The largest soap bubble in the world. The largest soap bubbles in the world

It is not so easy to create a huge soap bubble; you need to know some secrets, namely the secret of their composition. There are craftsmen who blow really incredibly large bubbles.

How to blow giant soap bubbles?

Blowing soap bubbles is far from a modern pastime. It is known that even on ancient frescoes images of children blowing soap bubbles were found. Despite the fact that our age is called the age of high technology, modern children inflate these weightless bubbles with interest. This is done especially often in the summer.

All you need for this activity is a device with which you can inflate transparent balloons and a special soap solution. Often, to prepare the solution, they use the most common dishwashing detergent found in almost every home, Fairy type. It is diluted with water in the ratio of one part product to three parts water. In order for the walls of the bubble to be strong and the bubble itself to “live” as long as possible, glycerin is needed. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Glycerin will be needed in half the volume of dishwashing detergent.

You can also make your own inflation device. To do this you will need two sticks and a thread tied to them. The thread should be tied so that it forms a loop.

The prepared solution is poured into a basin or bucket. Having lowered it into it, and then, raising the means for inflation, you need to start moving back so that the air flow inflates the bubble. This should be done outside in calm weather.

Sometimes special equipment is used to blow large soap bubbles. For example, one of the Minnesota companies specializes in this. What is produced through their equipment resembles giant monsters.

Secrets of the composition of soap bubbles

The secret of good and durable soap bubbles is in a properly created “skin” for water. It should be elastic, strong, taut. In addition to dishwashing detergent, water and glycerin, the quality of the water itself affects the strength of the bubbles. It shouldn't be tough. If the water is hard, the “skin” of the bubble will become very fragile.

Regular boiling will help make the water soft, after which all the salts will settle. Another secret is that it is necessary to prepare the composition in warm water, since it is warm water that will ensure maximum dissolution of the soap substance.

There is another way to prepare the ideal solution for creating soap bubbles. For this, baby shampoo and distilled water are used, sugar and glycerin are added to them.

Where and when were big soap bubbles blown?

Everyone remembers how in childhood, when blowing bubbles, he tried to inflate the biggest bubble. But you can’t inflate a bubble too big with a straw or tube.

Fan Yang is a scientist-illusionist from Canada who has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records six times as the person who blows the largest soap bubbles. The illusionist has created his own attraction and travels around the world with it. Inside his bubbles he places not only entire groups of people, but also cars and even planes. Young has been doing this for more than twenty years. He keeps the composition of the solution a secret. The scientist knows how to place one bubble into another, create a million small bubbles and many other interesting designs.

There are many cities in which it has become a tradition to hold soap bubble festivals or soap bubble parades. One of these cities is Moscow, where the show is held in Arbat.

Who blew the biggest soap bubble in the world

The record for blowing bubbles was set in 2005 by Beeboo Big Bubble Mix. The volume of the created bubble was three cubic meters or three thousand liters. The record belongs to a company that specializes in the production of equipment for inflating huge soap bubbles. She is located in Minnesota.

It is known that the weight of such a bubble did not exceed four kilograms. To achieve a stunning result, they needed a solution consisting of water and a special soap concentrate. The company recommends using a small breeze rather than human lungs for inflation. You can launch such bubbles from the roofs of high-rise buildings, thanks to which they will fly freely and not lie on the ground. "Beeboo Big Bubble Mix" claims that their huge bubble is not the limit. The theoretical size, according to experts, could be four hundred cubic meters or four hundred thousand liters. But such a record is still ahead.

In 2009, the 2005 record was broken. This time the bubble turned out to be six meters long, five meters high and wide. He was duped by a British citizen who calls himself a “bubble expert.” His last name is Sam Heath.

In 2012, the same Sam Heath managed to inflate a bubble around a group of people consisting of one hundred and eighty-one people. To create such an attraction, he used a platform on which he poured a solution created according to his recipe in a volume of two thousand liters. Using special equipment, together with his daughter, the illusionist made it so that all the people on this platform ended up in a soap bubble.

Not only bubbles are big, but also more durable things and creatures. For example, according to the website, the tallest tower in the world is 822 meters high.
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Sam Heath, a self-described “bubble expert,” has blown the world's largest soap bubble, breaking his own record.

(Kazan, August 5, Tatar-inform). An unusual record was recently set in the UK. Sam Heath, a self-described “bubble expert,” blew up the world's biggest bubble.

37-year-old Sam Heath, performing under the pseudonym Samsam Bubbleman, broke his own record. In 2005, in America, he inflated a soap bubble with a volume of almost 3 cubic meters. The professional “cheater” does not yet know the exact volume of the current attempt, writes the Daily Mail. It is known that the bubble was more than 6 m in length and 5 m in width and height. To get into the Guinness Book of Records, Sam Heath is waiting for accurate calculations from experts.

Sam has been a “bubble specialist,” by his own definition, for 20 years. He says that the main thing in his business is a soap solution, the unique formula for which he, of course, keeps secret, notes Telegraph. In addition, in order to inflate the record-breaking bubble, Heath used special canes with ropes of a certain length. Finally, it is important to take into account both the strength and direction of the wind in order to achieve success, the “blower” said.

"If you have the right solution, you can blow a bubble out of anything
anything, be it a regular coat hanger or even your own palms,” says Samsam Bubbleman.

In addition to the record for the size of a soap bubble, Sam Heath owns 2 more entries in the Guinness Book of Records. In November 2007, he was able to place 50 schoolchildren in a giant soap bubble, and in 2008 he was able to inflate 66 small bubbles inside one large one. Now he has created a company producing mixtures and “devices” for blowing soap bubbles, and also travels around the world with his own show.

Maxim became interested in blowing giant soap bubbles a year and a half ago. His little daughter broke her leg and was forced to stay at home for a long time. It was she who, having seen a video with huge soap bubbles on the Internet, asked her dad to make exactly the same ones for her.

Blowing bubbles is the hobby of signalman Maxim Polonsky. Photo: From personal archive/ Natalya Firsova “She didn’t walk for several months, and I made bubbles for her at home, and then, when she recovered, we went with her to the yard and put on a real show,” says Maxim, “then we went to the embankment and We’ve been blowing bubbles there ever since.”

Maxim became so fascinated by soap bubbles that he began looking on the Internet for information on how to make them even bigger. After all, in order to make a giant soap bubble, you need special devices - 2 sticks, a rope and a special solution. Maxim keeps the formula of the soapy liquid from which huge bubbles are made a secret.

“I spent a lot of time and money on experiments and ingredients until I invented my own solution for soap bubbles,” shares Maxim Polonsky, “I think everyone who is interested in blowing soap bubbles has their own secret on how to make them big and beautiful . But I know for sure that no one makes such huge bubbles in Volgograd except me.”

Conquer the world

Children enjoy soap bubbles the most. Photo: From personal archive/ Anastasia Fedichkina Having assessed his capabilities, Maxim Polonsky decided to submit an application to the Guinness Book of Records for the largest soap bubble created in the open air. It turned out that such an achievement has already been recorded. Until recently, the record for the largest soap bubble belonged to American Megan Colby Parker. She managed to inflate a bubble with a volume of 20.63 square meters. But recently this record was broken: Megan’s compatriot Sam Heath managed to inflate a bubble with a volume of 23.3 square meters on March 11, 2015. Maxim believes that he can do more. His application for the Book of Records has already been accepted. True, Maxim does not yet know how to measure the exact volume of his soap structure.

“You can measure it with a 3D geodetic scanner,” says Maxim, “but it seems to me that ordinary tape measures will do for this. You just need to mark the area, calculate the height, width and length of the bubble and, knowing these values, calculate the volume. True, I cannot do this myself - I am an interested person. Therefore, for now I am looking for specialists who would agree to help me record the future record.”

A record-breaking soap bubble that an American woman managed to inflate in 2013. Photo: Screenshot

However, marking alone is not enough to record a new world record, notes Maxim Polonsky. It is necessary that the weather conditions prevail. You need to set the record after rain or fog so that the humidity level is maximum.

“Everyone thinks that Guinness gives some kind of cash bonuses. Nothing of the kind,” adds Maxim Polonsky, “I do this for my own satisfaction.” I will be pleased if I have a document from the Guinness Book of Records. Luck should definitely smile on me. It’s not harmful to dream, is it?”

The largest soap bubbles in the world

Everyone probably had fun blowing soap bubbles as a child? The oldest, “grandfather’s” option: a straw (real, not a cocktail one), fluffed with “daisy” at the end and a soap solution. The bubbles were small and getting bigger bubbles required good training and experience. Then ready-made, “sales” bubbles appeared with a special solution and a ring for blowing. Now it has become incomparably easier to get beautiful and large soap bubbles.

Then childhood went away, and so did my passion. However, not all. There is a man who has made blowing bubbles his profession. At thirty-seven years old, Sam Heath enthusiastically blows soap bubbles. And what! There are no equal bubbles in the world. It’s not for nothing that he invented a new profession for himself: a bubble specialist. To be fair, it should be noted that an important role in his success is played by the composition of the soap mixture, a successful version of which Sam developed for two decades. The recipe for the composition is his personal know-how and he strictly keeps it secret. However, he will willingly share the finished composition itself, or rather sell it. He is the creator of the company Bubble Inc, which produces all the necessary accessories for blowing soap bubbles. She also organizes professional bubble blowing shows. The pro himself actively participates in these shows and is very much in demand.
He holds three world records in the field of blowing soap bubbles:
1) He was able to blow the largest soap bubble in the world. It was six meters long and one and a half meters in diameter. The volume of “blown” air was 13,500 liters. For reference, the previous record was 2985 liters.
2) He blew a bubble that contained 50 children. Please note that not a single child was harmed.
3) He created a bunch of 66 balls placed in one large one.
The photo shows some of his creations.

Canadian illusionist Fan Yang set a new record by blowing up a soap bubble that could fit 181 people!

To create the attraction, the magician used a large platform, around the perimeter of which two thousand liters of solution for soap bubbles were poured. The illusionist placed the experiment participants on a stage built inside the platform and, using special equipment, inflated a huge bubble around the people.

Fan Yang invented the soap solution for the attraction himself and now keeps its composition a secret. The liquid allows you to create the most unusual designs, for example, placing a bubble inside another bubble or creating a wall of bubbles several tens of meters high.

According to the illusionist, creating the solution was not easy. “The film of a soap bubble is very elastic. Temperature also plays an important role. We need to select the necessary proportions and composition,” Young said.

Fan was helped in setting the record by his daughter, Melody Young.

REUTERS/Andy Clark

REUTERS/Andy Clark

People look at the giant bubble they find themselves inside during a demonstration of a record-breaking soap bubble created by illusionist Fan Yang. A demonstration took place in Vancouver, British Columbia on September 19, 2012.
REUTERS/Andy Clark

Melody Yang, daughter of illusionist Fan Yang, shows off the bubble she found herself in during the performance before setting the record. A demonstration took place in Vancouver, British Columbia on September 19, 2012.
REUTERS/Andy Clark

People look at the giant bubble they find themselves inside during a demonstration of a record-breaking soap bubble created by illusionist Fan Yang. A demonstration took place in Vancouver, British Columbia on September 19, 2012.
REUTERS/Andy Clark