Psychology of illness Louise Hay. Great quotes from great people

In the East, it is believed that the human body is a vessel for thoughts. That is, the state of their body and health depends on what thoughts people have. All organs are very important; their functioning is directly affected by a person’s lifestyle. And if everything is in harmony, then no diseases will be able to overcome the body.

Kidneys are no exception to this rule. Let's take a closer look at this organ.

What are kidneys

The kidney will be incomprehensible without a general understanding of this organ. It is located at the end of the ribs and is palpated from the back, slightly above the lower back. The kidneys perform several functions: they remove metabolic products and carry out water exchange in the body. In addition, they play an important role in the nervous and reproductive systems.

You should know that improper water regime can destroy this organ and the urinary tract. This can be compared to poor nutrition, which causes great harm to the gastrointestinal tract.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences O.G. Torsunov notes in his theory that since the kidneys are a paired organ, thoughts and emotions greatly influence the left one, and desires and will influence the right kidney. That is, the theory says that if our desires are not fulfilled and our needs for something are not satisfied, this leads to inflammatory processes, and if a person is constantly under emotional stress and receives severe stress, he may experience pain in the kidneys.

Psychosomatics can thus provide a complete picture of the disease. If a person experiences positive emotions and stops suppressing his volitional qualities and freely expressing desires, this will lead to strengthening of blood vessels and good functioning of organs.

The role of psychosomatics in human health

Modern medicine identifies a large group of diseases that arise as a result of the influence of psychological and physiological factors. This includes kidney pathologies.

Their manifestation can be caused by many factors. And, by the way, it can be quite difficult to distinguish such diseases from those provoked only by physiological changes. All their symptoms may be identical, but the approach to treatment is different.

Kidney problems require a doctor to accurately determine their causes, which will help choose treatment. This will require working with the subconscious and involving other specialists. Everything should be aimed at overcoming the client’s psychological problems and tensions. Researchers have found that the causes of the disease of the organ described are very often psychological problems, not physical ones.

Psychosomatic kidney diseases

Scientists have conducted experiments and found that a number of psychological problems lead to kidney pathologies:

  • Pyelonephritis occurs in people who are not satisfied with their work.
  • Destruction occurs in those who perform work tasks without pleasure.
  • Depression leads to vascular depletion, thereby interfering with normal blood flow.
  • Kidney pathologies appear in people who cannot part with their past, constantly replaying situations of its change.
  • Psychosomatics defines those who are tormented by kidney stones as people who are constantly worried about unpleasant events that have occurred and are unable to get rid of this burden.
  • And inflammatory processes occur in people who do not know how to forgive and who are constantly under high emotional stress.

Many studies support the theory that our emotional mood affects the kidneys. Psychosomatics allows us to consider the cause of their diseases in depth, explaining what is happening not only by physiological changes.

Stones in the kidneys

What causes kidney stones? This question worries many people who are faced with this problem. But first of all, you need to figure out what they are.

It is believed that urolithiasis is one of the most common kidney pathologies. Stones are salty substances that harden when exposed to a certain environment. They are the result of complex physical and chemical processes. Simply put, these are crystalline salt compounds that are found in urine and gradually accumulate and settle in the renal pelvis, ureter, calyces or bladder.

The size and shape of the stones are varied - from small ones, 1 mm in size, to giant ones, reaching 10 cm. The weight of such stones is also different; experts have recorded several cases when the weight of the stone reached a kilogram. You should know that kidney stones are much more common in men than in women.

But most often, as a result of an imbalance in the composition of the urine, the patient first develops Psychosomatics of its appearance and therefore is identical to the appearance of stones.

Features of the disease

In medicine, kidney stones are called calculi. This disease, as we have already said, is considered the most common among all those related to the genitourinary system. In women, this pathology is more complicated than in men. Severe forms are also very often observed, in which stones affect the entire kidney area. Experts have named this pathology coral nephrolithiasis.

By age category, the disease covers everyone, from children to the elderly. Of course, the disease rarely manifests itself in the younger generation. Most often it affects people of working age, and occurs in an acute form and often with severe complications.

Basically, the pathology affects only one of the kidneys, but there are statistics that stones can occur in both. In this case, the mechanism of water retention and metabolic processes is significantly disrupted. Doctors call this pathology “bilateral urolithiasis.” In addition, kidney stones can be single, or they can accumulate in large numbers.

Causes of stones

A person who is affected by this disease is naturally interested in the question, what causes kidney stones? The reasons may be varied. Some experts are of the opinion that stones appear due to congenital characteristics of the body.

That is, at birth a certain program is laid into the body, and if it fails, then metabolic processes are disrupted. Accordingly, the kidneys can no longer function normally, and salt crystals accumulate in them.

The chemical composition of stones may vary significantly from person to person, but the mechanism remains the same. Insoluble salts subsequently form into sand, and then into pebbles. There are a number of metabolic disorders that lead to their appearance. So, it may turn out to be a high level of certain compounds:

  • uric acid in the blood;
  • uric acid in urine;
  • phosphate;
  • calcium salts in urine;
  • oxalate salts in urine.

But this is only part of the reasons why stones may appear.

Exogenous and endogenous factors

Some doctors put forward the theory that the appearance of urolithiasis is associated not only with congenital factors, but also with the external environment. Also, one cannot ignore the influence of internal causes on the formation of the disease.

External causes that cause diseases:

  • climatic conditions;
  • diet and drinking regime;
  • geological features;
  • chemical composition of water;
  • influence of flora;
  • Lifestyle;
  • working conditions.

One of the main external factors that affects kidney function is diet. If food and water are supplied in sufficient quantities, the body will function normally. It is very important that a person receives all micro- and macroelements, minerals and nutrients.

And the internal causes that cause the disease include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack or excess of certain enzymes;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • general infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • injuries;
  • limited mobility

Glomerulonephritis - what is it?

A disease such as glomerulonephritis is not at all uncommon. But it mainly affects children aged five to twelve years. This disease is associated with a number of kidney pathologies and varies depending on the course. The disease affects the glomeruli of the kidneys, and if the form is advanced, then the interrenal tissue and tubules. Glomerulonephritis is an acquired disease. There are several stages of the disease:

  1. Spicy. The onset is sudden and can become chronic.
  2. Chronic. With it, seasonal remissions and exacerbations are often observed.
  3. Subacute (malignant). The course occurs quickly and is characterized by severe complications.

Manifestations of the disease

Common manifestations of the disease include:

  • Strong headache.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Weakness.
  • Aching pain in the lumbar region.
  • Nausea, vomiting.

Specifics of the disease

It is very important for parents to receive from doctors a comprehensive answer to the question: glomerulonephritis - what is it? This is especially true for the course of the disease and its first signs. It is also important to know that this disease also has specific signs:

  • Swelling: it all depends on the severity. It may just be swelling of the eyelids, or swelling may appear in the entire body cavity.
  • A rapid increase in blood pressure, which occurs due to the inability to remove excess fluid.
  • Urinary syndrome - urine color changes.

There are primary and secondary glomerulonephritis. The first manifests itself as a separate disease, and the second is the result of other diseases.

Psychologist Louise Hay on the psychosomatics of kidney disease

But how does psychosomatics explain kidney pathologies? Louise Hay, a world-famous psychologist thanks to her book, puts forward her assumptions on this matter. According to her theory, everything looks quite simple. And if it is not direct physical factors that caused the disease, then the problem, in her opinion, lies in the peculiarities of a person’s emotional background. All of its states and emotions are reflected in the body, and therefore we can identify a number of them that affect the kidneys. Psychosomatics in this case is as follows:

  • difficult perception of criticism;
  • disappointments suffered;
  • failures;
  • a shame;
  • poor relationship with parents;
  • Frequently experienced anger.

In order to overcome the disease, according to Louise Hay, one should work with the listed conditions and emotions. A person must realize his problem, after which he finds a reason why he cannot let go of his emotional state. When the cause is found, it should be worked out in several stages. Here the methods proposed by the psychologist will help, which will relieve stress and push you to the right decision.

Louise claims that if you change your life attitudes, then no disease can damage the body. But everything depends only on the person - on his desire to be healthy, enjoy life, enjoy what the world offers him.

The idea that every disease has its own psychological and emotional causes arose a long time ago. The best healers have spoken about this for thousands of years. For many centuries, healers have tried to determine the connection between the psychological state of the human body and its physical illness.

Louise Hay's unique table of diseases is a real hint that helps to identify the cause at a psychological level and find a shortcut to eliminating the disease.

When thinking about the health of the body, people often overlook the need to ensure the health of the soul. They forget to ask themselves questions about how pure their thoughts and emotions are, do they live in harmony with themselves? The saying in a healthy body is a healthy mind is not entirely true, because comfort on a psychological level is even more important. These two components that determine the health of the body cannot be considered separately, and only a measured, calm, comfortable life will be the key to physical health.

There are often situations when a person with some pathology does not need therapeutic help as much as psychological help. This fact has been confirmed by leading medical practitioners. The close correlation in the human body between physical and psychological health has been proven and officially recognized. The direction of medical psychology considers these aspects within the framework of psychosomatics. The table of psychosomatic diseases was created by a leading specialist and unique woman, Louise Hay, and will help anyone determine the cause of the disease and help themselves.

Louise Hay's table of diseases and their psychosomatic causes was developed and created by her with a single goal - helping people. This woman can be called a pioneer in the study of the emotional and psychological causes of many pathologies that worsen human health.

She had every right to look for such reasons. Her life was very difficult, even from early childhood. As a child, she experienced and experienced constant violence. Youth also cannot be called a simple period in her life. After a forced termination of pregnancy, doctors informed her of infertility. In the end, Louise Hay was abandoned by her husband after many years of marriage. Ultimately, the woman learns that she has uterine cancer; this news did not shock or destroy her. During this time, she considered metaphysics, meditated, composed, and then experienced positive affirmations that carried a positive charge.

As a lecturer and consultant, she communicated with many parishioners of the Church of the Science of the Mind, and already knew how constant self-doubt and self-confidence, resentment and negative thoughts with a negative charge systematically ruined her life and affected her physical condition.

Studying information sources, she realized that her illness, uterine cancer, did not arise by chance; there is a reasonable explanation for this:

  1. Oncological disease always devours a person and reflects the inability to let go of an unpleasant situation.
  2. Diseases of the uterus reflect feelings of unfulfillment of oneself as a woman, mother, and caretaker of the family hearth. Often arise against the background of the inability to withstand humiliation from a sexual partner.

Similar descriptions are given in Louise Hay's table of diseases and their root causes. Having identified the causes of her own pathology, she found an effective tool for healing - Louise's affirmations. True affirmations helped a woman overcome a serious illness in just 3 months, doctors confirmed this with a medical report. Laboratory tests showed that the growth of tumor cells was stopped.

Video on the topic:

This point proves that psychological causes of illness still exist, and aspects of emotional and physical health are connected by a tight thread. After this, psychologist Louise Hay had a goal; she began to share her experience and existing knowledge with like-minded people who need help and support. Louise Hay identifies the causes of illness very accurately, and her unique tables of diseases confirm this.

A world-famous woman who miraculously found healing travels around the world giving various lectures. He introduces his readers and like-minded people to his developments, writes his personal column in a well-known magazine, and broadcasts on television. Louise Hay's complete table of illnesses will help a person find affirmations and get help. Her technique has helped many people, they have understood themselves, received answers to their questions and healed themselves.

Is it possible to be healed?

Her works are structured in a rather unique way; the book begins with a voluminous section in which Louise examines psychosomatic diseases and their causative factors. She herself understands and tries to explain to her reader that many of the existing reasons that doctors use are outdated.

It is quite difficult for an ordinary person to comprehend the psychosomatics of Louise Hay. She tries to explain that people themselves form stereotypes as follows:

  • remembering childhood psychological traumas;
  • neglecting oneself;
  • living in dislike with oneself;
  • being rejected by society;
  • melting fears and resentments in the soul.

Louise Hay: “Psychosomatics is the main cause of disease, and only by reviewing this aspect can you improve your emotional, psychological and ultimately physical situation.”

Video on the topic:

Treatment and gaining health depends on the desire of the person. The individual must want to help himself first. Louise Hay described the possible causes of the disease in a table and provided tips and answered questions on how to treat the disease. In order to get rid of a disease, you need to destroy its emotional source. Until the patient finds the true causes of his problems, the disease will not disappear.

Affirmations, according to Hay, are a trigger for change. From this moment on, the person himself takes responsibility for what happens to him.

  1. Affirmations can be taken from the list given in Louise Hay's table or created personally.
  2. It is important that there is no particle “not” in the text of the scripture. This is an important point; the human subconscious can turn such an affirmation around and produce the opposite effect.
  3. Say the text out loud every day as often as possible.
  4. Post the text with the affirmation around the house.

You need to work with affirmations as often as possible; this will speed up the process of positive psychological changes.

Video on the topic:

We work with the table according to the rules!

The table lists the names of diseases in alphabetical order. You need to work with it as follows:

  1. Find the name of the pathology.
  2. To determine the emotional reason, it must not be easily read, but fully understood. Without awareness there will be no effect of treatment
  3. The third column contains a positive affirmation that needs to be spoken until you feel better.
  4. After a short period of time, the first result will be achieved.
Abscess (ulcer) Disturbing thoughts of resentment, neglect and revenge. I give my thoughts freedom. The past is over. My soul is at peace.
Adenoids Friction in the family, disputes. A child who feels unwanted. This child is needed, desired and adored.
Alcoholism “Who needs this?” Feelings of futility, guilt, inadequacy. Rejection of one's own personality. I live in today. Every moment brings something new. I want to understand what my value is. I love myself and approve of my actions.
Allergies (See also: “Hay fever”) Who can't you stand? Denial of one's own power. The world is not dangerous, it is a friend. I am not in any danger. I have no disagreements with life.
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for 6 months or more) (See also: “Women’s diseases” and “Menstruation”) Reluctance to be a woman. Self-hatred. I am happy that I am who I am. I am the perfect expression of life and my period always goes smoothly.
Amnesia (memory loss) Fear. Escapism. Inability to stand up for yourself. I always have intelligence, courage and a high appreciation of my own personality. Living is safe.
Sore throat (See also: “Throat”, “Tonsillitis”) You hold back from using harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself. I throw away all restrictions and find the freedom to be myself.
Anemia (anemia) Relationships like “Yes, but...” Lack of joy. Fear of life. Feeling unwell. It doesn't hurt me to feel joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
Sickle cell anemia Believing in your own inferiority deprives you of the joy of life. The child inside you lives, breathing in the joy of life and feeding on love. The Lord works miracles every day.
Anorectal bleeding (blood in stool) Anger and disappointment. I trust the process of life. Only the right and beautiful things happen in my life.
Anus (anus) (See also: “Hemorrhoids”) Inability to get rid of accumulated problems, grievances and emotions. It’s easy and pleasant for me to get rid of everything that I no longer need in life.
Anus: abscess (ulcer) Anger at something you want to get rid of. Disposal is completely safe. My body leaves only what I no longer need in my life.
Anus: fistula Incomplete disposal of waste. Reluctance to part with the garbage of the past. I'm happy to part with the past. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: itching Feeling guilty about the past. I happily forgive myself. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: pain Guilt. Desire for punishment. The past is over. I choose love and approve of myself and everything I do now.
Apathy Resistance to feelings. Suppression of emotions. Fear. Feeling is safe. I'm moving towards life. I strive to overcome the trials of life.
Appendicitis Fear. Fear of life. Blocking out all the good stuff. I'm safe. I relax and let the flow of life happily flow on.
Appetite (loss) (See also: "Lack of appetite") Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life. I love and approve of myself. Nothing threatens me. Life is joyful and safe.
Appetite (excessive) Fear. Need for protection. Condemnation of emotions. I'm safe. There is no threat to my feelings.
Arteries The joy of life flows through the arteries. Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life. I am filled with joy. It spreads through me with every heartbeat.
Arthritis of the fingers Desire for punishment. Self-blame. It feels like you are a victim. I look at everything with love and understanding. I view all the events of my life through the prism of love.
Arthritis (See also: “Joints”) The feeling of not being loved. Criticism, resentment. I am the love. Now I will love myself and approve of my actions. I look at other people with love.
Asthma Inability to breathe for one's own good. Feeling depressed. Holding back sobs. Now you can calmly take your life into your own hands. I choose freedom.
Asthma in infants and older children Fear of life. Not wanting to be here. This child is completely safe and loved.
Atherosclerosis Resistance. Tension. Unshakable stupidity. Refusal to see the good. I am completely open to life and joy. Now I look at everything with love.
Hips (upper part) Stable body support. The main mechanism when moving forward. Long live the hips! Every day is filled with joy. I stand on my own two feet and use it. freedom.
Hips: diseases Fear of moving forward in implementing major decisions. Lack of purpose. My resilience is absolute. I move forward through life easily and joyfully at any age.
Beli (See also: “Women’s diseases”, “Vaginitis”) The belief that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex. Anger at your partner. It is I who create the situations in which I find myself. The power over me is myself. My femininity makes me happy. I am free.
Whiteheads The desire to hide an ugly appearance. I consider myself beautiful and loved.
Infertility Fear and resistance to the life process or lack of need to gain parental experience. I believe in life. By doing the right thing at the right time, I am always where I need to be. I love and approve of myself.
Insomnia Fear. Distrust in the life process. Guilt. I leave this day with love and give myself over to peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself.
Rabies Anger. The belief that the only answer is violence. The world settled in me and around me.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease; Russian term: Charcot's disease) Lack of desire to recognize one's own worth. Non-recognition of success. I know that I am a worthwhile person. Achieving success is safe for me. Life loves me.
Addison's disease (chronic adrenal insufficiency) (See also: “Adrenal glands: diseases”) Acute emotional hunger. Self-directed anger. I lovingly take care of my body, thoughts, emotions.
Alzheimer's disease (a type of presenile dementia) (See also: “Dementia” and “Old Age”) Reluctance to accept the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger. There is always a newer, better way to enjoy life. I forgive and consign the past to oblivion. I

I give myself over to joy.

The theory that any thoughts have a material basis and are embodied in our deeds and in the way we build relationships with others is no longer new. Thoughts shape our reality, affect our well-being and cause the development of various diseases. Such statements were made by ancient doctors and philosophers.
Since ancient times, the doctrine of the psychological causes of diseases has come to its modern form, turning into the science of psychosomatics, the founder of which is Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics is at the intersection of medicine and psychology. It is based on the position of the relationship between the human soul and body, the violation of which is the mental cause of diseases. For a more accurate understanding of this theory, the author developed a summary table of diseases, which doctors and psychologists have been successfully using in their practice for many years.

The biography of Louise Hay cannot be called completely happy, however, it was the difficulties experienced in her life that allowed the author to fully describe the mental meaning of illnesses, which became the most important discovery for modern psychology. The fact is that the author was diagnosed with a terrible disease, uterine cancer. But, no matter how surprising it may sound, the founder of psychosomatics was able to recover herself in just a few months, simply by analyzing the mechanisms of development of her disease. Long reflection and constructive analysis of her life led Louise Hay to develop a table in which she presented the spiritual causes of almost all existing diseases. Using Louise Hay’s complete table, it is possible to clearly see the negative impact of problems unresolved by a person (for example, hidden grievances, anger, anger, conflicts) on any organism, even one with good health.

However, the most valuable thing that the founder of the psychosomatic approach presented to the world of psychology and medicine is the idea that knowing the mental causes of diseases, it is possible to heal from them in a short time. Healing occurs with the help of affirmations - beliefs that are compiled in accordance with special rules. Knowing the emotional cause of a particular disease, and using the proposed attitudes for its treatment, healing is quite achievable - the author speaks about this and therefore considers it his task to help people by informing about his experience.

Psychological causes of illness according to Louise Hay: 101 thoughts that carry power

The main point on which Louise Hay's psychosomatic science is based is that a person's thinking patterns are formed as a result of his experiencing certain negative experiences. Louise Hay’s table is based on the same position, to describe it briefly. Knowing the possible psychological causes of diseases according to Louise Hay, which everyone can easily determine for themselves, by carefully studying the table of diseases and emotions, you can almost completely get rid of most of them.

What is the famous table of diseases and their psychological causes according to Louise Hay?
— the first column presents various diseases;
- in the second - the emotions that cause them;
— the third column of the table contains a list of affirmations, the utterance of which will help adjust your thinking in a positive direction, helping to get rid of the disease.

Having studied the table of diseases of Louise Hay, one comes to the understanding that virtually any unconstructive attitudes in thinking lead to the development of a certain disease. So, for example, cancer is provoked by hidden grievances, the development of thrush in most cases is facilitated by non-acceptance of one’s partner. The cause of cystitis may be the suppression of negative emotions, and such a common, seemingly intractable disease as allergies is the result of a person’s reluctance to accept anyone or anything into his life (perhaps even himself).

Even diseases such as diseased kidneys, eczema, bleeding, swelling and burns are considered by Louise Hay to be associated with destructive thoughts.

Thus, in the table of mental causes of diseases and affirmations by Louise Hay, the metaphysical foundations of almost all diseases are revealed as fully as possible. This table is of high value for psychology, as it allows you to analyze the causes of diseases from the point of view of possible mental disorders.

Table of psychological causes of diseases according to Louise Hay

Here is the famous complete health chart of Louise Hay, which can be read for free online:




Abscess (ulcer) Disturbing thoughts of resentment, neglect and revenge. I give my thoughts freedom. The past is over. My soul is at peace.
Adenoids Friction in the family, disputes. A child who feels unwanted. This child is needed, desired and adored.
Alcoholism “Who needs this?” Feelings of futility, guilt, inadequacy. Rejection of one's own personality. I live in today. Every moment brings something new. I want to understand what my value is. I love myself and approve of my actions.
Allergies (See also: “Hay fever”) Who can't you stand? Denial of one's own power. The world is not dangerous, it is a friend. I am not in any danger. I have no disagreements with life.
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for 6 months or more) (See also: “Women’s diseases” and “Menstruation”) Reluctance to be a woman. Self-hatred. I am happy that I am who I am. I am the perfect expression of life and my period always goes smoothly.
Amnesia (memory loss) Fear. Escapism. Inability to stand up for yourself. I always have intelligence, courage and a high appreciation of my own personality. Living is safe.
Sore throat (See also: “Throat”, “Tonsillitis”) You hold back from using harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself. I throw away all restrictions and find the freedom to be myself.
Anemia (anemia) Relationships like “Yes, but...” Lack of joy. Fear of life. Feeling unwell. It doesn't hurt me to feel joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
Sickle cell anemia Believing in your own inferiority deprives you of the joy of life. The child inside you lives, breathing in the joy of life and feeding on love. The Lord works miracles every day.
Anorectal bleeding (blood in stool) Anger and disappointment. I trust the process of life. Only the right and beautiful things happen in my life.
Anus (anus) (See also: “Hemorrhoids”) Inability to get rid of accumulated problems, grievances and emotions. It’s easy and pleasant for me to get rid of everything that I no longer need in life.
Anus: abscess (ulcer) Anger at something you want to get rid of. Disposal is completely safe. My body leaves only what I no longer need in my life.
Anus: fistula Incomplete disposal of waste. Reluctance to part with the garbage of the past. I'm happy to part with the past. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: itching Feeling guilty about the past. I happily forgive myself. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: pain Guilt. Desire for punishment. The past is over. I choose love and approve of myself and everything I do now.
Apathy Resistance to feelings. Suppression of emotions. Fear. Feeling is safe. I'm moving towards life. I strive to overcome the trials of life.
Appendicitis Fear. Fear of life. Blocking out all the good stuff. I'm safe. I relax and let the flow of life happily flow on.
Appetite (loss) (See also: "Lack of appetite") Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life. I love and approve of myself. Nothing threatens me. Life is joyful and safe.
Appetite (excessive) Fear. Need for protection. Condemnation of emotions. I'm safe. There is no threat to my feelings.
Arteries The joy of life flows through the arteries. Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life. I am filled with joy. It spreads through me with every heartbeat.
Arthritis of the fingers Desire for punishment. Self-blame. It feels like you are a victim. I look at everything with love and understanding. I view all the events of my life through the prism of love.
Arthritis (See also: “Joints”) The feeling of not being loved. Criticism, resentment. I am the love. Now I will love myself and approve of my actions. I look at other people with love.
Asthma Inability to breathe for one's own good. Feeling depressed. Holding back sobs. Now you can calmly take your life into your own hands. I choose freedom.
Asthma in infants and older children Fear of life. Not wanting to be here. This child is completely safe and loved.
Atherosclerosis Resistance. Tension. Unshakable stupidity. Refusal to see the good. I am completely open to life and joy. Now I look at everything with love.
Hips (upper part) Stable body support. The main mechanism when moving forward. Long live the hips! Every day is filled with joy. I stand on my own two feet and use it. freedom.
Hips: diseases Fear of moving forward in implementing major decisions. Lack of purpose. My resilience is absolute. I move forward through life easily and joyfully at any age.
Beli (See also: “Women’s diseases”, “Vaginitis”) The belief that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex. Anger at your partner. It is I who create the situations in which I find myself. The power over me is myself. My femininity makes me happy. I am free.
Whiteheads The desire to hide an ugly appearance. I consider myself beautiful and loved.
Infertility Fear and resistance to the life process or lack of need to gain parental experience. I believe in life. By doing the right thing at the right time, I am always where I need to be. I love and approve of myself.
Insomnia Fear. Distrust in the life process. Guilt. I leave this day with love and give myself over to peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself.
Rabies Anger. The belief that the only answer is violence. The world settled in me and around me.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease; Russian term: Charcot's disease) Lack of desire to recognize one's own worth. Non-recognition of success. I know that I am a worthwhile person. Achieving success is safe for me. Life loves me.
Addison's disease (chronic adrenal insufficiency) (See also: “Adrenal glands: diseases”) Acute emotional hunger. Self-directed anger. I lovingly take care of my body, thoughts, emotions.
Alzheimer's disease (a type of presenile dementia) (See also: “Dementia” and “Old Age”) Reluctance to accept the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger. There is always a newer, better way to enjoy life. I forgive and consign the past to oblivion. I

I give myself over to joy.

Louise Hay's books are popular both among doctors and psychologists, and among ordinary readers who want to find detailed information about diseases and their possible causes. The works of the author and her followers (for example, “Your body says: love yourself!”, which supplemented the teachings of the founder of psychosomatics, expanding the list of affirmations for healing from them based on the description of the metaphysics of diseases) have long become bestsellers.

Thus, in the book “Heal Your Body,” Louise Hay describes in detail the mechanisms of how a person creates his own illness with the help of incorrect thinking. The author also claims that a person has the ability to self-heal - one only has to correctly “tune” the thinking process, which is precisely possible with the help of the texts proposed by the author - affirmations.

An interesting and also quite popular addition to this book was the creative album “Heal Your Life,” published by Louise Hay a little later. In it, the author has collected special techniques that will become a kind of training for the reader, allowing him to achieve positive changes in all areas of life.
Thus, the table of diseases of Louise Hay itself and the books detailing the information presented in it allow the reader to look at diseases in a completely new way, establishing their psychological root causes, and find the path to healing. In fact, this is the ideal instruction for those who want to live in harmony with the world around them and with themselves, to find happiness and health.

Instead of a conclusion

The psychosomatic theory of Louise Hay has successfully proven its effectiveness in practice, turning the consciousness of many people in a positive direction. Its importance for modern psychology is evidenced by the fact that even doctors who are adherents of traditional medicine recommend Louise Hay’s books to their patients. Thus, psychosomatic science is so amazing and real that even the most ardent skeptics can be convinced of its effectiveness.

Louise Hay's psychosomatics of diseases is a system of knowledge expressed in a table of relationships between psychological factors and somatic ailments. Louise Hay's table is based on her own observations and many years of experience. Her vision of the cause-and-effect relationship between the psyche and the body is published in the book “Heal Your Body,” where she outlines her thoughts, observations and recommendations for people. The woman claims that negative emotions, experiences and memories are destructive to the body.

The psychosomatics of diseases in Louise Hay's table shows how these internal destructive impulses affect the health of the body. In addition to the root cause of diseases, Louise Hay gives recommendations regarding self-treatment using the settings that she lists next to the disease.

Louise Hay cannot be called a pioneer in science. The first knowledge about the influence of the soul on the body appeared in Ancient Greece, where philosophers talked about the connection between psychological experiences and their impact on health. Along with this, the medicine of eastern countries also developed this knowledge. However, their observations are not scientific, but are only the fruit of guesswork and assumptions.

In the mid-19th century, there were attempts to isolate psychosomatics, but it was not yet popular at that time. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, tried to study diseases caused by the unconscious. He identified several ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraines. However, his arguments had no scientific basis, and his hypotheses were not accepted.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first serious observations were systematized by Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar. It was they who then laid the scientific foundations of psychosomatic medicine, formulating the concept of the “Chicago Seven,” which includes seven major psychosomatic diseases. Towards the middle of the 20th century, a journal dealing with psychosomatic illnesses began to be published in the United States. Another popular author who deals with the psychosomatics of various diseases is.

Louise Hay has no special education. Almost all her life she was looking for part-time work and did not have permanent employment. She was prompted to study the influence of negative emotions by childhood and adolescent psychological trauma. In the 70s, she found herself and began preaching in a church where she realized that she was involuntarily counseling parishioners and partially healing them. While working, she began to compile her own reference book, which eventually turned into Louise Hay's psychosomatic table.

The impact of psychological problems on physical health

Psychosomatics is now a scientific system that contains knowledge from biology, physiology, medicine, psychology and sociology. There are several theories that explain in their own way the influence of psychological problems on the health of the body:

Who is at risk for psychosomatic problems

There is a risk group that includes people with certain personality traits and types of thinking:

It is important to remember that the temporary appearance of one of the points does not affect health. However, constant stay in this state has a detrimental effect on the body.

Description of the summary psychosomatic table of major diseases

Louise Hay's summary table describes the psychological causes of illness. The most common of them:

How to work with this table correctly:

On the left are diseases or syndromes. On the right is the psychological reason for their occurrence. Just look at the list and find your ailment, then – the cause.

How can you heal yourself?

You won’t be able to completely recover on your own; to do this, you need to see a psychotherapist. Often thoughts or emotions that lead to the development of diseases are not realized. They exist somewhere in the unconscious. Only full-fledged work with a psychotherapist will give a healing effect.

However, you can carry out prevention yourself. Psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis are the only things that can help a person prevent the development of psychosomatic diseases. Psychohygiene includes the following subsections:

  1. Psychohygiene of the family and sexual activity.
  2. Psychohygiene of education, training at school and university.
  3. Psychohygiene of work and rest.

Ultimately, psychological hygiene is aimed at satisfying the basic needs of life:

Louise Hay's model of healing

Louise Hay used an integrated approach in the healing process, which in 1977 allowed the woman to get rid of cancer on her own. She abandoned the methods of traditional medicine and decided to put her knowledge into practice.

Louise Hay created several exercises for everyday work on yourself:

The woman herself did this: every morning she thanked herself for what she now has. Louise then meditated and took a shower. After which she began morning exercises, had breakfast with fruit and tea and got to work.

Affirmations using the Louise Hay method

Louise Hay gained popularity with her affirmations. These are positive verbal attitudes towards life, repeating which daily, a person gets rid of internal experiences and negative ways of thinking. The author of the book “Heal Yourself” has compiled a number of such affirmations that she recommends repeating to achieve success and healing. She created installations for everyone: women, men, children and the elderly.

The most common settings:

  • I am worthy of a good life;
  • I enjoy every day;
  • I am unique and incomparable;
  • I have the power to solve any problem;
  • I don't need to be afraid of change;
  • my life is in my hands;
  • I respect myself, others respect me;
  • I am strong and confident;
  • expressing your feelings is safe;
  • I have great friends;
  • I find it easy to cope with difficulties;
  • all obstacles are surmountable.

How to use the book “Heal Yourself”

Reading this book means more than just skimming the chapters. Reading psychological literature presupposes a deep awareness of every thought of the author. In the process of studying the material, it is necessary to form an internal review of what you read, analyze your feelings and thoughts. This is not only working with the text, but also working on yourself while reading.