New ideological war. Ideological war

Before an attack, a bully on the street always insults his victim and accuses him of something, for example, that he doesn’t have a cigarette. The same happens in big politics: before the attack, the aggressor accuses his opponent that he is guilty, for example, of violating “human rights”, that he lacks something, for example, “civilization”, “culture” and, the last word in big politics, “democracy”.

Ideological preparation for aggression is always underway. Ideology is a kind of “engine of war”: it motivates the military, explains and justifies their cruelty, in other words, puts it into their hands. This preparation is no less important than the production of weapons, otherwise there will be no one to use them.

The situation on the ideological front is getting worse today, and it’s time for us to face the truth: the West is making ideological preparations for an attack on Russia, accusing our country of violating “human rights” and lacking “democracy”, and simply declaring it an “aggressor” for “ polite" salvation of the Russian population of Crimea from the Bandera pogrom. From the fate of Donbass!

Common place In Western propaganda there was a statement: “Russia cannot be democratized.” If we translate this nonsense into normal language, The West expresses disappointment at the failure of its attempts to establish control over Russia and subjugate it to its will. To say this directly is not politically correct, and you have to lie about your highest “democratic values”, which Russia does not perceive in any way, in order to devalue it, declare it “uncivilized”, and thereby justify the impending attack.

If you look at the essence, “European values”, also known as “democratic values”, are a fake, the same as “communist values”, by the way, both of them were produced in the West. And they originated, historically, from liberal values, this is not difficult to prove. And they are not very different from each other, if you think about it.

If we put aside the pompous propaganda mantras, “European democratic values”, in essence, repeat the slogans French Revolution, sing in different ways the very vague logically, but sweet word “freedom”. Behind this liberal demagoguery it is easy to discover today's real European values. Let's name some that are in plain sight.

1. Double standard is a fundamental European value. That is, there are some “standards and values” for domestic consumption, and completely different, opposite ones, for example, missile, bomb and “color” operations “to change regimes” for export. Starting with the bombing of Yugoslavia, and up to the “regime change” operations in Syria and Ukraine.

2. Arrogance and vanity, with an offensive flavor of Charlie Hebdo. For example: “Russia - Upper Volta with rockets, or Gas station with rockets,” and these insults belong to influential Western politicians, and not at all to a satirical magazine. After such rudeness, the boor demands the right to shamelessly impose his only correct opinion, because it is “democratic,” on other countries, in otherwise denies “civilization and democracy.” Ultimately, this “Eurovalue” also comes down to “regime change” operations and liberation from “ bloody dictators» Upper Volta and Gas Stations, according to denunciations of their own media. Only in Russia this is hampered by missiles that came from out of nowhere.

3. The actual spiritual “European values” - today these are the values ​​of Sodom and Gomorrah, the rights of gay parades and gay people have become the main element of the “human rights” policy of the West, which it exports under the threat of sanctions, under propaganda and political pressure to those still free from Sodom countries.

4. “Crocodile tears” - for ideologically “correct” victims, when it brings political or economic dividends. They are precisely “crocodile”, because the West is always silent or betrays the “wrong” victims offensive comments in the press, like Charlie Hebdo. Compare the attitude towards the disaster of the Malaysian Boeing over Ukraine and the Russian one over Sinai - this is heaven and earth. Outrage over the victims of the supposed “Assad regime” and the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria, and silence about the crimes of the Kyiv Bandera regime, the victims of the “ATO” in Donbass, ignoring flagrant cases of genocide, such as the Odessa Khatyn. As well as the consequences of Pentagon operations in Red Cross hospitals, and outstanding role in the “fight against the “terror” of the US concentration camp Guantanamo Bay. On the other hand, this is a type of value " double standard».

5. Technological advances- the only attractive values ​​of the West, however, they are material, not spiritual and moral, and it is the latter that the West justifies its “right to leadership.” The advantage in Western technologies is historically determined; they have long been developing in other countries, including Russia. At US universities today, the majority of students are from China, India and other “developing countries”; Americans themselves prefer to work as radio DJs. By the way, it was precisely due to this value that Hitler hoped to defeat Russia; Today Washington strategists are following in his footsteps.

US Chief of Staff Mark Milley directly called Russia an “aggressor.” It follows from this that the US military has political power, perhaps even greater than the current president, or the anonymous power circles in the United States that stand behind the military. Essentially, the USA is some kind of anonymous dictatorship of a group of people, Obama is a fake president. “Don’t pay attention,” Secretary of State Kerry once said to Foreign Minister Lavrov at a meeting of the 20 about his President Obama...

The newly appointed commander of NATO forces, American General Curtis Scaparrotti, who replaced the scandalous Philip Breedlove, made his first statement: “if Russia cannot be intimidated, he is ready to fight it.” A self-revealing statement actually saying what NATO is actually doing in relation to Russia: frightening. (By the way, “terror” translated into Russian is “intimidation.”) Since the hybrid World War between the USA and Russia is already underway, obviously, Mark Milley and his subordinates are preparing for the “hot phase”.

It is obvious that it is time for Russia to respond in essence to the “intimidation” of the West. We have the right to recognize countries that call Hitler’s winners a “totalitarian” or “authoritarian” regime as neo-fascist regimes, under the democratic guise under which the Hitler regime acted. Since Hitler was the first to accuse “Stalinist Russia” of this, “Western democracies” are simply repeating after him.

It's time to remember that fascism was a pan-European and pan-Western phenomenon, and not just German or Italian, it was born western democracy, western nation state. Apparently, the seeds of fascism are permanently present in Western “democratic civilized” society, and now they are sprouting again.

Essentially, fascism is the “value of superiority” on some basis. Hitler used race, today Western neo-fascists use the sign of “cultural and democratic” superiority over the Putinoids, Colorados and “ developing countries and democracies."

It's time to say that the “policy of democratization” is the policy of subordinating independent countries to the West. The West subjugated the relatively independent - “multi-vector” post-Soviet Ukraine, “Euro-associated” it with the help of Nazi Bandera, so for the West they are democrats, although they are neo-fascists.

By supporting Bandera's fascism in Ukraine, Washington showed its real face. And it turned out to be completely neo-fascist: tell me, as they say, who your friend is... But he acted “unprofessionally,” according to President Putin, by initiating “regime change” on the borders of Russia, perhaps thanks to the “genius” of Brzezinski. This " eminence grise“Washington hoped that Russia would get bogged down in Bandera’s Ukraine, like the USSR in Afghanistan. However, instead, Washington consolidated Russia, vaccinated it against the neo-fascist tumor of the Maidan, and stimulated the unification of the non-Western world around Russia.

Washington's ideological preparation for war against " Putin's Russia"says that Washington can at any moment carry out a treacherous attack on Russia, as Hitler did against “Stalinist Russia.” Because he is preparing an ideological justification for his treachery, like Hitler.

The chance to prevent World War III is, perhaps, Donald Trump; today he is the only major politician and US presidential candidate who unequivocally speaks of the need to respect the interests of other countries in the world, primarily Russia and China. If he wins... And if he does not suffer the fate of John Kennedy, who also advocated the normalization of US relations with the USSR-Russia...

I am fighting for the “Russian world”
Third year,
On the fronts of the Internet war,
After the post - post...

How the projectiles of the article fly,
Thoughts explode like mines,
In civilian life, everyone is their own,
And former relatives...

The infoboy boils until the morning,
No losses...
It just makes my head spin
And my soul hurts...

World War II ideological war December 10th, 2011

The First World Ideological War ended with the fall of the USSR. Capitalism triumphed over socialism, liberalism and democracy put totalitarianism to shame. This is how it is presented to us, this is how it is included in textbooks. But if you dig deeper, what was the real, essential opposition underlying cold war?

The ideological position of the West represents a consistent policy of prioritizing individual rights over the interests and traditions of society. The West is proud of having created the individual - a true individual, aware of himself outside of any original contexts. Social relations, inherent in the modern West, are not thought of as habitat, in which a person develops spiritually and socially, but as an interpersonal agreement, that is, something secondary, achieved as a result of the interaction of self-sufficient individuals. The individual is primary, society is secondary - this is the position of the West.

And traditional society, which was largely recreated in socialist countries, is built on a completely opposite premise. From the point of view of the individualistic worldview, the existence traditional societies is regarded as a challenge. A world in which individual rights are not the subject of a cult, offers a certain value alternative, and makes one doubt the correctness of the chosen path. Because the path of individualization and atomization of a person leads him to loneliness. A person finds himself alone in the face of the Universe, and in this confrontation must rely only on himself: on his strength, his intellect, his ability to reach a mutually beneficial agreement with others. Man creates his own own world- this is a responsibility that can crush you, you just have to doubt it a little own strength, and intoxication with the ghost of one’s own omnipotence. The Western project portrays man as a god, this is its charm. Strictly speaking, nothing new, let us remember the words of the ancient serpent spoken to the wife of the first man: “and you will be like gods.” But For this ghostly godlikeness, a person must give up the warmth of his soul, and spend his life in cold and loneliness. The further individualization goes, the more noticeable this result. A dubious purchase. But there will be no reason for doubt if the whole world is rebuilt according to the Western model.

Hence the activity of Western man. He feels himself to be the bearer of a new world order, which should be spread throughout the world - in the form of a gift of grace, and where this gift will not be accepted, it should be imposed by force. This is the mission of the West or “the white man’s burden” as Kipling defined it:

Carry this proud Burden -

Native sons went

To serve those under your control

To the peoples to the ends of the earth -

To hard labor for the sake of the gloomy

Restless savages

Half demons

Half the people.

Those, Those who do not profess Western values ​​are only half human. This attitude is not publicly stated today, but it has not gone away.. It helps the West act tough, regardless of the costs that “subject peoples” are forced to bear when they convert to the fold of civilization.

This was the ideological background of the Cold War. Socialist countries were economically and technologically successful project, built on the priority of collective values. Socialism has become real threat, because it was an obvious ideological alternative to the Western project. And all the resources of the West were devoted to eliminating this threat.

Today, the struggle of the West against socialism is more correctly called the first world ideological war. Because today the second world ideological war is unfolding. The socialist way of life is a thing of the past, but the traditional worldview has been preserved. The human right to be an individualist is not yet universally recognized. The mission of Western man is not completed. A person is torn out of the community. Many were convinced that religiosity is their personal matter, and the Church is only a historically formed social institution. But many people still cannot imagine themselves outside the family. Family - primary structure society, the most stable and therefore preserved to this day. And it is precisely against the family that the entire force of the “progressive” West is now being deployed.

The offensive is being carried out under two flags and slogans. One is “children's rights.” The mechanism operates under this slogan juvenile justice. There is practically no frontal resistance here. Children are sacred; It is very difficult to oppose granting them any rights, especially since this is done, as stated, solely for the sake of their protection and benefit.

The second slogan is the protection of the rights of sexual minorities. This means the destruction of the family as a union of a man and a woman, the purpose of which is the birth of children, that is, the continuation human race. From now on, family is understood only as a temporary coincidence, as is now commonly said, of the life trajectories of two individuals. The whole essence of such a family is exhausted by the consent of two people to be close to each other, that is, a certain balance of personal interests; social structure, that same primary cell of society does not arise. A society that allows a homosexual family ultimately becomes only a conglomeration of individuals.

This transformation of society into something contrary to the entire human history is so alien to the natural ideas of man that it causes dull resistance, which at times breaks through into active rejection of the new standards being imposed. The ideologists of the new world are trying to nip these pockets of disobedience in the bud so that resistance does not become organized. But increasing pressure is forcing people to decide how they really feel about exhibiting a homosexual lifestyle. The world is slowly sliding towards division into two ideological camps, which means that we are in the midst of a new world ideological war.

And in this war, as in the previous one, the main stronghold of the forces of the “progressive” West is the USA. Lately The United States administration spoke out more and more harshly in support of actions carried out by sexual minorities around the world, and on 12/06/11 this support received a systemic justification. US President Barack Obama issued a directive declaring the fight for the rights of sexual minorities abroad a US priority foreign policy. On the same day, based on new priorities, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking in Geneva, where the UN Human Rights Council is located, said: “ No tradition or custom can be superior to the human rights that are inherent to us all. This also applies to violence against members of the LGBT community, the criminalization of their status or behavior, their expulsion from families and local communities, and the tacit or open acceptance of the killings of members of sexual minorities.” It is easy to agree with the inadmissibility of murder. Mrs. Clinton is trying to use this agreement to convince us that the US position as a whole deserves our approval. But in fact it was declared that The United States declares war on any tradition that does not recognize homosexuality as a normal option social behavior. Orthodoxy, thus, falls among the ideologies officially recognized as hostile .

This means that the United States will interfere more aggressively in our lives. For pushing Russian society the full power of foreign policy will be used, starting from economic and political blackmail and ending... I don’t want to talk about this seriously, but we remember that the last political argument has always been military force.

The saddest thing is that it is not clear whose political support we can count on in this ideological war. The ideological enemy is represented at the level of states and even supranational organizations, such as the Council of Europe. It can be expected that the UN platform will also be used to promote and inculcate homosexuality. But how consistent can the defense of our traditions be? state level? Will Russia be able to take political position, exactly the opposite of the USA? Unambiguously declare the inadmissibility of propaganda of homosexuality in all its forms?

From the point of view of our historical inheritance, this would be natural, but the consequences of such a step are too significant. This would mean final choice spiritual position, public opening of the ideological front and withdrawal into opposition to the Western project. Most likely, Russia will not dare to take such drastic actions, and, therefore, we will slowly yield to pressure from the United States and liberalize gay propaganda. Slowly, with reservations, putting up bureaucratic obstacles, but we will retreat ideologically and “liberalize.”

But maybe there is still a chance? Let's try to clearly understand ourselves and convince those around us that There is a war going on, and it is impossible to remain uninvolved in it. Everyone must choose their own camp: if you don’t fight against it, then you agree that tomorrow homosexuality will be the norm on Russian soil . Whether we lose the second ideological war, as we lost the first, again depends only on us.

“The war will end, everything will somehow settle down, settle down. And we will throw everything we have, all the gold, all the material power, into fooling and fooling the Russian people. Having sowed chaos in the countries of the USSR, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. ... Episode after episode, a grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out. ... Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the most base human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called creators who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality. ... Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people - we will deftly and imperceptibly cultivate all this, all this will blossom in full bloom color. … We will shatter thus, generation after generation. We will take on people from childhood, teenage years, we will always place the main emphasis on youth, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt, and corrupt them. We will turn the young into cynics, vulgarities, and cosmopolitans. This is how we will do it."

The above was the speech of Allen Dallas, director of the CIA at the closed US Congress in 1945. (Directive 20.01 of 18.08.1948; see at:

One can understand and accept the need to govern the people by humane and reasonable methods for noble purposes that would benefit the people. However, this vile plan given above is nothing more than a cynical manipulation of the mass consciousness with the aim of fooling them and turning them into animals. Today we see how this abomination is carefully disguised and introduced into mass consciousness. Under such words as “reforms” and “color revolutions” lies Western expansion, under “freedom of expression” - propaganda of depravity and immorality, under the “financial crisis” - financial fraud, although under a planned economy we had no such thing as “financial a crisis". All this has ALREADY blossomed in full bloom. We can say that the war of ideologies is even worse real war.

All this abomination was introduced into the minds Soviet people with the permission of the traitors and corrupt people who were found in the Soviet Union itself. Shame and disgrace to those who lived in the Soviet Union and allowed this monstrous mechanism to be launched against their own people and to destroy the great Soviet power.

The existence of this wonderful site already suggests that it is probably time to take concrete steps to stop this monstrous mechanism.

Ideological war

Large English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. 2001 .

See what “ideological war” is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Revolutionary War. Algerian War of Independence ... Wikipedia

    Y; pl. wars, wars; and. 1. Armed struggle between states, peoples, tribes, etc. or social classes within the state. V. against foreign invaders. V. for freedom and independence of the state. To declare a war. Wage war... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    A commonly used term used in politics. In the 21st century best known after the events of September 11, 2001 and the reaction of US President George W. Bush to them. War on Terrorism... Wikipedia

    Check neutrality. There should be details on the talk page. Ideological sabotage a term that was officially used in the USSR at the state level as a definition ... Wikipedia

    Ideological struggle- one of the forms class struggle between socialism and capitalism. Today all over the world “there is a struggle for the minds and hearts of billions of people... and the future of humanity depends to a large extent on the outcome of this ideological struggle” (Materials of the Plenum of the Central Committee... ... Scientific communism: Dictionary

    War- (War) Definition of war, causes of wars, classification of wars Information about the definition of war, causes of wars, classification of wars Contents Contents Definition in the history of mankind Causes of hostilities ... Investor Encyclopedia

    A redirect is set here from the Winter War page. If you are looking for information about the movie " Winter War", see article Winter War (film). Soviet Finnish war(1939–1940) Map of the fighting. December 1939 - January 1940 Date ... Wikipedia

    war- ы/; pl. wars, wars; and. see also military 1) Armed struggle between states, peoples, tribes, etc. or social classes within the state. War / against foreign invaders. War/ for the freedom and independence of the state.… … Dictionary of many expressions

    WAR- armed conflict during conflict resolution, form of resolution political conflict through the use of violence. As Carl von Clausewitz put it, war is a form of continuation of politics and is “an act of violence... ... Political science dictionary-reference book

    war- , s, w. Armed struggle between peoples, states, social classes. ** Dirty war. Condemnation ◘ About the US war in Indochina in the 60s and 70s. A little over six months later, Americans are already deeply entrenched in a quagmire.” dirty war" (Etc.) … Dictionary language of the Council of Deputies

    Algerian War of Independence “Week of the Barricades” in Algeria, January 1960 Date November 1, 1954 – March 19, 1962 Place ... Wikipedia


  • Slander against Victory. How the Red Army Liberator was slandered, D. Verkhoturov. The Great Patriotic War did not end in 1945. On the contrary, after the Victory, the ideological war against the USSR and the Red Army broke out with new strength and continues to this day. All…
  • Slander against Victory. How the Red Army, the liberator, was slandered, D.N. Verkhoturov. The Great Patriotic War did not end in 1945. On the contrary, after the Victory, the ideological war against the USSR and the Red Army flared up with renewed vigor and continues to this day. All…

We are used to blaming everything bad on politics and economics, they say, politics is eternal intrigue, and economics is eternal injustice, some are rich, others are poor. And hence revolutions, wars and all that jazz. The third element - ideology, as a rule, remains above suspicion. Religion, science, culture are what unite people, make them kinder, smarter, more sublime...

But is this really so? Is the ideological sphere really so harmless?

The theory states that the vast majority modern wars was precisely ideological in nature, because it directly depended not on the material or political state of the warring people, but exclusively on their morale, that is, an ideological state.

Thus, only that state received military advantage, whose ideological 12th anniversary was in full swing.

Let's start with the modern imperial cycle of Russia, which, as is known, runs from 1881 to 2025. This is the so-called Fourth Russia.

Alexander III, as you know, was a peacemaker and did not like to fight. And no wonder, because he got his 12th political anniversary (1881 - 1893). At the beginning of his reign, Nicholas II hit the 12th economic anniversary (1893 - 1905). And for major wars there were no big reasons. Walked madly the economic growth, which in itself was a guarantee of foreign policy peace. However, as we approached the ideological 12th anniversary, the clouds began to thicken. Russia's economic advance to the east, to China, was perceived very harshly by Japan, which in 1904 started a war for which Russia was in no way prepared.

Immediately after the painful defeat in Russo-Japanese War Russia entered the ideological 12th anniversary (1905 - 1917). And during this period the war is from the category of forced defense or historical accident has crossed into the territory of inevitability. As you know, the First World War began in 1914, that is, in the tenth year of the cycle. The time for the ideological 12th anniversary was melting away, and within a year the Russian army began big problems, morale was rapidly falling. Two years later the army began to crumble.

Soviet power, having overcome internal problems The political 12th anniversary (1917 - 1929), having suppressed the devastation in the economic 12th anniversary (1929 - 1941), approached the period of wars. The first military impulses came from the east: Lake Khasan (1938) and Khalkhin Gol (1939). Again, the reason is aggression. eastern neighbor. It is easy to see that between 1904 and 1939 the difference is very close to 36 years.

But still main war will be in the west. The USSR began preparations for war already in 1940, but the great ideological war, called the Patriotic War, began exactly historical clock, at the beginning of the ideological 12th anniversary (1941 - 1953). Thank God, the time reserve was enormous and with each year of the war the ideological power of the people only grew. There was enough strength to defeat Germany, to win the war with Japan, and to fight in Korea (1950 - 1953).

After 1953, the belligerence of the USSR rapidly decreased, the political 12th anniversary began (1953 - 1965), and no matter how violent the impression Nikita Khrushchev made, he was not a militant politician, the USSR did not want to fight, and even the notorious Caribbean crisis(1962) could not lead the USSR to war.

Next comes the economic 12th anniversary (1965 - 1977), and the likelihood of war increases only at the very end of the period. The ideological 12th anniversary (1977 - 1989) is a completely different matter. Here war arises almost immediately - this is Afghanistan (1979 - 1989). Moreover, it is easy to notice how the military enthusiasm of the people is falling in last years 12th birthday.

The political reorganization of the state lasts for the entire 12th anniversary (1989 - 2001), and the so-called Chechen campaigns(1994 - 1996, 1999) are needed primarily more for the formation of power in Moscow than for external success. These two wars, on the contrary, greatly undermine Russia’s external authority, despite their fair success.

Now about the intersection of rhythms. In Germany, following the Western rhythm, the ideological 12th anniversary passed from 1933 to 1945. Already in 1936, the Germans took part in the Spanish events, in 1938 they captured Austria and Czechoslovakia, greatly increasing their industrial potential. But the time of the ideological 12th anniversary is rapidly melting away. If in 1941 the reserve was three years (1942, 1943 and 1944), then already in 1943 there was only one year in reserve (1944), therefore, in the first two years of the war, the reserve of ideological energy fell three times! And one more thing: we can say that Germany and Russia used all the years allotted to them for the war. The intersection of two 12 years: 1933 - 1945 and 1941 - 1953 gives exactly the same desired dates 1941 - 1945.

As for other participants in World War II, it is easy to see that they had nothing to do with it. Thus, in France, the ideological 12-year school began only in 1945. Therefore, asking anything from France in 1940 was simply pointless. But in Vietnam in 1945, the French fought quite actively and lost interest in this war only in 1954.

The British, who said goodbye to the imperial rhythm in 1905, already entered the Western rhythm in 1909, which means that their ideological 12-year years passed in the periods 1921 - 1933 and 1957 - 1969. The Second World War was completely alien to them. One of the indirect evidence was that Churchill, one of the main victors in the great war, was overthrown in 1945. At that moment, the second phase began in England, its 12th economic anniversary.

The USA had a rhythm identical to France, and by 1945 they were just getting the hang of it, dropped a bomb on Japan, got into Korean War, have maximized their maritime presence in the world. Thus, passivity in the Second World War and the delay in opening the Second Front receive a rhythmic explanation.

The confrontation between the United States and Japan is a completely different matter. Japan's ideological 12th anniversary ran from 1937 to 1949, which gave Japan a huge advantage over the USA in 1941, but did not protect it from the USSR, and in 1945 from the USA.

And finally, small excursion to the future. In 2013 we begin our ideological 12th anniversary. Who will irritate Russia after 2013? This is our closest and dearest neighbor - Ukraine, whose ideological 12th anniversary runs from 2005 to 2017. The mutual confrontation between ideologies will be short-lived, only four years (2013 - 2017). Georgia, oddly enough, will not resist Russia. So, somehow we’ll come to an agreement before 2013. But after 2017, the issue of relations with the United States will arise with renewed vigor, if there is anything left of them by that time, and, of course, France, our eternal opponent.

Concerning possible war Iran and the United States, then Iran is completely ready for war, its ideological 12th anniversary runs from 2001 to 2013. But the United States is not, their ideological 12th anniversary will only be after 2017. They’re tired of fighting in Iraq too