Rkhtu im Mendeleev chemical technology. Mendeleev University: student reviews

: RHTU Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev (RHTU)

Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev (Mendeleevka) was founded in 1880 as an Industrial School (for the purpose of training assistant engineers). After more than 130 years of scientific activity, RKhTU occupies a leading position among the best chemical universities in the country.

Mendeleev University annually graduates specialists in chemical technology, petrochemistry, biotechnology, nanotechnology, technological safety and other areas. Today, about 10 thousand students receive higher education here. The structure of the RKhTU includes 9 faculties and 3 institutes, the Novomoskovsk Institute of the RKhTU (an independent division), the Institute of Professional Development, scientific and linguistic centers. RKhTU has two academic buildings - on Miusskaya Square. (Miussky complex) and on the street. Heroes Panfilovtsev (Tushinsky complex).

Admission to the Russian Chemical Technical University is carried out only on the basis of the results of a competition of Unified State Examination points in specialized general education subjects. For the 2012/2013 academic year, 910 budget places were allocated. The competition is quite large - from 6 to 39 people per place. The highest passing scores are in the specialty “Fundamental and Applied Chemistry” (227 points), “Biotechnology” (222 points) and “Chemistry” (196).

At RKhTU there is a Pre-University Training Center, which consists of an Evening Mathematics School (for students in grades 9, 10 and 11), an Evening Chemistry School (for students in grades 8 to 11) and schools in the RKhTU educational complex. All classes are taught by RKhTU teachers, who prepare students for Olympiads, for passing the Unified State Exam, and also help them adapt to the educational process at the university. Training is paid.

The university annually holds the Interregional Chemical Olympiad for schoolchildren named after. Academician P.D. Sarkisov, the winners of which become students without competition. The Olympiad is of an all-Russian nature and is aimed at identifying talented students throughout the country.

The Higher Chemical College of the Russian Academy of Sciences operates at the Russian Chemical Technology University, where they train specialists in the field of scientific research in the specialty “Fundamental and Applied Chemistry”. This direction is more related to scientific work. Graduates of the Russian Academy of Sciences are mainly employed in research institutes under the Russian Academy of Sciences.

RHTU has its own campus in the area of ​​the Planernaya metro station, in which there are 3 residential buildings. Rooms are provided to all nonresident students living more than 70 km from the Moscow Ring Road. For public sector students the cost is 240 rubles/month, for students of paid departments - 2000 rubles/month. While passing the entrance exams, applicants have the opportunity to stay in a dormitory for 2–3 days, the cost of accommodation is 200 rubles per day.

There is no military department at the Russian Chemical Technical University; full-time students are given a deferment.

Mendeleev University is not only a higher educational institution, but also a large international scientific center, in which developments are carried out according to the following scheme: fundamental science - applied science - production. More than 250 scientific developments have already been completed and are ready for implementation, including new biotechnologies, high-strength materials for various industries, construction, medicine and healthcare.

Students and graduates of the university are in demand in large research centers and manufacturing companies, and occupy leading positions in chemical industry enterprises. And this is not surprising - Mendeleevka ranks 36th in the ranking of the 100 best universities in Russia and produces highly qualified specialists.
RHTU operates an employment assistance service for graduates, which helps with further employment.

Official website of RHTU.

RHTU, or as it is usually called by students of this university and Muscovites, Mendeleev University, is one of the most famous educational institutions in our country. Within its walls, specialists in many specialties have been trained for more than a century. At the same time, today you can hear both positive and negative reviews from students about this university, which, together with objective information about RKhTU, may be interesting and useful to applicants.

History of the D. Mendeleev University

Moscow Mendeleev University has a long history, which dates back to the opening of the Industrial School in Moscow in 1898. Large sums were spent on the construction of buildings and technical equipment of the new educational institution, so at the time of its foundation it was rightfully considered one of the most advanced in Europe and the world. After the revolution, the Industrial School was transformed first into the Chemical College, and then into the Dmitry Mendeleev Institute. During the Second World War, some of the university's students and teachers were evacuated, but a branch of the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute continued to operate in the capital. As for the development of the institute in the post-war years, during this period new buildings were built and the Novomoskovsk branch was formed. And finally, in 1992, this university was transformed into the Russian Chemical Technology University.

general information

Today, about 10 thousand students study at RKhTU, including more than 300 citizens of 30 foreign countries. In addition, almost 500 graduate students and several hundred applicants for scientific degrees are preparing to defend their dissertations at the university. Mendeleev University is proud of its highly qualified scientific and teaching staff, which includes 11 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and academicians, more than 220 professors and doctors of science, as well as about 550 associate professors and candidates of science. According to student reviews, most of them are satisfied with their teachers, but many note that there is a need to attract young professionals with new thinking and bold ideas. There are especially many dissatisfied with the lack of “fresh personnel” at the ITiU faculty.

Training units

Mendeleev University has four institutes:

  • Materials of modern energy and nanotechnology.
  • Economics and management.
  • Chemistry and sustainable development issues.
  • Institute of Professional Development.

In addition, the educational departments of the Russian Chemical Technology University include the Novomoskovsk Institute named after D. Mendeleev, three higher colleges, master's and correspondence departments, as well as two evening schools and a Pre-University Training Center.

The D. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technology University has 10 faculties and accepts students for training in the following specialties:

  • Fundamental and applied chemistry.
  • Materials science and technology of materials.
  • Nanomaterials.
  • Nanoengineering.
  • Standardization and metrology.
  • Jurisprudence.
  • Management.
  • Linguistics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Sociology, etc.

Many students in their reviews express bewilderment about the need to have departments in a chemical university that provide non-core education, for example, sociology.

Mendeleev University: admissions committee

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people wishing to enroll in the Dmitry Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technology University. To do this, applicants should contact the admissions office of this university at 9. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 16:00 (only on weekdays). To get to Miusskaya Square, you can use the metro or ground public transport. The selection committee also operates in the Novomoskovsk branch of the Russian Chemical Technical University. Its address: the city of Novomoskovsk, Tula region, Druzhby Street, 8 (opening hours are the same as at the main university).

Reviews from applicants and students confirm that the admissions committee of Mendeleev University includes friendly and knowledgeable specialists who readily advise young people planning to enter this university on all issues that arise.

Student enrollment procedure

Mendeleevsky enrolls students in accordance with the established procedure. At the same time, some applicants enter this university without entrance examinations. The rest are enrolled “by competition”. Lists of applicants without passing entrance examinations are ranked taking into account the personal achievements of a particular applicant. As for the competition lists, they are first of all sorted in descending order of competition points (in total). If they are equal, again, the individual achievements of a particular applicant in studies and sports are taken into account. It should be noted that there are practically no student reviews regarding the unfair or incorrect formation of applicant lists.

Reception of foreign citizens

As already mentioned, Mendeleev University also provides training for foreigners. Enrollment of this category of applicants is carried out in accordance with regulations, federal laws and international treaties.

At the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. D.I. Mendeleev also accepts compatriots (persons living on the territory of the republic states of the former USSR), foreign citizens and stateless persons living on the territory of the Russian Federation.

RHTU buildings

Those who want to enroll at Mendeleev University may be forced to reconsider their decision about the state of some buildings. However, students' stories about outdated equipment and dilapidated furniture mainly concern the oldest buildings of the university. In general, the Russian Chemical Technical University consists of the following complexes: Miussky, Tushinsky, the Shelepikha complex, the Central Chemical Library and the Novomoskovsk branch. The main building of the university is located in the Miussky complex, it houses two assembly halls and the famous Aquarium hall. According to students, many rooms, including classrooms, in the main complex on Miusskaya Square are quite dirty, and renovations are usually done only in the largest classrooms. As for the Tushinsky complex, it includes a teaching and laboratory building and buildings of several research institutes of the Russian Chemical Technical University, as well as a large classroom block. According to student reviews, the main disadvantage of the Tushinsky building is its inconvenient location, but otherwise the new complexes are in fairly good condition.


Mendeleev University (Moscow) has a campus located near the Tushino complex on Vilisa Latsis Street. The campus includes 3 student dormitory buildings, as well as a sports complex, with an auditorium and a large gym. In addition, the campus has a library, several shops, canteens and buffets, as well as a sanatorium. In total, more than three thousand students and about 150 teachers live in the dormitories. Judging by student reviews, living conditions on campus comply with generally accepted standards. However, many students point out the lack of communal kitchens.

Russian Chemical-Technological University named after. DI. Mendeleev is a leader in training specialists for the chemical industry and chemical engineers for the national economy.

Mendeleevka is the largest educational and research center in the field of chemical technology.

Russian Chemical-Technological University named after. DI. Mendeleev crossed the 125-year mark. Starting from the first years of its existence, Mendeleevka trained practical engineers for industry. And today this direction remains the main one. The content of training has changed qualitatively. A university graduate must be able to solve problems comprehensively: science - production - environment - personal development - this is the only way to ensure the sustainable development of society.

Today, Mendeleev University occupies a leading position among technical universities in Russia and has the highest rating among chemical and technological universities in the country. University graduates occupy leading positions in the scientific and industrial spheres, in management bodies, small and large businesses.

An atmosphere of creativity reigns within the walls of the university. Festive shows are held, KVN teams, a brass band and an academic choir perform, and the student club and Irina Arkhipova’s music lounge are active. Students can devote their leisure time to sports: athletics, skiing, football, volleyball, aerobics, wrestling, badminton, mountaineering and other sports.

The university does everything to ensure that students can receive an elite professional education so that their lives are full of interesting and important events.

More details Collapse http://www.muctr.ru

Student at this university: Many people complain that they wanted to go into medicine, but I didn’t want to work in a profession for more than 10 years with constant stress, enormous learning of material and lack of money at almost the entire stage, and therefore I chose chemical engineering on purpose, since according to many reviews you can earn money much more, and more interesting in general. Having bought the stories that it’s amazing what kind of university (yes, hello to all the stupid applicants who believe the admissions committee), I entered here. Now I’m studying in the 3rd year in the direction of IMSEN-IFH - specialty 5.5 years (coatings, materials for wear resistance and nearby topics). Let's talk about the first two courses and weigh whether it is worth waiting for specialists until 3, going through the entire thorny path of these years. Let's start with the fact that there are incredibly few specialized subjects in the first 2 years. Having thrown out all the Soviet tinsel, as well as the stories of group nerds and teachers that humanities subjects were created to expand your horizons, it turns out that all the useful specialists can be fit into just one semester (half a year) with an adequate schedule and distribution of hours. The rest of the year and a half is spent on material that is absolutely unnecessary for the profession. Nerds, of course, do everything with enthusiasm, but you still need to be aware that you are already at university and working for a profession, and not sitting at a school desk and pulling your pen to answer. .But the huge plus is that the required specialists (mostly) are presented very high quality and tastefully - there are interesting and not boring teachers, competent material and, accordingly, its presentation is 10/10. About the teaching staff - roulette is purer than you would play in a casino. You can do absolutely nothing for a year and come out with a scholarship, or you can withdraw your documents already in the first semester because of disgusting teaching, inadequate attitude of teachers (who shout that at the university you no one owes anything, but at the same time they don’t bother to provide basic knowledge in new subjects, and accordingly they simply absorb salaries from the state budget without even lifting a finger), lack of chemistry as such (more on that later) and feminism (this is the crowning glory of this university) .Basically the most insane teachers are in the humanities, but there are also teachers in mathematics, drawing, mechanics and chemistry (total distribution 70/30). Let's now talk about the hours for the subjects themselves. As I already said, everything is bad with their proper distribution. But the coolest thing (you will see this ONLY AT RHTU) is when in the second semesters of the 1st and 2nd courses they will completely remove the chemistry seminars (practical classes to work with lecture material) and will be replaced with humanitarian hours (yes, this is not a joke). This exclusive does not apply only to the Higher Chemical Complex of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In general, almost as many hours in chemistry are issued as in any ordinary technical subject, and therefore it is very difficult not to neglect the process of cognition, when even the university puts on it, replacing hours. Now about the conditions of existence at this university - everything is + - good. Of the minuses of the dorm (the buildings of Pripyat in their current state are resting), the pluses are normal cafes, high activity in the university regarding student activities and many micro-moments in the organization.
There is no corruption, but in a word it is both good and not very good. Personally, in my opinion, there should always be an alternative to the inadequacy of the teacher, but it is as it is.
They stopped expelling even the most notorious nominees for this, due to the fact that each student is a penny (not sickly) from the state. But don’t try to bite the teacher, as he may be a friend of another teacher who may never give you an exam. I personally observed a couple of such events, even with people from the 4th year.
And so we, overcoming, crawled to the 3rd course. I don’t feel like writing a lot, but YES it’s worth enduring this bondage. Many specialists are interesting, especially when they are strengthened by practice. But one of the downsides is that the roulette is intensified, as if the revolver had a 5/6 cartridge and Yakub says to spin the drum. There are simply terrible specialist teachers, as soon as they don’t get fired, it’s unclear, but they exist and, apparently, they are also respected at the university ( your group has a 25% chance of getting to this group).
A small key digression: let's talk about our fair halves of the human race. At the moment, the contingent of girls/guys is 70/30, which is undoubtedly nice to see the male part. But. 60 people enter my faculty and 30-25 leave, of which 20 are girls .In general, they are treated more loyally (a fact!) in almost all subjects. But now the reality is such that the employer does not hire girls who have not gone on maternity leave, and for many reasons (not only this) they are not hired for their specialty. Many girls become uninterested in their technical specialty and, as a result, they go into completely different fields. IMHO, this university lacks gender division for better implementation.

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schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 16:00

Latest reviews

Kristina Minina 17:40 04/25/2013

In 2001, she entered the Faculty of Economics at a fairly prestigious and world-famous university - RKhTU named after. D. I. Mendeleev. I entered on a contract basis and passed moderately difficult exams. For "state employees" the exams were more difficult, and the competition was approximately 3 people per place. But after admission, everyone studied together and the conditions were the same for everyone. There were 3 groups in the course, each group had 20-23 students. The teachers are highly qualified, and it was only possible to get a grade, but...

Anonymous review 02:38 05.12.2012

This is my first year studying at the Russian Chemical Technical University and so far I’m happy. When I first got there, I had the impression that I was in Hogwarts, only the stairs did not move - everyone was in dressing gowns, it was almost impossible to find the audience on my own. In the Tushinsky building everything is somehow simpler. The university is falling apart before our eyes - there has been no repairs, apparently since the day it was founded. The Miussky building has absolutely ancient equipment, but everything works, even strangely. But overall it’s interesting to study and you won’t be able to relax. I'm studying inorganic myself...


general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev"

About the university

Objectives and directions of educational activities of the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. DI. Mendeleev

Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in the capital. Today, like 125 years ago, engineers of the highest class are trained here.

RHTU provides training in the field of advanced technologies and the chemical industry; these areas are decisive for the development of aviation, space industry, automotive industry, exact sciences and nanotechnology.

The teaching staff of the university focuses on comprehensive education. Students must solve not only problems in science and industry, but also understand environmental and social issues. The university trains specialists in such areas as sociology, information technology, industrial ecology, economics, chemistry and many others.

The main tasks of the Russian Chemical Technical University include:

  • Training of high-class specialists;
  • Development of chemical technology in the field of education.

The Russian University of Chemical Technology provides multi-level training for bachelors, masters and specialists. Studying for a bachelor's degree involves training in the following specialties:

Chemical Technology; Technology of artistic processing of materials; Materials science and materials technology; Technosphere safety; Informatics and Computer Science; Nanoengineering; Information systems and technologies; Jurisprudence; Management; Energy and resource saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology; Linguistics, and many others.

Upon receipt of a bachelor's degree, a student can continue studying for a master's degree at his home university.

Specialists are trained in the following areas:

  • Fundamental and applied chemistry;
  • Chemical technology of energy-saturated materials;
  • Chemical technology of modern energy materials, and others.

The university keeps up with the times. Thus, in 2002, faculties of correspondence and distance learning were organized. For students of such groups, six-month sessions, two courses of lectures and practical classes, the opportunity to attend weekend groups, and evening consultations with teachers are provided.

For those wishing to improve their qualification level, there is the opportunity to obtain a second higher education without leaving work. All classes are held strictly according to an individual schedule, allowing you to combine work and study.

Information for applicants

RKhTU im. DI. Mendeleev is interested in active applicants. During the academic year, the university holds many Olympiads, which anyone can take part in. The schedule of events is presented on the official website of the university. In addition to competitive competitions, under the auspices of the Russian Chemical Technology University. DI. Mendeleev hosts festivals, trainings and projects of a chemical or technical nature.

Applicants can get acquainted with the life of RHTU by attending an open day. The program of such events usually includes a meeting with the teaching staff, a presentation of faculties and specialties, and answers to organizational questions. You can gain basic knowledge and prepare for entering a university by using the pre-university preparation service. Thus, future students can attend evening chemistry or mathematics school.

For students who did not pass the competition, there is the opportunity to obtain higher education on a paid basis.

student life

For Russian Chemical Technical University named after. DI. Mendeleev is characterized by an active social life. The university regularly publishes the local newspaper "Mendeleevets", operates a historical museum, hosts team sports events, and has a student council. Excursion trips, charity visits to orphanages, student competitions and debates on the most pressing issues are regularly held for students.

To ensure the process of self-study and general development of students, a significant library array operates. Students can take advantage of the service of electronic acquaintance with the educational and scientific literature of the university, as well as use the services of third-party portals (CHEMISTRY and CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Taylor & Francis Publishing, the IBooks electronic library system).

Nonresident students of the university are provided with a paid dormitory for 450 places. Students have access to 3 comfortable buildings, a full range of household services, Internet access, cafes and food stores. Students can also use the services of a storage room, a library, and a gym. The university has its own sanatorium.

Scientific activity

RKhTU im. DI. Mendeleev Institute trains postgraduate students in five branches of science. This:

  • Chemical;
  • Biological;
  • Technical;
  • Economic;
  • Social.

Practical and theoretical research is carried out at the Innovation and Technology Center of the Russian Chemical Technical University, the Khimtest Test Center, scientific laboratories, and the Ecokhimbusiness Technopark.

Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev conducts active scientific activities. The list of its main tasks includes:

  • development of the fundamentals of chemical theory and technology;
  • development of educational methods;
  • conducting research in the field of related humanities;
  • development of the fundamentals of industrial safety;
  • development of information technologies in the field of chemistry.