Contradictions of Khrushchev's policies - pros and cons. Reform of economic management under Khrushchev

Agrarian reform - Khrushchev's reforms:

1) Collective and state farms received loans and new equipment;

2) From the mid-50s, a new stage in the strengthening of collective farms began. Many of which were converted into state farms;

3) In March 1958, MTS was liquidated, which undermined the economy of collective farms; having no choice, they bought cars and immediately found themselves in a difficult financial situation;

4) Widespread introduction of corn;

5) In 1954, the development of virgin lands began;

6) The peasants were freed from excess income.

Military reform- Khrushchev's reforms:

1) The Soviet Army and Navy were rearmed with nuclear missile weapons;

2) the USSR reached parity with the United States in terms of military strength;

3) Ideas for a policy of peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems were considered. It was concluded that it was possible to prevent war.

Social reform- Khrushchev's reforms:

1) The law on pensions was adopted;

2) The continuation of maternity leave for women has increased;

3) Tuition fees in high schools and universities are canceled;

4) Compulsory eight-year education in schools is introduced;

5) Workers were transferred to a six- and seven-hour working day;

6) Housing construction based on industrial methods is being widely developed;

7) Rights are expanded union republics;

8) The rights of peoples repressed during the war are being restored: Chechens, Ingush, Karachais, Kalmyks.

Management reform- Khrushchev's reforms:

1) The economic rights of the union republics were expanded by transferring issues that were previously resolved at the center;

2) The administrative staff has been reduced;

3) Line ministries were abolished;

4) The country is divided into 105 economic regions;

5) Economic councils were created.

School reform- Khrushchev's reforms:

1) The secondary school became unified and monotonous;

2) Everyone who wanted to receive a complete secondary education had to study either in secondary polytechnic school, either in secondary vocational schools, or in evening and correspondence schools;

3) Interest in humanitarian subjects has fallen.

Political reforms

Having come to power, Khrushchev carried out a number of political reforms:

– subordinated the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB to local party bodies;

– stopped repressions, reviewed cases, rehabilitated prisoners, changed the Gulag system;

- At the 20th Party Congress in February 1956, he made a report on Stalin’s cult of personality.

As a result of these reforms, he managed to remove Stalin's supporters from the party bureaucracy and bring his own adherents into their places.

Economic reforms

A) Agriculture. Stalin's policies greatly strengthened heavy industry and ruined agriculture. Khrushchev decided to strengthen the village. For this:

– taxes were reduced;

– increased financial support;

– the development of virgin lands in Northern Kazakhstan has begun.

B) Industry.

Due to the construction of nuclear and large hydroelectric power plants, the capacity of the USSR energy system was increased, the electrification of the country was completed, and the sale of electricity abroad began. Enterprises began to re-equip with new equipment.

B) Bureaucracy. Khrushchev began all reforms with changes in management systems. The goal of the reforms was to make the management system more efficient.

Consequences of Khrushchev's reforms

Khrushchev considered the main task of all reforms carried out in the country to be the accelerated development of the economy in order to overtake the growth rate of the US economy. Due to incorrectly set tasks, the wrong methods were chosen (the engine of reform was the bureaucracy, whose position was very unstable). Reforms were carried out in a hurry and did not have a clear organization. The bureaucracy was not materially interested in reforms and worked for the sake of reports. Therefore, all reforms were unsuccessful. As a result, by the mid-1960s:

– the crisis in agriculture has deepened;

- a crisis began in industry;

– the bureaucracy stopped supporting Khrushchev;

– due to food shortages and the introduction of rationing cards, unrest began in the country.

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev went down in the history of the USSR and Russia as the most controversial ruler who influenced the development of new directions in the foreign and domestic policy of the USSR and carried out several reforms during the decade of his rule.

Domestic policy Khrushchev

Stalin's death in 1953 led to a behind-the-scenes struggle for a place on the “throne,” but the post of first secretary went to Khrushchev. At the 20th Congress (1956) he delivered a report that received worldwide resonance. The main topic was the exposure of Stalin with a list of a number of crimes of the 30s-50s. and harsh criticism of his repression. The beginning of de-Stalinization and democratization has been made.

Khrushchev's reforms

De-Stalinization had, however, neither consistency nor integrity. According to Khrushchev, it consisted of condemning the cult of Stalin and establishing party control over the punitive authorities. There was a restoration of law and order, legality and constitutional rights of citizens.

Khrushchev's reforms continued - perestroika was carried out ruling party: democratization, changes in the conditions for admission to it, expansion of the rights of local organizations and union republics. In 1957, his rights were restored deported by Stalin peoples. New organs appear public self-government etc.

Management reform

Trying to go to economic methods management led to a more complex management structure and an increase in the number of officials. In 1962, the most unsuccessful of the reforms was undertaken: the specialization of party organizations (industrial and rural). The country was divided into 105 economic regions.

Agrarian reform

Khrushchev's reforms began with Agriculture. Since 1953 it has been strengthened economic situation collective farms, the amount of agricultural tax was reduced. Farms were provided with loans, received new technology. In the mid-50s, their wholesale consolidation began - their transformation into state farms. Then economic councils were created.

The peasants were issued passports and were given a pension.

The corn epic also became part of Khrushchev’s image - following the example of the United States, this crop began to be intensively planted everywhere, even where it, in principle, cannot grow (up to Far North!).

In 1954, a development campaign began. A sharp jump followed with unprecedented harvests, for the first time in post-war years the purchase price of grain increased. But erosion destroyed virgin soils. The non-chernozem center fell into complete decline.

Khrushchev's military reforms

After coming to power, he took the direction of raising the defense and heavy industries. The SA and the fleet received nuclear missile weapons. By ratios military power The USSR reaches parity with the USA. The direction towards peaceful coexistence of states of different social systems is considered.

Social reform

After the adoption of the law on the payment of pensions to peasants, it was decided to abolish tuition fees for eight-year education and became mandatory. Established in particular - a 6-hour working day for teenagers 16 years old.

The housing stock is actively expanding. Housing construction is based on industrial methods. The country's housing stock is increasing by 40% over the seven-year period! True, construction was carried out in a style that went down in history as “Khrushchev”, but the housing crisis disappeared.

School reform led to a single eight-year school. Those wishing to receive complete secondary education had to continue their studies at a secondary polytechnic school (vocational school, evening or correspondence school).

Khrushchev's foreign policy

External relations in those days they developed in the style of traditional Bolshevik politics. Main direction foreign policy security systems were strengthened along all borders.

Contacts with foreign countries, appear in the press and positive reviews about other countries. Expanding trade relations. This entails mutual benefit, because Western countries receive the most extensive supply for their products.

The launch of the first satellite in 1957 had a significant impact on the global situation; a new one is beginning, space age. Khrushchev, a supporter of Korolev, supports his idea to overtake the Americans in developing outer space.

This changed the prioritization; now the West was in the crosshairs of the USSR’s intercontinental missiles.

In 1961 The Berlin Ultimatum was delivered, in which Khrushchev demanded the construction of a wall between the Western and East Berlin. Huge response from the world community. After the “Berlin crisis”, another one is flaring up, the so-called. "Caribbean" or "missile crisis". Kennedy tried to seize Cuba, which the USSR was providing economic, and now also military assistance, sending there military and technical advisers, different kinds weapons. Including missiles, which threatened the United States with a strike. Kennedy demanded that missiles not be unloaded in Cuba, and Khrushchev accepted these demands.

Kennedy's assassination led to the need to establish contact with President Johnson. But accusations of voluntarism were brought against Khrushchev, and he was dismissed. The attempt to cut benefits and privileges for civil servants also ruined him. Under Khrushchev, an authoritarian system developed in the USSR, however, the foundations of the command-administrative system were strengthened.

After Stalin's death in 1953, Nikita Khrushchev suddenly found himself in power. For a long time Lavrentiy Beria applied for the position of General Secretary, but Khrushchev and his associates managed to carry out a party purge in time and remove the obvious candidate from all positions.

The period during which Khrushchev was in power is called a time of thaw and unexpected government reforms. Nikita Sergeevich’s actions in power were not consistent, which led to a crisis in the economy and his removal from office. What were the main reforms that Khrushchev managed to carry out, and is it possible to highlight their advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages and disadvantages of Khrushchev's reforms

Khrushchev's reform

Advantages of the reform

Disadvantages of the reform

1. 1957 - consistent introduction of market elements into the socialist model of the economy.

The reform helped make a shift in the economy towards the consumer and expand the market. Also, this reform became evidence of a thaw in relations with other powers that prefer to use a market economic model

The reform led to the fact that long years payments on bonds ceased, and this led to significant financial losses among the population. In addition, it was observed general increase prices for many groups of goods.

2. Anti-religious campaign of 1954-1964, during which Khrushchev tried to reduce the influence of the church on the country’s population

The anti-religious campaign essentially did not bring any results, because people continued to attend church and hang icons at home. Contrasting the power of the Secretary General church influence, Khrushchev lost, and this affected his authority among citizens.

3. Debunking the cult of Stalin and anti-reform.

Khrushchev tried to restore the justice of history by making amendments to the understanding of the period of Stalin's reign. Many repressed citizens convicted in Stalin period on unfair charges.

In the minds of the people, Stalin was a great leader, and Khrushchev's desire to “slander” (in fact, restore the truth) of the leader caused indignation. In addition, Nikita Sergeevich placed too much emphasis on the abolition of all Stalinist reforms, which only hindered the development of the economy and social sphere.

4. Social reforms 1957-1965

Khrushchev influenced the reduction of the working day to seven hours, were increased salaries employees. In addition, the housing stock increased, apartments were distributed to workers throughout the country, and so-called “Khrushchev-era apartment buildings” were erected. Housing became more affordable.

The increase in the housing stock did not in any way affect the law itself, and one could only dream of privatization. In addition, Khrushchev's reforms were not consistent, which led to protests by workers.

5. International reforms

Khrushchev managed to achieve a thaw in international relations, reduce the degree of tension between the USSR and Europe. Moreover, it improved international trade, the market expanded, and the number of citizens restricted to travel decreased. Development space program, which began under Khrushchev, helped strengthen the USSR as a superpower.

Construction Berlin Wall And Caribbean crisis in 1962 almost led to World War III. The USSR was balancing in internationally on a fine line, and war could break out at any moment. Here, again, the inconsistency of Khrushchev’s reforms was evident.

6. School reform of 1958, during which the previous model of education was abolished and labor schools were introduced

Khrushchev abandoned the model high school, introducing compulsory education in 8 grades and the next 3 years labor school. Thus general secretary wanted to bring the school closer to real life, but achieved only a general decline in academic performance. In addition, the involvement of the intelligentsia in blue-collar occupations led to discontent and protests. The reforms were abolished in 1966.

7. Personnel reforms within the party.

Young personnel capable of leading the country forward were attracted to work in the party.

Young personnel could not count on high positions, promotion career ladder Things were very difficult within the party. The fight against the cult of Stalin led to the fact that many dear people, supporting former leader, lost their jobs. Also, the Secretary General introduced the so-called “personnel tenure” reform, leading to the fact that the same person could occupy specific position until the end of his life, regardless of his professional success.

The results of Khrushchev's reform actions

What conclusions can be drawn regarding the reforms carried out by Khrushchev? During his years in power, Nikita Sergeevich repeatedly changed his policy line. And if the first years of his reign were invariably called the “thaw,” then by the beginning of the 60s, the USSR found itself in the epicenter of the largest political crisis over the past 20 years.

Similar inconsistency was observed throughout. Many reforms were not completed, and some of them, for example, the dispelling of the cult of Stalin, were based on personal regard Khrushchev to politics and economics.

By the beginning of the 60s, the USSR found itself in deep economic crisis, which could also be explained by the inconsistency of reforms. Khrushchev wanted to preserve the socialist model of power, but at the same time bring the country closer to democratic norms West.

Outrage at the illogicality of the policy was heard both from the outside ordinary people, and from party members. It was not without reason that Khrushchev was removed from office, realizing that he would not be able to lead the USSR into a happy future. However, the change from Khrushchev to Brezhnev did not lead to the desired results, and the country faced an economic and social crisis.

Nikita Khrushchev is a controversial figure, and his policies have many pros and cons. He has a very correct actions which helped stimulate the development Soviet Union, but there are also some shortcomings. The reign of this man was characterized by beautiful speeches, but words did not always turn into reality.

He exposed Stalin's personality cult and rehabilitated hundreds of thousands of repressed people. This is credited to him as a plus. However, after the death of the former leader there is no longer any need to hide. Although I was not against the cult of personality.

Society under him began to relatively democratize, although it was still very far from real democracy. For example, repression of dissidents clearly does not indicate the democratic foundation of the state. On the other hand, he introduced an ill-conceived military reform, during which many officers became unemployed and homeless. However, the corn reform also did not produce the expected results, and after its failure, Khrushchev began to be called “Corn.” Well, let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of the reign of this controversial person.

Historical reference

Nikita Khrushchev is the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, who followed Stalin. He began ruling in 1953 and ended in 1964. Some say he ruled the USSR at its peak, although many believe this good fortune motivated his successor, Brezhnev.

He is known for dismantling the personality cult of Stalin, despite the fact that he actively supported it until 1953. The same applies to the rehabilitation of repressed people who were punished precisely with his light hand who helped former leader do things.

He was born in 1894 in the family of a miner. In winter I went to school. In 1908, he began to live near the Uspensky mine near present-day Donetsk.

In 1938, he was asked to head the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, and here he actively “fought the enemies of the people” and flattered Stalin. At this time, he exceeded the plans for executions and repressed everyone he could. Moreover, after Stalin’s death, Khrushchev did not have much of a chance to become the head of the USSR. He did not have much authority, but through tricks he was able to occupy the chair of the First Secretary of the Central Committee.

He is also known for the many memes that went viral during his reign. Khrushchev said a lot of interesting things that people remember him with laughter even now. He threw out many phrases that still make people laugh to this day:

  • We'll bury you. He said this phrase to American diplomats and journalists. He meant that the communist system would easily defeat the capitalist system, but in practice it turned out to be the opposite.
  • We'll show you Kuzka's mother. This phrase was said during a tour of the American exhibition in Sokolniki to the US Vice President of that time, Richard Nixon. The interesting thing is that he did not mean such an aggressive statement as it might seem at first glance. By Kuzka’s mother he meant “something you have never seen before.”

He also said a lot of interesting things, but the most interesting was Khrushchev’s assessment of how politician. What were the pros and cons of his reign?

Pros of Khrushchev's reign

  1. Adopted the "Peace Program" main idea which was to prevent war between countries with different social systems.
  2. Concluded a nuclear test ban treaty.
  3. Pension reform, thanks to which older people were able to improve their quality of life.
  4. Agricultural reform. The enslavement has finally ended rural population, which was under Stalin. People were allowed to leave for the city and move to other collective farms.
  5. Mass housing construction. Many Khrushchev buildings are still popular today.
  6. Advances in science - the first nuclear power plant, satellite and astronaut in outer space.

Khrushchev also opened iron curtain, which made it possible to draw a little culture from other countries and travel more widely. But tourism abroad has not gained mass appeal.

Disadvantages of Khrushchev's reign

  • Khrushchev shot a demonstration of workers in Novocherkassk. During this reprisal, 26 people were killed and 58 were injured.
  • Khrushchev opposed Stalin's personality cult, but did not mind being praised. In less than 1964, his photo was published in newspapers more than 140 times.
  • He promised that this generation would live under communism. But somehow it didn’t work out. Well, in fact, it’s a populist empty promise that has no facts behind it. Actually, Khrushchev became famous for such statements.
  • For example, he promised to surpass America in many areas, but never fulfilled it.
  • Since 1963, grain was no longer grown this way and began to be purchased abroad, which led to a deterioration in the economy of the USSR.
  • During his reign the Berlin Wall was built.
  • Too much love for corn led to the fact that other crops were simply not grown.
  • Transfer of Crimea to Ukraine. Historical justice was restored only in 2014, when residents of the peninsula expressed a desire to return to their homeland and escaped from Ukrainian aggression and forceful suppression of discontent.

Thus, Khrushchev is a controversial personality, and contradictory, if only because, despite the rehabilitation of those repressed under Stalin, he himself was far from white and fluffy. Take the same dissidents, whom he did not treat very well. So, despite the fact that an imitation of the democratization of society was created, in essence little has changed. However, he also had a lot positive qualities and he stays significant figure in the history of both our country and the whole world!