How old was Hitler? Brief biography of Adolf Hitler

(Total 18 photos)

It must be assumed that none of the numerous henchmen, flatterers and sycophants, pronouncing toasts and many years in honor of their beloved Fuhrer on this day, could have imagined the inglorious and shameful end that awaited the leader of the Reich in just six years.

There is a reward according to his deserts... but in the meantime, Hitler’s associates sing his praises and present him with a variety of, often very original, gifts. Many donors will face the same unenviable and well-deserved fate as the hero of the day himself.

1. In the first photo, the famous automobile designer Ferdinand Porsche (in the center, in a civilian suit), Adolf Hitler and the head of the German Labor Front Robert Ley admire a gift to the Fuhrer from Porsche - a Volkswagen convertible.

2. Hitler accepts congratulations from Heinrich Hoffmann, his personal photographer, and Theodore Morrell, the Fuhrer’s personal physician, is waiting a little to the right of the line.

3. Gifts received for a significant anniversary are stored in one of the rooms of the Reich Chancellery.

4. Hitler especially liked the gift from Porsche. According to some reports, the Fuhrer loved driving fast until 1939, when he suddenly became concerned about a possible accident and limited the speed of his motorcade to 55 km/h.

5. Gifts continue to accumulate in the Reich Chancellery, apparently not particularly enticing to the Fuhrer - numerous paintings, sculptures and figurines. Noteworthy is the flower vase with a swastika in the right corner of the photo.

6. Another gift - a model of the Condor airplane. Hitler is clearly more interested in all sorts of technical things than in paintings and vases. To Hitler's left stands Hans Bauer, the leader's personal pilot.

7. Golden model of the House of German Art (Haus der Deutschen Kunst), a museum built in 1937 in Munich, designed to perpetuate the greatness and excellence of Nazi art. This gift was made by Hermann Goering, commander of the Luftwaffe.

8. And again Ferdinand Porsche pleases the Fuhrer with a car model.

9. And one more model, unfortunately of an unidentified structure, handmade jewelry.

10. In honor of the birthday of the Father of the Nation, there are festive illumination on the streets of Berlin, the Brandenburg Gate is illuminated and decorated.

11. Of course, a parade and a mass rally took place on the occasion of the anniversary.

12. Orchestra members are preparing to take part in the festive parade.

13. East-West Achse (Ost-West-Achse), the longest 50-kilometer avenue, a street for mass processions and parades, part of the Nazi master plan for the reconstruction of Berlin. A 12-kilometer section of this axis was opened just in time for Hitler’s birthday.

14. Troops march in front of the Fuhrer during a festive military parade.18. Congratulatory banner with the inscription "Wir danken dir" (We thank you). The inscription clearly alludes to Bach's famous cantata "Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir" (We thank you, Lord, we thank you). Adolf Hitler now acts as God, no more, no less. Very soon a severe sobering up will begin in Germany.

The most suspicious thing is that Adolf Aloizyevich visited Austria and the German regions of the Czech Republic without chewing. And he didn’t even make an attempt on Switzerland, which is all German.

Is it true that aliens have settled there?

=))) no. just rich burghers who sponsored Hitler kept their money there

I’m more interested in why the local banks began to give money for safekeeping

because aliens have settled there, obviously

xxx: - I went to Triumphal Square to start a revolution!
- Where are you going, what about lessons?!
- Well maaaaa!
yyy: - Adolf! Adolf, get up, Adolf! The First World War has begun!
- Maaaaaam, I'm going to the second one.

Discussion of an Indian (!!!) film about the life of Adolf Hitler.

xxx: that’s what I imagine! Group dance of the Third Reich! The Soviet army enters Berlin singing and dancing! Captured Jews dance into the crematorium! And of course the final dance of Hitler, Stalin and Eva Braun with backup dancers of Soviet and German soldiers and captured burned Jews...

In Moldova, the patronymic is written as a given name, and sometimes there are people whose full name sounds like Anton Andrey Pavel. If you don't know the correct order, the first thing that comes to mind is "Who are all these people?" :)

went to There is a game there as examples of use: Patronymic.
The idea is simple: you enter your first and last name, and Yandex will select your middle name based on the search results.
So, first of all, I entered myself (but I’m not famous and therefore Yandex could not give out my middle name), then I entered Vladimir Zhirinovsky, after which I saw what I expected: Volfovich.
Next I hit Steve Jobs...
Runet users believe that Steve Jobs has a fucking middle name.

uuu: you’re kind of sad. what happened?
xxx: I went to the library
uuu: mmm, and?
xxx: how TIRED it is to explain that KniGGe is not PendoFF-Albanian jargon, but the surname of the writer, whose full name is Adolf von Knigge. The librarian firmly assured that Adolf von was Hitler, and books were what was on the shelves of this establishment =(((

xxx: You should also quote Hitler. Napoleon is no better than Hitler
yyy: By the way, Hitler also has wise and reasonable sayings.
And Napoleon’s expressions were not taken out of thin air, these are the commandments of the military.
xxx: Their wisdom didn't help them win the war
yyy: And any rational wisdom in general historically breaks down on Russian reality

What's your middle name?


in passport

Fatherland maybe you mean citizenship


I don’t understand. For example, what it could be

last name, first name, fucking, and patronymic.

what's your father's name?

I read this true story somewhere or heard it from someone.
Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich, known as the “Iron Commissar”, after
After retirement I got into the habit of visiting the Lenin Library. And there in front
There was always a small queue at the book issuing desk. Lazar Moiseevich
everyone tried to get through without waiting in line - and, as a rule, they let him through.
And then one day Kaganovich comes to Leninka and sees that at the beginning
A tall, gray-haired man with an aquiline profile is standing in line. Well,
Lazar Moiseevich was delighted and - to him.
“Please let me through,” he says. “I’m Kaganovich!”
“You are Kaganovich, and I am Rabinovich,” the gray-haired man answered him and did not
missed it.
An agreement was found in Berlin that Adolf Hitler concluded with... Satan. The contract is dated April 30, 1932 and signed in blood by both parties. Hitler's political testament.
According to him, the devil gives Hitler virtually unlimited power on the condition that he will use it for evil. In exchange, the Fuhrer promised to give up his soul in exactly 13 years.
Four independent experts examined the document and agreed that Hitler’s signature is indeed authentic, typical of documents signed by him in the 30s and 40s
According to the Creed Portal, the devilish signature also coincides with that on other similar agreements with the lord of hell. And historians know a lot of such documents.

Subject surname first name patronymic
The most common surname Derevyannikov and such an unusual middle name Sirach
When my wife applied for it the second time, she couldn’t stand it, he didn’t pay
I'm probably used to the attention.

At the institute, he and she Borshchev and Pokhlebkina on this topic of love and

The patronymic “Ikhtiandrovna” seems to be clear where it comes from, but where does the patronymic come from?
DURDYKLYCHEVICH!? I seriously asked him five times what his name was,
finally, spelled “Maxim DURDYKLYCHEVICH” (I won’t indicate the last name, in case
will read it :)).

I had an acquaintance, an older hiking comrade, named Adolf.
Russian, but was born during the period of friendship between Stalin’s Russia and Hitler’s
Germany. I suffered from this all my life, but I endured it philosophically. Through life
he traveled to many places, including working for some time at the design bureau
Queen. This was the preamble.
Adolf once said that he was appointed by the Queen to be in charge
for the development of the spacesuit. So, Adolf disliked some shot and
entrusted him with the development of a system for removing feces and urine.
Subsequently, that comrade became the Chief Designer (unfortunately, I
I forgot his last name).
Adolf laughed:
- My school! If I hadn’t put my comrade in jail then, he wouldn’t have been of any use

Adolf Hitler is the leader of Germany, whose name will forever be associated with fascism, cruelty, war, concentration camps and other crimes against humanity. But what do we know about his personal life, lovers and hobbies? And is everything known about the last days of his life and death? Or some pages from the life of Hitler that are still a mystery to this day?

We bring to your attention incredibly interesting facts from the biography of this fascist.

Hitler. Family

On April 20, 1889, a boy was born into an Austrian family, who was named Adolf. The boy's fifty-two-year-old father, Alois Hitler, worked as a customs officer, and his twenty-year-old mother, Clara, was a peasant.

Interesting fact. Adolf's father first bore the surname Schicklgruber (his mother's surname), but then changed it to Hitler. Why? His paternal relatives bore the surname Gidler, but the man changed it somewhat and began to be called Alois Hitler.

This was Alois’s third marriage, and Clara’s, of course, his first. She was a meek girl who tried to do everything to make the house comfortable, the children happy, and her husband happy. There were five children, but only Adolf and his sister Paula lived to adulthood.

Clara was afraid of her husband, as were her children. This was a man who recognized only his opinion and his decisions, plus everything was cruel to his household, quick-tempered and loved to drink. He periodically beat and humiliated both his wife and children.

Adolf was an insecure boy who acutely felt that he was not like everyone else. And family relationships only aggravated the situation, cultivating hatred in his soul, and soon this feeling became dominant. He transferred his hatred of his father, who was half Jewish, to the entire nation.

Adolf Hitler always tried to hide the fact that he also had Jewish blood.

Hitler. Education
As a six-year-old boy, Adolf began studying at a simple school, where all local children received their primary education. But his mother, being a religious woman, really wanted her son to become a priest, so two years later she transferred Adolf to a parish school. But her dream was not destined to come true, because after some time he was expelled for inappropriate behavior, more precisely, for smoking in the garden of the monastery.

In subsequent years, Adolf Hitler changed several more schools in different cities, but still eventually received a certificate of education, which included an A in drawing. And this is no coincidence, Adolf had a talent for drawing and he really wanted to enter the art academy.

When Hitler was 18 years old, he went to Vienna to fulfill his dream, but failed the entrance exams. After all, in addition to drawing, it was necessary to know other school disciplines, and Adolf was rather bad at this.

Having failed his exams, Adolf, with a complex, blamed everyone but himself. He said that he was the most worthy applicant, but he was not appreciated, and all the teachers at the academy were stupid.

Soon, in the winter of 1908, his mother died of cancer, which he took very seriously. He couldn’t hope for his father’s help; his mother died, so Adolf was forced to survive on his own. He made money by selling his drawings, but it was very little money, which was not enough for a decent life. He began to look careless - uncut and unshaven, in dirty clothes hanging out.

It is clear that the failures embittered Adolf even more, who began to hate everyone even more, especially Jews. And this despite the fact that among his friends there were Jews, and his godfather was also a representative of this nation.

But there is another version. In those years in Germany there were many very rich Jews who headed some kind of business or were at the head of banks. It was them that Hitler wanted to eliminate.

It was at this time that Hitler had a dream - to make Germany a great power; of course, he should be at the head of the country.

At the end of the winter of 1914, Adolf Hitler was summoned to Austria, where he was a citizen, where he underwent a medical examination and was declared unfit for military service. But when the First World War began, he volunteered to go to the front.

Interesting fact. According to fellow soldiers, at this time Hitler had a bushy mustache, which he shaved off on the orders of his superiors, since it interfered with putting on a gas mask. As a result, the “Hitler mustache” familiar to all of us remained.

Briefly about Hitler's political career
After the end of the war, Adolf Hitler focused entirely on his political career. In 1923, he staged the so-called Beer Hall Putsch and attempted to overthrow the German government. The putsch ended in failure, and Hitler was sentenced to five prison codes, but for some reason he was released after nine months.

In 1925, he changed his citizenship and became a full citizen of Germany.

Adolf Hitler revived the Nazi party and became its leader, in 1930 he received the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Storm Troops, and in 1933 - Reich Chancellor of Germany. Over the next year, he managed to take away all powers from both the president and the Reichstag, and become the sole ruler of Germany.

And it was here that Hitler was able, without hiding, to throw out all his anger. In the summer of 1934, he staged the “Night of the Long Knives” and destroyed all high-ranking Nazis whom he considered a threat to his power. He created the Gestapo and concentration camps into which he rounded up Jews, Gypsies, and later prisoners of war.

All these years, Hitler collected photographs, national things and other artifacts that belonged to Jews, so that they would later become exhibits of the “Museum of the Destroyed Race,” which he wanted to organize.

He called himself a leader and wanted to become the only ruler in the world, of course, having first captured this entire world. In this case, the Aryans would be the only worthy race, which would be served by the Slavs, and other peoples, especially Jews and Gypsies, would be destroyed.

Let's omit the details of the monstrous massacre unleashed by Hitler (I mean World War II) - this is a separate story. I will only say that seeing how the German army was retreating under the onslaught of Soviet troops and their allies, Hitler became completely uncontrollable. He frantically tried to rectify the situation and ordered everyone who could not fight normally - old people, disabled people, children - to be sent to the front.

Hitler. Death

When Hitler's Berlin residence was surrounded by Soviet troops, he committed suicide. Historians' opinions on this matter vary. Some believe that he drank potassium cyanide, others claim that Hitler shot himself. His mistress, Eva Braun, did this with him. But more about her a little later.

Hitler allegedly bequeathed that after killing him and Eva, their bodies should be burned, which was allegedly done. Indeed, Soviet soldiers found burnt human remains in one of the rooms, including part of a jaw and a skull with a hole in the temple.

According to experts, no examinations were carried out to identify these remains. The jaw and skull were simply taken and placed in the archives of the USSR.

Against this background, a version emerged that Hitler did not commit suicide at all, but fled, taking Eva with him. They allegedly fled to Argentina, where they were seen several times in the following years. They lived there for many years, and then moved to Paraguay, where Hitler died in 1964.

But what about Hitler’s jaw and skull, kept in the USSR? It turns out that Hitler’s jaw was established only from the words of his personal dentist. He said it was Hitler's jaw, and everyone believed it. No other examinations, as we have already mentioned, were carried out. Although it was possible to take DNA from the Fuhrer's younger sister, Paula.

So, maybe the dentist deliberately lied to cover for his powerful client? Perhaps the Hitler couple really escaped, and the burned bodies did not belong to them at all?

One more thing. Photos of the dead Adolf Hitler have been posted on the Internet, it turns out that he was not burned, or these photos are a fake.

There is no clear answer to these questions.

* * *
Adolf Hitler is a fascist, through whose fault millions of people died during World War II. We have already talked about his childhood, studies, political career and death, now we’ll talk about his mistresses and hobbies, and also learn other interesting facts from his biography.

Adolf Hitler was married for only one day - Eva Braun became his wife on the eve of suicide.

Adolf Hitler did not have legitimate children, because he was afraid of the birth of a defective child due to marriages between close relatives practiced in his family. Therefore, he believed that it was necessary to have mistresses, and they had no right to make any demands on him.

Surprisingly, this outwardly uninteresting man was a woman's favorite. Of course, it is quite possible that the ladies did not love him, but his power and limitless possibilities. Although people who knew Hitler said that in the presence of women whom he wanted to impress, the Fuhrer was always very gallant.

The Fuhrer had many mistresses, almost all of them were much younger than him (about twenty years old) and had a magnificent bust.

In 2012, information appeared that during the First World War, Hitler had a relationship with the Frenchwoman Charlotte Lobjoie, as a result of which a boy was born - the son of the Fuhrer.

Charlotte Lobjoie
Charlotte Lobjoie is the daughter of a French butcher, who at the age of eighteen entered into a relationship with Hitler. Their relationship lasted from 1916 to 1917. The girl followed her lover to where he was going. But when Hitler went to his relatives, he did not take Charlotte with him. He promised to return soon, but did not keep his promise.

Charlotte soon realized that she was pregnant, and in the spring of 1918 she gave birth to a boy. She named him Jean-Marie. This was Hitler's son.

Hitler knew that Charlotte had given birth to a son. In 1940, he ordered the security service to find them and find out everything about their lives. The order was carried out, but after reading the details, Hitler categorically refused to meet with Charlotte, and tried to take his son for himself. How did his former passion disappoint him? She turned into a depressed drinking woman.

Charlotte died in 1951. Jean-Marie knew who his father was - Charlotte told him about it. Hitler, obviously recognizing his paternity, constantly monitored the young man’s life, took care of him, but did not dare to bring him closer to himself, fearing condemnation.

Some historians doubt that Jean-Marie is Hitler's son, citing the fact that the man was repeatedly offered an examination to prove his relationship with the Fuhrer, but he refused.

Charlotte inspired Hitler to paint a painting where she is depicted with her breasts half-naked and a bright scarf on her head.

Geli Rau6al

Geli Raubal is Hitler's niece, 19 years younger. Their relationship began in 1925, when Geli settled in Hitler’s apartment in Munich (by the way, it had 15 rooms). The girl wanted to become a doctor, but she was not particularly smart, and she liked men much more than studying.

The connection continued until Geli’s death, when in 1931 she committed suicide. The cause of suicide was Hitler's relationship with Eva Braun. Geli knew about the Fuhrer's new passion, and that he spent all his nights with her. Geli, Hitler spent days on end with Eva. Once, unable to bear it, Geli threw a scandal at Hitler, but achieved nothing. Realizing that she had lost, the girl shot herself. According to some reports, Geli Raubal was pregnant.

Geli was not a monogamist, and besides Hitler, she had affairs with other men.

Adolf Hitler took the death of his niece very hard.

Maria Reiter
Maria Reiter met Hitler when she was 17 years old. The girl, being a minor, fell in love with Adolf and began to pursue him. She tracked him down everywhere and tried to impose herself, but it ended with Hitler, seeing her, starting to hide and pretending that he did not know the girl. Realizing this, Maria tried to hang herself, but was saved.

Later, Maria nevertheless achieved Hitler, and his sister Paula said that this was the only woman whom Adolf sincerely loved.

Eva Brown

Hitler met her in 1929, when Eva was only seventeen and he was forty. She was Hitler's personal photographer's assistant. The Fuhrer immediately really liked the cheerful young beauty.

But at that time Hitler had a relationship with Geli. At first he tried to cope with his feelings, but this did not work out and he began to care for Eva, while continuing to live with Geli. Eva knew about the existence of another woman in Hitler’s life, she was worried, but still agreed to daytime meetings with him and visits to restaurants and cinemas, knowing that he spent all his nights with another.

When Geli passed away, Eva Braun became his mistress.

During the 15 years she spent next to Hitler, Eva Braun twice attempted suicide. According to one version, she could not forgive him for his affairs with other ladies, according to another, she no longer had the strength to tolerate Hitler’s mental deviations.

A reasonable question arises - why did Hitler, clearly loving Eva, marry her at the very last moment? Because on her mother’s side Jewish blood flowed in Eve. The girl’s parents did their best to hide this, even sending the girl to study at a Catholic school, where children of real Aryans were accepted. Perhaps, after years of living with Hitler, Eva herself confessed to him her roots. Then it is clear why he did not marry her for many years, and on the eve of his suicide, realizing that nothing mattered anymore, they got married.

Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun got married on April 29, 1945, and the next day, according to the main version, they committed suicide.

Unity Valkyrie Mitford

Unity Valkyrie Mitford is the daughter of an English lord, an ardent supporter of Nazism. Her relationship with Hitler began in 1934, when the girl was twenty. Unity herself tried for a long time, seemingly by chance, to meet Adolf, which she eventually managed to do - they met in a restaurant. Their relationship lasted about a year. In 1939, she attempted suicide by shooting herself in the temple with a pistol given by Hitler. Unity survived, but died of meningitis a year later.

At one time or another, Hitler also had brief affairs with singer Gretl Slezak, actress Leni Riefenthal and Sigrid von Laffert (attempted to commit suicide).


Experts estimate that Hitler wrote more than three thousand works. Most of them were destroyed, some are stored in US archives, and some are sold at auctions. So, in 2009, 15 paintings by Hitler were sold at auction for $120,000, and in 2012 his work went for $43,500.

In total, 720 paintings by Adolf Hitler have survived to this day.

For the most part, he painted buildings and landscapes, but he did not like to depict people. One day an art critic was shown his works, but they did not reveal who their author was. The specialist said that they were written by a good artist who is absolutely indifferent to people.

Adolf Hitler never smoked himself and did not like it when others did.

He was very clean and was afraid of catching some kind of infection, especially a runny nose.

Hitler did not allow familiarity towards himself; he respected only his own opinion.

In 1933, the ground beetle was named after Hitler. The Fuhrer appreciated this and expressed gratitude.

In the Palestinian Gaza Strip, a store is named after Hitler, which residents really like. Why? Because Adolf, like them, fiercely hated Jews.

According to surviving medical documents, Hitler took cocaine and suffered from uncontrollable bloating.

In 2008, a document was found in one of the Berlin archives, which was called “Hitler’s Pact with the Devil.” It is dated April 30, 1932 and signed in blood. According to him. The devil gives Hitler unlimited power, but the latter must do only evil. In exchange, after thirteen years, Hitler will have to give his soul to the Devil. It looks like a fairy tale, but an examination showed that the signature on the agreement really belonged to Hitler. Again, it is no secret that the Fuhrer believed in the existence of Shambhala, in the end of the world, in the mysterious forces of Tibet, so why shouldn’t he believe in the Devil? Then the question arises - who acted as this Devil? According to historians, it was an agent with hypnotic abilities, sent by those who benefited from the war, that is, weapons manufacturers, etc.

Adolf Hitler was a fan of Henry Ford. He gave him birthday gifts every year and collected his photos.

Hitler had special plans for Moscow: he intended to wipe it off the face of the Earth and build a reservoir in its place.

Hitler's biggest enemy in the USSR was not Stalin, but Levitan, for whose head the Fuhrer promised a quarter of a million marks.

In 1938, Time magazine named Hitler Person of the Year, and in 1939 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Adolf Hitler loved watching Walt Disney cartoons, especially Snow White.

Today we will talk about one of the most prominent (in a negative sense) heroes of the 20th century - Adolf Hitler, whether he was definitely negative, who was behind him, and most importantly - who he was - a villain or... a genius (can you imagine, there are those who consider Hitler a hero, a genius).

Hitler. Perhaps only very young children do not know who he is. About 7 decades have passed since his (official) death, but this character still evokes the most negative reviews in people, this is one of the most striking examples when you can be remembered for bad deeds...

But today we will talk not only about the negative side of Hitler, but also about what few people talk about - about Hitler as a person, what was human in him and whether he was really a “devil in the flesh” or this the mask was invented for him by his managers, etc.

“Adolf Hitler (German: Adolf Hitler [ˈaːdɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ]; April 20, 1889, the village of Ranshofen (now part of the city of Braunau am Inn), Austria-Hungary - April 30, 1945, Berlin, Germany) - the founder and central figure of National Socialism, founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, leader (Führer) of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (1921-1945), Reich Chancellor (1933-1945) and Fuhrer (1934-1945) of Germany, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Germany (from December 19, 1941) in the Second World War."

In the photo, Hitler’s painting “Inner courtyard of the old residence in Munich”, 1914

The photo shows a painting of Hitler

Hitler was born at the end of the 19th century in a small village in Austria-Hungary to a simple, modestly living family, his father was about 50 years old, his mother was about 30, his father was in his third marriage, Hitler had several brothers and sisters, He was very attached to one of his sisters, Paula, and helped her until his death in 1945. E There are also versions that Adolf Hitler received the surname as a result of an error in documents or as a result of his father correcting a previously inconvenient long surname.

The photo shows Hitler in childhood and school

Adolf showed good promise at the beginning of his schooling (6-7 years old), but after transferring to a city school where his family moved, he wilted and studied only those subjects that he liked, namely history, geography, drawing, and remained in the second year . Later, in 1939, Hitler bought his “favorite” primary school in Fischlgam, where he received only excellent grades, and ordered the construction of another school building.

At the age of 7-8 years, Hitler entered the second grade of a school at a Catholic monastery, where he sang in the church choir and helped the priest during mass. According to friends: “Here he first saw the swastika on the coat of arms of Abbot Hagen. Later he ordered the same one to be carved out of wood in his office.”

Then the family moved again and Hitler went to school, which he did not like.

Later, his critical attitude towards the church was formed mainly under the influence of his father's statements. Hitler's father died unexpectedly in 1903, when the boy was only 13 years old.

And although Adolf had many disputes and confrontations with his father, at his father’s coffin he sobbed uncontrollably and was very worried about the loss.

His father instructed Adolf to become an official, but the boy himself wanted to be an artist, despite the suffering associated with the death of his father, Adolf decided to go into the field of drawing.

At the age of 15, Hitler composed a play, poetry, lyrics for musical works, and in general the teenager saw his path in art - drawing and writing.

The French teacher (a subject that Adolf hated) said about him:

“Hitler was undoubtedly gifted, albeit one-sidedly. He almost did not know how to control himself, he was stubborn, self-willed, wayward and hot-tempered. Wasn't diligent."

“Based on numerous evidence, we can conclude that already in his youth Hitler showed pronounced psychopathic traits.

A friend of his youth, Kubizek, and other comrades of Hitler testify that he was constantly at odds with everyone and felt hatred for everything that surrounded him. Therefore, his biographer Joachim Fest admits that Hitler’s anti-Semitism was a focused form of hatred that had previously raged in the dark and finally found its object in the Jew.”

A little later, Hitler decided to enter art school, but failed the entrance exams, received advice from the rector to take up architecture; later, after the death of his mother, the teenager once again entered the art academy, but again failed.

Adolf's mother was diagnosed with cancer in 1907, for the last 2 months (November-December) her son looked after her and buried her next to his father.

The photo shows Hitler's paintings

Having issued pensions for himself and his sister Paula due to the loss of their family, Hitler went on the run, hiding from the army and realizing himself as a free artist: he painted small-format paintings and often changed addresses. He was later declared unfit for the army, but in 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War, he himself expressed a desire to join the Bavarian army as a soldier.

Colleagues described Hitler as an impeccable soldier and comrade; in 1918, as a result of a chemical shell explosion, Adolf partially lost his sight. Having experienced the loss of Germany as a personal tragedy, Hitler was especially eager to defend rights, and therefore began to appear in the field of oratory. In the 1920s, he became the chairman of the NSDAP (German National Socialist Workers' Party), thanks to his bright charisma and ability to move the masses in the right direction. From 1933 to 1945 - Reich Chancellor of Germany and Prussia.

We will not discuss the details of Hitler’s leadership, leadership of the country, political battles, and military operations, because there are many films about this and many have long been familiar with these moments.

We are trying to see an ordinary person in Hitler and still understand whether he was a villain or someone’s pawn...

In general, the picture so far is this: an ordinary German boy (however, some question the well-known roots of Hitler, attributing to him Jewishness), born into a modestly living family, dreamed of becoming an artist, but failed the exams, sincerely regretted the death of his father and mother, looked after his mother before his death, was attached to his sister, was a good soldier and comrade in the war, but all this against the backdrop of mild psychopathy. Nothing particularly shocking that could give a hint that this boy will burn millions of people in ovens, moreover, he is a very human and quite sincere character.

Even more convincing facts: Hitler, according to eyewitnesses, loved Geli Raubal (niece) very much, he loved like a man, close blood ties were not uncommon in their family, later Hitler had a relationship with a close relative, Eva Braun, and died with her, by committing suicide (according to the official version). When Geli Raubal was killed (although she was attributed suicide, but this was disputed by many) - Hitler could not come to his senses for a long time, tried to commit suicide, and was very worried about her death.

In addition, Hitler was a vegetarian, and actively began to profess vegetarianism after the death of Geli Raubal. He also loved cartoons, especially Disney’s “Snow White,” and even drew them..

The photo shows Hitler's paintings

As we see, feelings were not alien to Hitler.

Let's return to how Hitler conquered the people and who he was.

Firstly, what did Hitler do when he came to power? He conquered the people not with manna from heaven and idle talk, but did the most essential thing: he gave people jobs, stabilized the social situation, launched large-scale construction aimed ultimately at expanding strategic reserves, helped those in need, the people were united by patriotism, national holidays, and the desire for a goal. Everyone who was against it went to concentration camps.

Against this background of the prevailing trust in the country’s leader, the implementation of the true goal began - the propaganda of anti-Semitism, mass repression of Roma and Jews, later the Holocaust and wars against the great powers...

That is, if the people agreed with the authorities and peacefully “swallowed this pill” of compromise with murders, then everything was fine, but if they did not agree, they were treated as an enemy. Naturally, the people were afraid to stumble, in fear they took the side of power, justifying the actions of the latter.

To the question of how millions could follow the lead of one person and who a person is, a wolf or a sheep, if he becomes so indifferent to other people’s blood and pain. This is very well written in the books of Fromm (and other post-Freudian psychoanalysts of the 20th century, for example), in particular, “The Soul of Man,” in particular, about Hitler and why peoples submitted to him. One of the main forces of persuasion in this case was people’s fear of losing life, protection, family, loved ones, fear of death of themselves and their loved ones. For the purpose of self-preservation, people, under the influence of fear, were ready to accept any absurd idea, cruel, bloody, violence as salvation and idealize them, elevating them to the cult of life.

And one more point: very often people who went through wars, revolutions, rebellions and the most difficult times of countries remembered more vividly not prosperity, peace, tranquility, but rather difficult events, the heroism of some, the cowardice of others, adrenaline in the blood, exploding bombs, life for idea. When rivers of blood flow and a red flag with some idea looms before their eyes, many internal values ​​become distorted, murder ceases to be a crime and the person himself loses his bearings, for example, a previously calm comrade, unable to offend flies, picks up a machine gun and goes to work “ “killer” of prisoners, for the sake of an idea, for the benefit of patriotism... no discord with conscience.

People seem to be both wolves and sheep at the same time, sometimes they have so much potential cruelty that a person himself may not be able to control these elements, under the influence of pressure and misinformation, distortion of facts and the ability to persuade (for example, Hitler was a powerful speaker) - people can It’s easy to turn into a cruel mass, persecuting Jews and all undesirables.

Yes, disinformation and presentation, stimulation of the masses, “brainwashing” in this case is another important moment that took place in the history of Hitler.

That is, all people are pawns who can be controlled, but was Hitler himself a pawn?

There are many reasonable versions that Hitler was created by politicians and financiers, in particular:

« The main sponsors of Hitler and his party were financiers from Great Britain and the United States. From the very beginning, Hitler was a “project”. The energetic Fuhrer was a tool for uniting Europe against the Soviet Union, and other important tasks were also solved, for example, the “New World Order” was tested on the ground, which they planned to spread throughout the planet. Hitler was also sponsored by German financial and industrial circles associated with the global financial international. Among Hitler's sponsors was Fritz Thyssen (the eldest son of industrialist August Thyssen), he had provided significant material support to the Nazis since 1923, and publicly supported Hitler in 1930.

Financial assistance to the Nazis was provided by the German industrialist and financial tycoon Gustav Krupp. Among the bankers, the President of the Reichsbank and Adolf Hitler's confidant in relations with his political and financial sponsors in Western countries, Hjalmar Schacht, collected money for Hitler.

The Fuhrer and the NSDAP were sponsored by such influential Jewish industrialists as Reinold Gesner and Fritz Mandel. Hitler received significant assistance from the famous Warburg banking dynasty and personally from Max Warburg (director of the Hamburg bank M.M. Warburg & Co).

However, bankers of Jewish origin occupy a special place in the history of the relationship between the Fuhrer and bankers. Large financial contributions to the NSDAP were made by influential Jewish industrialists Fritz Mandel and Reinold Gesner. Hitler was provided with significant assistance by the famous banking dynasty of the Warburgs and its head Max Warburg personally, who until 1938 was the director of the German industrial giant IG Farbenindustry - “the backbone of the German military machine.”

There are also versions that Hitler was “made” by the Zionists who wanted to demonstrate their strength and laws with their own eyes, but the question of how to combine the Holocaust and the creation of Hitler by the Zionists, as well as the version that Hitler began the attempts to found Israel, remains unclear. Let's leave that for other topics.

Did Hitler himself send people to ovens and gas chambers? No, at the hands of uncomplaining wards who were blinded by the idea of ​​achieving good through temporary evil. Not so long ago we published an article about the protocols of the Elders of Zion, where the murders of the goyim were justified by achieving the goal of ultimately enthroning the King of the Jews. There's something similar here. The Aryan race, sole power in the hands of one people, and all those who are called upon to be an assistant in establishing order can be justified, all murders, mass and cruel ones, medical experiments, bullying.

If the people were so manipulative, why couldn’t Hitler himself be a puppet in someone’s hands? He simply had many abilities, one of the main ones was the ability to lead the masses, to drive the most crazy ideas into people’s heads under the guise of salvation, which is why he became the leader, and his performers were in the lower ranks.

However, we should not forget that a person still makes a choice himself, and like Hitler and his same wards had the opportunity to refuse, but did not even think of doing so.

Hitler, being a psychopath traumatized in childhood, decided to find a target for taking out all the troubles, deprivations, frustrations and hatred on certain categories of people, thus trying to get rid of the complexes that tormented him, plus he seized upon power, which blinded him and seemed to him not enough , it was difficult to stop, mass control (however, not all those traumatized in childhood become Hitlers, I assume that he chose his evil path consciously, taking into account his psychopathic characteristics).

As a result, the hypertrophied instinct of evil, which was in the hands of “Hitler’s creators”, actively fueled by the latter, crossed all boundaries... Hitler was eliminated or forced/forced to withdraw himself when he was no longer needed. He could also be misinformed in order to inflame him with anger and hatred, and incite him against other nations. What ultimately happened to Hitler—whether he committed suicide or lived quietly in Argentina—we will never know, and it’s not that important in the context of our topic.

Quotes from people (from forums) about what they think about Hitler (spelling of the authors of the posts):

“Genius is a creator. The villain is the destroyer.

evil genius

brilliant villain

Hitler was there, Hitler floated away... he was sick and essentially unhappy.

he was a Jew. Schicklgruber is a real surname.

he was a man first and foremost! and people tend to make mistakes. especially when it is pushed and pushed very skillfully!

Geniuses, it is said loudly, the Fuhrer, talkers and troublemakers. A politician who not only promised but also realized what he promised with his own hands is selective and nothing more. The mistakes he made were not the mistakes of a genius, but of an ambitious leader. It is idiocy to declare a warrior on two fronts to a US warrior, given the obvious failure of the Blitzkrieg in December 1941. Only after this decision can he be declared an idiot and not a genius.

Well, it’s impossible to answer unequivocally about Adolf Aloizovich, but he certainly wasn’t an average person, no matter how hard they tried to portray it in Soviet times, he was just born at the wrong time, and otherwise there would have been more than one talented architect

Hitler is definitely not a genius. Rather, he is a madman, a fanatic with some persuasive abilities and an excellent speaker.

Hitler is a brilliant psycho, who was specially found by Western tycoons for the war against the red threat in the form of Stalinist despotism.”

Personally, I think that Hitler would be an average artist, he painted better than many, but there are much more talented individuals, only his mark is bright, brilliantly evil, in history, and who he was - everyone has their own associations.

Name: Adolf Hitler

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary

A place of death: Berlin

Activity: Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor of Germany

Marital status: Was married to

Adolf Hitler - biography

This name and surname are very hated by many people around the world for the atrocities that this man committed. How did the biography of the one who started a war with many countries develop, how did he become like this?

Childhood, Hitler's family, how he appeared

Adolf's father was an illegitimate child, his mother remarried a man with the last name Gidler, and when Alois wanted to change his mother's last name, the priest made a mistake, and all the descendants began to bear the last name Hitler, and six of them were born, and Adolf was the third child. Hitler's ancestors were peasants; his father achieved a career as an official. Adolf, like all Germans, was very sentimental and often visited the places of his childhood and the graves of his parents.

Before Adolf's birth, three children died. He was the only and beloved son, then his brother Edmund was born, and they began to devote less time to Adolf, then Adolf’s sister appeared in the family, he always had the most tender feelings for Paula. After all, this is the biography of an ordinary child who loves his mother and sister, when and what went wrong?

Hitler's studies

In first grade, Hitler only got "excellent" grades. In the old Catholic monastery, he went to second grade, learned to sing in the church choir and helped during mass. I first noticed the swastika sign on Abbot Hagen's coat of arms. Adolf changed schools several times due to parental problems. One of the brothers left home, the other died, Adolf remained the only son. At school he began to like not all subjects, so he stayed for the second year.

Adolf's Growing Up

As soon as the teenager turned 13 years old, his father died, and the son refused to fulfill his parent’s request. He did not want to become an official; he was attracted to painting and music. One of Hitler's teachers later recalled that the student was one-sidedly gifted, was quick-tempered and wayward. Already in these years one could notice the traits of a mentally unbalanced person. After the fourth grade, the education document showed “5” grades only in physical education and drawing. He knew languages, exact sciences and shorthand perfectly well.

At the insistence of his mother, Adolf Hitler had to retake the exams, but he was diagnosed with lung disease and had to forget about school. When Hitler turned 18, he left for the capital of Austria, wanted to enter an art school, but failed to pass the exams. The young man's mother underwent surgery, did not live long, and Adolf, as the eldest and only man in the family, took care of her until her death.

Adolf Hitler - artist

Having failed to enroll in the school of his dreams the second time, Hitler went into hiding and evaded military service; he managed to get a job as an artist and writer. Hitler's paintings began to sell successfully. They mainly depicted buildings of old Vienna copied from postcards.

Adolf began to earn decent money from this, took up reading, and became interested in politics. He leaves for Munich and works as an artist again. Finally, the Austrian police found out where Hitler was hiding, sent him for a medical examination, where he was given a “white” ticket.

The beginning of the combat biography of Adolf Hitler

This war was accepted by Hitler with joy, he himself asked to serve in the Bavarian army, participated in many battles, received the rank of corporal, was wounded, and had many military awards. He was considered a brave and courageous soldier. He was wounded again and even lost his sight. After the war, the authorities considered it necessary for Hitler to participate as part of the agitators, where he showed himself to be a skilled master of words, he knew how to command the attention of the people listening to him. Throughout this period of his life, Hitler’s favorite reading became anti-Semitic literature, which basically shaped his further political views.

Soon everyone became acquainted with his program for the new Nazi party. He later receives the post of chairman with unlimited power. Allowing himself too much, Hitler began to take advantage of his post to incite the overthrow of the existing government, was convicted and sent to prison. There he finally believed that communists and Jews must be destroyed.

He declares that the nation of Germany should dominate the entire world. Hitler finds many supporters who unconditionally appoint him to lead the armed forces, founded personal guards in the ranks of the SS, and created torture and death camps.

He dreamed of getting even for the fact that once upon a time, during the First World War, Germany capitulated. He was ill and was in a hurry to carry out his plans. The occupation of many territories began: Austria, Czechoslovakia, part of Lithuania, threatened Poland, France, Greece and Yugoslavia. In August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union agreed to peaceful coexistence, but, maddened by power and victories, Hitler violated this agreement. Fortunately, at the helm of power was a man who did not give up his power to a crazy, brutal egoist in the person of Hitler.

Adolf Hitler - biography of personal life

Hitler did not have an official wife, nor did he have children. He had a repulsive appearance; he could do practically nothing to attract women. But do not forget the gift of eloquence and the position it created. He never stopped seeing his mistresses; mostly, they included married women. Since 1929, Adolf Hitler has lived with his common-law wife, Eva Braun. The husband was not at all shy about flirting with everyone, and Eva, out of jealousy, tried many times to commit suicide.

Dreaming of being Frau Hitler, living with him and enduring bullying and quirks, she patiently waited for a miracle to happen. This happened 36 hours before death. Adolf Hitler and got married. But the biography of a man who aimed at the sovereignty of the Soviet Union ended ingloriously.

Documentary film about Adolf Hitler