Monitoring Lake Baikal. Space monitoring of taiga geosystems in the Baikal region

In order to promptly respond to threats to biodiversity, it is necessary to monitor the state of the lake ecosystem, that is, to regularly obtain quantitative data on the composition and abundance of its indicator (phyto and zooplankton) and economically important (seal) species and invasive species, as well as to detect , quantify and identify trends in changes in the chemical composition of lake waters and the accumulation of toxicants in living organisms. In addition, it is necessary to regularly assess the amount of harmful substances entering the

Baikal from the atmosphere, with the waters of tributaries and runoff from settlements and enterprises located on the shore, as well as with scattered runoff from agricultural facilities. In addition to assessing the scale of harmful substances entering Baikal, it is necessary to obtain regular information about their removal with water, burial in bottom sediments, and biological and chemical transformation. Potentially harmful substances include not only toxic compounds, but also “biogenic elements” - compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus, which in excess cause eutrophication (blooming) of lakes and reservoirs.

There are government services to obtain this information. First of all, these are the systems of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, which regularly monitor the state of the aquatic environment, atmosphere, and solar activity at stationary and mobile posts. Some departmental structures conduct observations of changes in forest cover, soil, flora and fauna, food quality, human health, seismic activity, etc. In addition to the state observation system, various analytical studies are carried out by scientific organizations. As a rule, these are irregular analyzes of individual natural components, performed on high-precision modern instruments.

It is known that under the influence of anthropogenic loads - excess intake of biogenic compounds, ecotoxicants, acidification, salinization - the ratio and composition of indicator species, in particular, the dominant species of phyto and zooplankton, first of all changes in lakes. Interpretation of data from regular monitoring of indicator species is significantly complicated by the fact that their population sizes are subject to natural variability over a very wide range. For example, once every 3–8 years, the so-called “melosira years” are observed here, during which mass reproduction of the diatom Aulacoseira (formerly Melosira) baicalensis occurs. In normal years, its maximum concentration does not exceed 1–2 thousand cells per liter, and in “melosir” years it reaches 500 thousand cells per liter. Therefore, the monitoring system must monitor the “pulse” of natural fluctuations, selectively diagnose those population fluctuations and other changes that go beyond natural limits, and report them to decision-making authorities.

There are many ways in which pollutants can enter surface waters. Let's highlight three main ones:

  • natural pollution – changes in water quality caused by natural factors;
  • pollution caused directly by humans as a result of the discharge of harmful substances in wastewater;
  • chemical interaction of pollutants entering a water body. Often the intermediate products of transformations are more toxic than the original pollutants entering water bodies.

To assess the quality of surface waters, maximum permissible concentration (MPC) standards are currently used, but this system of standards, like any other, cannot be comprehensive. Now there are more than a thousand fishery standards, and there are already hundreds of thousands of tons of pollutants in surface waters. And this number is growing rapidly.

Systematic and planned study of the ecological state of the lakes and rivers of Buryatia mainly begins in the 20s of the last century, from the moment the Commission for the Study of Baikal was organized by the USSR Academy of Sciences and the creation of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

The earliest information on the chemical composition of surface waters in the lake basin. Baikal dates back to 1925 and is the result of research by the Baikal Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences, transformed in 1928 into the Baikal Limnological Station, and in 1961 into the Limnological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The work of this institute on the study of the hydrochemistry of rivers in the lake basin. Lake Baikal continues to the present day.

Since 1940, systematic observations of the chemical composition of surface waters in the lake basin. Baikal surveys are carried out by the Hydrometeorological Service (Irkutsk and Transbaikal UGMS). The results of chemical analysis of water samples, starting from 1940, are systematically published in hydrological yearbooks. In the early 60s, a hydrochemical laboratory began to form at the Ulan-Ude Hydrometeorological Observatory. Gradually, new methods of chemical analysis of water are being introduced.

By 1973, the chemical composition of surface waters in most of the lake basin. Baikal has been studied in some detail. The northern part of the territory under consideration remains insufficiently studied, primarily the river catchment. Upper Angara.

In the 70s, construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline began. The observation network in the north of Buryatia is intensively developing, observation points are being opened on the rivers Goudzhekit, Tyya, Kholodnaya, Angarakan, Yanchui, Itykit and others. In 1975, 1979 and 1981 expeditionary surveys of the Upper Angara basin were carried out.

The rivers Davan, Goudzhekit and Tyya were examined due to emergency water pollution with oil products. Observations have been organized of the chemical composition of water in the rivers of the lake basin, atmospheric air, precipitation and atmospheric fallout, the water column and bottom sediments of Lake Baikal. Large-scale assessment of the state of environmental pollution required the development of such methods of obtaining information as the use of helicopters for snow surveys and ships for comprehensive surveys of environmental parameters.

Since 1980, the Monitoring Laboratory (LAM), the Hydrochemical Institute and other scientific institutions of the State Committee for Hydrometeorology, the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR and other ministries have carried out intensive work in the Baikal basin. Complex surveys were carried out with the participation of specialists in the field of geochemistry, hydrology, meteorology, hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, analysis and synthesis of the information received. The main attention was paid to the content of heavy metals, pesticides, petroleum products, sulfur compounds and other pollutants in atmospheric air and sediments, bottom sediments, in the water of the lake and its tributaries, in soils, hydrobionts, vegetation and tissues of some land animals. To obtain reliable information, intercalibration of analytical methods and procedures was carried out.

Source: Baikal: nature and people: encyclopedic reference book / Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS; [rep. ed. Corresponding member A.K. Tulokhonov] - Ulan-Ude: ECOS: Publishing House BSC SB RAS, 2009. - 608 pp.: color. ill.

...We love everything - and the heat of cold numbers,
And the gift of divine visions...
Alexander Blok

The physical foundations of mapping based on satellite thermal imaging data (ETM+, ASTER, MODIS) are considered, a review of methods for calculating quantitative indicators is provided, useful Internet resources are given, as well as examples of the use of the resulting data in solving various problems.

Accuracy of measurements

The main condition for the reliability of the results when remotely determining surface temperature using remote sensing data from space and achieving the highest possible measurement accuracy is taking into account the factors affecting the measurement:

  • ambient atmospheric temperature;
  • atmospheric air humidity (atmospheric humidity);
  • wind speed;
  • cloud cover;
  • atmospheric transparency;
  • reflectance and emmissivity of the earth's surface;
  • vegetative cover;
  • surface elevation above sea level;
  • surface topography (local topography);
  • surface features;
  • soil type and degree of moisture (soil moisture and soil type).

For example, the existing technology for calculating LST and SST from MODIS data taking these factors into account is illustrated in the following document.

Maximum temperature measurement accuracy:

- MODIS- 0.3-0.5 o C (water) and 1 o C (land)
- ASTER- 0.02 o C

Derived geothermal characteristics

The surface temperature calculated from one-time survey data characterizes the spatial differentiation of the thermal field and is quite informative when solving a wide range of problems.

For practical use, multi-temporal geothermal indicators are also very informative, i.e. mathematical derivatives of data from multi-temporal surface temperature measurements. For example, such indicators as temperature contrast (daily temperature amplitude) and the rate of temperature change (apparent thermal inertia).

Daily (temporal) temperature contrast characterizes the amplitude of daily variations in the thermal field of the surface and makes it possible to identify inhomogeneities associated with the peculiarities of the thermal properties of the objects under study. Factors influencing the temperature contrast of objects are illustrated in the figure below, which displays the radiation-temperature characteristics (from top to bottom) of rocks and soils, vegetation, calm water, and bumpy surfaces in their daily rhythm.

Radiation-temperature characteristics of rocks, soils, vegetation, calm water in their daily rhythm.

When performing research and constructing geothermal maps, the daily temperature contrast (in%) can be determined by the ratio of the differences between day and night temperatures to night temperature.

Thermal inertia is characterized by the rate of change in the temperature of the earth's surface and can be calculated by the ratio of the difference in the values ​​of the calculated temperature of the earth's surface to the time elapsed between measurements. It is recommended to use data from surveys taken at night (over one night).

Examples of using

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Monitoring the condition of filtration and aeration fields >>>
Thermal infrared aerial photography for monitoring the condition of water bodies >>>
Thermal infrared aerial photography for solving problems of monitoring the condition of road surfaces >>>
Thermal infrared aerial photography for solving problems of environmental monitoring and remote monitoring of the condition of oil and gas pipelines >>>

Examples of LLC "Center for Environmental and Technogenic Monitoring" ("CETM") >>>

Examples of Gorny V.I. (Research Center for Environmental Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg)
At the anniversary scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the first manned space flight, St. Petersburg, April 11, 2001.
Determination of heat losses in populated areas >>>
Mapping of karst phenomena >>>
Mapping of radon hazardous areas >>>
The influence of geothermal conditions on land bioproductivity >>>

Seminar "Satellite methods and systems for Earth research" (IKI RAS)
"Space measuring methods of the IR thermal range when monitoring potentially dangerous phenomena and objects" - PPT (3Mb) >>>

Examples of the Irkutsk station of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, VostSibNIIGGiMS

Operational satellite monitoring of snow cover conditions river basins to assess the risk and forecast of floods using MODIS radiometer data (by order of GUPR and Environmental Protection Agency for the Irkutsk region)
The methodology for assessing the risk and forecasting flood floods consists of comparing data from satellite monitoring of the dynamics of the front of areas of intense snowmelt with a map of the zoning of the territory according to the factors of maximum flow.
The use of MODIS data for rapid assessment of the state of snow cover involves the consistent solution of the following tasks:

  • exclusion of cloudy areas of images from analysis;
  • calculation of NDSI and NDVI values ​​and identification of areas with snow cover;
  • calculation of snow cover temperature;
  • topographical DEM analysis to determine slope aspect;
  • identification of areas of simultaneous snow melting, characterized by positive temperatures, as well as corresponding NDSI values;
  • identification of areas of intense melting of snow cover within selected areas, usually confined to slopes of southern exposure, and for which maximum surface temperature values ​​are recorded.

Daily monitoring information products:
- "Snow mask" - distribution of snow cover highlighting areas of simultaneous snowmelt;
- "Temp mask" - surface temperature distribution;
River pool Lena (Irkutsk region) - April 2004
River pool Lower Tunguska (Irkutsk region) - April 2004

Space monitoring of the Baikal natural territory (BNT)
Information resources of space monitoring of FBT can be used in studying natural conditions and solving other scientific and applied problems.

Lake Baikal water temperature monitoring

(click on image to enlarge)

Space monitoring of thermal anomalies (natural fires)
An example of monitoring a fire in the Amur region (border with China) in October 2004 (red contours are areas where thermal anomalies associated with the fire were detected)

Examples of the use of small-scale geothermal mapping when performing work on tectonic and oil and gas promising zoning of territories highlighting promising structures and areas using the example of the Baikit oil and gas region (research carried out by specialists from VostSibNIIGGiMS and the Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS (Irkutsk).

Thermal satellite data of low and medium spatial resolution are unlikely to capture low-amplitude geothermal anomalies directly associated with hydrocarbon reservoirs. But the analysis of prepared remote geothermal maps makes it possible to identify kinematic and morphological features of deep deformations by identifying geothermal anomalies of various morphologies associated with faults and fracture zones. A comprehensive analysis of such maps and all geological and geophysical information about the territory makes it possible to carry out oil and gas prospective zoning of the territory for exploration work at a more detailed scale level.

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Baikal researchers are concerned about plans to reduce the budget by 10%, voiced by representatives of the Russian government. The reduction in funding will make it impossible to carry out long-term environmental monitoring of Lake Baikal, which has been carried out for more than half a century by employees of Irkutsk State University. Doctor of Biological Sciences, leading researcher at the laboratory of general hydrobiology, Research Institute of Biology, ISU, professor, told TrV-Nauka about this Evgeny Zilov.

The recent discussion about the degree of “catastrophic” changes on Lake Baikal, unfortunately, often goes into the realm of populism instead of a balanced expert analysis involving serious scientific data. Of key importance for understanding what is actually happening on the lake is the environmental monitoring program and the collected data on the “health” of Lake Baikal.

A unique project of long-term environmental monitoring of Lake Baikal has been implemented since February 1945 by the Research Institute of Biology of Irkutsk State University. The scientific director of the project, Professor Evgeny Anatolyevich Zilov, notes that regular sampling is carried out every 7–10 days in the water column at the so-called pelagic stationary station No. 1. It is located in Southern Baikal, opposite the village of Bolshiye Koty, at a distance of 2.7 km from the coast , above a depth of 900 m.

Data obtained from processing phyto- and zooplankton samples, as well as relevant information on the most important physical and chemical properties of water, are entered into a single database.

Information on the state of planktonic communities is the main indicator of the state of the entire ecosystem of Lake Baikal. The importance and significance of the data obtained is confirmed by the fact that among specialists studying Lake Baikal, the project immediately (in 1945) received the unofficial name “Point No. 1,” which stuck with it.

“Point No. 1” is a truly unique project; it is the first and longest such study. It is included in the Russian Book of Records as the longest regular environmental monitoring project in the history of science. Last year, the period of continuous monitoring exceeded 70 years. The closest foreign “competitors” are inferior both in terms of monitoring time and in the intensity of collections. For example, long-term studies of Lake Michigan began only in 1957, the monitoring program of Lake Kinneret - in 1967, and similar studies on Lake Geneva have been conducted since 1974. All weekly observation data collected over 70 years are entered into a single database, the copyright holder of which is Irkutsk State University.

The database on the state of Baikal plankton, collected over years of continuous observations, is a valuable object of intellectual property that is of enormous scientific and applied importance. By analyzing this array of data, one can judge the nature and dynamics of changes in the entire pelagic ecosystem (water column) of Lake Baikal, its basic physical and chemical indicators, and in fact judge the state of the “health” of the lake.

At the same time, Baikal itself can serve as a kind of indicator of the state of the entire Earth. If the plankton of the giant Lake Baikal, this ancient and conservative system, changes due to global processes (temperature shifts, the presence of pollutants in the atmosphere, increased ultraviolet radiation, etc.), then this suggests that the changes are not only real, but they are large-scale and are planetary in nature.

However, now, due to the constantly cutting budget, the continuation of the program is very problematic. Last year, a similar 10% budget reduction forced the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to significantly reduce funding for universities within the so-called basic part of the state assignment for science, from which monitoring is financed. Funds for monitoring (already insufficient) were cut by almost 30%. Even then the question arose about suspending the program.

We survived the year thanks to the efforts of the director of the Research Institute of Biology of ISU, Professor Maxim Anatolyevich Timofeev, and with the support of the university administration. Additional extrabudgetary funds were found to support the program. However, after plans to cut the budget again were announced, they simply gave up and scientists were forced to freeze the project. You need to understand that narrow (and mostly elderly) specialists who have been processing plankton samples and analyzing them for years cannot “switch to another job” and then simply return to the project when funds become available. And the value of monitoring data is lost if the regularity and continuity of observations is disrupted. Thus, "freeze" continuous surveillance systems even for one (and most likely more than one) crisis year, in fact, puts an end to the project.

It is not possible to receive funds from scientific funds, be it the Russian Foundation for Basic Research or the Russian Science Foundation, for the project - the output of scientific publications is too small, especially in terms of the number of employees involved. The specificity of monitoring work is that, despite the large labor and financial costs of organizing it, researchers publish only a small number of works. However, these are very important articles! At the same time, they often have a large number of co-authors, and the individual contribution of the project researchers is lost.

Thus, the recent article “A global database of lake surface temperatures collected by in situ and satellite methods from 1985–2009”, published in the journal Scientific Data(publisher Nature Publishing Group), contains a large amount of data obtained as part of the monitoring project, and has 74 co-authors, of which only two are actually participants in our Baikal project. We are currently writing another article on the current state of the world's ancient lakes in a consortium with more than 30 international research groups. The importance of such work is difficult to underestimate, but in literal scientometric indicators, monitoring will always lose.

Monitoring accumulates data for decades. Programs of this kind were not taken into account in any way when planning the new system of financing university science, which requires scientists to be highly individual in their publication activity.

As a result, what do we have at the beginning of this year? In fact, the Baikal monitoring program, which was launched more than half a century ago, having survived war, stagnation, perestroika and the “dashing” nineties, turned out to be virtually bankrupt upon reaching its 70th anniversary.

Moreover, this is happening precisely at a time when the topic of environmental problems and changes observed on Lake Baikal is being actively discussed in the world's leading media and on professional platforms. Numerous publications and speeches talk about critical changes (fluctuations) in the water level in Lake Baikal, the impact of global climate change on the biota of the lake, the increase in the flow of industrial and domestic pollution, the processes of eutrophication of the lake and the massive growth of spirogyra algae, as well as many other processes observed in Baikal.

It should also be remembered that the current problems noted for the lake may turn out to be only “flowers” ​​for now, while the “berries” await us ahead - in connection with the planned acceleration of economic and tourist development of the Baikal region. It is worth mentioning the project for the construction of a hydroelectric dam on the Selenga River, the main tributary of the lake, a project whose consequences could have a truly catastrophic impact on the lake’s ecosystem.

An adequate assessment of ongoing and proposed environmental changes, making any political and economic decisions regarding Lake Baikal without environmental monitoring data is simply impossible. Without it, a lot of harm can be done to the unique lake.


  • geoportal
  • geographic information systems
  • space environmental monitoring
  • Natural resources
  • environmental Safety
  • geoportal
  • geoinformation systems
  • space monitoring of environment
  • natural resources
  • ecological safety

Geoportal project “Space monitoring of rational environmental management of Lake. Baikal and Baikal natural territory" (essay, coursework, diploma, test)


Leonid Aleksandrovich Plastinin National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, 664 074, Russia, Irkutsk, st. Lermontova, 83, director of the Center for Space Technologies and Services, professor of the department of surveying and geodesy, tel. (395−2) 40−51−03, e-mail: [email protected]

Boris Nikolaevich Olzoev National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, 664 074, Russia, Irkutsk, st. Lermontova, 83, Deputy Director of the Center for Space Technologies and Services, Associate Professor of the Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy, tel. (395−2) 40−59−00 (ext. 111−35), e-mail: [email protected]

Alexander Vadimovich Parshin National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, 664 074, Russia, Irkutsk, st. Lermontova, 83, associate professor of the department of geological exploration technology, tel. (395−2) 40−59−00 (ext. 111−35), e-mail: darth. [email protected]

Geoportals at the regional level are an effective tool for managing territories and its resources. An important component of the geoportal is its implementation in management departments. The article presents the results of the development of the geoportal project and its structure, formed on the basis of the Center for Space Technologies and Services of the Scientific Research Institute of Irkutsk State Technical University. Currently, such a project is being implemented in the structures of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Irkutsk region.

Key words: geoportal, geographic information systems, space environmental monitoring, natural resources, environmental safety.



Leonid A. Plastinin

National research Irkutsk state technical university, 83, Lermontov St., Irkutsk, 664 074, Russia, director of the Center of space technologies and services, professor of department of mine surveying and geodesy, tel. (395−2) 40−51−03, e-mail: [email protected]

National research Irkutsk state technical university, 83, Lermontov St., Irkutsk, 664 074, Russia, deputy director of the Center of space technologies and services, associate professor of department of mine surveying and geodesy, tel. (395−2) 40−59−00 (add. 111−35), e-mail: [email protected]

Alexander V. Parshin

National research Irkutsk state technical university, 83, Lermontov St., Irkutsk, 664 074, Russia, associate professor of department of technology of geological investigation, tel. (395−2) 40−59−00 (add. 11 135), e-mail: darth. sarhin@gmail. com

Geoportals of regional level are the effective instrument of management of territories and their resources. An important component of a geoportal is its introduction in divisions of the sphere of management. Results of development of the project of a geoportal and its structure created on the basis of the Center of space technologies and services ISTU are presented in the article. Now such project takes root into structures of the Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Irkutsk region.

Key words: geoportal, geoinformation systems, space monitoring of environment, natural resources, environmental safety.

The relevance of improving the existing monitoring systems of the Irkutsk region and the Baikal natural territory (BNT) is associated with two main factors. The first of these is the high importance of preserving the unique ecosystem of Lake Baikal in its original form, additionally due to its status as a World Heritage Site. The second factor is the objective shortcomings of existing observation systems and programs recognized by the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

To ensure effective management of resources and objects of the Irkutsk region and the BNT, it is necessary to have complete, reliable and consistent spatial information, which is open to all interested parties. Such products could be the geoportal of the Irkutsk region and BPT. There is experience in creating geoportals in the region, so it is necessary to combine the capabilities of departmental institutions, higher educational institutions, academic institutions and leading Russian remote sensing companies.

The geoportal development project presents an interdepartmental scientific and economic spatial data infrastructure (SDI), including methods, tools and technologies that allow solving typical problems of geo-ecological monitoring of the Irkutsk region and BNT, including those for which solutions have not previously been proposed. The main components, methods, technical solutions, types and sources of geodata, and interfaces are described. The SDI includes all the functions necessary for a unified information and analytical GIS. The technology of geoportals that implement web interfaces for interaction with the system is considered as the main interface through which interaction with IPD is carried out, since access to information products should be available to a wide range of interested parties who do not have a standardized set of software.

Information activities to ensure environmental protection activities in the Irkutsk region consist of maintaining the relevance of natural resource information contained in the information base of the geoportal. This geoportal was created in 2012-2013 and includes a system of information support for management decision-making by heads of regional government bodies and a system for assessing and forecasting the state of natural resources. Currently, a system for organizing information support for the geoportal based on geospatial data has been implemented.

The creation of a geoportal for the Irkutsk region and the Baikal natural territory is a multi-purpose, complex, multi-stage project. The information base of the geoportal contains the results of work carried out in 20,002,012 by ISTU, institutes of the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences and industrial geodetic enterprises.

The target aspects of the geoportal are to provide information, analytical and instrumental support for the management of natural resources and environmental protection, increasing the efficiency of using natural resource information in the interests of the state, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, various categories of natural resource users, public organizations and the population.

The geoportal allows you to solve two problems - electronic exchange of spatial data between organizations and companies of different profiles and types of ownership, as well as providing mass access to cartographic products based on modern information and communication technologies (dedicated channel on the Internet). The main purpose of the Geoportal is to maximally simplify and speed up the interaction between providers and users of spatial data.

Let's consider the main conceptual blocks of the information system (IS) of the geoportal. The main method of obtaining geodata in the designed environment is Earth remote sensing (ERS). The main objects of research are elements of aquatic ecosystems (surface water and ice conditions) and land ecosystems (geological environment and relief, vegetation cover, land use and landscape conditions) as well as natural and man-made sources of hazard. Depending on the type of surface being studied, methods and programs of direct observations are proposed that verify and complement space monitoring.

The second essence of information systems is the means of storing and managing data. An open multi-user spatial DBMS supplemented with GIS data processing tools is proposed as this subsystem. Remote sensing data, which in most cases are raster and vector images, is included in the information support block of this GIS. Direct observation data (as well as some categories of remote sensing data) in the form of points and polylines with attributes are stored in the database. Data management tools provide the necessary functions for transforming information to optimize it when presented in a web form. In addition, within the framework of the second entity, the security policy is determined: at the DBMS level, identification and authentication of users with direct access to the geoportal database is carried out.

The third essence of the geoportal IS includes means of access to data and information materials. Three types of interfaces are offered:

— WEB interface of the geoportal, providing access to geodata already classified according to established methods;

— Spatial means of access directly to the database based on client geoinformation packages.

Non-spatial means of accessing the database using table editors and client DBMSs.

An example of the integration of heterogeneous information in a geoportal environment is presented in Fig. 1.

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Baikal – Ecomonitoring

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Rice. 1. Distribution of water surface temperatures according to the data of the LapeBa1 ETM+ and direct observations. The map of the geoportal displays two layers: the surface temperature of the waters of Lake Baikal according to measurements from the ship and the temperature channel of the LapeBa! radiometer! ETM+. The demonstrated direct observation data went through two interdepartmental transitions: they were received by sensors from Rosvodresursy, processed using the DBMS of the Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS and presented in the geoportal environment. The classified remote sensing layer is connected from the TsKTU map server.

Observed in Fig. 1 example reflects the nature of the change in the temperature field rather than the direct values ​​of T, since the satellite image for the entire water area was obtained simultaneously, while the sensor vessel was moving at a speed of less than 15 km/h. The image was taken at a time when the ship was crossing the lake from west to east (lower part of the image). What is important in the demonstrated geotechnology is not so much the ability to verify temperature data, but the ability to use the Landsat temperature channel as a navigator for direct hydrochemical observations. The proposed method and technologies for its implementation make it possible to detect man-made impacts in the geoportal interface that cause anomalies in the temperature field

— disruptions to the operation of water treatment facilities, unauthorized discharges of industrial waters into Lake Baikal or other water bodies of the observed territory. The use of remote sensing data in a water monitoring system can make it possible to detect other types of environmental offenses that are difficult to detect.

weapons using classical methods: unauthorized discharge of sub-sludge and domestic water from ships, unauthorized installation of networks, construction and economic activities in the water protection zone, etc.

Thus, the stage of formation of technological work in the Center for Space Technologies and Services of the Scientific Research Institute of ISTU for the development of a geoportal project is the practical implementation of the results of space activities in the life of society as a tool for the socio-economic and innovative development of the Irkutsk region.


1. Analytical report on the results of observations of the state of water bodies in the area of ​​activity of the Federal State Institution “Vostsibregionvodkhoz” for 2010 // Irkutsk: Federal Agency for Water Resources, 2011.

2. Analytical report on the results of observations of the state of the cascade of Angara reservoirs and Lake Baikal for 2008−2009. // Irkutsk: Federal Agency of Water Resources, 2010.

3. Analytical report on the results of observations of the state of Lake Baikal // Irkutsk: FGU “Vostsibregionvodkhoz”, 2008.

4. Geoportal of land and property relations of the Republic of Buryatia. - Access mode: .

5. The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020. - Access mode: .

6. Research report on the project “Development of the geoportal project of the Government of the Irkutsk region “Space monitoring of the environment (OS) of the Irkutsk region and the Baikal natural territory (BNT): natural resources, environmental management and environmental safety.”

7. Parshin A.V. On the problem of assessing the state of the aquatic environment of Lake Baikal // Ecological problems of subsoil use - Mat. international Conf., St. Petersburg, 2012, pp. 238−240.

S. Design and information materials for space monitoring of the Sovzond company, 2012.

L. A. Plastinin, B. N. Olzoev, A. V. Parshin, 2013

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Nevertheless, the Department of the State Employment Service of the city of Moscow is the leading structure in the labor market in promoting employment of the population, in preventing and ensuring social guarantees and compensation for unemployment, being an intermediary between the employer and the person, providing high-quality employment services. This is the capital's style of work - creating a unique, capable...