Russian language beginning of the 21st century. Russian language at the beginning of the 21st century

Department of Education

municipal formation "Kholmsky urban district"

municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 8 Kholmsk

Educational and research work

“Speech culture and communication features in the 21st century”


Oganesyan Angelina, 10th grade student


Kozhukhova Galina Nikolaevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature



Introduction …………………………………………………………………………...

Chapter 1. The state of the modern Russian language in the 21st century………………….. 6

Chapter 2. Layers modern vocabulary ………………………………………….7

2.1. Borrowed words…………………………………….…………………..7

2.2. What is slang?........................................................ .................................................12

2.3. Internet – language……………………………………………………………...14

2.4. How do the media influence the Russian language?.................................................... ....................16

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………….………8

Bibliography……………………………………………………………… 20


The Russian language is so rich, colorful and vibrant, it has so many opportunities for beautiful expression their thoughts that not to use them means to humiliate the Russian language and oneself as a native speaker of this language. When talking with a person, it is important not only to understand him, but also to enjoy the fact that you are communicating with him. It is important to have a culture of speech for everyone who, in their position, is connected with people, organizes and directs their work, conducts business negotiations, educates, takes care of health, and provides various services to people. Speech culture is an indicator of professional suitability for diplomats and lawyers leading various kinds broadcasts on television and radio, for announcers, journalists, managers at various levels, an indicator of a person’s general good manners and education. Therefore the topic of my work relevant and there is no doubt.

I look at the world from under the table:

The twentieth century is an extraordinary century.

Why is it more interesting for a historian?

That makes it even sadder for a contemporary.

The twentieth century turned out to be extremely interesting not only for historians, but also for linguists. Essentially, a sociolinguistic experiment of stunning scale and results was conducted on the Russian language.

Two major social upheavals - revolution and perestroika - affected not only the people, but also the language. Under the influence of what was happening, the Russian language itself changed, and, in addition, the authorities purposefully influenced it, because language was its powerful tool. Changes in language social reasons and the consequences are one of the most interesting topics modern science.

Target: Studying the state of the modern Russian language and its role in the modern world, identifying factors influencing the development of the Russian language.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

  1. Determine the meaning of the concepts “modern Russian language”, “norms of the Russian literary language”, study the history of these terms.
  2. Assess the role of the Russian language in the system of world languages ​​and the modern world.
  3. Consider the modern linguistic situation.

To implement main goal This work must first of all rely on our oral practice, on living human speech, which isthe object of this study.

As subject of researchThere are layers of modern vocabulary that are actively used in our speech.

Hypothesis: it is assumed that the less unjustified use of slang in our speech, slang words, inappropriate borrowings, the richer and more expressive our speech will be, the more confident and independent its speaker will become, which means it will be more in demand in various areas professional and social life.

Leading research methods:

Theoretical methods (search, reading, study of scientific, methodological, journalistic literature, etc.),

Methods of strategic planning: forecasting, modeling;

Empirical methods: observation, analysis of performance results.

Analysis of empirical data and monitoring, forecasting.

Chapter 1. The state of the modern Russian language in the 21st century

The state of the Russian language in the 21st century representsthe most pressing problem for the state, for the whole society. This is one of relevant problems of our time: the entire historical experience of the people is concentrated and represented in language: the state of the language testifies to the state of society itself, its culture. Preserving the language, caring for its further development and enrichment is a guarantee of the preservation and development of Russian culture. Therefore every citizen Russian Federation, no matter who he works, no matter what position he holds, he is responsible for the state of the language of his country, his people. The frequency of people using coarse and obscene language, in certain social layers an addiction to such vocabulary is formed. The culture of speech and the general culture of workers in the press, radio and television have sharply declined. Live broadcast allows numerous speech errors, gross deviations from the norms of speech culture. The level of speech culture has fallen in all social and age groups. High quality modern communication - Cell phones, computer communication, faxes, etc. - leads to a reduction in traditional written form communication, the share of telephone communication and communication using technical means. A decrease in the amount of writing and reading, which is preferred to television and tape recorders, leads to a decrease in the literacy of the population, especially young people. For the same reason, the amount of reading fiction is decreasing. Increasing the share of communication with funds mass media leads to dominance modern man listening comprehension and weakening skills of understanding and interpreting written text.

But it is language that is the most important means human communication. Without language, communication is impossible; without communication, society does not develop.

Chapter 2. Layers of modern vocabulary

Language is, undoubtedly, the most important of human means. interpersonal communication. Any language is inextricably linked with thinking, which defines it from the position of a universal mechanism that controls human behavior. Language belongs to those social phenomena that operate throughout the existence of human society.

2.1. Loan words

The vocabulary of the modern Russian language has gone through a long development process. Our vocabulary consists not only of native Russian words, but also of words borrowed from other languages. Foreign language sources replenished and enriched the Russian language throughout the entire process of its historical development. Some borrowings were made in ancient times, others - relatively recently.

In Russia, global changes in the field linguistic culture at the turn of the century and at the beginning of the 21st century, they occur under the influence of socio-economic, cultural and political problems.

Clarity and intelligibility of speech depend on correct use there are foreign words in it.In recent years, the problem of using foreign words has become especially acute for Russian citizens.This is due to the fact that along with imported items, scientific, political and economic technologies, a stream of borrowings poured into the country, which are often incomprehensible to most people. In this regard, scientists, writers, publicists and simply thinking people express concern and even sound the alarm about the destructiveness of such a massive process of expansion of borrowed words into the Russian language.

Under borrowed wordIn linguistics, any word that came into the Russian language from outside is understood, even if, in terms of its constituent morphemes, it is no different from native Russian words.
Foreign words in the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language, although they represent a fairly large layer of vocabulary, nevertheless do not exceed 10% of its total vocabulary.

Depending on the degree of assimilation of borrowed vocabulary into the Russian language, it can be divided into several groups that differ significantly stylistically.

I. Borrowed vocabulary, which has an unlimited sphere of use in the modern Russian language, goes back to foreign sources. According to the degree of assimilation into the language, these borrowings are divided into three groups.

1. Words that have lost any signs of non-Russian origin: picture, bed, chair, notebook, school.

2. Words that retain some external characteristics foreign language origin: consonances not typical for the Russian language (veil, jury, jazz); non-Russian suffixes (technical school, student, director); non-Russian consoles (broadcast, antibiotics); Some of these words are not declined (cinema, coat, coffee).

3. Common words from the field of science, politics, culture, art, known not only in Russian, but also in other European languages. Such words are called Europeanisms, or internationalisms: telegraph, telephone. A sign of the times is their stylistic neutralization.

II. Borrowed vocabulary of limited use occupies a special place.

1. Book words, which have not received general distribution: immoral, apologist, shock, having, as a rule, Russian or Old Slavonic synonyms; a significant part of the borrowed book vocabulary constitute terms that for the most part do not have Russian synonyms, which makes them indispensable in the scientific style: jargon, dialect, phoneme, morpheme, metric, rhyme.

2. Borrowed words that penetrated into the Russian language under the influence of salon-noble jargon (amourny - “love”, rendezvous - “date”, pleisir - “pleasure”). The words of this group have become significantly archaic; they always have Russian synonyms, which are most often used in speech.

3. Exoticisms are borrowed words that characterize specific national characteristics life different nations and are used when describing non-Russian reality. Distinctive feature exoticisms is that they do not have Russian synonyms, so turning to them when describing the life of other peoples is dictated by necessity.

4. Foreign language inclusions in Russian vocabulary, which often retain non-Russian spelling. Foreign language inclusions usually have lexical equivalents in the Russian vocabulary, but are stylistically different from them and are fixed in one or another sphere of communication as special names or as means of expression, giving speech a special expression. Their characteristic feature is widespread not only in Russian, but also in other European languages.

Signs of foreign language vocabulary

Although foreign word transmitted by means of the borrowing language and acquires independent meaning, its appearance often retains “foreignness” - phonetic, morphological characteristics, not typical for the Russian language.

Here are some “international” signs of borrowed words:

1. The initial “a” almost always indicates the non-Russian origin of the word: lampshade, diamond, questionnaire, aster, etc. Originally Russian words with the initial a are rare. These are some function words, interjections: a, ah, aha, ah, gasp, come around and a few others.

2. The presence of the letter f in a word is a striking foreign language feature. With the exception of a few interjection and onomatopoeic words (fu, uf, snort), words with the letter f are borrowed: February, cafe, fact, graphics, lantern, form, sofa, kefir, wardrobe, rhyme, focus, decanter, film, etc.

3. The combination at the junction of the base and ending ke, ge, he (rocket, cedar, coat of arms, hero, diagram, trachea).

4. Gaping (the proximity of two or more vowels) in the roots of words: poet, duel, cocoa, out, diet, trunk, guard, halo, theater, etc.

5. Some combinations of consonants: joke, exam, backpack, zigzag, warehouse, etc.

6. The letter e is found almost exclusively in borrowed words: era, epoch, floor, evolution, element, echo, peer, ethics, aloe, canoe, etc. In non-borrowed words e is rarely found - in words of an interjection and pronominal nature: e, eh , this, that, therefore, etc.

7. Combinations of kyu, pu, byu, vu, mu, etc.: puree, bill, bureau, bureaucrat, bust, debut, etc.

8. Double consonants in the root of the word: abbot, colleague, corrosion, tunnel, sum, cass, diffusion, intermezzo.

9. Indeclinability of nouns: coffee, jury, depot, kangaroo.

10. Morphological lack of expression of number and gender of nouns: coat, coffee.

In addition to “international” signs, there are also signs that not only help to determine whether a particular word is borrowed, but also to determine from which language it was borrowed.

New borrowings in Russian

The development of technology, widespread international communication, close business and cultural contacts of the modern world cannot but lead and indeed lead to a rapid invasion of new borrowed words into our language.

appeared in our language foreign words that were not there before: cruise, motel, camping, service, hobby, etc.

There are practically no languages ​​in the world whose vocabulary is limited only to native words. Borrowing is a natural result of linguistic contacts, relationships between different peoples and states. There are borrowed words in every language, and no one doubts their necessity in general. But should we welcome any borrowing just because there is general process interaction of languages? Of course not.

A number of requirements are imposed on borrowed words in a literary language. Borrowing must, firstly, be necessary - that is, something that cannot be done without. This is usually associated with borrowing the names of things, objects or concepts that exist in another language from other peoples.

Secondly, a foreign word must be used correctly and precisely in the meaning that it has in the language.

And finally, a foreign word must be understandable to speakers and writers. However, this “understanding” is relative and historically conditioned. What has long been clear and known to a specialist may be unclear to a wide range of speakers; what is incomprehensible today can and will become clear and familiar to everyone over time.

We can assume that mastering such words is a matter of time. Indeed, along with the word cruise - " cruise“We also have the phrase cruise voyage, i.e. “tourist travel along a specific sea route.”

The normal process of borrowing is a creative, active act. He assumes high level originality, a high degree of development of the acquiring language. The effectiveness and meaning of language contacts lie not in the number of borrowings from language to language, but in those processes of creative excitement, creative activity and the forces that arise in own funds language as a result of these contacts.

When discussing the admissibility of a particular borrowing, it should be remembered that it is not the borrowed words themselves that are bad, but their inaccuracy, misuse, their use unnecessarily, without taking into account genres and styles of speech, the purpose of a particular statement.

2.2. What is slang?

"Slang" comes from English word slang. If we talk about the meaning of this word, then it is translated as the language of professionally and socially isolated groups of people, not used in the literary language, or representing a variety colloquial speech.
In fact, slang is not considered a harmful trend in the language, but is considered as an important part of modern speech system. He is in constant development and modernization - slang can instantly appear and just as quickly disappear once and for all. All modifications in language that are associated with the emergence of slang are based on understanding and simplification oral speech. Slang itself is a very dynamic and living system that can be used for a wide variety of areas of human life.
And where did it all begin?
It is not known exactly when exactly the word slang appeared in English speech, but the first written mention in Great Britain this term dates back beginning of the 19th century century. And in those days it had a slightly different meaning and acted as a synonym for the word “insult.” However, with the advent of 1850, the word “slang” received a broader concept and began to mean “vernacular.” It began to be identified, as a rule, with the poor segments of the population who used it. And already starting from late XIX century this term acquired a generally accepted meaning, which was called colloquial speech.
Linguistics considers slang as one of the styles of language, which acts as the antipode of official or formal language style. It is located at the very last stage of all forms existing today linguistic communication and includes various forms speeches that help people identify themselves with certain social and cultural groups. Modern slang consists of phraseological units and new forms that originally arose and were used only by certain social groups, while reflecting their life orientation and priorities. Over time, such words became publicly available, while retaining their special emotional and evaluative coloring.
Slang ( English slang) - a set of special words or new values ​​already existing words, used in various groups of people (professional, social, age, etc.)

The concept of "slang" is mixed with concepts such as "dialectism », « jargon », « vulgarism », « Speaking », « vernacular ».

Professionalisms- these are words used by small groups of people united by a certain profession.

Vulgarisms – This rude words, not usually used by educated people in society, a special vocabulary used by people of lower social status: prisoners, drug dealers, homeless people, etc.

Jargonisms - these are words used by certain social or united common interests groups that carry a secret meaning incomprehensible to everyone.

Many words and phrases that began their existence as slang have now become firmly entrenched in literary language.

Unlike colloquial expressions , slang is actively used in their speech by educated people, representatives of a certain age or professional group. Often this is precisely what emphasizes belonging to certain group of people. A well-known example isyouth slang .

A very interesting linguistic phenomenon is Russian youth slang. Scientists note that each generation has its own language, and youth slang exists among urban students. It covers a huge amount life situations, excluding only boring moments. One of the main reasons for the birth of slang is the desire to introduce an element of play into boring reality.
Despite the abundance of new words, a teenager easily changes his communication style when he finds himself in a different social group. Young people have always tried to stand out from the crowd, to show their individuality and uniqueness, a certain difference from the older generation. As a sign of her independence, she began to introduce new, incomprehensible words into her speech, the meanings of which only young people knew. This way they could communicate with each other and even keep secrets. Of course, teenagers have the right to self-expression, they should be able to stand out, this is how their personality is formed. For parents, the main thing is to skillfully combine the style of communication so that their children are well-mannered and well-read in the future. This is how development happens language environment, the variety of speech increases.

2.3. Internet is a language

Today, when the Internet has become integral part life of society and the number of its users is constantly growing, internet slang more and more actively enters our speech, increasingly goes beyond the limits of virtual space.

The World Wide Web has long entangled our language of communication with new terms. And if previously the influence of the network was noticeable only in narrow circles few users, now “Internet neologisms” have become in normal language and even a fashionable style of communication, especially among young people.

Most often, new virtual network words are borrowed from in English. In the era of Tsarist Russia, at receptions with noble persons of their time, the aristocracy used French speech, because it was necessary to stand out pleasantly, so to speak, to prove oneself. A century has passed, but the psychology in this matter has remained the same. A new way of communicating, seasoned with a word from virtual world, - it's very fashionable.

Next, the question arises: is such communication good or bad? It also happens that sometimes you hear something absurd and even funny. complex names simple words. Instead of “user” it is better to say “user”; instead of “advertising”, clicking a button is “spam”. The language of communication is already becoming Americanized by Russian, and it is difficult to predict how far this process will go.

The Internet has become an integral part Everyday life. And the acceptance of any innovation is carried out primarily through language. Many words born on the Internet as specialized terms have long since come into use, acquiring independent meaning.
Of course, any serious innovations that become part of everyday life introduce certain changes in languages. But the Internet deserves special attention here: it has a more strong influence than other technical innovations. After all, the World Wide Web is This innovation is not only and not so much technical as it is informational. With the advent of the Internet, people began to write much more. And the circle of people writing is increasing significantly.

Written language is significantly different from spoken language. Colloquial more free, since its functions are slightly different from written ones.
The Internet equates written language to the oral, simplifying it, making it rough. And although it is too early to talk about the completion of the process, the trend is obvious.
Will the Internet continue to influence language norms, blurring the boundaries between written and spoken language, or will this process stop?

Language under the influence of the Internet is not changing as quickly and noticeably as we would like to think. Everything changes very slowly; language is not prone to rapid transformation. Language system is essentially conservative and is more inclined to preserve some basic principles of its existence.

Speech has changed, and we certainly notice that during spontaneous communication in real time, when the speed of thought transmission is primarily important, we actually behave as if we were speaking. We forget about capital letters, punctuation marks. Because it's not about them! It is more important for us to provide information and get an answer as quickly as possible. And in such a situation we can say that a certain new form oral and written speech. But speech, not language!

2.4. How do the media influence the Russian language?

Language is priceless gift, - and such as the Russian language, even more so. Tolstoy and Pushkin, Chekhov and Dostoevsky, Lomonosov and Derzhavin and many other Russian scientists and writers spoke, thought and wrote in Russian.
Historically, language has been more sensitive to changes that occur in the life of society. And if just a hundred years ago the fundamental factor in creating norms of word use was precisely fiction, then now this place has been taken by television and the Internet. Modern society is in a huge information dependence, and it is no longer a secret to anyone that, by changing, language turns into a powerful weapon of information influence.
It’s a pity, but more and more often you can hear distorted speech, facilitated by modern fashion trends straight from TV screens. Lexical incidents are easy to find in almost every newspaper, and besides them, a huge number grammatical errors and free use of profanity and coarse language. It’s hard not to agree that this is evil for the language.
It is impossible to ban the use of certain expressions and words, just as it is impossible to force society to stop developing. This is an irreversible process. And yet, distortion and distortion of the Russian language is unacceptable, especially in the media, since they are the ones who especially actively influence changes in language norms. Most modern children fill their vocabulary only from information they receive from the Internet or television. The formation of a high linguistic culture becomes very important issue in modern conditions.

The media must take on the function of promoting the correct Russian language, creating an atmosphere of respect and love for it.


Thus, we can conclude that the state of the Russian language in the 21st century represents an acute problem for the entire society.Despite all the difficulties modern period, we should not forget that the Russian language is our national treasure and we must treat it as national wealth - preserve and increase it.

I believe that this work proves that language is the most important means of human communication. Without language, communication is impossible, and without communication, society does not develop.

To prove the relevance and significance of this problem, a survey was conducted among students in grades 9-11. The results of the survey showed that almost 80% of respondents believe that the Russian language is not changing for the better.But, answering the second question (using jargon in your speech), the students’ opinions differed. Thus, 30% answered that they do not use jargon in their speech, which is very commendable, and 70% constantly use jargon, not seeing anything wrong with it.

The goal has been achieved. The state of the modern Russian language is influenced by many factors, but only the person himself, the native speaker, will depend on how much beauty, greatness, and wealth will be preserved native speech how literate and expressive she will be.

When characterizing literary language XX century should be distinguished between two chronological periods: I – from October 1917 to April 1985 and II – from April 1985 to the present. What happens to the Russian literary language during these periods?

After education Soviet Union its development and enrichment continues. Most clearly increases lexicon literary language. The volume is growing especially rapidly scientific terminology, for example, related to cosmology and astronautics. Words are being created in large numbers to denote new phenomena and concepts that reflect fundamental changes in the state, political, and economic structure of the country, for example, Komsomol member, regional committee, virgin soil worker, collective farm, socialist competition, kindergarten etc. Fiction, journalistic, popular science literature has replenished the arsenal of expressive and visual means of the literary language. In morphology and syntax, the number of synonymous variants is increasing, differing in shades of meaning or stylistic coloring.

There is a further unification of spelling, spelling, lexical, grammatical rules literary language. They are recorded in standard dictionaries.

Researchers Russian language since the 20s. XX century Special attention paid literary language theories. As a result, they identified and characterized the systemic and structural division of the literary language. Firstly, literary language has two types: book-written and oral-spoken; secondly, each type is realized in speech. Book and writing is presented in special speech(in writing - scientific speech and written official business speech) and in artistic and visual speech (written journalistic speech and written artistic speech). The oral-conversational type is presented in public speech(scientific speech and oral radio and television speech) and in colloquial speech(oral, everyday speech).

In the 20th century, the formation of the Russian literary language ended, which began to represent a complex dark-structural organization.

The second period - the period of perestroika and post-perestroika - gave special meaning those processes that accompany the functioning of language at all stages of its existence, made them more significant, more clearly expressed, more clearly presented. First of all, we should talk about the significant replenishment of the vocabulary of the Russian language with new words (government structure, barter, foreign currency, Internet, cartridge, case, kiwi, adidas, hamburger etc.), about updating large quantity words, having found; previously in the passive. In addition to new words, many have been brought back to life words, which seemed to have gone out of use forever gymnasium, lyceum, guild, governess, corporation, trust, department, communion, blessing, carnival and etc.

Speaking about replenishing the vocabulary of the literary language, it is impossible not to note: a striking feature of our today language development Borrowing is considered to be a blockage of speech. The “foreignization” of the Russian language is of concern to linguists, literary critics, writers, and many others; The Russian language is dear to those who are concerned about its future fate.

Throughout its history, the Russian language has been enriched not only due to internal resources, but also at the expense of other languages. But in some periods this influence, especially the borrowing of words, was excessive, then the opinion appears that foreign words do not add anything new, since there are Russian words identical to them, that many Russian words cannot withstand competition with fashionable borrowings and are crowded out them.

The history of the Russian literary language shows: borrowing without measure clogs speech, making it not understandable to everyone; reasonable borrowing enriches speech and gives it greater accuracy.

In connection with significant changes in the operating conditions of language, another problem is becoming relevant at present, the problem of language as a means of communication, language in its implementation, speech problem.

What features characterize the functioning of the literary language in late 20th century?

First of all, it's never been like this numerous and varied(by age, education, official position, political, religious, public views, by party orientation) composition of participants in mass communication.

Secondly, official censorship has almost disappeared, so people express their thoughts more freely, their speech becomes more open, confidential, and relaxed.

Thirdly, it begins to prevail spontaneous speech, not prepared in advance.

Fourthly, the variety of communication situations leads to changes nature of communication. It frees itself from rigid formality and becomes more relaxed.

New conditions for the functioning of language, the emergence of a large number of unprepared public speeches lead not only to democratization of speech, but also to a sharp decline in its culture.

How is it shown? Firstly, in violation of orthoepic (pronunciation), grammatical norms of the Russian language. Scientists, journalists, poets, and ordinary citizens write about this. There are especially many complaints about the speech of deputies, television and radio workers. Secondly, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries democratization language has reached such proportions that it would be more correct to call the process liberalization, and even more precisely - vulgarization.

On the pages of periodicals, in speech educated people flow jargon poured out, vernacular elements and others extraliterary means: grandma, thing, piece, stolnik, bullshit, pump out, wash, unfasten, scroll and many more etc. Commonly used even in official speech words became party, showdown, chaos the last word, meaning “lawlessness that has no limits,” gained particular popularity.

For speakers, public speakers the measure of admissibility has changed, to say the least, completely absent. Curses, " swear language", "unprintable word" today can be found on the pages of independent newspapers, free publications, in texts works of art. In stores, bookstores bazaars Dictionaries are sold containing not only slang and criminal words, but also obscene ones.

There are many people who claim that swearing and swearing are considered characteristic, distinctive feature Russian people. If we turn to oral folk art, proverbs and sayings, it turns out that it is not entirely legitimate to say that the Russian people consider swearing an integral part of their life. Yes, people are trying to somehow justify it, to emphasize that swearing is commonplace: Scolding is not a reserve, and without it one cannot last for an hour; Swearing is not smokeit won't eat your eyes; Hard words break no bones. It even seems to help in the work, you can’t do without it: If you don’t curse, you won’t get the job done; Without swearing, you won’t be able to open the lock in the cage.

But something else is more important: It’s a sin to argue, but it’s a sin to scold; Do not scold: what comes out of a person is what defiles him; Swearing is not tar, but akin to soot: if it doesn’t stick, it gets dirty; People wither away from abuse, but get fat from praise; You can’t take it with your throat, you can’t beg it with abuse.

This is not only a warning, it is already a condemnation, it is a ban.

The Russian literary language is our wealth, our heritage. He embodied cultural and historical traditions people. We are responsible for his condition, for his fate.

The words of I.S. are fair and relevant (especially at the present time!). Turgenev: “In days of doubt, in days painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how can one not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”

So who borrowed writing from whom?
Inconsistency official version stories are real historical events Some scientists noted in past centuries. This turned out to be especially noticeable in relation to various historical myths, the falsification of which is becoming increasingly noticeable. One of these myths, concocted by falsifiers under the leadership of the Vatican, is the assertion that the ancient Rus did not have their own written language before the arrival of Christianity and the Byzantine monks Cyril and Methodius in Rus'.

However, already in past centuries there were honest scientists who noted the complete absurdity of such statements and argued that in real story everything was exactly the opposite. For example, here is what E.I. Klassen wrote in his work “New materials on ancient history Slavs in general and Slavic Russians of Rurik’s time in particular with a light outline of the history of the Russians BC":

“The Greeks and Romans borrowed all their education and learned literacy from the Slavs. That all the ancient tribes of the Slavs had their own runic writings is now an undoubted matter, recognized even by the Germans, who dispute every step of Slavic enlightenment. Only our home-grown skeptics, who finished studying history in school, claim that all runes must be Scandinavian. But have these great-wise interpreters read at least one runic inscription? Have you seen at least one? - this is subject to doubt.

And Schletser himself, this rejecter of everything that elevates the Slavs above other peoples, did not dare to disagree, due to the testimony of Herodotus and other Greek writers, that only Scythian tribes they knew how to read and write and that the Greeks themselves adopted the alphabet from the Pelasgians - a people also of Scythian, or, what is the same, of Slavic-Russian origin.

From everything deduced here, it is clear that the Slavs had literacy not only before all the western peoples of Europe, but also before the Romans and even the Greeks themselves, and that the outcome of enlightenment was from the Rus to the west, and not from there to us.”

There are other authors who testify to the presence of ancient pre-Cyrillic writing among the Slavs already in those days. One of these authors is Thaddeus of Woland, who for his book “Monuments of Slavic Writing before the Nativity of Christ” was even sentenced by the Jesuits to be burned at the stake as a work that was “extremely heretical.” The “hereticism” of this work consisted in a clear contradiction of the official version of history, which for several centuries was diligently falsified by the same Jesuits by order of the Vatican.

And now it becomes clear that it was precisely against these same “heretics” that the Vatican-inspired Inquisition was directed, during which pre-Christian artifacts were confiscated and destroyed. written sources, and authors like Wolandsky were brought to the stake on false charges. Naturally, without such a “cleansing” of historical sources, no global falsification of history could be successful.

Similar tactics of “cleansing” ancient artifacts are also used by current falsifiers of history with the help of hired radical and terrorist groups and even entire terrorist states. This is exactly what happened in the coming years and continues to happen in the territories of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, where either museum storerooms were looted, or monuments and structures of ancient civilizations were purposefully destroyed.

But let’s return to F. Wolandsky’s book, which was published in Warsaw in 1846, and in 1854 was translated from Polish into Russian. In this work, which claims that writing existed among the Slavs not

    21.1. Russian language Soviet period and the modern linguistic situation

    21.2. Grammatical features of Russian speech of the Soviet era

    21.3. Lexical features Soviet-era Russian speech

    21.4. Functional and stylistic features of Russian speech of the Soviet era

    21.5. The inevitability of changes in language in new social conditions

    21.6. Scientific methods assessing the favorability of language changes

    21.7. The need to protect the Russian language

    21.8. The state of speech culture of society at the present stage

    21.9. Causes of massive speech errors

    21.10. Ways to improve the speech culture of speakers

    21.11. Methods for independently improving speech culture


The historical events of the twentieth century could not but influence the history of the Russian language. Of course, the system of language has not changed in one century - social events do not affect the structure of the language. The speech practice of Russian speakers has changed, the number of people who speak Russian has increased, the composition of words in certain areas of the dictionary has changed, and the stylistic properties of some words and figures of speech have changed. These changes in the practice of using language and in speech styles were caused by major social events during the formation and fall of the Soviet socio-political system. The Soviet period in Russian history began with the events of October 1917 and ended with the events of August 1991. The peculiarities of the Russian language of the Soviet era began to take shape before 1917 - during the period? World War and finally took shape in the 20s of the twentieth century. Changes in the vocabulary and style of the Russian language associated with the decomposition and fall of the Soviet system began around 1987-88 and continue to the present day. It is interesting to note that the fall of the Soviet system was accompanied by trends in the speech practice of society that are in many ways reminiscent of the social and speech changes of the 20s.

    Both the 20s and 90s of the twentieth century are characterized by:

    • politicization of language;

      a pronounced evaluative attitude towards words;

      the transformation of many words into symbols of a person’s belonging to a certain socio-political group;

      the loosening of language norms in mass use and the speech of prominent public figures;

      growing mutual misunderstanding between different social groups.

Features of the language of the Soviet era and trends caused by changes in society after 1991 have a direct impact on the current state of Russian speech. Therefore, it is possible to understand the problems of speech culture of modern society only on the basis of an analysis of the characteristics of the Russian language of the Soviet era.

    These features arose in the speech of party leaders and activists and spread through

    • reports at meetings;

      resolutions and orders;

      communication with visitors of institutions

    and became speech samples for wide ones (in the first years Soviet power- illiterate and semi-literate) layers of the population. From official language many words and phrases passed into everyday speech. In the opposite direction - from the vernacular and jargons - words characteristic of the low style and peculiarities of the speech of illiterate people penetrated into the language of decrees, reports, and orders. This situation is typical for the 20s, then speech practice changed towards strengthening literary norms, the educational level of leaders and the entire population increased, however, the norms of the Soviet official business and journalistic styles themselves came into conflict with the historical cultural traditions of the Russian language.



As a result of the work done, the following tasks were solved: considered theoretical aspects Russian speech; an analysis of the problems and prospects of Russian speech in the 21st century was carried out. During times technical process New words necessary for use have appeared in people’s speech - “computer” (computer), “keyboard”, “printer”, “laptop”. Progress has not stood still, it is replenished with novelty and written language. And young people, for ease of pronunciation, shorten words using substitute words. For example, “mouse”, “ICQ”, introducing some variety into speech. Along with new words in written and spoken language, although not always often used outdated words. Echoes of the past can be heard in the performances of old plays in theaters or when you find yourself in the world of fairy tales, legends, and epics. The speech of the heroes of these works, like the works of A.S. Pushkin and Zhukovsky themselves, is replete with words and expressions that are lyrical to the ear: “baet” - says, “abuse” - battle, “knight” - warrior, etc. When you re-read the classics, where you can learn the culture of speech, you take pride in the fact that in Rus', in Russia, masters of words have never been translated, be they ancient chroniclers, classics or modern masters. And Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” has been read by children and adults of more than one generation, starting from the time of Catherine II. Although in those days the speech was ornate, the unusual turns and smoothness of sounds invite you into the world of a fairy tale. I would like to use in speech: “mouth” - instead of lips, “lanits” - instead of cheeks, “brow” - instead of forehead, but this is in my thoughts, but in reality it’s a different century, a different time. Many words that are often heard were borrowed from other languages. Due to their frequent use and ease of pronunciation, they have firmly entered our vocabulary, replenishing our speech. For example: exam, dictation, director - from Latin, marmalade, broth - from French. When talking about the culture of speech, I would like to highlight youth slang. Trying to stand out from the crowd, a person wants to be noticed. But as? Or appearance, or in your speech, may not be entirely appropriate and correct. This can be obscenities (which often sounds like something taken for granted on TV screens) and not always pleasant to hear words that do not carry any meaning - cool, theme. But this is a tribute to fashion. It is difficult to say what prevents us from writing and pronouncing words correctly. Lack of time and laziness to look into the spelling or Dictionary. As a rule, in the bustle, in the pursuit of unnecessary things, we do not have enough time for the main thing. It would seem that the emphasis is in the words, but it turns out how important it is where to place it. Either the meaning of the word changes or the word hurts the ear. Only “call”, and not “call”, which is what they say is worth. And there are many such examples. The Russian language is rich in phraseological phrases, participles, synonyms, antonyms - all the diversity that distinguishes it from other languages. But often in our speech there are words, especially in dialogues with opponents, that are heard from TV screens in some well-known programs that are not entirely clear in meaning and are not perceived by ear. For example, “a priori”, “come il faut”, “misalliance”. The meaning of these words is confusing and it would be possible to replace these words with more understandable and familiar meanings. But this is a tribute to the times. So it turns out that the new is well forgotten old. So in the culture of speech - if you want to think and speak correctly, read the classics, where you are sure to discover something for yourself. And you need to start with yourself first, and not look for errors in others. And not from Monday, it is usually difficult, but from the next minute start saying not “okay”, but our usual “okay”, not a dry “ciao” or “goodbye”, but our welcoming “goodbye”, meaning goodbye goodbye, until the next time, I will be glad to see you.


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