintegrating, divisive role.

2. Government officials are forced to take the media into account.

3. Leaders in various fields of science, culture and economics have to reckon with the media.

4. The rapid growth of computer technology leads to a reduction in the number of media.

5. With the development of informatization of society, the media begin to have a less tangible impact on various spheres of social life.


5. In recent years, several vocal and instrumental youth groups have formed in a large regional center. What features of the activities of these groups indicate their belonging to mass culture? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. develop traditions of folk vocal creativity

2. perform compositions of their own composition

3. the activity is commercial in nature

4. the repertoire consists of simple dance music

5. perform the function of accumulating cultural experience

6. works are addressed to the most aesthetically developed part of the public


6. Select the correct judgments about spiritual culture and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Spiritual culture is one of the spheres of human activity in society.

2. Spiritual culture includes cognitive activity and its results.

3. The objects of spiritual culture are ideology, morality, and artistic creativity.

4. Spiritual culture is the artificial environment surrounding a person.

5. Spiritual culture includes material and spiritual values ​​created by man.


7. Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features of individual areas of culture and the branches of culture that they illustrate


Branches of culture

A) classification of phenomena and types of thinking

1) education

B) theoretical justification for the laws of development of nature and society

C) introducing the individual to the achievements of civilization

D) mastering the existing system of knowledge, norms and values

D) development of systematically organized ways of influencing the environment

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

8. Medical scientists have conducted a number of studies and found means to combat the invisible enemies of human health - various viruses and pathogenic bacteria that cause infectious diseases. These drugs have become part of the practice of treating infectious diseases. What functions of science are illustrated by this example? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. ideological

2. social

3. educational

4. productive force

5. prognostic

6. epistemological


9. Match the characteristics and functions of science



A) shows possible dangerous trends in the development of society

1) ideological

C) contributes to the construction of a holistic system of views on the world and man’s place in it

2) prognostic

D) helps a person to consider the phenomena of the surrounding world in their unity and diversity

D) allows you to foresee the consequences of changes in the surrounding world

10. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic features and types (varieties) of culture



A) commercialization of spiritual activities

1) massive

B) priority development of entertainment genres

C) the need for special training of spectators

2) elitist

D) focus on the needs of a wide range of consumers

D) complexity of content

11. Education reform is being carried out in country Z. What facts indicate that the reform is aimed at humanizing education? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. computerization of the educational process

2. focus on the interests and inclinations of the student

3. use of technologies that preserve children’s health

4. increasing the number of educational subjects

5. Reducing the time spent studying natural sciences

6. special attention to the moral education of children


12. Match characteristics and types

(varieties) of culture



A) profit-oriented

1) massive

B) entertaining character

C) non-standard artistic means

2) elitist

D) focus on the needs of a wide range of consumers

D) complexity of content

13. Find in the list below the features that characterize an exclusively elite culture:

    expression of the refined tastes of a privileged part of society

    commercial orientation

    complexity and inconsistency

    general availability

    targeting a narrow circle of experts



14. Find examples of works of folk culture in the list below:

    school jokes

    historical novel

    the legend of Stepan Razin

    carol songs

    Brazilian television series


15. Find in the list below the trends that characterize the development of modern education:

    reduction in duration of education

    humanization of education

    strengthening the class character of education

    humanization of education

    refusal to teach social sciences

6. creation of a unified education system for different countries


16. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic of a culture and its industry: for each position from the first column, select the corresponding position from the second.

Branch of culture

A. imagery

B. logical evidence

B. aesthetic exploration of the world

2. art

D. impact on human emotions

D. comprehensive description of the object

17. Find in the list below the levels of education in the Russian Federation, enshrined in the Law “On Education”:


  1. preschool

  2. additional




18. Establish a correspondence between cultural areas and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) the desire for reliable knowledge about the world around us

B) representation of reality in artistic images

2) art

B) knowledge of objective patterns of development of nature and society

3) religion

D) belief in the influence of supernatural forces on human life

D) aesthetic development of the surrounding world

19. Find the characteristic features of art in the list below:

    establishing the boundaries of personal freedom

    building a system of evidence

    form of knowledge of the world

    figurative reflection of reality

    emotional impact

    logical consistency


20. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

Initially, in the interaction of innovation and _______ (A) in culture, the dominant role is played by the latter, consolidating and retaining slowly accumulating innovations. Moreover, this system in the early stages of the development of society is necessarily characterized by extreme cruelty, not allowing even a shadow of _______ (B). The deeper into the past, the more we see a person swaddled in speech and figurative cliches and stencils, in formulas of assessments and _________ (B), in formulas of everyday _________ (D), practical _______ (D), beliefs. He is relieved of the need to think: for almost every occasion in life, for almost every question there is a saying, a proverb, a quotation, a verse, a copybook, a generalized literary ______(E).

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word or phrase can only be used once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

2. behavior

3. democracy

4. innovation

5. art

6. reason

7. continuity

8. tradition

9. wisdom

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The modern meaning of the term “culture” is very diverse and often vague. Suffice it to recall that today culture is understood not only as a state or characteristic of society and man in general, but also as a very specific set of technologies, customs, traditions, way of life, statehood, etc.: “culture of Ancient Rus'”, “culture of the ancient world” , “West” or “Western culture”, “East” or “Eastern culture”, etc. It is in this sense that they speak, for example, about many cultures, about comparison of cultures, about dialogue and interaction of cultures. In these situations, the term “culture” refers to a really existing culture created in a certain area...

This word (term) in everyday life refers to art, museums, libraries, cinema, theaters, religion and many other very different things. We define as “cultural” or “uncultured” behavior of people; We use expressions such as “work culture”, “trade culture”, “production culture”, etc.

Cultural phenomena, by definition, arise only as results (traces) of human activity; they cannot appear in nature, in a “natural” way. This, in particular, is the same knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs and all other abilities, characteristics and habits acquired by man as a member of society; this is language, symbols and codes, ideas, taboos, rituals, ceremonies, social institutions, tools, technologies and all components associated with these phenomena...

Therefore, any manifestations of human activity that take place in a particular society, one way or another represent the culture of this society.

If, even for the best and noblest reasons, some of them are arbitrarily removed (not included in the culture), then the picture of a historically specific (local) actual culture will be incomplete, and the system of interactions between the elements or components, aspects of this culture will be distorted . In other words, the culture of a concrete historical society appears even in crime,

drug addiction and other quite odious events and processes. Fully deserving the label “anticulture,” such phenomena of social life nevertheless remain phenomena of the corresponding culture as a whole.

(D.A. Laletin)

21. Based on the text, give any three meanings of the term “culture”.

25. What meaning do social scientists put into the concept of “religion”. Using knowledge from your social studies course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about modern world religions, and one sentence revealing any of the functions of religion.

26. Name and illustrate with examples two features of a social institution using education as an example.

27. In country Z, people with disabilities have the opportunity to receive high-quality general and vocational education. During the reform of the education system, students were given the opportunity to choose programs that suit their interests and capabilities. What trend in the development of education does this example illustrate? Name and characterize any other trend in the development of modern education.

28. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “The relationship between education and science in modern society.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


1. world

9. 22112

17. 3568

10. 11212

18. 12132

7. 22112

12. 11212

16. 21221

20. 846921

21. 1) the state or characteristic of society and man in general;

2) a very specific set of technologies, customs, traditions; Lifestyle; statehood;

3) art, museums, libraries, cinema, theaters (everyday interpretation);

4) culture as human behavior (“cultural” or “uncultural”).

22. 1) answer to the question: cultural phenomena arise as results of activity:

2) illustration of this connection using examples of cultural phenomena indicated in the text, for example:

Language is the result of joint activity and communication between people:

Art is the result of human activity, man’s figurative reflection of the world, man’s artistic creativity.

23. 1) acquaintance with the culture of another people, their mentality (museum experts from Scandinavian countries came to Moscow to visit museums, exhibitions, theaters to get acquainted with the spiritual achievements of the peoples of Russia);

2) interpersonal communication at the level of real and virtual informal contacts with representatives of other cultures, promoting understanding of each other, overcoming stereotypes, and mutual enrichment through other cultural experiences (teenagers communicate with their peers from different countries through social networks on the Internet);

3) exchange of spiritual values ​​leading to the development of national cultures (university students holding round tables with representatives of national cultural autonomies, preparing book exhibitions “Masterpieces of National Literatures”, etc.)

24. 1) manifestations (including negative ones) of people’s activities and interpersonal relationships reflect the norms and sanctions, prohibitions and permissions existing in society;

2) manifestations of anticulture (crime, drug addiction, etc.) have social causes, are the result and manifestation of social relations and, in general, the culture of a particular society, understood in the broad sense of the word (as the result of all human activities);

3) social vices are largely determined by the culture of the entire society, for example, the content of economic crimes in developed countries and countries with an undeveloped economic culture is different;

1) vices are not a manifestation of culture, since they contradict universal human cultural norms and values;

2) verbal expressions and linguistic forms define manifestations of social vices as cultural actions, uncultured behavior (obscene language can hardly be considered cultural speech);

3) the need for purposeful formation (education) of culture is emphasized, in particular the culture of behavior, economic culture, political culture of representatives of various asocial groups.

25. Religion - belief in God, spirits, supernatural forces.

1) World religions include Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.

2) One of the functions of religion is ideological - it sets “ultimate” criteria, absolutes, from the point of view of which the world, society, and people are comprehended, and goal-setting and meaning-making are ensured.

26. - the presence of a role system - the main roles are defined (for example, student, teacher, school director) and their hierarchy;

The presence of a set of institutions (for example, secondary school, gymnasium, lyceum, education administration);

Availability of regulatory rules (for example, education law, school charter);

The presence of important social functions (for example, the transfer of knowledge, skills, social experience, socialization of youth).

27. 1) trend (according to the text of the assignment) - humanization of education;

2) another trend with a corresponding characteristic, for example:

Internationalization of education (integration of national educational systems);

Informatization of education (development of distance learning, widespread use of information technologies and digital resources in teaching, focus on developing students’ skills in searching and analyzing a variety of information).

28. 1. Science and education as areas of spiritual culture

2. Science and education as social institutions of society

1) structure of education and science

2) functions of education in modern society

3) the development of science as a factor of social progress

4) state regulation of science and education

3. The influence of education on science

1) training of scientific personnel in higher education

2) formation of young people’s ideas about scientific activity and the status of a scientist

4. The impact of science on education

1) studying the basics of science as part of school subjects

2) turning universities into research centers

5. Prospects for further convergence of science and education

Social studies tests. Spiritual sphere. Grade 10

Option 1

A1. Emphasizing the diversity, complexity and heterogeneity of society, scientists characterize it as;

1) system;

2) part of nature; -

3) material world;

4) civilization.

A2. Are the judgments correct?

A. In an industrial society, individual personality traits are highly valued, initiative and enterprise are encouraged.

B. In an industrial society, collective principles prevail over private interests,

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

A3. Science is devoted to the study of the inner spiritual world of man:

2) psychology;

3) philosophy;

4) aesthetics.

A4. Everything that has been created by man throughout his history is called:

1) society;

2) culture;

3) art;

4) civilization.

A5. Art as an element of the spiritual sphere of human society is characterized by the following feature:

1) reflection of reality in figurative and symbolic form;

2) performing the function of social management;

3) reliance on belief in the supernatural;

4) a comprehensive explanation of events and phenomena.

A6. Are the judgments correct?

A. The achievements of elite culture and mass culture do not interact with each other.

B. Consumers of elite culture may show interest in the achievements of mass culture.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

A7. Instructions to take off your coat and hat when visiting the theater and not to make noise during a performance illustrate social norms:

1) etiquette;

2) morality;

4) traditions and customs.

A8. The statement “If the spring was full, then the summer will be fruitful” is an example:

1) scientific observation;

2) folk sign;

3) logical inference;

4) scientific law.

A9. An elite culture is characterized by:

1) focus on making a profit;

2) imposition of simplified “versions of life”;

3) focus on social struggle;

4) accessibility to a narrow circle of experts.

A10. The area of ​​human spiritual activity aimed at understanding the laws of development of nature, society and thinking is called:

1) art; 2) science; 3) religion; 4) parascience.

All. All types of transformative activity of man and society, as well as its results, are:

1) culture;

2) civilization;

3) spiritual culture;

AI2. The original meaning of the word “culture” is:

2) methods of cultivating the land;

3) rules of behavior in society;

4) the spiritual world of the individual.

A13. The main functions of culture are:

1) regulatory function (regulation of human behavior, patterns of behavior and values);

2) educational function (the level of personal culture is determined by familiarization with the cultural heritage);

3) integrative function (culture unites people, ensures the integrity of society);

4) all of the above.

AI4. Innovation in culture is:

1) preserving the best elements of the old in culture, increasing cultural wealth in the process of creativity, creating something new in culture, which acquires social significance;

2) transfer of cultural values ​​from generation to generation;

3) accumulation and transmission of unique works of art, scientific discoveries, ideas;

4) the elevation of art over politics, science, morality.

A15. The world religion is:

4) design of a television tower.

A10. Only art as a type of spiritual activity is characterized by:

1) establish patterns of development of nature and society;

2) create fundamentally new industries;

3) reflect reality in concepts;

4) affirm the value of personal figurative perception of the world.

A11. Are the judgments correct?

A. The high complexity of content and form distinguishes works of folk culture.

B. Ideas of social protest are often present in works of folk culture.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

A12. According to Russian laws, religious instruction is prohibited from:

1) optionally in any educational institution;

2) privately at home;

3) in some non-state educational institutions;

4) in compulsory lessons in a secondary school.

A13. Are the judgments correct?

A. The media in modern society introduce the country's population to the achievements of culture and art.

B. The media in modern society influence the formation of public opinion.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

A14. National religions include:

1) Catholicism;

2) Orthodoxy;

3) Judaism;

A15. A form of culture is manifested in the activities of folk music groups:

1) mass; 2) folk; 3) screen; 4) elitist.

A16. Critics regard the films of this Russian director as a phenomenon of elite culture:

1) N. Mikhalkov; 2) E. Ryazanov; 3) A. Tarkovsky; 4) V. Naumov.

A17. The term "culture" originally meant:

1) creation of artificial materials;

2) rules of behavior in society;

3) natural habitat;

4) methods of cultivating the land.

AI8. What situation characterizes the phenomenon of innovation in culture:

1) transfer of cultural values ​​from generation to generation;

2) accumulation and transmission of unique works of art, scientific discoveries, ideas;

3) preserving the best elements of the old in culture, increasing cultural wealth in the process of creativity, creating something new in culture, which acquires social significance;

4) there is no correct answer.

A19. The culture created by anonymous authors, often without professional training, is called:

1) elitist; 2) spiritual; 3) mass; 4) folk.

A20. What ethical standards and principles are universal for scientists?

1) scientific honesty and correctness in the collection of experimental data;

2) refusal to appropriate other people’s ideas and research results;

3) defending your scientific data in any scientific environment;

4) all of the above.

A21. The right to freedom of conscience presupposes:

1) starting your own business;

2) the school graduate’s choice of a working specialty;

3) choice of religious or atheistic beliefs;

IN 1. Write down the word missing in the diagram:


Orthodoxy Catholicism Protestantism

AT 2. Find the media in the list below and write down the numbers in ascending order.

1) analytical collection of articles;

2) telegraph station;

3) television channel;

4) holding a theater festival;

5) pop music concert;

6) daily radio broadcast.

AT 3. Give three examples of manifestations of cultural integration in the modern world.

AT 4. The participation of the radio station in information support of the festival “Old Songs about the Main Thing” is a manifestation...”

Social studies test Culture and spiritual life of society for grade 10 with answers. The test includes two parts. Multiple choice tasks (10 tasks) and short answer tasks (3 tasks).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A culture that does not express the refined tastes of the aristocracy or the spiritual quest of the people is called

1) elitist
2) spiritual
3) mass
4) material

2. Does not belong to folk culture

1) hit
2) epic
3) legend
4) carnival procession

3. Popular culture includes

1) ditty
2) circus
3) salon music
4) legend

4. Culture created by anonymous creators, often without professional training, is called

1) mass
2) spiritual
3) folk
4) elitist

5. Are the following judgments about the development and preservation of culture true?

A. Each stage of cultural development, as a rule, is characterized by the activities of outstanding individuals.
B. Culture is preserved by being “learned” by ordinary, not outstanding individuals.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Are the following judgments about the uneven and contradictory development of culture true?

A. The stages of cultural development may not correspond to the stages of development of other spheres of public life or society as a whole.
B. There is unevenness in the development of forms and types of culture.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

7. Are the following statements about culture true?

A. Culture is biologically inherent in humans.
B. The content of culture is ultimately determined by the material conditions of social life.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

8. The growth of cities, which caused the migration of a significant mass of peasants and petty bourgeoisie to the cities, led to the fact that the new urban population needed forms of culture accessible to them. The transmission of cultural experience has fundamentally changed - the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student is being replaced by transmission through newspapers, radio, television, etc. The content of information is simplified, since it needs to be translated from a specialized language, understandable to few, into the language of everyday understanding. As a result, a culture was formed

1) material
2) elite
3) folk
4) massive

9. The creator of the film, G., in his work proceeded from the idea of ​​giving the viewer pleasure from recognizing his favorite situations and characters-heroes, making it as easy as possible for him to receive pleasure through showing a “beautiful life”, a “good guy”, and an invariably prosperous, happy ending to the action. What additional information will allow us to conclude that the film directed by G. is an example of mass culture?

1) corresponds to the formula “art for art’s sake”
2) associated with a high level of commercialization
3) aimed at a fairly educated audience
4) characterized by a high intellectual level

10. Traditionally, the abundance of hot seasonings and spices in the food of southerners is a means of delaying its rapid spoilage in a hot climate. Traditional medicine among the Slavs and other peoples in countries with diverse vegetation is characterized by the widespread use of herbal medicine. In Central China, where the flora is not rich, treatment methods using cauterization and injections with sharpened sticks or stones developed, giving rise to modern reflexology. Due to constant earthquakes, the inhabitants of the Japanese islands built small houses with light walls that were better able to withstand natural disasters. What function of culture do these examples illustrate?

1) adaptation to the environment
2) socialization
3) communicative
4) regulation of social life

Short answer questions

1. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of “folk culture”.

Tradition, standardization, folklore, anonymous creator, social habit.

Find and write down a term that is not related to the concept of “folk culture”.

2. Establish a correspondence between the components of spiritual life and its types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Components of Spiritual Life

A) philosophy
B) faith
B) religious organizations
D) knowledge
D) art

Types of spiritual life

1) spiritual life of society
2) spiritual life of the individual

3. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Every culture combines traditions and innovations. Traditions are a conservative principle; they provide _______________(A) of the cultural process; without them, _______________(B) would reign in culture. Innovations are also necessary: ​​thanks to them, _______________(B) of culture occurs. However, the relationship between traditions and innovations develops differently. Thus, an innovative culture, unlike a traditional one, is receptive to innovation and is distinguished by _______________ (D). With it, the collectivist principle gives way to _______________(D): a person gains autonomy and freedom. Conditions are created for various forms of _______________(E), the results of which receive social recognition and enter into life.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

1) individualism
2) development
3) theory
4) dynamism
5) creativity
6) chaos
7) stability
8) personality
9) custom

Write down the number of the word you chose next to each letter.

Answers to the social studies test Culture and spiritual life of society for grade 10
Multiple Choice Questions
Short answer questions
1. standardization
2. 12121
3. 762415

Current test. Art. Option #1

1. Are the statements true?

A. the need for some “training” to master standard social roles.

B. the desire to explain natural phenomena from a scientific point of view.

2. Artistic A person’s figurative understanding of reality occurs in

1) science 2) morality 3) art 4) labor process

3. Philosophers considered aesthetic activity as the lowest link in human cognitive activity in the era

1) Middle Ages 2) Modern times 3) Modern times 4) Antiquity

4. The educational component of art becomes especially relevant during the period

1) Renaissance 2) Enlightenment 3) classicism 4) Antiquity

5. Delivering the human soul from base passions through contemplation, according to Aristotle, is

1) nirvana 2) purification 3) exaltation 4) catharsis

6. Are the statements true? Pabout the thoughts of supporters of the theory of self-expression, art is

A. a kind of conscience of society.

B. the limitless sphere of manifestation of the creative potential of the individual.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

A) cognitive 1)reflection of cultural, historical, national, religious and

Other features of the era, people

B) informational 2) helps to experience the enduring value of human interaction

Stviya, communication in the broadest sense

B) communicative 3)helps people understand the existing social system

Norms and values

D) value-oriented 4)the ability of art to create a model of reality


8. Correlate the types of art and their classification according to F. Schelling.


A) music 1) real

B) painting 2) ideal

B) literature

D) poetry

D) architecture


9. Specific properties of artistic form and content of a significant group of works of art of any historicalwhich era, people or world as a whole is

1) classification 2) types 3) types 4) genres

10. Indicate the correct statement.The current trend in the development of art is

A. synthesis of various types and genres of art.

B. differentiation and isolation of types and genres of art.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

Current test. Art. Option No. 2

1. Are the statements true?A number of scientists associate the origin of art with (o)

A. mythological mastery of reality.

B. the desire to realize oneself as an individual.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

2. Identification of significant properties of objects and phenomena in the formspecific sensory-visual images occurs in

1) science 2) art 3) morality 4) law

3. The attitude towards art as an imitation of nature is characteristic of the era

1) Antiquity 2) Middle Ages 3) Renaissance 4) Enlightenment

4. Philosophers view art as a kind of “school of morality” during the period

1) Middle Ages 2) Antiquity 3) Enlightenment 4) Renaissance

5. Which of the ancient philosophers considered art asimitation of a world of sensory objects, each of which is a copy of an idea?

1) Cicero 2) Diogenes 3) Aristotle 4) Plato

6. Indicate the correct statement.The sign-symbolic concept considers art as

A. an autonomous sphere of activity, and also as a way of connecting a person with another, otherworldly world.

B. artistic images that represent a means of expressing human everyday experiences.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

7. Correlate the functions of art and their manifestation


A) educational 1) ability to analyze the state of the surrounding world

B) compensatory 2) the ability to shape human tastes and needs

B) aesthetic 3) formation of personality, feelings and thoughts of people

D) artistic-conceptual 4) restoration in the sphere of the spirit of harmony, lost

a person in reality


8. Match the types of art and their classification


A) photography 1) spatial

B) painting 2) dynamic

B) literature 3) synthetic

D) theater

D) architecture


9. A portrait, still life, landscape, battle or historical painting is

1) types of painting, 2) genres of painting 3) types of painting 4) classification of painting

10. Indicate the correct statement. According to the Spanish thinker and publicist X. Ortega y Gaset, modern art is developing -

A. along the path of “dehumanization”.

B. along the path of “humanization”.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false