Oleg Galkin: The Presidential Regiment is my life, it is many generations of Kremlin people who are dear to me. Citadel of Russian statehood

The Kremlin is celebrating a special anniversary, to which the press and television were not invited. There will be no fireworks or official celebrations either, although it is a special event.

Until recently, I was listed as the thirteenth commander of our legendary unit,” says the birthday boy. - But as a result of enormous work, it was possible to identify two more commanders who commanded the unit in 1937-1938. For example, the first commander of the regiment, Pyotr Azarkin, was repressed in 1937, shot and buried along with Yakir and Tukhachevsky. Rehabilitated in 1956.

Thus, I am the fifteenth commander of the regiment,” concludes Oleg Pavlovich.

Last year, the general had legitimate reasons to celebrate another anniversary: ​​30 years of service in the Kremlin.

He, a graduate of the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School, has served in the regiment since 1979. I started as a platoon commander. By the way, another future general served as a platoon commander at the same time: Sergei Khlebnikov. Today Sergei Dmitrievich is the commandant of the Kremlin and the direct superior of General Galkin. After all, the full name of this unit is: Presidential Regiment of the Moscow Kremlin Commandant Service Federal service security

When Galkin began his service, the regiment was part of the KGB of the USSR and was called the Separate Kremlin. Later it was renamed the Separate Kremlin Regiment of the Security Directorate under the Office of the President of the USSR. Then the regiment began to be called the Separate Kremlin Regiment of the Moscow Kremlin Commandant's Office, and the letters "OKP" appeared on the shoulder straps of the Kremlin men. And only by presidential decree in March 1993 did the unit receive current name, and since 2004, the regiment has organizationally entered the service of the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Under Galkin, the presidential grenadiers received and mastered modern armored vehicles, means air defense, and then the regiment was “reinforced” with cavalry squadrons.

His people also serve at the Tomb Unknown Soldier, and conduct spectacular divorces with the participation of the Cavalry escort, and at the same time, in terms of the level of combat readiness, Galkin’s unit is not a ceremonial one, but a full-fledged combat one.

Only a small part of the regiment’s life comes into the view of the average person: mainly divorces, events in the Kremlin and the famous parade performances with carbines.

However, this is enough for the regiment to be considered one of the brightest national symbols countries.

Direct speech

Sergei Khlebnikov, commandant of the Moscow Kremlin:

I have known Oleg Pavlovich since 1980 of the last century, when we were both lieutenants. His subordinates call him “commander” both to his face and behind his back; this is a rather eloquent fact.

Many positive changes in the regiment are closely related to the activities of the current commander. Of course, much remains to be done, in particular to staff the unit on a contract basis, and to solve a number of social problems. In fact, many tasks of this kind have to be solved for the first time, and you need to be patient, consistent, systematic, and draw conclusions from failures when they happen. I know that Oleg Pavlovich is a talented person, and I have no doubt that he will cope with everything successfully. Usually on our birthdays we give each other good and useful things related to the regiment: films, songs. Today I will give him a disc about the performance of a regiment unit in Copenhagen at the military band festival. And I wish to preserve the respect of his colleagues that he enjoys. And like any officer - understanding and support from loved ones. And health, of course.

Head of the Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry, Colonel General Valery Marchenkov.

Kremlin people. Kremlin cadets. These names are firmly entrenched in the minds of the people among graduates and cadets of the oldest Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School (MVOKU), which dates back to the 1st Moscow Revolutionary Machine Gun School in 1917. On the eve of 1919, a new one was added to the hard study of the cadets. honorable duty- performing guard duty to protect the Kremlin and the government institutions located in it. In January of the same year, the cadets were stationed directly in the Kremlin. In February 1921, by order of the RVS, the 1st Soviet United military school Red Army named after the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR. For special services in the defense of the state and exemplary protection of the Kremlin personnel School received numerous thanks and awards, and the cadets received the right to be called Kremlin. An obelisk was unveiled on the territory of the Kremlin to the commanders and cadets who died in the battles of the Civil War.


During the Great Patriotic War The school produced 19 graduates and trained more than 24 thousand officers who traveled the long way from Moscow to Berlin along the difficult front roads of the war. On all fronts from Barents Sea to Chernoye, on the battlefields and behind enemy lines, thousands of Kremlin graduates (from platoon commander to army commander), showing miracles of heroism and courage, courage and leadership skill, defended and defended the Motherland from the hated enslavers. 76 of them were awarded high rank Hero Soviet Union, and three became twice Heroes.

Their deeds are great, and their exploits are immortal. Unforgettable are the names of those whom, according to the poet Vl. Solovyov, were glorified by universal fame, illuminated and exalted in churches, those who loved, fought and died for Russia.

A true monument to courage Soviet people became poems for famous song“Victory Day” by former Kremlin cadet, Honored Artist V.G. Kharitonov. After the war, Kremlin cadets participated in all military parades and ceremonial events on Red Square. Cadets, as before, are involved in guarding the Kremlin. The presentation of diplomas to graduates is traditionally held on Red Square.

Initial military education 4 marshals and almost 600 generals received training within the walls of the school. 92 graduates were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 1 - the title of Hero Socialist Labor, 7 – Hero titles Russian Federation. In 1958, the educational institution became a university - the Moscow Red Banner Higher Combined Arms Command School named after Supreme Council RSFSR, and in 1961 for the first time produced officers with higher general education.

Today MVOKU is one of the most famous military universities in the country. The fame of its graduates, who are still deservedly called Kremlinites, has spread widely throughout the world. Martial traditions Kremlin cadets, their courage, heroism and bravery have earned well-deserved respect outside the borders of our Motherland. Messengers of the Armed Forces of many foreign countries strive to receive higher military education here. Currently, military personnel from 10 countries of the former Union, as well as the Republic of South Ossetia, the Republic of Abkhazia, the Palestinian national autonomy, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, Uganda.

On the eve of the upcoming centenary, the oldest military educational institution in the country, with excitement and trepidation, names the names of its students, the glory of which the entire team - both cadets and commanders - is rightfully proud of. Unbending stamina and heroic strength, courage and courage, endurance and bravery, perseverance and determination, honor and pride - the qualities that personified the color military elite Russia.

At the highest command positions The country's Armed Forces included many graduates of the MVOKU and among them: the last (by date of conferring the rank) retired Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitry Timofeevich Yazov, First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Army General Arkady Viktorovich Bakhin, head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training Ground Forces RF Armed Forces Colonel General Anatoly Andreevich Golovnev, Chief of the Main operational management of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Colonel General Viktor Mikhailovich Barynkin, Head of the Administration of the Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Andrei Anatolyevich Kazakov, Head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Nikolai Nikolaevich Radul. The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation was headed by Colonel General Mikhail Ivanovich Barsukov.


In the late autumn of 1923, in the Siberian village of Yazovo, Omsk province, a long-awaited baby appeared in the family of Timofey Yakovlevich and Maria Fedoseevna Yazov, who was named Dmitry by his parents and from the first days amazed those around him with his determination and colossal vital energy. He would have achieved success in any field. But the Great Patriotic War broke out. And Dmitry Yazov, without hesitation and without having time to finish high school, voluntarily joined the Red Army. In November 1941, he was enrolled as a cadet in the Moscow infantry school named after the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. Since August 1942 - in the active army, fought on the Volkhov and Leningrad fronts, commanded a rifle platoon, and then rifle company, participated in the defense of Leningrad, in offensive operations in the Baltics. Was wounded in battle awarded the order Red Star.

After the war he graduated with a gold medal Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze and was appointed commander of a motorized rifle battalion. Since October 1961 - commander motorized rifle regiment, secretly transferred to Cuba during Cuban missile crisis. With the rank of major general, he commanded a motorized rifle division. Then he took command of the army corps. In January 1973, Lieutenant General D.T. Yazov is the commander of the army. In January 1979, Colonel General D.T. Yazov was appointed commander of the troops of the Central Group of Forces on the territory of Czechoslovakia, and in November 1980 - commander of the troops of the Central Asian Military District. With the rank of Army General in the summer of 1984, he became commander of the Far Eastern Military District. Since January 1987 - Head of the Main Personnel Directorate (GUK) - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR for Personnel. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 30, 1987, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Defense of the USSR. On April 28, 1990, Dmitry Timofeevich Yazov was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union. This was the last conferment of the marshal rank in the history of the USSR.

For services to the Motherland and impeccable service D.T. Yazov was awarded two orders of Lenin, orders October revolution, Red Banner, Patriotic War, 1st degree, Red Star, “For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” III degree, as well as 18 medals of the USSR and 20 orders and medals of foreign countries.


Veterans of the school remember well the cheerful and friendly cadet. Collected, smart, always friendly, Arkady Bakhin enjoyed constant respect from his brother cadets, and always knew how to support a comrade in difficult times. Thanks to his multifaceted abilities and truly fantastic hard work, the 1977 graduate of the school, Arkady Viktorovich Bakhin, made a dizzying military career, passed hard way from the platoon, company, battalion, regiment, commander motorized rifle brigade in the Siberian Military District to the commander of the troops, first of the Volga-Ural Military District, and then of the Western Military District.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 9, 2012, Army General Arkady Viktorovich Bakhin was appointed First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Participant in combat operations in Afghanistan and counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus. Awarded the Order of Courage, "For Military Merit", "For Merit to the Fatherland" 4th degree and a number of medals.


Russian military leader, Army General Alexander Vasilyevich Belousov, a graduate of the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in 1973, began serving as the commander of a motorized rifle platoon and a motorized rifle company in the Group Soviet troops in Germany. Then he commanded a motorized rifle battalion in the Central Asian Military District, a motorized rifle regiment in the Leningrad Military District, the 131st Motorized Rifle Division, and the 5th Army.

From the post of Deputy Commander of the North Caucasus Military District for emergency situations appointed 1st Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Responsible for combat training troops and holding military reform. He was a passionate supporter of the idea of ​​professionalizing the army. Since September 2007, he served as head of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. For impeccable service and military merits A.V. Belousov was awarded orders, medals, and a personalized pistol from the Russian Minister of Defense.


A graduate of the school in 1978, Nikolai Vasilyevich Bogdanovsky served as commander of a reconnaissance platoon, company commander, chief of staff of a motorized rifle battalion, commander of a motorized rifle battalion in the Southern Group of Forces (Hungary).

Then - commander of a motorized rifle regiment, head of the training center for junior specialists motorized rifle troops, Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander, then Commander of the 35th Army, Chief of the Main Staff of the Ground Forces - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Commander of the Leningrad Military District, Head of the Main Main Directorate of Defense - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Commander of the Central Military District.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 12, 2014 No. 417, Colonel General N.V. Bogdanovsky was appointed First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


In 1970, young lieutenant Valery Marchenkov, who commanded a platoon, company, regiment, separate brigade, division, and corps, left the walls of his native school. He has a number of staff positions under his belt – from battalion to army. Since 1998, Valery Ivanovich Marchenkov has been the first deputy head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In June 2001, Colonel General V.I. Marchenkov was appointed to the post of head of the Military University.

Doctor pedagogical sciences, Professor, honorary worker higher professional education of the Russian Federation Valery Ivanovich Marchenkov is the author of about 50 scientific and educational works with a total volume of more than 300 printed sheets. The triumphant achievement of V.I. Marchenkov of the teaching staff was awarded the international prize “European Quality” to the University.

By the decision of the European Business Assembly and the Club of European Rectors, the Military University in 2012 was recognized as “ The best institution Europe in the field of education." For services to the Motherland V.I. Marchenkov was awarded many orders and medals. Valery Ivanovich Marchenkov is a laureate of the prestigious international award “For Contribution to World Science.”


The pinnacle of the military career of the graduate of the 100th graduation, Lieutenant General Alexander Igorevich Studenikin, was his appointment to the post of Chief of the CSTO Joint Staff. In December 2012, at a meeting of the Council collective security CSTO member states decided to create the Collective Forces (Troops) of the CSTO. Chairman of the CSTO Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin proposed to his colleagues in the Organization the presidents of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to appoint the head of the CSTO Joint Staff Russian general A.I. Studenikin, who has a 40-year path of impeccable military service, marked by numerous encouragements and awards from the Motherland. The traditions of the Kremlin cadets are continued by the sons of Alexander Igorevich - Alexander and Igor, after graduating from college, they honorably serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


Lieutenant Colonel of the Russian Armed Forces, Hero of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vasiliev lived a short, but bright life. After graduating from college in 1984, he commanded a motorized rifle platoon, then a company. As commander of a motorized rifle battalion of the 245th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment, he participated in the assault on Grozny.

In 1999, he was appointed to the position of deputy commander of the 245th motorized rifle regiment. In the battle near the village of Pervomaisky on the outskirts of Grozny, he personally led an attack by motorized riflemen, breaking through the encirclement in which one of the regiment's companies found themselves. At the end of the battle he was killed by a sniper bullet. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation for “courage and heroism shown during the counter-terrorism operation in North Caucasus region» Guard Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Vasiliev was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation.


FSB Colonel, participant Afghan war and two Chechen wars, Hero of the Russian Federation Alexey Vasilyevich Balandin left the school in 1983. After a three-year stay in Afghanistan, he graduated from the Frunze Military Academy. In the North Caucasus he led the actions of units special purpose FSB, took personal part in combat operations.

On April 9, 2009, the head of the operational-combat department of Directorate “B” (Vympel) of the FSB Special Purpose Center, Colonel Alexey Balandin, died while returning from a combat mission. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 13, 2009, for “courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty,” Colonel Alexey Balandin was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation. In the town of Balashikha near Moscow, where the brave warrior spent his childhood, one of the streets is named after him.


The commander of the famous and legendary Group “A” in 1995–1999, Alexander Vladimirovich Gusev, graduated from the Supreme Council School in 1968, where he entered immediately after graduating from the Moscow Suvorov Military School. He devoted more than 20 years to service in the Kremlin (now Presidential) regiment in positions from platoon commander to chief of staff of the regiment.

In 1989–1995 he was deputy commandant of the Moscow Kremlin. In the second half of the 1990s, he was the head of Directorate “A” of the FSB Anti-Terrorism Center. He was at the head of the unit during the dramatic events in Budennovsk and Pervomaisky. He led operations to free hostages in Makhachkala and on the Moskvoretsky Bridge in Moscow, as well as at Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo-1 airports and neutralize a terrorist at the Swedish embassy in Moscow. The heroic activity of Lieutenant General A.V. Guseva has been awarded many government awards.


Commander Presidential Regiment Major General Oleg Pavlovich Galkin, a former MVOKU cadet, began his service in the Kremlin almost 30 years ago as a platoon commander of the same regiment. Under Galkin, the presidential grenadiers received and mastered modern armored vehicles and air defense systems. Under him, the regiment was supplemented by a cavalry squadron. Soldiers of the regiment serve at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and conduct spectacular divorces with the participation of a Cavalry escort. At the same time, in terms of the level of combat readiness, Galkin’s unit is not a ceremonial unit, but a full-fledged combat one.

The commandant of the Moscow Kremlin and direct superior of General Galkin, Lieutenant General Sergei Dmitrievich Khlebnikov, notes: “Many positive changes in the regiment are closely related to the activities of the current commander. I know that Oleg Pavlovich is a talented person, and I have no doubt that he will cope with everything successfully.”


The military career of Anatoly Alekseevich Sidorov, a graduate of the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in 1979, was successful. He served in command positions in the Odessa and Turkestan military districts, as part of limited contingent Soviet troops in the Republic of Afghanistan, in the Volga-Ural Military District. A.A. Sidorov participated in the guidance constitutional order in the Chechen Republic.

Currently, Colonel General A.A. Sidorov is the commander of the Western Military District. He has numerous awards - orders, medals, as well as personalized firearms from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.


The favorite representative of the military dynasty at the school was considered to be the favorite of the battalion, former Suvorov soldier Mikhail Vozhakin, the son of Hero of the Soviet Union G.M. Vozhakina. After graduating from college in 1971, he served in the Southern Group of Forces and the Moscow Military District. He first commanded a platoon, a company, and then served as deputy battalion commander. Later he held various command and staff positions. Since September 2005, Colonel General Mikhail Georgievich Vozhakin served as head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.


Graduated with honors from the Moscow Higher Combined Arms College in 1994 command school named after the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Vladimir Kulbatsky. The 117th graduating class of the 2nd battalion remembers well this cheerful and never despondent guy. After studying he served in the 1st separate brigade security of the Central Asia of the Moscow Region and the General Staff of the Russian Federation (Moscow), then was a course officer at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Since August 1998 - in the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, in the facility security division state protection on travel routes. Since February 2002, he has been an officer (attached) in the personal security group of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Here he served until his death on September 9, 2002...

Volodya left us with the rank of captain. On the day of his death, he was in the car accompanying the motorcade of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation during his visit to Kamchatka. On the Yelizovo-Petropavlovsk highway, a gray Volga escort was blocking a jeep driven by a drunk driver, rushing towards them. Shielding the minibus with members of the delegation from a direct collision, Vladimir Vladimirovich Kulbatsky remained faithful to his officer’s duty, sacrificing himself to save the life of the state security object. This is a feat...

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1004 of September 12, 2002, Captain Vladimir Vladimirovich Kulbatsky was awarded the Order of Courage (posthumously) for heroism and courage shown in the line of duty. A memorial with a commemorative plaque has been erected at the site of the death. In memory of captain V.V. The annual “FSO Russian Athletics Cross-Country Cup” is dedicated to Kulbatsky.


Alexander Perov was also a hereditary military man, who graduated from the forge of Kremlin personnel - the Moscow Higher Command School in 1996. In Alpha, Sasha Perov, despite his almost two-meter height, was nicknamed Pooh. The special forces accepted him into their family. The feat is part of the special forces profession.

The business trip to Beslan was unexpected. How unimaginable in cruelty was the monstrous crime committed in this cozy North Ossetian town by a gang of brutal non-humans. During a short, furious battle, Major Perov destroyed the terrorist who shot the children. While saving the hostages, he protected them with his body from a grenade explosion. Having received mortal wounds, did not leave the firing line, continuing to lead the group... For courage and heroism, Alexander Perov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously).


The favorite of the course was the school standard-bearer, former Suvorov student Nikolai Shchekochikhin, who graduated from the Moscow Higher Educational Institution with a gold medal in 1995. He was the only one on the course to be awarded the rank of senior sergeant as a squad commander. After graduating from college, he served in the Russian FSB. Repeatedly performed combat missions. Died in the North Caucasus region on March 30, 2000. Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchekochikhin awarded with medals“For courage” and “For courage.” In the memory of loved ones, friends, and the entire 118th graduation, Nikolai Shchekochikhin will forever remain a standard bearer.


Since August 2014, the Military Institute (combined arms) of the Military educational and scientific center The Ground Forces - the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is headed by Major General A.I. Novkin. In 1988 he graduated from the Blagoveshchensk Higher Tank Command School, then the Academy armored forces named after R.Ya. Malinovsky. Served in the Siberian and Leningrad military districts, as part of the Group Russian troops in Transcaucasia in the positions of commander of a tank platoon, company, chief of staff - deputy commander of a motorized rifle regiment, commander of a motorized rifle regiment. Subsequently, he was the head of the combat training department of the Group of Forces in the mountainous part of the Chechen Republic, and the chief of staff of a motorized rifle division. From December 1994 to February 1995 he took part in the implementation special operation to eliminate illegal gangs on the territory of Chechnya. For battles in the city of Grozny he was awarded the Order of Courage. Hopes for many undertakings and transformations at the institute are associated with his name.

Major General Oleg Pavlovich Galkin - commander of the Presidential Regiment of the Moscow Kremlin Commandant Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Born July 25, 1958
In 1979 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after. Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1 battalion, 1 company. 102nd issue).

Cadet Galkin O.P. in the banner group of the ceremonial crew of the Moscow VOKU.

In 1991 he graduated from the Military-Political Academy. IN AND. Lenin.

Ceremonial uniform

Until 1994, at all government events, the personnel of the special guard company of the 1st battalion of the Presidential Regiment used a special dress uniform of the 1967-1977 model. In 1993, on the initiative of President Yeltsin, the development of a new ceremonial uniform began, which was supposed to be used during state protocol events in the Kremlin. This uniform was created in 1994, and for the first time, military personnel of the Presidential Regiment wore it at the opening ceremony of the Red Porch, which was restored in the same year. It is interesting that until 1998 this uniform remained, as it were, “outside the law”, since it was not approved by any official documents. Only on January 16, 1998, was the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 44 “On ceremonial military uniforms and insignia according to military ranks military personnel of the Presidential Regiment, the Presidential Orchestra and the Honorary Escort of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", which contained a list of items of this
uniforms. And on July 6, 1998, the FSO of the Russian Federation issued order No. 223 “On the description of objects military uniform clothing of military personnel of the Federal Security Service of Russia", which for the first time contained detailed description ceremonial items. This order also established differences in form
rifle and cavalry units of the Presidential Regiment, although at the time of its publication cavalry units
it wasn't in the unit yet. Came out 11 days later new order FSO of Russia No. 230 “On the rules for wearing military uniforms and insignia by military personnel of the FSO of Russia,” according to which the ceremonial uniform was divided into summer and winter.

In general, this form is the same for officers, warrant officers and conscripts; The differences concern only insignia and some details. Detailed description The items included in it are given below.

1. Private of a special guard company in a special ceremonial summer uniform, model 2005.
On the left pocket of the jacket you can see the regimental Chest sign, above the right pocket there is an honor guard badge. The ceremonial belt is of the former Soviet type.

2. Private of a special guard company in a special front door winter uniform 2005 model
The ceremonial belt is of the former Soviet type.

3. Private in summer full dress uniform for formation when serving in the front line.
Differences from the standard summer dress uniform for the existing model are the wearing of a dress belt instead of a belt, shirt white instead of a khaki shirt, as well as aiguillettes and gloves. The "PP" code assigned only to this part is clearly visible on the shoulder straps. On the left pocket of the jacket there is a regimental breast badge.

4. Corporal in casual summer uniform.
The cornflower blue beret and vest were introduced in May 2005 for military personnel of the special forces unit, and later extended to all privates and sergeants of the unit. Military personnel of the regiment serving under conscription are required to wear RF FSO stripes on the left sleeve, and khaki-colored FSO RF emblems on the collar. On the chest is the company duty badge of the standard type established for the RF Armed Forces.

5. Private in a summer guard uniform, model 2005.
The numerous nuances of this uniform are interesting: a cornflower blue band, a cockade without a star and an embroidered sign on the crown of the cap, removable shoulder straps without letters.

6. A private in a winter guard jacket, model 2005, with an astrakhan cap and a detachable astrakhan collar.
In the demi-season version, the winter guard uniform is worn with a cap and a removed astrakhan collar.

Turn-down collar with hook and loop fastening. Cornflower blue buttonholes with red edging and golden buttons with a diameter of 14 mm are sewn into the corners of the collar.

The sleeves of the overcoat are sewn with cuffs.

At the bottom of the back of the overcoat there is a vent (slit), which is decorated with four golden-colored buttons with a diameter of 14 mm. Metal hooks are sewn into the side seams at the waist level, and at the back, at the same level, there are two figured parts with golden buttons with a diameter of 22 mm. A strap made of overcoat cloth is attached to these buttons.

The overcoat is worn buttoned up with all the buttons and a hook on the collar, while the collar of the uniform should protrude 1-2 cm above the collar of the overcoat. The distance from the bottom of the overcoat to the floor is also regulated, it is 38 cm.

The closed double-breasted uniform, fastened with seven gold-colored buttons with a diameter of 22 mm, is made of sea green wool fabric. The shoulder seam on each side has a counter shoulder strap with a belt loop and a gold-colored button with a diameter of 14 mm.

The stand-up collar with beveled corners is decorated with cornflower blue buttonholes with two horizontally located spool decorations and a red cloth edging. The spool for officers is embroidered from golden-colored tinsel; it is divided in the middle by a double thread of twisted gimp and is bounded by bases in the form of truncated pyramids. The coil for ordinary composition is sewn from golden braid with a width of 10 mm.

The sleeves of the uniform are cut with straight cuffs and stitched flaps made of cornflower blue cloth with three horizontal coils. On all reels (for officers - only on the top two (This manner of decorating cuffs dates back to the uniform of Russian regiments imperial guard)) gold-colored buttons with a diameter of 22 mm are sewn on.

At the bottom of the back of the uniform there is a slot, which is decorated with four figured details with golden buttons with a diameter of 22 mm.

A one-piece breast lapel made of cornflower blue cloth is attached to the uniform with 14 golden-colored buttons with a diameter of 22 mm.

Along the edges of the left shelf, cuffs, lapel and figured parts of the back are piping made of red cloth.

The uniform is worn with all buttons and a hook on the collar and with a tie worn under the collar. When worn, the lapel should cover the lower edge of the epaulette (epaulet). In the winter uniform, the uniform worn under the overcoat does not have a lapel or epaulettes (epaulettes).

A black twill tie is sewn to the left inner side of the uniform collar and, when worn, is fastened to the right inner side with a button or textile fastener.

Trousers made of sea green wool fabric are decorated with red piping placed in the side seams. The cut of the trousers includes side welt pockets and a central hidden button closure; At the bottom of the trouser legs there are stitching stitches. The belt with six loops is fastened with a hook; the belt has buttons for attaching removable straps.

The trousers are worn tucked into chrome boots with hard tops.

When wearing a ceremonial overcoat with an astrakhan collar, black leather gloves lined with fur were usually worn; without an astrakhan collar, white leather gloves with wool insulation, but this rule was not always observed. There are two types of gloves: leather and knitted. Leather gloves are made of white glove leather with or without insulation. Their outer side decorated with decorative relief stitches; The cuff part is pulled together with an elastic band or fastened with a button. Knitted gloves, also white, have wristbands and fasten with a button.

The raincoat-cape is made of black rubberized fabric and has a turn-down collar fastened with a metal hook. There are buttonholes sewn into the corners of the collar, like on an overcoat. There are cutouts for the arms in the front of the cape, and at the bottom at the back there is a vent with three golden-colored buttons with a diameter of 14 mm.

This piece of uniform is worn either in the sleeves or over the uniform and fastened with a hook. The collar of the uniform should protrude 1-2 cm above the collar of the cape. When wearing, the skirts of the cape should be folded over one another, and the bottom of the floor should be at the level of the upper edge of the tops of chrome boots.

The woven silk ceremonial officer belt currently has a silver color and three longitudinal rows of stitching made of silk threads in black and orange flowers simulating colors St. George's ribbon. The belt is fastened with a metal clasp, closed with a decorative buckle made of the same material as the belt. If a checker is to be worn on the belt, it is additionally equipped with pass straps.

The ceremonial belt of ensigns of the Presidential Regiment is made from artificial leather white in color and fastened with a two-pin gold-colored metal buckle.

The waist belt of conscript soldiers and sergeants is also made of white artificial leather with a brass rectangular buckle, in the center of which there is a relief image of a double-headed eagle. On the right side of the belt, at a palm-width distance from the buckle, is a white faux leather pouch.

Both the dress belt and the waist belt are worn fitted at the waist, so that the lower edge rests in front on the bottom row of buttons of the uniform or overcoat, and on the back - on the top buttons of the figured parts of the uniform or on the tab of the overcoat.

Another interesting piece of equipment is a double braided revolver cord with a movable knot and a metal carabiner. Passing around the neck over a uniform or overcoat and fastened with a carbine to the handle of a personal weapon, the cord simultaneously serves as a means of fixing it and as an additional decorative element of the ceremonial uniform. For officers the cord is made of metallized thread silver color with firmware in black and orange colors; for warrant officers it is plain, yellow.

When carrying out state protocol events, the ceremonial uniform is required to be worn the following types weapons: for officers and warrant officers - an officer's saber with a lanyard and a tassel (silver for officers and white for warrant officers); conscripts with the SKS carbine.

A special place in the ceremonial uniform of the Presidential Regiment is occupied by insignia of military ranks: epaulettes and shoulder straps.

Epaulets are worn only by officers and only on uniforms. The epaulette field is made of cornflower blue cloth with a red cloth lining and the same edging. Although initially it was prescribed to use metallized golden braid for the field,
For technological reasons this was abandoned. The red cloth counter shoulder strap is decorated with metallic gold braid. The lower semicircular part is completed with a roll of four rows of gilded tinsel and gimp, and the epaulettes of senior officers are additionally decorated with a thick fringe of gilded gimp.

In addition to the rich galloon trim, the epaulettes bear the distinctive symbols of the Presidential Regiment, assigned only to this unit. Firstly, it is a metal monogram in the form of intertwined capital letters"P" handwritten in golden color. Secondly, there is a metal emblem in the form of a flaming grenada, superimposed on crossed ambassadorial hatchets, all golden in color.

Rank insignia are silver metal stars. Interestingly, for older and junior officers the stars have a uniform size of 13 mm. They are placed on epaulettes in the following way: for officers with the rank of “Colonel”, “Captain” and “Senior Lieutenant” - two lower stars on the sides in the center of the monogram, and the third star - 0.5 cm above the monogram. For officers with the rank of captain, the fourth star is located above the third star at a distance of 1.5 cm between the centers of the stars. For officers with the rank of "lieutenant colonel" and "lieutenant" two stars are located on either side of the monogram, and for officers with the rank of "major" and
“junior lieutenant” - one star at a distance of 0.5 cm above the monogram.

The epaulette is fastened to the uniform with a golden button with a diameter of 14 mm and a tab.

Shoulder straps on ceremonial uniforms are worn by: officers - on overcoats, warrant officers and conscripts - both on uniforms and on overcoats.

Officer's shoulder straps are made from cornflower blue cloth; their field is trimmed with golden braid and decorated with red cloth edging along the edges and trapezoidal top. The shoulder straps of senior officers are distinguished by two cornflower blue gaps, and those of junior officers by one.

Regimental symbols are also attached to the officers' shoulder straps: monogram and emblem. The stars on the shoulder straps are the same size as on the epaulettes, but golden in color. For officers with the ranks of “colonel”, “lieutenant colonel”, “captain”, “senior lieutenant” and “lieutenant”, two stars are attached below the monogram, and the others are attached between the monogram and the emblem. For officers with the rank of major and junior lieutenant, stars are attached between the monogram and the emblem.

Shoulder straps are fastened to a uniform or overcoat with a golden button with a diameter of 14 mm and a strap; In addition, for a more rigid fixation, they are also sewn to these items of uniform with red thread.

The shoulder straps of warrant officers and conscripts are made of cornflower blue cloth and decorated with red cloth edging along the edges and triangular top. Also along the edges and top they are additionally decorated with metallic gold braid 6 mm wide.

The distinctive regimental symbols: monogram and emblem are also attached to the shoulder straps of these categories of military personnel. The rank insignia (stars) of warrant officers is similar to the rank insignia on officer's shoulder straps. They are located as follows: the bottom star is at a distance of 1 cm above the monogram, the second star is at a distance of 2.5 cm between the centers of the stars, the third star (for senior warrant officers) is also at a distance of 2.5 cm between the centers of the stars.

On shoulder straps of conscripts, according to regulatory documents, golden braided stripes corresponding to military ranks are sewn on: for senior officers, one longitudinal stripe 3 cm wide along the entire length of the shoulder strap; for senior sergeants - one transverse stripe 3 cm wide at a distance of 5.5 cm from bottom edge shoulder strap to the bottom edge of the patch; for sergeants - three transverse stripes 1 cm wide, with the first stripe placed at a distance of 5.5 cm from the lower edge of the shoulder strap, and subsequent stripes at intervals of 0.2 cm; For junior sergeants- two transverse stripes 1 cm wide, with the first stripe placed at a distance of 5.5 cm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap, and the next one at an interval of 0.2 cm; for corporals - one transverse stripe 1 cm wide at a distance
5.5 cm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap. However, in practice, in order to maintain uniformity, this requirement is not observed, and on ceremonial uniforms, all conscripts wear shoulder straps without insignia.

These shoulder straps are also fastened to a uniform or overcoat with a golden-colored button with a diameter of 14 mm and a strap.

The officer's neck badge (gorget), introduced by Order No. 223 of the Federal Security Service of Russia, deserves special mention.
This traditional attribute of the officer's uniform in the shape of a crescent is made of polished golden metal on a thick scarlet cloth lining. The edge of the sign is framed by a convex metal figured edging. In the center of the sign there is an overlay in the form state emblem Russian Federation, superimposed on the emblem of the Presidential Regiment in the form of a cross, formed by the intersection battlements of the Kremlin wall. In the corners of the sign there are images of flaming grenades and loops are made of metallized cord for wearing it. The officer's neck badge is worn with an epaulette attached to the buttons using loops; when worn, the upper edge of the badge should be at the level of the collar neckline.

And finally, another important attribute is the regimental breastplate, worn on the left side of uniforms both on ceremonial and other types of uniforms.

The metal regimental badge is practically the same in appearance for all categories of military personnel, but still has some differences. Thus, for conscripts, a golden-colored sign was installed in the form of a stylized cross formed by the intersection of the battlements of the Kremlin wall, covered with hot ruby-colored enamel. Crossed golden-colored embassy hatchets are placed on the cross. For officers and warrant officers the badge is similar in design, but the battlements of the Kremlin wall are covered with cold dark red enamel and have a more detailed study under brickwork.

The regimental breast badge is worn on the uniform to the left of the second and third buttons.

It should be especially noted that military personnel of the Presidential Regiment are required to wear it on their uniform during the summer ceremonial uniform. state awards. Orders and medals worn on pads are placed on the lapel so that their upper edge is 8 cm below the collar clasp.

On April 23, a holiday dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Presidential Regiment was held in the Moscow region (Noginsk district).

On this day, representatives of organizations of Kremlin soldiers from all over Russia came to attend the event, congratulate the regiment and meet with fellow soldiers.

And, of course, the All-Russian Orthodox Church “Vympel” in the person of the head of Omelchenko Svyatoslav Dmitrievich and the cadets of the Center came to the holiday to congratulate all the “Kremlin people” on this date, a milestone in the history of the Presidential, and as many still call it, the Kremlin regiment. The cadets, of course, demonstrated their skills in assembling and disassembling weapons, shooting, military and drill training. The guys received a letter of gratitude from the regiment command for organizing a demonstration performance at the festival dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Russian Presidential Regiment.

The event was opened by the commander of the Presidential Regiment, Major General Oleg Pavlovich Galkin, congratulating all fellow soldiers on the anniversary of the regiment and saying a few words about how important service in the regiment is and that the regiment always guards the interests of the Fatherland. " The regiment's soldiers consider themselves responsible for instilling in the younger generation loyalty to the Motherland, readiness to serve the Fatherland and its armed defense; today this is very important“added the regiment commander.

Sergei Dmitrievich Kalashnikov, deputy regiment commander for armaments, said a few words about the work of the regiment. " The Presidential Regiment always guards the interests of Russia. We, of course, instill in military personnel a love for the Motherland and a sense of genuine patriotism. Much is being improved in our country today, and this is also facilitated by our President’s program for patriotic education citizens for 2016-2020 We openly declare that the regiment supports this program and will continue to support it in the future", said Sergei Dmitrievich.

During the celebration there were demonstration performances special unit Presidential Regiment and musical concert, real patriotic songs sounded.

The head of the All-Russian Orthodox Church “Vympel” Svyatoslav Dmitrievich Omelchenko addressed the Presidential Regiment with words of gratitude and congratulations, who spoke about his many years of friendship with the regiment.

« The military-patriotic center "Vympel" was created by veterans of the Kremlin regiment, veterans of the special forces group state security"Vympel" and others security forces Russian Federation. I myself served in the Kremlin, today the Presidential Regiment. And this date is 80 years old, a wonderful date. Service in the regiment is associated with the most sincere feelings.

I would also like to tell you that the All-Russian Orthodox Church “Vympel” and the Presidential Regiment of Russia have many years of friendship and very fruitful cooperation. Many cadets who completed the Vympel All-Russian Orthodox Church camps were recommended for service in the Presidential Regiment. The annual reporting event on the work of the Center is held in the Kremlin with the support of the regiment. Not long ago, with the support of the Presidential Regiment, the First All-Russian seminar-meeting of leaders of patriotic clubs and associations was held, which brought together representatives from 77 regions of our vast Motherland. Every year, a military-patriotic camp is held at the training center of the FSO of Russia, dedicated to memory employees of special forces units who died in the line of duty and as a result of which our cadets are presented with cornflower blue berets along with the soldiers of the Presidential Regiment, who take the oath on this day. And that's not all. We want to thank the regiment for its support, our friendship, working together and of course, congratulations on this wonderful holiday, on this wonderful anniversary.”, - Svyatoslav Dmitrievich congratulated the Presidential Regiment on its anniversary.

Poems dedicated to the Presidential Regiment.

"To the Kremlin"

Scarlet stars shine on the towers
Majestic, bright, just like then.
Years later he welcomes us warmly
The Kremlin regiment is our cross, our destiny.
Again every hour the three of us at the First Post
Soldiers of the ERESK company are coming.
Our Arsenal between generations is like a bridge,
In the fate of the soldiers of the Kremlin regiment.
Fellow soldiers, remembering the service,
I thank fate for those years.
Let it shine for us all our lives, illuminating the path,
Nikolskaya Tower Red Star.

Popadin Igor Filippovich
Years of service 1973-1975 in military unit 1005 - OKPSN

TASS DOSSIER. May 7 is annually celebrated as the Day of the Presidential Regiment of the Service of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Security Service (FSO) of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Presidential Regiment).

The date was chosen due to the fact that on May 7, 1964, by decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, this military unit, then called the Special Purpose Regiment of the Office of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for military services in the Great Patriotic War. On this day, the regiment is traditionally presented to the President of the Russian Federation.

The Presidential Regiment is a special Russian military unit, a special unit of the Federal Security Service of Russia. The regiment's personnel ensure the security of state security facilities, including the Moscow Kremlin - official residence President of the Russian Federation; exhibition "Diamond Fund" of the Gokhran of Russia, and also takes part in events at the state level.

History of the part

Initially, the Kremlin was guarded by Latvian riflemen, who were subordinate to the Kremlin commandant, after the Soviet government moved from Petrograd to Moscow in 1918. In September 1918, they were sent to fight the White Guards in the south of Russia, and the functions of protecting the Kremlin began to be performed by students of the 1st Moscow Revolutionary Machine Gun School, transferred to the Kremlin from the Lefortovo barracks. In February 1921, it was transformed into the First School of Red Commanders named after the All-Russian Central Executive Committee(now the Moscow Higher Military Command School). In 1929, a school was created training battalion, later transformed into the Battalion for training reserve platoon commanders. In October 1935, the powers to protect the Kremlin were transferred to the Battalion special purpose, which became part of the Office of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin.

On April 8, 1936, by order number 122 for the Moscow Kremlin garrison, the battalion was reorganized into the Special Purpose Regiment of the Office of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin. This date is currently considered the birthday of the Presidential Regiment. Soldiers of the regiment served as an honor guard at the Lenin Mausoleum (“post number 1”). They also guarded the sessions of the Central Executive Committee and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the All-Russian Congresses of Soviets and the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, etc.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. While defending Moscow and the Moscow Kremlin from enemy air raids, 97 servicemen of the regiment were killed (their names were immortalized on the memorial plaque in the Arsenal building of the Moscow Kremlin). On February 23, 1944, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the regiment was awarded the Red Banner of Combat, and by decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of May 7, 1964, the regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for military services in the Second World War.

In 1973, the regiment was renamed the Separate Red Banner Kremlin Regiment.

In 1976, a special guard company was formed in the regiment. The creation of the company was caused by the need to purposefully train soldiers and sergeants for service in “post number 1.”

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin dated March 20, 1993, the regiment was renamed the Presidential Regiment of the Commandant's Office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Main Security Directorate of the Russian Federation, and since 2004 it has joined the service of the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

By decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin dated December 8, 1997, “post number 1” was moved from the Lenin Mausoleum to Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden. The first crew took up post at 8 a.m. on December 12, 1997.

Tasks and functions

The main task of the Presidential Regiment is to protect the Moscow Kremlin and other objects.

Military personnel of the Presidential Regiment stand guard of honor at “post number 1.” The sentries change daily every 60 minutes. from 8 to 20 o'clock.

Since 2000, military personnel of the regiment have been participating in the inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation in the Grand Kremlin Palace, including in the most solemn part of the ceremony - the introduction of symbols of the state and presidential power into the hall. The inauguration ends on the Kremlin's Cathedral Square with the presentation of the regiment to the president and a ceremonial march.

By decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin dated September 2, 2002, as part of a regiment based on the 11th Separate Cavalry Cossack regiment a cavalry honor escort was formed. Since 2005, its military personnel have taken part in the ceremonial changing of mounted and foot guards on Cathedral Square (every Saturday from April to October), as well as in parades on Red Square.

Since September 2009, the regiment's personnel perform annually at the International Military Music Festival "Spasskaya Tower". Military personnel of the special guard company and cavalry escort represent Russia in ceremonial and festive events abroad.

Current state

Currently, the regiment consists of a headquarters, several battalions, a cavalry honor escort, a rapid response company and a security company. It is staffed by conscripts from 48 regions and contract soldiers. Selection criteria - good grades in the certificate of secondary education, good health and physical development, height not lower than 175 cm and not higher than 190 cm. Military personnel undergo drill training, participate in exercises.

The regiment's barracks is located in the historical building of the Arsenal (Tseykhauza) on the territory of the Kremlin, in courtyard The building houses a parade ground and a regimental gym. Separate units of the regiment are deployed in several areas of the Moscow region. In particular, a cavalry honor escort “sits” in the village. Kalininets of the Naro-Fominsk region, where more than a hundred horses of Russian riding and Trakenin breeds are kept specifically for the needs of the regiment. An operational reserve battalion is located near Noginsk, which requires daily training at the shooting range. Near the village In Novaya Kupavna, special guard soldiers undergo a two-month internship. A model of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was built for them, exactly matching the original.


The commander of the Presidential Regiment is Major General Oleg Galkin. He reports directly Supreme Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces of Russia - to the President of the Russian Federation.

Special dress uniform

A special ceremonial uniform has been created for the special guard company and cavalry honor escort. Its elements (shako, officer epaulettes, cavalrymen's little bag, uniform with a colored lapel and colored cuffs with embroidery) correspond to the dress uniform of the Russian Imperial Guard of the 1909-1913 model. The ceremonial uniform of soldiers and officers of the regiment includes a breastplate and a gorget (neck badge) with an image of a cross from the Kremlin wall battlements. The special guard company is armed with a Simonov self-loading carbine (SKS).

80th anniversary of the unit

In 2016, the regiment celebrated its 80th anniversary. From April 8 to May 31, the State Historical Museum (GIM) in Moscow hosted the exhibition "Loyalty. Honor. Duty", which presented materials from the collection of the State Historical Museum and the Museum of the Presidential Regiment - documents and photographs, regimental banners and standards, uniforms and equipment, military and ceremonial weapons. Unique exhibits of the exhibition were plans to camouflage the Moscow Kremlin from air raids in 1941.