Newark, Delaware (a town near Wilmington). State of Delaware

Delaware is the very first state, which makes this place very symbolic. The territory is located on the Delmarva Peninsula, but this has nothing to do with the name. She received her name in honor of Governor De La Warre, who became the first ruler of the English colony. Today, about 1 million people live here on an area of ​​6.5 thousand km. In terms of size, the territory is considered one of the smallest (it ranks second to last by this criterion). It is a neighbor of Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey. Local residents treat their status with humor, preferring not to stand out from the rest of the people of America.

Delaware State Symbols

Delaware State Tree - American Holly (Ilex opaca)

Delaware State Flower - Peach Blossoms

Delaware's state bird is the Delaware blue hen.

Delaware State Fish - Gray Croaker (Cynoscion regalis)

Delaware's state insect is the seven-spotted ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata).

Delaware State Butterfly - Papilio glaucus

Delaware state mineral - sillimanite

Delaware's state drink is milk.

Delaware's state colors are fawn and colonial blue (the background color of the Delaware state flag)

State of Delaware. Geography and climate

Despite its small area, the climate of Delaware cannot be called uniform. The elongated shape ensured differences in temperature, precipitation and wind strength in the north and south of the territory. WITH east side it borders the Atlantic Ocean, providing high humidity air. The terrain is predominantly flat, with slight elevation changes and the Appalachian foothills to the north. The highest point barely reaches 136 meters above sea level. The US state of Delaware includes several rivers different sizes. It's hard to believe, but there are real waterfalls here! Some of them reach a height of 20-25 meters, which undoubtedly attracts tourists.

State of Delaware. Economy

If you compose economic map Delaware, you can see large financial investments from commercial organizations. Tax fees here account for about 20% of all money. How is this possible? The state authorities created a special profitable terms to register companies, which ultimately allows for the collection of huge amounts of tax revenue. The second most important economic direction is tourism. Why not, because there is beautiful nature, rich story and original architecture. Large farms They are engaged in breeding poultry, pigs, and cows. The fields are planted with soybeans, corn and wheat. There are meat and dairy plants, textile and paper production plants. The only thing the state lacks is mineral resources. Free space and favorable geographical location became the reasons for the emergence of a fairly large military base strategic importance.

State of Delaware. Population and religion

Almost all residents are Christians (about 80%). About 10% of the population consider themselves atheists, and another 10% belong to other spiritual confessions. Delaware USA is a place where quite a lot of African Americans live (more than 20%). Large ethnic groups You can name the Irish, Germans, English and Italians. Asians, Puerto Ricans, and biracial people are the least populous in the state. English language considered basic. It is spoken by more than 90% of residents. On the outskirts of the state you can hear Chinese, German, French or Spanish spoken. Statistics show that there are fewer speakers of other languages ​​in Delaware every year.

State of Delaware. Interesting Facts

The capital of Delaware is Dover.

  • The Delaware Museum, known for its size and unique collections, for a long time existed on private donations. Even during Great Depression More than $350,000 was raised for its expansion.
  • Delaware's capital, Dover, is less famous than other cities in the state, such as Wilmington or New Castle.
  • The Maryland border runs through several cities. As a result of this division, local residents became citizens of different states.
  • The Delaware military base has one of the largest morgues in the country. The dead and those who died outside the country are brought here for temporary storage and subsequent distribution.
  • The state leadership at one time had a huge influence on the content of the US Constitution.
  • A record number of commercial organizations located in other states are registered here.
  • The city of Bethany Beach hosts an annual event called the Jazz Funeral.

State of Delaware. Attractions

Delaware Suspension Bridge

The Delaware Suspension Bridge is more than 3 km long and attracts hundreds of tourists every day. The object has historical value, being included in the list of national landmarks of the United States. It was built in 1951 and is still in excellent technical condition. It is worth noting that this is not what makes the Delaware Bridge unique. The structure initially included one span; a second one was added 16 years later. Today the bridge is one of the longest structures of its type in the United States. He takes an honorable 2nd place.

ca. October 1991, Pea Patch Island, Delaware City, Delaware, USA — The pentagon shaped Fort Delaware stands surrounded by a moat on Pea Patch Island in the Delaware River near Delaware City, Delaware. — Image by © Kevin Fleming/CORBIS

America could not do without coastal fortifications, being long years in military conflicts. One of the most powerful military forts is located on the island of Pea Petch. Tourists will be interested in visiting this place for several reasons. Firstly, there is a historical park here. All kinds of theatrical performances, celebrations and thematic events. All buildings remain intact, introducing visitors to the military architecture of the early 1800s.

Delaware Art Museum

The Delaware Art Museum deserves attention both with outside, and from the inside. The building is in excellent condition thanks to reconstruction in 2005. The territory occupies almost 40 thousand m². More than 1,000 unique exhibits that are a national treasure of America are collected here. It's hard to believe that the history of the museum begins with a dozen paintings by artist Ann Pyle. Today it is one of the largest in America.

Delaware State Map:

Delaware is one of the states on the east coast of the United States. Known as the "First State" because of the 13 colonies that ratified the US Constitution (which made the colonies states), Delaware was the first to ratify the Constitution. This happened on December 7, 1787.

It borders on the west with the state of Maryland, and on the north with Pennsylvania.

Year of formation: 1787 (1st in order)
State slogan: Freedom and independence
Formal name: State of Delaware
State's largest city: Wilmington
State capital: Dover
Population: more than 784 thousand people (45th place in the country).
Area: 6.4 thousand sq. km. (49th place in the country.)
More large cities in the state: Delaware City, Harrington, Louis, Milford, New Castle, Newark, Rehoboth Beach, Seaford.


The first European settlement in the future state was the Dutch trading post of Swaanendael ("Zwaanendael" or "Swaanendael"), founded in 1631 in what is now the town of Lewes. In 1638, the Swedes, led by Peter Minuit, founded a colony around Fort Christina (located on the site modern city Wilmington), and the territory became known as "New Sweden".

The name "Delaware" arose from the title of the governor of the Virginia colony, Thomas West, third Baron De la Warr. Title to the land that later became the State of Delaware was granted in 1682 by James, Duke of York (who later became King James the Second of England) to William Penn. This land was at that time part of the Pennsylvania colony, but in 1704 the “lower three counties” acquired a separate legislative body, and in 1710 - by its executive council.

However, Cæcilius Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore of Maryland, also laid claim to southern Pennsylvania and most Delaware. Trial between Pen and Baltimore (and their heirs) continued in the Lord Chancellor's Court in London for over a hundred years. The dispute ended with a settlement between the heirs, who agreed to a new land survey, which resulted in the so-called Mason-Dixon Line, which arose as a result of surveys carried out by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon between 1763 and 1767. Part of this line is now the border separating the states of Maryland (located to the west of the line) and Delaware. The other part separates Delaware (located south of the line) and Pennsylvania. The dispute over this part of the border, known as the "Wedge", did not end until 1921. The Mason-Dixon Line and other lines that define the modern border between Maryland and Delaware also pass through several cities, so that people living on the same street can live in different states. Approximately 80 limestone markers from the Mason-Dixon survey remain today.

Delaware was one of 13 colonies that rebelled against British rule during the Revolutionary War. The war began in 1776, and after the war began, the three counties became the “State of Delaware.” In 1792, this entity adopted its first constitution and declared itself to be the State of Delaware. The first governors bore the title "President of the State of Delaware."

Delaware was a slave state during the Civil War but remained in the Union by referendum. Two months before the end of the war, on February 18, 1865, Delaware voted against the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, abolishing slavery. This did not bring practical results, since a sufficient number of other states voted for the amendment, but legally this amendment was ratified by the State of Delaware only in 1901, that is, 40 years after Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.


Delaware borders Pennsylvania to the north and Maryland to the south and west. From the east, the state is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Delaware River Estuary by the Delaware Bay. Delaware also includes small areas on the eastern side of the Delaware River Delta, which in turn borders New Jersey.

The largest city in the state is Wilmington, the capital is Dover.

Kotoshka has a bad relationship with geography... Not Mitrofanushka, but almost... In the spring she managed to visit the state of Delaware, in a beautiful town, during the wonderful cherry blossom season. The cat was delighted, made a photo album, and called this album “Wilmington.” (I remember exactly that we got into a taxi at the train station in Wilmington, and the ride to the hotel was quite short...).

The other day I went to ask Google about Wilmington (By the way, they spell it differently in Russian. Sometimes Wilmington). So, it turned out that the city of Wilmington received the nickname - “the chemical capital of the world.”
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! This is what they say in America when they are surprised at something!
Oh oh oh! This is what they say in Russia when they are surprised at something!
Kotoshka reads about this city and understands that something is wrong here! Google says that Wilmington is a big city, but Kotoshka was in a small, cozy town!

[I] Geography. The state of Delaware is one of the South Atlantic states in the eastern United States. Administrative center state - Dover, the second largest city in the state. Largest cities: Wilmington, Newark, Milford. In the south and west it borders with the state of Maryland, in the north with the state of Pennsylvania.

By the way, cool joke! The port from which Kotoshka sailed to the Transatlantic is also spelled Dover in English. It's pronounced DOVER in English! Not Dover, as this Google map says!
And further. There is a map, but the largest city of Wilmington, Wilmington, is not on it :) Don’t believe me? Look for yourself...
Our sad “MYAF” to you, comrade. Google!

[I] Story. The lands of modern Delaware were discovered by G. Hudson in 1609. The main river flowing through this territory was named Delaware (after the then governor of Virginia, hence the name of the state). In 1638, a Swedish settlement arose in the area of ​​modern Wilmington, which was later captured by the Dutch. And only then, in 1664, Delaware, like the entire colony of New Netherland, was conquered by Britain. Delaware took an active part in the Revolutionary War and was one of the thirteen colonies that united after the war to form the United States of America. In 1787 he was the first to ratify the US Constitution.

The nature of modern Delaware during cherry blossom season. Nice, aren't they?

Kaleidoscope. FactsCuriosities associated with the town of Newark. Personal.

[I] Here Kotoshka was almost arrested when she was photographing a branch of the largest Chase bank; part of the security film was exposed!

[I] Kotoshka lived behind this wall in a hotel :)

Curious (from Google).
[I]1. More than ten thousand people came to the city of Newark on September 16, 2008 for the Community Day holiday. At noon, Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to the stage. (What would that mean?) First, they performed "Falun Dafa - Hao" on the drums. The audience, many of whom were Chinese, greeted the performance with warm applause.

Cat associations for such information in photographs of the Nature of Delaware :)

The host of the concert told the audience about the practice of Falun Dafa and its persecution by the Chinese Communist Party.

2. Crime chronicle:
[I] September 25, 2007 At the University of the American state of Delaware (Newark), an unknown person opened fire on students. As a result, two students were injured.

Association in photography:

3. Politics.
[I] Senator from Delaware, Chairman of the Committee on international affairs, Vice President from Democratic Party Joseph (Joe) Biden graduated from the Department of History and Political Science at the University of Delaware in Newark (Delaware)

4. Sports news:
[I]2008 European champions in ice dancing Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin, starting this season, train under the guidance of new coaches in American city Newark (Delaware).
From an interview (I wanted to write about “this Kotoshka”, but no one will believe it anyway):
O.D.:. America turned out to be a “small prison” for us.
- In what sense?
M. Sh.: You see, living conditions overseas are no better and no worse. Life there is just completely different. Take this simple thing: there are no sidewalks on the street. Neither a city nor a village in our Russian understanding. There are houses in a row, and if you don’t have a car, you can’t get anywhere.
Kotoshka (bursts into the interview):
- And what is this, excuse me? Isn't this a sidewalk?

Note that Johnny Weir, three-time US champion in men's singles figure skating, also conducts training in Simsberry (Conneticut), and Newark (Delaware).
There will be a separate post on Simsbury, but in Newark the Sports Palace was so huge that it couldn’t fit into the camera. :)

5. Economics.
[I]Chrysler announced the closure of two Jeep production plants in the cities of Newark (Delaware, USA) and Toledo (Ohio, USA).


But the flowers will still bloom! Despite ….!

,which we talked about in previous articles are on everyone’s lips. And today we are going to one of the smallest American states - Delaware. Have you ever heard of him? 🙂

Considering that there are less than a million people living in all of Delaware, finding a guest for an interview was a great success. Thank you Alena Reingard, who herself wrote to me with an offer to participate in. She leads blog on Instagram @meetme_outdoors about the everyday life of a #under-emigrant in the USA, as Alena jokingly calls herself.

- Alena, please tell us how long ago and why you moved to Delaware?

Delaware is my husband’s homeland and I came here only because of him. Although he did not live here for some time, after my arrival we decided to settle here, at least at first.

Streets of Delaware

- When you first saw the state, what did it seem like to you? What did you immediately notice?

A small step to the left, a step to the right - it’s a different state. And the population of all of Delaware is less than in its native Krasnoyarsk.

- What part of Delaware do you live in? What nature surrounds you?

We live on the state line, near Pennsylvania and Maryland. Sometimes you can cross the border several times in a day.

Delaware is a very green state with an incredible variety of plants, including flowering ones.

Sunny Delaware

- Please tell us about the climate of the state. How comfortable are the summers and winters in Delaware? How are spring and autumn going?

Generally the climate is warm. In winter, the temperature does not drop below - 15 degrees. But here very humid, especially in comparison with his native Krasnoyarsk. This makes the frost colder and the heat difficult to bear. In the summer I melt like the Snow Maiden. But spring and autumn are very beautiful.

- Alena, what does everyday life in Delaware look like using your city as an example? How and where do locals like to relax? Do they travel to other states often?

My city, Newark, is a student city. The city center is essentially the campus of the University of Delaware. Therefore, there are mainly students there, who, if they relax, do so in bars or at house parties. And, of course, sports grounds are actively used in free time.

It is difficult for me to judge people in the state, since my family is not quite standard, unlike the average Delawarean family. But, as I understand, the locals are not particularly active, the best rest is at home, best event- home party. They go to the beach, but also in our state.

Desert landscapes of Delaware

- What pros and cons of living in Delaware could you name?

Most main plus in Delaware - no sales tax, that is, you pay as much as it is written. Well, other taxes are lower.

There are also many outlets concentrated in the state. People come here for shopping from other states.

Main disadvantage - ecology. Everything is very sad with water, all reservoirs are polluted. If the air here is still going nowhere, then on all water maps this zone is highlighted in red.

Another minus - crime. There are a lot of shootings, some thefts, etc. going on here. This is especially true in Dover and Wilmington.

The third disadvantage can be called small area state. EThere is even a joke that everything is within a 2-hour radius from here, no more. But the beaches, New York, Washington and Philadelphia are close.

What areas and specialties for work, according to your observations, are in demand in the state? How is the situation with the labor market in general?

There is work on staff, and if there is higher education(local), or if our diploma is evaluated, it is possible to find a job, and even, I think, not difficult. Due to maternity leave, I have not yet encountered employment, but I am monitoring this issue and see that there are many vacancies for engineers.

And also in Delaware, in its capital Dover, is located largest air force unit. My husband worked there for 2 contracts.

- Delaware is known for its friendly business legislation, which is why many companies choose it as a place of registration. Can you tell us more about this? What kind of business do you think this state is suitable for developing?

I don’t know all the subtleties, but the main point is taxes. Many register their companies here but operate in other states. And Delaware is also a state of banks. There are a lot of them registered here.

- What can you say about education in Delaware? How good do you think his level is?

I can't tell you much about schools. As far as I know, they have average level. Like everywhere else, there are better schools and worse ones. In private tuition fees will vary depending on this. But here is the university University of Delaware, is considered not only very good, but also expensive.

- Is it possible to live in Delaware without a car?

It is forbidden. Or it will be very difficult without a car. Here no shops within walking distance, administrative organizations scattered around different cities. Let’s say we have to do something in the capital; we celebrated the marriage in a neighboring, larger city. Even the children's hospital is located in another city.

What does a city look like in Delaware?

- Who do you think would be suitable for living in Delaware, and is it even worth considering this state as an option for moving?

Many people come here precisely in terms of savings and work. So if this is important, I think it's worth moving. Although the state is small, and there are not many people here, everything is close.

- What impression do you have about the residents of the state? Is it easy to make acquaintances and friendships with them? How open are they to communication?

Those with whom I had the opportunity to meet are easy to communicate, friendly, smiling. But this is nothing more than an acquaintance. Friendship, even the most superficial, does not happen, and we did not become close friends. There are friends of my husband, but they have known each other since childhood.

- Alena, do you know any films or books about Delaware? What interesting facts are there in the history of this state?

I won’t name books and films about Delaware specifically, but in general this territory plus Pennsylvania and New York - the very place where America was born, where the first ships arrived, where important events unfolded.

There's a lot here historical places, military forts, old fortresses, houses, etc. State Delaware at all is the first official state America. He's the one December 7, 1787 first from 13 colonies ratified the Constitution USA.

Delaware - important state in American history

- What is the most important event or most important holiday for the state? How does it go?

The most important event of the year, in my opinion, is American Football Cup. Many people in Delaware root for the Philadelphia Eagles. In pThey won last season and the whole state went crazy. Everyone went to celebrate the victory at the parade in Fili ( approx. ed.- Philadelphia). There were countless people there.

- Is Delaware popular with tourists? Is it worth going there for a vacation, and, if so, when is the best time to do it?

There are several here tourist places, but it seems to me that many people don’t even know about this state. There are American tourists, but most of all they are attracted to the local beaches.

To Delaware better to come in summer, For example, in August. It's also very beautiful here in autumn when the foliage of trees takes on a wide variety of shades.

- What are 2-3 places in Delaware worth visiting?

Delaware Beaches, Old Downtown Historic New Castle, shopping centers- outlets (shopping without sales tax). There is also one near the capital race track, a very American feature, people flock there in huge crowds.

On the territory of the military unit there is aviation museum, open to visitors. All kinds of American aircraft are presented there, and even ours are at this exhibition.

- What dishes and what cuisine are popular in Delaware? What (and preferably where) should you try?

The closer to the beach, the more crabs. Crabs and crabcakes(crab cakes) are the best thing to try here.

Well, our neighbor Philadelphia is famous for its cheesecakes, which is also reflected in Delaware cuisine.

- Considering that Delaware is such a small state, is there a large Russian-speaking population there? Are there Russian-language events held in Delaware and, if so, where can I find information about them?

Who would tell me this 🙂 In almost a year of my stay here, I met only 4 Russian women here. Our pediatrician is also Russian-speaking, but she is a hospital resident (temporarily here). There is also a second generation of Russian speakers who were born in America.

The state of Delaware is located in the northeastern United States and is considered the smallest in area, but is very popular among tourists. Holidays in Delaware 2019 – prices and attractions will allow you to have a good rest and spend time, because the tourism industry is very developed here. Every year, a huge number of vacationers spend their holidays here, swimming in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and attending a huge number of different entertainment events. For example, the city of Rehoboth Beach is unofficially called the “summer capital of the nation” because residents of Washington and other metropolitan areas prefer to vacation here.

Delaware - state small size but it does popular story. It was Delaware that was the first of 13 british colonies signed the US Constitution. In addition, he took an active part in its creation. That is why the name of the state “First” is often used among the people.

The state is located in the Mid-Atlantic group. Next to it are Maryland and Pennsylvania. It borders New Jersey on the east side, and Delaware Bay on the west. Interesting feature The border between Delaware and Maryland is marked by the fact that it runs along residential streets. A hundred years passed before it was approved, during which the litigation lasted.

Today the capital is the city of Dover, but the most big city is Wilmilton. Large cities also include Newark, Milford and Middletown.

Delaware weather

First of all, it is worth noting that Delaware is the lowest state in America. Most high point is the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, and its height is only 136 meters above sea level. The entire state is located on the Atlantic lowland.

The mild climate is due to the fact that north side The state is protected by the mountains of Pennsylvania from cold winds.

The most best time Summer is the perfect time to spend a holiday here. Almost all cities in the state have different temperature indicators, this is due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean. Those cities that are located closer to the coast are in the subtropical zone, and those that are further away already belong to the continental climate. Here in the interior of the state in winter the thermometer drops to -20 degrees, and in summer period rise to +40. In cities located closer to coastline such sharp jumps in temperature differences are not visible.

Weather changes are also important to consider when choosing your vacation destination and check-in time.

How to get there

Unfortunately, the state of Delaware does not have its own international airport, so you will have to fly to a neighboring region. Also, not all roads are laid railways. The nearest international airport is in Philadelphia. There are flights from Moscow with two transfers. The total flight duration in this case is about 40 hours. But each airline made sure that such a long journey was as comfortable as possible for every traveler.

Upon arrival at a US airport, you can use different types transfer to get to Delaware. The most popular option is public transport. To use the bus, you need to go from the airport to the bus station and buy a ticket to Wilmington. The trip will take on average 30-40 minutes.

You can also rent a car and ensure yourself interesting trips to any attractions. The cost of car rental ranges from 2,500 rubles per day.

Delaware on the map:


Most often, tourists come to Dover, the state capital or the largest city, Wilmington. The two cities are connected by a local highway.

The cities have a public transport system. IN to a greater extent it is represented by buses. For example, Wilmington has 40 routes. They run around the city and also connect the city with the suburbs. IN summer time the number of routes is increasing as they open additional directions to the coastline.

Intercity connections throughout the state are provided by 14 public buses. This message is operated and controlled by the management company DART First State.

Where to stay

Throughout the state of Delaware there are many small towns worth visiting. Almost everywhere there are hotels or small hotels. Depending on where you are staying, you can choose the most suitable option for accommodation. Among all the establishments in this direction, there are several that are most popular among tourists.

  1. Guest house "Maryland Ave 23 #412". It is located in Rehoboth. Tourists who want to enjoy a beach holiday go here. This guest house is located just 300 meters from the famous Rehoboth Beach. This place is suitable for a family holiday and for staying during business trips. All rooms are equipped with everything you need. The average cost of a night spent will be 2500-3000 rubles.
  2. In Rehot Beach you can also stay at the three-star Brighton Suites hotel. It is located 300 meters from the embankment. A special feature of the hotel is a spacious terrace where you can sunbathe. The hotel offers beautiful views of the city. The city center is only 700 meters from the hotel. The cost of the room is about 6000 rubles.
  3. Upon arrival in Dover, you can choose the Days Inn Dover as your place of accommodation. It is located near Route 13. From the motel to the famous Dover Downs casino it is just a five-minute drive along an excellent road. This motel can rightfully be called a place where excellent quality and affordable price are combined. The average cost of a room is 2,600 rubles, which also includes a continental breakfast. The city center is only 1500 meters away. This distance can be covered even on foot.
  4. To Fenwick Island special place Among the budget accommodations is the Motel Fenwick Island. An ideal location for those who came to the city specifically for a beach holiday. The motel is located just a few steps from the beach. The motel also offers easy access to other local attractions. The room has all the necessary items for comfortable stay even with children.

You can book a hotel in any city in Delaware in advance. In some cases, this will allow you to significantly save on accommodation costs. Upon arrival, you can also find a place to spend your vacation. Available rooms are not a big problem, which can be solved even if the vacation is not organized by a specialized company.


National American cuisine can be called relatively young and for the most part it is borrowed. The cuisines of the following countries had a huge influence on its formation:

  • European;
  • Indian;
  • Mexican.

In addition, each state has its own National dishes. What is typical: what is loved, for example, in Alaska, will not be appreciated at the other end of the country.

In Delaware, almost every cafe or restaurant can order their signature dish - scrapple. Pork trimmings and corn flour are used for preparation. These ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Subsequently, it is sliced ​​and fried. In this form it can be a breakfast and is often used to make sandwiches.

Every major city in Delaware has a variety of cafes and restaurants. different levels. You can also visit fast food establishments for an inexpensive snack. In addition to local cuisine, you can find restaurants serving European cuisine.


Delaware is popular among tourists not only because of its beaches, but also attracts them with shopping. Shopping enthusiasts should definitely visit this state. Such popularity is due to duty-free trade. At some points, Delaware is also called the "corporate capital of the world." Every major city in the state has brand stores of the most famous fashion houses. Here you can purchase products from new collections or find what you wanted from previous ones, with incredible discounts. Clothing as a souvenir is especially popular. Also Special attention It's worth paying attention to technology.

Shopping in general will appeal to every tourist, as it is very diverse and affordable. It is important to bring a themed souvenir specifically from the state in which the vacation is taking place. Most often, magnets, key rings, T-shirts and glasses with images of local attractions are used for this purpose. For example, in Dover the souvenir will depict the Delaware Capitol, in Wilmington - the Hagley Museum or Train Station. In Rehoboth Beach, first of all, you should pay attention to natural attractions, the sea, and the beach.

When buying gifts for home, you should also visit the most ordinary supermarket, which can be easily found in any city. You can buy some sweets here, especially if you have children at home. You should definitely try the interesting combination of mint candies and York chocolate coating, candies with the popular Reese’s peanut butter inside, the famous Hershey’s chocolate, red Twizzlers, and the ever-popular Oreo cookies.

In a regular store you can also buy all kinds of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, the birthplace of which is America. Here they have their own taste characteristics.

Attractions entertainment

Despite the fact that the state does not have such big sizes There are many attractions here that are worth visiting. They are scattered throughout the territory; each town has its own historical monument, which the local population is proud of.

  • Newark - known as the home of the state university and figure skating school;
  • Milford - Lots to see here ancient buildings and museums;
  • Rehoboth Beach - wonderful sandy beaches where tourists go during their summer holidays;
  • Wilmington - Delaware Art Museum;
  • Delaware is also home to the second largest double-span suspension bridge.

Brandywine Valley and the old castle of the DuPont family

The Brandywine Valley in Delaware can be called a museum under open air. It includes several large castles, beautiful gardens and amazing natural compositions. For example, Longwood Gardens is one of the world's finest outdoor arboretums. Amazing combinations of various flowering plants delight tourists almost throughout the year. The cost of visiting for one hour is $20 per adult, $17 per person over 62 years old, $10 from 5 to 18 years old, children under 4 years old can admire the beauty of this garden for free.

The DuPont family has done a lot for the state of Delaware, e.g. magnificent castles, built by them, on this moment open to the general public and tours. Most of the buildings are located northwest of Wilmington. Most attention The following castles deserve to be visited: Nemours, famous for its elegance, Winterthur with its magnificent gardens and rich art collections and Hagley Castle. There is a $15 entry fee to visit Nemours Castle and all visitors must be over 12 years of age. Excursions are conducted from May to December inclusive.

In addition to all of the above, the Brandywine Valley includes 11 different attractions. In order to save money and visit all the most interesting places, you can apply for a so-called passport, which costs $45 for one person or $95 for a family of five: two adults and three children under 18 years of age. This document will be valid from May 28 to September 5, 2019.

Delaware Art Museum

It is one of the best art museums in the United States and is located in Wilmington. In Delaware art museum collected works of American art from the 19th century to the present day. The cost of visiting is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, $6 for students and youth, and children under 6 years old can enter the museum for free.


The USA as a whole and each state separately is equipped with everything necessary for communication and communication. Cellular operators have excellent coverage, so contacting home will not be difficult. If you wish, you can activate the roaming service from your operator or buy a SIM card from local companies upon arrival. But it’s worth noting right away that calls home via cellular communications will be quite expensive; in some cases, the price can reach up to 400 rubles per minute. In this case, it will be much more profitable to use the services of street telephone booths.

As for the Internet, a mobile service is available. Free wireless internet is offered in every hotel and inn. Delaware is one of the states where communication is always at its most high level and there are practically no interruptions.


Representatives of the law monitor safety on the city streets. Depending on the city you choose, you should personally develop some safety rules for yourself. Avoid visiting unfamiliar and uncrowded places at night. You should also avoid carrying too large amounts of cash on you, especially in your back pocket or backpack. For storage, use the safe in your hotel room. The simplest rules in most cases will help avoid conflicts or unpleasant situations during a long-awaited vacation.

The state of Delaware is simply a beach lover's paradise, the length alone coastal strip is 30 km. A huge number of hotels located on the coast provide excellent recreational opportunities for single people and couples. There are no restrictions for tourists who want to visit the state of Delaware. Everyone here is always welcome and greeted with cordiality.

Video about Delaware: