Prerequisites for the revolution of October 1917. Great Russian Revolution

The Great Russian Revolution is the revolutionary events that occurred in Russia in 1917, starting with the overthrow of the monarchy during the February Revolution, when power passed to the Provisional Government, which was overthrown as a result of the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks, who proclaimed Soviet power.

February Revolution of 1917 - Main revolutionary events in Petrograd

Reason for the revolution: Labor conflict at the Putilov plant between workers and owners; interruptions in the food supply to Petrograd.

Main events February Revolution took place in Petrograd. The army leadership, headed by the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General M.V. Alekseev, and the commanders of the fronts and fleets, considered that they did not have the means to suppress the riots and strikes that had engulfed Petrograd. Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne. After his intended successor, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, also abdicated the throne, the State Duma took control of the country, forming the Provisional Government of Russia.

With the formation of Soviets parallel to the Provisional Government, a period of dual power began. The Bolsheviks formed detachments of armed workers (Red Guard), thanks to attractive slogans they gained significant popularity, primarily in Petrograd, Moscow, in large industrial cities, the Baltic Fleet, and the troops of the Northern and Western Fronts.

Demonstrations of women demanding bread and the return of men from the front.

The beginning of a general political strike under the slogans: “Down with tsarism!”, “Down with autocracy!”, “Down with war!” (300 thousand people). Clashes between demonstrators and police and gendarmerie.

The Tsar’s telegram to the commander of the Petrograd Military District demanding “tomorrow stop the unrest in the capital!”

Arrests of leaders of socialist parties and workers' organizations (100 people).

Shooting of workers' demonstrations.

Proclamation of the Tsar's decree dissolving the State Duma for two months.

The troops (4th company of the Pavlovsk regiment) opened fire on the police.

Mutiny of the reserve battalion of the Volyn regiment, its transition to the side of the strikers.

The beginning of a massive transfer of troops to the side of the revolution.

Creation of the Provisional Committee of Members of the State Duma and the Provisional Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet.

Creation of a provisional government

Abdication of Tsar Nicholas II from the throne

In February 1917, the second revolution took place in Russia after the events of 1905. Today we are talking briefly about the February Revolution of 1917: the causes of the popular uprising, the course of events and consequences.


The revolution of 1905 was defeated. However, its failure did not destroy the preconditions that led to the very possibility of its occurrence. It’s as if the disease had receded, but did not go away, hiding in the depths of the body, only to strike again one day. And all because the forcefully suppressed uprising of 1905-1907 was a treatment for external symptoms, while the root causes - social and political contradictions in the country continued to exist.

Rice. 1. The military joined the rebel workers in February 1917

12 years later, at the very beginning of 1917, these contradictions intensified, which led to a new, more serious explosion. The exacerbation occurred due to the following reasons:

  • Russian participation in the First World War : a long and exhausting war required constant expenses, which led to economic devastation and, as a natural consequence of it, worsening poverty and the deplorable situation of the already poor masses;
  • A number of fateful mistakes that were made by Russian Emperor Nicholas II in governing the country : refusal to revise agrarian policy, adventurous policy in the Far East, defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, a penchant for mysticism, G. Rasputin’s admission to government affairs, military defeats in the First World War, unsuccessful appointments of ministers, military leaders and more;
  • Economic crisis: war requires large expenses and consumption, due to which disruptions in the economy begin to occur (rising prices, inflation, the problem of food supply, the emergence of a rationing system, aggravation of transport problems);
  • Crisis of power : frequent changes of governors, ignorance of the State Duma by the emperor and his entourage, an unpopular government that was responsible exclusively to the tsar, and much more.

Rice. 2. Destruction of the monument to Alexander III during the events of February 1917

All of the above points did not exist in isolation. They were closely interconnected and gave rise to new conflicts: general dissatisfaction with the autocracy, distrust of the reigning monarch, the growth of anti-war sentiment, social tension, and the strengthening of the role of leftist and opposition forces. The latter included such parties as the Mensheviks, Bolsheviks, Trudoviks, Socialist Revolutionaries, anarchists, as well as various national parties. Some called on the people for a decisive assault and overthrow of the autocracy, others led a confrontation with the tsarist government in the Duma.

Rice. 3. The moment of signing the manifesto on the abdication of the Tsar

Despite the different methods of struggle, the goals of the parties were the same: the overthrow of the autocracy, the introduction of a constitution, the establishment of a new system - a democratic republic, the establishment of political freedoms, the establishment of peace, the solution of pressing problems - national, land, labor. Since these tasks to transform the country were of a bourgeois-democratic nature, this uprising went down in history under the name the February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917.


The tragic events of the second winter month of 1917 are summarized in the following table:

Event date

Event description

A strike by workers of the Putilov plant, who, due to a jump in food prices, demanded an increase in wages. The strikers were fired and some workshops were closed. However, workers at other factories supported the strikers.

In Petrograd, a difficult situation arose with the delivery of bread and a card system was introduced. On this day, tens of thousands of people took to the streets with various demands for bread, as well as political slogans calling for the overthrow of the tsar and an end to the war.

A multiple increase in the number of strikers from 200 to 305 thousand people. These were mainly workers, joined by artisans and office workers. The police were unable to restore calm, and the troops refused to go against the people.

The meeting of the State Duma was postponed from February 26 to April 1 according to the emperor's decree. But this initiative was not supported, as it looked more like dissolution.

An armed uprising took place, which was joined by the army (Volynsky, Lithuanian, Preobrazhensky battalions, motor armored division, Semyonovsky and Izmailovsky regiments). As a result, the telegraph, bridges, train stations, the Main Post Office, the Arsenal, and the Kronverk Arsenal were captured. The State Duma, which did not accept its dissolution, created a Temporary Committee, which was supposed to restore order on the streets of St. Petersburg.

Power passes to the Provisional Committee. The Finnish, 180th Infantry Regiment, the sailors of the cruiser Aurora and the 2nd Baltic Fleet crew go over to the side of the rebels.

The uprising spread to Kronstadt and Moscow.

Nicholas II decided to abdicate the throne in favor of his heir, Tsarevich Alexei. The regent was supposed to be Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, the emperor's younger brother. But as a result, the king abdicated the throne for his son.

The manifesto on the abdication of Russian Emperor Nicholas II was published in all newspapers of the country. A Manifesto about the abdication of Mikhail Alexandrovich immediately followed.

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Today we examined the main causes of the February Revolution of 1917, which became the second in a row since 1905. In addition, the main dates of the events are named and their detailed description is given.

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October Revolution of 1917. Chronicle of events

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On the night of October 25, 1917, an armed uprising began in Petrograd, during which the current government was overthrown and power was transferred to the Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. The most important objects were captured - bridges, telegraphs, government offices, and at 2 a.m. on October 26, the Winter Palace was taken and the Provisional Government was arrested.

V. I. Lenin. Photo:

Prerequisites for the October Revolution

The February Revolution of 1917, which was greeted with enthusiasm, although it put an end to the absolute monarchy in Russia, very soon disappointed the revolutionary-minded “lower strata” - the army, workers and peasants, who expected it to end the war, transfer land to the peasants, ease working conditions for workers and democratic power devices. Instead, the Provisional Government continued the war, assuring the Western allies of their fidelity to their commitments; in the summer of 1917, on his orders, a large-scale offensive began, which ended in disaster due to the collapse of discipline in the army. Attempts to carry out land reform and introduce an 8-hour working day in factories were blocked by the majority in the Provisional Government. Autocracy was not completely abolished - the question of whether Russia should be a monarchy or a republic was postponed by the Provisional Government until the convening of the Constituent Assembly. The situation was also aggravated by the growing anarchy in the country: desertion from the army assumed gigantic proportions, unauthorized “redistributions” of land began in villages, and thousands of landowners’ estates were burned. Poland and Finland declared independence, nationally minded separatists claimed power in Kyiv, and their own autonomous government was created in Siberia.

Counter-revolutionary armored car "Austin" surrounded by cadets at the Winter Palace. 1917 Photo:

At the same time, a powerful system of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies emerged in the country, which became an alternative to the bodies of the Provisional Government. Soviets began to form during the 1905 revolution. They were supported by numerous factory and peasant committees, police and soldiers' councils. Unlike the Provisional Government, they demanded an immediate end to the war and reforms, which found increasing support among the embittered masses. The dual power in the country becomes obvious - the generals in the person of Alexei Kaledin and Lavr Kornilov demand the dispersal of the Soviets, and the Provisional Government in July 1917 carried out mass arrests of deputies of the Petrograd Soviet, and at the same time demonstrations took place in Petrograd under the slogan “All power to the Soviets!”

Armed uprising in Petrograd

The Bolsheviks headed for an armed uprising in August 1917. On October 16, the Bolshevik Central Committee decided to prepare an uprising; two days after this, the Petrograd garrison declared disobedience to the Provisional Government, and on October 21, a meeting of representatives of the regiments recognized the Petrograd Soviet as the only legitimate authority. Since October 24, detachments of the Military Revolutionary Committee occupied key points in Petrograd: train stations, bridges, banks, telegraphs, printing houses and power plants.

The Provisional Government was preparing for this station, but the coup that took place on the night of October 25 came as a complete surprise to him. Instead of the expected mass demonstrations of the garrison regiments, detachments of the working Red Guard and sailors of the Baltic Fleet simply took control of key objects - without firing a single shot, putting an end to dual power in Russia. On the morning of October 25, only the Winter Palace, surrounded by Red Guard detachments, remained under the control of the Provisional Government.

At 10 a.m. on October 25, the Military Revolutionary Committee issued an appeal in which it announced that all “state power had passed into the hands of the body of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies.” At 21:00, a blank shot from the Baltic Fleet cruiser Aurora signaled the start of the assault on the Winter Palace, and at 2 a.m. on October 26, the Provisional Government was arrested.

Cruiser Aurora". Photo:

On the evening of October 25, the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets opened in Smolny, proclaiming the transfer of all power to the Soviets.

On October 26, the congress adopted the Decree on Peace, which invited all warring countries to begin negotiations on the conclusion of a general democratic peace, and the Decree on Land, according to which the land of the landowners was to be transferred to the peasants, and all mineral resources, forests and waters were nationalized.

The congress also formed a government, the Council of People's Commissars, headed by Vladimir Lenin - the first highest body of state power in Soviet Russia.

On October 29, the Council of People's Commissars adopted the Decree on the eight-hour working day, and on November 2, the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia, which proclaimed the equality and sovereignty of all peoples of the country, the abolition of national and religious privileges and restrictions.

On November 23, a decree “On the abolition of estates and civil ranks” was issued, proclaiming the legal equality of all citizens of Russia.

Simultaneously with the uprising in Petrograd on October 25, the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Moscow Council also took control of all important strategic objects of Moscow: the arsenal, telegraph, State Bank, etc. However, on October 28, the Committee of Public Safety, headed by the Chairman of the City Duma Vadim Rudnev, under with the support of the cadets and Cossacks, he began military operations against the Soviet.

Fighting in Moscow continued until November 3, when the Committee of Public Safety agreed to lay down arms. The October Revolution was immediately supported in the Central Industrial Region, where local Soviets of Workers' Deputies had already effectively established their power; in the Baltics and Belarus, Soviet power was established in October - November 1917, and in the Central Black Earth Region, the Volga region and Siberia, the process of recognition of Soviet power dragged on until the end of January 1918.

Name and celebration of the October Revolution

Since Soviet Russia switched to the new Gregorian calendar in 1918, the anniversary of the Petrograd uprising fell on November 7. But the revolution was already associated with October, which was reflected in its name. This day became an official holiday in 1918, and starting from 1927, two days became holidays - November 7 and 8. Every year on this day, demonstrations and military parades took place on Red Square in Moscow and in all cities of the USSR. The last military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the anniversary of the October Revolution took place in 1990. Since 1992, November 8 became a working day in Russia, and in 2005, November 7 was also abolished as a day off. Until now, the Day of the October Revolution is celebrated in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Transnistria.

Event that happened October 25, 1917 in the capital of the then Russian Empire, Petrograd, was simply an uprising of the armed people, which shook up almost the entire civilized world.

A hundred years have passed, but the results and achievements, the impact on world history of the October events remain the subject of discussions and debates among numerous historians, philosophers, political scientists, and specialists in various fields of law, both in our time and in the bygone twentieth century.

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Briefly about the date October 25, 1917

Officially in the Soviet Union, this controversially assessed event was called today - the day of the October Revolution of 1917, it was a holiday for the entire huge country and the peoples inhabiting it. It brought a fundamental change in the socio-political situation, transformation of political and social views on the position of peoples and each individual individually.

Today, many young people do not even know in what year the revolution took place in Russia, but it is necessary to know about it. The situation was quite predictable and had been brewing for several years, then significant main events of the October Revolution of 1917 took place, table briefly:

What is the October Revolution in the historical concept? The main armed uprising, led by V. I. Ulyanov - Lenin, L. D. Trotsky, Ya. M. Sverdlov and other leaders of the Russian communist movement.

The Revolution of 1917 was an armed uprising.

Attention! The uprising was carried out by the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet, where, oddly enough, the majority was represented by the Left Socialist Revolutionary faction.

The successful implementation of the coup was ensured by the following factors:

  1. Significant level of popular support.
  2. The provisional government was inactive and did not solve the problems of Russia's participation in the First World War.
  3. The most significant political aspect compared to previously proposed extremist movements.

The Menshevik and Right Socialist Revolutionary factions were unable to organize a more or less realistic version of an alternative movement in relation to the Bolsheviks.

A little about the reasons for the October events of 1917

Today, no one refutes the idea that this fateful event practically turned not only the whole world upside down, but also radically changed the course of history for many decades to come. Far from being feudal, the bourgeois country striving for progress was practically turned upside down during certain events on the fronts of the First World War.

The historical significance of the October Revolution, which occurred in 1917, is largely determined by the cessation. However, as modern historians see it, there were several reasons:

  1. The influence of the peasant revolution as a socio-political phenomenon as an aggravation of the confrontation between the peasant masses and the remaining landowners at that time. The reason is the “black redistribution” known in history, that is, distribution of land to the number of people in need. Also in this aspect there was a negative impact of the procedure for redistribution of land plots on the number of dependents.
  2. The working sections of society experienced significant pressure from city authorities on residents of rural areas, state power has become the main lever of pressure on the productive forces.
  3. The deepest decomposition of the army and other security forces, where the majority of peasants went to serve, who could not comprehend certain nuances of the protracted military actions.
  4. Revolutionary fermentation of all layers of the working class. The proletariat at that time was a politically active minority, constituting no more than 3.5% of the active population. The working class was largely concentrated in industrial cities.
  5. The national movements of the popular formations of imperial Russia developed and reached their culmination. Then they sought to achieve autonomy; a promising option for them was not just autonomy, but a promising autonomy and independence from the central authorities.

To the greatest extent, it was the national movement that became the provoking factor in the beginning of the revolutionary movement on the territory of the vast Russian Empire, which was literally falling apart into its component parts.

Attention! The combination of all causes and conditions, as well as the interests of all segments of the population, determined the goals of the October Revolution of 1917, which became the driving force for the future uprising as a turning point in history.

Popular unrest before the start of the October Revolution of 1917.

Ambiguous about the events of October 17

The first stage, which became the basis and beginning of a worldwide change in historical events, which became a turning point not only on a domestic, but also on a global scale. For example, an assessment of the October Revolution, the interesting facts of which are the simultaneous positive and negative impact on the socio-political world situation.

As usual, every significant event has reasons of an objective and subjective nature. The vast majority of the population had a hard time experiencing wartime conditions, hunger and deprivation, the conclusion of peace became necessary. What conditions prevailed in the second half of 1917:

  1. Formed between February 27 and March 3, 1917, the Provisional Government headed by Kerensky did not have sufficient tools to solve all problems and questions without exception. The transfer of ownership of land and enterprises to workers and peasants, as well as the elimination of hunger and the conclusion of peace became an urgent problem, the solution of which was inaccessible to the so-called “temporary workers.”
  2. Prevalence of socialist ideas among the general population, a noticeable increase in the popularity of Marxist theory, the implementation by the Soviets of the slogans of universal equality, the prospects of what the people expected.
  3. The emergence of a strong force in the country opposition movement led by a charismatic leader, such as Ulyanov - Lenin. At the beginning of the last century, this party line became the most promising movement for achieving world communism as a concept for further development.
  4. In this situation, they have become extremely in demand radical ideas and requiring a radical solution to the problem of society - the inability to lead the empire from a completely rotten tsarist administrative apparatus.

The slogan of the October Revolution - “peace to the peoples, land to the peasants, factories to the workers” was supported by the population, which made it possible to radically change the political system in Russia.

Briefly about the course of events on October 25

Why did the October Revolution happen in November? The autumn of 1917 brought an even greater increase in social tension, political and socio-economic destruction was rapidly approaching its peak.

In the field of industry, financial sector, transport and communication systems, agriculture complete collapse was brewing.

Russian multinational empire collapsed into separate nation states, contradictions between representatives of different nations and intra-tribal disagreements grew.

The acceleration of the overthrow of the Provisional Government was significantly influenced by hyperinflation, rising food prices Against the backdrop of lower wages, increased unemployment, and the catastrophic situation on the battlefields, the war was artificially prolonged. Government of A. Kerensky did not present an anti-crisis plan, and the initial February promises were practically abandoned altogether.

These processes, in conditions of their rapid growth, only increased influence leftist political movements throughout the country. These were the reasons for the unprecedented victory of the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution. The Bolshevik idea and its support by peasants, workers and soldiers led to parliamentary majority in the new state system - the Soviets in the First Capital and Petrograd. The plans for the Bolsheviks to come to power included two directions:

  1. Peaceful, diplomatically stipulated and legally confirmed the act of transferring power to the majority.
  2. The extremist trend in the Soviets demanded armed strategic measures; in their opinion, the plan could only be realized power grip.

The government created in October 1917 was called the Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. The shot from the legendary cruiser Aurora on the night of October 25 signal to start the assault Winter Palace, which led to the fall of the Provisional Government.

October Revolution

October Revolution

Consequences of the October Revolution

The consequences of the October Revolution are ambiguous. This is the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, the adoption by the Second Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of the Decrees on Peace, Land, and the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of the Country. Was created Russian Soviet Republic, later the controversial Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed. Pro-Bolshevik governments began to come to power in various countries around the world.

The negative aspect of the event is also important - it began protracted, which brought even greater destruction, crisis, famine, millions of victims. The collapse and chaos in a huge country led to economic destruction of the global financial system, a crisis that lasted more than a decade and a half. Its consequences fell heavily on the shoulders of the poorest sections of the population. This situation has become the basis for a decline in demographic indicators, a lack of productive forces in the future, human casualties, and unplanned migration.

Reasons for the October Revolution of 1917:

  • war fatigue;
  • the country's industry and agriculture were on the verge of complete collapse;
  • catastrophic financial crisis;
  • the unresolved agrarian question and the impoverishment of peasants;
  • delaying socio-economic reforms;
  • the contradictions of dual power became a prerequisite for a change of power.

On July 3, 1917, unrest began in Petrograd demanding the overthrow of the Provisional Government. Counter-revolutionary units, by order of the government, used weapons to suppress the peaceful demonstration. Arrests began and the death penalty was reinstated.

The dual power ended in the victory of the bourgeoisie. The events of July 3-5 showed that the bourgeois Provisional Government did not intend to fulfill the demands of the working people, and it became clear to the Bolsheviks that it was no longer possible to take power peacefully.

At the VI Congress of the RSDLP(b), which took place from July 26 to August 3, 1917, the party set its sights on a socialist revolution through an armed uprising.

At the August State Conference in Moscow, the bourgeoisie intended to declare L.G. Kornilov as a military dictator and to coincide with this event the dispersal of the Soviets. But active revolutionary action thwarted the plans of the bourgeoisie. Then Kornilov moved troops to Petrograd on August 23.

The Bolsheviks, carrying out extensive propaganda work among the working masses and soldiers, explained the meaning of the conspiracy and created revolutionary centers to fight the Kornilov revolt. The rebellion was suppressed, and the people finally realized that the Bolshevik Party is the only party that defends the interests of the working people.

In mid-September V.I. Lenin developed a plan for an armed uprising and ways to implement it. The main goal of the October Revolution was the conquest of power by the Soviets.

On October 12, the Military Revolutionary Committee (MRC) was created - a center for preparing an armed uprising. Zinoviev and Kamenev, opponents of the socialist revolution, gave the terms of the uprising to the Provisional Government.

The uprising began on the night of October 24, the opening day of the Second Congress of Soviets. The government was immediately isolated from the armed units loyal to it.

October 25 V.I. Lenin arrived in Smolny and personally led the uprising in Petrograd. During the October Revolution, important objects such as bridges, telegraphs, and government offices were captured.

On the morning of October 25, 1917, the Military Revolutionary Committee announced the overthrow of the Provisional Government and the transfer of power to the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. On October 26, the Winter Palace was captured and members of the Provisional Government were arrested.

The October Revolution in Russia took place with the full support of the people. The alliance of the working class and the peasantry, the transition of the armed army to the side of the revolution, and the weakness of the bourgeoisie determined the results of the October Revolution of 1917.

On October 25 and 26, 1917, the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets was held, at which the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) was elected and the first Soviet government was formed - the Council of People's Commissars (SNK). V.I. was elected Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars. Lenin. He put forward two Decrees: the “Decree on Peace,” which called on the warring countries to stop hostilities, and the “Decree on Land,” which expressed the interests of the peasants.

The adopted Decrees contributed to the victory of Soviet power in the regions of the country.

On November 3, 1917, with the capture of the Kremlin, Soviet power won in Moscow. Further, Soviet power was proclaimed in Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Crimea, the North Caucasus, and Central Asia. The revolutionary struggle in Transcaucasia dragged on until the end of the civil war (1920-1921), which was a consequence of the October Revolution of 1917.

The Great October Socialist Revolution divided the world into two camps - capitalist and socialist.