Cinquain for the word education. How to come up with a syncwine on a given topic

Modern man processes huge amounts of information. However, there is often no benefit from storing fragmentary information.

How can you learn to extract from information what will later be useful in your professional activities? And will it be useful not only for adults, but also for children?

There is an answer to these questions! Educational technologies, such as the Technology for the Development of Critical Thinking through Reading and Writing, help, based on the analysis and synthesis of information, to retain in memory what is difficult to do without when comprehending the basics of various sciences.

One of these methods is syncwine.(from French five-line).

Sinkwine- a formalized poem without rhyme, consisting of five lines.

First line

A one-word name, usually a noun.

Second line

Two words- adjectives or participles that characterize or describe the topic specified in the first line.

Third line

Three words- verbs or verbs with gerunds, telling about the typical actions of the described object.

Fourth line

A phrase or sentence (ideally if it consists four words), which expresses the personal opinion of the author of the syncwine about the subject of the poem. It is possible to use sayings, proverbs, quotes, and set expressions.

Fifth line

A word that summarizes or expands the content of a topic. Usually this is a noun with which the author reflects his own associations and feelings. But it is also possible to use words from other parts of speech: pronouns, adverbs or interjections.

Exercises in composing syncwines are liked by both teachers and students. Here are 27 examples. Their authors are teachers, directors and head teachers of schools, heads of professional educational organizations, who took part in the All-Russian practical seminar in November last year “Educational technologies recommended for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”.


Educational, artificial.
Select, analyze, evaluate.
Form for assessing educational results.


Sociological, scientific.
Analysis, collection, sampling.
There are lies, big lies and statistics.


Thematic, creative.
Invent, do, show.
The project is part of the educational process.


Form of assessment, method of cognition.
Select, analyze, learn.
The process is important.
Study, study and study!


Professional, competent.
Educates, supervises, cares.
Builds an individual educational route.


Oral, scientific.
Write, speak, find.
A message on a current topic.


Student, pedagogical.
Do, protect, teach.
Students perform and defend independently.


Curve, straight.
Build, track, refine.
Storm trajectory.
Find your trajectory!


Planned, creative.
Make, evaluate, present.
Limited in time.


Oral communication of generalized material.
Collection of information, analysis, synthesis.
A report is an oral communication of analyzed generalized information.


Active, not passive follows,
And he studies, studies, explores,
Becoming an active subject of education!


Individual, competent.
Compiled, evaluated, presented.
A necessary element of the Federal State Educational Standard.
For results!


Legal, legal.
Act, express, allow you to judge.
The individual's experience in professional activities.


Educational, social.
Conceived, planned, executed.
“Learning by Doing” by D. Dewey
Project product.


Oral, scientific.
Prepare, speak, discuss.
Prepare and give a scientific presentation.


Educational, interactive.
Studied, comprehended, developed,
In order for students to be included in an activity, they need to master this activity.
The result is the Federal State Educational Standard.


Current, real.
Plans, moves, achieves.
Makes a dream come true.

Feedback from seminar participants

Sketchy syncwine


Interesting, practical.

Thank you!


Effective, interesting.
We studied, we did, we achieved.
We learned new things in interesting, effective classes.


Educational, practice-oriented.
Came, worked, applied.
“If you want to do it well, first learn and do it yourself.”
New knowledge.
New acquaintances.


Educational, effective.
I wanted it, they explained it, they taught me.
Live and learn.


Interesting, practical.
Motivates, educates, informs.
Many interesting ideas emerged.
Thank you!


Interesting, educational.
They taught, helped, set up.
The seminar was a success.
Pleasure from communication.


Educational, clarifying.
They help to build and systematize.
Excited the thought, breathed in a new wave.
Thank you!


Useful, accessible.
We received it, built it, explored it.
We received useful material for work.


Active, interesting.
Educates, informs, inspires.
Modern technologies for training managers.
Result (max)!

Try making a syncwine too!

You will learn how to improve the work of your organization at the online marathon

Sinkwine as a method of implementing a personal-active approach to learning

Author: Nikolaeva Elena Vladimirovna, mathematics teacher
Place of work: MBOU secondary school No. 2, Pochinok, Smolensk region
Description: The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard confronts teachers with the need to improve the lesson as the main way of teaching, and transition to the widespread use of a personal-activity approach. The article briefly introduces one of the effective techniques that ensures the active nature of learning. This technique is used at the reflection stage, in particular, according to the Singapore method. The information will be useful to teachers of educational institutions, educators, teachers of additional education, students of pedagogical educational institutions, and parents interested in developing the creative abilities of children.
Target: introduce teachers, educators, and additional education teachers to one of the effective teaching techniques (at the reflection stage)
Task: improve pedagogical skills through familiarity with the variety of teaching and upbringing techniques, their application in the practice of teaching mathematics

From work experience

The introduction of federal state educational standards in the school education system orients us, teachers, towards achieving three groups of educational results: personal, meta-subject and subject. The system-activity approach is defined as the condition for their achievement.
The system-activity approach is the methodological basis of the new generation standard. An important component of the system-active approach is schoolchildren’s own educational activities; it is implemented as a personal-activity approach to learning. Educational activity becomes a source of internal development of the child, the formation of his creative abilities and personal qualities.
The teacher faces an important pedagogical task: design and organization of conditions that initiate student action. In practical teaching, the implementation of the activity method technology is ensured by a system of didactic principles, one of which is the principle of creativity, which means an orientation towards creativity in the educational process, the acquisition by students of their own experience of creative activity.
It should be noted that what makes a lesson active is the high activity of students at all stages, their interest in learning results, and orientation towards success. There are no “obligatory for all” teaching methods: they are selected by the teacher based on the individual characteristics of students and class groups.
One of the stages of a modern lesson is reflection stage, in which students’ self-assessment of activities in the lesson is organized, and finally the degree of compliance with the set goal and the results of the activity is recorded (correlation between the purpose of the lesson and its results, self-assessment of the work performed in the lesson, awareness of acquiring new knowledge).
One of the effective techniques that ensures an activity-based approach to learning at the reflection stage is syncwine.
“Cinquain” (from English “way of thought”) has a certain scheme according to which we reveal the essence of concepts, definitions, rules.
Sinkwine- This creative work , which is a short poem consisting of five unrhymed lines. It is written according to certain rules:
1 line – one noun, expressing the main theme of the syncwine;
2nd line – two adjectives expressing the main idea;
3 line – three verbs, describing actions within the topic;
4 line – phrase, carrying a certain meaning;
Line 5 – conclusion in the form noun(association with the first word).
For example, how a syncwine was compiled on the topic “Percents” (mathematics, grade 5) is shown in the presentation.
When compiling a syncwine, the topic covered is discussed, the definitions studied are analyzed, and the main idea (the theme of the syncwine) is highlighted. During the discussion, the teacher can determine the level of assimilation of educational material by the active participation of schoolchildren: understood, understood - offers the necessary words.
It is interesting to compile a syncwine in group interaction: each group can present its own syncwine on a given topic, for example, in a review and generalization lesson. Discussion of the results of the groups’ work activates attention to the educational material and helps to increase the level of motivation.
Compiling a syncwine is very simple and interesting not only for schoolchildren, but also for teachers. And besides, working on creating a syncwine develops logical and imaginative thinking, expands vocabulary, and allows schoolchildren to systematize their own ideas about the topic and content of the lesson.
The presentation also features a syncwine created before March 8th.
Try making syncwines yourself and with your children, you’ll love it!
Thank you!

Presentation on the topic: Effective teaching techniques. Sinkwine

Sinkwine as a method of teaching and upbringing, used in the practice of extracurricular activities in the primary classes “Native Word”.

The article briefly introduces one of the effective techniques that ensures the active nature of learning. This technique is used at the reflection stage, in particular, according to the Singapore method. The information will be useful to teachers of educational institutions, teachers of additional education interested in developing the creative abilities of children.

Target: introduce teachers and additional education teachers to one of the effective teaching techniques (at the reflection stage)
Task: to improve pedagogical skills through familiarization with the variety of teaching and upbringing techniques, their application in the practice of extracurricular activities in the primary classes “Native Word”.

From work experience

The introduction of federal state educational standards in the school education system orients us, teachers, towards achieving three groups of educational results: personal, meta-subject and subject.
One of the stages of a modern lesson is reflection stage, in which students’ self-assessment of activities in the lesson is organized, and finally the degree of compliance with the set goal and the results of the activity is recorded (correlation between the purpose of the lesson and its results, self-assessment of the work performed in the lesson, awareness of acquiring new knowledge).
One of the effective techniques that provides an activity-based approach to learning at the reflection stage is syncwine.

Translated from French, the word “cinquain” (from the French cinquains, English Cinquain) means a poem consisting of five lines, which is written according to certain rules, which arose in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of Japanese poetry. Later it began to be used (lately, since 1997, in Russia) for didactic purposes, as an effective method of developing figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results.

Sinkwine from a pedagogical point of view

And when its positive influence on the development of intellectual and analytical abilities, figurative speech was noticed, syncwine began to be used for pedagogical and educational purposes.

Writing a syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most significant elements in information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. In addition to using syncwine in literature lessons, it is also practiced to use syncwine as a final assignment on the material covered in any other discipline. During the discussion, the teacher can determine the level of assimilation of educational material by the active participation of schoolchildren: understood, understood - offers the necessary words.
It is interesting to compile a syncwine in group interaction: each group can present its own syncwine on a given topic, for example, in a review and generalization lesson. Discussion of the results of the groups’ work activates attention to the educational material and helps to increase the level of motivation.

Ease of construction

The simplicity of constructing syncwine makes it one of the effective methods of child development, which allows you to quickly get results. In particular, getting to know the very concept of a word and expanding your vocabulary to more effectively express your thoughts.

Sinkwine in Russia.

In Russia, after the positive experience of using syncwine in other countries, such as America, and numerous domestic pedagogical publications indicating the effectiveness of syncwine in education, syncwine began to be used in 1993.

And today, dozens of domestic authors point to the great help of syncwine in establishing the correctness and meaningfulness of speech for young children, as well as in the experience of correct use of various terms. Therefore, syncwine has firmly entered the Russian education system, and began to be used even when working with preschool children, not to mention high school students

Algorithm for writing syncwine.

    1st line. Who? What? (usually a noun or pronoun) that denotes the object or thing that will be discussed.

    2nd line. Which? 2 adjectives (they describe the characteristics and properties of the item or object selected in the syncwine)

    3rd line. What is he doing? 3 verbs (describing characteristic actions an object

    5th line. Who? What? (New sound of the theme). 1 noun characterizing the essence of a subject or object.

Strict adherence to the rules for writing syncwine is not necessary. For example, to improve the text, you can use three or five words in the fourth line, and two words in the fifth line. It is possible to use other parts of speech.

Compiling a syncwine

Coming up with syncwines is quite a fun and creative activity, and it does not require special knowledge or literary talents. The main thing is to master the form well and “feel” it.

Our works.


    Darling, kind.

    Educates, dresses, understands.

    Mom is my dearest person.

(Oksana A.)

1. Fairy tale

2. Folk, literary.

3. Teaches, educates, helps.

4.I love fairy tales.

5.Good night.

(Oksana A.)

1 key

2.Iron, gold.

3. Opens, locks, gets lost.

4.Never lose your keys.

(Oksana A.)


2.Tasty, transparent.

3.Drink, water, pour.

4.Water is a natural gift.

(Oksana A.)

1. Cucumber.

2.Green, crispy, delicious.

3.Grows, matures, turns yellow.

4. I like to eat cucumbers.

(Oksana A.)


2.truck, passenger car.

3. rides, stands, transports.

4. When I become an adult, I’ll buy a car.

5. Vehicle.

1. Pushkin.

2. great, dear.

3.lived, wrote, created.

4. In love with his fairy tales.

1. Autumn.

2.golden, crimson.

3. colors, pleases, feeds.

4. her outfit is beautiful.

1. Fairy tale.

2.Kind, interesting.

3. amuses, makes you laugh, teaches.

4. a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.


2. Multi-colored, beautiful.

3. Pleases, surprises, amazes.

4. Rainbow - a fairy-tale bridge in the sky.

5. miracle of nature

1. Nanny.

2.Kind, affectionate.

3. Looks after, feeds, puts to bed.

4.Not everyone has a nanny.

5. Arina Rodionovna.

1. Goose.

2.Grey, white.

3. Flies, runs, hisses.

4. The goose is an important bird.

5. Poultry.

1) Thunder.

2. Loud, May.

3. It thunders, scares, rolls out.

4. Thunder is a natural phenomenon.

1. Raspberries.

2. Tasty, ripe.

3. Grows, blooms, ripens.

4. Raspberries are similar to strawberries.


1. Sparrow.

2. Gray, small.

3) Flies, tweets, makes mischief.

4) Sparrow is a little bully.

1.New Year

2.joyful, cheerful.

3. makes you happy, makes you happy, makes your dreams come true.

4.we are getting older.

5. Magic.

1. Watermelon.

2. round, big.

3. grows, matures, breaks.

4. I love to eat watermelons.


2.cold, wonderful.

3. thaws, makes you fall in love, motivates.

4.the cutest time of the year.

1. Rain.

2. Torrential, mushroom.

3. Drizzles, waters, floods.

4. After the rain, dirt.

5.Precipitation. (Nastya)


I believe that the ability to compose syncwines will help in further education at secondary level. We already have some experience. Our work has shown that compiling a syncwine:

    Enriches vocabulary;

    Prepares for a brief retelling;

    Teaches you to formulate an idea (key phrase);

    Allows you to feel like a creator at least for a moment;

    It works for everyone.

Sections: Foreign languages

The transition to an information society is accompanied by global changes in all spheres of human life. To a large extent, these changes concern the education system, the main task of which is the transition to training based on a competency-based, activity-based approach. Currently, we need a graduate who is able to make decisions as independently as possible in non-standard situations and think creatively.

To achieve success in teaching students, the teacher must constantly improve himself and improve his lesson. Modern pedagogical approaches and methods of teaching students make it possible to increase cognitive interest in the subject being studied and improve the quality of knowledge.

The choice and further application of any teaching technique should be based on the principles of humanization, differentiation and individualization, democratization. It is necessary to adhere to the trend of transition from information forms to active forms and methods of teaching, which involve elements of problem-solving, scientific research, and the use of reserves of independent work of students. One of these techniques that I use in my lessons is the technique of writing a didactic syncwine.

Didactic syncwine developed in the practice of the American school. The text of this genre is not based on syllabic dependence, but on the content and syntactic function of each line. The ability to summarize information in a few words is an important skill. It requires thoughtful reflection based on a rich conceptual stock. Sinkwine is interesting as a form of creative reflection. Writing syncwines allows you to develop the ability to synthesize and analyze the information received.

This technique also helps me solve many important problems at once:

The material studied in the lesson takes on a certain emotional connotation,

The vocabulary of students is significantly activated,

The skill of using synonyms, antonyms in speech is improved,

Mental activity is activated and developed,

The ability to express one’s own attitude towards something is improved.

The origin of syncwine and its features.

The word cinquain comes from the French “five”. Loosely translated, this word means (“five inspirations” or “five lucks”)

Cinquain is an unrhymed five-line poetic form that originated in the United States in the early 20th century. The cinquain form was developed by the American poetess Adelaide Crepsi, who relied on Japanese miniatures - haiku.

Sinkwine is used for didactic purposes, as an effective method for developing figurative speech, which allows you to quickly obtain results, as a tool for synthesizing complex information, as a cross-section for assessing students’ conceptual and vocabulary knowledge.

The features of syncwine are that it is a form of free creativity, syncwine is easy to construct, and most importantly, it is useful for developing the ability to analyze.

Writing a syncwine requires the compiler to realize all his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, imaginative). The procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personally oriented.

Rules for compiling syncwine

  1. The first line is the theme of the syncwine; it contains one word that denotes the object or subject that will be discussed (usually this word is a noun or pronoun).
  2. The second line consists of two words that describe the characteristics and properties of the item or object selected in the syncwine (as a rule, adjectives or participles are used).
  3. The third line is formed by three verbs or gerunds that describe the characteristic actions of the object.
  4. The fourth line is a four-word phrase that expresses the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the subject or object being described.
  5. The fifth line contains a summary word that characterizes the essence of the subject or object.

Syncwine scheme:

Line 1 – syncwine theme - noun

Line 2 – description of the characteristics and properties of the object – two adjectives

Line 3 – characteristic actions of the object – three verbs

Line 4 – a phrase expressing the author’s personal attitude towards the object

Line 5 – word = summary characterizing the essence of the object – noun

The simplicity of constructing syncwine makes it one of the effective methods of child development, which allows you to quickly get results.

Algorithm for working on syncwine, options for syncwine.

Acquaintance with syncwine is carried out according to the following procedure:

1. The rules for writing syncwine are explained.

2. Several syncwines are given as an example.

3. The theme of the syncwine is set.

4. The time for this type of work is fixed.

5. Options for syncwines are heard at the request of the students.

Writing a syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most significant elements in information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. This type of work takes a short period of time, which allows you to interview each student and assess the correctness and level of mastery of the material studied. Various variations for composing syncwine contribute to the diversified composition of tasks.

In addition to independently compiling a new syncwine, (Annex 1) The following options are possible:

Compiling a short story based on a ready-made syncwine (using words and phrases included in the syncwine);

Correction and improvement of finished syncwine;

Analysis of an incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without indicating the topic - without the first line, the student must determine it based on the existing ones).

To compose a syncwine, you need to meaningfully understand the content. As the syncwine is written, leading questions can be asked, and the pentaverse can be composed both individually and in groups.

In addition to the “classic” version of writing syncwine, I use the following options:

a) compiling a short story based on a finished syncwine, analyzing an incomplete syncwine. (Appendix 2) With this type of work, you can fully see not only the lexical volume of students’ knowledge, but also correction, development of speech and thinking abilities. There are many options for creating new texts. The proposed “tracing paper” in the form of syncwine lines stimulates interest not only in the topic studied, but also in the discipline.

b) correction and improvement of the finished syncwine. (Appendix 3) Based on the already proposed ready-made syncwine, work is being carried out in such areas as discussing inaccurate phrases and replacing them with others - so, in this case, you can choose a more correct phrase in the fourth line.


The technique of composing a syncwine, which at first glance seems simple, hides a powerful, multifaceted tool for reflection. After all, assessing information, expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas in a few words is, in fact, not so easy. But this work is both complex and fruitful, both for the teacher and for the students.

This type of work implies the inclusion of all student thought processes - analytical, synthesizing and creative, because you need to prove your own point of view, as well as come up with your own original answer.

Thus, the procedure for compiling a syncwine, being an effective innovative method, allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented.

By observing students in class, you are convinced that they are interested. Their attention is focused on completing a particular task. The results of such lessons are also encouraging. Each student receives positive grades in class. And the students themselves rate their work and the work of the teacher in the lesson with the highest scores.


  1. Bannov A. Learning to think together: Materials for teacher training. - M.: INTUIT. RU, 2007. - P. 105.
  2. Writing syncwines and working with them. Elements of innovative technologies. MedBio (Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, KSMU).
  3. SPO: journal: Russian Academy of Education, 2013, No. 7.

cinquain for the word education


Upbringing. Targeted, long lasting. Establishes, develops, influences. Needs three things: talent, science, exercise. Personality formation.

upbringing is complex - the best thing to do (upbringing) is not to think (about upbringing) not to engage in it, not to engage in complex upbringing

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